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Non-ferrous Extractive Metallurgy

Prof. H. S. Ray
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Brief History of Non-ferrous Metal (Contd.)

Friends, I will continue with the history of non-ferrous metals.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)

Now, in the last lecture, I had shown a slide which said that up to about 5000 B.C, we had
Paleolithic or Old Stone Age, then there was the New Stone Age, where settlements began to
appear and then around 3500 B.C we had a beginning of ancient civilizations in Egypt,
Mesopotamia, Indus valley and China.
(Refer Slide Tim: 01:09)

Now, I also mentioned last time that copper seems to have been discovered rather accidently,
when the malachite, CuCO3Cu (OH) 2, which the Egyptians used for eye shadows thinking it
had miraculous properties, fell into a furnace. They were not very wrong, actually it is
beneficial to the skin also.

If some malachite falls into fire where there is this carbon, then copper will be produced
because copper oxides will be reduced. So, they must have found this accidently and then
they learnt by trial and error how to make large quantities of copper.

Now, if copper contains some tin ores then tin will get reduced along with copper and you
will produce bronze. So, they started producing bronze also. In the ancient times, very often,
they could not tell exactly what was in an alloy. So, they sometimes would have called it
superior copper, soft copper or hard copper, but definitely they learnt to make bronze. So, we
had Stone Age, Copper Age, and then Bronze Age.

Now, familiarity with metal, started with gold, because gold is found in native state with
copper ores. Copper is also found in native state, and also it came out of the ores accidently,
as I mentioned. Silver which actually occurs with gold could be separated and then mankind
had lead and tin, which must have also come from accidental reduction of oxides by carbon.

Mercury came a bit later, because an ore of mercury, HgS, if heated, decomposes to produces
mercury directly. Mercury vapors need to be condensed though. Somebody must have
accidently produced mercury. Iron came in the same scene around 1500 B.C, and there is a
very interesting story about how iron may have been produced first...

In India, there are stories amongst many tribals that what happened actually was this. Deep in
the woods, some hunters

(Refer Slide Time: 03:58)

-chased a small animal, which could have been a rat or rabbit or something and that animal
jumped into an anthill. An anthill is common in forest areas, it is about 5 to 8 feet high. The
anthill happened to have a hole at the top and many of them have a hole on top. So, it jumped
into the anthill, and now to catch it they put a stone on top of the anthill and covered all the
cracks, etcetera with bushes. They put a log through a hole and set a fire. They put some
holes here and there for the smoke to come out, so they thought either the animal will come
out and they will catch it or it will get roasted alive inside.

Now, their story is that there was a wind blowing at that time and the wind helped the fire.
There was a draft that and the fire went on and on. And then there was a surprise for the.
When a few hours went by they did not know what to do. They left the anthill there; they
thought the animal was completely roasted and ruined anyway.

So, they left it, and the next morning they found there was a metallic mass inside which was
very hard. What was this metallic mass? What might have happened is that anthill was in an
area, where there was iron ore, and in presence of lots of carbonaceous matter inside, there
was a reduction reaction. The carbonaceous material reduced iron ore to a spongy mass, a
kind of sponge ore.

This story sounds very plausible, because even until the eighteenth century some tribals were
making this kind of iron in small blast furnaces which were not very much taller than anthills,
may be 4 to 5 feet height only, in almost similar shape. And the idea was the same. You have
iron ore and you have charcoal and you put some fluxes so the slag comes out. The iron is not
totally molten, it is semi solid.

So, we get what we call this a spongy mass, which have to be beaten for the slag to be
separated and the metallic mass to be consolidated. So, this is the story that the tribal say. And
the traditional iron producing furnaces which continued in India till the eighteenth century
uses were barely one meter height.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:57)

Traditional iron producing furnaces, about which I have given you some data a little earlier,
are only about a meter high and two-thirds of a meter in diameter. They would be filled with
this iron ore, charcoal in a number of layers. This is what they would do: ore charcoal, ore-
charcoal and they had a bellow there. Somebody will jump up and down and work a bellow,
so that the air would be forced in and they would get temperatures about say 1000 degrees,
1100 degrees or may be even 1200 degrees. This is not enough to melt iron, mind you, but
they will get a semi-solid mass from which as I mentioned earlier, they will beat and squeeze
the slag out. We call that iron wrought iron.
Now, in ancient India, iron making centers developed in Central India, Bihar, Bengal, Assam,
U.P, Rajasthan, Karnataka and many other places. They were in forest areas where lot of
charcoal was available and the tribesmen, when the tribals became very good at it, called the
iron makers Lohariyas. Actually some of these tribals became so good in making high quality
wrought iron that special names were attached to their kind of wrought irons.

In Bihar and Bengal there is a Munda tribe who can make wrought iron even now. So, in
ancient times the iron they produced was known as Munda Loha. That Munda Loha was a
famous kind of a sponge iron they produced. Now, this course is about non-ferrous metals
and so I would not talk about iron steel anymore.

What about non-ferrous metals? Earlier I mentioned only 7 metals. I did not mention zin,
because zinc came into the scene much later. The reason is very simple. It is not very difficult
to produce zinc by reduction of zinc oxide. You can make zinc oxide by heating zinc sulphide
and then the oxide can be reduced by carbon to produce zinc. But the zinc comes out as a
vapor and it will escape. So, one has to learn how to condense the zinc.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:16)

Now, Indians apparently learnt around 400 AD how to condense zinc in a retort and they kept
very quiet about it. For many centuries the rest of the world did not know about this. Around
1000 A.D, large scale production of zinc had started in Rajasthan. Then they learnt to
produce brass by combining zinc with copper.
But please remember, the first brass may have been produced not by adding zinc to copper
but by a process of cementation. If one takes ores of zinc and copper together and heat, one
may end up with a brass, but that will not be very high quality brass. And to get high quality
brass with high quantities of zinc, the alloy has to be produced separately.

Now, as I said, until about the tenth century only 7 metals were known. India alone knew
about zinc, while others did not know and that is how it remained. Till the eighteenth century
we had only these 8 metals or 9 metals and aluminum could be produced in large quantities
only after the invention of electricity in the nineteenth century.

And that is how we came to the Hall-Heroult’s process which was helped by the Bayer’s
process for production alumina required for the Hall-Heroult’s electrolytic cell.

And from the nineteenth century onwards many other metals were beginning to be discovered
--. Like cobalt, platinum, nickel, bismuth, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, zirconium
titanium etc. They came much later only in eighteenth, nineteenth centuries.

Gradually many more metals were added.

Now, let us come back to the history of metal production, non-ferrous metal production in
India. There are two kinds of historical evidence about the non-ferrous metal production in
ancient India; one we call is literary evidence,

(Refer Slide Time: 12:59)

-and the other is archeological evidence. Literary evidence obviously means the literature we
have where there is mention of non-ferrous metals and there is plenty of that.

There are numerous texts-- starting with the Rig-Veda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Caraca
Samhita, writings of Manu, Yagnavalkya, Patanjali, and Kautily ( specially Kautilya’s
Arthashastra). They all mentioned different kinds of metals .Then there were, of course, also
many visitors who came to India in ancient times like-- Hiuen Tsang, a famous Chinese
historian. We had Alberuni who came later, and then we also had a Britisher called Colonel
Todd who wrote history of Rajasthan in the nineteenth century.

So, these are some of the sources from which you get a lot of information. Now, as I had
mentioned earlier, in Rig-Veda the word Ayas comes very frequently. Many people think it
means iron but there are other people who say not only iron but the word also refers to metals
as such because they talk about “Red Ayas” and “Black Ayas”. “Red Ayas”, means copper
and’ Black Ayas’ means iron.

Ramayana contains a shorter list of minerals and metals, but Mahabharata has a many
references to many metals, including iron, because by that time India had come into Iron Age
and the epic mentions iron extensively everywhere.

There is description of many brass statues in the writings of Chinese traveler, Hiuen Tsang,
who visited India between 629 and 645 A.D. He has written extensively about uses and
production of brass in India.

There is a special reason why brass became so important in India. Indians have always been
crazy about gold. Now, brass was thought to be a kind of gold or a substitute of gold. So,
brass had a strong attraction for Indian. As a matter of fact, there are stories that when some
kings ran out of gold, for whatever application they had in mind, like cladding of the
buildings or making of statues, they asked for a substitute and that was a brass and there are
people who could make that.

There is an extensive reference to bronze and brass in the 4 th century B.C writings of
Kautilya’s Arthashastra. Kautilya was said to be the mentor of Chandragupta Maurya, and
after Chandragupta became the emperor, he went in to his the other career where he wrote
extensively and Arthashastra is one of the books he wrote.
There is early 6th century B.C writing of a very well known author called Varahamitra, and
then most extensive descriptions of metals alloys are found in writings of one man

(Refer Slide Time: 16:47)

-called Nagarjuna. This name you should know. You should remember. He was one of the
most famous alchemists of ancient India who lived from 166 to 203 A.D. He wrote a famous
book, a text called Rasaratnakara, where he described different metals and processes for
making them.

And he also is mentioned by many kings, who actually invited him to come and produce the
gold for them because they thought, he was producing gold even when he was making zinc.

There mention of some metals in writings of Charaka; Charaka Samhita, 3 rd century B.C
writings of Manu, Yajnavalkya, Patanjali, all of them, before the Christian era.

At that time, the word for bronze was Kamsa (Refer Slide Time: 18:10), from which we have
a word in Hindi, we say kansa You should know that there was also the other words for brass
such as , arakuta and ritika. Actually ritika is derived from Harita; Harita means yellow, so
because it is yellow it is called ritik, some have used the word Arakuta. Of course, you may
know that the zinc was called yashada.

There were many Roman trader in ancient times and there was extensive trade between Rome
and India. Some Roman traders have written about use of metals in India. Some historians of
Rome such as “Pliny”, mention something called Aurichalum (Refer Slide Time: 19:28)
which means gold and copper but actually referred to brass..

Colonel Todd, an Englishman, who wrote famous history of Rajasthan in 1829. Wrote
extensively about the metallurgical activities in Zawar mines and a lot of credit goes to him
for telling us, initiating the Indian historians, to look back into the history of production of
copper, zinc and lead in the Rajasthan area.

And during the 13th to 17th century, there are records that Zawar mines, were in full
production till full production till 1760 and there were finally, abundant because at that time
Marathas were regularly attacking Rajasthan, and also the area got flooded. So, until then
Zawar mines are producing copper, zinc and brass etcetera, and during the 13th to 17th
century, then an estimate says that 100,000 tons of zinc were produced, and they are very
basis of this estimates.

So, we have the thriving industry in zinc and you know that zinc was produced; it went into
making brass also. Now, I mentioned about Nagarjuna, the alchemists in the second century.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:40)

Nagarjuna started it all. He is known as the father of brass; he wrote in his text Rasaratnakara
that I have mentioned that, “what wonder is that Calamine, that is zinc ore roasted thrice with
copper converts the latter into gold”. So, this is the kind of process, he was doing that.
Now, you can make brass by adding copper and zinc but this is not how the first brass was
made. The first brass was made by “cementation process”, and in this, the process is copper
fragments; fine copper fragments mixed with roasted zinc as Nagarjuna says, heated in a
sealed chamber with high enough temperature will produce zinc, because copper will replace
zinc from the zinc ore and that excess copper will dissolve zinc.

But it so happens that by this process one cannot produce a brass which contains good
amount of zinc. It will be 9-10 percent; is a poor quality brass in many ways.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:15)

Besides, below 950 C, no zinc is produced, even if traces of oxygen is there. Above 1083
degrees, copper will melt, and if copper melts then the dissolution, the cementation reaction,
will not be so effective. So, the temperature has to be controlled in between these two and our
ancient metal workers of Rajasthan are learnt to do that. They could control, so that the
cementation reaction could proceed, and they were producing poor quality brass. Now, the
golden color appears when zinc exceeds 10 percent.

So, before that if people were making brass elsewhere it was not so attractive, as what when
Indians started producing. Proper brass will need zinc in excess of 28 percent, proper brass.
This cannot be made by cementation which means it cannot be made by heating copper
fragments with roasted zinc ore. You have to prepare zinc separately and then make an alloy,
which the Indians learnt to do around 400 A.D.
This had become quite common actually by 6th century onwards and then it by 10th century
it became a thriving industry in India. There is evidence, and this evidence come from Hiuen
Tsang, that in Taxila there were huge structures made of brass. And today there are statues
and brass vases from that era which contain more than 34 percent zinc.

The Harappa civilization (Refer Slide Time: 26:37), which thrived in North West India, from
200 B.C in a wide area. They were using all kinds of metal artifacts and they had a famous
port called Lothal which is only 85 kilometers from Ahmadabad. Excavations in Lothal have
produced huge numbers of artifacts .. These comprise tools, weapons, personal ornaments,
objects of domestic use, figurines etc. and then we have found these things from all over
India also. The excavations reveal a lot of evidence of metallurgical activities, in ancient
India, but Harappa is most famous as a civilization for industrial and trading activities. They
had connections with other countries through sea route, through land route they were
exporting all kinds of things.

Some objects contain lead and 99.8 percent pure copper. Some were in the form of ingots...
What is difficult to say, however, as to what was produced by ores collected locally and what
was produced from ore concentrates imported through land route or through sea from

Now, some people believe that you can tell whether the metal used in an object found at a
place has been produced from a local ore or mineral by looking at the impurity contents. The
idea is this. Suppose you find certain impurities in a figurine that you have found at one
place, and if the same kinds of impurities are there also in locally available ores and mineral,
you may be tempted to think that the metal has been produced from that ore or mineral.
However, people have questioned this as there are many reasons to believe that this may not
be true.

What is true though is that for many objects of brass or bronze that were made in India, the
metal and alloy must have been produced in India There is no doubt about that. And much of
these activities took place in the Aravalli hill region of Rajasthan. There many archeological
excavations have found wonderful examples of metallurgical activities and how they were
produced, because the rows and rows of ancient furnaces are all available. They have all been
found and there are pictures now. Some of them have become very famous sites.

Now, you see this is

(Refer Slide Time: 30:03)

When I was talking earlier, I said that there are literary evidences.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:06)

Now, we are talking about archeological evidence. We have numerous excavations which
have revealed rich hoards of artifacts all over India.

The especially important place, as I mentioned earlier is Harappa port at Lothal, Gujarat
coast. Again, there are thousands of ancient metal artifacts of copper and bronze objects
scattered all over India in many place, because metallurgical knowledge spread from the
North West to the rest of India. On the basis of that today we know what all things were
happening in India.

Let me show you show you the picture of ancient the copper furnaces.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:55)

This kind of furnaces were may be just a foot or so high. The fragments of these ancient
copper furnaces have been found in many sites in the Rajasthan region and from the basis of
that the drawing has been made.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:14)

These are the drawings actually made from furnaces of ancient sites to show how zinc was
distilled in India. You have these retorts, and in this retorts the charge was there in the body.
The zinc ore reacted with carbon, and zinc vapors came and condensed near the mouths of
the retorts... The retorts were sometimes called brinjals because they looked like brinjals.

So, you see there is an escape route for the gas, because the CO gas has to go out, but the zinc
from the charge came and condensed all around her-- all around the center tube. Now they
always used huge number of retorts in groups, often in groups of 36, in a chamber and they
were of two kinds. There were vertical retorts and they were also horizontal retorts.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:17)

This is an actual site on a hill side. You see the retorts embedded are still there, and these
have now become archeological sites of great importance. This is a retorts wall of Zawar

This very special technology of India was not available elsewhere and Indians somehow
managed to keep it very secret. They would not tell anybody and till 18th century, nobody
knew what was there going on.

Now, the details of exactly how things were done for making copper or zinc are available
now. They are available in ancient texts. People like Nagarjuna have very clearly written the
steps to be take and how to make what. Like you know the copper alloys are produced in
small furnace, using crushed quartz about equal in weight of the ore, and nearly twice as
much charcoal had to be added. The slag mainly which melts at about 1170 degrees could be
removed. The slag is fayalite, FeO.SiO2.This will happen only if the whole charge is taken to
about 1200 degree. The copper melting point is 1083 degree, but we have to run the process
at about 1200 degrees to make sure that fayalite slag part is removed and the ancient Indians
were doing that.

For producing zinc, zinc ore (ZnS) mixed with impure dolomite, crushed quartz, and roasted
first to make oxides. These were rolled into one centimeter pellets with some salt and
carbonaceous matter, and they were then heated in small retort, each containing about1.5 kg
in clay retorts that the pictures show.

With funnels like condensed tubes, heating was external. They could produce temperatures
near 1250 degrees. Often, cow dung cake was used, for quick heating of the entire furnace.
And after 6 hours, about 500 grams of zinc could be produced in each retort. So, each retort
produced maximum of half kg of a zinc metal.

How do we know all these details? Again, there are extensive l details in many ancient texts.
Secondly, there are excavations today which have revealed all the retort, some with charges
intact. So, people have taken out the retort and analyzed what is there in the charge. Some
with zinc, some before they were fired; they are all there, because as I mentioned, in 18th
century they were all flooded and they were abandoned. So they have stayed as it is.

Now, what actually happened? The decline was because of two reasons; firstly, from 400 A.D
to about 11th century, the Zawar mine area was very active. Then you know Mahmud Ghazni.
When he attacked India, he was devastating.

Alberuli, a traveler who had come from Persia at that time, has mentioned that by that attack
Ghazni almost killed the sciences of the areas he conquered and people fled. However, metal
workers became very secretive. Some continued their work, but would not let others know.
For example, that zinc production continued but even Mughals, did not know much about that
until 17th -18th century, nobody knew about them.

Some skilled people moved southward, where Muslim oppression was not there then. They
were in relative peace. The south of India acquired a very special expertise in the areas of
bronze and brass and that continues even now. There are people who are still making
beautiful bronze castings, beautiful brass statues’, using the lost wax process t has continued
for centuries.

So, the statements by the Persian traveler Alberuni was Mahmud Ghazni utterly ruined the
prosperity of the country. Hindu sciences retired far away from the parts of the country
conquered by the Muslims, and they all fled to the south.

Although many artisans moved to southern states the art of brass making did continue in
secrecy. As I mentioned even the Mughals, were not quite aware of it. Abul Fazal mentions
in Ein-i-Akbari more about Hindu Asthadhatu which supposedly contained copper, tin, zinc,
lead then gold, silver and sometimes mercury added as an amalgam, but he did not write
about zinc as such.

By Asthadhathu, some others meant that it had copper, bronze, brass and Very often bronze
and brass were thought to be metals. Then there was Lead, iron, gold, silver and arsenic, but
clearly zinc was not identified by Abul Fazal.

Anyway, now I will end by showing you some pictures of some artifacts of ancient India...

(Refer Slide Time: 38:45)

This is one of the oldest figurines made of a non-ferrous alloy and it shows the now famous
dancing girl of Mohenjo-Daro, Mohenjo -Daro is now in Pakistan, but this is almost a symbol
of India. The thick-lipped, snub –nosed figurine is originally from Southern Baluchistan. She
wears bangles, armlet and stringed necklace with three cowrie shell pendants. Bronze
statuette cast by some method, I do not know what that method was.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:20)

Here is a brass object that was part of a chariot in submerged Dwarka dated 1500 B.C, off the
coast of Gujarat. They have found now in the se, submerged walls, obviously they say that
was the city of Dwarka which got flooded and this now under sea. Lots of things have
coming out from submerged Dwarka.

Now, this object analyses -- copper, zinc as 10 percent and lead as one percent, The zinc
must have come by the cementation process which means that the alloy was produced by
adding copper filings to roasted zinc ore and then heating to get this brass.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:10)

This picture shows the distribution of copper hoard sites just after the Harappa period.
Ancient, Copper artifacts found in these sites are dated from 100 to 2000 B.C, The articles
ahave been found distributed all over these places. It is a huge area spreading Rajasthan area
to all across Northern India and towards the south also in later periods. And remember, there
are ancient copper and zinc retorts.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:48)

Now, let me end by showing some beautiful pictures, which speak so highly of not only our
expertise in metal production but, also our expertise in craftsmanship.
This is from the Gupta period which means middle of the first millennium. This beautiful
statue has the analysis--- copper 73 percent, tin 5 percent and zinc 3 percent, which means at
that time zinc was there. Perhaps it happened to be in the ore... The attractive image has triple
folded neck. You can see the neck, the broad shoulders, the armlet and the headed band,
etcetera. Now, the beauty is not only that somebody produced a metal like that, but they had a
method to cast a statuette figure in of this quality.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:57)

Here is one creation from the 7th century A.D. It analyses 73 percent copper, 2 percent tin
and 10 percent zinc. So, it is tin, zinc, lead, iron--- a strange kind of an alloy, almost like an
Ashtadhatu, but you cannot call it a bronze. It is more of a brass with little bit of tin that gives
this color. But look at the look at the beauty of this sculpture.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:32)

This is one of the many Nataraja’s that remain and it is considered by the experts to be one of
the most artistic things ever created in world art. There are many interpretations of the details
of this statue but I would not like to go into the aesthetic aspects. I just want to you to tell you
that it made in south India during the Chola dynasty (11th century A.D), and one of the
important large bronzes in collection of Tamil Nadu government museum. It is made of
bronze i.e. copper and tin.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:08)

This is again is from early Chola period, Shiva Nataraja, approximately 950 AD.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:17)

This is an Ardhanarishvara- half-woman, half-men. It is also from the Chola period, 11th
century. It is a close up profile.

(Refer Slide Tim: 43:35)

This is another sculpture from made during the period 1070 to 1125 A.D, We can say it looks
more like bronze.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:50)

Now, here is another very interesting kind of alloy which seems to be very peculiar to India.
Maybe, it was also there in the Middle East. This kind of thing is called bidriware, bidri. And
a bidriware is made with silver and brass. .

It employs a different kind of brass. Very high zinc, low copper alloy and on that they have
inlay of silver and brass. The thick patina is due to the way they treated it with some
chemicals to give some black marks, some oxidation of copper rich facet get a beautiful
design. This is a bidriware.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:42)

This is also an Indian bidriware. Now, I am giving you a random sample of some beautiful
objects of art, made of non ferrous metals. If you go to Indian museums, especially if you go
to south India, to Chennai or Bangalore specially, see the museums. You will be amazed at
the kind of expertise we had in casting these figurines out of non-ferrous metals and alloys--
bronze and brass.

Now, first of all Indians made those alloys, and, secondly, from those alloys they made these
beautiful works of art. So, India had achieved excellence not only in non-ferrous metal
production, but also in using those alloys to make beautiful things. Apart, from many other
things for different kinds of uses, which you can find in Lothal.

So, I think I will conclude this lecture now by saying that we have very briefly gone through
the history of metal production in the world, and we have seen that from Stone Age, we
moved into Chalcolithic period where copper was used along with stone like in Egypt and
many other places. As mentioned earlier copper may have been first produced accidently.

And then if there were tin ores along with copper, people produced bronze. People learnt that
here is something, which is very superior to copper in terms of hardness and initially they did
not understand, as to what it was. But they found that what kind of ore produced what kind of
copper, what was better than the other kind of copper. Slowly they began to learn that there
was an another metal in it. So, people identified tin also.

Brass came as later. Initially brass was made by a cementation process and it contained only
small quantities of zinc. You take copper filings, heat with zinc ores, some zinc will get
reduced, and you will get a copper-- zinc alloy. But you never get an alloy which is more than
9 or 10 percent zinc. So, it is not a very good quality brass.

Very good quality brass was first produced in India, starting from about 400 A.D, because
India had learnt the process of distillation of zinc. They knew how to quench the zinc vapors
in a retort.

Now, a retort is a very special kind of device. It cannot be completely sealed because when
the roasted zinc ore is been reduced by carbo, then carbon monoxide is been produced. The
gas has to escape. So, you have to find a way of allowing CO to escape but not zinc vapors.
This means that there has to be some outlet where as the temperature drops. It must be in
open air, and as the temperature drops zinc vapors must get quenched to give you the metal,
whereas the CO goes out. So, they had by trial and error, perfected with the technique. They
were producing zinc from 400 A.D.

So, India did have a very rich heritage in non-ferrous metal extraction. Unfortunately, when I
talk about rich heritage in non-ferrous metal extraction, it is only the common non-ferrous
metals: copper, lead, zinc and tin. Not so much of mercury though. All the mercury they did
produce was extensively used in alchemy in Ayurvedic medicines.

But perhaps in China, they produced many tons of mercury. There was an emperor whose
tomb has been excavated no, He actually tried to create for himself a paradise, where he was
buried. All that has now been excavated. Everything was underground; his tomb surrounded
by rivers of mercury, and that was the legend. . People thought it was a legend only but now
they are found that the soil there is really very rich in mercury. They are producing because
they had whole lot of HgS.

India, of course, was always crazy about gold and India was always importing gold through
sea route, through land route. Some came from Tibet. A lot of gold was coming because
Indians were crazy about holding gold, Indians were also crazy about zinc because brass
looked like gold. And that is the reason why people like Nagarjuna spent the entire life time,
trying to produce zinc in large quantities.

Well, I guess that should be enough about the history of metals in India and the world, and
now I will go into the subject proper in my next lecture.

Thank you.

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