Wisdom From The Wise
Wisdom From The Wise
Wisdom From The Wise
Advice of Luqman u
Wisdom from the Wise: Advice of Luqman
Written by Habeeb Quadri & Sa’ad Quadri
Copyright © 2011 HQEC
Cover design by Ali Quadri
To our parents and teachers: those who brought us from Heaven to this
Earth, and those who will help take us from this Earth to Heaven.
Wisdom from the Wise:
Advice of Luqman u
Thank You i
And to those who have inspired me throughout the
years, Dr. Tasneema Ghazi, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, and
Shaykh Abdullah Idris, may Allah I bless you for all
of your efforts and guidance.
- Habeeb
A Statistical Analysis v
High School Dropouts: 71% of all high school dropouts
come from fatherless homes (National Principals Association
Report on the State of High Schools.)
َ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ ٰ َ ُْ ََْ َ ْ ََ َ
َك ْر ِ هّل
ِ ومن ولقد ءاتينا لقمـن ٱل ِكمة أ ِن ٱش
َّ َ َ َ هَّ َه
َٱل َ َ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ َ َ ََّ ْ ُ ْ َ ه
سهِۦ ومن كفر فإِن ِ يشكر فإِنما يشكر لِ ف
ٌ َ ٌَّ ه
١٢ غ ِن حِيد
Verse XII 1
both the way we apply the knowledge that we have and in the
way we apply wisdom. This is an important concept that we
need to recognize as parents and in general situations in our
lives. Thus, when we deal with our children and when people
approach us for help and advice, we need to recognize that
we are not free from error and any wisdom in our judgment
is a gift from Allah I. Just as when we advise we try to make
use of the knowledge and wisdom bestowed upon us by Allah
I, we should further understand that when we are advised
this will often be the case as well. However, the advice that
will be given in the forthcoming verses are not from just any
person. Rather, it comes from a man whom Allah I Himself
has stated that He gave wisdom to as illustrated in the previous
Verse XII 3
the various supplications from the sunnah (prophetic tradition)
we can easily see the majority of them, especially when having
completed an action, center around giving thanks to Allah I.
If this can be ingrained in our kids at a young age then our kids
will look at the world through an entirely new perspective.
Verse XII 5
But we use the opposite philosophy with our practice of faith.
When it comes to faith we look at people who do less than us
and think that at least we pray five times a day, while others
only pray sometimes. Or we think at least we read Qur’an once
a week, while others do not read it at all. But those who are
grateful, who truly understand the role of gratitude, recognize
the various blessings we have been given as a means to further
us in submission to Allah I. And, conversely speaking, we
recognize that our submission can never be enough for the
various blessings we have been bestowed with. Those who
are thankful look at their material wealth and say, alhamdulillah
(all praise is for Allah), and realize if Allah I wills for them
to receive more then they will receive more. Furthermore,
they think to themselves that they have not done enough to be
grateful to Allah I for what He gave them.
ْ ْ ُ َ َّْ َ َ ُ ْ َ ٰ ُ ْ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُ َ ٰ ُ َ ه
ِ ِإَوذ قال لقم هَّـن هَّ ِلبن ِ هّهِۦ َوه َو ُ ي ْعِظ َهۥ يـبن ل ت
١٣ يم ْ ِ بٱلِ إن
ٌ ٱلشك لظل ٌم ع ِظ
ِ ِ
And when Luqman said to his son, while he was advising
him, “Oh my dear son, do not associate partners with
Allah. Verily associating partners with Allah is a great
Whenever we send a letter or e-mail to a dear friend or a
respected individual, we begin that letter by addressing that
person with the best of addresses. This is in order to honor
that person and show how much we value him or her. In that
same regard, if we look at how people with power address
those who they feel are insignificant, they often use words and
labels that denote that feeling. It is in this light that we should
look at how Luqman u begins his advice to his son.
And when Luqman said to his son, while he was advising him, “Oh my
dear son….” (31:13)
The term in Arabic, though it may not seem very different than
saying, “my son,” actually means, in this form, “my dear son.”
This is the first lesson that we can take from Luqman u. He
used kind words when addressing his son. The reality is that a
parent holds status over their children and their rank is much
Verse XIII 7
higher. Yet in this situation Luqman u did not allow that to
affect him when addressing his son. He knew that if he wants
his son to be receptive to his words that he should be kind and
gentle when addressing him.
Verse XIII 9
imitate it to gain our love. We should take advantage of this
characteristic by being regular in our worship, and by allowing
them to see us worship. Furthermore, they should always be
exposed to the remembrance of Allah I. In fact, they should
go to sleep remembering Allah I and they should wake up
remembering Allah I. Thus, before our kids go to sleep it
is important to read the du’a of sleeping, and to teach them
to ask Allah I to help them in even such an act as sleeping.
We should establish this dependency on Allah I practically
in their lives. Have them ask Allah I to grant them a good
sleep and to protect them from bad dreams, and have them
ask for protection from injury and to make them good people.
When they start seeing that asking Allah I for a good sleep
resulted in having a peaceful night of rest they will become
conscious of the power of seeking help from Allah I. This
is something Habeeb has practiced and found successful with
his own children. They make du’a for not just sleep but for the
things that they want. And if they want to buy toys, he and his
wife remind them to make du’a and, inshaAllah, Allah I will
grant hat for them. It will become evident how quickly they
will start remembering Allah I in every moment.
Verse XIII 11
Thus, having our children constantly remember, submit, and
seek help from Allah I from an early age, even though they
do not see Him, will help establish them on the path of taqwa.
َ َ ً ْ َ ُ َُّ َ هَّ ْ َ ْ َ ٰ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ ُ ه
ٰع ٱلنسـن بِو ِٰليهِ حلته أمهۥ وهنا ووصينا
َ َْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َْ َ ُ ُِ ٰ َ َ ْ َ
ي أ ِن ٱشكر ِل ول ِو ِٰليك ِ وه ٍن وف ِصـلهۥ ِف َ ع ْم
١٤ ل ٱل َم ِصريَّإ ِ ه
When looking at Islam, Allah I has not required much from us.
We have assigned times in the day to pray. We have a portion
of the year in which we are required to fast. There is a small
amount that, if we qualify, we are required to give in charity.
And there is a journey to Makkah that, if we qualify, we are
required to take. Aside from that, we have other commands
that we are required to fulfill and there certain acts that we are
required to refrain from. Yet, there is one command that Allah
I repeats in various places in the Qur’an.
And We have enjoined upon mankind to be excellent towards his
parents. (31:14)
Verse XIV 13
What an honor that Allah I has given to all parents by not
only mentioning good treatment towards them in Qur’an, but
He also in various places has put that command directly after
worshipping Him. Thus, this is a lofty goal that the believer
must strive to attain. However, the disconnect that children
sometimes feel with their parents makes it difficult. In order
to solve this, both sides need to be aware of the importance of
parents, something that we really began to appreciate once we
became parents.
At the same time, there is great reward for those who do serve
and obey their parents.
Ibn ‘Abbas t said, “If any Muslim obeys Allah regarding his parents,
Allah will open two gates of the Garden for him. If there is only one
parent, then one gate will be opened. If one of them is angry, then Allah
will not be pleased with him until that parent is pleased with him.” He
was asked, “Even if they wrong him?” “Even if they wrong him,” he
replied. (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad)
Verse XIV 15
Thus the choice of how we want to benefit from our parents
lies in our hands.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “A parent is the
best of the gates to Paradise. So if you wish, keep the gate (through
kind treatment of your parents), or lose it (by treating them
badly).” (Tirmidhi)
The previous portion may have been geared more for children,
but as adults we too can benefit from it. As we get older we
have to realize our parents have also grown older, something
that at times we may not want to think about. The ones that
took care of us and protected us now need us in the same way
as they grow older. Many of us have noticed some of our
elders who we saw as extremely intelligent and strong come to
an age where they get begin to forget names and may not be
able to move with as much ease as before. It is as if are slowly
reverting back to being little children. The life of a human
goes in this circle where a young baby will come to a full adult,
only to come back to an infantile stage. Thus, Allah I teaches
us in the Qur’an of what to do and what to say.
And your Lord has ordained that you worship none other than Him
and you act with excellence towards your parents. If one or both of
them reach old age do not say “uff ” (even the smallest utterance
of contempt) to them nor repel them, but address them with noble
speech. And lower upon them the wing of submission from mercy and
say, “My Lord have mercy on both of them as they cared for me when I
was younger.” (17:23-24)
Verse XIV 17
Chapter IV
Verse XV
َ َ َ َْ َ َ ْ ُ َ ٰٓ َ َ َ َ َ ٰ َ ُ ََ
شك ِب ما ليس لك بِهِۦ ِ َ ت نأ ع اك د ه َ ـ ج ِإَون
ْ ن ك ٍل فْت
ً ُ ْ َ َ ْ ُّه ْ ْ ُ َ
حب َ ُه َما ِف َ ٱلنيا معروفا ِ ت بِها عِل ٌم فل ت ِطع ُه َما َ َوصا َ ِ ض يَأ
ج ُعك ْم ْ َ َّل ُث هَّم إ ه َّاب إ ِ ه َ َيل َم ْن أن َ َ ْ ََّ ه
ِ ل َمر ُِ ُ ِ وٱتبِع َ ُس َب
ْ َ ْ ُ ُ ُ ّه
١٥ فأنب ِئكم ب ِ َما كنتم تع َملون
Verse XV 19
parents is not only because they are our parents. Rather, it is
because Allah I has honored them.
“…rather accompany them in this world in a good manner.” (31:15)
Verse XV 21
Chapter V
Verse XVI
ُ َ َ َ َ َْ ُ َ ََّ ٰ ُ َ هَّ ه
ن إِن َهآ َإِن تك مِثقال َح َ هَّب ٍة هّ ِم ْن ْ َخ ْرد ٍل فْ َتكن يـب
َّف َصخ َر ٍة أ ْو ف ه
ِ ٰت أ ْو ِف ٱل ْر ِض يَأ
ت ب ِ َها ِ ٱلس َم ٰـ َ َو ِ ِ
ٌ َ ٌ َٱلُّهَّ هَّ َه
١٦ ل ِطيف خبِري ٱل إِن
Verse XVI 23
Allah I further labels whom the Qur’an is guidance for, and
that is the people of taqwa.
This is the book in which there is no doubt, guidance to the people of
God-consciousness. (2:2)
Verse XVI 25
Ihsan (perfection) is to worship Allah as if you see Him. And if
you cannot see Him know that He sees you. (Bukhari, Muslim)
َ َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ ْ ْ ُ ْ َ َ َ َّه َ َُ َ
وف وٱنه ع ِن َّي ٰـب ه
ِ ن أق ِ ِم ٱلصل َوٰة وأ َمر بِٱلمعر
ِك إ ِ هَّن ذٰل َِك م ِْن َع ْزم َ َ َ َ ٰ َ ْ ْ َ َ ُْ
ٱلمنك ِر وٱص ِب ع ْم ُآ أصاب
١٧ ِٱل ُمور
Verse XVII 27
into a good college. After all, this early preparation will help
decide where our children will go to college, which will directly
lead to a good job and a comfortable salary. As a result, we
spend money on preparation courses and books, in hopes of
getting our children ready for these exams. The investment is
well worth the cost if the hard work and effort pays off and
our children are accepted into prestigious universities.
Verse XVII 29
begin the preparation and assemble ourselves for prayer. As
parents we should not make the mistake to allow this to take
place while we finish those last minute important details to our
work or chores. We have to be the leaders in this process. If
our children see us not taking this seriously, they will feel this
is a phase that will pass with time.
In this process our children may also return the favor and
remind us or correct us. This is where things can become a bit
tense, and this is where our mettle will be tested. It is easy for
us to become upset with our children and mention how we are
the adults. However, the better response would be to smile and
thank our children for the reminder. Then, it would be best to
advise our children that while it may be acceptable to remind
us, that they should be careful on how they advise elders in the
community. We should explain the idea that even enjoining
good and forbidding evil have etiquettes that go along with
them, and at times it is even superior to refrain from doing so
if a greater evil will occur as a result. But in order to be able to
Verse XVII 31
preach this we have to learn this ourselves. Thus, as parents we
should turn to the scholars and wise elders of our community
and seek clarity though their knowledge and experience.
Striving for that which is good does not always come with ease.
In fact, following the religion can also result in tests. Allah I
And We will most certainly test you with things from fear and hunger
and loss of wealth and lives and fruits; and give glad tidings to the
patient. (2:155)
We are tested to see how we will react and submit to what our
Creator offers us. During such times it is easy for us and our
children to both lose sight of this. The family structure has to
remind each other that our lives are for the sake of Allah I,
and even in times of difficulty we will be content with what
He gives us. And this is not easy, as Luqman u mentioned,
“…Indeed this is from the most important of commands.” (31:17)
One great way that we can help each other through tests is
even in times of ease we remind each other and share stories
of the prophets and Sahabah who underwent tests and how
Allah I was pleased with them and how He promised them
a great and abundant reward. The reality is that we can never
be completely ready for a test, but we can help equip our
children with the proper tools to be patient and content while
undergoing tests.
Verse XVII 33
easy thing. Even Muslims will tease those who begin to change
and become righteous. It is not easy to act in obedience to
Allah I while others do not. However, family support and the
recognition that Allah I is pleased with us should overcome
even this difficulty.
Verse XVIII 35
many times have we found ourselves saying “it’s me” when we
make a phone call and are asked who we are? Again, nothing
is wrong with it, but the idea is to humble ourselves to such an
extent that we do not think we are worthy to be known. This
ideal is something that may be very difficult to teach children,
but the general concept is to allow our children and ourselves
to understand that we are only special not because of any
inherent characteristic that we may have; rather, we are special
only if we submit to Allah I and please Him through our
Luqman u advised his son along the same lines of this theme
with two pieces of advice, beginning with,
“And do not turn your cheek from mankind (in contempt)….” (31:18)
He first tells his son not to turn his cheek away from anyone.
This particularly refers to when speaking with someone. It was
the habit of the Prophet r to speak to those who approached
him by turning his entire body and face them completely,
giving his full attention to them. The Prophet r was and is the
most important person ever to walk this Earth, and his time
was being utilized to spread the religion. However, he never
elevated himself over others. Thus, even when the poorest of
the community came to him, he still gave such attention to them
such that they felt important. Again, as parents, this comes
first through our own actions. We should give our children
the attention they desire and not only speak and listen to them
while working or doing other chores. It is hard to imagine the
Prophet r ever working on a computer or cleaning around the
house while speak to someone. Rather, we can picture him
stopping everything and giving his full attention to whoever
needed it, especially to children.
Verse XVIII 37
them. Be sure to also follow that praise with a comment on
how Allah I is also happy with such acts. This will continue
to instill the idea that all acts are for Allah’s I pleasure, and
even the most mundane acts can earn us reward.
ََّ ه ْ ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ ْ َ
ٱغضض م ِْن َص ْوت ِك إِن َ صد ِف م ْش َيِك و
َ ِ وٱق
َ ُ ْ َ ِ ص َوْ نك َر ٱلَ
١٩ ريِ ٰت لصوت ٱل ِم أ
Verse XIX 39
In fact, by speaking above the voice of the Prophet r -- which
the scholars also say still holds true in gatherings where hadith
are being mentioned -- and raising voices while speaking to
him have destructive results.
…lest your acts are rendered void and you are not aware. (49:2)
The advice does not begin with the tongue, rather it continues
from the previous verse about walking. The wisdom in this is
amazing. When we meet people who are humble and modest,
we see that their modesty is not merely in their speech. Rather,
it is in their entire persona. They carry themselves modestly.
Those who speak modestly, but their actions are contrary to
that modesty seem to be displaying false modesty. Thus, our
Verse XIX 41
approach in establishing modesty in the lives of our children
should not focus merely on one aspect. Rather, it should be a
holistic approach. We should teach our children to walk with
their gaze lowered and to walk humbly upon the Earth.
And the servants of the Most-Merciful are those who walk on the
Earth with humility…. (25:63)
This type of walking is most pleasing to our Lord, and this type
of walking is indicative of true humility, that humility which
appears on the limbs and tongue and originates in the heart.
Thus, we ask that you take the example of ‘Umar bin al-Khattab
t, when he came upon some wealth during preparation for the
battle of Tabuk. Rather than using that wealth for frivolous
gain, he thought to himself that he will outdo Abu Bakr t
in their competition to please Allah I. He equally divided
his wealth into two portions: half for his family and half for
the sake of Allah I. When he arrived to the Prophet r he
Our Advice 59
informed the Messenger of Allah I that he brought half of
his wealth for the deen. Only then did he see Abu Bakr t
approaching with his wealth. Upon arriving to the Messenger
of Allah I, Abu Bakr t was asked what he left behind for
his family, to which he responded that he left behind Allah I
and His Messenger r. So, Nusaybah, Rayaan, Luqman, Zayd,
Uthman, and any others whom Allah I may bless us with in
the future, compete for the sake and pleasure of Allah I, and
even if you lose in this competition, you will truly have won.