The Electromagnetic Christodoulou Memory Effect and Its Application To Neutron Star Binary Mergers
The Electromagnetic Christodoulou Memory Effect and Its Application To Neutron Star Binary Mergers
The Electromagnetic Christodoulou Memory Effect and Its Application To Neutron Star Binary Mergers
Lydia Bieri, PoNing Chen, Shing-Tung Yau
arXiv:1110.0410v3 [astro-ph.CO] 9 Apr 2012
Lydia Bieri, University of Michigan, Department of Mathematics, Ann Arbor MI. [email protected]
PoNing Chen, Harvard University, Department of Mathematics, Cambridge MA. [email protected]
Shing-Tung Yau, Harvard University, Department of Mathematics, Cambridge MA. [email protected]
1. Introduction
The main goal of this paper is to discuss the electromagnetic Christodoulou memory
effect of gravitational waves and to compute this effect for typical sources. Christodoulou
(1991) showed that gravitational waves have a nonlinear memory, displacing test masses
permanently. Bieri et al. (2010) proved that for spacetimes solving the Einstein-Maxwell
(EM) equations, the electromagnetic field contributes at highest order 2 to the nonlinear
memory effect of gravitational waves. In the present paper, we calculate it for neutron star
binary mergers. We find that for binary neutron star (BNS) mergers which occur in regions
where the gaseous environment is sufficiently rarefied, very strong magnetic fields enlarge
the Christodoulou memory effect considerably. So far fields which are strong enough to have
a detectable effect have only been found to be generated during coalescence of neutron star
binaries or in magnetars.
The electromagnetic Christodoulou memory cannot be considered as a ‘purely electro-
magnetic effect’ nor as some ‘purely electromagnetic effect in neutron star binaries’. But
it is an effect emerging from the Einstein-Maxwell equations (3) and as such it is indeed a
gravitational-electromagnetic effect. Through the Einstein-Maxwell equations, the electro-
magnetic field enters the system of partial differential equations, and is therefore intrinsically
connected with what we are used to call ‘gravitational part’. We show that to the nonlinear
memory effect of gravitational waves found by Christodoulou (1991) there is a contribution
from the electromagnetic field. We call this the electromagnetic Christodoulou effect (Bieri
et al. (2010)).
Our results emerge from our studies of the Einstein-Maxwell equations (3), which de-
scribe the general relativistic theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. We show that
the electromagnetic field on the right hand side of Einstein-Maxwell equations (3) generates
curvature of the spacetime contributing to the Christodoulou effect. Our new result could
be observed in gravitational wave experiments explained in section 4 with non-charged test
At this point, we would like to mention that a ‘memory of gravitational waves’ had been
known in a ‘linear’ theory for a long time, but it was thought to be ‘negligible’. This is for
instance explained in Christodoulou (1991), and we do not want to go into these details
here. Then Christodoulou (1991) showed that the ‘memory of gravitational waves’ is really
a nonlinear effect and larger than expected. Whereas his paper treats the Einstein vacuum
equations, he mentions on p. 1488 how matter (i.e. electromagnetic or neutrino) radiation
could contribute to this effect. It remained open, what the structures of these terms are,
in particular what the asymptotics look like. In order to find out if a contribution to the
nonlinear memory exists and how large it is, one has to solve the full nonlinear problem.
In case of electromagnetic fields, we did that Bieri et al. (2010). We shall come back
to this point in detail at the end of section 4. Moreover, we would like to point out that
Epstein (1978) in an interesting paper looked at situations with neutrino radiation for weak
gravitational fields and derived a formula for the linearized problem. This is a very nice step
towards the right direction. However, the linearized theory is unphysical and even contradicts
Newtonian physics as we are going to explain in the following paragraphs. Linearized theory
Here, the word ‘order’ refers to decay behavior of the exact solution, not to any approximations. That
is, ‘higher order’ means ‘less decay’. For details, see Bieri et al. (2010). Bieri (2009), Zipser (2009).
might give some hint that there might be a contribution to the memory effect from neutrino
radiation, but it is unable to compute it. General relativity (GR) being an extension of
Newtonian theory, the latter has to emerge from GR theory as a limit. Therefore what
needs to be done in order to decide whether neutrino radiation contributes to the nonlinear
memory, is to compute the full nonlinear picture. Only this will reveal the physics.
The electromagnetic Christodoulou memory effect of gravitational waves is a nonlinear
effect, and as such it is a manifestation of one of the very deep properties of the Einstein-
Maxwell equations. This point requires further explanation: The Einstein equations where
the right hand side is zero are highly nonlinear (in (3), set in the first equation the right hand
side equal to zero), whereas the Maxwell equations are linear. However, when we plug in on
the right hand side of the Einstein equations the stress-energy tensor of an electromagnetic
field and complement the Einstein system to the full Einstein-Maxwell equations (3) (EM),
this system of partial differential equations is highly nonlinear. Here, we are facing a funda-
mental and very deep property of the EM equations: Even though electromagnetic theory by
itself is a linear theory, the coupled Einstein-Maxwell system is nonlinear. We cannot ‘split’
the two theories anymore. When we work with electromagnetic fields in general relativity,
we have to consider the full nonlinear theory of the Einstein-Maxwell equations.
On the one hand, the EM equations exhibit linear effects, which one hopes to observe.
The instantaneous displacements of test masses correspond to such linear effects. On the
other hand, the EM equations feature nonlinear effects. The electromagnetic Christodoulou
memory effect is such a nonlinear effect.
Let us explain the latter point in more details. Our result is exact and stays valid
for large data. In particular, in our paper Bieri et al. (2010) we obtained an exact solu-
tion for the nonlinear memory effect with contribution from the electromagnetic field, using
geometric-analytic methods. We did not use any approximation method. Our result being
exact, it is valid not only for small but also for large data, which describe typical sources for
gravitational waves with memory. Thus, our exact formula is different from anything one
might obtain using approximation methods. If one linearizes the Einstein-Maxwell system
around Minkowski spacetime and uses the method of approximations to compute a memory
effect from the stress-energy tensor (what some people call a ‘linear’ effect, and what would
correspond to a limit in weak gravity) one gets a formula which looks like our formula, but
which is in fact different. No matter to what order one computes the terms in the infinite
series, one will not get an exact result. Using the approximation method, one could take
the linear part or higher orders in the expansion into account or even compute a result to
all orders, but still one has to make sure that the infinite series converges. That’s where the
constraints come into play and the results based on approximation methods only allow you
to have small deviations from flat space. Meaning that approximation methods do not cap-
ture the physics, whereas our rigorous result gives the full physical picture. Christodoulou
& Schmidt (1979) showed that in general the corresponding series does not converge even
for small energy-momentum tensor. More precisely, they first point out that in the Einstein
equations one cannot prescribe the energy-momentum tensor as a given field because of the
divergence property. However, if the harmonic condition is imposed one obtains the well-
known reduced Einstein equations Rµν h
= (Tµν − 12 T gµν ). We inserted on the right hand
side a small positive . In the general case, where = 1, this equation has solutions for
arbitrary prescribed right hand side. But these solutions only solve the original Einstein
field equations if the constraint equations are fulfilled and if the divergenc-free property
holds. However, this last property cannot be realized with respect to the metric gµν . Instead
in approximations the flat Minkowski metric is used with respect to which the divergence
of the energy-momentum tensor vanishes. Christodoulou & Schmidt (1979) show that for
each > 0 there is a n() such that, as the order of approximation increases to n() the
error decreases, achieving a minimum at order n(). However if the order of approximation
is increased further beyond n(), the error again increases. This n() tends to infinity as
tends to zero. Thus for any given > 0 there is no convergence, in fact the sequence of
approximants diverges as the order tends to infinity. On the other hand, for any fixed order
of approximation the error tends to zero as tends to zero. It then trivially follows that this
method completely fails for large data.
The method we used in Bieri et al. (2010) is the same as Christodoulou (1991)
introduced in his pioneering paper. He did not use any approximations, but geometric-
analytic methods from which he obtained an exact formula.
Moreover, there is the following problem with the method of approximations: Let us
consider the Einstein equations with arbitrary energy-momentum tensor. For instance in the
setting of a perfect fluid, we insert pressure, density and four-velocity of the fluid on the right
hand side, in the electromagnetic case the electromagnetic field enters. Then linearize the
equations around Minkowski space. This implies the following: The divergence of the energy-
momentum tensor with respect to the flat metric is zero. This means that the influence of
gravitation of motion of matter is ignored. In case of a perfect fluid, one obtains relativistic
Euler equations without gravitation. One has motion without gravitation. In fact, this does
not contain the Newtonian theory at all. Now, what does this mean, if the Newtonian theory
is not present as a limit?
In contrast to the problem of approximations just explained, our method takes care of
the full nonlinear problem and we obtain a result which is no approximation but exact and
which is true in all situations including large data. That is where all the approximation
methods fail.
We apply our new result on the electromagnetic Christodoulou memory to neutron star
binary mergers. Our new effect is likely to be seen in gravitational wave experiments with
neutron star coalescence as sources.
Applying our new and exact formula to astrophysical data in the present paper, we
give rough estimates. It will be a lot of interesting work for the future, to investigate all the
different astrophysical scenarios in details and to compute the corresponding precise pictures.
We are making available here our new method and exact formula to other scientists, especially
to astrophysicists, and invite them to combine their knowledge with our new formula and to
investigate the many scenarios in a precise way.
Typical sources for gravitational waves are binary neutron star mergers and binary black
hole mergers. During such processes mass and momenta are radiated away. Large magnetic
fields are produced and radiated when the objects are neutron stars. The radiation travels
at the speed of light. Geometrically this corresponds to the radiation moving along null
hypersurfaces of corresponding spacetimes. Therefore it is important to investigate these
spacetimes. As the sources are very far away, we can think of us as doing the experiment
at null infinity, that is at the limit t → ∞ of these null hypersurfaces. Thus it is crucial to
understand the geometry of spacetimes especially at null infinity, that is when t → ∞ along
null hypersurfaces.
The observation of gravitational waves not only will yield another proof of Einstein’s
theory of general relativity, but it will also open a new window for astronomical observations.
Combined with other astrophysical observations, gravitational wave data will enhance un-
derstanding of energetic phenomena such as gamma ray bursts. Allowing to ‘see’ deeper into
formerly impenetrable regions, it will lay open these parts of the universe to us. Here, the
Christodoulou memory effect provides a unique signature for detection as well as important
information about the different forms of energy radiated in the gravitational wave source.
Detailed knowledge about the amount of energy as well as the fractions of energy radiated
through gravitational waves, electromagnetic waves and neutrinos in BNS mergers will shed
light on the physics of the sources.
It has been suggested to detect the Christodoulou memory effect using radio telescopes
pointing at pulsars which serve as precise clocks. Their rapid rotation being extremely
stable, one wants to analyze the pulse arrival times from a set of pulsars. Gravitational
waves traveling by are seen as fluctuations in spacetime, they modulate the Earth-pulsar
distance, which changes the observed time of arrivals of pulses. Pulsar timing arrays are
most sensitive to supermassive black hole binary mergers. These experiments are based on
present-day technology. For further details and references, we refer to: (Fakir (1993)), (Fakir
(1994)), (Fakir (1994)), (Fakir et al. (2008)), (Favata (2009)), (Favata (2010)), (Pshirkov
et al. (2010)), (Seto (2009)), (van Haasteren & Levin (2009)). Further, the Einstein
Telescope will be sensitive to many more scenarios including binary neutron star mergers.
These experiments together with LISA and Earth-based experiments like LIGO etc. are also
expected to become important in astrophysical research. It is crucial to understand when
electromagnetic energy contributes to observed signals and to the memory effect, and how
large this contribution is.
The results of Bieri et al. (2010) and the present paper answer the fundamental question
about the role of magnetic fields played in the Christodoulou memory and in BNS mergers.
We also investigate BNS coalescence that occur in media like gas rich or gas poor galaxies and
in the intergalactic medium. We analyze signals from different regions and give constraints
on plasma frequency, thus electron density of surrounding material.
A major goal of general relativity (GR) and astrophysics is to precisely describe and
finally observe gravitational radiation, one of the predictions of GR. We know from the
work Christodoulou (1991) that also these waves radiate. In a laser interferometer grav-
itational wave detector, this will show in a permanent displacement of test masses after a
wave train has passed. The latter is known as the Christodoulou nonlinear memory effect.
See also (Payne (1983)), (Thorne (1992)), (Blanchet & Damour (1992)), (Wiseman &
Will (1991)). Christodoulou (1991) showed how to measure the nonlinear memory effect
as a permanent displacement of test masses in such detectors. He derived a precise formula
for the permanent displacement in the Einstein vacuum (EV) case. Σ+ − Σ− governs this
permanent displacement. Σ denotes the asymptotic shear of outgoing null hypersurfaces Cu
that are level sets of a foliation of the spacetime by an optical function u. Σ+ and Σ− are
the limits of Σ as u tends to +∞ respectively −∞.
In Bieri et al. (2010), we study the permanent displacement formula for uncharged test
particles of the same gravitational-wave experiment for EM equations. We derive Σ+ − Σ−
in the EM case finding that the electromagnetic field changes the leading order term. 3
We show that the electromagnetic field does not enter the leading order term of the Jacobi
equation. As a result, to leading order, it does not change the instantaneous displacement
of test particles.
This article is organized as follows. Section 2 explores neutron stars with magnetic
fields and their importance for the Christodoulou memory. In section 3 we compute the
electromagnetic Christodoulou memory effect. Section 4 shows how these results relate to
gravitational wave experiments. Finally, in section 5 we investigate binary neutron star
As the most important sources of gravitational waves - besides binary neutron star
mergers - figure binary black hole coalescence, mergers of a black hole and a neutron star,
supernova collapse and short gamma ray bursts (GRB). Among the current models for
(short) GRB, the most promising from our point of view (large electromagnetic fields) are
the ones powered by neutron star mergers or magnetars. See the recent overview of short
GRB (Berger (2011)). In what follows, we are going to discuss sources of gravitational waves
with large electromagnetic fields in view of the Christodoulou memory. For our purposes,
Here, the word ‘order’ refers to decay behavior of the exact solution, not to any approximations. That
is, ‘higher order’ means ‘less decay’. For details, see Bieri et al. (2010). Bieri (2009), Zipser (2009).
ωp2 = (1)
where m and e is the electron mass and charge respectively. For interstellar regions (spiral
arms), the electron density is about 1cm−3 . It may be 0.1cm−3 in between.
On the other hand, the amount of energy carried by high frequency electromagnetic
radiation in the coalescence of BNS is not expected to exceed 1051 ergs. This is the maximum
energy output that occurs in short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs).
During a BNS merger, tidal gravitational forces induce enormous heat production. This
heat will largely be radiated in neutrinos before a black hole forms. According to Dessart
et al. (2009) energies radiated by neutrinos reach 1053 ergs. The following papers treated
neutrino radiation in similar situations: (Ruffert et al. (1996)), (Ruffert et al. (1997)),
(Rosswog & Davies (2002)), (Rosswog & Liebendörfer (2003)), (Setiawan et al. (2004)),
(Setiawan et al. (2006)). The immediate question arises: Will the energy loss by neutrinos
dominate the energy loss due to electromagnetic fields?
Thermal emission from the neutron star itself is dominated by neutrinos because their
interaction cross-section with matter is weaker by 1018 than that of high-frequency electro-
magnetic radiation (the Thomson cross-section). While the photons are trapped inside the
neutron stars, the neutrinos have a much larger mean-free-path and can diffuse out much
faster. However, in a BNS coalescence the fraction of the heat carried out by photons may
be much larger, because in this case the surface of the neutron stars rather than only the
deep interior, as in supernova collapse, contribute. Thus we need to understand the ways
of energy transport away from the neutron stars in different media. Moreover, the elec-
tromagnetic radiation might be dispersed in the interstellar medium, which may affect the
observability of the memory effect. See Boldyrev & Gwinn (2003).
Unfortunately, the flux of neutrinos is too small to be detectable by neutrino detectors
from a source that resides outside our Milky-Way galaxy. In a typical supernova, neutrinos
carry as much as 1053 ergs away from the newly formed neutron star. Even if tidal heating
is weaker for neutron star binaries, the neutrino losses may still dominate over magnetic
losses for moderate magnetic fields. However, magnetic losses might be more important for
magnetars and BNS coalescence in low density medium.
Observations during recent years have shown that BNS mergers also occur in media with
lower electron density, for instance in elliptical galaxies or other galaxies that are gas poor.
Moreover, according to recent observations and simulations some BNS mergers happen far
away from the cores of galaxies due to the kick imparted to the two neutron stars by the
supernovae that formed them. Compact binaries with kicks are investigated in Bloom et al.
(1999), Fryer et al. (1999), Belczynski et al. (2006). Another interesting point to mention
here, which we will not pursue further, is that in certain binary black hole mergers the final
object could be ejected from the host galaxy. See for instance Loeb (2007) and references
Typical electron densities at the center of a giant elliptical galaxy are about n = 0.1 per
cm3 . This yields a plasma frequency of about wp = 20rad/s ≈ 3kHz by (1). Away from the
center, the densities are much less, yielding plasma frequencies of significantly lower order.
In intergalactic medium typical electron densities are n = 10−6 /cm3 . From (1), we compute
the corresponding plasma frequency to be of the order wp = 60rad/s ≈ 10Hz. Summarizing,
we find that electromagnetic waves can escape their origin as long as the surrounding medium
has a plasma frequency which is much lower than magnitudes of 10kHz. Thus, in gas poor
galaxies (such as elliptical galaxies) and far away from galactic centers, electromagnetic waves
travel almost as in vacuum.
These are therefore the places to look for BNS mergers producing an electromagnetic
Christodoulou memory. As discussed in Berger (2011), BNS coalescence is supposed to
occur also in elliptical galaxies and far away from galactic cores, that is in media with low
– 10 –
electron densities.
In section 5 of this paper, we shall discuss these BNS mergers.
3. Memory effect
We cite the Bondi mass loss formula obtained in Zipser (2009) for spacetimes solving
EM equations: Z
∂ 1 2 1 2
M (u) = |Ξ| + |AF | dµγ◦ . (2)
∂u 8π S 2 2
Compared to the formula obtained in Christodoulou & Klainerman (1993) for spacetimes
solving the EV equations, we have an additional term, |AF |2 , from the electromagnetic field.
See Bieri et al. (2010).
To study the effect of gravitational waves, we follow the method introduced in Christodoulou
(1991). The analysis is based on the asymptotic behavior of the gravitational field obtained
at null and spatial infinity. These rigorous asymptotics allow to study the structure of
spacetimes at null infinity. We foliate the spacetime by a time function t and an optical
function u, with corresponding lapse functions φ respectively a. Each level set of t, Ht is
a maximal spacelike hypersurface, each level set of u, Cu , is an outgoing null hypersurface.
Along the null hypersurface Cu , pick a suitable pair of normal vectors. The flow along these
vectorfields generates a family of diffeomorphisms φu of S 2 . Using φu we pull back tensor
fields. In this manner, we can study their limit at null infinity along the null hypersurface
Cu . Then take the limit as u → ±∞, which allows to investigate the effect of gravitational
waves. For a detailed explanation of the structure at null infinity, see Christodoulou (1991).
The following figure shows a schematic picture of an outgoing null hypersurface C, along
which light travels, intersecting H in S. The incoming null hypersurface is denoted by C,
the vectorfields L and L defined below, lie in C and C respectively.
The methods introduced in Christodoulou & Klainerman (1993), used in Zipser (2000),
Zipser (2009) and Bieri (2007), Bieri (2009), reveal the structure of the null asymptotics
of spacetimes. In these works, stability results were proven under smallness conditions on
the initial data. However, the results about null infinity hold for large data.
In the Einstein-Maxwell equations the electromagnetic field is represented by a skew-
symmetric 2-tensor Fµν . The stress-energy tensor corresponding to Fµν is
1 1
Fµ ρ Fνρ − gµν Fρσ F ρσ .
Tµν =
4π 4
– 11 –
Fig. 1.— Schematic picture of an outgoing null hypersurface C, along which light travels,
intersecting spacelike hypersurface H in S.
Rµν = 8πTµν
Dα Fαβ =0 (3)
Dα ∗ Fαβ =0.
Indices run from 1 to 4. Let St,u be the intersection of Ht and Cu . Let N be the spacelike unit
normal vector of St,u in Ht and T be the timelike unit normal vector of Ht in the spacetime.
Let {ea }a=1,2 be an orthonormal frame on St,u . Then (T, N, e2 , e1 ) is an orthogonal frame.
This also gives us a pair of null normal vectors to St,u , namely L = T + N and L = T − N .
Together with {ea }a=1,2 , they form a null frame.
We can decompose the Weyl curvature tensor and the electromagnetic field with respect
to either frame. The asymptotics of these components are studied in Zipser (2000) and Zipser
(2009). We will only list the components, which are used in this paper.
Let X, Y be arbitrary tangent vectors to S at a point in S. Given the null frame e4 = L,
e3 = L and {ea }a=1,2 , let χ(X, Y ) = g(∇X L, Y ) and χ(X, Y ) = g(∇X L, Y ) be the second
fundamental forms with respect to L and L, respectively. Let χ b and χb be their traceless
parts. χ
b and χ
b are the shears. We also need the following null components of the Weyl
αW (X, Y ) = R(X, L, Y, L)
– 12 –
lim r2 χ
b=Σ , lim rb
χ = 2Ξ
Cu ,t→∞ Cu ,t→∞
These are the main quantities in the description of gravitational radiation and memory. Σ
and Ξ are the corresponding asymptotic shears, whereas AW and AF denote the asymptotic
curvature and electromagnetic field components, respectively. As shown in Christodoulou
(1991), the permanent displacement of the test masses of a laser interferometer gravitational-
wave detector is governed by Σ+ − Σ− where
lim Σ = Σ± .
In Zipser (2000), Zipser (2009) for the EM case were derived the following relations between
the asymptotic shears Σ, Ξ and the asymptotic curvature component AW :
∂Σ ∂Ξ 1
= −Ξ and = − AW . (5)
∂u ∂u 4
In Bieri et al. (2010), we first write
Z ∞
| Ξ(u, ·) |2 + | AF (u, ·) |2 du
F (·) = (6)
−∞ 2
where 4π is the total energy radiated to infinity in a given direction per unit solid angle.
We then prove that in a spacetime solving the EM equations, Σ+ − Σ− is governed by the
following relation. In particular, Σ+ − Σ− is given by the following equation on S 2 :
◦ ◦
/ (Σ+ − Σ− ) =∇
div / Φ (7)
Comparing this with the EV case studied in Christodoulou & Klainerman R ∞(1993) and used
in Christodoulou (1991), where the corresponding formula was F (·) = −∞ | Ξ(u, ·) |2 du,
we find that new the electromagnetic part | AF (u, ·) |2 /2 appears in the integral. See Bieri
et al. (2010).
– 13 –
How will our findings relate to experiment? We show how the electromagnetic field
enters the gravitational wave experiments. In particular, we discuss the instantaneous and
the permanent displacement of test masses. For a detailed explanation of the experiment we
refer to Christodoulou (1991) and for a detailed derivation in the EM case we refer to Bieri
et al. (2010).
Consider a laser interferometer gravitational-wave detector with three test masses. We
denote the reference mass by m0 , being also the location of the beam splitter. The masses
m1 and m2 are initially at right angles and equal distances d0 from m0 . The masses are
free if the observation is performed in space as in LISA, or are suspended by pendulums if
the experiment is performed on the Earth as in LIGO. In the second case, for time scales
much shorter than the period of the pendulums the motion of the masses in the horizontal
plane can be considered free. One measures the distance of m1 and m2 from m0 by laser
interferometry. We observe a difference of phase of the laser light at m0 whenever the light
travel times between m0 and m1 , m2 , respectively, differ.
The motion of the masses m0 , m1 , m2 is described by geodesics γ0 , γ1 , γ2 in spacetime.
Denote by T the unit futuredirected tangent vectorfield of γ0 and by t the arch length along
γ0 . Let Ht be for each t the spacelike, geodesic hyperplane through γ0 (t) orthogonal to
T . At γ0 (0) pick an orthonormal frame (E1 , E2 , E3 ) for H0 . By parallelly propagating it
along γ0 , we obtain the orthonormal frame field (T, E1 , E2 , E3 ) along γ0 , where at each t
the (E1 , E2 , E3 ) is an orthonormal frame for Ht at γ0 (t). Then we assign to a point p in
spacetime close to γ0 and lying in Ht the cylindrical normal coordinates (t, x1 , x2 , x3 ). We
shall assume that the source of the waves is in the direction E3 .
Suppose that the light travel time corresponding to the distance d0 is much shorter
than the time scale in which the spacetime curvature varies significantly. Then the geodesic
deviation from γ0 , namely the Jacobi equation (8), replaces the geodesic equation for γ1 and
γ2 . Let Rk0l0 = R(Ek , T, El , T ), then
d 2 xk
= −Rk0l0 xl . (8)
On the left hand side of (8) we find an acceleration term, controlled by the curvature Rk0l0
on the right hand side. Now, we have to lay open the structure of this curvature term to
derive the contributions from gravitational and electromagnetic parts. Decompose Rk0l0 into
Weyl curvature and Ricci curvature
Rk0l0 = Wk0l0 + (gkl R00 + g00 Rkl − g0l Rk0 − g0k Rl0 ).
From the EM equations (3) we find
R00 = (| α(F ) |2 + | α(F ) |2 ) + ρ(F )2 + σ(F )2 . (9)
– 14 –
The component R00 observes the term | α(F ) |2 , where α(F ) is the electromagnetic field
component with worst decay behavior, but entering R00 as a quadratic. Hence, R00 is of
order O(r−2 ). Whereas the leading order component of the Weyl curvature is of order O(r−1 ).
(See Bieri et al. (2010)) Thus, the electromagnetic field does not contribute at highest order
to the deviation measured by the Jacobi equation. As a consequence, it does only change at
lower order the instantaneous displacement of test masses. However, it changes the nonlinear
memory effect: Using (5) and (6) as well as the fact that Ξ → 0 for u → ∞ and taking the
limit t → ∞, we conclude that the test masses experience permanent displacements after the
passage of a wave train. In particular, this overall displacement of test masses is described
by Σ+ − Σ−
d0 +
∆xA (B) = − (Σ − Σ− AB ) (10)
r AB
where from ((6), (7)) one sees that the right hand side of (10) includes the electromagnetic
field terms at highest order.
To derive (10), we use L = T − E3 and L = T + E3 . We have the leading components
of the curvature αAB (W ) and of the electromagnetic field αA (F ):
AAB (W )
αAB (W ) = R(EA , L, EB , L) = + o(r−2 )
AA (F )
αA (F ) = F (EA , L) = + o(r−2 ).
From (5) equation ∂Ξ/∂u = − 41 AW and lim|u|→∞ Ξ = 0, one substitutes and concludes
ẋA(B) (t) = ΞAB (t). (13)
Here and in what follows, the word ‘order’ refers to decay behavior of the exact solution, not to any
approximations. That is, ‘higher order’ means ‘less decay’. For details, see Bieri et al. (2010). Bieri (2009),
Zipser (2009).
– 15 –
As Ξ → 0 for u → ∞, the test masses return to rest after the passage of the gravitational
waves. Use (5) equation ∂Σ/∂u = −Ξ and integrate again to obtain
xA(B) (t) = −( )(ΣAB (t) − Σ− ). (14)
Finally, by taking the limit t → ∞ one derives that the test masses obey permanent dis-
placements. This means that Σ+ − Σ− is equivalent to an overall displacement of the test
masses given by (10):
d0 −
4xA(B) = −( )(Σ+AB − ΣAB ). (15)
The right hand side of (10) includes terms from the electromagnetic field at highest order as
given in our relations (6), (7).
Fig. 2.— Permanent displacement of test masses caused by Christodoulou memory effect.
Test masses m1 and m2 are displaced permanently after the passage of a gravitational wave
The magnitude of the term | Σ+AB −ΣAB | on the right hand side of (15) is of the order of
the total energy radiated during the merger of the source objects. The nonlinear effect builds
up over the time scale when the energy is radiated. An experiment like LIGO for instance
would measure differences in distances 4x of test masses, whereas the radio telescopes would
measure changes in the frequency of pulsars’ pulses. The reader may want to compare our
formulas (15) and (6) with the corresponding result in Christodoulou (1991) as well as with
computations using Post-Newtonian (PN) approximation for instance in Favata (2009) or
recent results in Favata (2011) and references therein.
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In particular, how does our result compare to the pioneering paper by Christodoulou
(1991)? In order to answer this question in detail, let us cite from Christodoulou (1991) p.
1488: “When matter (i.e., electromagnetic or neutrino) radiation is present then if T is the
energy tensor of matter, φ∗u (r2 14 T (l, l)) tends to a limit E as r0∗ → ∞ and in (7)-(9) | Ξ |2
is replaced by | Ξ |2 +32πE.” This is a suggestion, in which direction one would have to
search to find other contributions to the nonlinear memory effect. It was not known, what
the limit E would be. This limit E depending on u could behave in such a way that there
were no additive contribution from E to the memory, or that it was negligible. Studying the
adapted formulas (7)-(9) in Christodoulou (1991), one has to keep in mind that formula (9)
governs the nonlinear memory effect. It is an additive effect. How do we know that E is in
fact contributing? What is the structure of this limit? We give the answer in our formulas
(15) and (6) based on Bieri et al. (2010) and on (2) from Zipser (2009). Our formula (6)
corresponds to Christodoulou’s formula (9). We find that the limit AF has the same decay
behavior in u as the limit Ξ. Namely they satisfy
| AF (u, ·) | ≤ C1 (1+ | u |)− 2
| Ξ(u, ·) | ≤ C2 (1+ | u |)− 2
Knowing these structure, we investigate our formula (6) more closely. Integrating with
respect to u from −∞ to +∞ yields a positive constant for F . This value contains the
corresponding positive constants coming from the electromagnetic field term AF and from
the purely gravitational term Ξ. This proves that the contribution from the electromagnetic
field is of the same order 5 as the purely geometric part. Our result being exact, it holds
for all corresponding physical situations. The constants C1 and C2 have to be determined
or estimated from astrophysical data of the many scenarios. This will be the purpose of the
following section, where we give rough estimates. It will be a challenge for the future to
work on the many details.
Summarizing, we have in (6) a general formula that always holds. Thus we can ap-
ply it to all situations. From astrophysical data we can now determine the corresponding
contributions in every scenario.
Again one could ask, what if one linearized the equations and just looked at the linear
part in the approximation. We have explained in the introduction, why that produces a
physical error. However, for the purpose of discussion, let us consider it for a moment. The
limit AF in our fomulas (15) and (6) or in (2) is exact. Solving the full nonlinear problem
yields our exact formulas revealing the precise physics. However, in a linearized version,
one would only obtain a formula that ‘looks like’ ours, but does not capture the physics. In
general, for any energy momentum tensor T mentioned previously this linear part is expected
Here, the word ‘order’ refers to decay behavior of the exact solution, not to any approximations. That
is, ‘higher order’ means ‘less decay’. For details, see Bieri et al. (2010). Bieri (2009), Zipser (2009).
– 17 –
to be different from the exact solution, and therefore the true physical picture gets lost when
We compute the electromagnetic Christodoulou memory effect for typical sources, that
is for different constellations of BNS mergers as stipulated in section 2. For an overview on
compact neutron star binaries, see for instance Duez (2009).
In this section, the data is taken from different papers we are citing and which suggest
different values for the same quantities. Combining these findings, it gives certain ranges of
magnitudes for the corresponding data.
In a binary neutron star or binary black hole system, the two objects are orbiting each
other. In Newtonian physics, they would stay like that forever. However, according to the
theory of general relativity such a system must radiate away energy. Therefore, the radius
of the orbits must shrink and finally the objects will merge. The magnetic fields generated
and radiated during the merger of two neutron stars are among the largest magnetic fields
known in astrophysics. In fact, in the electromagnetic Christodoulou memory effect that we
derived, the magnetic field enlarges the nonlinear displacement of (non-charged) test masses
Observations and numerical simulations suggest that magnetic fields of neutron stars
may take values between 1012 G and 1016 G, the latter being the fields of magnetars. See
Duncan & Thompson (1992). To start with, one can consider the merger of two magnetars,
even though this is expected to be a very rare (or impossible) event. Calculations with large
magnetic field strengths such as in magnetars have been carried out in the GR regime in
Anderson (2008). On the other hand, in Price & Rosswog (2006) in a Newtonian regime, it
has been shown that moderate magnetic fields for ordinary neutron stars, thus of the order
B ≈ 1012 − 1013 G rapidly grow during merger. Very strong magnetic fields could occur in
the early shear phase and afterwards due to dynamo type effects. The magnetic field can
reach up to 1016 G. It had also been observed that magnetic fields delay the merger time.
See also Liu et al. (2008) and Giacomazzo et al. (2009). In Giacomazzo et al. (2009) the
values for the magnetic fields are found to be smaller. The paper Price & Rosswog (2006)
also mentions magnetized blasts as well as processes in the accretion torus with buoyant
magnetic fields at about 1014 G − 1016 G.
We conclude that the electromagnetic Christodulou memory should be very important
in the coalescence of BNS (also with moderate initial magnetic fields) in gas poor galaxies
and far away from galactic cores. In these processes, the magnetic field will grow to values
of B ≈ 1016 G. Moreover, the energy radiated by electromagnetic waves may dominate the
radiation by neutrinos in these situations. We will analyze these points in the remainder of
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this article.
Astrophysical data give for typical neutron star binaries a range of possible constellations
which allow the mass and the magnetic field to vary within given boundaries Shapiro &
Teukolsky (1983), Duez (2009) and references therein. Typically, the mass of a neutron
star is around slightly more than 1M◦· and the radius of a neutron star is 5 - 16 km. Thus,
the typical mass for a BNS system ranges between 2.6 and 2.8M◦· 1 . In such a system,
the neutron stars are spiraling around each other, radiating neutrinos, gravitational and
magnetic energy. The inspiral gains speed and the BNS system emits an increasing amount
of electromagnetic and gravitational energy, which becomes extremely large when the orbit
radius is about 10 - 100km. For the detection of the electromagnetic Christodoulou effect,
the largest contribution will come from the last phase of the inspiral, starting when the
orbit radius is about 10 times the neutron star radius. In the literature, we find that the
merger and following collapse times range from a few milli-seconds up to 1000 ms. We
compare the amount of gravitational energy radiated during the merger to the amount of
magnetic energy radiated. On the one hand, the amount of gravitational energy is well-
known. In general, about 1% of the initial mass is radiated during a merger. This is about
1052 erg.6 On the other hand, the amount of magnetic energy radiated could vary drastically
depending on different constellations. Typically, the rate of change for the magnetic field
is dB/dt ≈ 109 − 1017 G(ms)−1 and the magnetic field produced in the merger is about
109 − 1017 G.7 (For these ranges, see references given in this section. The values in the
different papers vary.)
Assume: Total mass of BNS is initially 2M◦· , 1% of the total mass will be radiated
away during the (whole) merger, the radius of each neutron star is 10 km. Under these
assumptions, the gravitational energy radiated away is about 3.56 × 1052 erg. In the first
example to follow, we will assume that the full initial magnetic field will be radiated, whereas
in the second example the magnetic field will increase during merger and be radiated, yielding
a ratio of Bradiated /Binitial > 1.
In the physics literature, one finds many linearized models. However, since the Einstein
equations are nonlinear, the main information usually gets lost in linearized models. As we
do investigate the nonlinear problem here, and as the results of Christodoulou (1991) and
Bieri et al. (2010) show the Christodoulou memory effect of gravitational waves to be a
nonlinear phenomenon, we consider a corresponding nonlinear model for the neutron star
binary coalescence. Thus, we use the results of Zipser’s global stability work Zipser (2000)
and Zipser (2009) for the initial value problem in spacetimes satisfying the Einstein-Maxwell
equations. We assume that outside the neutron star, the magnetic field decays like r−5/2 .
M◦· = 1 solar mass ≈ 1.9891 · 1033 g
1 erg = 1g · cm2 s−2 and 1M◦· ≈ 1.78 · 1054 erg
1 Gauss: 1G = 10−4 kg · C−1 s−1 = 10−1 g · C−1 s−1
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Such decay at spatial infinity is suggested by the decay obtained in Zipser (2000), Zipser
(2009). One might want to consider situations with a slightly different decay of the magnetic
field. This would not affect the main picture, as one finds during the computations that the
decay of the magnetic field does not play a role here. 8 In the following paragraphs, we are
going to present two scenarios of BNS coalescence.
Consider such a BNS system with the magnetic field B initially being B = 1013 G and
dB/dt = 1013 G(ms)−1 on the surface of the neutron star. Assume that the merger time
is 50 ms. We estimate the total magnetic energy radiated using the following model. We
assume that throughout the merger, the matter of the neutron star stays in a ball of radius
10 km. We compute the contribution from the magnetic field outside the support of the
matter of the neutron star. As a result, we simply use the vacuum magnetic constant when
computing the magnetic energy density. Moreover, we assume that outside the neutron star,
the magnetic field decays at the rate of r−5/2 . Using this model, the energy radiated from
the magnetic field is about 1.19 · 1047 erg. In this case, the addition of a magnetic field
has a small contribution to the memory effect. This is similar to the numeric simulation in
Giacomazzo et al. (2009). Their result suggests that for an initial magnetic field smaller
than 1014 G, the gravitational wavefront does not change much.
Next, consider a BNS system with the above data, but where the magnetic field B is
initially B = 1015 G and dB/dt = 1016 G(ms)−1 on the surface of the neutron star. Assume
that the merger time is 50 ms. We compute that the total magnetic energy radiated is
about 1.19 · 1053 erg. This is higher than the gravitational energy radiated. This situation is
consistent with astrophysical data. This example here is similar to the numeric simulation in
Anderson (2008), where an initial B = 9×1015 is used. In Anderson (2008), the merger time
is of the order of 10 ms and it is noticed that the gravitational-wave signal is considerably
stronger and the merger could be detected by LIGO at twice as far away with the addition
of a magnetic field. While the largest magnetic field during merger is not explicitly given
there, from the numeric simulations in Giacomazzo et al. (2009), Giacomazzo et al.
(2011) and Rezzolla et al. (2011), it is observed that the magnetic field could increase by
two orders of magnitude during merger when one starts with magnetic fields around 109 to
1012 G. When we start with a stronger magnetic field, the merger would take longer and
allow more time for the magnetic field to build up. Also magnetic fields of similar initial
strength ( B = 1015 G) are used in the simulation of Liu et al. (2008). Their simulations
suggest that the addition of the magnetic field causes observable differences in the dynamics
and gravitational waveforms and that the most important role of magnetic fields are on
the long term evolution. This is similar to our conclusion from (5) and (6), (7). Namely,
This is not to be confused with the findings in the previous sections. Whereas the structure of the
magnetic fields, in particular the decay behavior with respect to r and u, is crucial to determine if a nonlinear
memory exists, in the present situation, we want to estimate the size of the corresponding energies, that is
constants in the formulas.
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the addition of a magnetic field does not change the system instantaneously but it does
contribute to the nonlinear long-term permanent change. While our initial magnetic field
is rather large, it could still be realized by sources such as magnetars. Also, as noted in
Price & Rosswog (2006), the outflow of energy driven by magnetic mechanisms could easily
reach 1051 ergs or more. Moreover, according to Anderson (2008) and Price & Rosswog
(2006), BNS mergers with initial magnetic fields of ordinary neutron stars, namely of the
order B ≈ 1013 G, produce very large magnetic fields. This yields magnitudes for dB/dt of
the order dB/dt ≈ 1016 G(ms)−1 . These huge magnetic fields are expected to occur at the
shear layer during merger and during the subsequent collapse of the merger product into a
black hole by dynamo effects.
To compare, note that the amount of energy emitted in a binary black hole merger is
expected to be as follows: a binary black hole system with equal mass and no spin would
lose about 4% of the mass during merger. However, according to the present knowledge in
astrophysics, BNS mergers occur more often than black hole mergers.
Conclusions: We find that the best conditions for magnetic fields to increase the
Christodoulou memory occur in BNS mergers in medium with a plasma frequency of less
than 30kHz, that is in gas poor regions (for instance elliptical galaxies) and far away from
galactic centers. Since in these regions, the energy carried away by neutrinos is not expected
to dominate the electromagnetic radiation, the latter will play an important role. In fact,
the magnetic fields of typical sources contribute to the Christodoulou memory at the same
highest order as the purely gravitational term. The merging objects can be ordinary neutron
stars with initial magnetic fields of the order B ≈ 1013 G. These fields will be enlarged
during the merger process and subsequent collapse to a black hole, yielding dB/dt ≈ 1016 G.
Thus, magnetic fields of these orders radiated through a very short time will enlarge the
Christodoulou memory considerably. We have also found that the amounts of energy radiated
in BNS mergers of this type are expected to be 1052 ergs in form of gravitational waves, about
1047 ergs − 1053 ergs in electromagnetic waves and about 1053 ergs in form of neutrinos. We
stress the fact that these are ‘only’ energy considerations. It has not yet been shown that the
neutrinos would produce a memory effect as well. Even though this might look plausible, it
still has to be investigated. So far, two of the three main ways of energy transport in a BNS
merger, namely gravitational and electromagnetic, have been shown to yield a Christodoulou
memory effect.
Acknowledgment: We are very grateful to Demetrios Christodoulou, to Avi Loeb, to
Bence Kocsis and to Chris Miller. We thank Demetrios Christodoulou for sharing his valu-
able insights with us, for fruitful discussions and his interest in this work. We thank Avi Loeb
for his valuable comments and for pointing out to us many of the astrophysical backgrounds
and references. We thank Bence Kocsis for his valuable feedback and comments. We thank
Chris Miller for his valuable feedback and comments. L. Bieri is supported by NSF grant
DMS-0904583 and S.-T. Yau is supported by NSF grant PHY-0937443 and DMS-0904583.
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