Sample Problem - Comsol
Sample Problem - Comsol
Sample Problem - Comsol
C A 2C A 2C A
y y 2 x 2
Gas-liquid interface,
3 CA0=0.2 mol/m3
Flux by molecular
transport is negligible.
a) (10 points) Subdomain settings: Specify the conditions on this window to model the
system shown above.
b) (10 points) Boundary settings: Fill-in the following table with the boundary
conditions for this problem. Note: the BC number matches the numbers shown in the
Figure above.
c) (10 points) Assume that the velocity profile in the film does not remain constant.
Incompressible Navier-Stokes is added into the model to account for the velocity
distribution in the film. Assuming that the dynamic viscosity is 8.4e-4 Pa-s and that
the density is 1000 Kg/m3, fill-in in the subdomain settings for both the
incompressible Navier-Stokes and the convection and diffusion models.
d) (10 points) Assume that the velocity profile in the film is constant (5e-3 m/s) but the
gas A absorbed in liquid B reacts to produce a new component C in the system.
Assume that the reaction rate defined in terms of reactant A is as follows: rA KC A2 ,
(K=1e-3 m3/mol-s). Rewrite your model in terms on this new assumption.
e) (10 points) Redefine the sub-domain settings in the convection and diffusion model
according to the changes considered only in part d.