A Loop Thermosyphon For Asphalt Tank Heating
A Loop Thermosyphon For Asphalt Tank Heating
A Loop Thermosyphon For Asphalt Tank Heating
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F. H. Milanez, M. B. H. Mantelli
Heat Pipe Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Phone: +55 44 3331-9379, FAX: +55 48 3331-7615
[email protected], [email protected]
The objective of this work is to evaluate the existing steam coils of the asphalt tanks of the Brazilian
Petroleum Company as a condenser of a loop-thermosyphon. The existing asphalt tank heating system uses
steam generated in a 10 bar boiler placed far from the tanks. The basic idea is to replace this system by loop-
thermosyphons using the existing coils. The evaporator would be placed nearby the tank and the heat source
would be gas combustion. Then the fabrication of the new system would not involve modification of the coils
inside the tanks, which means minimum construction time. The main advantage of using loop-thermosyphons
for asphalt tank heating is the independency from the plant boiler. Also, the loop-thermosyphon condenser
temperature could be controlled by burning gas according to the desired heating power. Therefore, it would not
be restricted to the maximum boiler temperature of 180°C. A small scale model of the system was built and
tested in the laboratory. The results show that the system works very well when the condenser heat transfer
coefficient between the condenser and the heat sink is small. However, when the heat transfer coefficient is
larger, the system does not start-up completely: a large portion of the condenser is not reached by the vapor.
This phenomenon could be due to either the presence of non-condensable gases or a failure in the start-up
associated to the vapor flow sonic limit.
would be independent from the Plant central boiler order to evaluate the applicability of the loop-
and more compact, which means less heat losses thermosyphon conception for asphalt tank heating.
to transport steam from the boiler to the tank. As the actual system is too large to be tested in a
laboratory, an engineering model was designed
Loop thermosyphon heat exchangers, also known and built. Figure 3 presents the experimental set-
as separated heat pipes, have been successfully up. The coil diameter was built in a 1:6 scale of
applied in industrial waste heat recovery systems. the actual system, which means 6 mm i.d and 11
Dube et al. [1] present a study on such a system. m long. As one can see, the geometry of the
These researchers were particularly focused on the experimental setup condenser is not identical to
effects of non-condensable gases on the system the coil of Fig. 1. However, the number of U-turns
performance. In a typical loop thermosyphon heat in both cases is the same, and the total length of
exchanger the geometry of the condenser differs the condenser is 1:6 of the actual system. These
significantly from the lay out sketched in Fig. 1. differences between the model and the actual coil
Figure 2 presents a schematic drawing of a typical are not expected to cause inconveniences.
loop thermosyphon heat exchanger. Both the
evaporator and the condenser are geometrically Regarding to the condenser heat sink, two types of
very similar. They consist of two horizontal tests were performed: air under natural convection
headers (upper and lower) connected by several and forced convection of a thermal fluid
vertical tubes in parallel. The vapor line coming (ethylene-glycol). In the forced convection tests,
from the evaporator is connected to the upper the condenser is placed inside a tank filled with
header. As vapor condenses, the liquid flows by the thermal fluid. The temperature of the thermal
gravity to the lower header, which is connected fluid is strictly controlled thought a LAUDA®
back to the evaporator. PR855 controlled temperature thermal bath.
the condenser.
2.3. Experimental Uncertainty
After calibration of the system, the uncertainty in
temperature measurement is ±0.60°C in the range
of temperatures of interest (ambient to 350°C).
condenser The uncertainty in voltage measurement is ±0.1%,
and the uncertainty of the heater electrical
θ resistance value was found to be ±4%.
Following the procedure described by Holman [2],
the uncertainty in the thermal resistance
evaporator measurement during the tests had a maximum
value of ±8 %.
trol e
con eratur
the tube employed (8 mm o.d.) and for air under 250
natural convection at an ambient temperature of 307 W 871 W
42 W
25°C, the global heat transfer coefficient between 200
Temperature [°C]
(air) was estimated according to Incropera and De
Witt [9] to be approximately 8 W/m²⋅°C. For the 100 evaporator 1960 W
actual system of Fig. 1 with asphalt, the global condenser
heat transfer coefficient is approximately 80 50
which is a better representation of the actual data. Figure 4. Evaporator and condenser temperature
Therefore, if the condenser worked correctly readings as a function of time
under the two extreme values of 8 and 170
W/m²⋅°C, it would also work for the asphalt. 0.1
condensable gases. Dube et al. [1] also coils inside the tanks, which means minimum
acknowledge the presence of non-condensable construction time. The main advantage of using
gases in stainless steel-water thermosyphons. As loop-thermosyphons for asphalt tank heating is the
there is no way to avoid their presence, they independency from the plant boiler (10 bar). With
studied experimentally the best position to place a the loop-thermosyphon, the temperature could be
gas reservoir to accommodate the non- controlled by burning gas according to the desired
condensable gases during operation of a loop- heating power.
thermosyphon similar to the one shown in Fig. 2.
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