Sample Problem - Comsol

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Problem 3.- In a wetted wall tower of length 5 cm and radius 1.

5 cm, gas A is being

absorbed in a pure liquid B, falling vertically along the tower wall. Assume that this
process can be modelled as follows:

C A  2C A  2C A
 vy  DAB  DAB
y y 2 x 2

Where, y is the vertical direction, x is the horizontal direction, CA is the concentration of

gas A in film (mol/m3), vy (5e-3 m/s) is the velocity in the y direction and assumed to be
constant. DAB (1e-6 m2/s) is the diffusion coefficient of gas A in liquid B (m2/s). At the
interface, the concentration of gas A is given by its solubility in liquid B, i.e. CAO (0.2
mol/m3). The Figure below shows the boundary conditions and more details about the
process. The model is implemented using rectangular coordinates, x and y. The numbers
that appear in the Figure represent the boundary condition numbers.

x CA,in= 0.3 mol/m3

y 1
Tower Wall

Gas-liquid interface,
3 CA0=0.2 mol/m3

Flux by molecular
transport is negligible.

To answer the following questions, assume that the model is to be implemented in

COMSOL using a 2D geometry and the convection and diffusion model.

a) (10 points) Subdomain settings: Specify the conditions on this window to model the
system shown above.

b) (10 points) Boundary settings: Fill-in the following table with the boundary
conditions for this problem. Note: the BC number matches the numbers shown in the
Figure above.

Mass transfer by Conduction and Convection

Boundary Number
Type Numerical Value

c) (10 points) Assume that the velocity profile in the film does not remain constant.
Incompressible Navier-Stokes is added into the model to account for the velocity
distribution in the film. Assuming that the dynamic viscosity is 8.4e-4 Pa-s and that
the density is 1000 Kg/m3, fill-in in the subdomain settings for both the
incompressible Navier-Stokes and the convection and diffusion models.

d) (10 points) Assume that the velocity profile in the film is constant (5e-3 m/s) but the
gas A absorbed in liquid B reacts to produce a new component C in the system.
Assume that the reaction rate defined in terms of reactant A is as follows: rA  KC A2 ,
(K=1e-3 m3/mol-s). Rewrite your model in terms on this new assumption.

e) (10 points) Redefine the sub-domain settings in the convection and diffusion model
according to the changes considered only in part d.

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