Playrev Rosaldes
Playrev Rosaldes
Playrev Rosaldes
Writing a play review based on the link given is divided into two parts, ‘Preparing to write a
review’ and ‘Writing the review’. With correct preparation, surely one can write a play review. To
prepare, understanding the purpose, concept and structure of a play review is a must. Having the
knowledge about this makes their opinion informed and credible which means their play review is
effective. Reading samples of play review is also a step in preparing to write a review as you can pick up
points about the structure, their analysis, their comparison and their recommendation. Lastly, research
is very important. If one has the idea of the play they are reviewing, one can easily write a review as
they are familiar with it.
Going on to the main topic, writing the review. There are certain steps in writing the review as
structure should be evident. But before that, looking at the play’s program can make help you
familiarize with performers and the show itself. Take notes. It will help in writing a review as there can
be scenarios that one could forget. Make a rough draft before formally starting the review. Try to
remember every bits of the play and describe, analyze, and judge. A strong line to open review is also a
must. Before the summary, write an overview of the play using the “WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN”.
Describe the important events and key points shown in the play. Don’t forget to write about the ideas
that the director and the show is trying to tell the audience. Remember to include the elements, the
directions, the performance and its pros and cons. Lastly, write you reaction. This is the last critique so
make it valid and significant. Make sure to be clear about your opinion about the play.