Mgs S Ref M 2 Rev 02 PDF
Mgs S Ref M 2 Rev 02 PDF
Mgs S Ref M 2 Rev 02 PDF
MOL Group
2. Rotary machines
(Book breakdown)
MGS – S – REF – M – 2
Rev. 1.00.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2
Rotary machines Date: 17. 11. 2011
(book breakdown) Page/Pages: 2/3
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
Book Breakdown
Description Identifier
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
0. General Requirements
Rev. 1.01.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.0
Rotary Machines Date: 28. 01. 2016
General Requirements Page/Pages: 2/11
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. General....................................................................................................................... 4
2. Basic issuing requirements for technical design of the machinery ............................. 4
3. General Requirements for Design .............................................................................. 6
4. General Requirements for the Extent of Delivery ....................................................... 8
5. Additional requirements regarding applications .......................................................... 9
6. Conservation of equipment for transport and storage. ............................................. 10
7. Standards ................................................................................................................. 10
1. General
1.1 The requirements given bellow do not replace requirements and provisions of the rel-
evant technical standards of VENDOR (either Licensor, or Manufacturer of equipment).
They state, refine or add only such requirements that represent the specific technical need
and experience of MOL Group/Contractor in the field of deliveries, installation, trial starting
up, operation, maintenance of the machinery etc.
1.2 In the event of any conflict of those requirements with the above given other stand-
ards and specifications it shall be required to clarify this conflict in discussion with MOL
Group to find a solution. In any case it shall be required that Vendor shall in writing inform
MOL Group about all such conflicts, describing this conflict and proposing a solution
thereof as well as the reason why the requirements given bellow cannot be met, or why
they are not the best solution for the given case. In addition, the Vendor shall carefully
consider and identify which of the solutions is more strictly. Such Vendor’s stance in writ-
ing shall be a basis for statement by with the goal of finding acceptable solutions, while the
solutions are preferable that:
a) Comply with from the view of unification and standardization (where it is technically
possible and feasible);
b) Are on technically higher level and are more suitable for the given application;
c) Are on a higher level from the view of security, reliability, and protection of the envi-
d) Are economically acceptable
1.3 Vendor shall be fully responsible for complete and correct implementation of those
procedures as well as into for the all documentation, including specifications of machinery
within the given delivery.
1.4 These requirements do not discharge the Vendor from any its responsibility regarding
quality, correctness, reliability, safety and life time of the machinery delivered and installed
as well as regarding its accessories and documentation and regarding for its mechanical
2.1 The basic requirement for design, construction and installation of any machinery is to
ensure conditions for its correct operation and required care, with emphasis on pro-active,
predictive and preventive maintenance. Within this MOL Group shall require application of
such designing approaches and specification and delivery of such machinery, that ensure
plant comparability with the most advanced companies in this industry in Europe, comply-
ing with the all applicable European legislation requirements.
2.2 The basic, issuing basis for design, manufacture, installation, and complete delivery of
any machinery shall be therefore the requirement for its high quality, achieved high effi-
ciency of its performance, long-term reliability, safety, correct and simple operation and
simple and economical maintenance.
2.3 Design, manufacture, testing as well as delivery of any machinery shall be in accord-
ance with the current technical standards and regulation. In addition, the unification princi-
ples shall be applied.
2.4 Any delivered machinery shall be delivered duly introduced in production line with the
given manufacturer, and it shall have good and proven user references arising from opera-
tions of such equipment. No prototype is acceptable. However it is allowed manufacturer
to make special modification on the machine construction in case of MOL Group request.
2.5 Any delivered machinery and its accessories shall be designed and manufactured for
a minimum life service of 20 years (except for the normal wearing parts, and additionally
a) Minimally 5-year uninterrupted, ongoing operation (any machinery with a direct impact
on the run of the whole production unit and installed without a standby equipment)
b) Minimally 3-year uninterrupted operation (any process machinery installed with a
standby equipment)
c) Minimally 1-year uninterrupted operation (reciprocating compressor, other machinery
not impacting directly the run of the production unit or installed with a standby equipment);
d) ;
e) Interrupted operation without a need of repair and replacing spare parts (e.g., in cases
of equipment operated non-continuously or sporadically) in the extent:
f) Agreed by MOL Group (in cases of equipment installed without a standby equipment)
These requirements shall be applicable to the purpose and operational conditions for
which the machinery is ordered.
2.6 Design and selection of individual parts used in the delivered machinery, including
spare parts, shall enable to comply with the requirements given in previous paragraph
2.7 Design and selection of so-called wearable parts shall enable to include them into the
mechanical guarantees of the whole machinery, and this shall be required hereby. For
purpose of this item (7), wearable parts are defined as parts which are exposed to me-
chanical wear and damage due to friction and movement, e.g. compressor's valves, piston
and rider rings, packing elements, bearings, seals and similar
2.8 Design and installation of any machinery shall comply with all requirements regarding
the protection of the environment against its pollution due to the leakage of media and
emissions. In principle, sealing of working rooms of rotating shafts shall be required to im-
plement by mechanical seals instead of soft packing. Exception is possible in cases of
low-pressure and low-temperature applications sealing water, air, and other media not
threatening health and the environment. Any other exceptions shall be discussed and ap-
proved with MOL Group. The sealing to be applied shall comply with the instructions de-
scribed in National Authority Regulation from the fire and environmental protection point of
2.9 Design and installation of any machinery shall in the maximum possible extent comply
with the provision of safety of operating personnel, including avoiding risks of random
touches on dangerous parts (e.g., rotating, hot over 50°C SN and 60°C MOL, under volt-
age, and similar).
2.10 Maximum permissible level of noise for the equipment shall follow the Local regula-
tions including national and refinery where the machine will be installed. (Is generally 85
dB (A)). With the goal of ensuring visual check of any machinery in the course of its opera-
tion and with the aim of its easy and economical maintenance it shall be required that
Vendor uses such design of the given machinery which does not requires any additional
anti-noise shelter to meet the above condition of noise level (*). Only is such a technical
possibility is not available, MOL Group will agree with using an anti-noise shelter, however,
complying with the following conditions:
a)The shelter shall be designed for the simple and reliable, repeated dismantling and as-
sembly in the course of the conduct of maintenance on the machinery;
b)In case the rotating equipment is planned not to install into a closed rooms the anti-nose
shelter shall be designed in use of in a totally unprotected, outdoor environment.
c)The shelter shall contain inputs or sight glasses for the barrier-free described check on
the machinery as well as parameters in operations that should be kept by the operating
d)In the vicinity of that machinery it shall be established a suitable room for safe store of
dismantled parts of the anti-noise shelter accessible by hoisting equipment relevant to the
machinery and not limiting the room necessary for repairs and maintenance of the ma-
chinery as such.
(*) Exceptions comprise of packed units of air compressors that are acceptable also in the
shelter-designs, providing that they are complied with the requirements on anti-noise shel-
ters given in this document.
2.11 Design and installation of any machinery shall enable to the operating personnel an
unlimited and safe access to the all its elements of such machinery and machine, with that
it is required to handle and to check/control them.
2.12 Design and installation of any machinery shall be equally in maximum possible ex-
tent to ensure safe, simple and secure access of the maintenance personnel with the re-
quired working accessories and tools as well as simple and correct dismantling and as-
sembly of the equipment in the course of repairing it and all this without any necessity of
an excessive dismantling of the surrounding equipment.
2.13 In the machines selection and choice, CONTRACTOR shall take in to consideration
the necessity to achieve high efficiency, low energy (steam, electricity) consumption and
high dynamic stability. It is general requirement but / Vendor / SUBCONTRACTOR is re-
quested to apply it specific carefully for critical and high-speed machines like compressors,
turbines and pumps.
3.1 In principle, MOL Group will provide for maintenance on any machinery through the
own maintenance services providers, who are introduced to it. Therefore from the point of
view of maintenance it shall be required that any machinery is, first of all, easily dismount-
able, with a simple and technically clear way of replacing spare parts, and for purposes
thereof the technical documentation shall give complete and technically clear descriptions
of the required procedures for this purpose together with required pictures and legible
drawings, giving all the assembly tolerances and clearances. In addition, there shall be
required also the delivery of the all special preparations/accessories and tools. MOL
Group´s general overhaul is scheduled for four (4) years cycle with anticipated extension
to five (5) years cycle in the future.
3.2 It is Vendor´s obligation that in case of critical or important and technically complicat-
ed machines, as described below, Vendor shall enable to MOL Group to participate at the
pre-manufacturing meeting with the manufacturer of such machinery aimed at its parame-
ters (set in data sheets), design, manufacture, testing and delivery still before appointing it
to manufacture as well as participation during its witness test in accordance and demands
of MOL Group. Subject matter of such discussion shall be also the lay-out from the view of
location the compressors in operation.
3.3 All the bolts and screws at the rotating machines, including their internal connections
and elements shall be designed in metric system, if not agreed otherwise. Exceptions are
NPT screws for Instruments.
3.4 From the view of protection of the environment against leakage, including VOC (Vola-
tile Organic Compound) it shall be required in particular the following:
b) Principle using of seal reducing emissions to minimum (designs complying with API
618) with the utilization of a barrier gas in cases of reciprocating compressors working with
the type of media given above in the point (3.1) above.
Principal use of gas seals n cases of centrifugal compressors working with the type of me-
dia given above.
c) Minimal use of simple or double mechanical packing instead of soft packing and other
external rotor seals (e.g., cup packing, ring, and similar), with rotary compressors, mixers,
and other machines working with the type of media given above in the point 1.
d) Vent's connection of seals and other rooms of any machinery working with the type of
media given above in the point 3.1 above in to the low-pressure flare gases or into the suc-
tion of machines (in case of compressors) or units vapor recovery (while available), in-
stead of releasing to the atmosphere.
e) Interconnecting drainage from seals, seals systems and other parts of any machinery
working with the type of media given above in the point 3.1 to the closed draining systems
or sewage instead of free releasing to the open vessels or free area.
leakage of oil and displacing of plastic lubricants to the area (also in opposite, intake of
water and impurities to fill), for example by rotation labyrinth sealing, mechanical seals and
a) Vendor is requested to take care to keep unification in the biggest possible extent
as far as to types of any machinery and its parts within the delivery, while it is possi-
ble technically and energetic effectively. In the case of delivering two, three or more
of any machinery and their parts of the same type and operation parameters, any
such units shall be equal and made by the same manufacturer. In addition, it is re-
quired that Vendor shall take care to achieve unification of spare parts in the biggest
possible extent within the all it delivery.
b) It is required that Vendor takes care about delivery concerning unification with the
existing machinery of MOL Group where is possible. In this respect it is requested
that Vendor shall provide for the lists of basic spare parts on the machinery delivered
to be processed so to quote also variants of useable spare parts for individual ma-
chinery from the view of types, materials, sizes, and manufacturers; it is dealt in par-
ticular with antifriction bearings, mechanical seals, flat and shaped sealing, sealing
cords, couplings, shafts, and impellers of pumps, fans, and similar. Vendor shall send
such lists of spare parts to MOL Group to enable to select among spare part variants
those, which are possible, used on his existing machinery. Vendor then will use these
selected ones in provision of manufacture and in provision of delivery of the machin-
3.6 It's required that Vendor chose in first place lubricant from MOL production for all lu-
bricated rotary equipments. On the second place the Vendor can choose other lubricants
3.7 All equipment do not intended for installation in to closed and heated rooms, shall be
designed to operate in a totally unprotected, outdoor environment.
4.1 The necessary supplemented decision or further information for bulleted paragraphs
of API standards as is required by these standards will be provided by MOL Group on the
basis of machinery equipment list supplied according paragraph 5 (1) hereof during pre-
contracting negotiation. Bellow are specified some inevitable requirements belonging to
the extent of delivery.
4.2 Any machinery whose reliable run, required operation and maintenance would be en-
dangered by raining water, snow, and ice shall be equipped minimally with light, in cases
of need, dismantling shelters. To this end it is required that any excessive machinery, for
instance as compressors, big-volume pumps, extruders, and similar, where it is carried out
a big extent of repair and maintenance job in site, is equipped in addition by the required
hoisting equipment dimensioned for the heaviest possible burden with that shall be neces-
sary to handle in the course of the given actions, and designed for the whole coverage of
the area necessary for the given actions. It is required that the hoisting equipment in this
case is equipped adequately with effective micro-shifts in the horizontal and in the vertical
directions, with equally effective brake of the horizontal move, equally as with mobile regu-
lation from the place of assembly.
4.3 It is required that any delivered machinery is equipped with effective, handling-
resistance covers protecting during transport and storage against their damage and pollu-
tion (in particular of internal working rooms) as well as effective conservation against cor-
rosion and damages due to deformation/distortions, bending, or long-term contacts of
parts. It is required that to the delivery of any individual machinery is added a term of end-
ing the guarantee for its pre-installation and pre-starting-up conservation. In case that ma-
chinery is not put into the ongoing operation prior this given term, it shall be required to
provide supplemental conservation according to delivered procedures processed by Ven-
4.5 It is required to deliver any special assembly jigs, accessories and tools required for
repairs and maintenance of any machinery pursuant to the list processed by SUBCON-
TRACTOR and commented from Vendor and MOL Group.
4.6 It is required that Licenser and SUBCONTRACTORS, within the delivery, shall pro-
vide for also required theoretical and practical training of the operating personnel as well
as maintenance personnel either at MOL Group´s site or, while necessary, in Licenser’s
and/or Subcontractor’s own training rooms or workshops.
5.1 Sealless centrifugal pumps for petroleum, heavy-duty chemical and gas industry ser-
vices shall comply with API 685. Other pumps - pumps outside of main process or pumps
outside of API definition shall comply with requirement of chemical pump standards or oth-
er specific standards. MOL Group can require possibility of some special requirements for
these pumps (longer bearing life, higher shiftiness of shaft, mechanical seal requirement,
etc.) MOL Group can require possibility of some special requirements for these pumps
(longer bearing life, higher shiftiness of shaft, mechanical seal requirement, etc.) The final
solution shall be result of the mutually agreement of Vendor and MOL Group.
The shut-down protection (due to bearing temperature protection or dry running protection
or protection of driver winding) of sealless pump shall be clearly (exactly) identified – local-
ly or in DCS, what technically possible. The shut-down shall be indicated in the DCS.
5.2 It is not allowed to use pump, pump accessories of frame as a part of support for other
surrounding works of construction.
5.3 Drain from pump and frame shall be collected to chemical or technological drainage.
5.4 Suction and discharge pipe system shall have drain and vent.
5.5 Suction pipe shall be dropped and without any possibility for forming the vapour in the
suction pipe (formation of ballooning). If it is not technically possible, venting valve at the
highest part of the suction line with connection to suction vessel shall be used.
5.6 Suction pipe shall have min. 5-time pipe diameter long straight part in front of the suc-
tion flange of pump. This part of pipe shall be free of valve, filter etc.
5.8 Flanges of pipe and pumps shall be aligned. Suction and discharge pipes shall have
supports close to the pump.
5.9 Suction filters are required. Strainers types are recommended. Filter element shall be
easily removable.
6.1 The conservation of the whole equipment shall be suitable for against the weather and
general refinery atmosphere until the end of the guarantee period to ensure guarantee
6.2 The equipment can be conserved only after the relevant prescribed tests.
6.3 After completion of the production the equipments shall be carefully cleaned and
drained. The machined surfaces contacting with air shall be provided with an easily re-
movable anti-corrosive coat. The nozzle connection shall be closed so that the termina-
tions should protect the nozzles from the shipment till the erection against weather and
mechanical damages.
6.4 The Manufacturer shall furnish all manufacturing documents and the as-built docu-
mentation, to the Purchaser.
Contractor shall replace all conserving lubricants if any, prior to start up and replace them
by original lubricants proposed for operation
7. Standards
Vendor is obliged to use the below mentioned standard for Vendor’s scope of supply.
The latest editions of standards valid at the date of signing the CONTRACT shall be appli-
cable for design.
These standards will be applied in the order of precedence according to clarification with
MOL Group as below:
a) EU Directives and National regulations, Law, Codes and Standards valid at the
date of signing the Contract
European Directives:
1) Machinery 2006/42/EC
2) ATEX 94/9/EC, 99/92/EC and 2014/34/EU
3) Pressure Equipment 2014/68/EC (PED)
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
1. Pumps
1. Centrifugal Pumps
Rev. 1.01.01
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.1.1
Rotary Machines Date: 28. 01. 2016
Centrifugal pump Page/Pages: 2/13
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. General description .................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Alternative designs .................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Conflicting requirements .......................................................................................... 4
1.4 Definition of terms.................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Referenced publications .......................................................................................... 4
2. Basic design requirements ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Selection Criteria ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 General requirements .............................................................................................. 5
2.3 Requirements of pump’s protection (API 610) ....................................................... 7
2.4 Requirements of sealless pumps ............................................................................ 7
2.5 Requirements of inspections and tests .................................................................... 8
3. Pumps requirements from service, maintenance and installation point of view .......... 9
4. Appendix SN – additional rules valid for SLOVNAFT refinery: ................................. 11
1. General description
1.1 Scope
These specifications contain the minimum requirements relating to the centrifugal pumps
such as:
heavy-duty: API 610
normal-duty: EN ISO 5199
Sealless: API 685
2.1.1 When investigating selection between pumps according to API 610 and EN ISO
pumps, it is a fundamental difference that for the pumps of API 610 minimum 20 years of
design lifetime and possibility for 3 years of continuous operation is specified. The more
robust construction coming from this and the more careful quality testing system facilitate
more dependable operation with the EN ISO pumps.
2.1.2 In cases where hermetized applications of pumps are required use of a sealless
pump according to API 685 is preferable to dual mechanical seal pump applications. Pres-
surized dual mechanical seal applications (API pl. 53 and 54 and partly API 52) can be
used in these cases where using of sealless hermetic pumps is not technically possible or
2.1.3 Application of pumps according to API: For intensively fire- and explosion hazard-
ous, poisonous and etching media, independent of the pressure conditions, these pumps
shall be employed.
2.1.4 Application of pumps according to EN ISO 5199: For heavy HC distillates such as
lube oil, paraffin, bitumen, etc., there is no need for API pumps.
2.1.5 Application of pumps according to API 685: The application of sealless pumps is to
be applied for the delivery of volatile, toxic substances, or materials which are hazardous
for some other reasons. For this reason MOL Group prefers the application of such pumps
only at locations where the release of the delivered hazardous substance is not accepta-
2.2.1 CONTRACTOR shall specify the min., normal, max. and documented working (rated
/ guaranteed point) points, as well as the other anticipated working conditions shall be
stated e.g. NPSHA. Environmental conditions, such as corrosive environment and com-
bustible or hazardous nature of the fluid delivered shall also be stated.
2.2.2 The NPSHA value originating from the installation and operating circumstances shall
exceed the actual NPSHR value of the pump by at least a 1 m safety margin.
2.2.3 For the pumps electrical drive is preferred, deviation to be approved by MOL Group.
2.2.4 Suction and discharge nozzles shall be flanged and integral with the pump casing.
Flange shall meet the EN or ANSI B16.5 based on MOL Group’s selection.
2.2.5 Should operation of the pump below the permitted minimum flow is requested for a
longer period, then protection against excessive vibration resp. overheating of the deliv-
ered medium shall be provided (e.g. by installation of an automatic recirculation „miniflow”
Application of ‘Miniflow’ valve shall be in the following situations:
high differential pressure multistage pumps (water differential head > 360 m),
large pumps with driver power > 180 kW ;
for process reason (turndown), flow rate <30 % of max flow rate ;
the control valve at the pump discharge fails in close position.
The solution shall be collated with the MOL Plc.
Recirculation of min flow shall be properly designed (e.g. connection to suction vessel etc.)
avoiding increasing of liquid temperature
2.2.6 For power over 800 kW, in case of application of speed-variation performance regu-
lation, application of hydrodynamic torque converter is to be investigated. In cases of this
kind, selection of the equipment shall be effected on basis of consultation between the
MOL Group and the Vendor (vendor of the hydrodynamic shaft coupling).
2.2.7 The complete pump’s package including electric, instrument and mechanical parts
all be selected according to the hazardous zones classification. The classification shall be
specified by the Purchaser, on the data sheet.
2.2.8 Metal flexible element, spacer-type shaft couplings shall be used only. In other cas-
es it requires MOL Group’s consent.
2.2.9 All piping connections shall be terminated in a block valve within the boundary of the
base plate.
2.2.10 Vendor shall indicate in the documentation if the reverse rotation can result in any
2.2.11 If central supervision was requested by the vibration, bearing temperature, etc.
then the monitoring system required for this shall be designed with the API Standard 670
and the MGS-S-REF-M-2.1.8 specifications.
2.2.12 In case pressured lubrication system is required, its construction shall be designed
with specifications of the API 614.
2.2.13 EN ISO pumps with cast iron housing classifiable to this group shall not be used
for delivery of hydrocarbons (combustible fluids). In other cases the application of ductile
cast iron is subject to MOL Group’s consent.
2.2.14 The cooling system shall be suitable for operation with the coolant type, pressure,
and temperature specified by MOL Group.
shall be of “high integrity seal “type. It means the type of pumps shall be sealles” (type
with canned motor or magnetic coupling) or they shall be equipped with dual mechanical
seal with intermediate alarms.
2.4.1 According to API 685 this specification deals with the magnetic drive pumps (MDP)
and containment shell motor pumps (CMP).
2.4.2 The characteristics of the substances are critical in terms of the performance of this
type of pump. MOL Group together with Contractor is responsible for providing the relevant
information to all interested parties. The MOL Group shall provide the following (and other
necessary) information: NPSHA, temperature - vapor pressure curve, temperature/ vis-
cosity curve, specific heat, specific gravity, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion and
tendency to get polymerised.
2.4.3 The MOL Group shall also provide information on the solid material content, includ-
ing the particle size, percentage solid content and distribution, presence and proportions
and characteristics of ferromagnetic parts.
2.4.4 Vendor will provide the following (and other necessary) information: NPSHR, tem-
perature increase during operation and after stopping based on the pumping characteristic
of the substance, wearing effects, minimum stable flow and minimum stable heat flux.
2.4.5 Specifications shall be provided for the starting condition of the driven equipment,
and the mode of starting is subject to an agreement between the MOL Group and the Ven-
2.4.6 In sealless pumps the bearings are cooled and lubricated by the pumped substance,
for this reason a substance must remain stable while passing through the bearing.
2.4.7 The lubrication/cooling of the bearings shall be accomplished with the pumped fluid
or with a cleaning fluid obtained from external source. The approval of MOL Group must
be obtained for using external system
2.4.10 MOL Group prefers the use of canned sealless pumps instead of use of magnetic
driven pumps. Otherwise approval of MOL Group is needed.
2.4.11 The shut-down protection (due to bearing temperature protection or dry running
protection or protection of driver winding) of sealess pump shall be clearly (exactly) identi-
fied – locally or in DCS, what technically possible. The shut-down shall be indicated in the
2.5.1 The inspection and test listed below shall be performed by Vendor in its shop in all
cases, regardless of the standard which the pump is compliance with.
2.5.2 If approved by the MOL Group, substitute motor or seals may be used during the
performance test.
2.5.5 Performance and NPHSR tests shall be conducted in accordance with the API/ISO
specifications. Performance tolerances shall be in accordance with defined in API stand-
2.5.7 Performance and NPSH test curves shall be reviewed by MOL Group prior to the
pump release for shipment.
2.5.8 Tests of sound pressure are subject to the agreement between the MOL Group and
the Vendor. Sound pressure level allowed for the machine units : LAE 85 dB (measured at
a distance of 1 m from the machine).
2.5.9 Vendor shall submit to MOL Group for his review and comment:
detailed procedures for all tests,
including acceptance criteria for all monitored parameters
3.1 Pump shall be easily dismountable for repair. Barrel type of pumps shall have suffi-
cient space for pulling out of pumps insert from the barrel. When special device for dis-
mantling of pumps is required it shall be delivered with pump.
Submersible vertical pumps shall have possibility to be removed from the pit as a whole
3.2 Additional equipment fitted on the frame of pumps – barrier fluid reservoir, cooler,
heating coil etc. – shall not hinder from proper access for maintenance, mounting of pump
coupling and driver. Access from one side of frame shall be free.
3.3 It is not allowed to use pump, pump accessories of frame as a part of support for other
surrounding works of construction.
3.4 Bearing housing shall be equipped with constant level oiler. Besides this bearing
housing shall be equipped with traditional inspector hole sight glass.
3.5 Coupling shelter shall enable easy access for turning pump shaft by hand.
3.6 Suction and discharge pipe system shall have drain and vent. Standard piping solu-
tions are determined in the MGS-S-REF-M-3.3.4
3.7 Drain from pump and frame shall be collected to oily water sewage or technological
3.8 Suction pipe shall be dropped and without any possibility for forming the vapor in the
suction pipe (formation of ballooning). Where it is not technically possible any venting
valve at the highest part of the suction line with connection to suction vessel shall be used.
3.9 Suction pipe shall have min. 5-time pipe diameter long straight part in front of the suc-
tion flange of pump. This part of pipe shall be free of valve, Filter etc. suction line shall be
as short as possible
3.10 Suction and discharge supports shall be installed to the nozzles as close as possi-
ble. Acceptable piping configurations should not cause excessive misalignment between
the pump and driver. Limit for forces and moments shall not exceed values sheeted in API
610 and EN ISO respectively.
3.12 Suction and discharge pipes shall have supports close to the pump.
3.13 Suction filters are required. Strainers types are recommended. Filter element shall
be easily removable.
3.14 After installation suction and discharge piping the alignment of the equipment shall
be checked by disconnecting the nozzles (flanges).
The parallelism and the clearance of the flange face shall be measured.
Max. acceptable values:
- Parallelism: max 0,5 mm
- Separation: 0,0 to 0,4 mm + thickness of gaskets
- Before connecting the piping, the dial gauges shall be fitted on the coupling hub of a
driver in vertical and horizontal directions and adjusted to zero. After connecting the
piping the readings of the dial gauges shall be recorded.
- An offset value of 0,15 mm or less is permissible. If the offset value exceeds 0,15
mm, it shall be adjusted by inserting or removing shims under the legs of the driver.
Protocols (certificates, reports) of finally measured values are required.
3.15 Driver and pump shall be properly aligned. Pump manufacture shall give the ac-
ceptable values of misalignment measured on coupling. Misalignment final certificates are
required from each pump.
3.16 Vendor shall define the mesh size of the suction filters (Strainers type). Filter shall be
equipped with drain connection to oily water sewage and closed slope system. Filter ele-
ment shall be easily removable.
3.17 Heating coils for pumps (steam, electrical) constructed on site shall be installed that
way that will ensure possibility of disassembling of the pumps and flanges on position.
3.18 Installation of pumps and accessories using as a human heat protection or for tech-
nological need shall be easily dismantled.
3.19 Pumps shall be equipped with suction and discharge pressure gauges.
3.20 Vertical submersible pumps shall have protection against running under minimum
permissible level of liquid in the pit.
3.21 In the case of submersible vertical pumps for pit – it is preferable use of the sub-
mersible pump and driver unit with lifting equipment to traditional vertical design of pump
with long shaft and separate driver on the top of a pit. Where it is technically impossible to
use this kind of pump, than traditional vertical design of pump can be used fulfilling these
- Submersible vertical pump shall have stiff shaft. Design of pump must ensure run-
ning with acceptable vibration, far from critical value.
- It is not allowed to make some additional support in area of pit, bottom support or
wall support. Design of pump shall be stiff enough and must ensure possibility of
dismantling the pump without empting the pit. Vibration test shall be done on site af-
ter completing the pump into the pit and it will be part of the test.
3.22 All pumps with pressurized oil (lubricated) systems shall have a protection against
low oil pressure – alarm, shutdown (for example high speed pump-gear box).
3.23 Pumps equipped with mechanical seals according to API plan 53 res. 54, shall have
some threaded bore in stuffing box. This bore shall be plugged and will ensure possibility
for additional fitting of gauge for indicating the stuffing box pressure.
3.24 For hot stand-by pump with mechanical seals systems according to API Plan 52 and
53, barrier sealing oil circulation shall be ensured (small external circulating pump).
3.25 For certain low flow and high pressure services Vendor will normally specify vertical,
high speed single stage pumps.
3.26 Pumps shall have stable head / capacity curves for all over their operating range.
3.27 Pumps shall cover temperature about 30 ° higher them max temperature of liquid
3.28 Centrifugal pumps shall have a preferred operating region of 70-120 percent of best
efficiency capacity of the furnished impeller. Rated capacity shall be within the region of
80-110 percent of best efficiency capacity of the furnished impeller.
3.29 The best efficiency point for the furnished impeller shall be between the rated point
and the normal point.
Normal operating point is a point at which the pump is expected to operate under nor-
mal process conditions.
Rated operating point is the point at which the vendor certifies that pump performance
is within the tolerances stated in standard relevant standard.
NOTE Normally, the rated operating point is the specified operating point with the highest
3.30 The pumps shall be capable of operating at 30-100 % of the rated maximum capaci-
ty in case of using various speeds. The natural frequencies complete assemblies conduct-
ed on the pump structure/driver frame assembly shall be at least 10 % below the minimum
continuous operating speed or shall be at least 10 % above the maximum continuous op-
erating speed
Point 2.1.3
For flammable, hazardous services exceeding any of the limits below API design shall be
used; otherwise approval of MOL Group is needed.
Point 2.2.15
Toxic and carcinogenic fluid defined by Public notice no. 270/2014 and 410/2012 Z.z.
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
1. Pumps
Rev. 1.00.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.1.2
Rotary Machines Date: 01. 02. 2012
Positive displacement pumps Page/Pages: 2/10
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. General specifications ................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Subject and scope ................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Alternative designs .................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Conflicting requirements .......................................................................................... 4
1.4 Definition of terms.................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Referenced publications .......................................................................................... 4
2. Basic design requirements ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 Selection of types .................................................................................................... 5
2.2 General.................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Tests........................................................................................................................ 7
3. Appendix SN – additional rules valid for SLOVNAFT refinery: ................................... 8
1. General specifications
1.1 Subject and scope
These specifications contain the minimum requirements relating to the displacement
pumps such as:
Reciprocating positive displacement pumps
Positive displacement pumps – Rotary (Screw pump)
Positive displacement pumps – Controlled volume
These requirements relate to selection, procurement, acceptance, testing, position plan-
ning and guarantee conditions of the on-site acceptance of the positive displacement
These specifications do not exempt the Designer and the Vendor from their responsibility
for delivery of equipment of adequate construction, assuring safe and efficient operation of
the project.
The machine units in general shall be ordered and delivered complete assembled on a
common base plate. When filling out the data sheets, these unit (package) requirements
shall be fully met.
It is the Vendor's full responsibility that the whole package and its components equipment,
consoles (including those supplied by third party) etc., shall operate and function properly.
1.2 Alternative designs
Should the Vendor offer an alternative design deviating from the project specification or
from the enquiry document but equivalent with that, it can be accepted by a written con-
sent of MOL Group.
1.3 Conflicting requirements
Should any contradiction exist between this specification or the project specification and
the content of the delivery contract, then the contract is dominant.
1.4 Definition of terms
In these specifications fundamentally the term definitions included in the API standards
listed in the point 1.5 have been taken into account.
1.5 Referenced publications
EN ISO 13710 API 674 Positive Displacement Pumps-Reciprocating,
API 676 Positive Displacement Pumps – Rotary
API 675 Positive Displacement Pumps – Controlled Volume
The specification system to be employed shall be always precisely fixed in the contract.
Major materials of this kind:
API 526 Flanged Steel Safety-Relief Valves
API 614 or EN ISO 10438 Lubrication, Shaft-Sealing and Control-Oil system for spe-
cial-Purpose Applications
API 670 Vibration. Axial-position and Bearing-Temperature Monitoring Systems
API 671 Special-Purposes Coupling for Refinery Service
API 677 General Purpose Gear Units for Refinery Service
2.2 General
2.2.1 These types of displacement pumps shall comply with following standards:
EN ISO 13710 API 674 Reciprocating positive displacement pumps
API 676 Positive displacement pumps – Rotary (Screw pump)
API 675 Positive displacement pumps – Controlled volume
2.2.4 Purchaser will also specify all operating conditions that may affect the sizing of
the pump and the driver (such as changes in pressure, temperature, or properties of
fluids handled, and special plant start-up conditions).
2.2.5 Copper or copper alloys shall not be used for parts that are in contact with
process fluids.
2.2.6 The pump vendor shall advise the MOL Group about the pump’s minimum and
maximum capacity at its rated differential pressure and its required brake horsepower.
2.2.7 At reciprocating pumps MOL Group will specify the design approach for pulsa-
tion and vibration control. The MOL Group will also indicate when pumps and their as-
sociated piping are to be included in the acoustical simulation.
2.2.9 Any reciprocating pump has to be equipped with a safety relief valve either ex-
ternal or internal. In case of external safety relief valve it is not allowed to install isolat-
ing valve between pump and safety relief valve.
2.2.10 Rotary pumps shall be designed to run without damage to the trip speed and
relief valve settings. Mechanical seals shall be of the single-balanced type (one rotat-
ing face per seal chamber) with either a sliding gasket or a bellow between the axially
movable face and the shaft sleeve or housing. Conventional packing (soft packing)
shall be used for machines only where medium with high softening point are applied.
In other cases Vendor shall have MOL Group’s written consent.
2.2.11 At diaphragm pumps the diaphragm materials shall be compatible with the flu-
id they contact at all specified temperatures. They shall be designed to withstand max-
imum flexing regardless of stroke-length setting and shall be of sufficient thickness to
prevent permeation.
2.2.12 When selecting a controlled volume positive displacement (feed) pump, the
complete system of the feeding shall be taken into account. When selecting the entry
point, adequate differential pressure shall be ensured between the fed-in medium and
the feeding point, in order to enable mixing. To ensure adequate mixing, the vicinity of
the feed point shall be taken into account, considering that feeding into a line is ef-
fected to a place of relatively bigger volume.
2.2.13 Belt drives shall not be used for pumps with an exemption when the MOL
Group and the Manufacturer otherwise agrees upon.
2.2.14 The MOL Group and the vendor shall develop the arrangement of the equip-
ment, including piping and auxiliaries, jointly. The arrangement shall provide adequate
clearance areas and safe access for operation and maintenance.
2.2.15 Oil reservoirs and housings that enclose moving lubricated parts (such as
bearings, shaft seals, highly polished parts, instruments, and control elements) shall
be designed to minimize contamination by moisture, dust, and other foreign matter
during periods of operation and idleness.
2.2.16 All equipment shall be designed to permit rapid and economical maintenance,
particularly regarding packing and seals. Major parts shall be designed and manufac-
tured to ensure accurate alignment on reassembly.
2.2.17 The MOL Group will specify whether the installation is indoors (heated or un-
heated) or outdoors (with or without a roof) as well as the weather and environmental
conditions in which the equipment must operate (including maximum and minimum
temperatures, unusual humidity, and dusty or corrosive conditions).
2.2.18 Unless otherwise specified, the vendor shall recommend the pump speed for
the specified service, considering such factors as NPSH, maximum fluid viscosity, sol-
ids and abrasives content, and wear allowance.
2.2.19 The MOL Group will specify any corrosive agents in the motive and process
fluid and in the environment, including constituents that may cause stress corrosion
2.2.20 Contractor in all cases shall furnish all spare parts required for the on-site
commissioning. Contractor shall submit to the MOL Group a priced list on spare parts
required for 2 years of operation.
2.2.21 Vendor shall deliver the counter-flanges of the technological and auxiliary sys-
tem connections, too. Connection limit points are at the edge of the base frame.
2.2.22 Special tools required for dismantling, assembling and maintenance of the ma-
chine units shall be included in the delivery scope
2.3 Tests
2.3.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, test shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant stan-
dards and MOL Group’s specifications defined in Point 1.5.
The vendor shall submit to the MOL Group, for his review and comment, detailed proce-
dures and acceptance criteria for all specified tests. Hydrostatic and performance tests
shall be accomplished in each case.
not less than 1.5 bar gauge. The test liquid shall be at a higher temperature than the nil-
ductility transition temperature of the material being tested.
(1) For certain low flow and high pressure services SELLER will normally specify vertical,
high speed single stage pumps (i.e. Sundyne types).
(2) Pumps shall have stable head / capacity curves for all over their operating range.
(3) For hot temperature services with mechanical seals according to API pl.53 and 54 bar-
rier sealing oil circulation shall be ensure (small external pump) for purpose of pump hot
stand by status.
(4) Pumps shall cover temperature about 30 ° higher them max temperature of liquid han-
(5) In the case of submersible vertical pumps for pit – it is preferable use of the submersi-
ble pump and driver unit with lifting equipment to traditional vertical design of pump with
long shaft and separate driver on the top of a pit. Where it is technically impossible to use
this kind of pump, than traditional vertical design of pump can be used fulfilling these re-
Submersible vertical pump shall have stiff shaft. Design of pump must ensure running
with acceptable vibration, far from critical value.
It is not allowed to make some additional support in area of pit, bottom support or wall
support. Design of pump shall be stiff enough and must ensure possibility of dismantling
the pump without empting the pit. Vibration test shall be done on site after completing the
pump into the pit and it will be part of the test.
(6) Flexible coupling of membrane type shall be used for example Metastream type etc.
(7) Minimum quality of material for pressurized pump parts (casing, stuffing box, cover,
etc.) shall be cast steel. Cast iron can be used for vertical submersible pumps only.
(8) Centrifugal pumps shall have a preferred operating region of 70-120 percent of best
efficiency capacity of the furnished impeller. Rated capacity shall be within the region of
80-110 percent of best efficiency capacity of the furnished impeller.
(9) The best efficiency point for the furnished impeller shall be between the rated point
and the normal point.
Normal operating point is a point at which the pump is expected to operate under nor-
mal process conditions.
Rated operating point is the point at which the vendor certifies that pump performance
is within the tolerances stated in standard API 610 8th ed. Table 4-2.
(10) Pumps shall be equipped with suction and discharge pressure gauges
(11) Pumps equipped with mechanical seals according to API plan 53 res. 54, shall have
some threaded bore in stuffing box. This bore shall be plugged and will ensure possibility
for additional fitting of gauge for indicating the stuffing box pressure.
(12) Bearing housing shall be equipped with constant level oiler. Besides this bearing
housing shall be equipped with traditional inspector hole sight glass.
(13) Vertical submersible pumps shall have protection against running under minimum
permissible level of liquid in the pit.
(14) All pumps with a pressurized oil (lubricated) systems shall have a protection against
low oil pressure – alarm, shutdown (for example Sundyne pump-gear box).
(15) Pump shall be easily dismountable for repair. Barrel type of pumps shall have suffi-
cient space for pulling out of pumps insert from the barrel. When special device for dis-
mantling of pumps is required it shall be delivered with pump.
(16) Submersible vertical pumps shall have possibility to be removed from the pit as a
whole unit.
(17) Additional equipments fitted on the frame of pumps – barrier fluid reservoir, cooler,
heating coil etc. – shall not hinder from proper access for maintenance, mounting of pump
coupling and driver. Access from one side of frame shall be free. If necessary some
beams for track for pulley block or chain hoist) shall be installed.
(18) It is not allowed to use pump, pump accessories of frame as a part of support for oth-
er surrounding works of construction.
(19) Coupling shelter shall enable easy access for turning pump shaft by hand (without
shelter dismantling).
(20) Drain from pump and frame shall be collected to chemical or technological drainage.
(21) Suction and discharge pipe system shall have drain and vent.
(22) Suction pipe shall be dropped and without any possibility for forming the vapour in the
suction pipe (formation of ballooning). Where it is not technically possible any venting
valve at the highest part of the suction line with connection to suction vessel shall be used.
(23) Suction pipe shall have min. 5-time pipe diameter long straight part in front of the suc-
tion flange of pump. This part of pipe shall be free of valve, filter etc.
(25) Flanges of pipe and pumps shall be aligned. Suction and discharge pipes shall have
supports close to the pump.
(26) Suction and discharge supports shall be installed to the nozzles as close as possible.
Acceptable piping configurations should not cause excessive misalignment between the
pump and driver. Limit for forces and moments shall not exceed values sheeted in API
(27) After installation suction and discharge piping the alignment of the equipment shall be
checked by disconnecting the nozzles (flanges).
The parallelism and the clearance of the flange face shall be measured.
Max. acceptable values:
- Parallelism: max 0,5mm
- Separation: 0,0 to+0,4 mm + thickness of gaskets
Before connecting the piping, the dial gauges shall be fitted on the coupling
hub of a driver in vertical and horizontal directions and adjusted to zero. After connecting
the piping the readings of the dial gauges shall be recorded.
An offset value of 0,15 mm or less is permissible. If the offset value exceeds
0,15 mm, it shall be adjusted by inserting or removing shims under the legs of the driver.
Protocols (certificates, reports) of finally measured values are required.
(28) Driver and pump shall be properly aligned. Pump manufacture shall give the accept-
able values of misalignment measured on coupling. Misalignment final certificates are re-
quired from each pump.
(29) Suction filters are required. Strainers types are recommended. Filter element shall be
easily removable.
(30) Heating coils for pumps constructed on site do not have to hinder from doing disas-
sembling the pumps and flanges on positions.
7.16. Installing of pumps and accessories using as a human heat protection or for tech-
nological need shall be easily dismantled.
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
8. Machine monitoring
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.1.8
Rotary Machines Date: 28.01.2016
Machine monitoring Page/Pages: 2/10
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
MGS-S-REF-M- 2.1.8
1. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS .................................................................................. 4
2. SCOPE OF MACHINE MONITORING APPLICATION ................................................ 5
3. SCOPE OF SELLER'S SUPPLY .................................................................................. 5
4. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM .......................................................... 6
TEST ROOM AND ON SITE DURING COMMISSIONING ......................................... 10
1. Introductory provisions
1.1 This section covers minimum requirements for the supply of a system for
monitoring and assessment of technical status of Rotating Machines. In general,
this system shall ensure such monitoring and assessment at three functional levels:
o personal (by diagnostic and engineering staff, by external experts).
o expert software system tools (automatic)
1.2 Technically, the system shall ensure monitoring and assessment of technical
status of Rotating Machines on the basis of measurement and assessment of
parameters such as
status values of antifriction bearings,
o thrust (axial) of rotors,
o rod position of piston rods,
o thermal expansion/rise of hot components
rotor´s speed (kay phasor)
bearing´s temperature
reciprocating compressor´s valves temperatures
reciprocating compressor P-V monitoring (based on MOL Group - Contractor
mutual agreement)
lube oil basic parameters – minimally pressures and temperatures; flows,
viscosity and refilling data based on MOL Group - Contractor mutual agreement
compressor seal oil basic parameters – as per lube oil + oil flash point if
compressor seal gas system parameters (input and output pressure,
temperature, flow, press. difference)
pump seals system basic parameters
other selected process parameters of machines (pressures, temperatures,
flows, power).
2.1 The scope of monitoring and diagnostic system application in case of both
particular machines and projects will be specified by MOL Group with respect to
the impact of particular machine run on production unit running reliability and
particular machine design and parameters
operational and maintenance costs
the machine´s impact on safety and environmental protection.
2.3 Particular specification for individual critical and other selected machines
/positions will be made on the basis of Rotating Machines equipment list supplied
during pre-contracting negotiation including Rotating Machines operating data
specification linked to DCS or diagnostics PC/server (what applicable). Such
Rotating Machines equipment list shall already contains the basic parameters, but
minimally the machine type, medium, medium composition and evaluation from
point of view of impurities, requirements at the point of suction and at the point of
discharge (p, t), assumed speed, flow-rate, type and power of drive, number of
units/pieces or position items.
3.2 Supply and installation of complete system hardware and software, from the
relevant sensors on individual machines to the output devices (monitors) supplied
all from the same manufacturer to guarantee perfect compatibility.
3.5 Contractor shall supply for monitoring system as MOL Group´s mandatory
Bently Nevada ´s type 3500 and higher compatible which shall be equipped with the
“Dynamic and Transient Data Interface” for communication with the existing
diagnostic system.
shall allow setting of two alarm levels (alert and danger) for HW, SW,
Instrumentation and Expert alarms
5.1 For critical centrifugal and axial compressors, blowers, fans, vacuum pumps,
pumps, turbines, electromotors with sliding bearings
5.1.2 at least two sensors to measure rotor thrust position, installed in thrust
bearing (depend on rotating equipment type)
5.2 For other selected machines like centrifugal and axial compressors, blowers,
fans, steam turbines, vacuum pumps, pumps (API 610), electromotors if 250kW or
higher power or voltage of 6kV.
5.2.1 at least two one sensor to measure each motor bearing temperature,
5.2.2 at least one sensor to measure each machine and gear radial bearing
5.2.3 at least one sensor to measure each machine and gear thrust bearing
5.2.4 at least two proximity type detectors with X-Y installation for each
motor radial sliding bearing vibration,
5.2.5 at least one velocity or acceleration sensor for each motor radial anti-
friction bearing house vibration,
5.2.6 at least two proximity type detectors with X-Y installation for each
machine, gear radial sliding bearing vibration,
5.2.7 at least two proximity type detectors for machine, gear axial sliding
bearing position
5.2.8 at least one velocity or acceleration sensor for machine, gear anti-
friction casing vibration
5.5.1 at least one vertical sensor to measure piston rod drop position in case
of horizontal cylinder arrangement, installed close to gas seal; two sensors
(vertical and horizontal) are prefferable solution.
5.5.2 bearing metal temperature sensors will be installed on all main radial
5.5.3 For each valve will be correctly installed one sensor to measure valve
5.6.2 For case of portable monitoring devices on all rotary machines with
performance speed above 600 rpm measurement points are required, e.g.
flat surfaces to be provided on bearing housings in horizontal, vertical and
axial directions (at least 40x40mm, or 40 mm diameter). Surface roughness
below Ra 0.8 (magnetic mounting of the sensor is assumed). At
measurement places with difficult access, measurement adapters should be
used; this modification can be used on other measurement places as well.
The adapters may be attached by screwed or glued joint
6.1 The level of relative vibrations will be assessed according to criteria and
standards applied for production and supply of the machines, as well as to
international standards (ISO, API) valid for assessment of technical status of
Rotating Machines. Criteria shall be approved by MOL Group as part of Quality
Control Plan approval before testing latest (before manufacturing prefferable).
6.2 The level of absolute vibrations will be assessed according to criteria and
standards applied for production and supply of the machines, as well as to
international standards (ISO, API) valid for assessment of technical status of
Rotating Machines. Criteria shall be approved by MOL Group as part of Quality
Control Plan approval before testing latest (before manufacturing prefferable).
6.3 Cases disputable with respect to application of the limits specified in relevant
standards will be resolved by specifying the limit values in data sheets prior to
allocation for manufacturing.
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
2. Compressors
1. Centrifugal compressors
Rev. 1.01.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.2.1
Rotary Machines Date: 28.01.2016
Centrifugal compressor Page/Pages: 2/12
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. General description .................................................................................................... 4
2. Fundamental specifications relating to the compressor .............................................. 5
3. Drive unit, shaft coupling and baseplate ..................................................................... 6
4. Controls and instrumentation ...................................................................................... 6
5. Requirements of centrifugal compressor’s protection ................................................ 6
6. Piping and appurtenances .......................................................................................... 6
7. Inspection, testing during production .......................................................................... 7
8. Documents ................................................................................................................. 7
9. On-site installation ...................................................................................................... 7
10. Training of the operating and maintenance staff ........................................................ 7
11. Commissioning, trial operation, measurement of guaranteed values, machine
acceptance .......................................................................................................................... 7
12. Additional technical requirements regarding applications: .......................................... 8
13. Appendix SN – additional rules valid for SLOVNAFT refinery: ................................. 11
1. General description
1.1 Scope
These specifications contain the minimum requirements relating to the centrifugal
These requirements relate to selection, procurement, acceptance, testing, and position
planning and guarantee conditions of the on-site acceptance.
These specifications do not exempt the Designer and the Vendor from their responsibility
for delivery of equipment of adequate construction, assuring safe and efficient operation of
the project.
It is the Vendor's full responsibility that the whole package and its components equipment,
consoles (including those supplied by third party) etc., shall operate and function properly.
The specification system to be employed shall be always precisely fixed in the contract.
2.1 The compressor shall be delivered complete assembled with drive unit and drive
gear (accelerating gear, if required) that is, with complete drive chain, mounted on
baseframe, with the following accessories:
main process equipment required for the safe operation (dust filter, fluid
separator, etc.), fittings (inlet and discharge, anti surge, check valve, safety
auxiliary process appliances and machines (Lube oil system, seal gas system,
local instruments (pressure, temperature, flow, vibration, etc. Meters, resp.
local panel (operating and indicating elements),
control panel.
2.2 For the design, production, selection of structural materials and procedural control of
the compressor and certain sub-units thereof the specifications of the API 617 apply
with the following amendments:
Each compressor shall be delivered as complete unit under full responsibility of
the Contractor.
Regarding the gas composition all components or pollutants shall be specified
which have influence on selection of the structural materials even if they are
present only in traces. In case of associated presence of hydrogen sulphide and
steam, classification of the gas is needed separately on basis of the NACE MR-
0175 standard (“sour gases”).
Protection against noise shall be jointly determined by the Contractor and the
Client; here it is sufficient to define the requirements
The lube oil system of the compressor, the drive gear and the driving unit can be
common or separated in form of a sub-unit, as specified when signing the
contract. The lube oil system should be provided with main and auxiliary oil
pump. For pre-start heating of the oil an electric heater should be built in. For the
lube oil vapour tube coalescent separator and backfire arrester are needed.
The high-power compressors compressing intensively fire- and explosion-
hazardous gas should be provided with dry gas stuffing box system. Dual gland
shall be employed and the system has to contain the following:
sealing gas flow monitoring
protection against non-permitted gas flows
leak detection system at the bleeder
buffer air or nitrogen system
Dry gas gland shall be employed also on those machines where no penetration
of oil into the compressed medium is permissible or, when restriction of the
bleeding on halt is required, due to technical-economical reasons.
Should on basis of data of the entering gas installation of suction-side filter or
fluid separator be considered necessary by the Contractor, then this forms also
part of scope of the delivery. Mesh size of the filter shall be 40 m and differential
pressure gauge is necessary.
The anti-surge system shall provide reliable and stable protection for the machine
when starting, stopping and in transient working state as well. Should due to the
starting resp. stopping conditions essential increasing of the normal working anti-
surge valve be required, and then instead of the increasing a parallel
opening/cut-off fitting can be used.
The opening and cut-off time of the anti-surge valve shall be adjustable
independent of each other. Actuator of the valve shall be of type opening on fault.
Opening time of the valve on emergency halting shall be the possible shortest.
The compressor unit shall be capable of starting without pressure releasing. In
the tender invitation, in addition to the gas composition, all corrosive and erosive
components possibly influencing selection of the structural materials shall be
In case of spare rotor ordering the way of storing (horizontal or vertical) shall be
Further specifications for the piping and pressure vessels are included in the pertaining
MOL Group. specifications.
Design of the main-process piping and appurtenances delivered by the MOL Group shall
be expertised by the Contractor. On the scope of this, agreement shall be made in the
8. Documents
The requirements regarding the tender, contract and Vendor’s documents shall comply
with the specifications of the API 617 standard and MOL’s specifications:
MGS-S-REF-M-5.2.1: Inquiry and ordering documentation for rotating machines
MGS-S-REF-M-5.4.1: Requirement of Vendor documentation for rotating machines
9. On-site installation
The on-site installation shall be performed by a Contractor commissioned by the MOL
Group, under supervision of an assembly inspector of the Contractor. Prior to
commencement of the on-site works a representative of the Contractor shall perform an
on-site survey in order to accept the working area. On geometric compliance of the
foundation works Contractor’s representative shall make a written report.
auxiliary equipment are suitable for trouble-free operation and, that it expectably meets the
contracted requirements.
The successful completion of the functional test shall be recorded in a report by the
Contractor and the MOL Group.
Suitability of the machine unit for durable and continuous operation shall be verified by a
72-hour trial operation. The trial operation can be considered successful if the machine
unit operates automatically without any interruption and intervention for 72 hours,
furthermore it meets the guaranteed technological parameters.
The guarantee measurements in general shall be performed with normal operating
instruments. In case of disputes relating to the measuring accuracy, Contractor is entitled
for checking of the instruments.
Following the 72-hour trial operation, mechanical inspection of scope as proposed by the
Contractor then a 24-hour complementary running shall be made.
After the successful 72+24-hour trial operations the MOL Group with signing an
acceptance report accepts the machine unit for continuous operation, under his own
The technological guarantee requirements shall be recorded in the contract. Major
guarantee parameters:
gas delivery at several, pre-fixed working points
power consumption at the preceding points
seal gas consumption
lube oil consumption
noise level
Mechanical guarantees:
…. months from commissioning or, ….. months from delivery
(Data to be fixed in the contract.).
Lifetime guarantee till the first general turnaround
Design and selection of so-called wearable spare parts (e.g., seals, bearings,
others) shall enable to include them into the mechanical guarantees of the
whole machinery, and this shall be required hereby.
(1) The process centrifugal compressors shall be manufactured in accordance with API
617. The non-process centrifugal compressors can be delivered in accordance with ISO
8011. The integrally geared air compressors can be delivered pursuant to API 672, or
pursuant to Manufacturer’s standards. In the case of axial turbo-compressor the
Manufacturer shall specify the standards used by it, providing such set of standards to
BUYER for commenting and approving their possible application.
(2) It is required that the Manufacturer in designing and possible selection of type
compressor´s part shall apply minimally a 15 % reserve of mechanical load and strength
comparing to rated values.
(3) It is required that rotor design and its supporting in bearing shall be dynamically stable,
and is in a safe distance from the area of unstable vibration and oil-whirling in the
bearings. It is required that the bearing design shall provide sufficient damping, capable of
accommodating to the changing positions of the rotor over the entire range during
operation (e.g., multi-surfaces bearings, tilting pads bearings, hydrostatic bearings and
(4) Where it is technically possible, use of dry gas seal is required instead of oil seal. In
the case of using an oil seal, such seal shall be mechanical with a low oil leakage to the
gas side. In such case it is equally required to provide regeneration of oil to the parameters
appropriate for repeated use of such oil. The oil regenerator shall have a reasonable
capacity for regeneration of increased oil quantity also for the event of reduced sealing
ability of seal up to the maximum permissible limit, and it shall be linked to the oil tank with
the possibility of direct drain of regenerated oil to that tank. The regenerator and the oil
tank shall be equipped with the possibility of appropriate oil sampling to checking quality of
(7) All the piping discharging oil from the bearings and oil with gas from the seals shall be
equipped with a sight glasses located on right place enabling visual checking of oil amount
and quality. In the case of a piping of mixture oil with gas, it shall be positioned on the
vertical part of piping.
(8) Oil and seal systems shall be equipped with automatic control securing their required
parameters also with changing operational conditions.
(9) In the case of foul media, media comprising of abrasive particles, or media fouled the
compressor flow parts, it shall be required the following:
to carry out technical-economic analysis of suitability and technical possibility to install
a suction filter into the compressor (while required, it shall be required to deliver it as a
twin, with the possibility of switching them during the run of unit;
while such filter is not installed on, it shall be required rotor design with hard, abrasive-
resistant surfaces of critical points and with suitable antifouling layer if technically possible,
as well as delivery of the spare rotor;
while there is a risk of excessive fouling of the compressor, it shall be required to
deliver a system capable of washing the running compressor.
(10) It is required that the SUBCONTRACTOR shall deliver the unambiguous alignment
procedure and calculation of alignment value for cold conditions and warm conditions.
(11) For winterization provision shall be made for the complete drainage of the
compressor, auxiliary equipment, all steam and water lines.
(12) The battery limit connections shall have flanges acc. to pipe classes. The flanges
shall be closed before dispatch. Piping connections between modules shall also be
(14) In the vicinity of machine it shall be established s suitable room for safe store of
dismantled parts of the enclosure during machine's maintenance accessible by a
hoisting equipment.
(15) SELLER shall specify in datasheet in compliance with Licenser Basic Engineering
all necessary and possible operational cases in regard to handled gases and their
composition (including nitrogen run case if applicable) and in regard to other service
parameters (pressure, temperature, flow range,...),
explicitly specified content of corrosive or fouled gas impurities like Hydrogen Sulphide,
Ammonia, Hydrogen Chloride, Chlorine, Chlorides, Water vapor, etc.
expected mechanical impurities like small catalyst particles, corrosion particles or other
- expected size and amount.
(16) The minimum requirements for oil and seal gas filter efficiency are the following:
for oil systems : filter shall provide a minimum particle removal efficiency (PRE) of 98,7
% for 10 micron particles (β10 > 75), a minimum PRE of 99,5 % for 12 micron particles
(β12 > 200) and the largest particle which can exit through a filter (the absolute filter rating)
shall be max. 20 microns,
for seal gas systems : filter shall provide a minimum PRE of 99,5 % for 3 micron
particles (β3 > 200) and the largest particle which can exit through a filter (the absolute
filter rating) shall be max. 5 microns,
(17) For oil systems it shall be ensure a possibility of the oil cleanliness regeneration
during normal machine operation in regard to contamination with water and mechanical
impurities during long time operation. E.g. by use of additional mobile or permanent
regeneration equipment to be able remove water and mechanical impurities from oil.
For this purpose it shall be prepared connections with closing elements DN 1 1/2"
located on oil reservoir. It shall be marked of the machine on visible place with mark of
the used oil.
(18) It is required to give the specific attention during design, installation and start up to
prevention of any problems with the excessive voltages and currents generated during
run of the machine unit. Specifically the design and installation of the grounding of the
machine unit and adjacent equipment including steel structures shall be correct and
proved in this point of view. The measuring of the residual magnetism of all main parts
both compressor and turbine shall be performed with record. Demagnetisation shall be
performed if residual magnetism will be indicated. The vendor is responsible to meet
above-mentioned requirements and reported them (measured protocols and action's
report shall be part of the vendor documentation delivered to BUYER).
(19) Generally a certain kind of the technically suitable NDE inspection has to be applying
for main pressure-containing parts as casing, interstage diaphragms, parts of the
pressure seal gas system and other pressure connection and also for dynamically
loaded parts as rotor parts, coupling etc. It is applicable also for casted and forged
parts. Radiographic inspection (if possible) and one of magnetic particle or liquid
penetrant inspection shall be performed completed with visual inspection. Ultrasonic
inspection shall be used in specific cases when technically advantageous or
necessary. Vendor has to be specify exact limits for all applied inspection including
visual inspection in advance.
(20) In case process medium has low mole weight, helium shall be used as test medium
for the compressor gas leakage tests.
(21) In case of the common manufacturer for both, turbine and compressor, complete unit
tests/string tests (mechanical and performance as well) shall be performed in place of
individual component tests. If individual component tests will be necessary they shall
be performed as well. Such procedure of testing shall be applied also in other cases if
(22) It is required to give the specific attention during design, installation and start up to
prevention of any problems with the excessive voltages and currents generated during
run of the machine unit. Specifically the design and installation of the grounding of the
machine unit and adjacent equipment including steel structures shall be correct and
proved in this point of view. The measuring of the residual magnetism of all main parts
both compressor and turbine shall be performed with record. Demagnetization shall be
performed if residual magnetism will be indicated. The Vendor is responsible to meet
above-mentioned requirements and reported them (measured protocols and action's
report shall be part of the vendor documentation delivered to MOL Group.
Please to add the following comment to new point 2.10.3 : Lube-oil system shall be
separate. Dry gas seal design is applicable.
To 2.11 generally: The API 617 requirement shall be fully meet. The SELLER is
responsible to give the necessary information to Vendor based on Basic engineering data
which are specified in Chapter 2.11 of API 617. Please to correct LICENSOR comment in
regard to this.
To 3.4.7: Please to complete with the following: BUYER's requirements
implemented in ANNEX 6 of CONTRACT shall be meet.
The following comment shall be added to new point Lube oil inlet
pressure and temperature shall be varied through the range permitted in the compressor
operating manual during mechanical running test and results shall be reported.
To :
The performance test shall be performed on Vendor's test bed in time close to
mechanical running test due to possibility witness by SELLER /BUYER on both.
According our understanding of standard's terms it is more correct to specify „at least
115 % of rated capacity at 100 % speed“ instead „at least 115 % of normal capacity at 100
% speed“. Please to correct it.
The following comment shall be added to new point 4.4.: „The BUYER's
requirements implemented in ANNEX 6 of CONTRACT shall be met.“
The following shall be added in to the general comment to Section 5 : Vendor shall
be take in to consideration and meet also the BUYER's requirements stated in ANNEX 6 of
Basic requirement: 4th edition, April 1999, is applicable, not 3 rd edition which is
commented by HTSA. Please to put here the comment to 4th edition.
Please to apply to this comment the following BUYER's basic requirements:
The piping between filter(s) and machine shall be designed with intention to prevent a
rust and deposits (e.g. use of suitable stainless steel or coated piping, a suitable form of
piping, etc.). It is applicable for both oil systems and seal gas systems.
The oil circuits shall be provided with sampler bleeder elements
on pressure portion in front of and behind the filter(s) with terminal valve of type
on effluent portions with globe valve with max. DN 10
o on drain behind the each frictional point,
o on common return piping,
o on the oil reservoir.
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
2. Compressors
2. Reciprocating compressor
Rev. 1.00.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.2.2
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. General description .................................................................................................... 4
2. Fundamental specifications relating to the compressor .............................................. 5
3. Drive motor, shaft coupling, drive gear ....................................................................... 6
4. Machinery protection .................................................................................................. 6
5. Piping and appurtenances .......................................................................................... 6
6. Pulsation and vibration study and tests ...................................................................... 9
7. Inspection, testing during production .......................................................................... 9
8. On-site installation ...................................................................................................... 9
9. Training of the operating and maintenance staff ........................................................ 9
10. Commissioning, trial operation, measurement of guaranteed values, machine
acceptance .......................................................................................................................... 9
11. Additional technical requirements regarding applications: ........................................ 11
12. Appendix SN – additional rules valid for SLOVNAFT refinery: ................................. 14
1. General description
1.1 Scope
These specifications contain the minimum requirements relating to the reciprocating
These requirements relate to selection, procurement, acceptance, testing, and position
planning and guarantee conditions of the on-site acceptance of the reciprocating
These specifications do not exempt the Designer and the Vendor from their responsibility
for delivery of equipment of adequate construction, assuring safe and efficient operation of
the project.
It is the Vendor's full responsibility that the whole package and its components equipment,
consoles (including those supplied by third party) etc., shall operate and function properly.
The maximum value of the inlet temperature of the cooling water shall be specified in the
contract, depending on the source.
Piston mean velocity, max.: 4.5 m/s.
The maximum speed of the compressor shall be limited in the contract.
When selecting mode of the lubrication drive and forced cooling, the existing operating
conditions shall be also taken into account. This shall always be collated with the MOL
MOL Group prefers application of reciprocating compressors regulated by hydraulic valve
lift in case stepless control is required.
4. Machinery protection
Fundamentally the specifications of the API 618 standard shall be applied.
Compressors are being furnished with sensors for sensing of vibrations, displacement,
bearing temperature, acceleration, eventually with other sensors for protection, monitoring
and machine diagnostics.
The vibration, displacement, bearing temperature, oil temperature measurement devices
shall be specified acc. to MGS-S-REF-M-2.1.8 and delivered by the Contractor.
Further requirements are included in the MGS-I Instrumentation specifications.
Each pipe, fitting piece and flange shall be provided with test certificate identifiable
pursuant to the EN 10204 3.1, which contains:
the mechanical parameters,
chemical composition,
welding procedure certificate,
identifiable seam test certificate.
Piping in contact with hydrocarbon over DN 50 diameter shall be subjected to 100
% radiographic examination. For auxiliary piping 10 % radiographic examination is
sufficient whilst below DN 50 size flaw detection is required.
For equipment operating at ambient temperature in case of pipe wall thickness
over 6 mm, cold impact energy test and certificate are required. Design
temperature: minus 20 °C. This specification applies also to the pressure vessels.
For welded pressure vessels over 15 mm wall thickness post-welding stress
relieving heat treatment is required.
Nameplate holders of the pressure vessels shall be suitable for positioning of a
further (National language) nameplate.
On the pressure vessels accommodation of the following test openings is required:
8. On-site installation
The on-site installation shall be performed by a Contractor commissioned by the MOL
Group, under supervision of an assembly inspector of the Vendor.
Prior to commencement of the on-site works a representative of the Vendor shall perform
an on-site survey in order to accept the working area. On geometric compliance of the
foundation works Vendor’s representative shall make a written report.
be accomplished, with their control and adjustment. The purpose of the functional test is to
verify that the machine unit and its auxiliary equipment, as well as all appurtenances of the
same are suitable for durable and trouble-free operation and that they meet the
requirements defined in the technical specification. On completion of the successful
functional test MOL Group and Vendor record a joint report and subsequent to this the 72-
hour trial operation may take place.
The 72-hour test shall be accomplished on the output point of the compressor, whose
parameters shall be defined by the MOL Group in the contract.
The purpose of the 72-hour test is to verify that the machine unit is suitable for durable and
trouble-free operation and that it meets the technological guarantee requirements. This
test can be considered successful if the machine unit continuously operates without
interruption and intervention, automatically for 72 hours and the measurement results
within tolerance comply with the contracted parameters.
The guarantee measurements in general shall be performed with normal operating
instruments. In case of dispute, Contractor is entitled to control the plant instruments, on
his own expense.
After the successful 72-hour trial operations the MOL Group issues a temporary
acceptance report, accepting the machine unit for a 30-day durable trial operation, under
his own supervision.
During the durable trial operation period the MOL Group at his discretion may perform
further guarantee measurements such as, for example, pulsation, specific elongation
swing (stress swing) on the main-process piping system, vibration on the machine base
and on the machine unit, noise level, air polluting emission, etc.
During the 30-day trial operation the MOL Group is entitled to perform tests and
inspections regarding the machine unit and the professional operation thereof, on his own
If during the 30-day trial operation the MOL Group gets convinced that the machine unit is
suitable for continuous and durable operation, then jointly with the Vendor they evaluate
the results of the trial operation in a record and the MOL Group issues the final acceptance
The technological guarantee requirements shall be recorded in the contract. Major
guarantee parameters:
gas delivery at fixed input pressure and temperature, as well as at fixed output
pressure under full load, in one or several points,
power consumption at the measurement points,
intermediate and post-cooler gas temperature at maximum cooling agent (air or
water) temperature,
safe operation with extreme parameters fixed in the contract,
noise level,
emission of air pollutants.
Mechanical guarantees:
pressure swing and vibration on the main-process system,
lifetime of wearing parts.
Design and selection of so-called wearable spare parts (e.g., seals of all types, piston and
rider rings, compressor valves, others) shall enable to include them into the mechanical
guarantees of the whole machinery, and this shall be required hereby
The process reciprocating compressors shall be delivered in accordance with API 618.
The non-process reciprocating compressors can be delivered pursuant to ISO 8012.
It is required that Manufacturer shall carry out a pulsation analysis of the interconnected
piping system with the proposal and delivery technical measures to ensure safe, even
operation without any excessive pulsation and vibrations. In the case of interconnecting
the reciprocating compressors into a joint system with other compressors of other types
(e.g., centrifugal or rotary compressors) it shall be required to carry out an analysis of the
whole system, analyzing mutual acting of all the linked compressors for all the possible
cases of their run. It shall be required that calculation and analysis results are a part of the
documentation delivered.
In the case of application of step flow control using unloading of compressor suction valves
and using clearance pockets it shall be required to carry out analysis of the all possible
load conditions on the crank mechanism in the course of starting up as well as of operation
of the compressor and relevant selection of design/construction of crosshead bearings as
well as of other parts to ensure the safe unloaded compressor start up, its gradually
loading, and safe operation at every control step, without any risk of damages of the
compressor. It shall be required that calculation and analysis results are integral parts of
the documentation delivered.
It is required that the critical compressors and the horizontal compressors over 100 kW
shall be equipped with a monitoring system of mechanical run acc. to MGS-S-REF-M-
The cylinders of the compressor shall comprise of liners, while such liner shall be
removable and replaceable.
The pressurized parts of the compressors shall contain, while possible, minimum screwed
holes for bolts. Under them there shall be enough of unimpaired material, including a
corrosion allowance to avoid leakage.
The Manufacturer shall set evaluate able and measurable quality criteria on castings of the
pressurized parts; based on such quality criteria, quality of such castings shall be reviewed
and taken over by MOL Group, In the case of the process compressors designed for
explosion gases, in particular those comprising of hydrogen, besides the quality criteria
related to quality surface it shall be necessary to carry out also specifications on non-
destructive testing on castings before and after machining as well (except pressuring
testing and leakage testing, that are a must), providing for relevant evaluate able and
measurable quality criteria for them.
The height of metal supports of cylinders shall not exceed the height of the compressor
from the base. Remaining part of the support shall be made from the same part as the
In principle noise levels at 1m distance from machine surface shall not exceed 85 dB (A). I
One console for cooling water sized for simultaneously run of all compressors on the
specified position (active and stand by as well) is expected.
Valve design shall be with minimized number of moving elements and with geometry
mostly suitable for contaminated gas to avoid any deposits. Vendor shall submit a written
valve dynamics report
Piston rod to have a minimum hardness of RC 33 for 17-4PH material or RC 22 for all
other alloys. NACE Std. MR0175 shall be fulfilled if applicable. Coating and/or hardening
for higher wear resistance to impurities in contaminated gas is required
Segmental rings with stainless steel garter springs to be provided for oil wiper seals,
intermediate seals and gas-cylinder seals. Shields shall be provided, as is specified.
Compressor frame lubrication system to comply with API-618, not to API-614. Sight
glasses shall be installed in the tube oil return piping. An oil sampling valve on the frame
shall be installed.
Frame lubrication system shall be of the console type and complete with one (1) shaft
driven and one (1) electric motor driven oil pump. Oil system shall operate with mineral oil.
The relief valve shall be mounted outside the crankcase.
Single TEMA C type shell and tube oil cooler to be provided.
Dual 10 micron filters with continuous flow transfer to be provided.
A removable thermostatically controlled electric heater to be provided.
General comments mentioned below comments are applicable for lube or mini-lube
compressor design only.
A single plunger-per-point system shall be used.
Cylinder and packing lubrication system to be provided complete with lubricator
driven by the crankshaft.
A thermostatic control for lubricator reservoir oil shall be provided.
Mineral oil shell be applied
A certain range of NDE is required principally. Specifically NDE of the full range of welds
(radiography if possible and one of MPI or LPI) is required for hydrogen or other flammable
and dangerous gas service.
The 100-percent radiography (if possible) and one of MPI or LPI is required for the
pressure-containing compressor parts and piping boundary welds in case of hydrogen or
other flammable or dangerous gases.
Belt drives is not applicable. Its respective application (only in reasonable case) has to be
agreed by MOL Group.
Clearance pockets are not applicable if possible.
Pulsation dampers (i.e. volume bottles of suction/discharge) shall be provided at suction
and discharge side of each cylinder
MOL Group/Contractor shall specify Number of compressors and applicable compressors
performance control system in compliance with Licensor Basic engineering data. Generally
the ability of the installed compressors to operate in normal performance range of the
whole plant 50 - 100% with minimally energetic losses and with the necessary stand-by
capacity is required. Bypasses on piping system are considered mainly as safety
precaution for unnormal service cases and situations, not for permanent control system.
BUYER requirement is to use continuous suction valve unloading like Hydrocom type
without clearance pockets or other similar energetic effective solution. The ability of the
short time (up to 20 minutes) simultaneously operation of all compressors (including
standby) is required for shutdown or startup cases.
MOL Group/Contractor shall specify lube or minilube compressor design in compliance
with Licensor Basic engineering data. Non-lube design is required if there is imminent
danger of the catalyst damage or other technological problems. For non-lube design case
a correct chooses of wear parts is required, suitable for required lifetime and reliability.
MOL Group/Contractor shall specify in datasheet in compliance with Licensor Basic
Engineering data:
all necessary and possible operational cases in regard to handled gases and their
composition (including nitrogen run case if applicable) and in regard to other service
parameters (pressure, temperature, flow range,...),
explicitly specified content of corrosive or fouled gas impurities like Hydrogen Sulfide,
Ammonia, Hydrogen Chloride, Chlorine, Chlorides, Water vapor, etc.
expected mechanical impurities like small catalyst particles, corrosion particles or other
- expected size and amount.
Section 1 - General
Para 2.10.5 Distance piece compartments to be provided generally with bottom
drain- and top vent connections as per attachment G, fig. G-3, type D or type C. It will be
agreed more detailly in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-meeting).
Para 2.11.5 It shall be agreed in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-
Para 2.11.8 Cylinder pressure - packing case for minimized process gas leakage is
required per Appendix I. It will be precised more detailed in the engineering process (e.g.
during kick-of-meeting).
Para 2.12.2 Figure G-5 in Appendix G is generally applicable. A terminal type
“Minimes” in front of the filter and behind the filter enabling to interconnect the
tribodiagnostic device Diagnetics (Technical information with Minimes will be provided by
BUYER). Further details shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-
Para Alarm function shall be provided.
Para Materials for construction shall be meet provisions of Appendix H and
NACE Std. MR0175 if applicable as well and shall be fully suitable for all handled gases.
Vendor's proposal shall be discussed and agreed with BUYER.
Para SELLER is responsible based on Basic engineering data provided by
Licensor. BUYER comment and approval is required.
Para BUYER written approval is also required.
Para Generally SELLER is responsible for specification. The mentioned
drawings shall be presented and discussed during kick-of-meeting also to BUYER if
Para BUYER approval is strictly required. Submitted information and
sketches as mentioned have to be containing also testing procedure proposal of repaired
area and all part as well including proposed test limits. The possibility to comment of a
repair to other major components is required.
Para For further piping the requirements are specified in ANNEX 6 of
Para The mentioned information shall be submitted to BUYER for
Section 3 - Accessories
Para It shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-
meeting), it depends on actual motor size and type.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify based on Basic Engineering Data.
Para It shall be specified by SELLER if applicable based on Basic
Engineering Data.
Para It shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-
meeting) based on Basic Engineering requirements and Compressor's Vendor experience
and recommendation. Belt drive is not applicable.
Para Coupling guard of non-spark material to be provided. Pneumatic or
manual barring shall be applied - it shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g.
during kick-of-meeting).
Para 3.3.1 It shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-
meeting) if applicable. Solution without gear is preffered.
Para SELLER is responsible for specification. BUYER comments are
required. It shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-meeting).
Para SELLER is responsible for specification.
Para SELLER is responsible for specification.
Para SELLER is responsible for specification.
Para SELLER is responsible for specification. Single fabricated steel unit is
required if possible.
Para SELLER is responsible for specification. BUYER comments are
required. It shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-meeting) if
Para As specified Para
Para SELLER is responsible for specification according Basic engineering
data and ANNEX 6of CONTRACT. BUYER Bcomments is required. It shall be precised in
the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-meeting).
Para The constant-speed drive is applicable.
Para SELLER is responsible for specification based on Basic Engineering
Data. BUYER comments are required. It shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g.
during kick-of-meeting).
Para SELLER is responsible for specification based on Basic Engineering
Data. BUYER comments are required. Basic BUYER requirement is to use continuous
suction valve unloading like Hydrocom type without clearance pockets. It shall be precised
in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-meeting).
Para In principle operation supervising will be from the central control
room. Required signals to be made available to allow remote monitoring and control. On
local control panel, in principle only instrumentation required for startup and maintenance
or safety to be provided.
Para Vibration resistance thermocouple is required with indication in
central panel DCS.
Para Main bearing and valve temperature detectors in vibration resistance
thermocouple design with indication in central panel DCS is required. No RTD's is
Para Minimum alarm and shutdown requirements as mentioned in Table 4
shall be completed with high frame vibration alarm, rod drop monitoring alarm, all valves
temperature alarm (shutdown) and pressure difference on individual stages alarm
(shutdown). Details will be discussed and agreed in the engineering process (e.g. during
Para It shall be precised in the engineering process (e.g. during kick-of-
meeting) according proposed type of measuring by Vendor.
Para The SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para Tropical location is not applicable.
Para 3.6.7 complete: SELLER shall specify based on Detail Engineering data.
BUYER comments and approval is required.
Para It is required.
Para Not applicable due to installation of a noncontacting proximity probes
as per
Para SELLER is responsible to specify. Compressor Vendor to advise
requirements and extent for heat tracing and insulation.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify. But in principle Vendor to review
and comment on the arrangement drawings and piping lay-out.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para If SELLER shall be not specify other, auxiliary piping systems include
all necessary tube- and cooling water, drain-, vent - and utility lines attendant on the
equipment, components and auxiliaries, as well as mounting of all valves, controls,
pressure reducers, thermometers, pressure gauges, or other instrumentation on the units.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para 3.8.1/2/3/7/10/11/12/13 SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para SELLER is responsible to communicate with Vendor in this matter and
participate according their mutual agreement. SELLER shall be provided of BUYER with
analysis results and resulted countermeasures for comment.
Specificly, minimally Design approach 2 shall be applied for this case.
The pulsation and vibration studies shall be performed for 1 and 2 (and more if applicable)
machines, operating in parallel and for any load condition and asymmetrical piping
arrangement as specified in Para 3.9.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify all possible operational cases
including alternative gases, alternative condition and parameters of service and alternative
START-UP condition based on Basic Engineering data commented and approved by
BUYER as base for Vendor's action.
Para Interactive acoustical simulation study per operation with the recycle
compressor cirquit shall be performed. Respective modifications shall be mutually agreed
by the SELLER, Vendor and BUYER.
Para Pulsation dampers to be designed and constructed per ASME code
and in accordance ANNEX 6 of CONTRACT.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify. If SELLER shall be not specify
other, a 100 % radiography on all butt welds for process equipments and 10 radiography
for all auxiliary piping to be performed.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para 3.9.4 SELLER is responsible to specify.
Para 3.10 Not applicable.
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
2. Compressor
3. Fans, Blowers
Rev. 1.01.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.2.3
Rotary Machines Date: 28. 01. 2016
Fans, Blowers Page/Pages: 2/8
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. General description .................................................................................................... 4
2. Requirements regarding applications ......................................................................... 5
3. Requirements of centrifugal fans’ machinery protection ............................................ 5
4. Inspection, testing ...................................................................................................... 5
5. Provision of documentation by the Vendor ................................................................. 6
6. Appendix SN – additional rules valid for SLOVNAFT refinery .................................... 6
1. General description
1.1 Scope
The present specification contains the minimum requirements relating to the selection,
procurement, testing, certification, installation and on-site mounting of special-purpose
centrifugal fans to be used in oil industry, for delivering substances containing hydrocar-
The increase of pressure in the ventilating fan does not exceed 0.025 MP (2500 mm water
column). Cooling towers, air coolers, ventilating fans, including vents used for industrial
venting (vent for fire water pump station) air blowers and displacement-type air blowers do
not pertain to the scope of the specification.
Fans using for fired heater shall comply with API 560 and thus they don’t belong to the
scope of this specification.
In general, the machinery units are ordered and delivered in a common base board,
mounted ready, complete with coupling, shaft sealing system and instrument connections.
In the completion of the data sheets these package requirements shall be fully enforced.
These specifications do not exempt the Designer and the Vendor from their responsibility
for delivery of equipment of adequate construction, assuring safe and efficient operation of
the project.
It is the Vendor's full responsibility that the whole package and its components equipment,
consoles (including those supplied by third party) etc., shall operate and function properly.
the application minimally a 15% reserve of mechanical and power loading compar-
ing the maximum design values in machines designing and possible selection of their part,
all rotation parts as rotors, shafts, impellers, wheels, couplings, etc. and their as-
semblies shall be dynamically balanced,
machine casings and bearing housings shall be provided with a low point drain,
precision ground and hardened steel gears shall be used only to ensure smooth
and silent running, accurate timing of the rotating impellers/rotors and long-time lifetime,
all splash lubricated bearings shall be provided with constant-level sight-feed oilers,
the rated speed of the fan shall not exceed 1800 rpm,
the first critical speed for fan shall be at least 125% of the maximum continuous
speed, SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide a critical speed analysis if necessary,
for fans handling gases at temperature above ambient, the fan shall be mechanical-
ly designed for operation at least 38 °C above maximum specified inlet gas temperature,
4. Inspection, testing
4.1 Testing
Requirements of the inspections and tests are included in the API 673 standard.
Vendor shall deliver to MOL Group its Quality Control Plan and time schedule to deadline
indicated in the contract, on the basis of which they agree upon the inspections and tests
where MOL Group wants to participate. Unless otherwise specified, the scope and
inspections’ and tests’ requirements shall be based on MGS-M-REF-M- MOL Group
standard specification.
(1) In general all rotary type compressors, blowers and fans intended for application in
main technological process and handled with flammable, hazardous or hot media (over
150 °C) shall be met API Specifications for process applications. In other cases can be
constructed and delivered in accordance relevant ISO or other standards under the condi-
tions set out in Section III. Hereof.
(2) The process screw compressors shall be delivered in accordance with API 619. Equal-
ly the process Roots type of blowers shall be met applicable and appropriate provisions of
this standard. The process liquid ring vacuum pumps and compressors shall be delivered
in accordance with API 681. Other as mentioned in above point (1) SELLER shall be pre-
sented and provided applicable standards for construction and delivery of the process fans
and process vane compressors as well for BUYER’s comments and approval. The centrif-
ugal fans shall be met applicable and appropriate provisions of API 617 (processed) or
ISO 8011 (unprocessed).
(3) It is required that for the process rotary type compressors, blowers and fans SELLER
shall ensure to enable BUYER to discuss technical solutions of production, tests, and de-
livery directly with Manufacturer. Subject matter of such discussion will be also layout solu-
tion from the view of localization of compressors in operations.
(4) In addition to standards provisions it is generally required for design of these machine
the application minimally a 15% reserve of mechanical and power loading compar-
ing the maximum design values in machines designing and possible selection of their part,
all rotation parts as rotors, shafts, impellers, wheels, couplings, etc. And their as-
semblies shall be dynamically balanced,
machine casings and bearing housings shall be provided with a low point drain,
precision ground and hardened steel gears shall be used only to ensure smooth
and silent running, accurate timing of the rotating impellers/rotors and long-time lifetime,
all splash lubricated bearings shall be provided with constant-level sight-feed oilers,
the rated speed of the fan shall not exceed 1800 rpm,
the first critical speed for fan shall be at least 125 % of the maximum continuous
speed, SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide a critical speed analysis if necessary,
for fans handling gases at temperature above ambient, the fan shall be mechanical-
ly designed for operation at least 38 °C above maximum specified inlet gas temperature,
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
2. Compressors
Rev. 1.00.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing 2.2.4
Rotary Machines Date: 04.04.2012
Screw compressor Page/Pages: 2/16
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 4
2. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 4
3. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 5
4. BASIC DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 5
5 ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................................... 11
6 INSPECTION, TESTING ............................................................................................. 14
7 Documents .................................................................................................................. 15
8 Appendix SN – additional rules valid for SLOVNAFT refinery ..................................... 15
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for dry and flooded helical lobe
rotary type screw compressors, used for vacuum or pressure or both in petroleum,
chemical, and gas industry services. It does not cover portable air compressors, liquid ring
compressors, and vane-type compressors.
1.1.2 This specification does not exonerate the Vendor from the responsibility of being
able to deliver the appropriate equipment that ensures safety and efficient operation of the
1.1.3 The unit is generally ordered and delivered mounted on common mounting plate
with drivers, coupling, shaft-sealing systems, pipe and instrument connections. Completion
of Datasheets should utterly cover these package requirements.
1.1.4 Vendor of the complete unit is fully responsible for the adequate operation of the
complex unit as well as for the guaranteed operation of the units obtained from a third
1.1.5 API compressors should be applied for fire hazard and liable to explode, poisonous,
and corrosive medium independent from pressure rate.
1.2.1 If the Vendor’s offer differs from the project specification or from the bid but is
equivalent, it can be acceptable with the MOL Group’s written permission.
1.3.1 In case of conflict between this specification - or the project specification and the
content of the delivery contract, the contract shall govern.
2.1 Standards
2.1.1 This specification refers the following American and International Standards and
European Directives, which express the minimum MOL Group’s requirement.
a) API 619 Rotary type positive displacement compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical,
and Natural Gas Industries (Screw compressors)
b) API 613 Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry
c) API 614, ISO-ISO 10438 Lubrication Shaft-Sealing and Control-Oil Systems for Special-
Purpose Applications:,
d) API 671 Special-Purpose Couplings for Refinery Service.
e) API 677 General Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry
f) Machinery Directive: 2006/42/EC,
The specification system to be employed shall be always precisely fixed in the contract.
3.1 The terms used in this specification are defined in API 619 last edition.
4.1 General
4.1.1 The equipment (including auxiliaries) covered by this specification shall be designed
and constructed for a minimum service life of 20 years and at least 3 years of
uninterrupted operation. It is recognized that this is a design criterion.
4.1.2 The Vendor shall assume unit responsibility for all equipment and all auxiliary
systems included in his scope of the order.
4.1.3 The MOL Group will specify the equipment’s normal operating point.
4.1.4 Equipment shall be designed to run to the trip speed, specified maximum differential
pressure and 11 percent of relief valve settings without damage.
4.1.5 Unless otherwise specified, cooling water systems shall be in accordance with API
4.1.6 The MOL Group shall approve the arrangement of the equipment, including piping
and auxiliaries. The arrangement shall provide adequate clearance areas and safe access
for operation and maintenance.
4.1.7 All equipment shall be designed to permit rapid and economical maintenance. Major
parts such as casing components and bearing housings shall be designed (shouldered or
cylindrically doweled) and manufactured to ensure accurate alignment on reassembly.
4.1.8 Spare parts for the machine and all furnished auxiliaries shall meet all the criteria of
this specification.
4.1.9 Oil reservoirs and housings that enclose moving lubricated parts (such as bearings,
shaft seals, highly polished parts, instruments, and control elements) shall be designed to
minimize contamination by moisture, dust and other foreign matter during periods of
operation and idleness.
4.1.10 The machine and its driver shall perform on the test stand and on their permanent
foundation within the specified acceptance criteria. After installation, the performance of
the combined units shall be the Vendor’s responsibility and has to be approved by the
MOL Group.
4.1.11 Many factors (such as piping loads, alignment a operating conditions, supporting
structure, handling during shipment, and handling and assembly at the site) may adversely
affect site performance. To minimize the influence of these factors, the Vendor shall review
and comment on the MOL Group’s piping and foundation drawings. After the review, the
Vendor has to approve the piping arrangement.
4.1.12 Motors, electrical components, and electrical installations shall be suitable for the
area classifications specified by MOL Group on the data sheets and shall meet the
requirements of local codes specified and furnished by the Purchaser.
4.1.13 Control of the sound pressure level (SPL) of the equipment furnished shall be the
Vendor’s effort. The equipment furnished by the Vendor shall conform to the maximum
allowable sound pressure level specified by the MOL Group.
4.1.14 The MOL Group and the Vendor shall jointly develop specifications for liquid
separation equipment required in the discharge gas stream.
4.1.15 The MOL Group will specify whether the installation is indoors (heated or unheated)
or outdoors (with or Without roof), as well as the weather and environmental conditions
which the equipment must operate (including maximum and minimum temperatures,
unusual humidity and dusty or corrosive conditions)
4.2.1 The hoop stress values used in the design of the casing shall not exceed the
maximum allowable stress values in tension specified in Section VIII. Division 1. of the
ASME Code at the maximum operating temperature of the material used.
4.2.2 The maximum allowable working pressure of the casing shall be at least equal to
the specified relief valve setting; if a relief valve is not specified, the maximum allowable
working pressure shall be at least 1.25 times the maximum specified discharge pressure
(gauge). Unless otherwise specified, for dry screw compressors system pressure
protection will be furnished by the MOL Group. For flooded screw compressors, relief valves on his oil separators will be
furnished by the Vendor and sized per API Recommended Practice 520 (including fire
Case) or other criteria as specified by the Purchaser.
4.3.1 Inlet and outlet connections shall be flanged or machined and studded, oriented as
specified, and suitable for the working pressure of the casing.
4.3.2 All of the connections shall be accessible for disassembly without the machine
being moved.
4.3.3 Flanges shall conform to ASME, except as specified in API St. 619.
4.4.1 The compressor shall be designed to withstand external forces and moments on
each nozzle API St. 619. The Vendor shall furnish the allowable forces and moments for
each nozzle tabular form.
4.4.2 Casing and supports shall be designed to have sufficient strength and rigidity to limit
distortion of coupling alignment due to pressure, torque, and allowable forces and
moments to 50 micrometers.
4.5.1 Rotors Shafts shall be forged steel unless otherwise approved by the MOL Group.
4.6.1 General Shaft seals shall be provided to restrict or prevent process gas leakage to the
atmosphere and, for dry screw, seal fluid leakage into the process gas stream over the
range of specified operating conditions, including start-up and shutdown. Seal operation
shall be suitable for specified variations in suction conditions that may prevail during start-
up, shutdown, or setting out, and during any other special operation specified by the MOL
Group. The maximum sealing pressure shall be at least equal to the settling out pressure.
The shaft seals and seal system shall be designed to permit safe compressor
pressurization with the seal system in operation prior to process start-up. For low-temperature services system shall have provision for maintaining the
seal oil above its pour-point temperature at the inner-seal drain. The labyrinth seals shall made by suitable for API 619. Restrictive-ring-type seals (see API 619) shall include rings of carbon or other
suitable material mounted in retainers or spacers. The seals may be operated dry, as in
the labyrinth type, or with a sealing liquid, if it is mechanical type. If any ejector system is used, it shall be provided with automatic control to
maintain the desired seal chamber pressure. The motive fluid shall be inert gas or
compressor discharge gas, as specified. The MOL Group and the Vendor shall mutually agree if buffer gas injection is
required for the specified operating conditions in addition to any sealing medium. Piping for continuous buffer gas injection shall include a 150-micren (100-mesh)
strainer, automatic differential pressure controller, low-pressure alarm, and buffer gas
pressure gauge. The Vendor shall specify any alternative arrangement. Liquid-film type seals (see API 619) shall be provided with metallic sealing rings
or sleeves and labyrinths to minimize oil-leakage to the atmosphere and into the
compressor. A sealing liquid shall be supplied (a sin the mechanical type). The self-acting gas seal may require external seal gas but does not require any
liquid for lubrication or cooling. A typical configuration is shown in API 619. Where toxic or
flammable seal gases are used, an isolating seal is required to prevent uncontrolled
leakage to the atmosphere or to the bearing housing. This isolating seal shall preferably be
capable of acting, as a backup seal should the primary seal fail during operation. The seal
gas shall be filtered and shall be free of any contaminants that form residues. The seal gas
source may be taken from the compressor discharge or inter-stage point. An alternate seal
gas source may be used, and may be required during start-up or shutdown. The seal design shall have provisions for buffer gas injection to each seal. The
Purchaser will specify whether buffer gas injection is to used and, if so, the composition of
that gas. In addition, the Vendor shall state whether buffer gas injection is required for any
specified operating conditions. When buffer gas injection is required, the Vendor shall
state the gas requirements including pressures, flow rates, and filtration, and, when
specified, furnish the complete control system schematic and bill of material. MOL Group
will specify the method of control.
4.7 Bearings
4.7.1 General Hydrodynamic radial and thrust bearings shall be required under the following
a) On screw compressors with drivers rated greater than 225 kW, unless specific
approval is obtained from the purchaser.
b) b. Where antifriction-bearing dmN factors exceed the limit sin Table 2 of API 619
4.8.2 Compressors shall have bearing-housing shaft seals at the drive end to prevent oil
4.8.3 Above 200 kW rated performance, thrust bearings and radial bearings shall be fitted
with bearing- metal temperature sensors installed in accordance with API Standard 670.
4.8.4 Screw compressors shall be fitted with two radial vibration probes on each bearing,
one axial position probe on each rotor and a one-event per revolution probe. The probe
installation shall be in accordance with API Standard 670.
4.8.5 When specified, bearing housings shall have a threaded connection(s) for
permanently mounting vibration transducers in accordance with API Standard 670. When
metric fasteners are supplied, the threads shall be M8.
4.8.6 When specified, a flat surface at least 25 millimetres in diameter shall be supplied
for the location of magnetic-based vibration measuring equipment.
4.9.1 Unless otherwise specified, bearings and bearing housings shall be engineered for
hydrocarbon oil lubrication.
4.9.2 Unless otherwise specified, a pressurized oil system shall be furnished to supply oil
at a suitable pressure or pressures, as applicable, to the following:
a) The bearings of the driver and or the driven equipment (including any gear).
b) The governing and control oil system.
c) The seal oil system, if combined with the lube oil systems.
d) Rotor internal cooling.
e) Rotors of oil-flooded compressors including slide valve if applicable.
4.9.3 Unless otherwise specified, for dry screw compressors pressurized oil system shall
conform to the requirements of API Standard 614.
4.9.4 Where oil is supplied from a common system to two or more machines (such as a
compressor, a gear, and a motor), the oil’s characteristics will be specified by the MOL
Group on his basis of mutual agreement with all Vendors supplying equipment served by
the common oil system.
4.9.5 Pressure lubrication systems other than thus described in API Standard 614 shall
consist of a separately driven oil pump with a suction strainer, a supply and return system,
and oil cooler (when required), a full-flow filter, low lube oil pressure shutdown switches,
and other necessary instruments.
The oil system shall be designed to provide sufficient on flow at required pressure under
all operating, transient and standstill conditions including pre-lubrication, start switching
auxiliary oil pump, rundown, post-lubrication, and maintain seal oil pressure at standstill
when specified. The requirements of API 619 shall apply.
4.10 Materials
4.10.1 General The Vendor shall specify the ASTM optional tests and inspections procedures
that may be necessary to ensure that materials are satisfactory for the service. Such tests
and inspections shall be listed in his proposal. The MOL Group may consider specifying
additional tests and inspections, especially for materials used in critical components. The MOL Group will specify any corrosive agents present in the motive and
process fluids and in his environment, including constituents that may cause stress
corrosion cracking. Materials exposed to a sour environment (wet H2S) as defined by NACE MR-
01-90 shall be in accordance with the requirements of that standard. Ferrous materials not
covered by NACE MR-01-90 shall be limited to yield strength not exceeding 620 N/mm2 If parts exposed to conditions that promote into granular corrosion are to
fabricated, hard faced, overlay or repaired by welding, they shall be made of low –carbon
or stabilized grades of austenitic stainless steel. Where mating parts such as studs and nuts of AISI Standard type 300 stainless
steel is used, it shall be lubricated with anti seizure compound of the proper temperature
specification and compatible with the specified gas. All pressure containing components including nozzles, flanges and welds shall
be impact-tested accordance with the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1, Section
USC-65 through 68 of the ASME Code. High alloy steels, shall be tested in accordance
with Section VIII, Division 1, Section UHA-51 of the ASME Code.
Impact testing is not required if the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1, Section UG-
20f of the ASME Code met. Nominal thickness for castings as defined in Section VIII,
Division 1, paragraph UCS-66 (2) of the ASME Code shall exclude structural support
sections such as feet or lifting lugs. The results of the impact testing shall meet the
minimum impact energy requirements of Section VIII, Division 1, and section UG-84 of the
ASME Code. The MOL Group will specify the minimum design metal temperature used to
establish impact test requirements.
5.5 Drivers
5.5.1 The type of driver will be specified. The driver shall be sized to meet maximum
specified operating conditions, including external gear and/or coupling losses, and shall be
in accordance with applicable specifications, as stated in his inquiry and order. The driver
shall be suitable for satisfactory operating under the utility and site conditions specified.
5.5.2 Anticipated process variations that may affect the sizing of the driver (such as
changes in his pressure, temperature, or properties of the fluid handled, as well as special
plant start up conditions) will be specified.
5.5.3 The starting conditions for the compressor shall be specified and the MOL Group
and the Vendor shall mutually agree upon the starting method. The driver’s starting torque
capabilities shall exceed the speed-torque requirements of the compressor.
5.6.1 Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer of the driven equipment shall supply
flexible element couplings and guards between drivers and driven equipment.
5.6.2 Coupling to shaft junctures and guards shall conform to API Standard 671. The
MOL Group and the Vendors of the driver and driven equipment shall agree upon the
make, type, and mounting arrangement of couplings. When a base plate is specified, the MOL Group will indicate the major
equipment to be mounted on it. A base plate shall be a single fabricated steel unit, unless
the MOL Group and the Vendor mutually agree that it may fabricate in multiple sections.
Multiple section base plate shall have machined and doweled mating surfaces to ensure
accurate field reassembly. Unless otherwise specified, the base plate shall extend under the drive-train
components so that any leakage from these components is contained within the base
plate. When soleplates are specified, they shall meet the requirements of API 619 When sub soleplates are specified, they shall be steel plates at least 25-
millimeters thick. The finish of the sub soleplates mating surfaces shall match that of the
soleplates (see API 619)
5.9 Piping
5.9.1 General Auxiliary piping systems’ design and joint fabrication, examination, and
inspection shall be in accordance with API Standard 614, except minimum requirements
for piping materials shall be in accordance with API 619. The extent of and requirements for process piping to be supplied by the Vendor
will be specified. Piping design and joint fabrication, examination and inspection shall be in
accordance with ASME. Vendor shall review complete system of MOL Group, in accordance with API
619. The MOL Group and the Vendor shall mutually agree on his scope of this review.
5.10.1 MOL Group shall specify whether Vendor shall furnish a water-cooled shell-and-
tube intercooler between each compression stage.
5.10.3 Unless otherwise approved by the MOL Group, the intercoolers and after-coolers
shall be constructed and arranged to allow removal of the tube bundles without
dismantling piping or compressor components. Water shall be on his tube side.
5.10.4 Fixed-tube-sheet exchangers shall have inspection openings into their gas
passages. Rupture disks on his shell side (to protect in case of tube failure) shall be used
only when specifically approved by the Purchaser.
5.10.5 When air coolers are specified, they shall be in accordance with API Standard 661.
5.11.1 Unless otherwise specified, the Vendor shall furnish dry-type multistage high-
efficiency air intake filters for air compressors taking suction from the atmosphere. High-
efficiency filters shall be capable of removing 97 percent of particles 1 micron or larger
over the inlet capability range. The maximum clean pressure drop shall not exceed 12
5.11.2 Air intake filters shall be suitable for mounting outdoors, preferably at grade, and
shall be provided with a weather hood or louvers. For plant locations subject to unusual
conditions, such as sandstorms, the inlet to the filter may be elevated some distance
above the compressors.
5.11.3 Each filter shall be provided with a differential pressure indicator and switch.
5.11.4 Filters shall be designed such that the first stage (pre-filter) elements may be
changed while the unit is operating.
5.14 In case special tools are needed for maintenance reason Vendor shall supply them.
6.5 General
6.5.1 The MOL Group will specify the extent of participation in his inspection and testing
and the amount of advance notification required.
6.5.2 Contractor shall deliver to MOL Group his Quality Control Plan and time schedule to
deadline indicated in the contract, on the basis of which they agree upon the inspections
and tests where MOL Group wants to participate. Unless otherwise specified, the scope
and inspections’ and tests’ requirements shall be based on MGS-M-REF-M- MOL
Group standard specification.
6.6 Inspection
6.7 Testing Additional requirements of hydrostatical tests shall be acc. to API St. 619. The requirements of API St. 619 shall be met before the mechanical running test
is performed. The mechanical running test shall be run at maximum continuous speed for a
minimum of four hours. Variable speed equipment shall also be tested as specified in API
St. 619
7 Documents
The requirements regarding the tender, contract and Vendor’s documents shall comply
with the specifications of the API 619 standard and MOL Group’s specifications:
MGS-S-REF-M-5.2.1: Inquiry and ordering documentation for rotating machines
MGS-S-REF-M-5.4.1: Requirement of Vendor documentation for rotating machines
(1) In general all rotary type compressors, blowers and fans intended for application in
main technological process and handled with flammable, hazardous or hot media (over
150 °C) shall be met API Specifications for process applications. In other cases can be
constructed and delivered in accordance relevant ISO or other standards.
(2) The process screw compressors shall be delivered in accordance with API 619.
Equally the process Roots type of blowers shall be met applicable and appropriate
provisions of this standard. The process liquid ring vacuum compressors shall be delivered
in accordance with API 681. Other as mentioned in above point (1) Vendor shall be
presented and provided applicable standards for construction and delivery of the process
fans and process vane compressors as well for MOL Group’s comments and approval.
The centrifugal fans shall be met applicable and appropriate provisions of API 617
(processed) or ISO 8011 (unprocessed).
(3) It is required that for the process rotary type compressors, blowers and fans Vendor
enables MOL Group to discuss technical solutions of production, tests, and delivery
directly with Manufacturer. Subject matter of such discussion will be also layout solution
from the view of localisation of compressors in operations.
(4) In addition to standards provisions it is generally required for design of these machine
(4.1) the application minimally a 15% reserve of mechanical and power loading
comparing the maximum design values in machines designing and possible selection of
their part,
(4.2) for potentially corrosive or fouling gas applications, appropriate solutions shall be
proposed and delivered by Vendor including appropriate material selection, appropriate
rotor/impeller/wheel design (e.g. radial or modified radial self-cleaning wheels for fans,
etc.), respective accessories for cleaning during machine run, etc.
(4.3) all rotation parts as rotors, shafts, impellers, wheels, couplings, etc. And their
assemblies shall be dynamically balanced,
(4.4) machine casings and bearing housings shall be provided with a low point drain,
(4.5) precision ground and hardened steel gears shall be used only to ensure smooth
and silent running, accurate timing of the rotating impellers/rotors and long-time lifetime,
(4.6) all splash lubricated bearings shall be provided with constant-level sight-feed oilers,
(4.7) lube oil system according API 614 shall be used if applicable,
(4.8) the rated speed of the fan shall not exceed 1800 rpm,
(4.9) the first critical speed for fan shall be at least 125% of the maximum continuous
speed, Vendor shall provide a critical speed analysis if necessary,
(4.10) for fans handling gases at temperature above ambient, the fan shall be
mechanically designed for operation at least 38 °C above maximum specified inlet gas
(4.11) the fan shall by provided with an inspection closable opening to permit
wheel/impeller inspection.
MOL Group
2. Rotary Machines
3. Turbines
1. Steam turbines
Rev. 1.01.00
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Identity code:
Refining & Marketing MGS-S-REF-M- 2.3.1
Release list
This document is property of MOL Group. The use is only allowed with the written permission of MOL Group.
Refining & Marketing
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 4
2 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 5
3 BASIC DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 5
4 CASINGS ...................................................................................................................... 6
5 ROTATING ELEMENTS................................................................................................ 7
6 CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATIONS .................................................................... 8
7 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ............................................................................................ 11
8 PIPING AND APPURTENANCES ............................................................................... 11
9 ACCESSORIES .......................................................................................................... 11
11 Additional requirements regarding applications ........................................................ 17
12 Appendix SN – additional rules valid for SLOVNAFT refinery .................................. 18
1.1 Scope
This specification specifies the minimum requirements for steam turbines used in plants of
the petroleum oil-, chemical and gas industries. The specification is based on API 612,
which is equivalent to EN ISO 10437.
These requirements cover selection, procurement, acceptance and warranty of local
acceptance conditions of steam turbines. This specification does not exonerate the Vendor
from the responsibility to supply appropriately configured equipment, which fulfills secure
and effective operation of the project.
Vendor of the Unit shall be full responsible not only for the complex operation of the whole
Unit but for the appropriate operation of all parts (including parts from third party supplier).
Unless otherwise specified the steam turbine used for driving of auxiliary pumps such as
lube oil pumps, cooling pumps and like these at rotating packages shall comply with the
requirements covered in API 611.
1.2 Alternative designs
Should the Vendor offer an alternative design deviating from the project specification or
from the inquiry documents but equivalent with that, it can be accepted by a written
consent of MOL group.
1.3 Conflicting requirements
Should any contradiction exist between this specification and the content of the delivery
contract, and then the contract is dominant.
l) ASME PTC 20.2, Over speed trip systems for steam turbine-generator units.
m)Machinery Directive, 2006/42/EC
n) MOL Group’s standard specifications:
MGS-S-REF-M-2.0: General requirements (Rotary machines)
MGS-S-REF-M-2.1.8 Machine monitoring
MGS-S-REF-M- Requirements of inspection and checking for steam
MGS-S-REF-E-4.10 Electric motors
The specification system to be employed shall be always precisely fixed in the contract.
MOL Group and Vendor shall mutually determine the measures that must be taken to
comply with any governmental' codes, regulations, ordinances or rules that are applicable
to the equipment.
3.1 General
3.1.1 The Vendor owes unit responsibility for all the equipments and auxiliary systems
included in the order.
3.1.2 The Vendor who has unit responsibility shall assure that all sub vendors comply
with the requirements of this Standard.
3.1.3 The MOL Group shall specify the equipment's normal operating point and any other
required operating points, including the inlet and exhaust steam conditions and any
extraction or induction steam quantities and pressures. MOL Group shall also specify the
maximum and minimum values of the inlet, exhaust and extraction/induction steam
3.1.4 The MOL Group shall specify the purity of steam available.
3.1.6 Equipment shall be designed to run to the trip speed without damage. The turbine
trip speed shall be 110 % of (maximum continuous speed, normally 116 % of rated speed.
3.1.7 The turbine and accessories shall perform on the test stand and when installed on
the permanent foundation, within the specified acceptance criteria. After installation, the
performance of the combined units shall be the joint responsibility of the MOL Group and
the Vendor who has unit responsibility.
3.1.8 Many factors may adversely affect site performance. These factors include such
items as piping loads, alignment at operating conditions, supporting structure, handling
during shipment, and handling and assembly at the site, if specified. To minimize the
influence of these factors, the Vendor shall review and comment on MOL Group's piping
and foundation drawings.
If specified, the Vendor's representative shall witness:
i) check of the piping alignment performed by unfastening the major flanged connections
of the equipment;
j) the initial shaft alignment check;
k) shaft alignment at operating temperature.
3.1.9 The arrangement of the equipment, including piping and auxiliaries, shall be
developed jointly by MOL Group and Vendor. The arrangement shall provide adequate
clearance areas and safe access for operation and maintenance.
3.1.10 All equipment shall be designed to permit rapid and economical maintenance. Major
parts, such as casing components and bearing housing, shall be designed and
manufactured to ensure accurate alignment on reassembly. This may be accomplished by
the use of shouldering, cylindrical dowels, or keys.
4.1.1 All pressure parts shall be suitable for operation within the specified steam
conditions at the most severe expected conditions of coincident pressure and
4.1.2 The tensile stress used in the design of the pressure casing, for any material, shall
not exceed 0,25 times the minimum ultimate tensile strength for that material at the
maximum specified operating temperature. For cast materials, the allowable tensile stress
shall be multiplied by the appropriate casting factor as shown in API Std. The manufacturer
shall state the source of the material properties, such as ASTM, as well as the casting
factors applied in his proposal.
4.1.3 The maximum allowable working pressure(s) of the casing shall be at least equal to
the specified relief valve set point(s). For condensing turbines, the exhaust casing shall be
designed for both full vacuum and for a maximum allowable working gauge pressure of at
least 70 kPa (0,7 bar) (10 psi).
4.1.4 For turbine casings designed for more than one maximum allowable pressure level
(split-pressure-level casings) the vendor shall define the physical limits and maximum
allowable working pressures of the turbine casing and each part of the turbine casing.
4.1.5 The turbine casing shall be axially split. Turbine casings may also be split radially
between high-pressure and low-pressure sections.
4.1.6 The main joint of axially and radially split casings shall use a metal-to-metal joint
that is tightly maintained by bolting. The joint shall be sealed with a compound that is
compatible with the fluids to be handled. Gaskets (including string type) shall not be used.
4.1.7 Each axially split casing shall be sufficiently rigid to allow removal and replacement
of its upper half without disturbing rotor-to-casing running clearances.
4.2.1 MOL Group shall specify the orientation of the main inlet and outlet steam
connections. AII connections shall be suitable for the maximum allowable working
pressure(s) of the casing. Flanged connections shall be integral with the casing or, for
casings of weldable material, may be formed by a socket-welded or butt welded pipe
nipple or transition piece, and shall terminate with a weld-neck or socket-weld flange.
4.3.1 All control stage nozzle rings shall be replaceable. Nozzle rings welded to the outer
casing are acceptable only when approved in advance by the purchaser.
4.3.2 AII other stationary blading shall be mounted in replaceable diaphragms or blade
carriers. Nozzles or blade welded to the diaphragm are preferred.
4.3.3 Any internal fasteners shall be positively retained to prevent them from entering the
steam path.
4.3.4 The design shall ensure that water cannot be trapped in the wet region of a
condensing turbine. The design of water drain holes in the wet region of a condensing
turbine shall avoid the holes becoming blocked by corrosion o debris. In the case of drain
holes in the diaphragms of an impulse type turbine, this shall be achieved by lining the
drain holes with corrosion resistant material.
5.1 General
5.1.1 Rotors shall be capable of safe operator at maximum overshoot speed of 121% of
maximum continuous speed at any specified operating temperature. Following such an
excursion, the rotor shall be capable of operation without immediate maintenance
5.1.2 The purchaser's approval is required for built-up rotors (disks shrunk on the shaft)
when blade tip velocity: exceed 250 m/s (825 ft/s) at maximum continuous speed or when
stage inlet steam temperatures exceed 440 °C (825 F).
5.1.3 Each rotor shall be permanently marked with a unique identification number. This
number shall be on the shaft end, in an area that is not prone to damage.
5.1.4 lf specified, provisions shall be made for field balancing without disassembly of the
turbine. The vendor shall describe these provisions and the method of use in the proposal.
5.1.5 Requirements relating to the shafts, blading, rotor dynamics, bearings, shaft seal
shall be foolowed defined in API 612.
5.2.1 Cast iron bearing housing or bearing housing supports are unacceptable.
5.2.2 Provision shall be made for mounting two non-contacting radial-vibration probes in
each bearing housing, two axial-position probes at the thrust end of each machine, and a
one-event-per-revolution probe in each machine. The probe installation shall be as
specified in API 670.
5.2.3 When specified, provision for mounting accelerometers on the bearing housings
shall be made in accordance with API 670.
6.1 General
The wiring and installation of instrumentation control and electrical systems shall conform
to the purchaser's specifications (MGS-S-REF-I – Control technique, MGS-S-REF-E –
Electric) and, unless otherwise specified, shall conform to the requirements of API Std 614
and API Std 670.
6.2.1 The governing system is the primary system necessary to match the turbine output
to the application. The governing system includes the speed governor, control mechanism,
and governor-controlled valve(s). The turbine vendor shall have unit responsibility for the
entire governing system. For generator drive applications, the requirements shall be as
agreed by MOL Group and the turbine’s Vendor.
6.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, the primary function of the governing system shall be to
maintain the turbine speed at a set value by regulating the steam flow through the turbine.
6.3.1 General
exceeding 127 % of the rated speed on an instantaneous, complete loss of coupled inert
and load while operating at the rated conditions. In the event of loss of load without foss of
coupled inertia, the system; shall prevent the speed from exceeding 120 % of rated speed
unless otherwise specified by the driven equipment Vendor. The turbine Vendor shall have
unit responsibility for the over speed shutdown system. If specified, a turbine with an exhaust pressure less than atmospheric pressure
shall be provided with an exhaust vacuum breaker actuated by the shutdown system.
Details of such a system shall be agreed on by the purchaser and the turbine vendor. On controlled extraction turbines, the vendor shall supply a non-return valve
equipped with a spring-loaded hydraulic or pneumatic actuated cylinder to assist in closing
the valve, on each extraction line. The hydraulic oi pneumatic cylinder on these valves
shall be actuated by the shutdown system. The manufacturer, model, quantity and location
of the device(s) shall be agreed on by the purchaser and the turbine vendor. On turbines with uncontrolled extractions, two non-return valves in series shall
be provided on each extraction. An over speed detection system based on three independent measuring circuits
and two-out-of-three voting logic in accordance with API Std 670 shall be supplied. A separate independent trip valve(s) or combined trip and throttle valve(s), as
specified, shall be provided for each steam inlet. In the remainder of this clause, the term
trip valve refers to both separate trip valves and combined trip and throttle valves. If specified, duplicate trip valves shall be provided, arranged in parallel. Each trip
valve shall be sized to pass the full steam flow.
In normal operation, one valve shall be closed. The purpose of the second valve is to
enable the normally open valve to be completely tested with the turbine on Line.
Failure of trip valves to close when required is a common cause of turbine failure. It is
recommended that trip valves should be fully tested at regular intervals. Where the turbine
cannot be conveniently taken out of service for this purpose consideration should be given
to installing two trip valves.
Where duplicate trip valves are provided, the steam piping shall be designed to allow for
the thermal expansion and entrapped energy effects resulting from steam flow through
either or both valves. The trip valve(s) shall be designed to be closed by the action of a spring. Unless
otherwise specified, the valve(s) shall be held open by direct hydraulic means. Any
shutdown signal shall cause the valve(s) to close. The design of trip valve(s) shall include but not be limited to the following
a) corrosion-resistant material on the stem and Beating surfaces;
b) prevention of steam contaminate deposits on the valve stem which inhibit closure;
c) spring loading and steam flow and pressure to assist closure;
d) d) above and below seat drain connections, as required by the body style and
mounting position, and valve stem leak-off connections;
e) reset and start-up capability with maximum differential pressure across the valve;
f) partial stroking capability which does not interrupt operation of the turbine when
redundant valves are not specified; the arrangement shall prevent full closure during an
exercise test but shall permit the valve to fully close if a shutdown condition occurs;
g) replacement of wearing parts with the valve in place;
h) corrosion-resistant steam strainer;
i) valve disk designed to prevent the rotation of the valve disk on seat;
j) valve stem, stem bushing, main valve disk, and alt sliding surfaces shall have hardened
contact surfaces. The trip valve steam strainer shall be designed to prevent in-service failure. The
strainer shall be( removable without dismantling any of the inlet steam piping. The effective
free area of the strainer shall be at least twice the cross-sectional area of the valve inlet
connection. The steam strainer shall be capable of withstanding a pressure differential at
least equal to 25% of the inlet pressure. The trip valve shall not depend on steam flow assistance to meet the required
closure time. The closure time of the valve shall be verified during the mechanical running
test. The time from the over speed condition to full closure of the trip valve shall not
exceed the time calculated by the turbine vendor to meet the requirements. The
calculation methodology shall be in accordance with ASME PTC 20.2.
6.4.1 An alarm/shutdown system shall be provided in accordance with API Std 614.
6.4.2 The turbine Vendor shall advise the MOL Group of any alarms and/or shutdowns
considered essential to safeguard the turbine.
6.4.3 MOL Group shall specify the alarms and shutdowns required. As a minimum, to
safeguard the turbine, these should include the following:
over speed shutdown system fault;
failure of any one governor speed sensor;
low lube oil pressure; high exhaust pressure; high radial vibration;
axial displacement;
high bearing temperature;
low control oil pressure;
low/high extraction pressure;
low steam inlet temperature;
high exhaust temperature (condensing turbines).
over speed;
failure of all governor speed sensors;
very low lube oil pressure;
very high radial vibration; high axial displacement;
very high bearing temperature.
Electrical systems shall conform to the purchaser's specifications and, unless otherwise
specified, shall conform to the requirements of API Std 614 and API Std 670.
8.1 General
8.1.1 Piping design, fabrication, examination and inspection shall be in accordance with
the codes and standards specified and shall conform to the requirements of API Std 614.
8.1.3 If welding in a particular location is acceptable, the connection shall be welded and
not threaded.
9.1.1 When the turbine vendor supplies tandem drivers, the vendor shall furnish flexible
coupling(s) and guard(s) between the units. Unless otherwise specified, the vendor of the
driven equipment shall supply all other couplings and guards.
9.1.2 Couplings shall conform to EN ISO 10441 or API Std 671. The make, type, and
mounting arrangement of the couplings shall be as specified by the purchaser and agreed
by the vendors of the driver and driven equipment.
9.1.4 Where a coupling is to be mounted on the turbine shaft with a tapered fit, the
correct machining of the taper shall be confirmed by the use of a matched plug and ring
gauge, unless an alternative method of confirming the correct fit has been agreed on.
9.1.5 Information on shafts, keyway dimensions (if any), and shaft end movements due to
endplay and thermal effects shall be furnished to the supplier of the coupling.
9.1.7 Idling adapter(s) (solo plates), and bolting in accordance with EN ISO 10441 or API
Std 671, shall be furnished, if required, to enable the turbine to be run uncoupled from the
driven equipment without requiring removal of the halt coupling. The idling adapter(s) shall
be supplied to the purchaser as part of the special tools.
9.1.8 Unless otherwise specified, the turbine coupling hub(s) shall be mounted by the
turbine manufacturer.
9.3.1 General General requirements for mounting plates and baseplates see API 612.
9.3.2 Baseplates If a baseplate is specified, the purchaser shall indicate the major equipment to
be mounted on it. A baseplate shall be a single fabricated steel unit, unless MOL Group
and the vendor agree that it may be fabricated in multiple sections. Multiple-section
baseplates shall have machined and doweled mating surfaces which shall bolted together
to ensure accurate field reassembly. If specified, the baseplate shall be suitable for column mounting that is of
sufficient rigidity to be supported at specified points without continuous grouting under
structural members. The design of column-mounted baseplates shall be agreed upon by
the purchaser and the vendor. If specified, the baseplate shall be designed to facilitate the use of optical, laser-
based or other instruments for accurate levelling in the field. The details of such features
shall be agreed upon by the MOL Group and the Vendor. Where levelling pads and/or
targets are supplied, they shall be accessible with the baseplate(s) on the foundation and
the equipment mounted. Removable protective covers shall be provided. Far column
mounted baseplates, pads or targets shall be located close to support points. For non-
column mounted baseplates, a pad or target shall be located at each corner. When
required, additional pads or targets shall be located at intermediate points. The baseplate shall be provided with lifting lugs for at least a four-point lift.
Lifting the baseplate complete with all equipment mounted shall not permanently distort or
otherwise damage the baseplate or the equipment mounted on it. The bottom of the baseplate between structural members shall be open. When
the baseplate is designed for grouting, it shall be provided with at least one grout hole
having a clear area of at least 0,01 m2 (20 in.2) and no dimension less than 75 mm (3 it) in
each bulkhead section. These holes shall be located to permit grouting under All ( load-
carrying structural members. Where practical, the holes shall be accessible for grouting
with equipment installed. The holes shall have 13 mm ('/z in.) raised-lip edges, and if
located in an area where liquids could impinge on the exposed grout, metallic covers with
a minimum thickness of 1 mm (16 gauge) shall be provided. Vent holes at least 13 mm
(112 in.) in size shall be provided at the highest point in each bulkhead section of the
baseplate. The underside mounting surfaces of the baseplate shall be in one plane to
permit use of a single-level) foundation. When multi-section baseplates are provided, the
mounting surfaces shall be in one plane after the baseplate sections are doweled and
bolted together. Unless otherwise specified, non-skid decking covering all walk and work areas
shall be provided on top of the baseplate. After baseplate fabrication, the equipment mounting surfaces shall meet the
following criteria:
a) the surface finish shall be 6µm (250 gin.) arithmetic average roughness, Ra, or better;
b) mounting surfaces in one plane shall be machined such that no point on any surface
deviates from the common plane by more than 50 µm (0,002 in.);
c) different mounting planes shall be parallel to each other within 1 in 1 000, in any
9.4.1 The Vendor shall furnish the relief valves that are to be installed on equipment or in
piping within their scope of supply. The MOL Group shall furnish other relief valves. The
vendor shall advise the MOL Group of the flow rate, set pressure, and temperature for
MOL Group's use in relief valve sizing and selection. The vendor's quotation shall list U
relief valves and shall clearly indicate those to be furnished by the Vendor.
9.4.2 The sizing, selection and installation of relief valves shall meet the requirements of
API RP 520, Parts I and II. Relief valves shall be in accordance with API Std 526. The
Vendor shall determine the size and set pressure of alt relief valves within their scope of
supply and recommend the size and setting of relief valves supplied by others required to
protect the equipment. Relief valve sizes and set pressures shall take account of alt
possible modes of equipment failure.
9.4.3 Unless otherwise specified, relief valves shall have steel bodies.
9.4.4 If specified, thermal relief valves shall be provided for components that contain
liquid and may be blocked in by isolation valves.
9.5.1 Unless otherwise specified, bearings and bearing housings shall be arranged for oil
lubrication using a mineral oil in accordance with EN ISO 8068.
9.5.2 Unless otherwise specified, the turbine Vendor shall furnish a pressurized oil
system to supply oil at a suitable pressure or pressures, as applicable, to the following:
a) the bearings of the driver and of the driven equipment (including any gear);
b) any continuously lubricated couplings;
c) the control-oil system;
d) the shutdown system.
9.5.4 Where oil is supplied from a common system to two or more components of a
machinery train (such as a compressor, a gear, and a turbine), the Vendor having unit
responsibility shall ensure compatibility of type, grade, pressure and temperature of oil for
all equipment served by the common system.
9.5.5 Any points that require grease lubrication during operation and which cannot be
easily and safely accessed during operation shall be provided with austenitic stainless
steel extension lines shielded from heat if necessary.
9.6.1 Unless otherwise specified, a gland vacuum system shall be furnished by the
Vendor. It shall include a gland condenser and steam ejector sized for three times the
expected flow with "as new" shaft seal clearances. The condenser shall have a steel shell,
brass or cupro-nickel tubes with a nominal wall thickness of not less than 1,25 mm (0,050
in.) and a diameter of at least 15 mm (518 in.), and fixed tube sheets with water on the
tube side. U-tubes are not acceptable. The shell side shall be designed for both full
vacuum and gauge pressure of 500 kPa (5 bar) (75 psi). The steam ejector shall have a
steel body and a replaceable stainless steel steam nozzle.
9.7.1 If specified or required by the Vendor, turbines shall be insulated and jacketed. The
insulation and jacketing shall extend over all parts of the turbine casing that can reach a
normal operating temperature of 74 °C (165 F) or higher.
If insulation is not supplied, the vendor should advise the MOL Group of the expected
surface temperature of the casing and any special requirements. This applies to the
turbine casing and does not include any auxiliary steam piping or bolted on trip or trip and
throttle valves.
9.7.2 The insulation shall maintain an external surface temperature of not more than 74
°C (165 F) under standard operating conditions. Jackets and insulation shall be designed
to minimize possible damage during removal and replacement. It shall be provided that
Unit surfaces exceed 50 °C not to be reachable (even by chance) from control platforms
and surrounding area.
9.8.1 A turning gear shall be provided if specified by the MOL Group or required by the
9.8.2 Energizing power operated turning gear shall be possible only after lube-oil
pressure has been established.
9.8.3 The turning gear shall automatically disengage when the rotor accelerates during
9.8.4 Engagement of the turning gear on shutdown before the rotor has come to a stop
shall be positively prevented if this could damage the turning device or the steam turbine.
9.8.5 The type of turning device shall be specified. It may be driven by a steam turbine,
electrical motor, hydraulic motor, or pneumatic motor. Provision shall be made to permit
manual operation of the turning gear.
9.9.1 Unless otherwise specified, or the usage of special tools are required by Vendor
see API 612.
10.1 General
10.2 Inspection
materials are specified by MOL Group, the methods and acceptance criteria shall be in
accordance with the standards or alternative standards specified by MOL Group or
proposed by Vendor and agreed by MOL Group. During assembly of the equipment, each component (including integrally cast-in
passages) and all piping and appurtenances shall be inspected to ensure they have been
cleaned and are free of foreign materials, corrosion products, and mill scale. All oil system components furnished shall meet the cleanliness requirements of
API Std 614. If specified, MOL Group may inspect for cleanliness the equipment and all piping
and appurtenances before installation of nozzle blocks and steam-chest covers, (final
assembly of piping, or closure of openings.
10.3 Testing
10.3.1 General
Equipment shall be teste in accordance with API 612 std. and MOL Group’s specification
MGS-S-REF-M- ‘Requirements of inspection and checking for steam turbines’ General
General requirements concerning hydrostatic tests see API 612 Before carrying out mechanical running test, requirements described in API 612.
shall be fulfilled. Unless otherwise specified, operation of the control systems shall be
demonstrated and the mechanical running test of the steam turbine shall be conducted as
specified in API 612. General
MOL Group shall specify in the inquiry or in the order whether any of the shop tests shall
be performed.
(2) With the turbines driving the main technology units (e.g., centrifugal compressors, big
pumps, and similar) it shall be required to equip them with electric governors instead of
mechanical ones.
(3) Gearboxes shall be delivered in accordance with API 613 or API 677 according
criteria mentioned in these standards.
(4) The acceptance criteria for mechanical run of the new machine unit such as
vibration, bearing temperatures, etc. have to by specified by Vendor in the bottom part of
the normal operational range of individual parameters. Buyer's approval is required.
(5) The noise limit 85 dB(A) at 1 m distance from machine surface shall not exceed
generally. In this point shall be meet MOL Group's requirements of the Technical annex of
(6) The outdoor installation with a roof shall be applicable.
(7) The orientation of inlet and outlet connections shall be specified by MOL Group.
(8) Each bearing shall be fitted with minimally two bearing metall temperature sensors.
(9) The MOL Group's approval is required for repair of the pressure containing and
rotating parts.
(10) The Vendor is responsible to propose the range of the NDE including criteria for such
parts and to send to MOL Group for comment and approval.
(11) The diaphragm type of coupling is required, not gear type.
(12) It is generally required that the final mounting plate design shall be mutually agreed
upon by the Vendor and MOL Group.
(13) Generally a electronic type not mechanical/hydraulic type of the governor shall be
(14) The insulation shall extend also over such portions of the turbine casing and piping
that may reach a normal operating temperature of 50°C at SN and 60°C at MOL and are
accessible for operators. It is necessary understand as safety requirement.
(15) Generally a certain kind of the technically suitable NDE inspection has to be apply for
main pressure-containing parts as casing, inter-stage diaphragms, parts of the pressure
seal gas system and other pressure connection and also for dynamically loaded parts as
rotor parts, coupling etc. It is applicable also for casted and forged parts. Radiographic
inspection (if possible) and one of magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspection shall be
performed completed with visual inspection. Ultrasonic inspection shall be used in specific
cases when technically advantageous or necessary. Vendor/Contractor has to be specify
exact limits for all applied inspection including visual inspection in advance.
(16) The performance test shall be performed on Vendor's test bed in time close to
mechanical running test due to possibility witness by MOL Group on both.
(17) In case of the common manufacturer for both, turbine and compressor, complete unit
tests/string tests (mechanical and performance as well) shall be performed in place of
individual component tests. If individual component tests will be necessary they shall be
performed as well. Such procedure of testing shall be apply also in other cases if
To 2.1.6 : The following shall be added : „The acceptance criteria for mechanical
run of the new machine unit such as vibration, bearing temperatures, etc. have to by
specified by Vendor in the bottom part of the normal operational range of individual
parameters. Bayer's approval is required.“
To 2.1.12 : It seems, this LICENSOR's comment is applicable for para 2.1.13 not
2.1.12. Please to correct it. In other hand please to add to para 2.1.12 the following
comment : „The noise limit 85 dB(A) at 1 m distance from machine surface shall not
exceed generally. In this point shall be meet MOL Group's requirements of the Technical
annex of contract. “
The following shall be added to new point 2.1.14 : „The outdoor installation with a
roof shall be applicable. Further shall be specified in regard to MOL Group's requirements
in Technical annex of contract.“
To 2.4.1 : The following shall be added : „The orientation of inlet and outlet
connections shall be specified by purchaser. Bayer's approval is required.“
To : Please to correct the following : „Each bearing shall be fitted with
minimally two bearing metall temperature sensors.
To : The MOL Group's approval is required for repair of the pressure
containing and rotating parts.
The following shall be added to new point : „The Vendor is responsible to
propose the range of the NDE including criteria for such parts and to send to purchaser/
MOL Group for comment and approval.“
To 3.1 : The diaphragm type of coupling is required, not gear type. Please to correct
LICENSOR comment in regard to this.
The following shall be added to new point 3.2 : „It is generally required that the final
mounting plate design shall be mutually agreed upon by the vendor and the purchaser /
MOL Group.“
The following shall be added to new point 3.4.3 : Generally a electronic type not
mechanical/hydraulic type of the governor shall be applied.
To 3.4.8 : „Generally the MOL Group’s requirements implemented in Technical
annex of contract shall be met.“
The following shall be added comment to new point 3.6 : „Generally the MOL
Group 's requirements implemented in Technical annex of contract shall be met.“
To 3.7.1 : The following shall be added : „The insulation shall extend also over such
portions of the turbine casing and piping that may reach a normal operating temperature of
50°C and are accessible for operators. It is necessary understand as safety requirement.“
To 3.7.2 : Temperature limit shall be 50°C instead of 65°C (according MOL Group's
safety standard).
Generally to section 4. : The following shall be added : „Generally a certain kind of
the technically suitable NDE inspection has to be apply for main pressure-containing parts
as casing, inter-stage diaphragms, parts of the pressure seal gas system and other
pressure connection and also for dynamically loaded parts as rotor parts, coupling etc. It is
applicable also for casted and forged parts. Radiographic inspection (if possible) and one
of magnetic particle or liquid penetrant inspection shall be performed completed with visual
inspection. Ultrasonic inspection shall be used in specific cases when technically
advantageous or necessary. Vendor/Contractor has to be specify exact limits for all
applied inspection including visual inspection in advance.“
To : The following shall be added : „...the MOL Group's requirements
implemented in Technical annex of contract “ (shall be met).
The following shall be added to new point : „The performance test shall be
performed on Vendor's test bed in time close to mechanical running test due to possibility
witness by Purchaser / MOL Group on both.“
The following shall be added to new point : In case of the common
manufacturer for both, turbine and compressor, complete unit tests/string tests