Iftkhar 6
Iftkhar 6
Iftkhar 6
2) 2019
PhD Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore,
Correspondence Author email: saghir.edu786@gmail.com.
Dean Faculty of Education, IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
& Salanova, 2007). Although, this worldview of brain research lost accentuation with
the distribution of Selig-man and Csikszentmihalyi (2000), who protected that
psychology ought to advance toward concentrate the qualities and mental limits of
humans and associations, and how these can be made strides. Accordingly, positive
psychology rises as a worldview that surmises into three levels research: (a) positive
feelings; (b) positive attributes, qualities, and virtues of staff; and (c) constructive
organizations that show excellences and are supported from positive feelings
(Seligman, 2003).
The psychosomatic capability or mental assets which meet the criteria for
positive behavior best are trust, self-adequacy, good faith and adaptability. Specialists
in the field of psychology introduced the term ‘psychosomatic capability. This idea is
utilized for positive conduct of teaching staff and can be described as an individual's
sure state of mind of development which is depicted by idealism (making constructive
attributions), self-viability (having certainty), resilience (to accomplishing achievement)
and expectation (diverting ways to objectives) (Luthans, Avolio, Avey & Norman,
2007; Luthans & Youssef, 2004, 2007).
As indicated by Dawkins (2014), psychosomatic capability is a person’s
condition of mental advancement having positive factors, for example, optimistic, self-
viability, flexibility and expectation. The concept of psychosomatic capability through
the four mental assets alluded above has appeared inner cooperative energy from the
observational viewpoint, which implies that mental capability carries on as a high level
paradigm (Luthans, Avolio, Avey & Norman, 2007).
A healthy workplace life of teachers or faculty members depends upon
institutional environment in which they work. They are more satisfied and enjoy job life
when they have mental satisfaction and feel psychological positive in the higher
educational institutions. The mental satisfaction is an essential issue in current society
and is basis to the improvement of social strategy devoted to people, group of
individuals or society. Teachers have some instinctive thought of the personal
satisfaction meaning, yet it can speak to particular perspectives and segments to several
individuals. They demand mental satisfaction at workplace to perform their duties
(Phillips, 2006).
The idea of personal satisfaction is famously linked with human beings, which
has been approximated to the fulfillment in various parts of life. It suggests the capacity
to make a combination of every single social component that specific culture thinks
about their standard of solace and prosperity. The term incorporates numerous
implications, which reflect learning, knowledge, and estimations of people and
collectivities identified with it in various occasions, differing spots and stories, in this
manner being a social variable with the brand of socializing relativity (Minayo, Hartz &
Buss, 2000).
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
this context. Therefore, there is basic need to introduce valid and reliable scales to
measure psychosomatic capability and workplace life of personnel. The findings of
current study may add and increase new knowledge related to these phenomenon.
Research Objectives
The purpose of the study was to achieve the following objectives:
1. To explore the relationship between psychosomatic capability and workplace
life through path analysis.
2. To explore the path coefficients between psychosomatic capability and
workplace life.
3. To explore the outer loadings between psychosomatic capability and workplace
4. To explore the latent variable correlations between psychosomatic capability
and workplace life.
5. To check the R square value of workplace life instrument.
6. To check the construct reliability and validity of psychosomatic capability and
workplace life scales.
7. To check the discriminant validity of psychosomatic capability and workplace
life scales.
8. To explore the bootstrapping path coefficients of psychosomatic capability and
workplace life scales.
9. To explore the path coefficients histogram of psychosomatic capability and
workplace life scales.
Research Methodology
The detail of the research methodology is described below.
Nature of Study
Quantitative approach was used to conduct the current study. The study was
descriptive correlational and survey type in nature. The basic purpose to conduct this
study was to check the validation of the scales related to psychosomatic capability and
workplace life in teaching.
Population and Sampling
The population of the study was consisted of university teachers of different
departments. Sample of the study consisted of two hundred teachers. Firstly four
universities were taken and then same departments were selected. The particular
participants of the study were selected by randomization.
The scales related to psychosomatic capability and workplace life were used to
obtain information from respondents. Psychosomatic capability scale was consisted of
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
four sub-factors (self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience) and twelve items. As
well as workplace life instrument has six factors (fair provisions, democracy, working
capacity, safety, socialization, and living space). Research subjects gave their opinions
on five point Likert type scale. All subjects of study fall in the series of lecturers to
Scales Validation and Reliability
Research and subject specialists reviewed the questionnaires and played their
role in validation process. After taking the experts opinions on questionnaire, it was
distributed to teachers to complete the process of pilot testing. Overall values of
Cronbach’s Alpha were 0.81 and .85, which shows the good and significant desired
worth of reliability.
Data Collection and Analysis
Researchers spent a heavy amount of time on data collection. It was good
experience that gave opportunity to learn things. There are different ways to analyze the
data. The data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Model (SEM) path analysis
techniques to achieve the targeted objectives. Path analysis was conducted through the
Smart PLS to evaluate the model.
Results and Findings
The detailed data analysis is under follow.
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
variables (psychosomatic capability and workplace life) are strongly interlinked with
each other. If teachers are full of psychosomatic capability then their workplace life
would be better and they perform their duties with confidence and motivation. Thus, job
life depends upon mental capability of personnel.
Table 1
Path Coefficients of Variables
Variables Workplace Life
Psychosomatic Capability 0.68
Path coefficient is equal to the liaison among constructs and its dimensions.
There are two variables in above table. Both factors have strong positive connection
with each other. Below figure is showing path coefficients of variables.
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
In the inward model is the piece of the model that depicts the connections
among the idle factors that make up the model. The external model is the piece of the
model that depicts the relationship among the dormant factors and their dimensions. In
table 2 all sub-dimensions are showing strong positive relationship with its variables
psychosomatic capability and workplace life except working space. It means all sub-
factors are part and parcel to measure the psychosomatic capability and workplace life
among teachers.
Table 3
Latent Variable Correlations through Cross Loading
Factors 1 2
Psychosomatic Capability 1.00 0.68
Workplace Life 1.00
Table shows relationship among factors through cross loading. The primary
purpose of cross loading is to cross match the values of factors. In which, each
construct shows maximum value with itself, but lesser with other variables. Similarly
constructs psychosomatic capability and workplace life are showing maximum values
with its own and less with each other.
Table 4
R Square (R2)
Variable R Square
Workplace Life 0.46
The R2 value shows that how well the square model calculates the data. This
basically displays the goodness of suitable model. Its value ought to be more
noteworthy than 0.3. In this study value of R square for variable is 0.46. This value is
higher than set standard value, which shows goodness of model.
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
Table 5
Construct Reliability and Validity of Factors
Factors Cronbach’s Alpha rho_A CR AVE
Psychosomatic Capability 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.63
Workplace Life 0.85 0.86 0.89 0.58
Table demonstrates the factors (psychosomatic capability and workplace life)
validity and reliability. Reliability was checked by four different methods (Cronbach’s
Alpha, rho_A, Composite Reliability, and Average variance extracted). According to
Hair (2014), reliability values are acceptable at 0.7. In above table both constructs have
values above than threshold. Both variables are showing good, reliable and statistical
significant values under the umbrella of composite reliability.
Wah-Yap, Ramayah, Nushazelin, and Wan-Shahidan stated in (2012) that
Average Variance Extracted is the point which displays fact or sustenance the
convergent validity. Hair (2014) described that AVE value is acceptable at .5. It is
minimum standard and higher values show strong validity of the constructs. In current
study, both factors (psychosomatic capability and workplace life) have AVE values
above than .5, which indicates strong convergent validity.
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
According to Hair (2014) T-value must be above than 1.96 and p value should be lower
than .05. Therefore, in current study values of two variables psychosomatic capability
and workplace life are T = 10.77, P = .001. Both constructs show positive, strong and
significant values which are bigger than threshold. It means that goodness of fit exists.
It is concluded that psychosomatic capability and workplace life have strong connection
with each other.
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
Therefore, it is confirmed that findings of the study showed consistency with past
studies and met the standards of scales validation.
Psychosomatic capability and workplace life is evolving constructs in academic
field. Psychosomatic capability is an individual’s state of mind and mental advancement
having positive thoughts, self-efficacy, hope, optimism, flexibility and resilience. A
healthy workplace life of teachers or faculty members depends upon institutional
environment in which they work. They are more satisfied and enjoy job life when they
have mental satisfaction and feel psychological positive in the higher educational
institutions. Psychosomatic capability and workplace life of personnel are strongly
interlinked. It is general that a person can perform better at job station with positive
mental capabilities.
The aim of this study was to authenticate the scales of psychosomatic capability
and workplace life of teachers by using smart partial least square software.
Authentication of scales were observed by using different statistical techniques (PLS-
SEM path model, path coefficient, outer loadings, latent variables associations through
cross loadings, R square value, reliability, discriminant validity, bootstrapping and
histogram path coefficients) through Smart PLS software. The research subjects of this
study were university teachers. They were obtained information regarding
psychosomatic capability and workplace life by the researcher. Structural equation
model shows the association between psychosomatic capability and workplace life
through path analysis.
It seems that path diagram shows the strong positive correlation between two
variables psychosomatic capability and workplace life. It is concluded that both
variables (psychosomatic capability and workplace life) are strongly interlinked with
each other. If teachers are full of psychosomatic capability then their workplace life
would be better and they perform their duties with confidence and motivation. Thus, job
life depends upon mental capability of personnel. The external model is the measure of
the model that depicts the relationship among the dormant factors and their dimensions.
Sub-dimensions are showing strong positive relationship with its variables
psychosomatic capability and workplace life except working space. In cross loading,
both constructs psychosomatic capability and workplace life have maximum values
with its own and less with each other. The R square value confirms that model of fit
exists, which is statistically significant. Both variables are showing good, reliable and
statistical significant values. Discriminant legitimacy, bootstrapping and histogram path
coefficients improved the validation and endorsement of the scales more because
variables reached the threshold. Hence, the results of the study indicate that
psychosomatic capability and workplace life have strong relationship and scales of both
variables are valid and reliable in Pakistani context.
Journal of Educational Research, Dept. of Education, IUB, Pakistan (Vol. 22 No. 2) 2019
This paragraph consists of future recommendations on the behalf of findings
and conclusion of current study. Findings show that psychosomatic capability and
workplace life of teachers have relationship. Thus, it means that personnel perform
better at workstation only if they have positive psychosomatic thoughts and capabilities.
There is need to conduct the study on large sample to authenticate the outcomes of
current study. The scales validated by Smart PLS, authentication may be confirmed by
using SPSS and AMOS. The subjects of the study were university teachers, college and
school teachers may be taken as sample to conduct another study for endorsement the
instruments. The sample size may be increased for more detailed and comprehensive
validation and reliability of scales. Future study may be surveyed on large sample to
check the association between psychosomatic capability and workplace life of teachers.
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