KJSCE - Rules and Regulations For Examination and Evaluation System - VER 2 - COE - 23 - April - 2019 PDF

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K. J.

Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77

(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Information, Rules and Regulations

For Examination and Evaluation System
U.G. and P.G. Programmes

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)


AC :Academic Council
COE :Controller of Examination
CA :Continuous Assessment
CBGS :Credit Based Grading System
CGPI :Cumulative Grade Performance Index
CS :Chief Supervisor
DEC :Departmental Examination Committee
EC :Examination Committee
ESE :End Semester Examination
F.Y :First Year of B Tech.
HOD :Head of the Department
IA :Internal Assessment
IRC :Inquiry and Redressal Committee
ISE :In Semester Examination
L.Y :Last Year of B.Tech.
MC :Management Council
MU :Mumbai University
PG :Post Graduate Program of M.Tech.
SGPI :Semester Grade Performance Index
SS :Senior Supervisor
S.Y :Second Year of B. Tech
T-1 :Mid Term (Test -1)
T-2 :End Term (Test -2)
T.Y :Third Year of B. Tech.
UG :Under Graduate Program of B. Tech
YPI :Yearly Performance Index

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)


1. Introduction of Credit and Grading System

2. Course Evaluation Scheme
3. Extra Time/Writer for Physically handicap candidates
4. Passing Criteria for Course
5. Award of Grace Marks for Passing a Course
6. Open Day
7. Redressal of grievances
8. Grades awarded for Backlog Examination
9. Calculation of Grade Performance Index
10. Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Subsequent Higher Year
11. Repeat End semester examination (semester VIII)
12. Grade Improvement and Performance Improvement
13. Degree awarded to the Candidates
14. Unfair Means resorted by Candidates during Examination

 Application form to take Permission for Re-test
 Application for Change/Correction in Marks/Grade Declared in the Result/Mark List
 Letter to Intimate change /correction in marks/grade in the result declared /mark list
 Application for Change/Correction in Name in the Result/Mark List/Certificate
 Application for Extra Time for ESE Theory / Unit Test I / II Examination
 Application for Writer / Helper for Theory / Practical Examination
 Candidate Application for Grievances Related to Test / ESE Examination
 ESE Re-Assessment Form
 ESE Re-Verification Form
 Form for General Application

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

1. Introduction of Credit and Grading System

University of Mumbai has already implemented the credit and grading system in all its
affiliated Institutes. Autonomous, K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering is also implemented
the Credit Based Grading System (CBGS). The essential information regarding credit and
grading system is available in this manual. Course credit structure, course evaluation
scheme, grading, grace marks applicable and rules for eligibility to the next year are mainly
the focused aspects of this manual.
1.1 Course Credit
A certain quantum of academic work measured in terms of credits is laid down in general as
requirements for attaining a particular degree. A candidate earns credits every semester by
satisfactorily completing courses and/or other academic activities. The number of credits
associated with a course is based on the number of hours of instruction per week for the
course. Similarly the credit associated with any of the other activities is dependent upon the
quantum of work expected to be put in per week by the candidate. The credit structure and its
allocation is available in the syllabus scheme of each semester.
1.2 Letter Grade and Grade Point Allocation
In every course, based on the candidate’s performance he/she is awarded a letter grade as per
the grade table. These letter grades not only indicate a qualitative assessment of the
candidate’s performance but also carry a quantitative (numeric) equivalent called the Grade
Grades awarded for a course applicable for UG (First attempt including absent cases)


95-100 10
AA 85-94.99 10

AB 75-84.99 9

BB 70-74.99 8

BC 60-69.99 7

CC 50-59.99 6

CD 45-49.99 5

DD 40-44.99 4

FF <40 0


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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Grades awarded for a course applicable for PG (First attempt including absent cases)


95-100 10
AA 85-94.99 10

AB 75-84.99 9

BB 70-74.99 8

BC 60-69.99 7

CC 55-59.99 6

CD 50-54.99 5

DD 45-49.99 4

FF <45 0


1.3 Grant of term

Minimum 75% of attendance in each theory and laboratory course is mandatory for the grant
of Term. All certified term works must be submitted within the stipulated time. Both
conditions need to satisfy by a candidate to grant the term and allowed to appear for regular
examination. If not satisfied, the candidate will be declared as a defaulter and will not allow
appearing regular ESE examination. Such a candidate will have to take admission for that
semester/term again in the next academic year on paying appropriate fees to repeat that
1.4 Regular Examination
For eligible candidate with term grant, the immediate next 1st examination conducted by the
college will be considered as regular examination or First attempt irrespective of attendance.
1.5 Backlog Examination
All examinations after the regular examinations will be considered as backlog examination
(Second attempt and onwards) for that candidate, irrespective of the result failed or absent.
2. Course Evaluation Scheme
Theory/On screen Examination
Performance evaluation is based on the Credit Based Grading System (CBGS) with Absolute
Grading, for all the candidates.
The evaluation of a candidate for each course incorporates his/her performance in End
Semester Examination (ESE) and Continuous Assessment (CA), taken together. The CA
component consists of Test-1 (T-1), Test-2 (T-2) and Internal Assessment (IA) as mention in
the examination and marking scheme.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

IA (Internal Assessment) consists of assignments, tutorials, practical’s, viva-voce, quizzes,

seminars etc. conducted by the concern course faculty during the semester and its mode of
conduction will be informed at the beginning of the semester for each course.
CA marks have two components 1) Two tests 2) IA. Total test marks are calculated as sum
of the half of each test without rounding off and IA total is calculated as the average of all IA
conducted. All conversions and intermediate calculations are to be done without rounding
off, if required rounding off to be done to nearest integer of final CA total.
Term work:
A candidate needs to perform number of experiments as notified in the laboratory course.
List of experiments will be available at the beginning of the semester. Completed write-ups
need to be submitted in softcopy or hardcopy. Performance evaluation of experiments is
based on absolute Grading.
Practical/ Oral /Project examination will be conducted at the end of each semester for course,
as mentioned in syllabus scheme. The candidate is expected to perform and show results of
an experiment in practical examination and evaluation is based on absolute Grading. Marking
scheme for practical examination will be informed prior to the practical examination. Project
examination is meant for judging the technical contributions of a candidate and the
participation of him/her in a group activity.

3. Extra Time/Writer for physically handicap candidates/medical cases/

Learning disability cases (With Reference to the circular No./ Exam/Controller of
Examination/ 1353/2013 dated 21 September 2013 of Mumbai University )
 Candidates who are physically handicap, blind, partially blind such candidates will get extra
time for writing examination paper. This extra time would be 20 minutes per hour i.e. for 3
hour paper extra time would be 1 hour. These candidates can also ask for writer if required.
 Candidates with learning disability (Dyslexia/Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia) will get 25%
extra time for writing examination paper. However this extra time would be minimum 15
minutes and maximum 30 minutes.
 Both types of candidates will have to apply in advance to Principal of the college with
appropriate supporting documents for getting approval and necessary permission.

With reference to Circular of DTE : CON/2016/ No 302/ 03 dated 4 March 2017 

1. All categories as mentioned in the circular, are included as PWD candidate.
2. The remark (Person with disability) is will be stamped on all answer sheets of such
3. Extra time 20 min per hour will be given for all type of exams (Internal,External,
 For Unit Test of 1 hr 15 Min , Extra Time to all students to be given as 25
 For Unit Test of 1 hr 30 Min , Extra Time to all students to be given as 30
 For ESE of 3 Hrs duration , 60 Min (1 hr) will be given as extra time.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

4. Writer is allowed to the students if necessary. The arrangement of writer is to be made

by student/ College can help in getting the writer. Writer will be allowed with pre-
sanctioning by Principal.
5. Student needs to apply for approval of writer on specified format in the Exam Cell

4. Passing Criteria for Course

4.1 For Under Graduate Program (UG)
4.1.1 Theory Course
a) Candidate is declared to passed a theory (ESE+CA) course if he / she gets at least 40%
marks in total for the said course of which he / she must get at least 30% marks in ESE.
b) A candidate is declared to be failed in course if candidate does not get 40% of total and
30% marks in ESE. Such a candidate need to appear for backlog examination.
A candidate should secure minimum 40% of maximum marks to pass practical/oral / project
4.2 For Post Graduate Program (PG)
4.2.1 Theory Course
a) A candidate is said to have passed a theory course (ESE+CA) if he / she gets at least 45%
marks in total for the said course of which he / she must get at least 35% marks in ESE.
b) A candidate is declared to be failed in course if candidate does not get 45% of total and
35% marks in ESE. Such a candidate will have to appear for backlog examination.
A candidate should secure minimum 45 % of maximum marks to pass practical/oral / project
4.3 Criteria for carry forward of CA marks for backlog examination
When a candidate appears for any backlog examination of any Course, the criteria for carry
forward of CA marks will be minimum passing percentage for total course.
 For UG course, minimum passing percentage for total course is 40%, so minimum CA
marks which are to be carried forward should be 40%. i.e. for a 100 marks course,
minimum CA marks to be carried forward are 16 and above where CA is of 40 marks and
for a 75 marks course, minimum CA marks to be carried forward are 12 and above where
CA is of 30 marks.
 For PG course, minimum passing percentage for total course is 45%, so minimum CA
marks which are to be carried forward should be 45%. i.e. for a 100 marks course,
minimum CA marks to be carry forward are 18 and above where CA is of 40 marks.
 For any course, in which CA marks are less than the minimum marks to be carried forward,
‘F’ will appear with the marks on the Result Gazette, indicating that these CA marks will
not be carried forward. In such cases, the candidate’s CA marks will become null and void
for the backlog examination.
On Result Gazette of this backlog Examination; ‘NA’ will be printed for CA marks of that
course where CA marks are not carried forward. In that case, for such a course, there will be
no scaling down of marks obtained and passing for ESE will be 40% for UG and 45% for

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

5. Award of Grace Marks for Passing a Course

Maximum grace marks to be awarded per course are classified as
• Grace marks awarded for passing the course ( as similar with Ordinance 0.5042 of
University of Mumbai)
• Grace Marks awarded for Passing a Semester ( as similar with Ordinance 0.5045 of
university of Mumbai.)
5.1 Grace marks awarded for passing a course in each head of passing e.g.
Theory/Practical/ Oral (as similar to ordinance O.5042 of University of Mumbai)
For a course of 100 marks, 75 marks and 60 marks, grace marks awarded are up to 3 marks
and for the course of 50 marks and below, grace marks awarded are up to 2 marks.
This is applicable provided that the maximum total grace marks given in different heads of
passing should not exceed 1% of the aggregate marks in that semester examination.
Provided that the benefit of such grace marks shall be applicable only if the candidate pass
the semester. Result on gazette will be indicated with @ sign if candidate pass the semester
with grace marks under this ordinance (O.5042)
5.2 Grace Marks awarded for Passing a Semester:- (as similar to Ordinance 0.5045 of
University of Mumbai)
The modified Condonation rule (Grace Marks for passing a semester) is as follows:
1. If a candidate fails in maximum of Two heads of passing, having passed in all other heads
of passing, his/her deficiency of marks in such heads of passing may be condoned by not
more than 1% of the aggregate marks of that semester examination or 10% of the total
number of marks of that head of passing in which he/she is failing, whichever is less.
2. When the aggregate of 1 % or grace marks admissible on the basis of 1 % is worked out,
fractional number to be round off to nearest higher integer if fraction is greater than 0.5.
3. The benefit of grace marks is available only for those candidates who appear the ESE
examination for all the courses of semester including term work if any. This benefit will be
awarded to the candidate, provided the candidate passes the semester examination.
4. Condonation of deficiency of marks is shown in the Result gazette with indication of
asterisk (* under ordinance O.5045).
Grace marks awarded by Resolution
For a theory course with maximum marks in the range of 60-100 marks, the maximum three
grace marks may be awarded subject to passing of course. For a course of maximum 50
marks or below, maximum two grace marks may be awarded subject to passing of course.
These Grace marks by resolution are applicable to all courses (only ESE) provided the
Examiner has agreed to allot the Grace marks, if needed for passing.
5.3 Sports Grace Marks for Autonomous KJSCE Examinations (As similar to
Ordinance O.229 of University of Mumbai)
By taking into consideration the existing ordinance 0.229 of Mumbai University it has been
resolved in the meeting that:-
1. For CBGS system, instead of giving 10 grace marks in the total, an additional 0.1 point
shall be added to SGPI if the candidate has been cleared in all heads of passing.
2. In case of failure in one or more Heads of passing in an Examination, the benefit of grace
marks shall be granted to the extent of 5% of the maximum marks allotted to the Head of
passing of the concerned subject.
3. Based on similar rules of University of Mumbai, this Ordinance in detail is as follows:-

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Ordinance for Sports Grace: Candidates appearing for any of the University
Examination/Examinations conducted by colleges on behalf of the University shall be
eligible for the award of up to maximum 10 grace marks, at their option, wherever necessary
in addition to the marks secured in each Head of passing for participation in any one of the
activities mentioned below:
1. Candidates who are members of the team/s reaching Quarter final at intercollegiate sports
competitions or have secured one of the eight places in order of merit in an individual sport
event conducted by the University or have represented the University in sport events either at
the Inter-State or at Zonal level or at National level or at International level and have
produced the necessary certificate from the Director of Physical Education & Sports of
Mumbai University.
2. Candidates who are members of team/s securing first three positions in cultural group
events or have secured one of the first three places in an individual cultural event or whose
performance has been adjudged best as an Actor/Actress, Music Director, Lighting/Sound
effect operator, Author, Choreographer, or as Director in Group events conducted at the
Intercollegiate cultural competition organized by the University, or have represented the
University in any of the cultural events either at the State level or at the Zonal level or at the
National level or at the International level in the same academic year as certified by the Head
of the concerned Section of Mumbai University.
3. Candidates who are members of Candidates’ councils constituted under Section 40 (2) (a)
or Section 40 (2) (b) or under Section 40 (4) of the Maharashtra Universities Act 1994, and
have actively participated in various schemes, programs and attended functions of the
University during that academic year, as certified by the Director of Candidates Welfare of
Mumbai University.

The benefit of 10 grace marks (In CBGS, the increase in SGPI by 0.1) would be
available to the candidates, only in any one of the activities mentioned above, at their
option, subject to their fulfilling the following conditions:
1. That they are appearing for any End Semester Examination, as their first attempt.
2. That in case of failure in one or more Heads of passing an Examination, the benefit of
grace marks shall be granted to the extent of 5% of the maximum marks allotted to the Head
of passing the concerned subject.
3. That maximum 10 grace marks will be added to the grand total, However, in the case of
credit based grading system (CBGS) the marks (0.1) will be added in the final grade to the
GPA (SGPI), even if the benefit is given to candidates for passing the subject/s.
4. That if the examination is conducted in semesters and the marks of the two semesters are
clubbed, the same shall be granted in even semester examination of that academic year.( In
CBGS system, instead of 10 Grace marks in total ,the SGPI shall be increased by 0.1 )
5. Grace marks awarded under the ordinances should be shown separately, as was done till
now, with the sign # and should not be merged with the marks secured in the heads of

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

6. Combined benefit of Sports Grace marks and Semester Grace marks (similar to 0.5045 of
M.U.) can be given only if the candidate has passed in all heads except TWO before applying
the Sports Grace marks.
7. That the grace marks under this Ordinance will not be counted for the award of
scholarships, prizes and medals or any other awards.
8. That the rules regarding grace marks under this Ordinance shall be applied first and the
same shall separately be shown in the marks sheet of the candidates.
5.4 Learning Disability Grace Marks
As per the Circular of University of Mumbai Ref. No. Exam/Controller of
Examination/1353/2013 dated 21 September 2013, Grace Marks to the Candidate having
disability i.e. Dyslexia, Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia can be given.
To pass the examination, maximum 20 grace marks to be granted in one or more subjects as
per the scheme of examination ( i.e. in Theory Paper / Internal Project / Dissertation /
Practical /Oral, Viva-Voice, etc.).
The rule has been ammended as per the circular of DTE : CON/2016/ No 302/ 03 dated
4 March 2017
To pass the examination, 3 % marks of aggregate total marks will be granted in one or more
subjects in Theory Paper /Project / Dissertation / Practical /Oral, Viva-Voice, etc. as per the
scheme of examination .

6. Open Day
Answer books of ESE will be shown to candidates in the class on open day and all queries of
candidates will be settled by proper procedure.
6.1Conduction of Open Day: Instructions to candidates
 Candidates are expected to come to see their answer books in person on the Open day as per
specified time table which will be displayed on the department notice board.
 Parent, Guardian, Friend or any other candidate representative is NOT allowed to attend the
Open day and see the answer books.
 All the candidates are required to sign the attendance sheet.
 Candidates can carry question papers and print outs of marking scheme /evaluation scheme
of each course along with them to the class room.
 Once inside the classroom, candidates are not allowed to leave the classroom for any
reason, before submitting the answer books. Also, the answer book cannot be taken outside
the room.
 Food items including drinking water will not be allowed while handling answer books.
 Candidates are not allowed to carry pen, pencil or any other writing material, Mobile
phones, cameras or any such kind of electronic gadgets with them while entering the room
to view/ read their answer books; tampering of answer books in any means will be treated
as Unfair Means, also taking image of any part of answer book will be treated as Unfair
Means and in such cases disciplinary action will be taken against that candidate.
Candidates must keep their belongings safely. College authorities will not be responsible for
any untoward incident.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

7. Redressal of grievances
Any grievances listed below related to marking scheme and assessment should be notified in
ESE Grievances Form and Candidates are required to submit this form immediately on the
open day.
1. Re-assessment
2. Re-verification (Totaling Mistake, Un-assessed part )
3. Grievance related to marking scheme / Solution
4. Grievance related to CA marks
5. Grievance related to Practical examination
6. Amendment in the result.
 All the Grievances will be scrutinized by the Controller of Examination and/or the
committee appointed by Principal and appropriate decision will be taken. Committee’s
decision will be treated as final.

7.1 Procedure for redressal of Grievances

Grievances of candidates will be considered in 3 categories.
Grievances Nature of Grievances Action to be Remarks
Category taken
Type 0 Change in CA Marks Immediate Implementation for change in
/any variation in the action by COE marks after verifying from the
marks displayed on for correction to concerned records.
Intranet and on the be done by the
theory paper seen on examiner
the open day
Type I Request for Immediate Implementation for change in
reverification action by COE marks >0
 Totaling mistake for correction to
 Un-assessed be done by the
answer examiner
Type II Request for Another To implement change in the
reassessment of full examiner for marks
answer sheet reassessment to  only if change is (>=10%) of
be appointed by maximum obtained marks
Principal  If candidate is getting benefit
of passing the course, the
change in marks to be
implemented even though
change is <10% of obtained

7.2 Grievances related to practical exam: Provision of Rechecking of answer paper of

practical exam. This provision is applicable only for those students who have failed in
practical examinations. The student will make necessary payment/ rechecking fees, for
getting the answer paper rechecked and the result would be revised only if the student is
passed in the process of rechecking.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

7.3 Amendment in the result: If any discrepancy found in the declared results of UG/PG ,
the results to be amended after due verification.
a. Amendment within the six months only of declaration of results:- There is an error in
marks submitted by examiners/authorities and marks in the result then the amendment can
be made in the result.
b. Revision beyond six months of declaration of results:-: If the above mentioned
revision needs to be made beyond six months of declaration of results. The revised result will
then be declared with necessary amendment.

8. Grades awarded for Backlog Examination

In CBGS system, the Letter Grades will be awarded to the total marks obtained by candidate
for each course including Theory / Oral/ Practical / Term Work/Project. A candidate
appearing for Backlog Examination will have Grade Penalty.

Grade Table for Backlog Examination (UG)


BB 85-100 8

BC 75-84.99 7

CC 65-74.99 6

CD 55-64.99 5

DD 40-54.99 4

FF <40 0


Grade Table for Backlog Examination (PG)


BB 85-100 8

BC 75-84.99 7

CC 65-74.99 6

CD 55-64.99 5

DD 45-54.99 4

FF <45 0


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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

9. Calculation of Grade Performance Index

9.1 Calculation of Semester Grade Performance Index (SGPI)

The performance of a student in a semester is indicated by a number called Semester Grade

Performance Index (SGPI). The SGPI is the average of the grade points obtained in all the
courses by the student during the semester.

Ci = Credit assigned to ithcourse and Gi = Grade Points earned for ithcourse.

9.2 Yearly Performance Index (YPI) for a academic year

YPI of FY is on the basis of performance of a student in semester I & II

YPI of SY is on the basis of performance of a student in semester III & IV
YPI of TY is on the basis of performance of a student in semester V & VI
YPI of LY is on the basis of performance of a student in semester VII & VIII

9.3 Cumulative Grade Performance Index (CGPI) for semesters taken together

C*G = Product of Credits and grades of jthsemester, j varies from 1 to 8.

For those admitted directly to second year

Here j varies from 3 to 8.

9.4 Conversion from SGPI/YPI/CGPI to % marks

(For those admitted to first year (FE) prior to July 2014 )

% Marks = (SGPI or YPI or CGPI – 0.75) x 10

For Example: If CGPI = 9.12, then % of marks = (9.12- 0.75) x 10

= 83.7 %

Revised CGPI to Percentage Conversion formula CGPI to percentage conversion

formula for UG, admitted to first year (FY B.Tech) in July 2014 and onwards,

UG (B. Tech)
The percentage of marks is still important as many organizations consider the result in terms
of percentage of marks.
CGPI to percentage conversion ( FY B. Tech admitted),
% Marks = (SGPI or YPI or CGPI x7.4) +16

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PG (M. Tech)

Conversion from SGPI/YPI/CGPI to % marks for PG For those admitted to first year M.Tech
prior to July 2016, was
% Marks = (SGPI or YPI or CGPI – 0.75) x 10

CGPI to percentage conversion formula for PG, admitted to first year (FY M.Tech) in July
2016 and onwards,

% Marks = (SGPI or YPI or CGPI x7.4) +16

10. Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Subsequent Higher Year

Minimum 60% credits of maximum credits of year in which candidate is studying (FY or SY
or TY) should be earned to become eligible for admission to subsequent year (i.e. SY or TY
or LY respectively) plus all credits of previous year of study.
If candidate is declared pass in a head of passing only then it will be considered that
candidate has earned Credits assigned to that head of passing.
Fractional number calculated for minimum 60% credits to be earned by the candidate will be
rounded off to nearest higher integer. e .g. A total credit of two semesters is 52. Minimum
60% of 52 are 31.2. An expected minimum credit to be earned by candidate is 32.
Eligibility Criteria for admission to even semester
Odd semester/term of respective year ( FY/SY/TY/LY) wherein candidate has enrolled must
have been granted i.e. Semester I, III, V & VII must have been granted to become eligible for
enrollment to even term/semesters II, IV, VI & VIII respectively.

11. Repeat End semester examination (semester VIII)

That college will conduct a repeat end semester examination of all courses of all branches;
(Semester VIII) in the month of July and extend the benefits of autonomy to the candidates.
However the backlog examination for such candidates will not be conducted in Nov-Dec.
That Candidate will have to register for the exam by paying necessary examination fees.
That Repeat Exam will be considered as second attempt for those who have failed in any
course in the previously held examination. That candidates who had actually passed the
examination but have registered for improving their performance, this will be treated as their
first attempt and will not have any indication of carry forward of their marks. Such candidate
will appear for all the courses of end semester examinations (theory/oral/practical; as the case
may be). Their marks under all the heads of the previous examination will be overwritten by
marks obtained in this examination. Term work marks will be carried forward.
The candidates need to submit the undertaking before applying for the repeat examination for
grade / performance improvement.

12. Grade Improvement and Performance Improvement

• The candidate who appears for Grade Improvement examination, with few courses only
(not all theory Courses), his/her previous marks for that particular course or courses will be
over written by new marks for which he has appeared at the Repeat Examination. Other
marks will be carried forward with the indication of + Sign.

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

• The candidate who wants to appear for Performance Improvement with all theory courses
and with all OR/PR exams, his performance will be treated as fresh attempt. There will not
be any indication of “Carried Forward marks.” ( i.e.+ Sign )
• In such a case, the Result Gazette will have the Title “Performance Improvement”
• In case of Performance Improvement, term work and CA marks will be carried forward.
• For Grade Improvement / Performance Improvement, the regular examination grade table
will be applicable.
• Facility of grade improvement and performance improvement is at present available only in
the final year of B. Tech./ B.E. programme.

13. Degree awarded to the Candidates

Degree conferred will be Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) for UG Programme and Master
of Technology (M.Tech.) for PG Programme.

14. Unfair Means Resorted by candidates in the Conduct of Examinations

Resorting to malpractices at examinations is a serious crime in the educational system in
general and examination system in particular. It shows disrespect towards the college and de-
motivates sincere candidates. Hence, such cases need to be dealt with sternly and individuals
involved need to be punished.
Various malpractices during examinations involve any acts done by the examinees at the
time of examination or after the examination to get enhanced and false credit at the
examination by any illegal and immoral act. These may include activities such as copying the
answers of other candidate/s, unwarranted signaling at the time of examination, carrying
prohibited material along at the time of actually taking the examination, disclosing own
identity through the answer book, putting pressure on the examiner/s, etc.
(A) 1. Definitions
(a) “Candidate” means and includes a person who is enrolled as such by the college for
receiving instructions qualifying for any degree, diploma or certificate awarded by the
college/University. It includes ex-candidate and candidate registered as candidate (examinee)
for any of the degree, diploma or certificate examination.
(b) “Unfair means” includes one or more of the following acts or omissions on the part of
candidate/s during the examination period.
i) Possessing unfair means material and or copying there from.
ii) Transcribing any unauthorized material or any other use thereof.
iii) Intimidating or using obscene language or threatening or use of violence against
invigilator or leaving the examination hall without permission of the supervisor or causing
disturbances in any manner in the examination proceedings.
iv) Unauthorized communicating with other examinees or anyone else inside or outside the
examination hall.
v) Mutual/Mass copying.
vi) Smuggling-out or smuggling-in of answer books, either blank or written, as copying
vii) Smuggling-in blank or written answer book and forging signature of the Jr. Supervisor

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viii) Interfering with or counterfeiting of Institute seal, or answer books or office stationary
used in the examinations.
ix) Insertion of currency notes in the answer books or attempting to bribe any of the persons
connected with conduct of examinations.
x) Impersonation at the University/college examination.
xi) Revealing identity in any form in the answer written or in any other part of the answer
book by the candidate at the University/college examination.
xii) Or any other similar act/s and/or omission/s which may be considered as unfair means
by the competent authority.
(c) “Unfair means relating to examination” means and includes directly or indirectly
committing or attempting to commit or threatening to commit any act or coercion, undue
influence or fraud or malpractice with a view to obtaining wrongful gain to him or to any
other person or causing wrongful loss to other person/s.
(d) “Unfair means material” means and includes any material whatsoever, related to the
subject of the examination, printed, typed, handwritten or otherwise on the person or on
clothes, of body of the candidate (examinee) or on wood or other material, in any manner or
in the form of chart, diagram, map or drawing or electronic aid etc. which is not allowed in
the examination hall.
(e) “Possession of unfair means material by a candidate” means having any unauthorized
material on his/her person or desk or chair or table or at any place within his/her reach, in the
examination center and its environs or premises at any time from the commencement of the
examination till its conclusion.
(f) “Candidate found in possession” means a candidate, reported in writing / denied to report
in writing , as having been found in possession of unfair means material by the Invigilator,
Senior supervisor, Chief conductor, member of the vigilance squad or any other person
authorised for this purpose in this behalf, even if the unfair means material is not produced as
evidence, since it has been swallowed or destroyed or snatched away or otherwise taken
away or spoiled by the candidate or by any other person acting on his behalf to such an extent
that it has become illegible. In such cases, a report to that effect will be submitted by the
Invigilator or Senior supervisor or any other authorized person to the Controller of
Examinations or any officer authorized in this behalf.
(g) “Material related to the subject of examination” means and includes, if the material is
produced as evidence, any material certified as related to the subject of the examination by a
competent person and if the material is not produced as evidence or has become illegible for
any of the reasons referred to in clause (f) above, the presumption shall be that the material
did relate to the subject of the examination.
(B) The broad categories of unfair means resorted to by candidates at the College
examinations and the quantum of punishment for each category there of :-
Following rules are applicable for tests, practical/ oral examination, and End Semester
Examination (written as well as on-screen).
Sr.No Nature of malpractice Quantum of punishment
1.1 Possession of copying material and/or copying The performance of the candidate at
from the same within examination hours that particular course will be made

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a) Possession of copying material in any physical null and void plus additional
form/electronic form i.e. written or printed punishments in the form of
paper/any other object/ mobile phone / Smart reformative actions like internships
Watch / Programmable Calculator etc. in some specified organizations.
b) Found having written on palms or on the body
or on the clothes.
1.2 Possession of another candidate’s answer Both candidates will be punished as
book/supplement and /or actual evidence of mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
copying there from.
1.3 Possession of the copying material but attempt to As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
destroy the evidence by the examinee.
1.4 Mutual/Mass Copying All involved will be punished as
mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
1.5 Report of the Jr. supervisor/ Sr. supervisor/ Chief As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
Conductor/member of vigilance squad/ COE/ any
staff member of College/any staff working on
behalf of College, stating that the candidate had
been resorting to unfair means, but denial by the
examinee about the ownership of copying material
and claiming that the same has been found in
his/her vicinity /or dropped near him/her by
someone else.
1.6 a) Smuggling-out or smuggling in of blank answer The performance of the candidate at
book(s) or supplement(s) or graph papers. those particular courses will be
B) Smuggling-in of written answer book / made null and void plus additional
supplement / graph paper based on the question punishments in the form of
paper set at the examination. reformative actions like internships
c) Forging signature of the invigilator on answer in some specified organizations.
book / supplement / graph paper.
d) Carrying in exam hall unapproved charts / data
1.7 While assessing the answer sheets, if the examiner All involved will be punished as
finds that the candidate has copied from the answer mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
book of other candidate or from any other source.
OR during assessment, Examiner found suspicious
about the answer book contents
1.8 Insertion of currency note to bribe or attempting to As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
bribe any of the persons connected with the conduct
of examinations.
1.9 Revealing identity in any form in the answer As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
written or in any other part of the answer book by
the candidate. ( e.g. Name of candidate or matter
like “Please pass me” , “Golden KT" etc. in answer
1.10 After providing second and subsequent answer This may be considered as next
book, candidate found in possession of copying attempt of copying and
material. punishments will be as per sr. no.2
or 3 as the case may be.
1.11 In the same exam if a candidate is caught adopting This may be considered as next
attempt of copying and

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any of the unfair means in more than one course punishments will be as per sr. no.2
or 3 as the case may be.
1.12 Using obscene Language/Violence, at the As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
examination center by a candidate at the College
examination to any of the persons concerned with
1.13 Impersonation at the College examination. As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
1.14 Candidate found referring to book(s), notes, any As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
written material, copying material, electronic
gadget kept outside examination hall during
examination hours.
1.15 All other malpractices not covered in the aforesaid As mentioned in sr. no.1.1 above
2 If on previous occasion, a disciplinary action was Annulment of the performance of
taken against a candidate for malpractice used at the candidate at that Semester
examination/and he/ she is caught again second examination in full
time for malpractices used at the examinations.
3 If on previous two occasions a disciplinary action For the candidates who are caught
was taken against a candidate for malpractice used in the unfair means third time,
at examination/and he/ she is caught again for he/she may be debarred from the
malpractices used at the examinations. college.

Rules for students who are found to be indulging in the Malpractices during OPEN DAYS.

As the Open day malpractices comes under the act of forgery which is a criminal offence, the
quantum of punishment is severe than that given for the unfair means adopted during


Sr. Nature of Malpractice Quantum of Punishment


 All the courses in which the student has

1.1 Possession and Use of writing/erasing appeared in the said examination of that
particular semester will be made Null and
material wherein it is proved that
Void. (ie: Complete end semester examination
student has tampered with the marks of that particular semester including oral and
and/or answers during the Open day practical exams in which the student has
scheduled time for a particular appeared in the said Examination. CA & TW
semester. marks will be carried forward)
 Other Reformative punishments such as
Internship in NGO.

1.2 Possession of writing/erasing material  The student will not be eligible for viewing the
that helps in tampering with the remaining papers of that particular open day
marks and answers during the Open for that particular semester.
day scheduled time for a particular  No re-assessment/ no re-verification of any

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semester. papers of that open day of that particular

semester will be allowed. If the student has
already filled the application form for the same
during that open day, all such applications will
become null and void.
 Other Reformative punishments such as
Internship in NGO.
1.3 Possession of study material (other Same as in 1.2.
than the question paper, solutions
and marking scheme of the said exam
as mentioned in Rule No. 3 of the
Open day notice) .

1.4 Possession of mobile phones or any Same as in 1.2.

other smart electronic gadgets and/or
using the same to take images of the
Answer paper.

1.5 Any other cases, other than the above Same as in 1.2.
which can be classified under the
Open day malpractices.

2 Adoption of unfair means during Open day as given in Sr. no. 1.1 to 1.5 will be counted as one
attempt of “Unfair Means Resorted by students in the Conduct of Examinations” as given
in point no.13, page 22-26 of the Exam Rule book of the College which mentions the Rules
and Regulations for Examinations and Evaluation System.

For any student, if the total count reaches three, the student will be debarred from the

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(Various Application Formats Used by Candidates)

Permission for Re-test

Name of the Roll Branch

candidate No. COMP/ETRX/EXTC/IT/
UG/PG Class FE/SE/TE/BE/ME Sem. / I/II/III/IV/V/VI/ Test 1/ Test 2
Name of the course Name of the theory teacher

Reason for not able to attend the test (Add document proof if necessary/wherever


Date of submission of form: Signature of the


Date of meeting of DEC in which the application was put up:

Recommendations of DEC:

Re-test to be conducted / will not be conducted

Day/date/time of re-test:

Signature of DEC in-charge with date:

Signature of HOD with date:

COE EC Chairman Principal

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Application for Change/Correction in Marks/Grade Declared in the Result/Mark List

Examination November 20___ / April 20___

Name of
the Roll No.
ESE Examination
Exam. Seat No. Theory/Practical/Oral/Project/TW

Sr. No. Name of the course Description of change / correction


Date of submission of form: Signature of the

Note: Attach appropriate proof of result / mark list and submit form to Exam Cell
Description of change / corrections done:

Sr. No. Name of the course Description of change / correction


Date of intimation to candidate with appropriate document / new result / new mark list:
Signature of DEC in-charge with date:
Signature of HOD with date:

COE EC Chairman Principal

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Letter to Intimate change /correction in marks/grade in the result declared /mark list

Examination November 20___ / April 20___

Bro. / Sis.________________________________

(Roll No.______________)(Exam. Seat No.________________)

With reference to your application (Ref no.___________ Dated ____________) following

are the changes / corrections found. Your result with appropriate changes / corrections will
be declared in due course of time.

Sr. No. Name of the course Description of change / Description of

correction change / correction

Date of intimation to candidate with appropriate letter / new result / new mark list:

Signature of DEC in-charge with date:

Signature of HOD with date:

COE EC Chairman Principal

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Application reference No.________

Application for Change/Correction in Name in the Result/Mark List/Certificate

Examination November 20___ / April 20___

Name of the RollCOMP/ETRX/EXTC/IT/
candidate No. MECH/MECH(EE)/
Exam. Seat No. (write semester wise seat no. for more than one Result/Mark

Sr. No. /Sem. Name Printed Correct Name

Date of submission of form: Signature of the

Note: Attach appropriate proof of name / result / mark list / certificate and submit form
to Exam Cell
Description of change / corrections done:
Sr. No. / Sem. Name Printed Correct Name

Date of intimation to candidate with appropriate document / new result / new mark list:

COE EC Chairman Principal

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(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Application for Extra Time for ESE Theory / Unit Test I / II Examination
Semester July 20 - November 20___ / Jan 20 - April 20___

Sem. / Div
Name of the candidate I/II/III/IV/V/VI/VII/VIII
UG/PG Affix Photo
Roll No.
Exam. Seat No.
Details of Examination for which Extra Time is required
Category in which admission has secured :

Supporting Medical documents to be submitted Submitted / Not submitted

to Exam Cell

I undersigned request to allow me to appear for the examination of above course with Extra
Time under the bylaws of the University of Mumbai.

Date: Name and signature of


COE Approved / Not Approved EC Chairman /


Note: Candidate should carry the letter of Permission of Extra time during examination
signed by COE

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Application for Writer / Helper for Theory / Practical Examination

November 20___ / April 20___
Name of the candidate Sem. / Div
Class: FE/SE/TE/BE/ME Exam. Seat No.
Details of ESE Examination for which Writer / Helper is Sought

Brief reason for need of Writer / Helper(Attach necessary certificate from the
competent authority):
I undersigned request to allow me to appear for the examination of above course with writer /
helper under the bylaws of the University of Mumbai.

Date: Name and signature of parent / guardian Name and signature of

Details of the Writer / Helper
Name Name and address of College /
Address School

Affix Photo
Date of birth:
Mobile No.
Brief details of past and present study:

I undersigned declare that I know ___________________________________ since

________ and as per his / her request I agree to be a writer / helper for above examination
with my own wish under the bylaws of University of Mumbai. I have not taken any partial
and / or full training / education in the course matter for which I have agreed to be a writer /

Date: Name and signature of parent / guardian Name and signature of writer/

COE Approved / Not Approved EC Chairman / Principal

Note: Candidate should carry copy of application during examination and original will be
with COE

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Candidate Application for Grievances Related to Test / ESE Examination

The Principal,
KJSCE, Mumbai-77

*Sub: Grievance regarding: __________________________________________________

*Attach separate documents if any
Details of examination

Year Semester Branch
Date of
Block/Room No.
Name of the
Day/Date/Time of Examination:

Signature of Candidates (Separate sheet may be attached)

Name of the candidate Roll No. Class and Branch Mobile No.

HOD’s Comments: __________________________________________________________

Final decision of the EC: _____________________________________________________

COE EC Chairperson Principal

The resolution/decision is communicated to us on ______________.

Signature and Exam Seat No. of Candidates

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K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77

Receipt No. for Rs. 500 per course (Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai) Type II: Re-Assessment
paid (Maximum 03 courses) Examination Nov-Dec /April-May _20_____
ESE Re-Assessment Form Exam Seat No.:

First name Surname Father’s name Mother’s name

Class of Study: FE/SE/TE/BE/ME Semester of study:
The Principal,
I would like to apply for re-assessment of ESE answer paper for following courses.
Sr. No Complete Course Name Amount
Total Amount
Date of Open day: Signature of candidate:
Email(Somaiya domain): Mobile No.:

Received from __________________________________________ Rs. ___________ for Re-assessment of __________courses.

Signature of Payment Receiving Authority

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Examination Nov-Dec /April - May

ESE Re-Verification Form
First name Surname Father’s name Mother’s name
Class of Study: FE/SE/TE/BE/ME Semester of study:
The Principal,
I would like to apply for re-verification of ESE answer paper for following courses.
Sr. No Complete Course Name Amount
Total Amount
Date of Open day: Signature of candidate:
Email(Somaiya domain): Mobile No.:
Received from __________________________________________ Rs. ___________ for the re-verification of __________courses.

Signature of Payment Receiving Authority

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