Warp-Knitted Spacer Fabrics - The Best Way of Catching A Fairytale Prince
Warp-Knitted Spacer Fabrics - The Best Way of Catching A Fairytale Prince
Warp-Knitted Spacer Fabrics - The Best Way of Catching A Fairytale Prince
since they are made up effect and optimise the initial sizes to snugly envelop any
of two cover faces with a perception of warmth during size of body, and creates
layer of circulating air in- the winter, antibacterial fibres a pleasant feeling of well-
between, which acts as an or silver coatings promote being for long periods at a
insulator. Compared to the good hygiene in the bed, time. This 3D fabric resists
down-filled types, no clumps and fibres having different tearing and is also resistant
or cold bridges through the moisture-transporting and to light and sunlight; it can
thin zones are formed. buffering effects keep be laundered in a domestic
The entire surface of the the sleeping person dry. washing machine at 95°C
sandwich construction is Another advantage in terms and dries very quickly after
dimensionally stable in the of moisture management is washing. So not only does
long term and does not move that the knitted construction the spacer textile put the fun
about. If this voluminous gives the spacer textile a into that magical kiss, it also
textile with its low density high level of breathability. provides comfort for what is
is still not warmth enough In addition to its functional to follow...
for some people, it can also properties the appearance
be used as a multilayer of the spacer textile can
system, without being too also be varied, i.e. during
heavy – and it may also be the knitting process, specific
produced with varying gaps zones, patterns or stitched
for optimum management of effects can be worked by
the climatic conditions. In this the EL control facility or the
case, the main parameters jacquard bar. The resulting
that can be modified are the segmented construction Kontakt:
thickness of the material and affects how easy it is to store
the design of the surfaces. the bedding in beddingboxes Ulrike Schlenker
These may have open or cupboards, as well as the KARL MAYER Textilmaschinen-
or closed constructions, draping properties of the fabrik GmbH
and yarns having different textile. This drapes gently Brühlstrafle 25
counts, constructions, cross- and feels soft to the touch, 63179 Obertshausen
sections and functional and these characteristics Tel: 06104/402-274
characteristics may also be can be varied extensively. Fax: 06104/402-73-274
used. For example, textured The spacer textile can be mail: [email protected]
yarns increase the fleecy produced in a variety of www.karlmayer.de