BRM Assignment-4
BRM Assignment-4
BRM Assignment-4
All other types of research are variations of one or more of the above
stated approaches, based on either the purpose of research, or the time required
to accomplish research, on the environment in which research is done, or on the
basis of some other similar factor. Form the point of view of time, we can think
of research either as one-time research or longitudinal research. In the former
case the research is confined to a single time-period, whereas in the latter case
the research is carried on over several time-periods. Research can be field-
setting research or laboratory research or simulation research, depending upon
the environment in which it is to be carried out. Research can as well be
understood as clinical or diagnostic research. Such research follow case-study
methods or in-depth approaches to reach the basic causal relations. Such studies
usually go deep into the causes of things or events that interest us, using very
small samples and very deep probing data gathering devices. The research may
be exploratory or it may be formalized. The objective of exploratory research is
the development of hypotheses rather than their testing, whereas formalized
research studies are those with substantial structure and with specific
hypotheses to be tested. Historical research is that which utilizes historical
sources like documents, remains, etc. to study events or ideas of the past,
including the philosophy of persons and groups at any remote point of time.
Research can also be classified as conclusion-oriented and decision oriented.
While doing conclusion oriented research, a researcher is free to pick up a
problem, redesign the enquiry as he proceeds and is prepared to conceptualize
as he wishes. Decision-oriented research is always for the need of a decision
maker and the researcher in this case is not free to embark upon research
according to his own inclination. Operations research is an example of decision
oriented research since it is a scientific method of providing executive
departments with a quantitative basis for decisions regarding operations under
their control.
“The particular means can be accepted as the most efficient among the
alternatives under specific conditions.” Such specific conditions should
be formulated for each of the alternative means. The statements of these
acceptance conditions are the hypotheses. The researcher does not, of
course, know which of these alternative hypotheses is true; this is
precisely what the research is designed to determine.
Now, if one of the three theories is more likely to predict events more
accurately than the other two, it may be taken as the most efficient one as
a solution to the problem. If the problem happens to be one dealing with
practical or programmatic concerns, the criterion of efficiency of
alternative course of action may be economy in the realms, of time,
money and energy.
Q5) Differentiate between primary & secondary data, its uses and its
advantages & disadvantages?
Advantages of primary data:
More expensive
It could be very expensive to obtain primary data collection because the
marketer or the research team has to start from the beginning. It means
they have to follow the whole study procedure, organizing materials,
process and etc.
Time consuming
It is a matter of a lot of time to conduct the research from the beginning to
the end. Often it is much longer in comparison with the time needed to
collect secondary data.
Can have a lot of limits
Primary data is limited to the specific time, place or number of
participants and etc. To compare, secondary data can come from a variety
of sources to give more details.
Not always possible
For example, many researches can be just too large to be performed by
your company.
Ease of Access
The secondary data sources are very easy to access. The internet world
changed how the secondary research exist. Nowadays, you have so many
information available just by clicking with the mouse in front of the
Low Cost or Free
The majority of secondary sources are absolutely free for use or at very
low costs. It saves not only your money but your efforts. In comparison
with primary research where you have to design and conduct a whole
primary study process from the beginning, secondary research allows you
to gather data without having to put any money on the table.
As the above advantage suggests, you can perform a secondary research
in no time. Sometimes it is a matter of a few Google searches to find a
credible source of information.
Generating new insights and understandings from previous analysis
Reanalyzing old data can bring unexpected new understandings and point
of views or even new relevant conclusions.
Larger sample size
Big datasets often use a larger sample than those that can be gathered by
primary data collection. Larger samples mean that final inference
becomes much more straightforward.
Longitudinal analysis
Secondary data allows you to perform a longitudinal analysis which
means the studies are performed spanning over a large period of time.
This can help you to determine different trends. In addition, you can find
secondary data from many years back up to a couple of hours ago. It
allows you to compare data over time.
Anyone can collect the data
Secondary data research can be performed by people that aren’t familiar
with the different types of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Practically, anyone can collect secondary data.
Q6) What are the types of questionnaires and what is the process of
questionnaire designing?
1. Structured questionnaire:
Contingency questions:
This comes under structured questionnaire. Here a question is asked only if the
respondent is able to give a answer to the previous question.
Matrix questions:
Similar kind of options are provided to multiple questions. The questions are
provided one under the other, forming a matrix with response categories on top
and questions down the side
2. Unstructured questionnaire:
A version of qualitative survey. They are usually based around more open
questions. Open questions also means recording more data as the respondents
can point out what is important for them, in their own words and methods. But
it is more difficult from the researcher’s side, since it does not give the correct
idea of the topic and moreover proper understanding of the data is needed.
3. Scaled questionnaires:
The respondents are asked to scale the answers based on a given rating
prescribed by the question.
Depending on the type of format used in questionnaires, they are divided into
the following.
Open format questions:
These are the type of questions that are used to allow the respondents to express
their views in a free flowing manner.
By using such questions, the respondents do not have to follow the criteria for
answering questions and he/she can truly express their beliefs and suggestions.
Multiple choice questions comes under this category. The user is restricted to
answer their opinions through the options that is set by the surveyor. Hence,
these are also called as close ended questions.
One of the main advantages of using closed ended questions is the ease of doing
preliminary analysis. These are usually used to find opinion about known
questions and answers. They are usually used to track the status and the
improvements of organizations and companies.
1. Leading questions:
These type of questions force a definite type of answer from the audience. In
such a question, all kind of answers are equally likely. The answers can vary
from bad, very bad to good and very good. These are usually used to collect
information from the users in very limited words.
2. Importance questions:
The respondents are asked to take a rating for a certain type of issue on a scale
of 1 to 5. This shows how much of an importance does the questionnaire topics
really hold within the company or within the minds of the user.
3. Likert questions:
These questions show how much the customer agrees to a certain topic and how
much it impacts the respondent.
4. Dichotomous questions:
These questions ask the respondents only a yes or no answer. Hence, it makes it
difficult to analyze beyond the yes and no answer.
5. Bipolar questions:
Such questions have answers that are in the extreme case. The respondents are
required to ask to rate the question between these two extremities.
In such questions, the respondents are asked to rate a particular issue between
the ratings of good and bad. Such questions have even number of choices, so as
to prevent selecting the middle option all the time.
These questions are used to rate whether the respondent will again use the
service or the product in the future.
The respondent needs to tick the right answers in front of the researcher
In this type the researcher will have close relationship with the
Tough questions are explained by the researcher if the respondents wants.
The reason to study is also described
Time consuming.
5. Mailed Questionnaire:
This type of questionnaire is mainly used by most of the researchers. Here the
respondents would be living somewhere far and the questionnaire is send to him
by post. Along with the questions, a set of instruction list is also send to him.
The respondent need to write the answers and send it back to the respective
person or agency.
Lack of returns.
time taking if respondents are careless and lazy.
Scarcity of skilled respondents.
Chances of Errors due to misunderstanding by respondents.
6. Mixed questionnaire:
7. Pictorial questionnaire:
1. Specify the Information Needed: The first and the foremost step in
designing the questionnaire is to specify the information needed from the
respondents such that the objective of the survey is fulfilled. The
researcher must completely review the components of the problem,
particularly the hypothesis, research questions, and the information
2. Define the Target Respondent: At the very outset, the researcher must
identify the target respondent from whom the information is to be
collected. The questions must be designed keeping in mind the type of
respondents under study. Such as, the questions that are appropriate for
serviceman might not be appropriate for a businessman. The less
diversified respondent group shall be selected because the more
diversified the group is, the more difficult it will be to design a single
questionnaire that is appropriate for the entire group.
3. Specify the type of Interviewing Method: The next step is to identify
the way in which the respondents are reached. In personal interviews,
the respondent is presented with a questionnaire and interacts face-to-face
with the interviewer. Thus, lengthy, complex and varied questions can be
asked using the personal interview method. In telephone interviews, the
respondent is required to give answers to the questions over the
telephone. Here the respondent cannot see the questionnaire and hence
this method restricts the use of small, simple and precise questions.
In some situations, the indirect questions which are not directly related to
the information needed may be asked. It is useful to ask neutral questions
at the beginning of a questionnaire with intent to establish respondent’s
involvement and rapport. This is mainly done when the subject of a
questionnaire is sensitive or controversial. The researcher must try to
avoid the use of double-barreled questions. A question that talks about
two issues simultaneously, such as Is the Real juice tasty and a refreshing
health drink?
In case the question is written poorly, then the respondent might refuse to
answer it or might give a wrong answer. In case, the respondent is
reluctant to give answers, then “nonresponse” arises which increases the
complexity of data analysis. On the other hand, if the wrong information
is given, then “ response error” arises due to which the result is biassed.
Q7) What are the types of measurement scales and what is the criteria for
good measurement.
1. Nominal Scale
From the Statistical point of view it is the lowest measurement level. Nominal
Scale is assigned to items that is divided into categories without having any
order or structure, for instance Colors do not have any assigned order, We can
have 5 colors like Red, Blue, Orange, Green and Yellow and could number
them 1 to 5 or 5 - 1 or number them in a mix, here the numbers are assigned to
color just for the purpose of identification, and ordering them Ascending or
Descending doesnt mean that Colors have an Order. The number gives us the
identity of the category assigned. The only mathematical operation we can
perform with nominal data is to count. Another example from research activities
is a YES/NO scale, which is nominal. It has no order and there is no distance
between YES and NO.
2. Ordinal Scale
Next up the list is the Ordinal Scale. Ordinal Scale is ranking of responses, for
instance Ranking Cyclist at the end of the race at the position 1, 2 and 3. Not
these are rank and the time distance between 1 and 2 may well not be the same
as between 2 and 3, so the distance between points is not the same but there is
an order present, when responses have an order but the distance between the
response is not necessarily same, the items are regarded or put into the Ordinal
Scale. Therefore an ordinal scale lets the researcher interpret gross order and not
the relative positional distances.
Ordinal Scale variables have the property of Identity and Magnitude. The
numbers represent a quality being measured (identity) and can tell us whether a
case has moreof the quality measured or lessof the quality measured than
another case (magnitude). The distancebetween scale points is not equal.
Ranked preferences are presented as an example of ordinal scales encountered
in everyday life.
3. Interval Scale
A normal survey rating scale is an interval scale for instance when asked to rate
satisfaction with a training on a 5 point scale, from Strongly Agree, Agree,
Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree, an interval scale is being used. It is an
interval scale because it is assumed to have equal distance between each of the
scale elements i.e. the Magnitude between Strongly Agree and Agree is
assumed to be the same as Agree and Strongly Agree. This means that we can
interpret differences in the distance along the scale. We contrast this to an
ordinal scale where we can only talk about differences in order, not differences
in the degree of order i-e the distance between responses.
Equal distance
Variables which fulfill the above mentioned properties are put in this scale. The
equal distance between scale points helps in knowing how many units greater
than, or less than, one case is from another. The meaning of the distance
between 25 and 35 is the same as the distance between 65 and 75.
4. Ratio Scale
A Ratio Scale is at the top level of Measurement. The factor which clearly
defines a ratio scale is that it has a true zero point. The simplest example of a
ratio scale is the measurement of length (disregarding any philosophical points
about defining how we can identify zero length) or money. Having zero length
or zero money means that there is no length and no money but zero tempratue is
not an absolute zero, as it certainly has its effect. Ratio scales of measurement
have all of the properties of the abstract number system.
Equal distance
Absolute/true zero
1. Reliability: The degree to which measures are free from random error and
thus yield consistent results.
2. Validity: The ability of a scale (a series into which an item can be placed
according to its quantification) to measure what was intended to be measured