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The key takeaways are the four basic design principles for an efficient chiller plant and how a VPF series system with free cooling provides energy savings and payback compared to a decoupled system.

The four basic design principles are: 1) Choose efficient equipment and components, 2) Employ efficient system design practices, 3) Design of the chiller plant control system, 4) Proper system commissioning and operation.

The VPF series system with free cooling provides energy savings through integrated free cooling, avoids flow rate transitions during chiller sequencing, and is simpler to operate.


Trane Engineering News

Chiller Plant Case Study:
Variable-Primary Flow Series Chillers with Free Cooling

Select chillers that are efficient at both full and partial loads
The challenges of producing chilled water are and pumps and motors that have high efficiency at all
not the same as those a decade ago. Today, operating conditions.
protecting the environment and preserving
resources play an important role in the design, Employ efficient system design practices. Using an
construction and operation of a chiller plant. appropriate plant design is essential for achieving energy
The advancement in technology for HVAC
controls applied to chilled-water production now Combining plant configurations such as variable primary flow
make it possible to reduce the environmental (VPF) and/or series water flow with specific technologies such
impact and operating costs. as free-cooling or heat recovery can result in significant energy
savings when applied and controlled properly.
This white paper compares the advantages of
designing a series configuration using variable-
State-of-the-art design of the chiller plant control
primary flow (VPF), free cooling and efficient
system. Chiller plant designs that employ sophisticated
sequence of operation through a comparison
with a high-efficiency decoupled system. energy-saving strategies can be inefficient if not controlled
and operated properly. To ensure sustainable system efficiency
in these cases, it’s crucial to have a well-designed chiller plant
control system that includes proper system instrumentation
Four basic design principles and reporting capability to realize the potential savings.

When designing an efficient chiller plant there are four basic Proper system commissioning and operation. A formal
design principles to consider to achieve and sustain the commissioning process which tests the equipment and the
highest efficiency possible. plant under the different modes of operation is required to
verify and maintain the performance of the chiller plant. In
Choose efficient equipment and components. The chillers addition, periodic maintenance of system components helps
are the biggest consumers in the chiller plant but other maintain high system efficiency.
equipment such as pumps, cooling towers, dry coolers, fans
and motors should also be considered. All components should With these basic design considerations in mind let’s move
be selected for stand-alone as well as system efficiency. into our comparison systems to demonstrate a high-efficiency
design that leverages control technology advancements to
achieve a high-performing chiller plant.
Base hydraulic system: Decoupled system with high- Figure 1. Base chilled-water system
seasonal efficiency (HSE) chillers
HSE air-cooled chillers with
Our base “decoupled” system (Figure 1) uses common AFDs

traditional design concepts—constant water flow through each

chiller evaporator and variable water flow to the distribution

As implemented this design includes:

• A constant-speed (essentially constant-volume) pump and pumps

check valve for each chiller
• A variable-flow distribution pump system to serve the terminal
terminal units (speed and pressure modulation is usually units

accomplished by providing the pump with a variable-

frequency drive) 12°C

• Two-way control valves to regulate the amount of chilled

water that flows through the cooling coils of the terminal
Integrated free-cooling, air-cooled chiller. A method of
units and therefore the whole distribution system (e.g. fan
“free” cooling is to transfer heat between the chilled water and
coil unit, air-handling unit, etc.)
the outside air through the use of additional water coils within
• A bypass to hydraulically decouple the primary (production) the air-cooled chiller.
and secondary (distribution) sides of the system—water can
flow in either direction, as needed to balance the system When the outside air temperature is colder than the desired
chilled-water temperature, the compressors are turned off and
• Commonly used chiller-water temperatures of 12 to 7°C are an automatic isolation valve inside the unit is opened. This allows
assumed for this system the chilled water to flow through the water coils and be cooled
by the outdoor air. If the outdoor air temperature drops below
As the two-way valves adjust the chilled-water flow through
freezing conditions anti-freeze may be required.
the coils to satisfy the existing load, the distribution pump
speed responds to maintain required dynamic water pressure. Low Flow Systems. The ASHRAE GreenGuide recommends
reducing system design flow rates and increasing system
State-of-the art system: VPF series HSE chillers with
delta T compared to past design practices. Efficiency is improved
free cooling on the upstream chiller
by reducing the pump energy used to transport cooling (and
heating) throughout a building. It has become more common to
We’ll compare this base decoupled system with a high-
find cooling systems with optimized design flow rates and delta
efficiency system that incorporates the following design
Ts for chilled water. (e.g. 15-5°C versus the traditional 12-7°C).
strategies. These strategies are complementary when
presented in the same plant.
Series Chillers. The concept of series chillers is not new. Figure 2. State-of-the-art, VPF system with high seasonal
Early Trane Engineer’s Newsletters and application manuals efficiency (HSE) chillers and free-cooling upstream of chiller
discuss parallel versus series chillers. [1] [2]

motorized bypass valves

A significant advantage of this configuration is that when

chillers are piped in series, the upstream chiller’s leaving- 15°C 10°C 5°C

water temperature is higher, reducing the lift and work the

HSE air-cooled chiller with HSE air-cooled chiller with
upstream chiller requires resulting in less kW input per kW AFD and free cooling AFD
pumps with
cooling output. VFDs

A higher return temperature is also beneficial to the free-
cooling operation because the system will operate for a
longer period in this mode and thus improve the total system units
efficiency. The series configuration also greatly simplifies
sequencing in a VPF system, since there is no flow rate
change when transitioning from one chiller to two chillers.
Two-way control valves, isolation valves (for optional bypass), and
Variable Primary Flow (VPF). VPF designs use fewer a minimum chiller flow bypass are required to implement a VPF
pumps and piping connections than the traditional primary- system. However:
secondary systems.
• Variable-flow capable chillers eliminate the need for separate
Again, this is not a new concept, but is enhanced by new chiller pumps. This reduces the system installed cost and space
advanced chiller controls and driven by the promise of required.
pump energy savings at a lower installation cost. With a
reduced footprint for the chiller plant and fewer components • The bypass can be positioned either upstream or downstream of
and electrical connections, VPF chilled-water systems are the cooling coils.
currently experiencing growing interest for new installations
and renovation projects. • The control valve in the bypass is modulated to ensure that the
amount of flow that returns to the operating chiller(s) never falls
Combining concepts
below the manufacturer-recommended minimum limit.

Our state-of-the-art VPF system (Figure 2) incorporates

• An optional set of chiller bypass pipes and shutoff valves
these four concepts. The water flow varies throughout the
have been added to the plant to reduce the pump power
entire system—that is, through the evaporator of each
when only one chiller is enabled. They are not required as the
operating chiller as well as through the cooling coils.
chiller’s pressure drop falls to the square power of the VPF flow
reduction. They also allow one chiller to operate while the other
chiller is serviced and provides the same level of redundancy
compared to the parallel configuration.
State-of-the art design considerations.[3] Since there is no flow rate transition when the second chiller
is enabled, in a VPF series configuration, system control is
The following discussion summarizes a few key considerations much easier.
when desiging a VPF system.
Integrated free-cooling requires the implementation of
Chiller selection. Chillers must be able to provide acceptable additional intelligent controls to reduce the plant energy
temperature control with a change of flow of at least 30 consumption.
percent per minute, and remain operating, uninterrupted, with
a change of 50 percent per minute is even better. Implementing specific control sequences are essential to
improve the efficiency of the plant. Examples sequences
Chillers need to be selected with adequate flow turndown— include:
that is the ratio of design to minimum flow rates. Ideally, the
turndown ratio should be at least 2:1. It’s important that the • optimizing the chilled-water setpoint of the upstream
minimum and maximum flows must never be violated. chiller when both units are operating,

Plant configuration and accessories. Correctly size the

• applying chilled-water reset, particularly during free
bypass line and the modulating bypass valve. Oversizing will
result in unstable operation. Select flow-sensing devices that
provide precise, repeatable measurements at the minimum
• operating the most efficient chiller according to the
flow control point.
building demand and outside conditions, and
Impacts on terminal units and AHUs. Cooling coil selections
require careful attention to ensure they are selected with • bypassing the evaporator of a chiller not called for in the

the same delta Ts and flow as the chillers. Select slow-acting sequence.

valves to control the chilled-water coils and ensure the valves

are selected to give proper flow at all conditions. To minimize These specific sequences improve chiller performance, extend

flow variations use more than one air handler and stagger the free-cooling operation mode, decrease pumping energy

their start/stop times. and improve the overall efficiency of the plant.

Control of series/VPF with free-cooling chiller plants. In It’s also important that the control system measure and
a parallel VPF system, varying the water-flow rate through the trend log the energy use of the chiller plant components
chiller evaporator poses two control challenges: and calculate the overall system efficiency.

1. Maintain the chiller flow rate between the minimum and Ultimately, this data can be analyzed and used to draw
maximum limits of the evaporator. conclusions on how to improve chiller plant operation.

2. Manage transient flows without compromising stable

Quantifying the Benefits In addition, the higher return temperature (compared to
a parallel arrangement) along with supply chilled-water
One benefit of configuring chiller evaporators in series temperature reset results in more hours of free-cooling
with a large delta T, is lower overall plant energy use. economizing.

Series chillers. The upstream chiller operates more

A plant load simulation, using Trane Chiller Plant Analyzer
efficiently since it need only cool the water from 15°C to
(TCPA), was created for a typical office building equipped with
10°C, resulting in less total chiller power. This is partially
the following (Figure 3):
offset by the downstream chiller operating at a colder
leaving-water temperature. • two chillers, 500 kW each,

Variable primary flow (VPF). When both chillers are

• 500 terminal units and
enabled, the system water flow is pumped through both
chiller evaporators; the incremental pump power is higher
• two AHUs for managing fresh air
compared to systems with the chillers in parallel at full load
and full flow. But the total power for both chillers plus
• base load: 200 kW (24-hour operation)
pumping power is still lower with the chillers configured
in series versus the chillers in parallel. Also at lower load
• peak load: 1.000 kW at 35°C outside air temperature during
conditions the flow rate is lower, evaporator pressure drop
the weekly hours of operation (from 06:00 to 21:00).
is reduced by the square of the flow rate reduction. The
resulting system pump energy nears that of a traditional
decoupled system. Figure 3. Load profile versus outside air temperature

In addition, because bypass pipes and shutoff valves 1000

can be added to the plant to reduce pump power when

only one chiller is enabled, the series pump pressure 800
cooling demand (kW)

may only exceed that of the parallel configuration when

both chillers are operating. This strategy adds complexity 600

because there is now a flow transition when the second

chiller is enabled. An additional benefit of the bypass is 400

that it allows one chiller to operate while the other chiller

is isolated for service. 200

Free cooling and higher return temperature. Piping 0

-10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
the free-cooling chiller in the upstream position allows
temperature (°C)
the integrated free-cooling chiller to be preferentially
loaded during the free-cooling period, since it receives the
warmest return water temperature.
Figure 4. Electrical consumption profile comparison of base decoupled system versus VPF series with free cooling
(Paris, France)

70,000 secondary pumps

electricity consumption (kWhe/month)

primary pumps
60,000 chillers

base system





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figures 4 illustrates annual electrical consumption profiles for The installation, piping, insulation and valves costs would
our comparison systems using the weather profile be specific to each individual installation.
for Paris, France.
The cost is based on the assumptions that piping for the
Various locations throughout Europe were analyzed plant and throughout the building would be designed for a
(Table 1). Cost savings for the VPF series with free cooling low flow system for a building located in France.
were estimated to result in savings between approximately
5.200 - 9.500 €/year based on an electricity price The first cost of the VPF series with free-cooling system
of 0.10 €/kWh. was estimated to 4.000 € (over the cost of a parallel,
decoupled system) based on material and installation cost
Installed Cost. The cost of the equipment (chillers, free-
estimates shown in the Table 2. Costs will vary depending
cooling option, terminal units and AHUs) was based on a
on local labor and component costs.
quote from a manufacturer’s representative.

Table 1. Expected annual electrical consumption comparison for both systems in various European locations
FR-Paris GB-Manchester CZ-Prague DE-Frankfurt ES-Madrid IT-Milano PL-Warsaw
Chillers (kWh/year) 385.210 351.629 380.626 390.288 493.465 438.816 373.327
Primary pumps (kWh/year) 39.579 41.437 40.957 39.703 40.177 41.728 40.758
Secondary pumps (kWh/year) 53.896 50.970 53.719 54.278 61.949 58.928 52.846
Total (kWh/year) 478.685 444.036 475.302 484.270 595.591 539.472 466.931
Series VPF with free-cooling
Chillers (kWh/year) 321.320 279.207 288.758 309.395 459.741 373.536 267.546
Primary pumps (kWh/year) 90.444 99.821 100.184 96.097 83.555 92.806 103.406
Total (kWh/year) 411.764 379.028 388.942 405.492 543.295 466.342 370.953
Savings (KWh/year) 66.921 65.008 86.360 78.778 52.296 73.130 95.978
Table 2. First cost investment for VPF series with free cooling
Cost increases unit cost (€) quantity total cost (€)
Impact on the design of the terminal units (cooling coils) 40 500 20.000
Impact on the design of the AHUs (cooling coils) 500 2 1.000
Chiller free-cooling option 17.000 1 17.000
Total investment 38.000
Cost reductions
Impact on chiller plant room piping and accessories (pumps, valves, wiring, concrete, etc.) 19.000 1 19.000
Impact of building piping (pipes, valves, insulation, support, etc.) 15.000 1 15.000
Total savings 34.000
Final investment (Total investement-total saving) 4.000

Estimated Payback. Based on the annual energy savings Conclusion

(between 5.500 and 9.500 €/year) and the 4.000 €
incremental installed cost of the VPF series with FC system, The analysis presented showed that the VPF series with
the simple payback for the system is less than 1 year in all free-cooling chilled-water system configuration provides a
locations. cost-effective way to save energy in office applications with
low base load (10-20 percent of the maximum demand).
Use of the concept in other systems. It is expected
that it would also be energy efficient in other types of
In addition, this system configuration is simpler to operate
applications such as buildings with AHUs and chilled
since there are no flow rate transitions during chiller
beams—due to the presence of high-return chilled-water
sequencing, and it has the versatility to respond to many
temperatures from the beams.
different load profiles.

It’s also expected to be cost-effective in industrial

One important question remains.
applications with high temperature processes, where
relatively warm central chilled-water cooling is used.
Would this solution be as interesting for an application
without a base load?
Other free-cooling strategies may be more efficient and
may result in greater savings in similar applications. This
There is no single answer and only a more detailed study
case study should not be interpreted as recommending
can validate the relevance of this solution. But in the
one free-cooling configuration over another but rather a
vast majority of cases, a VPF series configuration brings
strategy that may be considered in specific cases.
significant savings and advantages over a conventional
parallel piped system.

[1] S. Hanson and M. Schwedler, 2011. “Multiple-Chiller-System Design and

Control”, Trane application manual SYS-APM001-EN

[2] L. Cline, 2009. “Series Chillers and VPF Chiller Plants.” Engineers

Newsletter, volume 38-3.

[3] M. Schwedler and B. Bradley, 2002. “The Saga Continues: Variable-

Primary-Flow Systems Revisited,” Engineers Newsletter, volume 31-4.

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BAS-APN003A-GB September 01, 2016

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