Leopardas, Spencer B. BSMT-1
Leopardas, Spencer B. BSMT-1
Leopardas, Spencer B. BSMT-1
didn’t get to participate in any of the sports this year but I’m also happy
and proud that I’m part of a cheer dance competition, my first day was
very unavailable I did not expect that there’s a lot of student who
participate during the parade while entering the city gym. I did not
participate during the parade because we are all in the city gym to
sun was burning, most of the student are very enjoy doing a parade
along the city, it was all worth. During the first day of the night I
watched and cheered for my division CME. From night I also helped my
I had so much fun watching all the candidates and they give there all
best but sadly there’s only one winner that was engineering department!
The next succeeding days I watched cultural festival, battle of the bands,
normal school days, but before we end we also had awarding night and
are team also received a truffle as a champion from cheer dance and
my division, I can say that it’s a miracle I didn’t lose my voice. It gives