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The key takeaways from the document are that an inert gas system is installed on tanker ships to minimize the risk of fire or explosion in cargo tanks by removing oxygen, one of the elements needed for combustion. It works by purging cargo tanks with an inert gas like nitrogen to reduce the oxygen level below what is needed to support combustion.

The main reason for the installation of an inert gas system on board a tank ship is to minimize the danger of fire or explosion in cargo tanks. Hydrocarbon vapors from the cargo provide fuel, sparks can provide an ignition source, and the inert gas system aims to reduce oxygen levels to below what is needed for combustion.

The three elements needed for a fire or explosion are: 1) A combustible element (fuel), 2) Energy to start the combustion, and 3) Oxygen to support the combustion.

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CAPACITY: 9.400 m3/h


CAPACITY: 500 m3/h
HULL NO: 8239

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Document title: Document no.:
Hamworthy Moss AS
Ordre no: 130959 Chapter: 1-12
Rev: 00 Date:
CONTENT 20080208














Hamworthy Moss AS
Ordre no: 130959 Chapter: 1
Rev: 00 Date:

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Chapter 1.00 GENERAL

1.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1

1.2 Explosive limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2

1.3 Inert Gas System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 4

1.4 Capacity and Rate of Supply of Inert Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 6

1.5 Safe Oxygen Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 6

1.6 Health Hazards with Inert Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 6

1.6.1 Oxygen deficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 6

1.6.2 Toxicity of Hydrocarbon Vapours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 7
1.6.3 Inert Gas Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 7
1.6.4 Tank Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 8
1.6.5 Electrostatic Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 8
1.6.6 Repair of Inert Gas Generating Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 8
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1.1 General
The main reason for the installation of an Inert Gas System on board a tank
ship is to minimize the danger of fire or explosion in cargo tanks.

This danger always exists, due to the fact that all three elements needed to
start a fire or explosion, will be present.

These three elements are:

1. A combustible element, fuel, represented by hydrocarbon vapors from

the cargo.
2. Energy to start the combustion, represented by sparks from various
3. Oxygen to support the combustion, represented by the oxygen in the air,
which contains roughly 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen.
To set off a fire or explosion, all three elements must be present simultaneous-

If any of the three elements can be eliminated, the danger of explosion is also
eliminated, and this is the philosophy behind the Inert Gas System.

When looking for the simplest element to remove one will find that:

1. The fuel part can never be eliminated, due to the nature of the cargo,
which itself is highly flammable.
The cargo will always evaporate explosive hydrocarbon vapors, which
will fill any void spaces in the tanks and mix with air, entering the tanks
through open hatches, etc.

On ballast voyages the empty tanks are also filled with a mixture of air,
drawn in when unloading and vapor from the cargo remain in the tank.

2. The energy spark to set off an explosion is also very difficult to eliminate
Exhaustive studies have been made by maritime bodies worldwide. No
exact conclusion has been drawn, but it is a recognized fact that the most
dangerous source of ignition is that of static electricity, which may be cre-
ated in various ways inside the tank.

The nature of this static, electricity is such that it is difficult to recognize,

and therefore almost impossible to eliminate.

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3. The only element left is the oxygen to support combustion. This is always
present as 21% of the earth's atmosphere.
However, the percentage of oxygen inside the cargo tank can be control-
led by replacing the air with an inert gas, namely, a gas with an oxygen
content low to form an explosive mixture regardless of the amount of
petroleum gas in the atmosphere of the tank.

1.2 Explosive limits

The chemical composition of air is basically:

Oxygen O2 = 21% volume

Nitrogen N2 = 79% volume

A mixture of hydrocarbon gas and air has two limits of explosibility:

• the lower explosive limit (LEL) is 2% of gas - (98% of air).

• the upper explosive limit (UEL) is 10% of gas - (90% of air).
Within these two limits the mixture is flammable.

BELOW the lower explosive limit, the mixture is too lean to burn.

ABOVE the upper explosive limit, the mixture is too rich to burn.

• Hydrocarbon gas in a gaseous mixture containing oxygen will only burn if

the content of hydrocarbon gas in the mixture lies between the upper and
lower limits of flammability. These limits, which are respectively 10% and
2% in air, vary according to the oxygen content of the mixture. The gaps
between them narrow progressively as the oxygen content diminishes (see
diagram M4815-001std)
• If the oxygen content of the gaseous mixture is BELOW 11%, the hydrocar-
bon gas contained in the mixture CAN NOT BURN WHATEVER ITS CON-
CENTRATION MAY BE. An atmosphere containing less than 11% of
oxygen is considered to be THEORETICALLY INERT.

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1.3 Inert Gas System

The method of protecting an oil tanker by means of inert gas consists in com-
pletely isolating the ship's tanks from atmosphere. This is achieved by main-
taining a slight overpressure in the tanks at all time, and leaving only the tank
breathing valves free to open.

Whilst discharging cargo (or ballast from cargo tanks), the liquid pumped out
of the tanks is replaced by inert gas. At all times the pressure of the inert gas
in the tanks is maintained slightly above atmosphere pressure.

From one dry-docking to the next, the ship is constantly protected by inert gas.
The only exception being in the case of work having to be done inside one of
the tanks, or inerting from gas free condition which requires the inert gas to be
replaced by air. During air venting the tank atmosphere must never reach in
flammable zone (see diagram page 1.3).

This procedure means a greater all-round safety in the operation of the ship,
not only during tank cleaning, loading and discharging operations, but also dur-
ing voyages.

The inert gas used on this ship can be produced in the following ways:

1. As a conventional Flue Gas Plant - by cooling and cleaning gas from boil-
er uptakes.
2. As a conventional independent Generator System - by burning fuel oil at
a very low excess of air, to be used during voyages to obtain overpres-
The gas consisting mainly of Nitrogen N2 and Carbon Dioxide CO2, is cooled
and cleaned of soot and SO2 by Seawater in a scrubber unit, and subsequently
distributed to the tanks through a deck piping system by means of centrifugal

The full capacity running as flue gas plant requires a certain minimum fuel oil
flow to the boiler.

The diagram can decide this minimum oil consumption on the following page.


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1.4 Capacity and Rate of Supply of Inert Gas

The most critical demand for inert gas is during cargo discharge, when the sup-
ply at least must be equal to the cargo discharge rate. Centrifugal cargo pumps
have a rated capacity against a nominal head, but on some occasions it is pos-
sible to exceed the rated capacity discharging against a lower head.

To cater for such variations in discharge rate, the inert gas system capacity has
been sized on the nominal pumping rate multiplied by at least 1.25.



1.5 Safe Oxygen Levels

During inert gas plant operations, it is of utmost importance to keep the oxygen
level below 5 % by volume, in order to have a good safety margin.

Oxygen levels:


necessary to support combustion/explosion. This level,
however, is not considered safe, since there is no margin
left for measurement errors.


allowed during discharge operations. However, necessary
steps must be taken to ensure oxygen level below 8%.


This is the normal maximum level that shall be maintained
under all operating conditions.

for good operation vessel. The I.G.S. operation in the fol-
lowing sections refers to this level.

1.6 Health Hazards with Inert Gas


1.6.1 Oxygen deficiency

All inerted areas are areas with an atmosphere containing very little oxygen.

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Exposure to an atmosphere containing less than 5% oxygen results in IMME-

DIATE UNCONSCIOUSNESS. If resuscitation is delayed for more than
approximately four minutes, irreversible brain damage will occur. Further delay
will kill!

Even if the oxygen deficiency is not sufficient to cause unconsciousness, the

mind is liable to become apathetic and complacent, and even if these symp-
toms are noticed and escape attempted, physical exertion will aggravate the
weakness of both mind and body.

Therefore, an oxygen deficiency is much more serious than exposure to hydro-

carbon vapours. For this reason a full scale reading (21%) on a portable oxy-
gen analyzer should be obtained throughout the tanks before entry is allowed.
Additionally, precautions are necessary before and during tank entry, to ensure
that inert gas does not enter a gas free tank via I.G. main, cargo pipelines or
possible bulkhead cracks.


1.6.2 Toxicity of Hydrocarbon Vapours

Inert gas has no effect on the toxic nature of hydrocarbon gases, and the prob-
lem is no different from the toxicity of hydrocarbon vapours in ships without an
I.G. system. Because of possible gas pockets, regeneration, etc. gas freeing
must continue until the entire compartment shows a zero reading with a reliable
combustible gas indicator, or a 1% lower flammable limit reading, should the
instrument have a sensivity scale on which a zero reading is impractical.

1.6.3 Inert Gas Toxicity

Any combustion of oil may produce limited amounts of toxic gases such as sul-
phur dioxide (SO2), Carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx).

Measurement is the only way to detect the presence of these toxic gases. How-
ever, if the hydrocarbon gas content of an inerted tank exceeds approximately
2% by volume before beginning of gas freeing, dilution of toxic components of
inert gas as gas freeing progresses can be correlated with the readings of an
approved combustible gas indicator. If ventilation of the compartment results in
a lower flammable limit reading of 1% or less in conjunction with an oxygen
reading of 21% by volume, toxic gases will have been diluted to a concentra-
tion, which will be safe to enter, and disregarding the initial hydrocarbon gas
content, continue ventilating a steady oxygen reading of 21% by volume is

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1.6.4 Tank Pressure

Personnel should be advised of the practical hazards when an inerted cargo
tank is maintained at a positive pressure. The pressure must be sufficient
relieved before any tank lids, ullage plugs or tank washing openings.

1.6.5 Electrostatic Hazards

An electrostatic charge can occur in the small particular matter carried in inert
gas. Although the charge is normally of a low level, much higher levels have
been observed with water mists created by tank washing.

Cargo tanks are usually in an inerted condition and electrostatic ignition is not
a consideration unless the oxygen content of the tank atmosphere is increased
by the entrance of air, or unless it is necessary to inert a tank already contain-
ing a flammable atmosphere.

1.6.6 Repair of Inert Gas Generating Plant

Inert gas is asphyxiating and extreme caution must be exercised at all times
when working on the plant. Being in fresh air during the work is not a safety
guarantee, since inert gas possibly leaking from the plant can still cause
unconsciousness very quickly. Therefore, the plant should be completely gas
freed before any equipment is opened up.

An external examination of any unit, such as the inert gas scrubber, must not
be performed without following the standard recommendations for entering
enclosed spaces. Blind flanges should be fitted where applicable or the plant
should be completely isolated.

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Order no: 130959 Chapter: 2
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2.1 Performance Flue Gas System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1

2.2 Performance Generator System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1

2.3 Common Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2

2.4 Utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2
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2.1 Performance Flue Gas System
Nominal capacity: 9.400 m³/h

Basic Flue Gas Composition

O2-content: 5% by volume

CO2-content: Approx. 13% by volume

SO2-content: Approx. 3000 ppm.

N2-content: Balance

Inert Gas Composition

Based on the above flue gas mode the inert gas analyses will be:

O2-content: No change

CO2-content: No change

SO2-content: Less than 100 ppm.

N2-content: Balance

Efficiency of sooth-extraction equal to or higher than 99% of particles above 1


2.2 Performance Generator System

Nominal capacity: 500 m³/h

Delilvery press. generator

outlet: Approx. 0,12 bar (g) at 100% capacity

Normal oxygen content: 1-5% by volume

Oxygen content adjustable

down to: Approx. 1,0% by volume

Gas composition by volume at O2 = 3%

(also for combined operation)

CO: Max. 100 ppm

NOX: Max. 150 ppm.

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SO2: Max. 1 ppm.

CO2: Approx. 14%

N2 + Ar: Balance

2.3 Common Data

Gas temperature at
cooling tower, outlet: Max. 5°C above cooling water temp.

Carry over of water droplets: Less than 1 g/kg dry gas

El. power 3 phase, 440 V, 60 Hz

El. motor, 100% blower, net: Approx. 50 kW

El. motor, f.o. pump, net: Approx. 0,5 kW

El. motor, 100% blower,

net (I.G.G.): Approx. 6,4 kW

El. power single phase, 220 V, 60 Hz

Control system: Approx. 1,5 kW

Instrument air at 6-10 bar g

Control system (in balance): Approx. 4 Nm³/h

Ignition burner: Approx. 0,3-0,4 Nm³/h

Air for ignition burner can be taken from other sources than for instrument air

Normal working air at 5-10 bar g will be acceptable.

2.4 Utilities
Fuel oil
(500 Nm³/h Inert Gas at 3% by vol. O2 by consumption of ambient air)

Capacity: Approx. 40 kg/h

Type of fuel oil: Marine distillate fuels, Class DMA, DMB or

DMC ISO 8217:1996 (E)

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Seawater (raw)
(cooling tower): Approx. 150 m³/h (filtered to 3 mm) for Flue
Approx. 35 m³/h for Topping Up

(cooling tower): Approx. 2 bar g at plant inlet for Flue Gas
and Topping Up

(Deck Water Seal): Approx. 3 m³/h

(Deck Water Seal): Approx. 1 bar g at D.W.S. inlet

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Order no: 130959 Chapter: 3
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Description: Page:


Inert Gas Generator for Topping up:

3.1 The Oil Burner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1

3.1.1 The Ignition Burner (Fig. 3-3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 2

3.1.2 The Cooling Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 2
3.1.3 Fuel Oil System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3
3.1.4 The Combustion Air System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3
3.1.5 Flow Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3
3.1.6 The Cooling Water System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3
3.1.7 The Drain System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 4
3.1.8 Oxygen Analyser (stationary) (Item No. 232) . . . . . . 3 - 4
3.2 Scrubber Tower (Item No. 253). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 7

3.2.1 Inert Gas Blowers

(Item No.100 & 101 with Motors Item No. 103, 104) . 3 - 7
3.2.2 Boiler Uptake Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 8
3.2.3 Expansion bellows (Item Nos. 110, 111 and 112) . . . 3 - 8
3.2.4 Sealing Air Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 8
3.2.5 Blower Inlet Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 9
3.2.6 Flow Control Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 9
3.2.7 Pressure controlled blow off valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 9
3.2.8 I.G. main valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 9
3.2.9 Flexible connections (Item No. 107 and 108). . . . . . . 3 - 9

Flue Gas Plant:

3.3 Oxygen Analyser (stationary) (Item No. 204) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 10

3.3.1 Deck Water Seal (Item No. 250). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 10

3.3.2 Deck Water Seal Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 10
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3.3.3 Scrubber Tower: Seawater Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 11

3.3.4 Non return valve in main deck line (Item No. 64) . . . . 3 - 11
3.3.5 Deck isolating valve (Item No. 13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 11
3.3.6 P/V breaker (Item No. 252). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 11
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Inert Gas Generator for Topping up:

3.1 The Oil Burner

is of the mechanical high pressure atomizing type. Oil gun and fuel oil nozzle
are of the simplex type.

This I.G.G. is built for burning Light Marine Diesel/Gas oil.

The oil is directed to the orifice through some tangentially slots, thus the oil gets
a rotating motion and the oil to the burner leaves the nozzles as a thin rotating
membrane which is atomized just after the nozzle. The atomized oil forms a
cone, in which the top angle depends on the nozzle type and oil pressure.
When oil pressure and thereby oil quantity is increased, the rotating velocity
increases, and the atomizing cone increases (higher oil pressure = higher oil
quantity = higher rotating velocity = greater atomizing cone).

The oil gun is adjustable in axial direction to find the best position for the oil

A stuffing box around the oil gun with asbestos gasket avoid gas leakage.

The combustion air is supplied tangentially to the burner. This means that the
air, already when entering the outer gas chamber, is brought in rotation.

The rotation is strengthened at the same time as the velocity increases through
a number of vanes on the way via an exactly circular distribution opening (burn-
er neck) into the combustion chamber, where combustion air and fuel oil are
mixed. A small part of air passes through a tube around the oil gun as "primary

The "primary air" blowing along the oil gun prevents settling of uncombustioned
oil particles on the fuel oil nozzle. For complete combustion it is necessary to
mix the atomized fuel oil and combustion air as good as possible. This is
obtained by high relative velocity between oil and gas. The axial air velocity at
the oil nozzle must, however, not be higher than the rate of combustion, as this
would mean that the flame would be blown away from the nozzle. Therefore,
as mentioned before, a high velocity is obtained even at a low axial velocity at
the center of the burner. For further increase of the relative velocity between oil
and air they are given oppositely directed rotation.

Although the combustion chamber is made in one piece, it may be considered

containing three parts. Each of these parts, the upper, which is cylindrical, and
the lower, which also has the shape of a cut cone, are made as water jackets
to avoid too high terminal stresses.

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In the front of the burner, there are openings for oil gun, ignition burner and
view ports with glasses and gate valves for flame control and inspection.

3.1.1 The Ignition Burner (Fig. 3-3)

Which is welded into an opening in front plate of the oil burner, consists mainly
of a cylindrical combustion chamber with internal linings, 1.0 U.S. gal/h fuel oil
nozzle (Item No. 88) and an ignition glow plug (Item No. 89). Combustion air,
which flows outside the internal lining for cooling, is supplied from the 100 psi
working air system, and in the line a solenoid valve (Item No. 152) and a control
valve (Item No. 62) is mounted.

The top plate to which the oil nozzle and glow plug are fixed, is removable by
opening a cap nut. In the oil supply line one solenoid operated shut-off valve
(item No. 158) is mounted.

The 10-15 cm long pilot flame is coming out through the tube, which is connect-
ing the ignition burner to the front plate of the main burner.

Time from ignition glow plug is activated and to the main burner is supplied with
fuel oil is approximately 35 seconds.

3.1.2 The Cooling Tower

The gas developed by the burner with forced air from the blower, will be pre-
cooled, with injected Seawater into the central tube, when passing through the
combustion chamber and down below the wet filter.

When the gas leaves the central tube in the bottom part of the scrubber and
turns 180°C, it flows upwards through a stainless steel wet filter (Item No. 130)
fitted in the lower part of the scrubber.

After passing the wet filter, the gas is forced further upwards through a spray
of Seawater coming from a set full cone spray nozzles, (Item No. 117), fitted in
a Seawater distributing ring in the upper half of the scrubber.

The purpose of the wet filter is to obtain a good contact between the hot gas
and the cooling water.

After having been effectively cooled and cleaned, the gas finally passes
through a stainless steel demister (Item No. 131) before it leaves the scrubber
through the outlet duct on the upper part of the tower.

The demister is abundantly dimensioned to effectively prevent any water drop-

lets to be carried away from the scrubber.

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Access openings are provided in the tower, just above both the wet filter and
the demister, for easy inspection, maintenance and possible cleaning or
changing Seawater nozzles.

3.1.3 Fuel Oil System

consists of:

Oil pump with electric motor (Item Nos. 82, 83), duplex oil filter with double
three-way valves (Item No. 81), flow meter (Item No. 202) and oil pipings. Con-
nection to oil gun is made by a flexible hose (Item No. 84). The oil supply to the
main burner pipeline is fitted with one solenoid valve each (Item Nos. 153,
156). The oil pump is equipped with a pressure regulating valve, and is directly
connected to the electric motor via a flexible coupling.

During stop of plant solenoid valve (Item No. 157) is energized for a few sec-
onds in order to air flush the oil gun, except in air venting mode, "EMERG.

3.1.4 The Combustion Air System

consists of the following parts:

Blower with electric motor, silencers, air filter and expansion joint. The blower
is driven by an electric motor.

Blower and electric motor is mounted on a common base plate, which is laid
on resilient mountings.

To avoid vibrations in the pipes, expansion joint is mounted downstream outlet


The air quantity to the burner is adjusted with the valve Item No. 12.

3.1.5 Flow Control Valve

One butterfly control valve, Item No. 6, operated by pneumatic actuator with
positioner will maintain the flow through the system controlled by the PLC. To
protect blower motor the valve is forced in open position during blower start up

3.1.6 The Cooling Water System

For cooling and cleaning of the inert gas Seawater is used. The main part in
the cooling tower and the rest is used for cooling of the burner and pre-cooling
of the gas in the central tube.

A control valve (Item No. 50) is mounted in the s.w. line to cooling jacket -
adjusted and locked.

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3.1.7 The Drain System

permits the Seawater effluent from the cooling tower to be drained without let-
ting the inert gas out.

This is obtained by fitting an overboard shut-off valve (Item No. 14) at a level
of minimum 3,0 m below the light ship water line.

3.1.8 Oxygen Analyser (stationary) (Item No. 232)

One stationary oxygen analyser is installed, sampling the inert gas after the

The analyser is described in a separate manual - Chapter 11.

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3.2 Scrubber Tower (Item No. 253)

The gas from the boiler uptake valves enters the inlet duct on top of the scrub-
ber tower. The gas is led through a central tube down to the lower part of the
scrubber where it turns and run on the outside of the central tube back up
towards the scrubber tower outlet.

The central tube is manufactured in AVESTA 904 L and is designed as a pre-

washer, with a full cone Seawater nozzle (Item No. 116) installed. Additionally,
the part of the central inlet tube where the pre-wash nozzle is mounted, is
formed as a venturi to ensure an efficient cleaning of the gas in this first stage.
Due to partial evaporation where the Seawater spray meets the hot flue gas, a
considerable cooling effect is achieved.

The gas leaves the central tube in the bottom part of the scrubber, turns 180°,
to run upward through polypropylene wet filter (Item No. 130) in the lower part
of the scrubber.

After the wet filter, the gas is forced further upward through a fine spray of Sea-
water droplets coming from a set of full cone spray nozzles, (Item No. 117), fit-
ted in a Seawater distributing ring in the upper half of the scrubber tower.

After having been effectively cooled and cleaned by the Seawater sprays, the
gas finally passes through a polypropylene demister (Item No.131) before it
leaves the scrubber tower through the outlet duct on the upper part of the

The demister is abundantly dimensioned to effectively prevent any water drop-

lets to be carried away from the scrubber.

The scrubber tower is manufactured in mild steel, internally coated with a 800
- 1000 microns layer of G.R.P. Below the wet filter, an effluent water outlet is
provided, which is led via a drain line down to a none return valve and an over-
board shut off valve (Item No. 14), fitted well below the light ship water line.

Access openings are provided in the tower, just above both the wet filter and
the demister, for easy inspection, maintenance and possible cleaning or
changing Seawater nozzles.

3.2.1 Inert Gas Blowers

(Item No.100 & 101 with Motors Item No. 103, 104)
The plant is equipped with two (2) centrifugal types, single stage blowers and
can each supply 50% of plant capacity.

The blowers are the only flue gas transporters in the system.

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They draw the gas from the boiler uptake, through the scrubber, and deliver to
the deck distributing pipe system with sufficient overpressure to ensure a high
velocity gas jet is forced into the cargo tanks.

The blowers characteristics are such that they can not generate sufficient head
to over-pressurize the cargo tanks and cause unnecessary lifting of relief
valves within the system.

The blowers are of "A/S Flebu" make, type BK 25 – 1.

The blower casing are made of 6 mm steel plate, grit blasted and internally pro-
tected by a 800 - 1000 microns layer of G.R.P.

Blower impellers are made of acid resistant steel AISI 316L with impeller shaft
in SIS 2244 material. The blower casing is provided with water spray nozzles
and drains.

The blower and motor are mounted on common base plate resting on resilient

3.2.2 Boiler Uptake Valves

At the boiler uptake butterfly valves (Item Nos. 24-1, 24-2 and 26) of Valvulas-
Jola make are mounted with a maximum working temperature 450°C.

Two valves mounted close to the boiler uptake duct and one valve downstream
sealing air pipeline connection.

At uptake valve soot blowing air/steam nozzles for valve cleaning shall be
mounted by yard.

The valves are pneumatically operated by double acting cylinders controlled by

solenoid valves.

3.2.3 Expansion bellows (Item Nos. 110, 111 and 112)

Close to the boiler uptake valves, expansion bellows are installed.

3.2.4 Sealing Air Valve

To prevent deposits/leakage gas in the uptake system, when the plant is shut
down, a sealing air supply line is run from the discharge side of the boiler forced
draft fans, to the pipe line between the boiler uptake valves.

A shut off butterfly valve, (Item No. 4) is installed in this sealing airline, operated
by a double acting pneumatic actuator, controlled by a solenoid valve.

When the boiler uptake valves are closed, the sealing air valve is open and vice

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3.2.5 Blower Inlet Valves

Two butterfly valves (Item Nos. 10 and 11), one on inlet side of each blower is
installed. The valves are manually operated.

3.2.6 Flow Control Valve

Two butterfly control valves, Item No. 7 and 8 are operated by pneumatic actu-
ator with positioner, will maintain the flow through the system controlled by the
PLC. To protect blower motor the valves are forced in closed position during
blower start up period.

For gas freeing of cargo tanks, a fresh air intake is arranged at scrubber inlet.
The fresh air intake is arranged with hinged hatch with limit switch, Item No.

3.2.7 Pressure controlled blow off valve

One butterfly valve, Item No. 2, for gas venting and deck main pressure. The
valve is operated by pneumatic actuator with positioner automatically in
accordance with the value set in the PLC. The pressure set point is made
remotely by operation of push buttons in the main control panel.

The valve is also operated by the oxygen analyzer, i.e. leading gas to atmos-
phere, when gas analysis is not within set limits.

3.2.8 I.G. main valve

One butterfly shut off valve, Item No. 1. The valve is operated by pneumatic

The valve is operated from the main control panel and will automatically open
when the gas analysis meets the requirements, otherwise closed.

During start-up and shut-down the valve is automatically forced to closed posi-

Downstream I.G. main control valve a vent valve, Item 47, is fitted on I.G. main
line. This valve is open when plant is shut down for the purpose to vent the I.G.

3.2.9 Flexible connections (Item No. 107 and 108).

Blower inlet and outlets are equipped with flexible connections.

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Flue Gas Plant:

3.3 Oxygen Analyser (stationary) (Item No. 204)

One stationary oxygen analyser is installed, sampling the inert gas after the

The analyser is described in separate manual - Chapter 11.

3.3.1 Deck Water Seal (Item No. 250)

The deck water seal is of displacement type, the water inside the seal is dis-
placed into a reservoir during operation and will immediately fall back and close
the seal, in case of loss of the positive gas flow.

The gas inlet center tube is leakage secured by an internal double tube. The
small tube w/goose neck on water seal top indicates if any leakage.

The water seal has a built-in retractable steam heating coil.

The water seal is equipped with manholes and inspection glass for water level
control, level switch, Item No. 194 for low-level alarm.

The mesh demister in the upper part of the water seal is effectively preventing
carry over of water droplets to/or less than 1 g/kg dry gas under all flow condi-

Any back pressure from the cargo tank area will induce an overpressure in the
reservoir chamber above the water level, and force water into the center tube.

Here the water level in the center tube will rise, and thus preventing gas from
leaking past the seal.

When the plant is operating, and inert gas is admitted to the deck distribution
system, the pressure from the blowers will empty the center tube into the res-
ervoir, letting the gas flow freely through the top part of the reservoir chamber.
Here gas is forced through a demister, where possible water droplets are sep-
arated from the gas and led back to the water reservoir.

The deck water seal shell is manufactured in mild steel, internally lined with
Glass Reinforced Polyester (GRP).

Center tube is manufactured in mild steel/stainless steel.

3.3.2 Deck Water Seal Supply

Two Deck Water Seal pumps, Item No. 125, are installed.

One of the pumps must always supply the deck seal with water.

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3.3.3 Scrubber Tower: Seawater Supply

The scrubber Seawater pump, Item No. 128, is installed in the engine room.
The pump is directly connected to el. motor Item 129.

A main shut off valve (Item No. 5) is mounted on inlet nozzle to scrubber. To
avoid water hammering in the S.W. system, the valve will open 10 secs. prior
to start of s.w. pump.


3.3.4 Non return valve in main deck line (Item No. 64)
and for ballast system (Item No. 62).

The purpose of this non-return valve is to prevent backflow of cargo gases from
the tanks to the I.G. production plant.

3.3.5 Deck isolating valve (Item No. 13)

This valve isolates the I.G. deck main when the I.G. plant is shut down.

3.3.6 P/V breaker (Item No. 252)

The P/V breaker is located on the main deck, connected to the deck main I.G.
line. It serves the purpose of preventing the cargo tanks from being subjected
to excessive pressure or vacuum should all other safety precautions fail.

The P/V breaker works as follows:

In the case of excess pressure, the liquid in the seal is forced out on deck,
and the pressurized gas escapes to atmosphere.

In case of vacuum, the liquid is sucked into the deck I.G. line, and air from
outside is drawn into the tanks.

In both cases the safety of the ship is assured.

(The noise of gas or air going through the seal acts as an audible alarm signal).

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4.1 Indicating/Recording Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1

4.1.1 Temperature Indicators (TI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1

4.1.2 Pressure indicators (PI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 1
4.1.3 Flow Meter (FI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 2
4.1.4 Analyse Indicators (AI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 2
4.1.5 Recording/Indicating Instruments (PIR/AIR). . . . . . . . 4 - 2
4.1.6 Transmitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 2
4.2 Safety Interlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 2

4.2.1 Blower current switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 2

4.2.2 Temperature Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 2
4.2.3 Pressure Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 2
4.2.4 Level Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 3
4.2.5 The Ignition Transformer (Item No. 209) . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 3
4.2.6 The Flame Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 3
4.2.7 The Programming Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 3
4.2.8 Interlock between boiler sootblowers
and Flue Gas Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4
4.3 Instrument and Control Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4

4.3.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4
4.3.2 Main Control panel – Cargo Control Room
(Item No. 233) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 4
4.3.3 Local Panel - Engine Room (Item No. 234) . . . . . . . . 4 - 5
4.3.4 Sub Panel - Wheel House (Item No. 239)and
Sub Panel – Engine Control Room (Item No. 240). . . 4 - 5
4.3.5 Oxygen analysing system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5
4.3.6 The instrument air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 6
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4.1 Indicating/Recording Instruments

Item Nos. refer to P&I Diagram.

4.1.1 Temperature Indicators (TI)

Temperature Seawater main inlet flue gas scrubber (Item No. 175).

Temperature Seawater main inlet topping up generator (Item No. 175).

Temperature exhaust gas (Item No. 176).

Temperature Gas/air outlet blowers (item No. 177)

Temperature Seawater outlet cooling jacket topping up generator (Item No.


Temperature inert gas outlet flue gas scrubber (Item No. 179).

Temperature inert gas outlet topping up generator (Item No. 179).

Temperature inert gas outlet blowers (Item No. 188).

4.1.2 Pressure indicators (PI)

Instrument air pressure - common (Item No. 160).

Exhaust gas pressure (Item No. 161).

Combustion air pressure - topping up generator (Item No. 161).

Seawater pressure to cooling jacket - topping up generator (Item No. 162).

Inert gas outlet pressure blowers (Item No. 163).

Seawater pressure to water nozzles - topping up generator (Item No. 164).

Seawater pressure to water nozzles flue gas (Item No. 164).

Oil pressure to main burner - topping up generator (Item No. 165).

Inert gas pressure outlet cooling tower topping up generator (Item No. 220).

Inert gas pressure outlet flue gas scrubber (Item No. 167).

I.G. deck main pressure (Item No. 182).

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Seawater pressure to D.W.S. (Item No. 169).

4.1.3 Flow Meter (FI)

Sample gas to analyse transmitter (Item No. 204).

4.1.4 Analyse Indicators (AI)

O2-content in inert gas (Item No. 204).

4.1.5 Recording/Indicating Instruments (PIR/AIR)

2 - pen recorder/indicator (item No. 217) for O2-content in inert gas and I.G.
deck pressure.

4.1.6 Transmitters

Pressure transmitters - I.G. in I.G. deck main line (Item No. PT-182).

Temperature transmitter - I.G. downstream flue gas blowers and topping up

generator (Item No. TT-188).

Pressure transmitter outlet scrubber - topping up generator (Item No. PT-220).

4.2 Safety Interlocks

4.2.1 Blower current switch

Low amp. blower 1 or 2 failure, alarm and stop of plant (Item Nos. 180 and

4.2.2 Temperature Switch

Inert gas temperature high, alarm and stop of plant (Item No. 188).

Flue gas temperature high, in flue gas scrubber, alarm and stop of plant (Item
No. 192).

4.2.3 Pressure Switches

High inert gas deck main pressure, alarm and vent to atmosphere (Item No.

High/Low combustion air pressure - topping up generator, alarm and stop of

plant (Item No. 180).

Very low inert gas deck main pressure alarm (item No. 182).

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Low instrument air pressure - common, alarm and stop of plant (Item No. 183).

Low Seawater pressure to cooling tower topping up generator, alarm and stop
of plant (Item No. 184).

Low fuel oil pressure to burner topping up generator, alarm and stop of plant
(Item No. 185).

Low Seawater pressure to flue gas scrubber, alarm and stop of plant (Item No.

Low I.G. deck main pressure, alarm (Item No. 187).

Low Seawater pressure to D.W.S., alarm (Item No. 189).

4.2.4 Level Switches

Low Seawater cooling level in burner jacket, alarm and stop of plant (Item No.

High Seawater level in flue gas scrubber, alarm and stop of plant (Item No.

High Seawater level in cooling tower topping up generator, alarm and stop of
plant (Item No. 193).

Low Seawater level in deck water seal reservoir, alarm (Item No. 194).

4.2.5 The Ignition Transformer (Item No. 209)

is a glow plug transformer, which is connected to 220V and gives approx. 13V
to the glow plug fitted on the ignition burner.

4.2.6 The Flame Control

is registering the burner flame, and on the contrary case take care of stopping
the plant and that alarm is given.

The flame control consists mainly of a scanner unit with photoelectric cell and
an amplifier, which amplifies the weak signals from the photo cell to impulses
that are able to operate a flame relay. See separate instruction for adjustment
of the amplifier, Chapter 11.

4.2.7 The Programming Controller

The programming controller takes care of all control and regulation functions.

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4.2.8 Interlock between boiler sootblowers

and Flue Gas Plant

When the inert gas plant is started (i.e. water circ. running) an interlock signal
will prevent the boiler soot blowers from being started.

4.3 Instrument and Control Panels

4.3.1 General

In the following are listed all instruments and control panels within the system,
with the main items and the function of same.

The operation and use of the panels during plant operation are covered in
detail in following section 5.

4.3.2 Main Control panel – Cargo Control Room

(Item No. 233)

The Main Control panel is located in Cargo Control Room, and the plant start
up is initiated from this panel. The panel contains the programmable controller.

On the front of the panel, the I.G. plant is visualized on touch screen. The alarm
handling system works as follows:

The control system is provided with N.C. alarm contacts, i.e. upon loss of elec-
tric power, the system will fail to safe. At normal running conditions the alarm-
banner is dark and no flashing bell can be seen. Any alarm condition is indicat-
ed on the touch screen (on any page) by a flashing bell in the upper right hand
corner of the screen and an audible alarm will be given by a horn.

The last occurred alarm is described in the alarm-banner, with a red text. By
acknowledging the alarm, the audible alarm will stop. Acknowledging the
alarm, on the touch screen, is done, by pressing the alarm banner. The text
then turns from red to blue. After having reset the alarm, and in case the alarm
cause is removed, the alarm description will disappear.

In case of more than one alarm having been activated, only the last registered
alarm will be shown in the alarm-banner. In order to accept the other alarms,
push the ALARM LIST button, and accept each alarm description separately.

By too high/low oxygen content, as well as most other alarm and shut down sit-
uations, the inert gas to atmosphere valve will open and the inert gas main
valve will close.

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4.3.3 Local Panel - Engine Room (Item No. 234)

This panel is locally mounted on the generator and contains touch keys for
manual start of the Topping up Generator. On the front of the panel, the Top-
ping up plant is visualized on a touch screen.

The panel contains touch keys for alarm accept and alarm reset.

The items mounted can be seen on the drawing for Local Panel Topping Up

4.3.4 Sub Panel - Wheel House (Item No. 239)and

Sub Panel – Engine Control Room (Item No. 240)

On each panel the following are mounted:

Item No. 239: Item No. 240:

Oxygen content indication Oxygen content indication
Deck main pressure indication Deck main pressure indication
Inert gas temperature indication
Alarm buzzer Alarm buzzer
Push buttons for lamp test and Push buttons for lamp test and
alarm accept alarm accept
Deck high pressure alarm Deck high pressure alarm
Deck low pressure alarm Deck low pressure alarm
O2 content high/low alarm O2 content high/low alarm

The items mounted on the front can be seen on the drawing for Sub panel for
Wheelhouse and Engine Control Room.

4.3.5 Oxygen analysing system

The oxygen analyser panel (Item No. 232) is located in the vicinity of the gen-

Variations in oxygen content is registered directly by the O2-analyser (Item No.

728). The bubble glass (Item No. 331) cleans the inert gas and indicates flow.

Analyser sample flow is set by the flow control valve (Item No. 745).

The three-way valve (Item No. 358) selects between sample (instrument) air or

Sample gas is taken from generator outlet nozzles pressurized to the analyser.

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Calibration with air (20,9%)

For further information, refer to Oxygen Analyser Instruction Manual, Section


Adjustable O2-Alarm

On the alarm page in the touch screen for the main control panel (Item No 233)
it is possible to adjust the O2-alarm set point. (HAC 204).

Min. setting is 1% and max. setting is 7%.

Press the touch key, a numeric pad pops up, set the alarm level and press

4.3.6 The instrument air

Supply to the pneumatically operated valves and control devices shall have a
pressure of 6-10 bar (g), and supplied dry and clean.

The pressure is reduced to max. 7 bar (g) by the reduction valve (Item No.

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5.1 Short form, step by step, plant start and stop instructions . . . 5 - 1

5.1.1 Before start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 1

5.1.2 Start - Flue Gas (only auto) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 1
5.1.3 Gas freeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 2
5.1.4 Normal (auto) start - Inert Gas Generator . . . . . . . . . 5 - 2
5.1.5 Topping Up - Inert Gas Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 2
5.1.6 Manual start - Inert Gas Generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 3
5.1.7 Stop of plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 3
5.2 Description instructions for plant start and operation . . . . . . . 5 - 4

5.2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 4
5.2.2 Normal (auto) start - Flue gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 4
5.2.3 Normal (auto) start - Inert gas generator . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 4
5.2.4 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5
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5.1 Short form, step by step, plant start and stop instructions

By activation of key HELP on the touch screen a page containing touch keys
for operation procedures and trouble-shooting will show up.

5.1.1 Before start

1. The inert gas system shall be powered at all times. This because some
alarm functions must be operative even if the plant is not running.
2. Check that there is no alarm condition.
3. Reset all alarms, if any, by pressing the keys ALARM ACCEPT and
4. Check the oxygen analyser for correct calibration.
5.1.2 Start - Flue Gas (only auto)
1. Carry out checks listed in section 5.1.1 “Before start”.
2. Select which Seawater system to be in operation by position of aux. Sea-
water supply valve.
3. Select boiler uptake with touch key(s).
4. Select blower(s) with key SELECT BLOWER 1 or SELECT BLOWER 2.
Valve inlet selected blower must be open, and hinged hatch for air inlet
must be closed. Valve outlet scrubber must be in open position.

5. Clean uptake valve for soot with touch key SELECT VALVE CLEAN.
6. Press START FLUE GAS touch key.
If flashing light, the plant is stand by waiting for start power available.

By maloperation or alarm the lamp will remain unenergized.

The start sequence is indicated with lamps on the mimic diagram on start
page on the touch screen.

7. Adjust the selected capacity with HIC 7/8 SET POINT.

8. Check the temperatures and pressures.
9. Check and if necessary adjust the flow through the O2 analyser's bubbler
10. Check that O2-content in the gas is below 5%.
11. The plant is now ready for production of inert gas to consumer. If SE-
LECT DECK is activated, valve to deck will open.

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12. The deck pressure can be controlled by operation of touch key HIC2 SET
POINT in front of main control panel.
5.1.3 Gas freeing

The plant is prepared for purging the tanks with fresh air during gas freeing of
the cargo tanks.

1. Select blower by operation of touch keys in front of main panel. Hinged

hatch for air inlet must be in open position and valve outlet scrubber must
be closed.
2. Press START AIR VENT touch key.
By maloperation or alarm the lamp will remain unenergized.

3. The selected blower(s) will start automatically.

4. Wait 50 seconds for blower to obtain normal running condition.
5. Adjust the selected capacity with HIC 7/8 SET POINT.
6. The plant is now ready for production of air to deck. If touch key SELECT
DECK is activated, valve to deck will open.
7. The deck pressure can be controlled by operation of the key HIC 2 SET
POINT in front of main control panel.
5.1.4 Normal (auto) start - Inert Gas Generator
1. Carry our checks listed in section 5.1.1 "Before start".
2. Press START TG AUTO touch key.
By maloperation or alarm the lamp will remain unenergized.

3. The start sequence is indicated with lamps on the mimic diagram. Check
that all air is evacuated from cooling jacket outlet and sight glass before
the LED for “flame on” is energized.
4. Check and if necessary adjust combustion air capacity to obtain O2-con-
tent selected.
5. Check the temperature and pressures at normal running condition.
6. Check and if necessary adjust the flow through the O2-analysers' bubbler
7. The plant is now ready for production of inert gas to consumer. If push
button "SELECT CONS." is activated, the valve to deck will open.
5.1.5 Topping Up - Inert Gas Generator
1. Follow the procedures described in section 5.1.1 "Before start" and "Nor-
mal (auto) start" 1-3.

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2. Press SELECT TG MODE touch key. The plant will start automatically by
impulse from the inert gas deck line low pressure signal.
3. When the plant is ready for delivery of inert gas to consumer, the valve to
deck will open automatically.
5.1.6 Manual start - Inert Gas Generator
1. Carry out checks listed in section 5.1.1 "Before start".
2. Press LOCAL TG START touch key in main panel before MANUAL
START/STOP touch key located in front of local TG panel. By malopera-
tion or alarm the lamp will remain unenergized.
3. Check that all air is evacuated from cooling jacket at pipe outlet in sight
4. Start seawater pump and combustion air blower with the touch keys S.W.
5. Check and if necessary adjust the flow through the O2-analysers' bubbler
6. After a prepurging time of 50 seconds start fuel oil pump with touch key
F.O. PUMP and energize the ignition glow plug with the key GLOW.
7. Wait approx. 30 seconds and admit fuel oil and air to the ignition burner
with touch key IGNITION ON.
8. Wait another 5 seconds and admit fuel oil main burner with the key MAIN
9. When flame is established and indicated with LED, allow 5 seconds sta-
bilizing time before stopping ignition burner by depressing the keys
10. Check and if necessary adjust combustion air capacity to obtain selected
oxygen content in the inert gas.
11. Check the temperature and pressures at normal running condition.
12. Check and if necessary adjust the flow through the O2-analysers' bubbler
13. The plant is ready for production of inert gas to consumer.
5.1.7 Stop of plant
1. Close consumer valve by deenergizing touch key SELECT DECK.
2. The plant can be stopped with touch key STOP.

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(Procedure to be followed - Ref. Section 6.0. Maintenance and trouble-


4. The plant will continue running for a cooling down period except in air
venting mode.
5. Control panels shall be left with power on.
5.2 Description instructions for plant start and operation
5.2.1 General

The following start instructions are identical to those presented in the foregoing
sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.4, but give more detailed information of the automatic
sequence initiated.

5.2.2 Normal (auto) start - Flue gas

Following 5.1.1 "Before start" procedure.

Pressing touch key START FLUE GAS initiates automatically the following
start sequence:

The seawater inlet valve will open immediately. 10 secs. later the seawater
supply pump will start. 17 sec. delayed the blower will start and valves for
uptake will open.

After receiving running signal from blower, the capacity control valve will open
to modulating position.

5.2.3 Normal (auto) start - Inert gas generator

Following 5.1.1 "Before start" procedure.

Pressing SELECT TG MODE or AUTO TG START touch key initiates automat-

ically the following start sequence:

The seawater inlet valve will open, and 10 secs. delayed the seawater pump
will start. 17 seconds delayed air blower will start and after receiving running
signal from blower the burner pressure control valve will open to modulating
position. After a pre-purging time of 50 seconds, the glow plug in the ignition
burner will be put on and the fuel oil pump will start. 30 seconds delayed from
activating the glow plug, fuel oil and air are supplied to the ignition burner and
ignited by the glow plug.

5 seconds after activation of ignition burner, fuel oil is supplied to the main
burner, and the glow plug will be deactivated. After 4 seconds oil to ignition
burner will be switched off, and 10 secs. later air to ignition burner will be
switched off.

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5.2.4 Operation

When the plant is running, the operator should check and make a record of all
values shown on the local mounted instruments.

Any abnormal value must be investigated and the fault corrected as soon as

Should the oxygen content alarm sound during normal operation, the inert gas
consumer valve will automatically close, and the atmosphere valve will open.
The operator must then adjust the air/diesel ratio, when running in generator

In flue gas, mode boiler burner control must be adjusted.

When the oxygen content is within its limits again, the selected inert gas con-
sumer valve(s) will open automatically.

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6.1 I.M.O. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1

6.2 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1

6.3 Burner Scrubber Unit and scrubber unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1

6.4 Inert Gas Blowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1

6.5 Adjustment and tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 2

6.5.1 Oil burner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 2

6.5.2 The Combustion Air System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 2
6.5.3 The Fuel Oil System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 3
6.5.4 The Gas System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 3
6.5.5 The Seawater System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 3
6.6 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 3

6.6.1 Items to be checked at regular intervals. . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 4

6.6.2 Other items to be checked regularly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 4
6.7 Deck Water Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6

6.8 P/V Breaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6

6.9 Non-return valve(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6

6.10 Scrubber effluent line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7

6.11 Testing of other units and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7

6.12 Suggested maintenance programme by I.M.O. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7

6.13 Some possible causes of faults during start and operation. . . 6 - 9

6.13.1 If control current is not on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 9

6.13.2 If ignition does not take place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 9
6.13.3 If fuel oil pressure is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 9
6.13.4 If Seawater pressure is too low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 9
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6.13.5 If Seawater level in cooling tower is too high . . . . . . . 6 - 9

6.13.6 If inert gas temperature is higher than
approx. 5°C above Seawater inlet temperature . . . . . 6 - 9
6.13.7 If the O2-content increases and the fuel oil
consumption is below normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 9
6.13.8 If the Instrument Air Pressure is too low. . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 10
6.13.9 If Seawater Temperature Outlet Cooling Jacket
(Item No. 178) is higher than approx. 13°C above
Seawater Inlet Temperature (Item No. 175) . . . . . . . . 6 - 10
6.13.10 If vibration of I.G. blower occurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 10
6.14 Personnel Qualifications & Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 10

6.15 Safety Instructions for Maintenance and Inspection Work . . . 6 - 10

6.16 Precaution for entering the scrubbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 11

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6.1 I.M.O. Recommendations
The following is an extract from the I.M.O. Guide-lines for Inert Gas Sys-
tems – 1990 Edition.
6.2 General

The safety arrangements are an integral part of the inert gas system and it is
important for ship’s staff to give special attention to them during any inspection.

Inspection routines for some of the main components are dealt with in this sec-

6.3 Burner Scrubber Unit and scrubber unit

Inspection may be made through the manholes. Checks should be made for
corrosion attacks, fouling and damage to:

• scrubber shell and bottom;

• cooling water pipes and spray nozzles (fouling);
• level switches and temperature sensors;
• other internals such as trays and demister filters.

Checks should be made for damage to non-metallic parts such as:

• internal linings;
• demisters;
• packed beds.
6.4 Inert Gas Blowers

After use or when found to be necessary, the blowers must be rinsed with fresh


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First, the drain valves have to be opened, and the water is injected by opening
the valve for fresh water just when the blower(s) are switched off.

The blower impeller will run for some time because of its force due to mass,
thus a good cleaning of the internal parts is obtained.

When the impeller stops, the valve for fresh water has to be closed, afterwards
the drain valve has to be closed. The cleaning procedure might be repeated if
necessary. Inspection to be done through the hatches in blower housing.

It is recommended that after a full unloading of cargo with the inert gas
blower in operation, the impeller should be washed.
6.5 Adjustment and tolerances
6.5.1 Oil burner

The oil atomizer position, relative to the air deflecting cone, can be adjusted by
loosening the gland nut on the burner gun carrier tube, and move the oil gun
outward or inward.

The best position is easiest found if the adjustments are made with the burner
in operation, and by measuring the inert gas CO-content.

The correct position is normally indicated by a distinct drop in measured CO-


In lack of instrument for measuring the CO-content.

The best position for the atomizer is to be found as follows:

Start the I.G. generator and adjust slowly upward or downward the atomizer
and at the same time observe the colour from the sight glass. In the moment
the flame is very white and spots around the circumference of the flame turns
to be clear/blue, the best position is achieved. Further improvement is only
obtained with equipment for measuring of CO-content. The improvement is
only in range of some ppm CO.

6.5.2 The Combustion Air System

The combustion air pressure to the main burner is indicated on pressure gauge
(Item No. 161).

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Normal value, approximately: 0,25 bar g.

The pressure is related to the burner pressure controlled by the PLC.

6.5.3 The Fuel Oil System

The fuel oil pressure to the main burner is indicated on pressure gauge (Item
No. 165).

Normal value approx.: 20 bar g.

The pressure may be adjusted on the pressure regulating valve built in the fuel
oil pump, but should normally not be touched, once it is set correctly on initial

This pressure should equal an oil flow of approx. 40 kg/h.

6.5.4 The Gas System

Gas pressure outlet cooling tower pressure gauge.

Pressure at full capacity:

Approx. 0,12 bar g – Topping up generator (Item No. 220).

Approx. -0,05 bar g - Flue gas scrubber (Item No. 167).

Gas temperature outlet cooling tower (Item No. 179) max 5°C above seawater
temperature for both plants.

Gas pressure outlet cooling tower topping up generator is equal to the combus-
tion air pressure, except the pressure loss through the burner and cooling tow-

6.5.5 The Seawater System

Water pressure in cooling jacket:
Pressure gauge (Item No. 162) Approx. 0,4 bar g.

Water pressure to nozzles:

Pressure gauge (Item No. 164) Approx. 2,0 bar g.

6.6 General

The plant particulars to be checked at regular intervals as listed below, and any
defects or irregularities found must be rectified as soon as possible.

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6.6.1 Items to be checked at regular intervals

In accordance with the maker's specification (Ref. section 11).

1. Electrical motors for:

• Combustion air blower
• Fuel oil pump
• Inert gas blowers
2. Combustion air blower
• Inert gas blower
3. All pneumatic operated equipment such as:
• Pressure controllers
• Valve positioners
• Fuel oil pump
6.6.2 Other items to be checked regularly
1. Oil strainers
The filter baskets to be checked and cleaned when necessary in petrole-
um, diesel oil, white spirit or similar.

2. Oil nozzles (Main and ignition burner).

The oil nozzles to be disassembled and internals inspected.

The integrated oil strainer to be cleaned in petroleum, diesel oil, white

spirit etc. and blown clean with compressed air.

All openings and slots in the nozzle must show clean cut, sharp edges.

The swirl chamber and the outlet orifice to be circular with no signs of




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3. Filter before O2-analyser.

The filter can be cleaned as follows:

Dip the filter into Acetone for 5 - 10 min. Wash the filter in water with a
little soap. Then clean the filter in fresh water until all soap (and acetone)
is removed. Please note that the filter is of PTFE material and must be
handled with care.

4. Water spray nozzle

The water spray nozzles can be inspected through sight glass in the cool-
ing towers.

By any signs of clogging or abnormal spray, the nozzles should be

removed for inspection and cleaning.

5. Oxygen analyser (Stationary)

For analyser maintenance and calibration instructions, refer to Section

Ensure that the bubbler unit of the oxygen analyser is filled with fresh

Do not operate the generator with oxygen content lower than 1% by vol-

If there is an absolute need for a gas with an oxygen content of less than
1 %, the plant may be operated at a lower value, but this may shorten the
plant life time.

By operation at low oxygen values special attention should be paid to the


a. Carefully calibrate the oxygen analyser.

b. Use a clean oil atomising nozzle in best possible condition.
c. Ensure stable running conditions.
d. Sample the gas at regular intervals.
e. The operator should always be present.

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6. Valves and equipment

Normally the valves in the system do not need any regular service, but in
order to avoid sticking valves etc., it is recommended that the plant is
started for half an hour once a week.

6.7 Deck Water Seal

This unit performs an important function and must be maintained in good con-
dition. Corroded inlet pipes and damage to float-controlled valves are not
uncommon. The overboard drain line and connection are also possible sources
of trouble.

An inspection of the deck water seal should include:

• Opening for internal inspection to check for:

• blockage of inlet pipes and housing;
• corrosion of the venturi lines;
• Corrosion of heating coils;
• corroded or sticking floats for water drain and supply valves and level
• Functional testing for:
• automatic filling and draining: check with local level gauge if possible;
• presence of water carry-over (open drain cocks on inert gas main line)
during operation.
6.8 P/V Breaker

To assure that the P/V Breaker can serve its function, all the I.G. branch line
shut off valves must be kept open

The seal must be filled with proper liquid (50% ethylene glycol / 50% fresh
water) to correct level. This can be done at atmospheric pressure in the deck
main line until the level can be seen in the level gauge, at the level indicating

6.9 Non-return valve(s)

The non-return valve(s) should be opened for inspection to check for corrosion
and also to check the condition of the valve seat. The functioning of the valve
should be tested in operation.

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6.10 Scrubber effluent line

The scrubber effluent line cannot normally be inspected internally except when
the ship is in dry dock. The shipside stub piece and the overboard discharge
valve should be inspected at each dry-docking period.

6.11 Testing of other units and alarms

A method should be devised to test the correct functioning of all units and
alarms and it may be necessary to simulate certain conditions to carry out an
effective testing programme.

Such a programme should include checking:

• all alarm and safety functions;

• the functioning of the inert gas isolating valves;
• the operation of all remotely or automatically controlled valves;
• the functioning of the water seal and non-return valves (with a backflow
pressure test);
• the vibration level of the inert gas blowers;
• for leakages: in systems four years old or more, deck lines should be
examined for leakage;
• the interlocking of soot blowers;
• oxygen measuring equipment, both portable and fixed, for accuracy by
means of both air and a suitable calibration gas.
6.12 Suggested maintenance programme by I.M.O.

See next page.

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IG generator isolating valves Operate the valves Before start up
Clean with compressed air of steam Before operating valve
Dismantle for inspection and clean
Scrubber Water flush After use
Cleaning demister Three months
Dismantling of level switch and tem- Six months
perature probes for inspection
Open for full internal inspection Dry docking
Sea water spray nozzles, removal for Min. each 3rd month
Overboard pipes and valve from Flushing with scrubber water pump for After use
scrubber about 1 hour
Dismantling of the valve for overhaul, Dry docking repair period
inspection of pipeline and overboard
Blowers Vibration check While running
Flushing After use
Internal inspection through hatches After flushing and six months
Dismantling for full overhaul of bear- Two years or more frequently if
ings shaft tightening and other neces- required
sary work
Deck water seal Dismantling of level regulators/float Six months
valves for inspection
Opening for internal inspection One year
Overhaul of auto valves One year
Deck mechanical non-return valve Moving and lubricating valves One week before start
Overhaul One year
Opening of internal inspection One year to 18 months
Pressure/vacuum valves Operating and lubricating Six months
Opening for full internal inspection One year
Deck isolating valve Open for overhaul One year
Gas pressure regulating system Removal of condensation in instru- Before start
ment, air supply
Opening of gas pressure regulating As appropriate
valves for overhaul
Calibrate positioner Each month
Liquid filled pressure vacuum Check liquid level when system is at When available and every six
breaker atmospheric pressure months
O2-analyser panel Check bubble unit and filter Each month
Replace water/add water
Wash filter and or replace
Calibration by N2 and air Each month

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6.13 Some possible causes of faults during start and operation

6.13.1 If control current is not on
a. Check that fuses are all right.
b. Check that circuit breaker in main switchboard is "ON".
6.13.2 If ignition does not take place
a. Check fuel oil flow.
b. Check that “COMBUSTION AIR PRESSURE” is correct.
c. Check and clean oil nozzle in ignition burner.
d. Check that the ignition glow plug is glowing.
e. Check air to ignition burner.
f. Check and clean main oil nozzle and oil system for possible clogging.
6.13.3 If fuel oil pressure is too low
a. Check that diesel oil pump is running. Diesel oil pump must never run
without oil supply.
b. Check that valves are correctly adjusted.
c. Change oil filter with the built-in 3-way valve.
6.13.4 If Seawater pressure is too low
a. Check the seawater supply system.
b. Check that the pressure gauge, pressure switch and pipes are all right
and not clogged by salt.
6.13.5 If Seawater level in cooling tower is too high
a. Check that seawater pressure is below approx. 2 bar g.
b. Check that the overboard valve is open.
6.13.6 If inert gas temperature is higher than
approx. 5°C above Seawater inlet temperature
a. Check that seawater pressure is 1,5 - 2,0 bar g.
b. Clean the seawater spray nozzles.
6.13.7 If the O2-content increases and the fuel oil
consumption is below normal
a. Check that oil pressure is approx. 20 bar g.
b. Check and clean main oil nozzle.

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6.13.8 If the Instrument Air Pressure is too low

a. Check the instrument air supply system: Air pressure should be 6-10 bar
b. Reduced to max. 7 bar g by reduction valve (Item No. 262).
6.13.9 If Seawater Temperature Outlet Cooling Jacket
(Item No. 178) is higher than approx. 13°C above
Seawater Inlet Temperature (Item No. 175)

The s.w. flow through control valve (Item No. 50), mounted in the s.w. line to
cooling jacket, to be increased to achieve a temperature difference of approx.


6.13.10 If vibration of I.G. blower occurs

a. Stop the blower and cleaning procedure to be followed: Ref.: Section 6.0
Maintenance and troubleshooting.
6.14 Personnel Qualifications & Training

The service & Maintenance and Operating personnel must be especially qual-
ified for the duties assigned to them. The scope of their responsibility, compe-
tence and supervisory duties must be closely controlled by an shift manager or
discipline supervisor. If the personnel do not have the required knowledge,
they must be trained and instructed. The supervisors must additionally ensure
that personnel fully understand the content of the Maintenance Instructions.

6.15 Safety Instructions for Maintenance and Inspection Work

The Operator Company must ensure that all Maintenance and Inspection work
is performed by authorized and qualified personnel who have thoroughly stud-
ied the Maintenance Instructions.

Work on the IG System is only to be carried out when the System has been
shut down. The means of shutting down the System, described in the Instruc-
tion of start and stop, must always be followed.

The inert gas system is placed in safe area. However, no work or maintenance
creating electric sparks, metallic sparks, hot spots or any other source of gas
ignition must be carried out before the area have been declared safe by
responsible person. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for acci-
dents occurring during maintenance.

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6.16 Precaution for entering the scrubbers

Since flue gas still can leak from the boiler, the scrubber as well as the topping
up generator should be completely gas freed.

Blind flanges should be fitted where applicable or the scrubbers should be

completely isolated.

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7.1 I.M.O. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 1

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7.1 I.M.O. Recommendations
The following is an extract from the I.M.O. Guide-lines for Inert Gas Sys-
tems – 1990 Edition.
7.1.1 In the event of a total failure of the inert gas system to deliver the required qual-
ity and quantity of inert gas and maintain a positive pressure in the cargo tanks
and slop tanks, action must be taken immediately to prevent any air being
drawn into the tank. All cargo tank operations should be stopped, the deck-iso-
lating valve should be closed, and the vent between it and the gas pressure
regulating valve should be opened and immediate action should be taken to
repair the inert gas system.
7.1.2 In the case of product tankers, it is considered to be totally impracticable to
effect a repair to enable the inert gas system to deliver the required quality and
quantity of gas and maintain a positive pressure in the cargo tanks, cargo dis-
charge and deballasting may only be resumed provided that either an external
supply of inert gas is connected to the system through the arrangements
required by regulation 62.11.5, (SOLAS), or the following precautions are tak-
(i) The valves on the vent mast risers are opened,
(ii) No free fall of water or slops is permitted,
(iii) No dipping, ullaging, sampling or other equipment should be introduced
into the tank unless essential for the safety of the operation. If it is neces-
sary for such equipment to be introduced into the tank, this should be
done only after at least 30 minutes have elapsed since the injection of in-
ert gas ceased. All metal components of equipment to be introduced into
the tank should be securely earthed. This restriction should be applied
until a period of five hours has elapsed since the injection of inert gas
7.1.3 In the case of product tankers, if it is essential to clean tanks following a failure
of the inert gas system and inerted conditions as defined in regulation 62.2.2
cannot be maintained, tank cleaning should be carried out with an external
supply of inert gas connected to the system. Alternatively, if an external supply
of inert gas is not connected to the ship, the following precautions should be
taken, in addition to those listed in 7.1.2:
(i) Tank washing should be carried out only on one tank at a time.
(ii) The tank should be isolated from other tanks and from any common vent-
ing system or the inert gas main and maximum ventilation output should
be concentrated on that tank both before and during the washing proc-
ess. Ventilation should provide as far as possible a free flow of air from
one end of the tank to the other.

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(iii) The tank bottom should be flushed with water and stripped. The piping
system including the cargo pumps, cross-overs and discharge lines
should also be flushed with water.
(iv) Washing should not commence until tests have been made at various
levels to establish that the vapour content in any part of the tank is below
10% of the lower flammable limit.
(v) Testing of the tank atmosphere should continue during the washing proc-
ess. If the vapour level rises to within 50% of the lower flammable limit,
washing should be discontinued until the vapour level has fallen to 20%
of the lower flammable limit.
(vi) If washing machines with individual capacities exceeding 60 m3/hr are to
be used, only such machine shall be used at any one time on the ship. If
portable machines are used, all hose connections should be made up
and bonding cables tested for continuity before the machines are intro-
duced into the tank and should not be broken until after the machines
have been removed from the tank.
(vii) The tank should be kept drained during washing. If build-up of wash water
occurs, washing should be stopped until the water has been cleared.
(viii) Only clean, cold seawater should be used. Recirculating systems should
not be used.
(ix) Chemical additives should not be used.
(x) All deck openings, except those necessary for washing and designed
venting arrangements, should be kept closed during the washing proc-
7.1.4 During cargo operations in port, more stringent regulations of the port Author-
ities shall take precedence over any of the foregoing emergency procedures.
7.1.5 The attention of the ship’s master should be drawn to regulation 11 (c) of sec-
tion 1 of the 1978 SOLAS Protocol in the event of the inert gas system having
become inoperative.
7.1.6 See also Safety Manual Ch. 13.11, IMO Publication Inert Gas System latest

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8.1 I.M.O. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1

8.2 Inerting of Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1

8.3 Discharge of Water Ballast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 1

8.4 Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 2

8.5 Loaded Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 2

8.6 Cargo Transfer and Cargo Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 2

8.7 Ballasting of Cargo Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 3

8.8 Ballast Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 3

8.9 Tank Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 3

8.10 Purging Prior to Gas-Freeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 3

8.11 Gas-Freeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 4

8.12 Tank Entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 4

8.13 Re-Inerting after Tank Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 5

8.14 Special Notes concerning Product Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 5

8.15 Cargo-Ballast Operation Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 6

8.16 Application to Double Hull Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 7

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8.1 I.M.O. Recommendations

The following is an extract from the I.M.O. Guide-lines for Inert Gas Systems –
1990 Edition.

This extract represents what is now generally accepted as standard proce-

dures for the safe operation of all inert gas systems.

8.2 Inerting of Tanks

8.2.1 Tanks that have been inerted and gas freed should be re-inerted preferably
during the ballast voyage to allow the inert gas system to be fully tested prior
to cargo handling. Purge pipes/vents should be opened to atmosphere. When
the oxygen concentration of the atmosphere in the tank has fallen below 8%
the purge pipe/vents should be closed and the tank pressurised with inert gas.
8.2.2 During the re-inerting of a tank following a breakdown and repair of the inert
gas system, non-gas-free and non-inerted tanks should be re-inerted in
accordance with 8.2.1. During inerting, no ullaging, dipping, sampling or other
equipment should be inserted unless it has been established that the tank is
inert. This should be done by monitoring the efflux gas from the tank being
inerted until the oxygen content is less than 8% by volume and for such a peri-
od of time as determined by previous test records when inerting gas-free tanks
to ensure that the flux gas is fully representative of the atmosphere within the
8.2.3 When all tanks have been inerted they should be kept with the inert gas main
and maintained at a positive pressure in excess of 100 mm water gauge during
the rest of the cycle of operation.
8.3 Discharge of Water Ballast
8.3.1 Before discharge of cargo tank ballast is undertaken, the following conditions
should be checked:
• All cargo tanks are connected to the inert gas system and all isolating
valves in the deck pipe work are locked open.
• All other cargo tank openings are shut.
• All valves isolating the mast risers from the inert gas system are shut.
• The arrangements required by Regulations are used to isolate
the cargo main from the inert gas main.
• The inert gas plant is producing gas of an acceptable quality.
• The deck-isolating valve is open.

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8.3.2 During the deballasting operation, the oxygen content of the gas and its pres-
sure in the inert gas main should be continuously recorded.
8.4 Loading

When loading cargo the deck-isolating valve required by Regulation 62.10.8

should be closed and the inert gas plant may be shut down unless other cargo
tanks are being de-ballasted simultaneously. All openings to the cargo tanks
except those connections to the mast risers or equivalent venting arrange-
ments should be kept closed to minimise flammable vapour on deck. Before
loading commences, the flame screens in the mast risers or equivalent venting
arrangements should be inspected and any stop valves isolating the cargo
tanks from the inert gas main locked in the open position.

8.5 Loaded Condition

8.5.1 During the loaded passage a positive pressure of inert gas of at least 100 mm
water gauge should be maintained in the cargo tanks, and topping up of the
pressure may be necessary. When topping up the inert gas pressure in the car-
go tanks particular attention should be paid to obtaining an oxygen concentra-
tion of 5% or less in the inert gas supply before introducing the inert gas into
the cargo tanks.
8.6 Cargo Transfer and Cargo Sampling
8.6.1 Ullaging devices of the closed type should be used to avoid the opening of
ullage ports.
8.6.2 However, it may be necessary to infrequently relieve the inert gas pressure in
the cargo tanks on certain occasions to permit manual tank gauge or cargo
sampling before or after cargo is transferred. If this is done, no cargo or ballast-
ing operation is to be undertaken and a minimum number of small tank open-
ings are to be uncovered for as short a time as necessary to enable these
measurements to be completed. Manual gauging or cargo sampling may be
performed during the following four periods:
• At the loading port, prior to cargo loading.
• At the loading port, after cargo loading.
• At the discharge port, prior to cargo discharge.
• At the discharge port, after cargo discharge.
8.6.3 The tanks should then be re-pressurised immediately after measurements or
cargo samples have been taken.
8.6.4 If the tank is opened prior to cargo transfer, cargo transfer should not be com-
menced until all the conditions have been checked and are in order. Similarly,

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if the tank is opened after cargo transfer, normal ship operations should not be
commenced until all the conditions have been checked and are in order.
8.6.5 During cargo transfer the oxygen content and pressure of the inert gas in the
inert gas main should be continuously recorded.
8.7 Ballasting of Cargo Tanks

The conditions for ballasting of cargo tanks are the same as those for loading
in 8.4. When, however, simultaneous discharge and ballasting is adopted, then
a close watch should be kept on the inert gas main pressure.

8.8 Ballast Condition

8.8.1 During a ballast voyage, tanks other than those required to be gas free for nec-
essary tank entry should be kept inerted with the cargo tank atmosphere at a
positive pressure of not less than 100 mm water gauge having an oxygen level
not exceeding 8% by volume during tank cleaning.
8.8.2 Before any inert gas is introduced into cargo tanks to maintain a positive pres-
sure it should be established that the inert gas contains not more than 5% by
volume of oxygen.
8.9 Tank Cleaning

Cargo tanks should be washed in the inert condition and under a positive pres-
sure. Before each tank is washed, the oxygen level shall be determined at a
point 1 metre below the deck and at the middle region of the ullage space and
neither of these determinations shall exceed 8% by volume. Where tanks have
complete or partial wash bulkhead, the determination should be taken from
similar levels in each section of the tank. The oxygen content and pressure of
the inert gas being delivered during the washing process should be continu-
ously recorded.

If during the washing process:

• the oxygen level of the inert gas being delivered exceed 8% by volume; or
• the pressure of the atmosphere in the tanks is no longer positive;

the washing must be stopped until satisfactory conditions are restored.

8.10 Purging Prior to Gas-Freeing

When it is desired to gas free a tank after washing, the concentration of hydro-
carbon vapour should be reduced by purging the inerted cargo tank with inert
gas. Purge pipes/vents should be opened to atmosphere and inert gas intro-
duced into the tank until the hydrocarbon vapour concentration measured in
the efflux gas has been reduced to 2% by volume and until such time as deter-
mined by previous test on cargo tanks has elapsed to ensure that readings

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have stabilised and the flux gas is representative of the atmosphere within the

8.11 Gas-Freeing
8.11.1 Gas-freeing of cargo tanks should only be carried out when tank entry is nec-
essary (e.g. for essential repairs). It should not be started until it is established
that a flammable atmosphere in the tank will not be created as a result. Hydro-
carbon gases should be purged from the tank (see 8.10).
8.11.2 Gas-freeing may be effected by pneumatically, hydraulically, or steam driven
portable blowers, or by fixed equipment. In either case it is necessary to isolate
the appropriate tanks to avoid contamination from the inert gas main.
8.11.3 Gas-freeing should continue until the entire tank has an oxygen content of 21%
by volume and a reading of less than 1% of lower flammable limit is obtained
on a combustible gas indicator. Care must be taken to prevent the leakage of
air into inerted tanks, or of inert gas into tanks, which are, being gas freed.
8.12 Tank Entry
8.12.1 The entry of personnel into the cargo tank should be carried out only under the
close supervision of a responsible ship’s officer and in accordance with nation-
al rules and/or with the normal industrial practice laid down in the INTERNA-
particular hazards encountered in tanks, which have been previously inerted
and then gas-freed are outlined in 9.2.8, 9.3.3 and section 10 of that guide.

Practical precautions to meet these hazards include:

• securing the inert gas branch line gas valves and/or blanks in position or, if
gas-freeing with the inert gas blower, isolating the scrubber from the flue
• closing of any drain lines entering the tank from the inert gas main;
• securing relevant cargo line valves or controls in the closed position;
• keeping the inert gas deck pressure in the remainder of the cargo tank sys-
tem at a low pressure such as 200 mm water gauge. This minimises the
possible leakage of inert or hydrocarbon gas from other tanks through pos-
sible bulkhead cracks, cargo lines, valves etc.;
• lowering clean sample lines well into the lower regions of the tank in at
least two locations. These locations should be away from both the inlet and
outlet openings used for gas freeing. After it has been ascertained that a
true bottom sample is being obtained, the following readings are required:
• 21% on a portable oxygen analyser; and
• less than 1% of lower flammable limit on a combustible gas indicator;

Hamworthy Moss AS

• the use of breathing apparatus whenever there is any doubt about the tank
being gas-free, e.g. in tanks where it is not possible to sample remote loca-
tions. (The practice should be continued until all areas, including the bot-
tom structure, have been thoroughly checked);
• continuously ventilating and regularly sampling the tank atmosphere when-
ever personnel are in the tank;
• carefully observing normal regulations for tank entry.
8.13 Re-Inerting after Tank Entry
8.13.1 When all personnel have left the tank and the equipment has been removed,
the inert gas branch line blank, if fitted, should be removed, the hatch lids
closed and the gas pressure regulating valve re-opened and locked open to the
inert gas main where appropriate. This will avoid any risk of structural damage
when liquids are subsequently handled.
8.13.2 As soon as a gas-free tank is reconnected to the inert gas main it should be re-
inerted to prevent transfer of air to other tanks.
8.14 Special Notes concerning Product Carriers
8.14.1 Product carriers may carry petroleum products having a flash point exceeding
60°C – bitumens, lubricating oils, heavy fuel oils, high flashpoint jet fuels and
some diesel fuels, gas oils and special boiling point liquids without having to
keep the tanks in an inerted condition.
8.14.2 If cargoes with a flashpoint exceeding 60°C, whenever heated or otherwise,
are carried at temperatures near to or above their flashpoint (some bitumen cut
backs and fuel oils), a flammable atmosphere can occur (regulation 62.1
refers). When cargoes with a flash point exceeding 60°C are carried at a tem-
perature higher than 5°C below their flashpoint they should be carried in an
inerted condition.
8.14.3 When a non-volatile cargo is carried in a tank that has not been previously gas-
freed, then that tank shall be maintained in an inert condition.
8.14.4 Contamination of a product may affect its odour, acidity or flashpoint specifica-
tions and may occur in several ways; those relevant to ships with an inert has
main (or other gas line) interconnecting all cargo tanks are;
(i) Liquid contamination due to overfilling a tank.
(ii) Vapour contamination through the inert gas main. This is largely a prob-
lem of preventing vapour from low flashpoint cargoes, typically gasolines,
contaminating the various high flashpoint cargoes, e.g. aviation gasolines
and most hydrocarbon solvents. This problem can be overcome by;
• removing vapours of low flashpoint cargoes prior to loading; and
• preventing ingress of vapours of low flashpoint cargoes during loading
and during the loaded voyage.

Hamworthy Moss AS

When carrying hydrocarbon solvents where quality specifications are stringent

and where it is necessary to keep individual tanks positively isolated from the
inert gas main after a cargo has been loaded, pressure sensors should be fitted
so that the pressure in each such tank can be monitored. When it is necessary
to top up the relevant tanks, the inert gas main should fist be purged of cargo

8.14.5 Experience suggests that petroleum cargoes do not suffer from contamination
by inert gas, but in this context it is important to ensure that the inert gas gen-
erator burner or flue gas system is operating efficiently and that the scrubber
is well maintained at all times.
8.14.6 All lubricating oils and jet fuels are acutely water-critical. Current practice
requires full line draining and mopping up of any water in tanks before loading.
Water contamination may occur on inerted ships due to water carried over from
the scrubber and/or deck water seals due to inadequacies in design or mainte-
nance of the drying arrangements.
8.14.7 All gas-freeing operations must be preceded by a purging operation, but gas-
freeing for purely quality reasons may be replaced by purging only. In addition
purging may be required when a non-volatile cargo is carried in a tank, which
has not been previously gas-freed.

It should be recognised that:

(i) there are increased risks of air leaking into inert tanks and of inert gas
leaking into a tank being entered;
(ii) purging is not a prerequisite of gas-freeing when the hydrocarbon gas
content of a tank is below 2% by volume;
(iii) The operation of gas-freeing for product purity and where tank entry is not
contemplated does not require the atmosphere to have an oxygen con-
tent of 21% by volume.
8.15 Cargo-Ballast Operation Manual

Hamworthy Moss AS

8.16 Application to Double Hull Spaces

References should be made to the relevant parts of the vessel operation
Inerting, ventilation and gas measurement

According to SOLAS Regulation II-2/59.4 (Consolidated Edition, 2001):

"4.1 This paragraph shall apply to oil tankers constructed on or after 1 October

4.2 Double hull and double bottom spaces shall be fitted with suitable con-
nections for the supply of air.

4.3 On tankers required to be fitted with inert gas systems:

1. double hull spaces shall be fitted with suitable connections for the
supply of inert gas;
2. where hull spaces are connected to a permanently fitted inert gas
distribution system, means shall be provided to prevent hydrocar-
bon gases from the cargo tanks entering the double hull spaces
through the system;
3. where such spaces are not permanently connected to an inert gas
distribution system, appropriate means shall be provided to allow
connection to the inert gas main.

4.4.1 Suitable portable instruments for measuring oxygen and flammable

vapour concentrations shall be provided. In selecting these instruments,
due attention shall be given to their use in combination with the fixed gas
sampling-line systems referred to in paragraph 4.4.2.

4.4.2 Where the atmosphere in double hull spaces cannot be reliably meas-
ured using flexible gas sampling hoses, such spaces shall be fitted with
permanent gas sampling lines. The configuration of such line systems
shall be adapted to the design of such spaces.

4.4.3 The materials of construction and the dimensions of gas sampling lines
shall be such as to prevent restriction. Where plastic materials are used,
they should be electrically conductive.”

Hamworthy Moss AS

Gas Freeing and Ventilation

The gas freeing and ventilation arrangements must be capable of gas freeing:

1. Inerted double hull spaces; and

2. Double hull spaces containing cargo vapours from leakages in cargo into
the spaces;

in order to maintain adequate ventilation continuously during entry of person-


Alternative Methods of Ventilation

The following methods of ventilation are feasible;

1. Filling and subsequent emptying with water ballast,

2. Using portable gas-feeing fan fitted to tank openings with hose or pipe led
to bottom of the tank. Discharge may be through hatch or manhole (see
Fig. 1).
Pipes made of non-metallic material may be accepted if documented to
be of electrically conductive type and suitably grounded. For acceptable
results in larger L-shaped tanks, the purge pipes should be led inboard to
the centreline double bottom girder. An alternative to portable fans is to
use inert gas fans;

3. Same arrangement as 2. above, however, extraction from bottom through

purge pipe and fresh air supply from deck (see Fig. 2);
4. Connection between the inert gas line and the water ballast line for fresh
air supply through ballast line for fresh air supply through ballast suctions
(see Fig. 3);
5. Crossover ventilation (see Fig. 4);
6. An arrangement utilizing dilution method with inlet and outlet at deck lev-
el. This method will require a powerful fan so that the jet will penetrate all
the way down to the tank bottom.
The high inlet velocity causes turbulent mixing with the tank atmosphere.
The gas being exhausted from the tank is at nay time a mixture of the gas
supplied and the tank atmosphere. For L-shaped tanks this method alone
is normally not considered sufficient, but in combination with air supply
through ballast suctions, it may be acceptable; and

7. Combination of partly filling and ventilation, e.g. filling of double bottom

section of U-shaped tanks and ventilation of side spaces.

Hamworthy Moss AS

Methods listed in 1 to 5 are based on displacement of gas, which is considered

to be the best solution of deep tanks of cellular design.

Most hydrocarbon gases from crude oil, hydrogen sulphide and inert gas are
heavier than air. With requirements for connections for inert gas supply to bal-
last tanks, inerting of ballast tank will probably be a normal procedure. A ven-
tilation arrangement extracting the heavier gasses from bottom utilizing
portable fans mounted on purge pipes and with fresh air supply from open
hatches in deck will probably be an effective gas-freeing method.

However, filling of ballast tanks and subsequent emptying is considered as

most efficient way of gas-freeing ballast tanks. Hull strength limitations must be


The arrangements for inerting of double hull spaces may be through portable
connections to the inert gas system for cargo tanks or by fixed piping connec-

If fixed piping is used, the arrangement must include a separate deck water
seal and a non-return valve in order to prevent communications between
vapour spaces of cargo tanks and the double hull spaces. The practices for
inerting double hull spaces may either be to keep these spaces inerted at all
times when empty, or to inert them only if hydrocarbon gases are detected indi-
cating leakage between cargo tank(s) and the double hull spaces. If the former
practice is utilized, a fixed piping system is considered necessary.

Methods and Arrangements for Inerting

As for gas freeing and ventilation the easiest method for inerting is to supply
inert gas to the space during de-ballasting. For that purpose an inert gas inlet
in the top of the space is needed. However, arrangements must additionally,
be provided to enable the space to be purged with inert gas. For this purpose
at least L-shaped tanks must be provided with inert gas supply outlets near bot-
tom far ends.

Alternative arrangements for inert gas purging will be the same as for ventila-
tion purposes detailed in paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7, replacing portable fan with
inert gas supply inlets.

Operational Procedures

Written procedures should be available onboard giving details on how to carry

out ventilation, inerting and cleaning of double hull spaces.

Hamworthy Moss AS

Hamworthy Moss AS
Ordre no: 130959 Chapter: 09
Drawing no.: Rev: Description:

130959 02 Parts List - Flue Gas/Topping Up

M1300-007std 01 Symbol table
130959-100-01 00 P & I Diagram - Flue Gas
130959-101-01 00 P & I Diagram - Topping Up
130959-050-01 01 Burner/Scrubber Unit, Arr., Item No. 253
130959-051-01 01 Scrubber Unit, Arrangement, Item No. 253
130959-052-01 02 Deck Water Seal, Arrangement, Item No. 250
130959-053-01 03 Press./Vacuum breaker, Arr., Item No. 252
M1295-000std 01 Fuel Oil Pump Unit, Arr., Item No. 229
130959-059-01 00 Pneumatic Panel, Item No. 231
130959-081-01 00 Customer’s Pneumatic Connections
77-058-01 03 Oxygen Analyser Panel
Stock Type Supply 12/5/2008
Hamworthy Parts List 0 = Purchase Order Point A - Fitted Supply
1 = Purchase Planning B - Loose Items Supply
Moss 2 = Purchase As Needed C - Owner / Shipyard Supply
10 = Manufactured Order Point S - Loose Items Supply
11 = Manufactured Planning
12 = Manufactured As Needed
99 = Non Deliverable Items
Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
1 120-10 1 N8661-001 Shut off valve assembly DN400 Fig. 15-133 (Spring close) Flange: DIN PN10 Inert gas main B 2
1 M2270-002 Butterfly valve DN400 Fig. 15-133 w/undercut Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 N2811-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-180S A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
2 120-40 1 N8441-004 Control valve assembly DN300 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Vent to atmosphere B 2
1 M2480-001 Butterfly valve DN300 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1013-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-065 A 2
1 M1014-003 Positioner with limit switch Fig. 793-011M 15-3psi Supply:1/4"BSP, A 2
1 M0110-002 I/P converter V18312-12221190 4-20mA/3-15 psi A 0
1 M0122-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 50mm Scale 0-30 psi/0-200 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP A 0
1 M1815-001 Manual override kit with release valve A 2
4 140-60 1 N8447-001 Shut off valve assembly DN65 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Sealing air to I.G. uptake line B 2
1 M5010-001 Butterfly valve DN65 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10/16 A 2
1 M1024-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-003 A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
1 N1068-001 Solenoid valve 5/2 791/B 24V DC Connect: 1/4" BSP A 2
5 60-20 1 N8667-001 Shut off valve assembly DN150 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Sea water main inlet scrubber A 2
1 M1093-001 Butterfly valve DN150 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1096-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-012 A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
1 N1068-001 Solenoid valve 5/2 791/B 24V DC Connect: 1/4" BSP A 2
2 M1018-003 Speed control for Solenoid valve Fig. 791/B A 2
7 120-90 1 N8235-003 Control valve assembly DN250 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Blower No. 1 outlet B 2
1 M2482-001 Butterfly valve DN250 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1023-001 Pneumatic actuator For DN 250 Valve A 2

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
1 M1014-001 Positioner with limit switch Fig. 793-011M 3-15psi Supply:1/4"BSP, A 2
1 M0110-002 I/P converter V18312-12221190 4-20mA/3-15 psi A 0
1 M0122-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 50mm Scale 0-30 psi/0-200 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP A 0
1 M1815-001 Manual override kit with release valve A 2
8 120-100 1 N8235-003 Control valve assembly DN250 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Blower No. 2 outlet B 2
1 M2482-001 Butterfly valve DN250 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1023-001 Pneumatic actuator For DN 250 Valve A 2
1 M1014-001 Positioner with limit switch Fig. 793-011M 3-15psi Supply:1/4"BSP, A 2
1 M0110-002 I/P converter V18312-12221190 4-20mA/3-15 psi A 0
1 M0122-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 50mm Scale 0-30 psi/0-200 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP A 0
1 M1815-001 Manual override kit with release valve A 2
10 120-20 1 M6560-004 Shut off valve assembly DN300 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Blower No. 1 inlet B 2
1 M2480-001 Butterfly valve DN300 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1021-001 Gear Fig. 455-WMK009 For DN200 - 300 mm A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
11 120-30 1 M6560-004 Shut off valve assembly DN300 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Blower No. 2 inlet B 2
1 M2480-001 Butterfly valve DN300 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1021-001 Gear Fig. 455-WMK009 For DN200 - 300 mm A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
13 0-0 1 M3165-001 Shut off valve Deck isolating valve Deck isolating valve C 99
14 1 M1022-001 Limit switch 99
1 M1390-001 Shut off valve Sea water scrubber overboard 99
15 1 M1150-015 Shut off/non return valve Sea water DWS overboard 99
16 1 M1011-016 Shut off valve Sea water inlet from sea Sea water inlet from sea chest C 99
18 1 M1011-018 Shut off/non return valve Sea water pump outlet Sea water pump outlet C 99
19 1 M1022-001 Limit switch 99
1 M7244-001 Shut off/non return valve Sea water aux. supply 99
20 2 M1011-020 Shut off valve Sea water inlet DWS pumps Sea water inlet DWS pumps C 99

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
21 2 M1011-021 Shut off/non return valve Sea water outlet DWS pumps Sea water outlet DWS pumps C 99
24 140-20 2 N8658-001 Uptake valve assembly DN400 Flange: DIN PN10 Boiler uptake 1 and 2 B 12
1 M3168-004 Butterfly uptake valve DN400 Mod: VR-7890 Swing ThroughFlange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1096-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-012 A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
1 N1068-001 Solenoid valve 5/2 791/B 24V DC Connect: 1/4" BSP A 2
26 140-30 1 N8658-001 Uptake valve assembly DN400 Flange: DIN PN10 Boiler uptake common line B 12
1 M3168-004 Butterfly uptake valve DN400 Mod: VR-7890 Swing ThroughFlange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1096-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-012 A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
1 N1068-001 Solenoid valve 5/2 791/B 24V DC Connect: 1/4" BSP A 2
30 90-140 1 M0820-001 Shut off/non return valve 1" BGV-456022NR PN16 RG5 Connect: 1" BSP S. W. to deck water seal B 0
34 180-10 1 M0827-001 Shut off valve 3/4" Brass. A: CIM 70/BS Connect: 3/4" BSP Drain of DWS A 0
39 160-10 2 M0820-001 Shut off/non return valve 1" BGV-456022NR PN16 RG5 Connect: 1" BSP Steam for cleaning uptake valve B 0
40 80-10 1 M0830-001 Test cock valve Brass Connect: 1/4" BSP For PS 183 A 0
41 60-20 2 M0832-001 Test cock valve DN8 Type 7.6645 Connect: 1/4" BSP A 0
42 90-150 5 M0832-001 Test cock valve DN8 Type 7.6645 Connect: 1/4" BSP B 0
43 80-10 1 M0826-001 Shut off valve 1/2" Brass. A: CIM 70/BS Connect: 1/2" BSP Instrument air inlet A 0
47 120-80 1 N8440-001 Shut off valve assembly DN50 Fig. 14-133 (Spring open) Flange: DIN PN10 Vent to I.G. main B 2
1 M1302-001 Butterfly valve DN50 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M6724-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-006S Spring open A 2
48 50-90 2 N2863-001 Butterfly valve DN50 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Drain condensate/F.W washing B 2
I.G. blowers
1 M1302-001 Butterfly valve DN50 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 2
1 M1106-001 Lever handle Fig. 412-015S DI/SS DN for manual operation 2
53 160-20 1 N8740-001 Ball valve DN25 assembly Closed, F180 Connect: 1" BSP Steam for cleaning uptake valves B 2
1 N8741-001 Ball valve DN25 F180 Full Bore Connect: 1" BSP A 2
1 N9365-001 Pneumatic actuator PRA-002 A 2

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
1 N1068-001 Solenoid valve 5/2 791/B 24V DC Connect: 1/4" BSP A 2
54 0-0 2 M4569-001 Shut off valve Steam for heating of DWS Steam for heating of DWS C 99
64 180-20 1 M0062-001 Non return valve DN400 Material: COR-TEN / AISI 316Flange DIN PN10 For Inert Gas main line B 0
84 50-100 1 M6643-001 Flexible hose w/couplings 1/2" x 5m For blower flushing B 2
2 M0838-001 Hose claw coupling Connected to hose A 0
85 50-20 2 M0835-001 Male claw coupling Kag 12 R 1/2" A 0
86 2 M0818-001 Shut off/non return valve 1/2" BGV-456022NR PN16 RG5 Connect: 1/2" BSP I.G. blower flushing A 0
100 1 M7831-003 Fan DN300 BK 25-1 Flange: DIN PN10 Blower No 1 B 2
101 1 M7831-003 Fan DN300 BK 25-1 Flange: DIN PN10 Blower No 2 B 2
103 1 M8767-001 El. motor M3BP 225 SMC2 65 kW 440V 60Hz IP55 El. motor blower No. 1 A 2
104 1 M8767-001 El. motor M3BP 225 SMC2 65 kW 440V 60Hz IP55 El. motor blower No. 2 A 2
105 50-50 6 M1167-001 Resilient mounting RA 350A w/stop B 2
106 50-60 6 M1167-001 Resilient mounting RA 350A w/stop B 2
107 50-70 2 M7676-001 Flexible bellow, DN300 Tuboflex T-49 yellow/NBR Flange: DIN PN10 Inlet I.G. Fan No. 1 and 2 B 2
108 50-80 2 M7676-001 Flexible bellow, DN300 Tuboflex T-49 yellow/NBR Flange: DIN PN10 Outlet I.G. Fan No. 1 and 2 B 2
110 0-0 1 M8484-001 Axial compensation C 99
111 1 M8484-001 Axial compensation C 99
112 1 M8484-001 Axial compensation C 99
114 60-20 1 M0239-001s Sight glass DN400 NS 6141/ISO 1751-A400-LW Connect: welding type, A 0
115 180-10 1 M0239-001s Sight glass DN400 NS 6141/ISO 1751-A400-LW Connect: welding type, A 0
116 60-20 1 M1214-001s Sea water spray nozzle Moss-2 1/2 -60-24, 60° Connect: 2 1/2" BSP A 2
117 8 M1348-001s Sea water spray nozzle Moss-2-90-15, 90° Connect.: 2" BSP A 2
122 0-0 1 M1011-122 Filter, sea water inlet C 99
125 2 M1011-125 Sea water pump Supply to DWS Supply to DWS C 99

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
126 2 M1011-126 El. motor For DWS sea water pump For DWS sea water pump C 99
128 1 M1011-128 Sea water pump Supply to Scrubber Supply to Scrubber C 99
129 1 M1011-129 El. motor For Scrubber sea water pump For Scrubber sea water pump C 99
130 60-20 1 M1199-001 Wet filter for scrubber 1588x458x200 A 2
131 1 M1879-001 Demister for Scrubber 1588x458x150 A 2
132 180-10 1 M1334-001 Demister section for DWS 1588x434x150 A 2
141 80-10 1 N3295-002 Solenoid valve 3/2-way NC air SCE374A017MS 24V DC 1/4'' BSP Material: Brass Air supply to item 1 and 47 A 0
160 1 M0121-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 63mm Scale 0-10 bar / 0-1 MPa Connect: 1/4" BSP AISI Instrument air inlet A 0
161 60-10 0 M0120-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 100mm Scale -0,4+0,6 bar/-40+60 Connect: 1/4" BSP Exhaust gas A 0
60-20 1 M0120-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 100mm Scale -0,4+0,6 bar/-40+60 Connect: 1/4" BSP Exhaust gas A 0
163 90-10 1 M0120-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 100mm Scale -0,4+0,6 bar/-40+60 Connect: 1/4" BSP I.G. outlet blowers B 0
164 60-20 1 M0117-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 63mm Scale 0-4 bar / 0-400 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP AISI Sea water main inlet scrubber A 0
167 90-20 1 M0120-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 100mm Scale -0,4+0,6 bar/-40+60 Connect: 1/4" BSP I.G. outlet scrubber B 0
169 90-30 1 M0117-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 63mm Scale 0-4 bar / 0-400 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP AISI Sea water to D.W.S. B 0
175 60-20 1 M0124-001 Thermometer 0-100°C Straight type, L=63mm Connect: 1/2" BSP Sea water main inlet scrubber A 0
176 90-40 1 M0126-001 Hot gas thermometer 50-650°C Sensor length 300mm x 3/4"RConnect: 3/4" BSP Exhaust gas B 0
177 90-50 1 M0125-001 Thermometer 0-100°C Angle type 90, L=63mm Connect: 1/2" BSP I.G. outlet blower 1 B 0
178 90-160 1 M0125-001 Thermometer 0-100°C Angle type 90, L=63mm Connect: 1/2" BSP I.G. outlet blower 2 B 0
179 90-60 1 M0124-001 Thermometer 0-100°C Straight type, L=63mm Connect: 1/2" BSP I.G. outlet scrubber B 0
182 90-80 1 M0111-001 Pressure transmitter EEx ia II IG/air press -500/+2500 I.G.pressure in deck main line B 0
mmWG To be protecyed against weather
Setpoint 50/1450 mmWG

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
90-70 1 M0085-001 Bracket for press. transmitter B 0
183 80-10 1 M0165-001 Pressure switch 3,45-8,34 bar 4140C K1E12 AAO-EE Connect: 1/8" BSP Low instrument air pressure A 0
Setpoint 5,0 bar
184 60-20 1 M0169-001 Pressure switch 0.1-2.1 bar P1H-B30-SS Connect: 1/4" NPT Low S.W. pressure inlet scrubber A 0
Setpoint 0,7 bar
187 90-90 1 M0167-001 Pressure switch -0.2/+0.2 bar D1T-M3-SS-Exi Connect: 1/4" BSP Low I.G. pressure in deck main B 0
To be protected against weather.
Setpoint 100 mmWG.
188 90-100 1 M0171-001 Temp. transmitter 0-100°C PT 100, 4-20mA, L=250 Connect: 1/2" BSP High I.G. temp. B 0
Setpoint 65 °C.
189 90-110 1 M0169-001 Pressure switch 0.1-2.1 bar P1H-B30-SS Connect: 1/4" NPT Low S.W. pressure to DWS B 0
Setpoint 0,7 bar.
192 60-20 1 M0164-001 Temperature switch 49-71*C 4140D K1EOOCE2-EE Connect: 1/2" BSP High I.G. temp. in scrubber A 0
Setpoint 55°C.
193 1 M0181-001 Level switch Type 003S Connect: 1" BSP High S.W. level scrubber A 0
194 180-10 1 M0182-002 Level switch Squing-2 Connect.: 1" BSP Low S.W. level in DWS A 0
206 0-0 1 M0234-002 Pressure regulator valve for Nitrogen gas bottle 2
207 1 M0233-002 Span gas bottle nitrogen Bottle 2
231 80-10 1 M1176-001 Pneumatic Panel B 12
232 100-10 1 N9374-001 Oxygen Analyzer panel Moss IGS Analyser 3500 B 0
233 70-10 1 M1606-001 Main control panel FG+TUG B 2
234 70-30 1 M1699-003 Local panel T.U.G A 2
237 70-70 1 M1053-001 Power distribution panel B 2
238 70-90 1 M1054-001 Intrinsic Safe Panel B 2
239 70-110 1 M1052-004 Sub panel in Wheel House Flush mounting B 2
240 70-120 1 M1698-004 Sub panel in EC Room Flush mounting B 2
241 110-10 1 M1632-001 Starter blower DOL- max. 100kW 185A Starter blower 1 B 2
242 110-20 1 M1632-001 Starter blower DOL- max. 100kW 185A Starter blower 2 B 2

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
249 70-130 1 M0190-001 Alarm sirene Type: 172.24 24V DC B 0
250 180-10 1 M1289-001 Deck Water Seal DWS - Nom. size: 2
252 170-10 0 M1274-001 P/V Breaker Nom. size: DN400 B 2
253 60-20 1 M1283-001 Scrubber Unit FG - Nom. size: 10 FG9490 2
254 120-50 1 M1131-001 Name plates for loose items Plastic, laminated 70x20mm, Øhull=3,5mm, B 2
120-70 1 M8001-001 Engraving av Tag plate Hamworthy Moss standard B 2
240-30 0 M1847-001 Engraving Company name plate B 2
256 130-10 1 N9095-001 Hydro Carbon/O2 analyzer-port Model RX-415 B 2
130-20 1 N9095-002 Sample hose 30m for RX-415 B 2
130-30 2 N9095-003 Sample bag for RX-415 2 litre B 2
260 140-50 1 M2394-001 Hatch DN350 w/steel frame NS 6141- A300 - LW For air vent B 2
140-40 1 M1077-001 Limit switch for air sealing XCK-J 161 B 2
262 80-10 1 M1833-001 Reduction valve w/filter 1/2" C15, G1/2", 535 132 021 0 A 0
264 90-120 1 M0255-001 Vacuum valve DN15 Connect: 1/2" BSP B 0
265 90-130 1 M0078-001 Flame Arrestor NS-2527 DN50 Flange: DIN PN10 B 10
900 190-10 1 M1080-001 Spare parts box Model 23-20, 200x350x200 B 2
908 190-20 1 M8020-001 Chart paper, fan fold PHC33 Spare for recorder Fuji PHC33 B 0
190-30 1 M8023-001 Ink cartridge PHC33 with ink absorption cloth incl Spare for recorder Fuji PHC33 B 0
912 190-40 1 M1129-001 Ball bearing 6312/C3 Spare part Non-Drive end B 2
913 190-50 1 M2423-001 Ball bearing 6313/C3 Spare part Drive end B 2
1005 220-10 1 N8777-001 Shut off valve assembly DN80 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Sea water inlet scrubber A 2
1 M2474-001 Butterfly valve DN80 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1017-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-006 A 2
1 M1015-001 Limit switch box w/2xV9 switch Fig. 792 LP A 2
1 N1068-001 Solenoid valve 5/2 791/B 24V DC Connect: 1/4" BSP A 2
1006 1 N8162-006 Control valve assembly DN80 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Inert gas capacity A 2
1 M2474-001 Butterfly valve DN80 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
1 M1017-001 Pneumatic actuator Fig. 79E-006 A 2
1 M1014-003 Positioner with limit switch Fig. 793-011M 15-3psi Supply:1/4"BSP, A 2
1 M0110-002 I/P converter V18312-12221190 4-20mA/3-15 psi A 0
1 M0122-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 50mm Scale 0-30 psi/0-200 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP A 0
1 M6910-001 Manual override kit <- DN125 for F79E-003/006/012 with release valve A 2
1012 1 M0816-001 Control valve 1" BGV-456022 PN16 RG5 Connect: 1" BSP Combustion air to atmosphere A 0
1014 0-0 1 M1390-002 Shut off/non-return valve Sea water scrubber overboard 99
1017 1 M1011-018 Shut off/non return valve Sea water pump outlet 99
1028 1 M1011-016 Shut off valve Sea water inlet from sea 99
1032 220-10 2 M0828-001 Shut off valve 1" Brass. A: CIM 70/BS Connect: 1" BSP For sight glass A 0
1035 1 M0826-001 Shut off valve 1/2" Brass. A: CIM 70/BS Connect: 1/2" BSP Secondary air to burner A 0
1040 1 M0830-001 Test cock valve Brass Connect: 1/4" BSP Gauges and switches A 0
1041 4 M0832-001 Test cock valve DN8 Type 7.6645 Connect: 1/4" BSP Gauges and switches A 0
1045 2 M0825-001 Shut off valve 3/8" Brass. A: CIM 70/BS Connect: 3/8" BSP Air for cleaning of sight glass A 0
1050 1 M1301-001 Control valve assembly DN50 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 Seawater inlet A 2
1 M1302-001 Butterfly valve DN50 Fig. 14-133 Flange: DIN PN10 A 2
1 M1103-001 Gear Type QE4 A 2
1 M1103-002 Long locking bolts for gear A 2
1052 1 M0338-001 Silencer/spark arrestor For 1" SM A 0
1062 1 M0824-001 Control valve PN100 TA-52475-308 Connect: 1/4" BSP Air to ignition burner A 0
1066 2 M0138-001 Non return valve Type RHD 8 L Connect: pipe Ø8 OD Air flush of oil gun A 0
1069 240-20 1 M0044-001 Non return valve DN100 Material: COR-TEN / AISI 316Flange DIN PN10 Common for F.G. and T.U.G. B 0
1073 220-10 1 M0245-002 Burner gun, no return Hamworthy Moss Conn. M18x1,5 A 0
1074 200-40 1 M0156-001 Ball valve DN15 2013M AISI 316L PN64 Connect: 1/2" BSP A 0
1081 1 M0149-001 Fuel oil filter DN25 2.04.5, Ident-Nr.0228422 Flange: DIN PN16 A 0

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
1082 1 M1303-001 Fuel oil pump without motor E4 NA-1001 6P A 2
1083 1 M2372-001 El. motor M2AA 80 A A 2
1084 220-10 1 N9345-001 Flexible oil hose, 3/8" Dunlop Hiflex 122 (EN853 Connect: M18x1,5 L=1m Fuel oil to main burner A 2
1085 1 N9341-001 Flexible oil hose, 1/4" Dunlop Hiflex 122 (EN853 Connect: M16x1,5 L=1m Fuel oil to ignition burner A 2
1086 1 M1361-001 Oil nozzle, main burner 60° - 7,5 USG/H A 2
1087 1 M0106-002 Ignition burner Hamworthy Moss A 10
1088 1 M0105-002 Oil nozzle, ignition burner Type F80, 1 GPH - 80°R Connect: 9/16" 24 UNEF A 0
1089 1 M3586-001 Ignition glow plug 12V Type GH 408 Connection M14 x 1,25 A 0
1090 2 M0231-001 Sight Glass Hamworthy Moss A 10
1107 210-40 1 M5904-002 Blower DN100 L45/2P DIN PN 10 A 2
1109 1 N8794-001 El. motor M3AA 132 SC2 A 2
1110 1 M5905-001 Blower DN100 assembly LRB45/2P Flange: JIS 5K B 12
1114 220-10 1 M0239-001s Sight glass DN400 NS 6141/ISO 1751-A400-LW Connect: welding type, A 0
1117 6 M1366-001s Sea water spray nozzle Moss-1-90-4, 90° Connect.: 1" BSP A 2
1123 0-0 1 M1011-128 Sea water pump Supply to Scrubber 99
1124 1 M1011-129 El. motor For Scrubber sea water pump 99
1130 220-10 1 M1331-001 Wet filter for scrubber 692x206x200 A 2
1131 1 M1314-001 Demister for scrubber 692x554x150 A 2
1152 1 N3296-002 Solenoid valve 2/2-way NC air SCE272A017MSS3 24V DC 1/4'' BSP Material: Brass Air to ignition burner, 24V, 60 Hz A 0
1153 200-40 1 N8726-001 3-way ball valve DN15 F138 Connect: 1/2" BSP A 2
1 N8727-001 3 way Ball valve, DN 15 F138, DN15, Full Bore Connect: 1/2" BSP A 2
1 N9365-001 Pneumatic actuator PRA-002 A 2
1 N1068-001 Solenoid valve 5/2 791/B 24V DC Connect: 1/4" BSP A 2

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
1156 220-10 1 N3296-002 Solenoid valve 2/2-way NC air SCE272A017MSS3 24V DC 1/4'' BSP Material: Brass Fuel oil to burner, 24 V, 60 Hz A 0
1157 1 N3296-002 Solenoid valve 2/2-way NC air SCE272A017MSS3 24V DC 1/4'' BSP Material: Brass Air flush of oil gun, 24 V, 60 Hz A 0
1158 1 N3297-003 Solenoid valve 2/2-way NC oil SCE272A046MS 24V DC 1/4'' BSP Material: Fuel oil to ignition burner, 24 V, A 0
AISI316L 60 Hz
1161 1 M0115-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 63mm Scale 0-1 bar / 0-100 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP AISI Combustion air to burner A 0
1162 1 M0115-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 63mm Scale 0-1 bar / 0-100 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP AISI Seawater to cooling jacket A 0
1164 1 M0117-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 63mm Scale 0-4 bar / 0-400 kPa Connect: 1/4" BSP AISI Seawater main inlet to scrubber A 0
1165 1 M0119-001 Pressure gauge, dia. 63mm Scale 0-40 bar / 0-4 MPa Connect: 1/4" BSP AISI Fuel oil to burner A 0
1175 1 M0124-001 Thermometer 0-100°C Straight type, L=63mm Connect: 1/2" BSP Seawater main inlet to scrubber A 0
1178 1 M0124-001 Thermometer 0-100°C Straight type, L=63mm Connect: 1/2" BSP Seawater outlet cooling jacket A 0
1179 1 M0124-001 Thermometer 0-100°C Straight type, L=63mm Connect: 1/2" BSP Inert Gas outlet scrubber A 0
1180 1 M0168-001 Pressure switch -1/+1,25 bar D2T-M18SS-Exi A 0
1184 1 M0169-001 Pressure switch 0.1-2.1 bar P1H-B30-SS Connect: 1/4" NPT A 0
1185 1 M0166-001 Pressure switch 6.89-23.44 bar 4140C K1E13 AAO-EE Connect: 1/4" BSP A 0
1191 1 M0181-001 Level switch Type 003S Connect: 1" BSP A 0
1193 1 M0181-001 Level switch Type 003S Connect: 1" BSP High sea water level Scrubber A 0
1200 2 M0086-001 Photocell complete Hamworthy Moss Burner flame scanner A 10
1202 200-40 1 M0339-001 Flow indicator 0-100kg/h Model 10A1197ASS Connect: 1/2" BSP A 0
1209 220-10 1 M0094-002 Ignition Transformer 234VA 115-220 9-13V 50/60HZ For glow plug A 2
1220 1 M0112-001 Pressure transmitter Type 8161-1221-1111 0-0,3 bar (g) A 0
1229 200-40 1 M1295-000 Fuel Oil Unit TG B 12
1241 230-10 1 M1725-001 Starter T.U.G Blower DOL- max. 9kW 14.5A B 2

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Order No: 130959 FG10000-16 (8600-13590 Nm3/h)
Stk Packing
Item SO No Qty Article No Description Specification Remark Notes Supply Type No
1243 230-20 1 M1681-001 Starter fuel oil pump Max. 5kW 12A B 2
1253 220-10 1 M1248-001 Burner / Scrubber unit GP - Nom. size: 500Nm3/h-7 Incl. pneumatic panel A 2
1901 260-10 1 M1361-001 Oil nozzle, main burner 60° - 7,5 USG/H Spare B 2
1902 260-20 1 M0105-002 Oil nozzle, ignition burner Type F80, 1 GPH - 80°R Connect: 9/16" 24 UNEF Spare B 0
1903 260-30 1 N9345-001 Flexible oil hose, 3/8" Dunlop Hiflex 122 (EN853 Connect: M18x1,5 L=1m Spare B 2
1904 260-40 1 N9341-001 Flexible oil hose, 1/4" Dunlop Hiflex 122 (EN853 Connect: M16x1,5 L=1m Spare B 2
1905 260-50 1 M0150-001 Insert for fuel oil filter Basket element - 250 mikron Spare B 0
1907 260-60 1 M3586-001 Ignition glow plug 12V Type GH 408 Connection M14 x 1,25 Spare B 0
1931 260-70 1 M1952-001 Ball bearing 6208-2Z/C3 Spare B 2
1932 260-80 1 M1952-001 Ball bearing 6208-2Z/C3 Spare B 2
1933 260-90 1 M1443-001 Ball bearing 6204-2Z/C3 Spare B 2
1934 260-100 1 M2597-001 Ball bearing 6203-2Z/C3 Spare B 2

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Hamworthy Moss AS
Ordre no: 130959 Chapter: 10
Drawing no.: Rev: Description:

130959-110-01 Main Control Panel, touch screen, panel layout

130959-110-02 Main Control Panel, touch screen, start
130959-110-03 Main Control Panel, touch screen, alarm indication
130959-112-01 Main Control Panel, C.D., Parts list
130959-112-02 Main Control Panel, C.D., PLC layout
130959-112-03 Main Control Panel, C.D., Power/Signal distribution
130959-112-04 Main Control Panel, C.D., Digital signals
130959-112-05 Main Control Panel, C.D., Digital signals
130959-112-06 Main Control Panel, C.D., Digital signals
130959-112-07 Main Control Panel, C.D., Digital signals
130959-112-08 Main Control Panel, C.D., Analogue signals
130959-112-09 Main Control Panel, C.D., Analogue signals
130959-114-01 Local Control Panel, T.G., panel layout
130959-114-02 Local Control Panel, T.G., circuit diagram
130959-114-03 Local Control Panel, T.G., touch screen, local start
130959-114-04 Local Control Panel, T.G., touch screen, local alarms
130959-117-01 Sub Panel for ECR, term. list X16
130959-118-01 Sub Panel for Wheel House, Term. List X15
130959-120-01 Customer’s Cable Connection
130959-122-01 Alarm/Stop Description
130959-124-01 Power Distribution Panel, Term. List X3
130959-125-01 Intrinsic Safe Panel, Term. List X13, X14
130959-127-01 Starter Blower No. 1, Item 241
130959-127-02 Starter Blower No. 1, circuit diagram
130959-128-01 Starter Blower No. 2, Item 242
130959-128-02 Starter Blower No. 2, circuit diagram
Hamworthy Moss AS
Order no: 130959 Chapter: 10
Drawing no.: Rev: Description:

130959-133-01 Starter Fuel Oil Pump, item 243-G

130959-138-01 Starter Generator Blower, item 241-G
130959-150-01 Program Control Time Sequence, Flue Gas mode
130959-150-02 Program Control Time Sequence, Air vent mode
130959-150-03 Program Control Time Sequence, TG mode
130959-152-01 Term. box X4 and conn. on pneum. panel
130959-156-01 Main control panel, Manual override
Hamworthy Moss AS
Ordre no: 130959 Chapter: 11
Item: Item nos.:

Flue Gas Topping UP

Butterfly valves, actuators, positioner, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,
lever handle, solenoid valves, Gear, 10, 11, 47, 48 5, 6, 50
Limit switch, Ball valve 53 153 11 - 1/66
Uptake valve 24, 26 11 - 67
Shut off valve 30, 39, 34, 86 11 - 69
Test cock valve 40, 41, 42 40, 41 11 - 72
Non return valve 64 66, 69 11 - 74
Fuel Oil filter 81 11 - 77
Motor for blower, F.O. Pump 103, 104 83, 109 11 - 87
Blower 110 11 - 134
Fuel oil pump, Oil nozzle main burner 82, 86 11 - 153
Blower w/resilient mounting 100, 101,105, 106 11 - 156
Flexible bellow 107, 108 11 - 164
Solenoid valves 141 152, 156, 157, 11 - 165
Indicator 182, 188, 204, 220 11 - 171
Pressure gauge 160, 161, 163, 161, 162, 164, 11 - 174
167, 164, 169 165
Level switch 193, 194 191, 193 11 - 179
Pressure Switch 184, 187, 189 180, 184 11 - 186
Pressure Switch 183 185
Temperature Switch 192 11 - 196
Flame fail detector 200 11 - 199
Flow meter 202 11 - 201
Thermometer 175, 176, 177, 175, 178, 179 11 - 206
178, 179
Span gas bottle 206, 207 11 - 209
Hamworthy Moss AS
Order no: 130959 Chapter: 11
Item:: Item nos.:

Flue Gas Topping UP

2-Pen recorder 217 11 - 213
Universal transmitter 204, 200 11 - 221
Press. transmitter 182 220 11 - 223
Temp. transmitter 188 11 - 232
Intrisic safe relay IY 182, 187 11 - 233
Programmable controller 235 11 - 239
Hydro Carbon/O2 analyser - portable 256 11 - 247
Reduction valve w/filter 262 11 - 266
Vacuum valve 264 11 - 268
Flame Arrestor 265 11 - 269

Type: SBS3500-IG-M-AX4-HM
Part no.: SBS3500– 00756.

Hamworthy Moss AS • Vaerftsgt. • PO. Box 1053 • NO-1510 Moss • Norway

Tel.: +47 69279900 • Fax: +45 69254578 • e-mail: [email protected]

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

I PREFACE........................................................................................................................................... 3
I.1 ABOUT THE MANUAL .................................................................................................................... 3
I.2 ABOUT THE SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................... 3
I.3 COMPANY ADDRESSES .................................................................................................................. 4
I.4 INTRODUCTION TO SBS3500 ........................................................................................................... 5
I.5 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 6
I.5.1 Analyzer Board..................................................................................................................... 6
I.5.2 Optional equipment .............................................................................................................. 6
I.6 TYPE APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................... 7
II INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................... 9
II.1 CONTROL AT DELIVERY ................................................................................................................ 9
II.2 LOCATION AND INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................... 9
II.2.1 Safety Aspects..................................................................................................................... 10
II.2.2 Electrical connections ........................................................................................................ 11
II.2.3 Analyzer Board................................................................................................................... 13
II.2.4 Connection ......................................................................................................................... 13
II.2.5 Sample gas connection ....................................................................................................... 13
II.2.6 Calibration gas connection ................................................................................................ 13
II.2.7 Electrical connection.......................................................................................................... 13
II.3 COMMISSION OF SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 14
II.3.1 Pre-checks:......................................................................................................................... 15
II.3.2 Start of system .................................................................................................................... 15
III OPERATION................................................................................................................................ 17
III.1 CALIBRATION OXYGEN SIGNAL .................................................................................................. 17
III.1.2 Manual calibration procedure ........................................................................................... 18
III.1.3 Automatic calibration (Optional) ....................................................................................... 19
III.1.4 Artificial calibration........................................................................................................... 19
III.2 CALIBRATION OPTIONAL AUX. INPUTS ....................................................................................... 20
III.3 SETTING OF OUTPUT SIGNAL ....................................................................................................... 21
III.4 SETTING OF OUTPUT RANGE ........................................................................................................ 21
III.5 SETTING OF ALARM LIMITS ......................................................................................................... 22
III.6 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................ 22
III.6.1 Sample and test selection ................................................................................................... 22
III.6.2 Bubble glass and flow control ............................................................................................ 22
III.6.3 Analyzer.............................................................................................................................. 23
IV TROUBLE-SHOOTING: ............................................................................................................ 25

V SPARE PART LIST......................................................................................................................... 27

VI APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 29
VI.1 HOOKUP INFORMATION POWER BOARD .................................................................................. 31
VI.2 PROGRAM STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................ 32
VI.3 OXYGEN ANALYZER BOARD ................................................................................................... 37
VI.4 PIPING & CONNECTION DIAGRAM ........................................................................................... 39
VI.5 OUTPUT SIGNAL CHARGE ........................................................................................................ 41
VI.6 QUICK GUIDE -CALIBRATION .................................................................................................. 43

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

I Preface

I.1 About the Manual

This Manual contains data and instructions for the installation, operation and maintenance of the
SBS 3500 Oxygen Monitoring System.

The instructions have been made in general terms and does not take into consideration the
existing equipment and installation, as such the instruction manual is designed for the oxygen

The Manual does not describe all possible situations but only the most common and known
situations, and cannot replace the necessary instruction and education of the personnel.

Should situations not described in the Manual occur, which cannot be solved in accordance with
normal known practice and good workmanship, the operator should contact Hamworthy Moss
AS for instructions.

Hamworthy Moss reserves the right to minor alterations and improvements owing to
developments without being obliged to enter the corresponding changes in this Manual.

In all correspondence or when ordering spare parts, be careful to state equipment type
and fabrication no.

It should be pointed out that installation and operation of the SBS 3500 Oxygen Monitoring
System and associated equipment should be carried out by skilled, trained and certified
personnel, and that SBS Technology A/S does not take any responsibility of the operation of the
system and associated equipment whatsoever.

I.2 About the System

The SBS3500 Oxygen Monitoring System is designed to measure the content of oxygen in Inert
Gasses. The system is arranged on a common board and consists of the following main

• Sampling manifold and test gas reduction stations

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

• Selector valve with four (4) position ports, enabling selection between e.g. three (3) sample
point and one (1) calibration and test gases.

• Calibration gas selection with two (2) ports, enabling selection between two types of
calibration gases, e.g. ambient 20.9% clean instrument air (span) and 2.0% test gas (zero).

• Sampling system with manual flow control valve, filer, bubble glass and oxygen sensor.

• Oxygen analyzing.

I.3 Company addresses

All claims, questions and inquiries for spares to be addressed to the supplier:

Hamworthy Moss AS
Vaerftsgt. 13
P.O. Box 1053
1510 NO-1510 Moss

Tel: +47 69279900

Fax: +47 69254578

E-mail: [email protected]

I.4 Introduction to SBS3500
The SBS3500 Oxygen Monitoring System is used to monitor the oxygen content in Inert gases.
The compact design provides a wide range of configuration possibilities, outstanding
performance and reliable on-line monitoring.

The SBS3500 is more than just an analyzer. Oxygen monitoring is also sample selection,
sample conditioning, display and visualization.

The zirconium oxide oxygen analyzers have long been established as industry standards. The
SBS3500 is based on a new type of industrial sensors, which can be used in a wide measuring

The sensor element is on one side exposed to the inert gas and on the other side to fresh air.
Difference in oxygen concentration on the two sides of the zirconia ceramic element will at high
temperature result in ionic flow through the sensor material. Because of the transportation of
ions a small electrical voltage originates. The detected signal on the opposing surfaces of the
zirconia sensor is a picture of the actual oxygen concentration in the sample gas and is used for
further processing in the analyzer.


Inert Gas

Figure 1. Transmitter

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

I.5 Specifications

I.5.1 Analyzer Board

Measurement system Heated Zirconia type sensor
Measurement range 0,2 to 21% (selectable range)
Specification area @ 0 to + 55° C
Sample pressure 0.05 to 1 bar - 1/8”connection
Sample temperature 0° C to 65° C
Digital display LED type 5 digits 17x 12 mm
Power Supply 220-230 VAC 50-60Hz or 110-130 VAC 50-60 Hz
Consumption 30 VA per analyzer (during calibration 50 VA)
Output signal converter 4-20 mA–range selectable of full measuring range
Load output (Max.) 20 mA/200 ohm/4 VDC
System interface Calibration, run, 4 output relays, flow,
Response time 90 % of full scale in 10 sec.
Repeatability 0.1 % of reading
Accuracy 0.1 % of reading
Alarm high or low O2 level Volt free relay 250 VAC/ 8A
Zero adjustment Manual
Span adjustment Manual

Sample manifold 3 ports - 1/8” connection

Sample selector valve 5-way and 4-position switching valve SS 316
Test gas selector valve 3-way and 2-position switching valve SS 316
Span gas reduction regulator Pressure range: 0.2 bar to 8.5 bar - 1/8”connection
Zero gas reduction station Pressure range: 0.2 bar to 8.5 bar - 1/8”connection
Tubing SS 6/2 mm
Flow control valve 8 turn control valve
Filter retention 95% of 1µm particles
Flow rate probe About 200 ml/ min
Dimensions analyzing board 600mm x 500 mm x 120 mm (H x W x D)
Weight Approximately 11.0 Kg without water

M.E.D. Conformity Marking EC Notification body no. 0062

I.5.2 Optional equipment

Flow alarm,
Remote display with alarm relays
Visualization and data logging
Auto and self calibration
Monitoring of IGS temp. & pressure

For dimensions and assembly see appendix VI.4

Specifications subject to changes without notice

I.6 Type Approval

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring


Read this chapter in its entirety before installing the system.

II.1 Control at delivery

Upon receipt of the SBS3500 Oxygen Monitoring System, inspect and confirm that the received
scope of supply is in accordance with the packing list and not damaged. Any discrepancy
should be reported to the suppler immediately. If any of the received parts are damaged the
shipping company should be informed and new parts made available before completing the

II.2 Location and installation

Satisfactory operation of the SBS3500, faultless functions and minimal maintenance is achieved
by paying attention to the following notes:

1. The equipment should be installed in a clean area away from dust, oil mist and
moisture. The system elements should all be installed at viewing level in an area with
good access for operating and servicing the system.

2. It is recommended that the analyzing panel is located near to the sampling point in order
to have current and accurate readings. Long and large bore sample lines will increase
the responds time due to dead volume.

3. The location and installation of the system must be chosen so that the ambient
temperature at any time is below 55°C.

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

II.2.1 Safety Aspects

The SBS3500 analyzer is only suitable for installation in a safe non-hazardous area.

The SBS3500 analyzer is not suitable for use with flammable sample gases.

Do not attempt welding or carry out hot-work without prior approval.

The O2 probe is hot and can cause severe burning to personals if not handled with care

Power supply!
Ensure that main supplies are switched off when connecting to the analyzer equipment.
Read the instruction carefully to ensure correct connection of all power and signal leads.

Ensure that the correct AC voltage is connected to the analyzer. See rating marked on the
transformer inside the analyzer or on the analyzer name plate.

For compliance with the EMC product standard EN50270 the connection cables for the
main supply, relays, interface and analog output signals should be shielded or provide
equivalent protection. Special precautions have to be taken for “long” signal or control
lines of more than 30 M.

Circuit breaker!
The installation must include a means of isolating electrical power by a switch or circuit breaker
external to the analyzer and within reach of operator. It must be clearly marked.

Installation and fault Finding!

Electrical installation and fault finding on the analyzing system should only be undertaken
by a suitable trained and qualified engineer.

Protective earth!
The analyzer must be connected to protective earth.

All electrical connections and power supply fuse FUH-1, are accessed on the lower part of the
power board inside the analyzer. To gain access the top cover on the analyzer must be unbolted
using standard 6-8 mm screwdriver. To work on the analyzer or termination the interconnection
ribbon may be disconnection on the based board.

II.2.2 Electrical connections

Full specifications to the connection terminals are given in following connection table II.

Only those functions to be used shall be connected.

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

Power Supply – connections (JS-1) Terminals-marking

AC power supply Protective earth Spade
Selectable by transformer 110 Neutral N
VAC or 220 VAC 50/60 Hz Live P
30 VA maximum

Oxygen sensor – connections (JS-2) Terminals-marking

Sensor outer electrode IPE – Sensor 1 JS-2 terminal 1 (Brown) 1
Sensor inner electrode VM – Sensor 2 JS-2 terminal 2 (White) 2
Sensor reference electrode UN – Sensor 3 JS-2 terminal 3 (Blue) 3
EMC screening Ground JS-2 terminal 4 (None)
Sensor heating U+ sensor 4 JS-2 terminal 5 (Black) 4
Sensor heating U- sensor 5 JS-2 terminal 6 (Gray) 5

Interface – connections (JS-3) Terminals-marking

Analog output 0/4-20 mA (+) JS-3 terminal 1
Analog output Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 2
AUX. Input 1 0-22 mA(+) JS-3 terminal 3
AUX. Input 1 Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 4
AUX. Input 2 0-22 mA (+) JS-3 terminal 6
AUX. Input 2 Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 8
AUX. Input 3 0-22 mA (+) JS-3 terminal 7
AUX. Input 3 Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 8
Digital input opto. supply Common 12 V sup-ply JS-3 terminal 5
Digital input opto supply to opto-coubler JS-3 terminal 9
Digital input 1 Calibration gas span JS-3 terminal 10
Digital input 1 OK (closed) JS-3 terminal 14
Digital input 2 Calibration gas zero JS-3 terminal 11
Digital input 2 OK (closed) JS-3 terminal 14
Digital input 3 IGS running signal JS-3 terminal 12
Digital input 3 OK (closed) JS-3 terminal 14
Digital input 4 Start calibration JS-3 terminal 13
Digital input 4 Start (closed) JS-3 terminal 14

Relay – connections (JP-1) Terminals-marking

Relay 1 - Auto calibration Zero cal. JP-1 terminal 1
Relay 1 – Open during zero cal. Zero cal. JP-1 terminal 2 (common)
Relay 2 – Auto calibration Span cal. JP-1 terminal 3
Relay 2 – Open during span cal. Span cal. JP-1 terminal 4 (common)
Relay 3 – Auto calibration Sample valve JP-1 terminal 5
Relay 3 – Closed during cal. Sample valve JP-1 terminal 6 (common)
Relay 4 – Alarm output Alarm common JP-1 terminal 7
Relay 4 – Alarm output Alarm common JP-1 terminal 8
Table II.2.2

Connection’s in BOLD are basic connections. All other connections are to be considered

II.2.3 Analyzer Board
The analyzer board is supplied with two (2) angle iron mounting brackets. The brackets are
made from ordinary mild steel and can bee directly welded or bolted to chosen location
structure as required. For dimensions and layout see appendix VI.4

The two mounting brackets must be mounted horizontal and parallel with a distance of 580 mm.

II.2.4 Connection
Assuming the above Boards is now installed in an appropriate location, we are now ready to
connect the system with sample gas, calibration gas and power.

II.2.5 Sample gas connection

The sample gas has to be taken from a suitable location representing the gas to be tested.

The connection for sample gas is arranged on the left upper corner of the system board at the
sample manifold. Up to three (3) samples can be connected to the manifold. The three
Connection of sample connections are all arranged as 1/8” female connection’s, and marked from bottom 1, 2 and 3.
gas 1 and sample gas 2
The system is supplied with the manifold sample port 2 and 3 plugged.

II.2.6 Calibration gas connection

For test and calibration a calibration gas with known oxygen content is used, e.g. a test gas
with 2% oxygen content in pure nitrogen. For linearization or span clean and dry compressed
instrument air are normally used. Both gasses are connected direct to respective reduction
Connection of span and
stations. The lower reduction station with filter and drain is for the span gas (instrument air)
zero calibration gas. and the upper reduction station without filter is for the zero gas. Connections for both reduction
stations are 1/8” female connection’s.

II.2.7 Electrical connection

The electrical connection’s are dependant on the actual system configuration. The connection
terminals are all located on the lower part of the power board. The terminals are marked as
• Power supply (JS-1)
• Oxygen sensor (JS-2)
• Interface connections and I/O’s (JS-3)
• Relay outputs: (JP-1)
For further reference see appendix VI and table II.2.2

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

Power supply
Before connecting the power supply to terminal JS-1 terminal 1-2, check power supply rating
marked on the name plat on the side of the analyzer. The power supply rating for the analyzer
must correspond with power supply available and in accordance with the specifications for the

Power supply connection

Oxygen sensor to the right.
The system is arranged with the sensor connection terminal JS-2 pre-wired down to the 5
poles female sensor connection.

Interfaces and I/O’s

The system interface and input/output connections are all to be connected to JS3 terminals 1-14.

As a standard configuration the following pre-wiring has been arranged:

Connection 5-9 = Internal power supply for opto couplers
Connection 10-14 = Interface span calibration gas OK
Connection 11-14 = Interface zero calibration gas OK
Connection 12-14 = Interface system ON. With open connection and P0200=0 the system will
Interface connections
switch to stand by mode with half sensor power.

The following connections will have to be arranged:

Signal output 0/4-20 mA = connection 1-2
Aux. input 1 0/4-20 mA 0 Connection 3-4 (optional)
Aux. input 2 0/4-20 mA 0 Connection 6-8 (optional)
Aux. input 3 0/4-20 mA 0 Connection 7-8 (optional)

Relay outputs
The power board is arranged with four (4) relay outputs connected to JP1 terminals 1-8.
Relay 1, 2 and 3 are optionally functions for automatic calibration and relay 4 as a common
alarm relay. All relay functions are connected with normal open function

Relay 1 is connected to terminals 1-2 = solenoid valve for Zero gas (low cal.) Terminal for relay output
Relay 2 is connected to terminals 3-4 = Solenoid valve for Span gas (high cal.)
Relay 3 is connected to terminals 5-6 = Solenoid valve for Sample gas
Relay 4 is connected to terminals 7-8 = Common alarm analyzer

When the monitoring system is arranged for automatic calibration the power supply for the
solenoid valves are normally taken after the fuse elements inside the analyzer. The 0.5 AT fuse
inside the analyzer can be replace with up to 2.0 A fuse when solenoid valve are powered from
the analyzer.

For connection of optional solenoid valves see appendix VI.5

II.3 Commission of system

Before starting the system for the first time after completing the installation check and confirm
that all gas and electrical connections are carried out according to instruction and in accordance
with good installation practice.

II.3.1 Pre-checks:
• Check that the span and zero calibration gases are connected and that all connections
are secured and not leaking. A leaking connection will result in loss of calibration gas
and may result in poor calibration.

• Check that the sample gases are connected and that the connections are secured and not
leaking. Sample gas connections should be as close to the process as possible and
preferably made from 6 mm stainless piping in order to reduce the dead volume in the
sampling system. If the sample gas is heavily contaminated pre-filter should be
installed. The sample gas has to be taken from a suitable location representing the gas to
be tested.

II.3.2 Start of system

• Switch on the power supply. During the heating up of the oxygen-probe the display will
indicate an increasing oxygen content and will after 1-2 minutes start to stabilize. After
10 minutes when the sensor temperature has reached its operation temperature the
oxygen readings are to be considered stable.

• Fill up the bubble glass with clean water. About ¾ filled or ¼ above the center line
marked inside the glass

• With the IG system blower running turn the selector valve to sample port to be selected,

• Open the flow control valve slowly until bubbles a noted. Open the flow control valve
so much there is a steady stream of bubbles from both the by-pass and sample return
pipes, placed inside the bubble glass. The left pipe is for by-passing of sample gas and
secure a better flow rate. The right pipe is the return of sample gas from the probe(s).
Increased flow indicating by more bubbles from both pipes will reduce the sampling
delay time.

• The gas flow passing the probe(s) must be adjusted so that the temperature of the probe
will not be affected. Too high velocity will change the probe temperature and
consequently the readings.

• Turn the selector valve to test and the calibration selector valve to zero and calibrate the
zero gas reduction station to about 0.2 bar and until the flow is about the same as noted
for the sample gas by observing the bubble flow.

• Turn the calibration selector valve to span calibration gas and adjust the span gas
reduction station to about 0.2 bar and until the flow is about the same as noted for the
sample gas by observing the bubble flow.

• Re-calibration, or test of calibration can be performed when the probe temperature has
reach normal operating temperature and the indication has stabilized. Normally after 10
minutes after starting the system. Calibration is carried out as described in paragraph

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

III Operation

This chapter describes the calibration of the SBS3500 system and routine maintenance. After
completing the installation and before putting the system into operating the system shall be
calibrated using known calibration gas. For the optional 0/4-20 mA Aux. inputs 1-3 the
calibration is based on input range and scale required.

III.1 Calibration Oxygen signal

After switching power on the analyzer readings shall have stabilized, before starting calibration,
which normal will take place after about 10 minutes of warm up time.

The analyzer is arranged for manual calibration and optional automatic calibration. In addition
the analyzer can be artificial calibration. However, artificial calibration should only be used for
quick check and can not replace certified calibration gas.

The zero and span calibration gas is introduced to the analyzer via pressure reduction stations
and the selector valve and sampling system via the normal flow direction.

The pressure and flow rate of the zero and span gas used to calibrate the analyzer must not
exceed 8 bar and flow should be as normally used for sample gas. In order to prevent
excessive pressure inside the bubble glass the sample outlet from analyzer and bubble gas
must be vented directly to atmosphere.

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

III.1.2 Manual calibration procedure

The zero calibration gas to be used shall be pure nitrogen with a known amount of oxygen,
typically 1-3%.

The certified oxygen content in the zero calibration gas shall be programmed into the analyzer,
see program structure or routing diagram function P0405 and change value accordingly.
Note: For artificial calibration the P0405 value shall be 0% oxygen.

Introduce zero calibration gas to the analyzer by moving selector valve to position test gas and
select Zero gas. Check zero calibration pressure on the pressure regulating valve Max. 0.05 MPa
Waite for the zero value reading to stabilize, e.g. 2% oxygen reading and then push the E and
Select calibration gas for
ARROW DOWN simultaneously for 5 sec. To save the new zero setting push E again. span or zero calibration

The span calibration gas to be used shall be good quality clean dry instrument air with oxygen
content of 20.9% is recommended.

The span oxygen content in the span calibration gas shall be programmed into the analyzer, see
program structure or routing diagram function P0406 and change value to 20.9% for normal
instrument air.
Note: For artificial calibration the P0406 value shall be 20.9 % oxygen. Manual calibration of the
low value (zero) when
zero gas is introduced.

Introduce the 20.9 % span calibration gas to the analyzer by moving selector valve to position
Span Gas. Check Span calibration pressure on the pressure regulating valve, max. 0.05MPa
Waite for the span value reading to stabilize, e.g. 20.9 % oxygen reading and then push the E
and ARROW UP simultaneously for 5 sec. To save the new zero setting push E again.

The calibration should be checked weekly or as needed according to the application. Manual calibration of the
High value (span) when
span gas is introduced.

Manual calibration of the

High value (span) when
span gas is introduced.

III.1.3 Automatic calibration (Optional)

If the analyzer is arranged with the optional possibility to carry our automatic calibration the
selector board is equipped with three (3) solenoid valves.

First change P=414 to 0 = use known zero calibration gas e.g. 2% (Save by ENTER)
Next set P0405 to e.g. 2 % and P0406 to 20.9 % (SAVE by ENTER)

Start the calibration in menu P0300 by changing the value to 1 and save.

The calibration will now start with calibrating first LOW and then HIGH. If the calibration takes
a long time the it is because the oxygen signal takes too long time to stabilize. The time required
for stable signal is set in menu P0415. Default the value is 10 seconds. On the other hand if the
stabilizing time is too short the calibration will not be correct as the signal has hot had the
required time to stabilize.

If the IGS monitoring system is equipped with two (2) analyzers the calibration will have to take
place one at the time. Two analyzers cannot be calibrated at the same time.

During automatic calibration observe the zero and span gas flow is sufficient and bubbles
flows from both tubes in the bubble glass.

III.1.4 Artificial calibration

The analyzer is arranged with the possibility to carry out an artificial calibration. However,
artificial calibration should only be used for quick check and cannot replace manual and
automatic calibration with known and certified calibration gasses.

Artificial calibration is carried out as follows:

First change P=414 to 1 = use 0% and air (Save by ENTER)

Next set P0405 to 0% and P0406 to 20.9 % (SAVE by ENTER)

During artificial calibration the sensors have to be exposed to ambient air with an oxygen
content of 20.9 % otherwise the calibration will not be correct. Select test and span gas.
Start the calibration in
menu P0300 by
changing the value to 1
Start the calibration in menu P0300 by changing the value to 1 and save.
and save.
The calibration will now start with calibrating first LOW and then HIGH. If the calibration takes
a long time the it is because the oxygen signal takes too long time to stabilize. The time required
for stable signal is set in menu P0415. Default the value is 10 seconds.

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

III.2 Calibration Optional Aux. Inputs

The analyzer is optional arranged with three (3) 0/4-20 mA auxiliary inputs. The inputs can be
configured for most input requirements such as temperature, pressure and load.

The auxiliary inputs are referred to as:

AUX 1 = Analog input 2 (Display: ⊏)
AUX 2 = Analog input 3 (Display: S)
AUX 3 = Analog input 4 (Display: L)
Display range 0.0 to 999.9
The display range, is selected by the Min. and Max. value in sub-menus.

The min. values are set in: P0405, P0505, P0605 and P0705(P0505 & P0506
The max. values are set in: P0406, P0506, P0606 and P0706(P0505 & P0506

The 0-22 mA current analog input signal is in the AD-converter with a 12 bit resolution or 4096

AUX – 1 (terminal input JS-3 terminals 3 and 4)

The calibration of the input signal AUX 1 is done in steps by connecting a known LO-value
current to the input and pressing ENTER in the Zero cal. Menu P0507 to accept the low–end
calibration value.

Next connect a known HI-value current on the input, and press ENTER in the span cal. menu
P0508 to accept the high-end calibration value.

The Min. /Max.- values at the menu P0505 and P0506 are used for conversion of the raw data
into the required scale and range.

AUX – 2 (terminal input JS-3 terminals 5 and 6)

The calibration of the input signal AUX 2 is done in steps by connecting a known LO-value
current to the input and pressing ENTER in the Zero cal. Menu P0607 to accept the low–end
calibration value.

Next connect a known HI-value current on the input, and press ENTER in the span cal. menu
P0608 to accept the high-end calibration value.

The Min. /Max.- values at the menu P0605 and P0606 are used for conversion of the raw data
into the required scale and range.

AUX – 3 (input JS-3 terminals 7 and 8)

The calibration of the input signal AUX 3 is done in steps by connecting a known LO-value
current to the input and pressing ENTER in the Zero cal. Menu P0707 to accept the low–end
calibration value.

Next connect a known HI-value current on the input, and press ENTER in the span cal. menu
P0708 to accept the high-end calibration value.

The Min. /Max.- values at the menu P0705 and P0706 are used for conversion of the raw data
into the required scale and range.

III.3 Setting of output signal

(Output JS-3 terminals 1 and 2)
The isolated 4-20 mA analogue output signal can be adjusted in program structure P0807 for
zero and P0808 for span. The zero value P0807 is normally in the range 150 to 200 and the span
value in the range 950to 1000. First the output range, output type and range must be selected in
the following steps.

1. Connect a current meter with the range 0 to 20 mA between terminals JS3-1(+) and
JS3-2 (-)
2. Set the output range P0801 to 1 = enabling 4-20 mA output signal
3. Set output selection P0802 to 1=oxygen, 2=Aux 1., 3=Aux 2, 4=Aux 3
4. Set Min. value P0805 to 0.0 (Example for oxygen signal output)
5. Set Max. value P0806 to 20.9 (Example for oxygen signal output)

Apply zero calibration gas e.g. 2% oxygen content to the analyser at the correct pressure and
flow rate. When the readings has stabilised adjust the zero value P0807 for 5 mA output signal
based 2 % oxygen level, see signal charge under appendix.

Then apply span calibration gas in the form of clean instrument air (20.9%) to the analyser at
the correct pressure and flow rate. When the readings has stabilised adjust the span value P0808
for 20 mA output signal.

For further references see appendix Error! Reference source not found. and Program structure

III.4 Setting of output range

The isolated 4-20 mA analogue output signal can be ranged in program structure P0805 for Min.
value and P0806 for Max. value. The range is pre-set P0805 for Min. value = 0 and P0806 for
Max. value = 20.9.

The range can be changed in both the Min. and Max. area. Normally only the Max. setting is

The output signal shall correspond to external requirements for input signal and range.

For further references see appendix VI , program structure.

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

III.5 Setting of alarm limits

The analyzer is arranged with a common alarm output relay (DO-4).
The alarm can be enabled for the oxygen signal and the three (3) aux. Inputs, see menu
structure. Further the probe service module is arranged with alarm functions.

When one of the alarms are energized the display will indicate the alarm e.g. high Oxygen
content P0404. When pressing the enter key the oxygen content will be displayed.

The Alarm values are set by first entering the MENU and the entering the submenu where the
alarm values are to changed e.g. P0404 high oxygen level.

By using the ARROW-UP ad ARROW-DOWN the alarm setting is changed.

After changing the alarm value to the required level return to upper level by pressing ENTER
and then MENU. On return you will be asked to save the new setting. If you want to save the
setting press Enter to confirm the new settings.

Before shipment the analyzer alarm was set as per standard default values, see menu
configuration sheet.

III.6 Routine Maintenance

III.6.1 Sample and test selection
The system with the selector valve’s, and optional solenoid valves is tested from factory. For the
selector valve packing adjustment may be required for leak-tight performance. Warning:
Failure to periodically inspect and maintain valve packing may lead to product malfunction.
Adjusting the packing by turning the packing bolt clockwise in 1/16-turn increments until leak-
tight performance is achieved. Always verify proper operation upon installation.

Periodical check the reduction stations and connection for leaks. Max. allowed pressure for the
reduction stations is 8 Bar and temperature 60 °C. Depressurize the reduction stations before
cleaning and service. Clean with neutral detergent. Prevent the reduction units from the
ultraviolet rays and adhesion of organic solvents.

III.6.2 Bubble glass and flow control

The system with flow control valve, filter, bubble glass and sensor is tested from factory.
The filter element located on top of the bubble glass will require periodical replacement.
The period between changes to be determent based on actual sample condition and how
dirty the filter gets. When changing the filter the sample flow control valve must be
closed or system completely isolated from the sample or calibration gas while the filter
element is being changed. The filter element is removed by unscrewing the filter top using 6
mm allen-key. Check the condition of the O-ring seals and replace if required, see spare part

It is recommend to drain the bubble glass monthly and re-fill with clean distilled water.
The bubble glass may need internal cleaning and O-rings replaces as required for leak free
operation. Clean with neutral detergent. Prevent the glass from ultraviolet rays and adhesion of
organic solvents. For spare parts see spare part list.
Check daily the level in the bubble glass and re-fill with clean distilled water as required.

III.6.3 Analyzer
The Analyzer is tested from factory.
The analyzer does not require any special maintenance. Dirt and oil on the surface of the
analyzer (s) to be removed carefully using neutral detergent and clean dry rag.

For calibration and change of settings see above and appendix VI, settings and quick Guide-

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring


Trouble-shooting should always be carried out by trained and certified personnel. The SBS3500
Oxygen Monitoring System is connected to hazardous electric voltages, which can cause severe
personal injury or mechanical damage if not handled correctly and in accordance with normal
safety regulations.

Trouble: Possible cause:

No Display at all – Black: No power supply
Fuse has blown inside the analyzer 0.5 AT
Check power supply is the power supply correct voltage

Display only indicating The interface signal terminal JS-3 terminal 12-14 is open
dotted line: and the analyzer is configured for st.-by mode, see P0200.
----- (0=st-by mode - 1=ON all the time)
Close terminal 12-14 or change st-by mode to ON all the
time in program P0200 and save

Display only indication 0.0 No signal from probe. Check probe connection both at the
0.0 analyzer and probe end.
Bad probe. Change the probe with spare probe.
Bad connection: Repair or change connection cable

Flicking FAIL and then a Fail means failure or alarm. The FAIL follows by a
program no. e.g P0404 program no. indicating the alarms.
P0403 = Alarm low oxygen
F AI L P0404 = Alarm high oxygen
P0503 = Alarm low Aux.1 signal (P0603 and P0703)
P0504 = Alarm high Aux 1 signal (P0604 and P0704)
Alarms for low cal. and Runtime
P04 04 see P9803, P9804 & P9805
Alarms disable = P0402-P0502- P0602- P0702=0
Alarms enable = P0402-P0502- P0602- P0702=1

Alarm automatic reset = P0100 = 1

Alarm manual reset = P0100 = 0 (ENTER for reset)

Incorrect indication of Oxygen The calibration may have been incorrect applied. Check
level. calibration and go back to workable range. Re-calibrate
11.6 the analyzer, see III.1
If normal manual calibration is not working try artificial
calibration first. See III.1

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

Incorrect remote display and Check display range setting P0805 and P0806
recording Check and re-calibrate the output signal, see chapter III.3

Incorrect signal output, resulting Overloading of the output signal. The analyzer can power
in wrong display of oxygen level up to 200 ohm load without using signal repeater or
on remote instrumentation. signal amplifier.

Extended trouble: Possible cause:

No display despite power supply The analyzer is defect.
and fuse is found OK The analyzer

Can not calibrate the analyzer The oxygen cell may be may out of order
despite calibration procedure is The sensor cable is damaged
followed correctly The analyzer is defect

V Spare Part list

Item Part ID Part Description Picture Parts incl.

1 00328 O-ring for IG-sensor

2 00331 Bubble glass complete

3 00354 Finger nut, stainless st.

4 00358 Selector valve sample/test gases

5 00373 O-ring set filter house

6 00379 Bubble glass tube

7 00380 Sample filter glass

8 00390 Sensor complete with O-ring/disc.

9 00395 Spare filter set (5pcs.)

10 00403 Span gas filter regulator

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

11 00404 Zero gas regulator

12 00407 Cover plate – sensor SS

13 00477 Sensor cable complete

14 00493 Fuse for analyzer 0.5AT

15 00605 Gasket for drain plug

16 00754 Gasket set bubble glass

17 00728 Oxygen analyzer 220VAC-HA

18 00739 Selector valve test gases

19 00745 Flow control valve, 1/8”

20 00749 Oxygen analyzer 110 VAC-HA

21 00753 Quick Guide-Calibration

22 00755 Installation Manual

23 00756 Installation & Operating instruction

Optional equipment
24 00592 Signal converter (4-20 mA)


SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

VI.1 Hookup Information Power Board

Protective earth

Protective earth Spade

Neutral Live N
Power lead P

U-sensor 5 (Gray) GY JS-2 terminal 6

U+ sensor 4 (Black) BK JS-2 terminal 5
Ground (Non) JS-2 terminal 4
UN – Sensor 3 (Blue) BU JS-2 terminal 3
REF–Sensor 2 (White) WH JS-2 terminal 2
IPE– Sensor 1 (Brown) BN JS-2 terminal 1

Start Calibration (closed) JS-3 terminal 14

Calibration start JS-3 terminal 13
IGS running (closed) JS-3 terminal 14
IGS running signal JS-3 terminal 12
Calibration gas zero OK JS-3 terminal 14
(closed) JS-3 terminal 11
Calibration gas span OK JS-3 terminal 14
(closed) JS-3 terminal 10
opto-coubler power supply JS-3 terminal 9
Common 12 V sup-ply to JS-3 terminal 5
Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 8
AUX 3 0-22 mA (+) JS-3 terminal 7
Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 8
AUX 2 0-22 mA (+) JS-3 terminal 6
Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 4
AUX 1 sensor (+) JS-3 terminal 3
Common AGND (-) JS-3 terminal 2
0/4-20 mA (+) Output JS-3 terminal 1

Alarm common (R-4) JP-1 terminal 8

Closed during alarm JP-1 terminal 7
Sample Valve (R-3) JP-1 terminal 6
Closed during calibration JP-1 terminal 5
Span calibration (R-2) JP-1 terminal 4
Open during span cal. JP-1 terminal 3
Zero Calibration (R-1) JP-1 terminal 2
Open during zero cal. JP-1 terminal 1

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

VI.2 Program structure

With reference to the Routing Diagram Error! Reference source not found. the various menu-selections
are done by using four keys:

1. MENU:

Use the ARROW-UP or ARROW-DOWN to switch between the various sensor input i.e. % Oxygen,
Temperature, AuxIP1 and AuxIP2.

In case of remote displays a minimum menu is used i.e. no menus for input and output.

The menu is entered by pressing MENU.

Use the ARROW-UP or ARROW-DOWN to switch between the submenus.
When the correct menu-item has been found, press ENTER to enter the menu-parameter.
The display will now show the parameter that is to be checked or changed.

Press MENU to leave the parameter unchanged, going to the last menu-item.
Use the ARROW-UP or ARROW-DOWN to change the displayed parameter.
When the parameters are OK, press ENTER to temporarily save the new value and exit the menu-item.

Use the ARROW-UP or ARROW-DOWN to switch between the submenus

or press MENU to go to the top level.
On returning to the top-level you will be asked to SAVE settings.
Use the MENU, ARROW-UP or ARROW-DOWN for NO and ENTER for YES.

Each menu has a unique number starting with “P” i.e. P0001, P0002., see Routing Diagram.

When the system is in standby or not active the display will show “-----”
but pressing any of the four keys will enable access to the menu.

A five minutes timeout for “no action”/ “no changes” will exit the menu.
In case the menu has been entered and left open, a one minute timeout will automatically close the menu,
discarding any changes.

System Menu continued...

Menus marked with an “ R” in front are Restricted

and only access able if P9902=1

Menus marked with an “ D” in front are always Displayed,

but have write-access if P9902=1

Menus with “ module disable” will not show the lower-levels

of the menu for that module.

No’s. in italic are default data.

|_ P0100, Alarm Reset

Note Default Menu Functions
1 |_ P0100 1 = Automatic alarm reset - 0 = manual alarm by reset

|_ P0200, Device ON/OFF Stand-By-Mode (sensor saving)

Note Default Menu Functions
0 |_ P0200 1=ON - 0=OFF (display “ -----“)
External signal (D1-3 run) overrides OFF to ON

|_ P0300, Calibration
Note Default Menu Functions
0 |_ P0300 1=start, 0 =stop, (1 = for start of calibration)

|_ P0400, Oxygen Input

Note Default Menu Functions
1 |_ P0401 1 = Oxygen signal enable - 0 = Oxygen signal disable
0 |_ P0402 1= Alarm P0403 and P0404 enable - 0 = disable
0.0 % |_ P0403 Alarm LO in % Oxygen
22 % |_ P0404 Alarm HI in % Oxygen
1% |_ P0405 Min value in % Oxygen (for calibration see below note)
20.9 % |_ P0406 Max value in % Oxygen (for calibration)
R 1230- cal |_ P0407 Zero cal, 0-4095 from auto calibration
R 3600- cal |_ P0408 Span cal, 0-4095 from auto calibration
10 s |_ P0409 Delay for Auto-alarm On/Off, 0-120 seconds ref. P0100
0 |_P0410 1 = Multiple probe enable.
The master scans the network for other masters (address. 2-9)
2% |_ P0411 Max variation between master oxygen probes in % oxygen
D 0 |_ P0412 NOT implemented
D 22 |_ P0413 NOT implemented
0 |_ P0414 1 = use ambient AIR (see artificial cal. III.1.4)
0 = use known gasses e.g. 2%
10 |_ P0415 Time in seconds for stable calibration signal (only with auto. Cal.)

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

|_ P0500, (AUX.:1) - e.g. IG-Temperature input

Note Default Menu Functions
1 |_ P0501 1 = Aux. 1 signal enable - 0 = Aux. 2 signal disable
0 |_ P0502 1= Alarm P0503 and P0504 enable - 0 = disable
0 |_ P0503 Alarm LO in °C
999 |_ P0504 Alarm HI in °C
0 |_ P0505 Min value in display units
999 |_ P0506 Max value in display units
R 0 |_ P0507 Zero cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept
R 4095 |_ P0508 Span cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept
0s |_ P0509 Delay for Auto-alarm On/Off, 0-120 seconds ref. P0100

|_ P0600, (AUX.:2) - e.g. IG-Pressure

Note Default Menu Functions
1 |_ P0601 1 = Aux. 2 signal enable - 0 = Aux. 2 signal disable
0 |_ P0602 1= Alarm P0603 and P0604 enable - 0 = disable
0 |_ P0603 Alarm LO in °C
999 |_ P0604 Alarm HI in °C
0 |_ P0605 Min value in display units
999 |_ P0606 Max value in display units
R 0 |_ P0607 Zero cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept
R 4095 |_ P0608 Span cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept
0 |_ P0609 Delay for Auto-alarm On/Off, 0-120 seconds ref. P0100

|_ P0700, (AUX.:3) - e.g. Protection

Note Default Menu Functions
1 |_ P0701 1 = Aux. 3 signal enable - 0 = Aux. 3 signal disable
0 |_ P0702 1= Alarm P0703 and P0704 enable - 0 = disable
0 |_ P0703 Alarm LO in °C
999 |_ P0704 Alarm HI in °C
0 |_ P0705 Min value in display units
999 |_ P0706 Max value in display units
R 0 |_ P0707 Zero cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept
R 4095 |_ P0708 Span cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept
0 |_ P0709 Delay for Auto-alarm On/Off, 0-120 seconds ref. P0100

|_ P0800, 0/4-20 mA output signal

Note Default Menu Functions
0 |_ P0801 1 = 0/4-20 mA signal enable - 0 = 0/4-20 mA signal disable
1 |_ P0802 Output selection 1= Oxygen - 2= Aux. 1 - 3 =Aux. 2 – 4=Aux 4
15 |_ P0803 Release delay of freezing of output signal during aut. cal.
0 |_ P0805 Min value in display units
25 |_ P0806 Max value in display units
R 0 |_ P0807 Zero cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept
R 1023 |_ P0808 Span cal, 0-4095 from manual calibration, press enter to accept

|_ P9800, Probe service, Password protected “8651”
Note Default Menu Functions
0 |_ P9801 1=Probe service module enable - 0=Probe service module disable
0 |_ P9802 1=Alarm P9803, P9804 & P9805 enable - 0=Alarm disable
0 |_ P9803 Alarm LO for oxygen cal. zero
4095 |_ P9804 Alarm HI for oxygen cal. span
R 10000 |_ P9805 Alarm Runtime in hours 0-65535
D 0 |_ P9806 Runtime in hours 0-65535, full-ON as full time, half ON as half
R 0 |_ P9807 First cal. Zero value for memory
R 4095 |_ P9808 First cal. Span value for memory
R 24 |_ P9809 Time between self cal in hors 0-65535 – 0=self cal. OFF
R 0 |_ P9810 1= New probe mounted, clear old probe data – cleared after new cal.
R 0 |_ P9811 1= Probe half power when Interface is OFF - 0=Full power

|_ P9900, Device type service, Password protected “1166”

Note Default Menu Functions
0 |_ P9901 0=Remote Display, 1= Master, 2-9 = secondary master, 10 = PC
11= Instrument, 12-255 reserved
0 |_ P9902 1=Restricted menus enable - 0 = Restricted menus disable
0 |_ P9903 Binary disable menus enable, 0= restricted menus disable
0 |_ P9904 1= Upload of parameters from PC, Clear after use
0 |_ P9905 1 = Single test transmission of all parameters to PC - 0 = Off
5 |_ P9906 No. of samples for mean-value per input, 0-65535
R 10000 |_ P9909 1 = Complete data erasure

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

VI.3 Oxygen Analyzer Board

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

VI.4 Piping & Connection Diagram

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

I/O chart SB S3500


VI.5 Output signal charge



Oxygen level in %
0 5 10 15 20 25
S igna l in m A

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

SBS 3500 Inert Gas Monitoring

VI.6 Quick Guide -Calibration

Manual Calibration Artificial calibration

Manual calibration low (zero) Artificial calibration
1. Menu P0405 to be set according to low calibration gas used 11. Menu P0405 to be set at 0%
2. Turn selector valve to Test gas and select zero gas 12. Menu P0406 to be set at 20.9% (ambient air)
3. Check and adjust flow if required – bubbles from both pipes 13. Menu P0414 to be set at 1 = use ambient air
4. With value steady push E and ↓ simultaneously for 5 sec. 14. Turn selector valve to Test gas and select span gas
5. Cal. L will appear after which the new low setting can be saved 15. Check and adjust flow if required – bubbles from both pipes
16. Start Calibration in menu P0300 by entering “1”
17. After changing menu P0300 value to 1 then save by pushing E
18. The artificial calibration will now be carried out automatically

Test Gas+Zero Stabilized reading Calibration Save new setting

Manual calibration high (Span)

6. Menu P0406 to be set according to high calibration gas used
7. Turn selector valve to Test gas and select span gas Test Gas+Span Check menu P0405/P0406 Enter menu 300
8. Check and adjust flow if required – bubbles from both pipes
9. With value steady push E and ↑ simultaneously for 5 sec.
10. Cal. H will appear after which the new high setting can be saved

Start Cal. (#:1) Check bubbles Cal. Completed

Test Gas+Span Stabilized reading Calibration Save new setting

During operation and calibration observe flow and adjust if required During artificial calibration senor to be exposed to ambient air (Span gas)
Saving of the new setting by pushing “E” During operation and calibration observe flow and adjust if required

Contact Hamworthy Moss AS for information’s about Inert Gas
Analyzers & Monitoring Systems


Tel.: +47 69279900 • Fax: +47 69254578
Hamworthy Moss AS
P.O. Box 1053,
NO-1510 Moss, NORWAY
Enterprise: NO 985 958 246 VAT

Tel +47 69 27 99 00
Fax +47 69 25 45 78
E-mail [email protected]


HULL NO.: H-8239


1 Approval letter sent from DNV

2 Test Report of IGG (Burner/Scrubber Unit), Deck Water Seal & P/V-Breaker

3 Test Report for Control and Monitoring Systems

4 Inspection certificate of Centrifugal Air Blowers

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