Mann + Hummel EDM Filters For Wire and Sink Erosion

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MANN+HUMMEL provides EDM filters and components for a variety of industrial fields including construction, agriculture, compressors, mechanical engineering, engines, and vehicles. They have production facilities and sales offices globally to provide local support.

MANN+HUMMEL serves industries such as construction machines, agricultural machines, compressors, mechanical engineering, engines and gear units, and commercial and custom vehicles.

Some quality defects that can occur with improper EDM filtration include bad surface quality/accuracy, blocked rinsing nozzles, increasing resin consumption, sediment in the cooler/supply system, and increased corrosion deposits.


For wire and sink erosion


The MANN+HUMMEL Group industry and many other under a variety of international ments of off-highway vehicles
is an international company fields. A key area is high brands as well as under the and engine applications, com-
with its headquarters in quality filtration products for MANN-FILTER brand. pressed air and vacuum tech-
Ludwigsburg, Germany. The vehicles, engines and indus- nology, mechanical engineer-
group employs more than trial applications. The OEM MANN+HUMMEL ing and plant construction.
10,000 people worldwide at business with global market Industrial Filters
more than 41 locations. leaders and producers of MANN+HUMMEL Industrial
vehicles, machines and in- The Industrial Filters Business Filters offers high performance
The company develops, pro- stallations defines the quality Unit has its headquarters in for these fields and other
duces and sells technically and performance of the prod- Speyer, Germany. The busi- fields which have a require-
complex components and ucts. Filters for the inter- ness unit is specialized in ment for the filtration and sep-
systems for the automotive national aftermarket are sold meeting the special require- aration of air, gas and liquids.

Filters for many industrial fields

Modern, high performance Close to you How to find your contact

vehicles, machines, devices partner:
and engines require filters Production facilities and sales
and components with a corre- offices at various locations in If you are not yet in contact
spondingly high performance. Europe, America, South with MANN+HUMMEL or
This documentation gives you America and in Asia enable one of our representatives,
an overview of our range of the clarification of technical please call
EDM filters for wire and cavity questions locally. A subsidiary
sinking EDM machines and company or representative Tel.: +49 (62 32) 53-80
the respective accessories – located near you means we Fax: +49 (62 32) 53-88 99
naturally in the renowned are always available to offer
MANN+HUMMEL OEM you assistance. and name your field of appli-
quality. Since our customers cation. We will then pass you
operate in many varied fields, on to the appropriate sales
such as team.

• construction machines Information is also available

• agricultural machines in the internet at:
• compressors
• mechanical engineering E-Mail:
• engines and gear units [email protected]
• commercial and customised
vehicles, etc.

MANN+HUMMEL has exten-

sive experience elaborating
individual concepts and solu-
tions for your special field of

Be on the safe side with MANN+HUMMEL

The demands made on EDM Our development engineers The results are increased Apart from that, opting for
filters for wire and sink erosi- work closely together with running costs and extensive MANN+HUMMEL filters
on are constantly rising. That machine producers to fine wear on your EDM machine. also offer you the following
is why you should rely on the tune the filters to the respec- So choose MANN+HUMMEL advantages:
quality of MANN+HUMMEL tive EDM machine. This products for security.
products. Years of develop- guarantees best possible Through a specified filter We can supply quickly and
ment expertise and close running of the system. fineness and selection of first flexibly to your specifications,
co-operation with machine Therefore, when servicing, class materials you will gain: also for large volumes.
producers have made us you should also opt for
what we are today: experts MANN+HUMMEL original • Process reliability The MANN-FILTER brand
in the filtration of dielectric parts. Efficient filtration • Excellent machining quality name is established and
fluids in EDM machines. provides high quality for the of workpiece recognized by the producers
MANN+HUMMEL can offer processed workpiece and • Smooth running of the and operators of EDM ma-
you a wide range of products also for economic running EDM machine chines.
for all renowned producers costs. Quality defects with • Long filter service life
worldwide, with a filter finen- filters can become expensive. • Leading to greater efficiency
ess range of 1 to 25 µm. These defects can be identi- • Cleaniness of dielectricum
fied through the following as claimed by the producer

• Bad surface quality and

accuracy on the processed
• Blocked rinsing nozzles
• Increasing resin consump-
• Sediment in the cooler
and supply system
• Increased corrosion

EDM filters up to ø 150 mm
Recommendations / Standards

Manufacturer Respective MANN+HUMMEL EDM filters

AEG H 15 135 N, H 15 135 PN, H 15 190, H 15 190/10

Agema H 15 190, H 15 190/10
Agemaspark H 1096
Agie + Charmilles H 15 190/1, H 15 190/16, H 15 190/25, H 15 475/1, H 15 190/10, E-Line,
H 15 190/6, H 15 190, H 15 190/12
BES H 15 190, H 15 190/10
Deckel H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
EMV Erodiermaschinen H 15 190, H 15 190/10
Hostek H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
OPS-Ingersoll H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
Japax H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
Jiten H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
Multiform H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
Nassovia H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
Sinitron H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
Seibu-Walter H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line
Zimmer+Kreim H 15 190, H 15 190/10, H 15 190/16, E-Line

EDM filters up to ø 150 mm

h h

d2 d2
d1 d1

Design A Design C

Design B

Order no. Design Filter surface Dimensions in mm Filter Flow direction

area in cm2 [dimensions in inches] fineness
[in ft2] d1 d2 h [µm]

9 300 100 22 1) 202

H 10962) A 3 – 5 outside to inside
[10] [3.9] [0.9] [8.0]
17 900 150 32 1) 252
H 15 135 N B 10 outside to inside
[19] [5.9] [0.9] [9.9]
21 200 150 32 1) 252
H 15 135 PN B 3 – 5 outside to inside
[23] [5.9] [0.9] [9.9]
20 500 150 32 1) 364
H 15 190 B 10 outside to inside
[22] [5.9] [0.9] [14.3]
28 100 150 32 1) 375
H 15 190/1 C 1 – 2 outside to inside
[30] [5.9] [0.9] [14.8]
27 500 150 32 1) 364
H 15 190/6 B 3 – 5 outside to inside
[30] [5.9] [0.9] [14.3]
27 520 150 32 1) 375
H 15 190/10 C 10 outside to inside
[30] [5.9] [0.9] [14.8]
21 600 150 32 1) 364
H 15 190/12 B 25 outside to inside
[23] [5.9] [0.9] [14.3]
31 000 150 32 1) 375
H 15 190/16 C 3 – 5 outside to inside
[33] [5.9] [0.9] [14.8]
23 020 150 32 1) 375
H 15 190/25 C 25 outside to inside
[25] [5.9] [0.9] [14.8]
27 000 150 32 1) 375
E-Line C 3 – 5 outside to inside
[29] [5.9] [0.9] [14.8]
47 000 150 32 1) 364
H 15 475 B 3 – 5 outside to inside
[51] [5.9] [0.9] [14.3]
45 320 150 32 1) 375
H 15 475/1 C 3 – 5 outside to inside
[49] [5.9] [0.9] [14.8]
1) Connection dimension according to DIN EN 10 305
2) with handle

EDM filters from ø 260 mm
Recommendations / Standards

Manufacturer Conventional paper filters Long-life filters High precision filters

3 – 5 µm 3 – 5 µm 1 – 2 µm

Brother H 31 967/1 – –
H 34 1790/2
H 34 1158/8 H 34 1070/1
Charmilles H 34 2090
H 34 1790/3 H 34 1390/1
H 34 2240
Exeron H 31 967/1 – –
H 34 1070/9 H 34 1290/3
H 34 1070/1
Fanuc H 34 1158/8 H 34 1390
H 34 1390/1
H 34 1790/3 1) H 34 1790/2 1)
H 31 1680/1
Hitachi – H 34 1390/1
H 34 1390
H 31 1680/1
Makino H 26 644/1 H 34 1390/1
H 34 1390
Mitsubishi H 34 1390
H 31 967/1 H 34 1390/1
Electric H 31 1680/1
Nassovia H 31 967/1 – –
OPS-Ingersoll H 31 1033/3 H 31 1680 –
Seibu – H 34 1390 H 34 1390/1
H 34 1070/9 H 34 1290/3
Sodick H 34 1070/1
H 34 1158/8 H 34 1790
1) Service-kit (order no. 67 000 50 900) required

Conventional paper filters from 3 – 5 µm


h h h

d2 d2 d2
d1 d1 d1

Design A Design B Design C

h h

d2 d2
d1 d1 d1

Design D Design E Design F

Order no. Design Filter surface area Dimensions in mm Flow direction

in cm2 [dimensions in inches]
[in ft2] d1 d2 d3 h

53 700 261 46 280

H 26 644/1 1)
E – outside to inside
[58] [10.3] [1.8] [11.0]
95 300 302 29 507
H 31 967 A – inside to outside
[103] [11.9] [1.1] [20.0]
95 300 302 29 507
H 31 967/1 3)
A – inside to outside
[103] [11.9] [1.1] [20.0]
99 125 302 54 503
H 31 1033/3 F – inside to outside
[107] [11.9] [2.1] [19.8]
107 000 340 45.5 300
H 34 1070 D – inside to outside
[115] [13.4] [1.8] [11.8]
107 000 340 45.5 300
H 34 1070/9 3)
D – inside to outside
[115] [13.4] [1.8] [11.8]
145 000 340 45.5 450
H 34 1158/4 C – inside to outside
[156] [13.4] [1.8] [17.7]
145 000 340 45.5 450
H 34 1158/8 3)
C – inside to outside
[156] [13.4] [1.8] [17.7]
145 000 340 47.5 404 450
H 34 1790/3 2)
B inside to outside
[156] [13.4] [1.9] [15.9] [17.7]
1) with handle
2) plastic
3) painted in black, corrosion-resistant

Long-life filters from 3 – 5 µm, 10 µm, 25 µm

h h

d3 d1 d1 d1

Design A Design B Design C

h h h

d2 d2
d3 d1
d1 d3

Design D Design E Design F

Order no. Design Filter surface Filter Dimensions in mm Flow direction Connection
area in cm2 fineness [dimensions in inches] thread
[in ft2] in µm d1 d2 d3 h

165 700 302 501

H 31 1680 A 3-5 – – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[179] [11.9] [19.8]
165 700 302 501
H 31 1680/1 1)
A 3-5 – – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[179] [11.9] [19.8]
126 000 340 47.5 404 339
H 34 1290 2)
C 3-5 inside to outside –
[136] [13.4] [1.9] [15.9] [13.3]
105 000 340 60 404 300
H 34 1290/3 2)
C 3-5 inside to outside –
[113] [13.4] [2.4] [15.9] [11.8]
142 020 340 300
H 34 1380 1)
B 3-5 – – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[153] [13.4] [11.8]
135 000 340 404 300
H 34 1390 2)
F 3-5 – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[145] [13.4] [15.9] [11.8]
128 000 340 404 300
H 34 1390/2 2)
F 10 – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[138] [13.4] [15.9] [11.8]
102 000 340 404 300
H 34 1390/3 2)
F 25 – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[110] [13.4] [15.9] [11.8]
170 000 340 47.5 404 450
H 34 1790 2)
D 3-5 inside to outside –
[183] [13.4] [1.9] [15.9] [17.7]
170 000 340 47.5 404 450
H 34 1790/2 2)
E 3-5 inside to outside –
[183] [13.4] [1.9] [15.9] [17.7]
206 000 340 404 450
H 34 2090 2)
F 3-5 – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[222] [13.4] [15.9] [17.7]
224 000 340 450
H 34 2240 1)
B 3-5 – – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[241] [13.4] [17.7]
1) painted in black, corrosion-resistant
2) plastic

High precision filters from 1 – 2 µm

h h h

d1 d2 d1

Design A Design B Design C

Order no. Design Filter surface Dimensions in mm Flow direction Connection

area in cm2 [dimensions in inches] thread
[in ft2] d1 d2 d3 h

92 000 340 47.5 300

H 34 1070/1 1)
B – inside to outside –
[99] [13.4] [1.8] [11.8]
142 020 340 300
H 34 1380/1 1)
C – – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[153] [13.4] [11.8]
135 000 340 404 300
H 34 1390/1 2)
A – inside to outside G 3/4’’
[145] [13.4] [15.9] [11.8]
1) painted in black, corrosion-resistant
2) plastic

Flexibility through ...

Connections Advantages:

For filters with threaded con- • Reusable connectors

nections MANN+HUMMEL • Connectors in various
supplies reusable connectors. materials selectable
This allows one filter type to • Easy filter logistics
be used with different types • Economic
of EDM machines.
Whether for OPS-Ingersoll,
Seibu, Fanuc, Mitsubishi
Electric, Makino or Hitachi –
it always fits!

Manufacturer Connector Connection Order no.

Material thread

Mitsubishi Electric Brass G 3/4’’ 21 027 15 181

Hitachi Brass G 3/4’’ 21 027 15 175

OPS-Ingersoll Aluminium G 3/4’’ 21 027 15 171

Fanuc Brass G 3/4’’ 21 027 15 174

... reusable accessories

Manufacturer Connector Connection Order no.

Material thread

OPS-Ingersoll Plastic G 3/4’’ 21 027 15 213

Mitsubishi Electric Plastic G 3/4’’ 21 027 15 211

Fanuc Plastic G 3/4’’ 21 027 15 212

Suitable G 3/4’’ 01 901 20 027


Suitable for Design Order no.
filter series
Separate reusable handles
can now be ordered for
filters. The handles simplify
H 31/.. and H 34/..
the removal and fitting of the 67 092 49 001 1)


H 15 serie plastic
67 830 49 001 2)


1) Packaged set with 20 pieces 2) Packaged set with 50 pieces

Summary – EDM filters – Metal *

H 1096 H 15 135 N H 15 135 PN H 15 190

3-5 µm 10 µm 3-5 µm 10 µm

H 15 190/6 H 15 190/12 H 15 475 H 26 644/1

3-5 µm 25 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm

H 31 967 H 31 967/1 H 31 1033/3 H 31 1680

3-5 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm

not to scale
Summary – EDM filters – Metal *

H 31 1680/1 H 34 1070 H 34 1070/1 H 34 1070/9

3-5 µm 3-5 µm 1-2 µm 3-5 µm

H 34 1158/4 H 34 1158/8 H 34 1380 H 34 1380/1

3-5 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm 1-2 µm

H 34 2240
3-5 µm

not to scale
Summary – EDM filters – Plastic *

H 15 190/1 H 15 190/10 H 15 190/16 E-Line

1-2 µm 10 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm

H 15 190/25 H 15 475/1 H 34 1290 H 34 1290/3

25 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm

H 34 1390 H 34 1390/1 H 34 1390/2 H 34 1390/3

3-5 µm 1-2 µm 10 µm 25 µm

not to scale
Summary – EDM filters – Plastic *

H 34 1790 H 34 1790/2 H 34 1790/3 H 34 2090

3-5 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm 3-5 µm

not to scale
MANN+HUMMEL Fine filters

MANN+HUMMEL has The range offers excellent

launched a filter series espe- flexibility for OEM products –
cially for the fine filtration of new types are quickly gene-
dielectric fluid in wire-EDM rated by varying:
and start-hole drilling machi-
nes. It can be used in OEM • Housing lengths and
products and also used as a element sizes
replacement product – of • Pressure stability values
course in the usual first class • Connection threads
MANN+HUMMEL quality.


d2 d2

Design A



Design C

Design B

Order no. Design Order no. Housing dimensions in mm Element dimensions in mm

Housing Element [dimensions in inches] [dimensions in inches]
h d1 d2 Connection d1 d2 h

188 121 27 62 128

63 400 62 201 A 63 400 51 131 G 3/4“ Plastic
[7.4] [4.7] [1.1] [4.4] [5.0]
307 178 27 62 251
63 400 62 211 B 63 400 51 141 Quick fit coupling Plastic
[12.1] [7.0] [1.1] [4.4] [9.9]
307 122 27 62 251
63 400 62 221 A 63 400 51 141 G 3/4“ Plastic
[12.1] [4.8] [1.1] [4.4] [9.9]
307 122 27 62 251
63 400 62 231 A 63 400 51 141 G 3/4“ Brass
[12.1] [4.8] [1.1] [4.4] [9.9]
30 62 120
– C 63 400 51 121 1)
– – – –
[1.2] [4.4] [4.7]
1) for Agie machines

Summary – Fine filters *

63 400 62 211 63 400 62 221 63 400 62 231 63 400 51 141

63 400 62 201 63 400 51 131

63 400 51 121
for Agie machines

* not to scale 17
MANN+HUMMEL – Top quality EDM filters

MANN+HUMMEL is a deve- Independent of whether MANN+HUMMEL EDM

lopment partner and series the filtration is for the filters: The sum of high
supplier to leading manu- dielectric fluid of a wire quality components.
facturers of EDM machines. EDM or cavity sinking
Our technical expertise EDM machine, the filtration In the development of new
ensures that the products result and the process filters priority is given to the
are perfectly matched to reliability have to be correct. components such as the filter
the respective application. This means that with EDM medium, the external casing
filters from MANN+HUMMEL and the end cap.
you are on the safe side.

Filter medium The MANN+HUMMEL range

of media for EDM filters
The most important part of covers a filter fineness range
an EDM filter is the filter from 1 to 25 µm.
medium. This is individually
matched to the high require- MANN+HUMMEL always
ments of the EDM process offers the right medium –
in the MANN+HUMMEL whether the material to be
development laboratories. machined is tool steel or
At the begin of the develop- The MANN+HUMMEL exper-
ment of the medium a special tise in the field of impregnation
MANN+HUMMEL test and consistent curing of the
process examines the dirt medium ensures the pressu-
particles from an EDM In the MANN+HUMMEL development laboratory tests are conducted re stability of the filter paper.
machine. This test quickly on an EDM machine to examine the service life and filtration quality.
indicates whether a medium
is suitable for the respective
EDM application in respect
of the dirt holding capacity,
filter fineness and service life.

MANN+HUMMEL – Top quality EDM filters

External casing and end


Important quality factors for vides lower transportation and

the external casing and the disposal costs. Light filters
end caps are the pressure offer advantages to operators
stability, resistance to corro- for machine maintenance. The
sion and chemical stability in development and testing la-
connection with the dielectric boratories of MANN+HUMMEL
fluid. In addition, the material are comprehensively equip-
must not allow any undesira- ped with testing facilities and
ble ions to enter the dielectric an EDM machine to enable
fluid. A low housing weight is tests to be made under field
a further aspect which pro- conditions.

The choice of the right filter medium is the basic requirement for the
ideal function of the filter. MANN+HUMMEL determines the correct
choice of medium in the company's own testing laboratory.

MANN+HUMMEL – Innovative production

The development of high Star-pleated filters can be

performance filter media is manufactured with different
the first step in production pleat heights. In order to
and just as crucial for the maximise service life and
performance of the filter in best utilise the available
the field is the quality of the installation space,
processing. In the production MANN+HUMMEL uses
the filter medium is pleated, macro pleating and double-
pressed into a special struc- bellows technology.
ture and cured.

Inserting the filter bellows in the housing

Macro-pleating technology is The double-bellows techno-

a special production process logy also provides a longer
enabling higher pleats which service life. Utilising advan-
do not prematurely stick ced pleating geometry,
together during operation. MANN+HUMMEL is able to
maximise the amount of fil-
These paper pleats are tration surface area in a
impregnated and given a given size.
special structure which sepa-
rates the pleats and enables
high stability. The result is
high operational reliability
over the whole life of the filter.

A filter is only as good as its filter medium. Therefore the development

of modern, high performance materials is a top priority for

One as exact as the next – special pleat geometry allows the realisa-
tion of a large filter surface area in the smallest space.

MANN+HUMMEL – Innovative production

The production processes

and technology used at
MANN+HUMMEL are proven
and reliable. The result is an
absolutely consistent and
high product quality.
In addition, processes are
rationalised. For example,
the adhesive dosing is com-
puter-controlled and at the
end of the production process
the products are stacked on
a pallet using a robot.

At the end of the production process a visual inspection ensures that

only perfectly produced filters are delivered to the customer.

Innovative: butt-welding to ensure an adhesive-free connection of the

paper bellows and filter end cap.


kofen production location in
Germany is the largest plant
in the world producing filter
elements. Here production
engineers are working to
improve and perfect proces-
ses. A number of innovative
examples are the butt-wel-
ding process which enables
the adhesive-free connection
of the paper bellow and filter
end cap or the laser welding
used to realise a pressure The MANN+HUMMEL production location at Marklkkofen in Germany
resistant assembly of metal
filter housings.
MANN+HUMMEL Industrial Filters worldwide


Business Unit Industrial Filters
Brunckstr. 15
67346 Speyer, Germany
Tel.: +49 (6232) 53-80
Fax: +49 (6232) 53-88 99
E-Mail: [email protected]


United Kingdom France

Business Unit Industrial Filters 173, rue Léon Jouhaux
Suite 4, 70 Churchill Square 78500 Sartrouville
Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4YU Tel.: +33 2 43 49 73 72
Tel.: +44 1732 523533 Fax: +33 2 43 49 80 97
Fax: +44 1732 523534 E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected] Internet:

Italy Spain / Portugal

Business Unit Industrial Filters C/ Pertusa n° 8, Polig. Industrial PLA-ZA,
P.O. Box 126, Via Nazario Sauro, 1 parcela ALI 7,3
23100 Sondrio (SO) 50197 Zaragoza
Tel.: +39 0342 2112 70 Tel.: +34 (976) 287 300
Fax: +39 0342 2106 90 Fax: +34 (976) 287 418
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: Internet:

Czech Republic Russia

Nová Ves č. 66 Regional Office
67521 Okříšky Konenkova Str. 11 A
Tel.: +420 568 898 111 127560 Moskau
Fax: +420 568 898 314 Tel.: +7 495 742 7976
Fax: +7 495 742 7988
E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected]

MANN+HUMMEL Industrial Filters worldwide


USA / Canada Argentina

6400 South Sprinkle Road Sdor. Francisco Quindimil 4425/95
Portage Michigan, 49002-8720 B1822APC Valentín Alsina
Tel.: +1 (269) 329-7200 Buenos Aires
Fax: +1 (269) 329-7201 Tel.: +54 11 4208 1200
E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +54 11 4228 6691
Internet: E-Mail: [email protected]

Mexico Brazil
Vialidad el Pueblito No. 104 Caixa Postal 210
Parque Industrial Queretaro Alameda Filtros Mann 555
Santa Rosa Jauregui CEP 13330-970 Indaiatuba-SP
Santiago de Queretaro, Queretaro, C.P. 76220 Tel.: +55 19 3894 94 00
Tel.: +52 442 103 1100 Fax: +55 19 3894 51 31
Fax: +52 442 103 1103 E-Mail: [email protected]
E-Mail: [email protected] Internet:


Australia China
15/10 Chilvers Road (SHANGHAI) CO.,LTD.
Thornleigh, NSW 2120 Huadu Mansion, Floor 24/A-F,
Tel.: +61 2 9484 4300 No. 838, Zhangyang Road, Pudong
Fax: +61 2 9484 4175 Shanghai 200122
E-Mail: [email protected] Tel.: +86 21 58 20 1086
Internet: Fax: +86 21 58 20 6015
E-Mail: [email protected]

India Singapore
Sigma Soft - Tech Park (S.E.A.) PTE LTD.
Ground Floort, Delta block 3 Toh Tuck Link
#7, Whitefield Main Road #03-01/02/03 German Districentre
560066 Bangalore 596228 Singapore
Tel.: +91 80 4020 7100 Tel.: +65 6586 8181
Fax: +91 80 4020 7125 Fax: +65 6586 8180
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: Internet:

Japan Korea
2F YS Shin-Yokohama Bldg. RM 401, Keum-Kwan, Seoul Auto Gallery
2-15-10, Shin Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 217 Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu
Yokohama 222-0033 137-917 Seoul
Tel.: +81 45 470-4611 Tel.: +82 2 2059 5780
Fax: +81 45 470-0812 Fax: +82 2 2059 5799
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: Internet:

Joint venture company


The MANN+HUMMEL Group industry and many other under a variety of international ments of off-highway vehicles
is an international company fields. A key area is high brands as well as under the and engine applications, com-
with its headquarters in quality filtration products for MANN-FILTER brand. pressed air and vacuum tech-
Ludwigsburg, Germany. The vehicles, engines and indus- nology, mechanical engineer-
group employs more than trial applications. The OEM MANN+HUMMEL ing and plant construction.
10,000 people worldwide at business with global market Industrial Filters
more than 41 locations. leaders and producers of MANN+HUMMEL Industrial
vehicles, machines and in- The Industrial Filters Business Filters offers high performance
The company develops, pro- stallations defines the quality Unit has its headquarters in for these fields and other
duces and sells technically and performance of the prod- Speyer, Germany. The busi- fields which have a require-
complex components and ucts. Filters for the inter- ness unit is specialized in ment for the filtration and sep-
systems for the automotive national aftermarket are sold meeting the special require- aration of air, gas and liquids.

MANN+HUMMEL GMBH, Business Unit Industrial Filters

Telephone +49 ( 62 3 2) 53-80, Fax +49 ( 62 3 2) 53-88 99
E-Mail: [email protected], Internet:

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