A Study of Customer Satisfaction Towards Hotel Industry in Kashmir Valley
A Study of Customer Satisfaction Towards Hotel Industry in Kashmir Valley
A Study of Customer Satisfaction Towards Hotel Industry in Kashmir Valley
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1 author:
Dil Pazir
Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dil Pazir on 22 January 2019.
top three factorsfree breakfast, airport shuttle, car hire service, atmosphere, security and
friendly staff. Atkinson (1988) found out that cleanliness, security, value for money and
courtesy of staff.
For the conducting the study primary data was collected through an administered
questionnaire to collect the responses of the customers on the basis of various service
attributes provided to them. The study uses simple random technique for the survey. For the
study 200 questionnaires were distributed among the customers availing the hotel services
and 150 responses were found useable for the study.
1. To study the level of customer satisfaction towards hotel industry in Kashmir.
2. To suggests the service providers with various strategies so as to enhance customer
Table 1: Demographic profile of the Respondents
Demographic Variables Respondents (%)
Gender Male 60
Female 40
Age Below 20 15
20 - 25 35
Above 25 50
handling and addressing grievances of the customers. The accommodation service providers
must not forget this fact and must provide the services when asked for, so as to increase the
image in the eyes of customers and gain loyalty.Hospitality industry must pay attention to
potential failure points and service recovery procedures which becomes integral to employees
training. In other words, it amounts to empowering employees to exercise responsibility,
judgment and creativity in responding to guests‟ problems. Thus the service providers should
make business more customer centric so as to maximum customer satisfaction is attained
The present study was taken so as to measure customer satisfaction in the hotels of the
Kashmir valley and the study has been clearly analyzed with appropriate methodology based
on the objectives. The study is an attempt to make the hotel industry more perfection towards
the customer satisfaction much more effective way. On the basis of data analysis it is proved
that the satisfaction level of the customers towards the hotel industry is good but certain
attempts should be made by the managers to make the services more efficient and sustainable
in the longer run.
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