MKT 416 Project Guidelines The Objective of The Project
MKT 416 Project Guidelines The Objective of The Project
MKT 416 Project Guidelines The Objective of The Project
Project Guidelines
This project aims to enable a student to get an understanding of the meanings of brand in alternative
ways, to provide the appropriate concepts, theories and techniques related to the important issues in brand
management operations to enhance their ability to apply creative and critical strategies and tactics
involved in developing, positioning, leveraging, managing a brand, and measuring its value.
The contents:
The project supposes to cover the following areas of branding while a group works to establish a brand
new ‘Brand.'
1. Give the strong reason to choose a product, service or idea to transform it into a unique brand.
2. Understand and apply the brand knowledge and “Brand Equity” pyramid by applying, brand
salience, brand image, brand feelings Brand Equity and other concepts in the given product or
service idea.
3. Choosing Brand Elements such as (name, term sign, symbol, logo, single or other brand element
with the proper process and justification (in relation to the target group and given environment) to
Build Equity for the given idea: Philosophies to Build Brand Elements, Memorability,
Meaningfulness, Transferability Adaptability, Protectability, Developments of Brand Elements,
Mix and Match of Brand Elements
4. Leveraging Secondary Brand Association To Build Brand Equity for the choosing brand:
Justification for Secondary Association, Platforms to Leverage, Company, Country of Origin,
Channel of Distribution, Co-Branding, Ingredient Branding, Licensing, Pitfalls And Strategic
5. Using IMC to build brand equity with placing a brief and proper IMC plan.
6. Giving a Positioning guideline for the given brand: The Philosophy of Positioning, Positioning of
Market Leader & Follower, Repositioning Strategy
7. Develop the Brand Architecture for the choosing Brand: House Of Brands Vs. Branded House,
New Product and Brand Extension Strategy, Decisions and Application
Other Guidelines:
1. 12 Font, Times New Roman
2. The main text of the project supposes to be within 15-20 pages limit.
3. Properly aligned text.
4. Giving most related pictures only in text. Rest of the figures can be placed in the Appendix.
5. Putting proper reference where needed.
6. Give Abstract and table of contents at the beginning. Also, the contribution of each member (with
signature) should be announced at the first phase of assignment.