Sample Brochure 2
Sample Brochure 2
Sample Brochure 2
Water has a dual role in the detox process. First, it flushes your body
especially from the breakdown of hemoglobin. concretion of minerals and organic matter that
systems, removing toxins and carrying them out of the body. Second, it
forms in the kidneys. Such stones may become so
The removal of urine is accomplished by the large as to impair normal renal function. Urine helps deliver the nutrients your cells need to perform all functions,
urinary tract, while solid wastes are expelled contains many salts in solution, and if the inducing detox, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you're not constantly
through egestion from the large intestine. concentration of mineral salts becomes excessive, replenishing your body's water supply, your body reserves its water for its
Parts and Function of the the excess salt precipitates as crystals that may
enlarge to become visible, solid particles called
most essential functions. Drink eight glasses of water each day to keep
your excretory system nourished and functioning properly.