Prokofiev - The Field of The Dead (Alexander Nevsky)

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NECHA AEBYLUKM SONG OF A GIRL (MeprBoe noae) (Field of the Dead) uo wauramu: ,ATEKCAHAP HEBCKEi" from the Cantata “ALEXANDER NEVSKY Crova B.AYTOBCKOLO # C.LIPOKO@bEBA CMPOKOMEEB 4g gg Words by V.LUGOVSOY and S, PROKOFIEV 5S. PROKOFIEV OF English Text by A. Steiger (g91-1953) Adagio (J-as) 8 Meno mosso Foave Ho moi-ay mo ao-aw 6e -a0 . wy, nO. a2 ay uo 1 shat go across the snow-bownd field, 1 shatl fly a sone oer x enan.aetx 00. 008 xe. sill Srch for val eiunt warriors there, those to ewepr . wo - ay, 0 field” of ~ death, 1 ri Lr Mo. ux, R05 paix 0-00 -4Wew betrothed, Stal. wart men and staunch, Pochissimo piii_animato Se ae Krosemur eva un a0. py - xen - mul, 70 Ae.mNT - © uo _ One lies lifeless where sabres inansgled — hiv, lune Wes ome ini. paled with an = = oar - Fa + nex — anti, wa. no. M .aN 0. aM up. uso a. a0-0 ar l row shaft, fron their wounds hot-red “Blood Tike the rain was shed ++ iF Pr —_ | vr sem. m1 seer Ay. 10, sem —- 10 PYC.cRy.I0, on” our na = five soil, on our Russsian fiekds, C Flay a tempo —— —— Kro ao -ru6 2a Pyonewepriso » 06 - po — 1, uo .4e_ay-10 0.00» 0 4K He who fel for Russia into. ble death shalt be blest by ney kiss on — tre? Ceerh asaz nro O-ctan.ea auty, who remained a. tive y 4 —— = | poco rit. _ a tempo poco rit, oy bep-Woi Me -uod, wHa08 na gow. Sail’ bee trae wife “and” a lawlag friend. {Jeno mosso (come prima) ee He nosy yw ayaa Rpa - Kpacota - A Kou T shalt not marry a 2 earthly charm and bean. ty fast A not ay xpa6po_ro. F shad may " sa tian wan, su. Te -ea, ac. uur co -Ko - aul < riors brane, Bef ow= hearted ~ ment ae mp eaprese

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