3 - Water Absorption of Bricks
3 - Water Absorption of Bricks
3 - Water Absorption of Bricks
Water Absorption of Clay Bricks
A porous brick will absorb more water and is therefore less dense. Low density
bricks are weak and cannot take greater loads. Bricks are also subjected to
weathering effect; therefore, it is necessary to know the water absorption percentage
for the effective use of bricks.
Purpose of the test:
To determine water absorption of clay bricks
1. Electrical oven
2. Balance: The scale or balance used shall have a capacity of not less than
2000 g, and shall be sensitive to 0.5 g.
3. Thermometer
4. Container for water
1. Select 5 bricks at random from the stack of bricks.
2. Dry the test specimens in a ventilated oven at (110 to 115°C) for not less than
24 h and until two successive weightings at intervals of 2 h show an increment
of loss not greater than 0.2 % of the last previously determined weight of the
3. Cool the specimens in a drying room maintained at a temperature of (24 ±
8°C), with a relative humidity between 30 and 70 % and weigh each one.
4. Submerge the dry, cooled specimen, without preliminary partial immersion, in
clean water (soft, distilled or rain water) at (15.5 to 30°C) for the specified
time (24 hr).
5. Remove the specimen, wipe off the surface water with a damp cloth and weigh
the specimen. Complete weighing of each specimen within 5 min after
removing the specimen from the bath.
Weight of the dry specimen (Wd)=
Weight of the saturated specimen after submersion in cold water for 24hr (Ws) =
𝑾𝒔 − 𝑾𝒅
𝐀𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (%) = [ ] × 𝟏𝟎𝟎
Iraqi Standard Specification (ISS) specifies (recommends) following values of water
absorption percent for each class of bricks.