ETA-01-01 - Manufacture and Testing of Pre-Assembled Glued Insulated Rail Joints PDF
ETA-01-01 - Manufacture and Testing of Pre-Assembled Glued Insulated Rail Joints PDF
ETA-01-01 - Manufacture and Testing of Pre-Assembled Glued Insulated Rail Joints PDF
ARTC Network Wide 9 CRIA (NSW CRN)
Primary Source
ARTC NSW Standard TPS 05 Version 1.2
Document Status
Version Date Reviewed Prepared by Reviewed by Endorsed Approved
1.2 8 March 2011 Standards Manager Exec Manager CEO
Standards SS&P 16/3/2011
Amendment Record
Version Date Reviewed Clause Description of Amendment
1.0 16 October 06 All Supersedes NSW Standard TPS 05 Version 1.2
1 Purpose .................................................................................................. 3
2 General description................................................................................. 3
5 Manufacture ........................................................................................... 6
5.1 Cutting, bending and drilling............................................................... 6
5.2 Rail end hardening of 47kg rail............................................................ 6
5.3 Assembly, gluing and bolting .............................................................. 6
7 Delivery .................................................................................................. 7
8 Warranty ................................................................................................ 7
1 Purpose
This Technical Specification sets out ARTC’s requirements for the manufacture and testing of
pre-assembled, glued insulated rail joints to meet the requirements of the latest edition of AS
1085.12. In addition the requirements for production and prototype testing are specified.
2 General description
The insulated rail joint shall provide an electrical break in the rail for signalling purposes. It shall
consist of two lengths of rail rigidly joined by a pair of fishplates, insulating material, an
insulating end post separating the two rails, six high strength fasteners and other hardware,
such as washers, ferrules and bushes.
Overall length of the rail joint shall be specified on the Purchase Order. The minimum overall
length of joint should normally be 4.0 metres. Shorter joints may only be installed where track
conditions preclude longer lengths e.g. near turnouts. The tolerance on the length on
manufacture shall be +50/-0mm.
NSW standard curved 4.57m insulated rail joints are shown in Tables 1 below. If other length is
specified mid-ordinate details should be given on the purchase order.
3 Performance requirements
The joints will be subjected to live loading as follows:
Nominal Axle Load/Speed combinations 30T @ 80 or 60km/h 25T @ 80km/h 25T @ 60km/h
(mostly at 60km/h)
25T @ 80km/h 23T @ 115km/h 23T @ 80km/h
Estimated Number Of Load Cycles Per 2 Million 0.7 Million 0.7 Million
The joint will also be concurrently subjected to tensile or compressive forces up to 115 tonnes
caused by thermal rail expansion over the range of -10oC to +65oC.
The joint shall not bend or fail under vertical or lateral wheel loads and shall not deteriorate
during its service life in such a way that signal failure may occur as a result of electrical
conduction across the joint.
The joint shall also resist longitudinal slippage under thermal expansion and contraction effects
of the rail so that the insulated joint will not allow one rail to move relative to the other rail
within the joint in excess of that specified in clause 6.
The joints shall provide a minimum electrical resistance of 1 megohm rail to rail and rail to
Insulated rail joints shall be Grade A or Grade B in accordance with AS 1085.12. The grade
shall be specified by the Purchaser but would normally be Grade A for main lines and Grade B
for branch lines and sidings.
4.1 Materials
All materials shall be free from defects and conform to the relevant Australian Standards.
4.2 Rails
Standard 50kg, 53kg and 60kg head hardened rail shall be in accordance with AS.1085.1 and
AS.1085.1 and shall be free from defects considered detrimental to service requirements.
Certificate of Conformance shall be provided upon request.
Head hardening of 50kg, 53kg and 60kg rails shall be in accordance with AS 1085.12.
Head hardened rail is not available for 47kg rail. 47kg/m insulated rail joints shall therefore be
manufactured from flame hardened standard carbon rail in accordance with clause 5.2.
Rails with a cross-section other than specified in AS 1085.1 shall be supplied only with the
written approval of ARTC.
4.3 Fishplates
Fishplates shall be of the six hole bar type and conform to the general requirements of
AS.1085.2. When fixed in position, fishplates shall be capable of supporting and transferring all
loadings between rails without relative movement between the rails and fishplates.
Adequate clearance shall be provided between the toe of the rail and the outer face of each
fishplate to allow electrical clearance between fishplates, bolts, nuts and fastenings.
4.9 Records
A detailed record of all insulated joints produced by the Contractor shall be made available for
inspection at the Superintendent's request.
5 Manufacture
6 Production testing
The complete joint shall have a smooth surface which shall not act as a trap for water, dust or
any element which may reduce its life.
The Superintendent shall have free access to the Contractor's works to ensure that all stages
and aspects of the joint manufacture are being carried out to the required standards.
Testing of the joints shall be carried out at the Contractor's works, at his expense, or at such
other location as may be agreed.
The Superintendent has the right to check any or all joints to ensure that they conform to the
requirements of this Specification.
All testing equipment shall be approved by the purchaser, tested in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and certified for accuracy by an approved Testing Laboratory.
Production testing shall be undertaken in accordance with the table below.
Curve alignment Every curved joint As specified in clause Measurement of full mid-
where applicable 2 of this specification ordinate and half mid-ordinate
7 Delivery
After having been inspected and passed by the Inspector the insulated joints shall be delivered
to the destination specified on the Purchase Order.
8 Warranty
The Contractor shall be responsible for the total labour and material cost of in-track
replacement of any joint which fails due to faulty workmanship or material, except for rails,
within the first two (2) years of service life.
9.1 General
When submitting a prototype glued insulating rail joint for approval, it shall meet the
requirements of AS 1085.12 and this specification. The application shall be supported by the
results of the tests specified in Appendices C to H of AS 1085.12 which shall meet the pass
criteria specified in Table 1 of AS 1085.12.