Approach To Polyarthritis For The Primary Care Physician: Arielle Freilich, DO, PGY2 & Helaine Larsen, DO
Approach To Polyarthritis For The Primary Care Physician: Arielle Freilich, DO, PGY2 & Helaine Larsen, DO
Approach To Polyarthritis For The Primary Care Physician: Arielle Freilich, DO, PGY2 & Helaine Larsen, DO
KEYWORDS: Complaints of joint pain are commonly seen in clinical practice. Primary care physicians are frequently
the first practitioners to work up these complaints. Polyarthritis can be seen in a multitude of diseases. It
Polyarthritis can be a challenging diagnostic process. In this article, we review the approach to diagnosing polyarthritis
Synovitis joint pain in the primary care setting. Starting with history and physical, we outline the defining
characteristics of various causes of arthralgia. We discuss the use of certain laboratory studies including
Joint Pain sedimentation rate, antinuclear antibody, and rheumatoid factor. Aspiration of synovial fluid is often
required for diagnosis, and we discuss the interpretation of possible results. Primary care physicians can
Rheumatic Disease
initiate the evaluation of polyarthralgia, and this article outlines a diagnostic approach.
General approach for evaluation of polyarthritis symptoms1
- Tender + Fibromyalgia
points Bursitis
Consider: - Symptoms lasting Consider:
Early Systemic Rheumatic > 6 weeks Viral arthralgia
+ Hypothyroidism
Viral arthritis
Bone disease
Systemic Rheumatic Condition
Soft tissue
Work-up: Depression
Consider: Consider:
Hepatitis serology LFTs
Parvovirus Hepatitis serology
Renal function
Thyroid studies
Joint aspiration (see
figure 2)
Alkaline Phosphatase
numbness, burning, or a “pins and needles” sensation. This type of pain will not worsen with joint movement and is often more severe
at night. Claudication, or pain from arterial insufficiency, will promptly improve with rest. Inflammatory arthritis would cause pain which
persists even with rest.1,4
The timeframe of symptoms must be established. Acute symptoms persist anywhere from hours to two weeks. Symptoms lasting more
than two weeks are considered chronic. Chronic symptoms may be constant or intermittent. Investigating these patterns may help
identify certain triggers or associated conditions.4
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) classically affects multiple joints in a bilateral and symmetrical pattern. Patients will present with pain, stiffness,
and swelling of joints. Morning stiffness is a common complaint and often lasts more than one hour after awakening.5 Other systemic
rheumatic diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and polymyalgia rheumatica, may present with similar patterns.
Spondyloarthropathies, including ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and arthritis associated with inflammatory
bowel disease are characterized by the presence of the HLA-B27 gene. Joint involvement with these conditions is typically asymmetric and
commonly involves inflammation of the sacroiliac joints and spine. Enthesitis, inflammation of the insertion site of tendons or ligaments,
is the hallmark of the spondyloarthropathies.6
26 Osteopathic Family Physician | Volume 10, No. 5 | September / October, 2018
Patterns of Joint Symptoms 2
Episodes of polyarthritis symptoms with complete resolution
between attacks
Reactive arthritis
Lyme disease
MIGRATORY Joint symptoms resolve and then reappear in different joints
Gonococcal arthritis
A possible sequelae to certain urogenital and enteric infections is reactive arthritis. The most common causes are Chlamydia trachomatis,
Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, and Yersinia. Patients with this condition will experience an additive polyarthritis usually affecting
large joints in an asymmetric pattern. Joint symptoms typically present one or two weeks following the infection6 (See Table 2).
Extra-articular Manifestations
Many rheumatologic causes of polyarthritis will also present with constitutional and systemic signs. Fever, weight loss, and fatigue may be
seen. Multisystem involvement of diseases like RA and SLE may present with rash, adenopathy, mucosal ulcers, Raynaud’s, xerostomia,
and keratoconjunctivitis sicca.1 Psoriatic arthritis may be suspected in the setting of a history of psoriasis and the classic nail findings such
as hyperkeratosis and pitting.13 The spondyloarthropathies may feature ocular involvement and mucosal lesions.6
The inflammation associated with RA stretches way beyond the boundaries of the joints. Subcutaneous and pulmonary nodules may
develop. Vasculitis and peripheral neuropathy are also associated with the disease. Patients may develop pericarditis with associated
effusions. Some potential ocular findings include episcleritis or scleritis.7
Similarly to RA, gout can result in cutaneous nodules referred to as tophi. These crystal deposits can distort the joint space as well as
cause pain. Differentiating between RA nodules and tophaceous nodules involves aspiration and analyses of the fluid.2
In addition to the synovitis seen with rheumatoid arthritis, the spondyloarthropathies also feature enthesitis. These conditions also
present with spinal inflammation and dactylitis, or “sausage digits.”14
Fever may be seen in conditions other than rheumatic causes. Infection must always be entertained in the setting of fever. Gout and
pseudogout are also known to cause fevers during attacks. As previously mentioned, SLE may involve fever. Spiking fevers preceding joint
symptoms may be a sign of Still’s disease.15
Identifying certain rashes can aid in diagnosis. As discussed earlier, history of a “slapped-cheek” rash can indicate parvovirus B19. This
classic rash is described as lacy, erythematous, and maculopapular in appearance.16 SLE often involves a light-sensitive rash which
classically involves the face but can also be seen between joints. History of a target-shaped rash can point towards a diagnosis of Lyme
disease, although the rash is usually resolved prior to the onset of joint symptoms.15
During the exam, it is important to assess joint motion, joint integrity, and exact location of pain to help determine whether a patient
is experiencing a mechanical abnormality, soft tissue disease, or true joint disease. Synovitis will present with effusion, warmth, and
joint pain with movement. Further analysis will be required, as noninflammatory conditions may also present with joint swelling and
Soft tissue abnormalities, such as bursitis, tendinitis, or injury to a muscle will usually present in a predictable manner. Patients will
usually have intact passive range of motion but will experience decreased active range of motion secondary to pain. Point tenderness
28 Osteopathic Family Physician | Volume 10, No. 5 | September / October, 2018
to the affected area will often be seen. Decreased active as well diagnosis, so it is important to consider clinical presentation
as passive range of motion should raise concern for synovitis or alongside the laboratory testing. Positive ANA without the clinical
structural joint damage. Stability of the joint must be assessed, features of a rheumatic condition should not drive a diagnosis.3
as laxity may indicate ligament damage.1 Osteoarthritis should Although it cannot provide a definite diagnosis as discussed, the
be considered if crepitation is observed without erythema or higher the ANA titer is, the more likely a patient is to have SLE.1
warmth.4 Septic arthritis can present with a painful, warm,
erythematous joint. Based on patient history, a diagnosis of
Rheumatoid Factor & Anti-Citrullinated Peptide
crystal-induced arthritis may be more likely.8
Rheumatoid factor (RF) is a nonspecific marker. It may be identified
LABORATORY STUDIES in not only rheumatoid arthritis, but also Sjӧgren’s syndrome,
After a thorough history and physical, laboratory investigations SLE, vasculitis, and chronic infections such as hepatitis C and
should be ordered when appropriate. It is unnecessary to do tuberculosis.1 RF should only be ordered in the setting of moderate
further testing once a mechanical or extraarticular problem is suspicion for rheumatoid arthritis.1 The test has poor sensitivity
identified. There are a variety of tests that may help further guide and specificity. Approximately 20 percent of rheumatoid arthritis
diagnosis. patients lack RF, while five to ten percent of patients without the
disease will have positive rheumatoid factor.17
Rheumatoid arthritis
INFLAMMATORY 2,000-50,000 per mm3 >75% Psoriatic arthritis
Septic arthritis
SEPTIC JOINT >50,000 per mm3 >90% Gout
Reactive arthritis
Freilich, Larsen Approach to Polyarthritis for the Primary Care Physician 29
Interpretation of synovial fluid aspirate1
Polyarthralgia with
Joint aspiration
+Bone marrow
>2,000 WBCs - Osteoarthritis
Bloody fluid OR Soft tissue injury
>75% PMNs Viral infection
Consider: Intra-articular
Coagulopathy fracture
Culture Sterile
Pseudogout +Crystals
positive fluid
During the initial investigation, imaging should be used to support a diagnosis. Conditions like Consider:
RA, osteoarthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthritis can eventually cause very obvious features on film, LFTs
but early in the disease course there may only be subtle, or even absent, radiographic findings.20 HLA- B27
Imaging is not always necessary, and may not offer any insight in the setting of newly suspected RA, ANA
SLE, gout, or tendonitis. Radiologic studies can be helpful in the setting of injury, compromised joint Lyme serology
function, possible infection, history of malignancy, or poor response to conservative treatment.1
On plain films, joint space narrowing is often used as a marker for potential articular cartilage
damage in early osteoarthritis (OA), but studies show there is not a clear correlation, and this
finding cannot accurately diagnose or rule out OA.21 In early RA, conventional radiography may
show nonspecific signs such as soft tissue swelling.1 Identification of erosions early on has been
shown to indicate likely progression of structural joint damage. As prompt treatment is required
for good prognosis in RA, it is crucial to identify these early erosions. Ultrasound and MRI are
found to better detect bone erosions than plain films, and can be very important in monitoring
RA progression.22 Conventional radiography is the first line in detecting structural damage from
seronegative spondyloarthropathies such as ankylosing spondylitis, but MRI can be useful in
detecting early inflammatory changes.23
30 Osteopathic Family Physician | Volume 10, No. 5 | September / October, 2018
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