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Excretory Diseases of Ways on How to Take

Care of Your Excretory

System the Excretory System
It is in responsible of eliminating waste in the
human body produced by Homeostasis. It
includes the removal of liquid nitrogenous
waste in the form of urine, and solid wastes
Also called renal calculus, plural renal calculi,

Water has a dual role in the detox process. First, it flushes your body
especially from the breakdown of hemoglobin. concretion of minerals and organic matter that
systems, removing toxins and carrying them out of the body. Second, it
forms in the kidneys. Such stones may become so
The removal of urine is accomplished by the large as to impair normal renal function. Urine helps deliver the nutrients your cells need to perform all functions,
urinary tract, while solid wastes are expelled contains many salts in solution, and if the inducing detox, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you're not constantly
through egestion from the large intestine. concentration of mineral salts becomes excessive, replenishing your body's water supply, your body reserves its water for its
Parts and Function of the the excess salt precipitates as crystals that may
enlarge to become visible, solid particles called
most essential functions. Drink eight glasses of water each day to keep
your excretory system nourished and functioning properly.


It is characterized by the growth of malignant cells
a sac-like structure with muscular walls that holds within the urinary bladder, the organ responsible for
urine until it is expelled from the body during storing urine prior to elimination. Bladder cancer can Your skin is an important part of the excretory system. One of the ways
micturition. A temporary storage for urine. It receives also be associated with cancers of the kidneys, your body excretes toxins is through sweat. When you exercise, you sweat
urine through two ureters – one from each kidney – ureters, or urethra. more and you also need more water. Sweat is made up of some of the
that enter through openings called ureteric orifices.
processes of respiration, such as dead cells, according to the Franklin
Institute. Exercise also provides a fresh, highly oxygenated blood supply to
the major organs of the excretory system. Aim to get 30 to 60 minutes of
UREMIA exercise three to five times per week.
Produced by the toxic effects of abnormally high
concentrations of nitrogenous substances in the blood as
Although it is an accessory organ it is still
important to the system since it is for the
a result of the kidney’s failure to expel waste products by
removal of the decomposed hemoglobin, some way of the urine. The end products of protein
drugs, excess vitamins, sterols and other metabolism accumulate in the blood but are normally
lipophilic substances. These are secreted along filtered out when the blood passes through the kidneys.
with bile and finally removed from the body
through feces. Like all systems of the body, your excretory system needs a plentiful supply of
vitamins, minerals and energy to regulate kidney and liver function and to keep all
systems working properly. This is best accomplished by eating a variety of nutrient-
dense foods. Lean proteins and low-fat dairy can also provide essential nutrients to
RENAL FAILURE your diet. Avoid fast food, processed foods, junk food and empty calories to keep
SKIN Also called as Renal Insuffeciency is the inability of the
your excretory system working as it should. Aside from being less nutrient dense,
The skin is a secondary excretory organ, since kidney to filter wastes from the blood and maintain fluid
these foods typically contain additives and preservatives that your excretory system
sweat glands in the dermis can remove salts and homeostasis. The causes for renal failure could be
diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension that
has to work hard to process.
some excess water. The skin also has sebaceous
glands that can secrete waxy lipids. can cause damage to glomerular capillaries.
Symptoms can be as mild as swelling in the legs,
indicative of the inability of the kidney to maintain fluid
The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs on either side The more toxins you ingest, the bigger the workload your excretory system has to handle.
of your spine, below your ribs and behind your belly. The There are some parts of even healthy foods that the body cannot process and some
kidneys' job is to filter your blood. They remove wastes, byproducts of bodily function that occur naturally. Then there are the additional elements
control the body's fluid balance, and keep the right levels
of waste your system must process. Some ways to avoid these excess toxins are to avoid
of electrolytes. All of the blood in your body passes through
them several times a day. drugs, alcohol and smoking. Be conscious of the lotions and body-care products you use. In
many cases, slathering these on have the same effect as ingesting them--they enter your
blood stream and must be processed by the liver. Choose organic foods whenever possible
to decrease the amount of pesticides you consume.

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