Cross-Sectional Deformation Behavior of Double-Ridged Rectangular Tube With Fillers in Different Stages of H-Typed Bending
Cross-Sectional Deformation Behavior of Double-Ridged Rectangular Tube With Fillers in Different Stages of H-Typed Bending
Cross-Sectional Deformation Behavior of Double-Ridged Rectangular Tube With Fillers in Different Stages of H-Typed Bending
of Pages 13
10 September 2019
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2019), xxx(xx): xxx–xxx
7 Research & Development Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518057, China
8 State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern
9 Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
13 KEYWORDS Abstract The bent double-ridged rectangular tube (DRRT) with high forming quality is helpful to
15 Cross-sectional deformation; improve the microwave transmission accuracy. For reducing the cross-sectional deformation in the
16 FE simulation; H-typed bending process, in addition to using rigid mandrel to support the inside of tube, ridge
17 H96 double-ridged rectangu- groove fillers are also added to restrict the deformation of ridge grooves. Because of the change
18 lar tube; of stress and strain state of bent tube in bending, rigid mandrel retracting and specially twice-
19 H-typed rotary draw bend- springback stages, and the springback of fillers, the cross-sectional deformation of tube in each
20 ing; stage may be different. Therefore, based on the ABAQUS platform, the finite element models
21 Ridge groove fillers; (FEM) for H-typed bending, mandrel retracting and twice-springback stages of H96 DRRT with
22 Twice-springback stage fillers were established and validated. It is found that, for the height and width deformation of tube
and spacing deformation of ridge grooves, retraction of mandrel can make the distribution of these
deformations more uniform along the bending direction. The first springback can reduce these
deformations significantly, which should be emphasized. But the second springback only increases
them by less amount, which can be ignored. The smaller height deformation of ridge groove and
filler can be neglected.
23 Ó 2019 Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and
Astronautics. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction 24
* Corresponding author at: Research & Development Institute of
Northwestern Polytechnical University in Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518057,
China. With the advantages of lower cut-off frequency, wider working 25
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. LIU). frequency bandwidth and smaller size, curved double-ridged 26
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA. rectangular tube (DRRT) has been widely used in aerospace 27
microwave transmission and communication systems.1 The 28
bent tube is usually obtained by high-precision and high- 29
efficiency rotary draw bending (RDB) technology.2 However, 30
Production and hosting by Elsevier
cross-sectional deformation of bent tube occurring in the bend- 31
1000-9361 Ó 2019 Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
2 C. LIU, Y. LIU
32 ing process will change the shape and size of the inner cavity of reduce the cross-sectional deformation of DRRT. It can be 79
33 tube, so that the electromagnetic wave transmitted in the bent found from all the above researches that the use of ridge 80
34 tube is phase-shifted.3,4 It can be considered that the micro- groove filler cannot only alleviate the uneven deformation of 81
35 wave transmission accuracy depends on the forming quality tube, but also significantly improve the deformation of the 82
36 of the bent tube. For the H-typed bending process, which ridge groove. However, these studies only focus on the defor- 83
37 means the tube is bent along the narrower flanges and the ridge mation in the bending stage, the effects of mandrel retracting 84
38 groove is located on the side wall, Xiao et al.5 and Liu et al.6 and springback on the cross-sectional deformation are not 85
39 found that adding the I-shaped rigid mandrel or PVC elastic taken into account. 86
40 mandrel into the DRRT, the cross-sectional deformation can Zhang et al.11 obtained that the retraction of mandrel can 87
41 be effectively improved. But it is worth noting that the ridge make the cross-sectional deformation of the whole rectangular 88
42 grooves, where the electric field is more dense,7 are still tube tend to be uniform. Li and many other scholars12–14 dis- 89
43 deformed severely due to the large pressing force, as shown covered the effect of springback on cross-sectional deforma- 90
44 in Fig. 1(a). Therefore, while using the rigid mandrel, it is also tion of high-strength Ti-3AL-2.5V titanium alloy circular 91
45 considered to add fillers into the ridge grooves to restrict the tube, 3A21 aluminum alloy and H96 brass rectangular tube 92
46 deformation of ridge grooves, as shown in Fig. 1(b). of RDB. In these study, cross-sectional springback, that is 93
47 The entire H-typed forming process of DRRT from the the change in the amount of cross-sectional deformation 94
48 straight tube to the bent tube includes the following stages. before and after springback, is one of the characteristics of 95
49 Firstly, the bending stage, the ridge groove filler can be bent elastic recovery and it is found that the cross-sectional spring- 96
50 together with the tube and the cross-section deformation of back is beneficial to reduce the cross-sectional deformation. 97
51 tube and filler occurs in this stage. Secondly, the internal rigid Using the theoretical analysis method, Liu et al.15 found that 98
52 mandrel retracting stage, which may change the cross-sectional when considering the cross-sectional ovalization of circular 99
53 deformation in the mandrel-support area. Finally, the special tube after springback, the springback prediction model has 100
54 twice-springback stage after unloading the external bending higher accuracy. Zheng et al.16 found that during the E- 101
55 dies, which is proposed due to the use of ridge groove fillers typed bending of DRRT, cross-sectional deformation became 102
56 in this study. In the first springback of this stage, the fillers larger after springback in cores-support zone while they all 103
57 are still in the ridge grooves, that is the synchronous spring- became smaller in no-cores-support zone. The above studies 104
58 back of bent tube and filler occurs. So except for the bent tube, show that the mandrel retracting and springback will affect 105
59 the variation in the deformation of filler will also occur and the the final cross-sectional size accuracy of the bent tube, which 106
60 existence of fillers may also affect the springback of cross- are important stages that cannot be ignored in the forming 107
61 sectional deformation of bent tube. In the second springback, process. 108
62 the fillers have been removed, the cross-sectional deformation Based on the above research status, it is found that dif- 109
63 of tube may continue to change. Therefore, it is found that the ferent stages of the entire H-typed bending process all have 110
64 cross-sectional deformation in each stage of the entire H-typed the effect on cross-sectional deformation, which should be 111
65 forming process may be different. considered and studied. However, the research about the 112
66 At present, some researches have been carried out on the specific effect of each stage on cross-sectional deformation 113
67 cross-sectional deformation of DRRT in H-typed RDB with of DRRT with fillers in H-typed RDB has not been 114
68 fillers. Chen et al.8 found that when the hardness of polymer reported. Therefore, the finite element models (FEM) for 115
69 materials is less than Shore D60, which is added into both H-typed bending, mandrel retracting and twice-springback 116
70 the DRRT and ridge grooves, the forming quality of the cross stage of H96 DRRT with fillers were established based on 117
71 section is difficult to ensure. Similarly, Xu9 used polyester car- the ABAQUS platform. With these models, the characteris- 118
72 bonic acid (a kind of polymer material) as the filling material, tics of cross-sectional deformation of tube and filler in the 119
73 which can suppress the cross-sectional deformation to improve entire H-typed forming process, the effects of mandrel 120
74 the electrical performance of the bent tube. But as the filler, the retracting, twice-springback, the springback of filler on the 121
75 strength and hardness of polymer material are required to be cross-sectional deformation of tube and which stage has 122
76 high, and the injection molding process is complicated and the most significant effect on the cross-sectional deformation 123
77 time consuming. Jiang et al.10 selected 3A21 aluminum alloy were studied to improve the forming quality of H-typed 124
78 as the ridge groove filler, which can be processed easily to double-ridged rectangular bent tube. 125
Fig. 1 Bending types and a method to restrict cross-sectional deformation of H96 brass DRRT for H-typed RDB.
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube 3
126 2. FEM for H-typed RDB of DRRT with ridge groove fillers Table 1 Main mechanical properties of H96 brass DRRT and
3A21 aluminum alloy ridge groove filler.
127 2.1. Definition of material models
Parameters H96 brass 3A21 aluminum alloy
Modulus of elasticity E (GPa) 92.8 60.2
128 The fillers assembled in the ridge grooves are bent and
Yield strength r0.2 (MPa) 70.0 99.8
129 deformed together with the tube during the H-typed bending
Poisson ratio m 0.324 0.330
130 process. The material of DRRT is H96 brass. Considering Hardening exponent n 0.425 0.145
131 the stiffness and strength of polymer and metal materials Strength coefficient K (MPa) 588.0 225.3
132 and the requirement for manufacturing the filler, the 3A21 alu-
133 minum alloy10 is appropriate and chose as the filler for
134 research in this paper. In the finite element simulation, the tube
135 and filler are defined as continuous isotropic deformable solid ulation. So the contact between the filler and tube is defined by 167
136 element, and the material models of DRRT and filler should be two contact models of surface to surface contact and general 168
137 defined respectively. contact, and their simulation results are shown in Fig. 3. It 169
138 The true stress–strain curves of H96 brass DRRT and 3A21 can be seen that, when using the surface to surface contact 170
139 aluminum alloy filler are obtained by the uniaxial tensile tests, model, the penetration phenomenon occurs between the filler 171
140 as shown in Fig. 2. The plastic strain ep of the materials needed and tube, as shown in Fig. 3(a). But there is non-penetration 172
141 in the simulation is calculated by subtracting the elastic strain found in Fig. 3(b) when the general contact model is used. This 173
142 from the true strain, as shown in Eq. (1), the constitutive equa- may be because in the surface to surface contact model, the 174
143 tion as shown in Eq. (2) is used to describe the plastic deforma- master face of the contact pair can penetrate to the slave face, 175
144 tion of material. but as two deformable faces, the tube and filler should not be 176
145 penetrated each other. So the general contact model is chosen 177
147 ep ¼ e r=E ð1Þ to define the contact between the filler and tube. 178
150 r ¼ Kðe þ bÞ
2.3. Establishment of the FEM for H-typed bending process 179
151 where e is true strain, r is true stress, e is plastic strain, E is
152 modulus of elasticity, K is strength coefficient, n is hardening The three-dimensional FEM for the actual entire H-typed 180
153 exponent and b is a constant. bending process of H96 DRRT with fillers are composed of 181
154 According to Eq. (2), the mechanical properties of these four sub-models, which are the H-typed bending model, the 182
155 two materials are achieved by fitting the obtained plastic rigid mandrel retracting model, the first springback model 183
156 stress–strain data and shown in Table 1. Then, the main after unloading the rigid dies and the second springback model 184
157 mechanical properties and plastic stress–strain data are after removing the fillers. 185
158 imported into the software to complete the definition of mate-
159 rial models. (1) The H-typed bending model 186
160 2.2. Definition of contact models Except for the definition of the above material models and 188
contact models, for improving the computational accuracy and 189
161 The surface to surface contact model is used to define the con- efficiency of the models, based on the geometric model shown 190
162 tact between the non-deformable rigid dies, including the in Fig. 4(a), the element type of the tube and ridge groove filler 191
163 bending die, pressure die, mandrel and so on, and the tube are defined as a deformable 8-node hexagonal reduced integral 192
164 which is selected as slave face. The height and width of filler solid element (C3D8R) with five integration points, meanwhile 193
165 are the same with those of ridge groove, which means that the rigid dies are defined as the bilinear quadrilateral rigid shell 194
166 the clearance between filler and tube is set to be 0 mm in sim- element with four nodes (R3D4). The mesh sizes of tube, filler 195
and mandrel are all 1 mm 1 mm, and that of other rigid dies 196
are all 3 mm 3 mm. The angular velocity of bending die is 197
0.5 rads1. After solving the above key technologies, based 198
on the platform of ABAQUS/Explicit, the H-typed bending 199
model of H96 brass DRRT with 3A21 aluminum alloy ridge 200
groove fillers is established, as illustrated in Fig. 4(b). 201
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
4 C. LIU, Y. LIU
Fig. 4 Models of the entire H-typed RDB of H96 brass DRRT with ridge groove fillers.
211 all the rigid dies, that is, the synchronous springback model of same as in the bending model. In order to avoid the rigid dis- 220
212 the double-ridged rectangular bent tube and deformed fillers. placement of bent tube and fillers during the springback, it is 221
213 The springback is the release process of stress and strain of needed to impose sufficient constraints on the formed tube 222
214 the double-ridged rectangular bent tube and fillers after bend- and fillers. A encastre boundary is applied to end position of 223
215 ing process. The information such as stress and strain of the the DRRT where is not deformed during the bending process, 224
216 double-ridged rectangular bent tube and fillers in the result file, so that the stress and strain of the double-ridged rectangular 225
217 which is calculated by the previous step bending model, is bent tube and fillers can be released freely. Based on the above 226
218 introduced into the first springback model and defined as the analysis, the first springback model after unloading all the 227
219 initial field. The contact model of the tube and fillers is the rigid dies is established and shown in Fig. 4(d). 228
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube 5
229 (4) The second springback model groove; B = 8.15 mm and b = 2.57 mm are the original width 268
230 of tube and spacing of ridge grooves; as shown in Fig. 1(b), 269
231 The second springback model, as shown in Fig. 4(e), is built h0 = 1.85 mm and b0 = 2.75 mm are the original height and 270
232 to simulate the final springback of tube after the fillers are width of filler. Hi (i = 1(10 )–10(100 )), hi (i = 11(110 )–14(140 ), 271
233 removed, whose establishing method is similar to that of the 15(150 )–18(180 )), Bi (i = 19(190 )–26(260 ), 32(320 )–39(390 )), bi 272
234 first springback model. (i = 27(270 )–31(310 )), hi0 (i = 41(410 )–44(440 )), and bi0 (i = 41 273
(44), 40(45), 410 (440 )) are those corresponding sizes at a certain 274
235 2.4. Experimental verification of the finite element models node i (as shown in Fig. 5(b) and (c)) after deformation. 275
According to the above expressions, the positive value of a 276
236 2.4.1. Description of the cross-sectional deformation of tube and deformation indicates that the size increases after deformation, 277
237 filler and relatively the negative value indicates the decrease. For 278
238 In order to quantitatively analyze the cross-sectional deforma- negative value, the greater the absolute value, the more severe 279
239 tion of DRRT and filler in H-typed bending, the description of the deformation. 280
240 deformation is given as follows: dHi and dhi are used to indicate
241 the height deformation of tube and ridge groove; dBi and dbi 2.4.2. Experimental validation 281
242 are used to indicate the width deformation of tube and spacing In order to ensure the credibility of the next research results, it 282
243 deformation of ridge grooves; dh0 i and db0 i are used to indicate is necessary to verify the reliability of the above established 283
244 the cross-sectional height and width deformation of filler. models by comparing result error between the experiment 284
245 These deformations can be calculated by Eqs. (3)–(8), and simulation. The DRRT with ridge groove fillers and 285
246 respectively. experiment process of H-typed RDB are shown in Fig. 6. 286
The simulation conditions are consistent with the experimental 287
Hi H
249 dHi ¼ 100% ð3Þ ones, as shown in Table 2. 288
Based on the experimental and simulation conditions 289
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
6 C. LIU, Y. LIU
Fig. 6 Experiment process of H-typed rotary draw bending of DRRT with ridge groove fillers.
Friction coefficient-tube (or Dry friction 0.6 section S6 in non-mandrel-support zone (as shown in Fig. 8) 336
filler)/clamp die (45# steel) at each stage of the entire H-typed forming process have been 337
Friction coefficient-tube/mandrel Large quantity 0.01 obtained and shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b). And according to Eq. 338
(35CrMo) of lubricating oil (3), dHi of section S1 and S6 are calculated and shown in Fig. 9 339
Friction coefficient-tube (or filler)/ A little 0.17 (c) and (d). 340
other dies (45# steel) lubricating oil It can be seen that the depressions of inner and outer 341
Clearance-tube/mandrel, Cm 0.2 0.2
flanges and height deformation of tube are both symmetrically 342
distributed along the width direction. At any stage of the entire 343
Clearance-tube/other dies and 0 0
filler (mm) forming process, the maximum deformation is located at node 344
5 (50 ) in the middle of flanges. After bending stage, the depres- 345
sion of inner flange of sections S1 and S6 are almost the same, 346
and due to the support of rigid mandrel, the depression of 347
outer flange of section S1 is significantly smaller than that of 348
307 used to compare with the simulation results. Then it can also section S6, which makes dHi of section S1 smaller than that 349
308 be obtained that the distribution of deformations along the of section S6. After the mandrel retracting stage, because the 350
309 bending direction from the simulation results is in agreement support of mandrel to section S1 is missing, only the outer 351
310 with that from the average experimental results, the maximum flange depression of section S1 increases. So that dHi of section 352
311 errors between average experimental results and simulation S1 increases, while that of section S6 remains basically 353
312 ones of these two deformation are about 8.4% and 9.8%, unchanged at this stage. It is indicated that the use and retrac- 354
313 respectively, and the average errors of them are both about tion of the rigid mandrel affect the height deformation of tube 355
314 4.8%. The offset may be produced by many reasons, such as in mandrel-support zone more significantly than that in non- 356
315 the error in measuring the experimental bent tube, the clear- mandrel-support zone, and the influence on the depression of 357
316 ance between the tube and bending dies was not accurate to outer flange is greater than that of inner flange. 358
317 0 because of the dimension tolerance allowed in machining After the first springback, the outer flanges of sections S1 359
318 the dies and so on. These errors of no more than 10% are and S6 both move up, the inner flanges move down, which 360
319 acceptable, which means that the simulation and experimental means that the depression of outer and inner flanges of these 361
320 results are highly consistent. Therefore, three-dimensional two sections decrease and tend to be gentle. That is, dHi of 362
321 FEM including the H-typed RDB and mandrel retracting these sections are both reduced at this stage. After the second 363
322 models of DRRT with 3A21 aluminum alloy ridge groove fil- springback, the depression of outer flange of section S1 keeps 364
323 lers and two springback models are reliable, and the next study substantially unchanged, but the depression of outer flange of 365
324 can be conducted on this basis. section S6 continues to become smaller. The depressions of 366
inner flange of these two sections both become larger slightly. 367
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube 7
Fig. 7 Simulation and experimental results after the fillers were removed.
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
8 C. LIU, Y. LIU
Fig. 9 Depression of inner and outer flanges, height deformation of section S1 and S6 after bending, mandrel retracting and twice-
springback process.
400 groove reduced. The displacement and dhi of node 11 (110 ) two sections relatively move upward relatively larger, so that 425
401 located at the intersection of side wall and ridge groove are the height deformation of ridge groove increases. 426
402 the largest at any stage of the entire forming process. Overall, whether in the mandrel-support zone or the non- 427
403 After bending, although the displacement of inner and mandrel-support zone, only the second springback has a signif- 428
404 outer walls of ridge groove of section S1 is slightly larger than icant effect to increase the height deformation of ridge groove, 429
405 that of section S6, because of the supporting effect of fillers on other stages can be ignored. 430
406 ridge grooves, dhi of these sections are almost the same and
407 both very small, the maximum dhi is less than 1.5%. After 3.3. Width deformation of tube 431
408 the mandrel retracting, the position of outer and inner walls
409 of ridge groove of section S6 substantially unchanges. The Since the deformations of the two side walls of bent tube are 432
410 outer and inner walls of ridge groove on section S1 move down symmetrical, therefore, unlike the deformation in height direc- 433
411 slightly to the same position as the section S6, but the change tion studied above, only analyzing the width deformation of 434
412 of dhi is small and negligible. This shows that due to the intro- tube directly is enough. 435
413 ducing of filler, the influence of the use and retraction of man- Based on the established models, the width deformation dBi 436
414 drel on the height deformation of ridge groove in the entire of section S1 and S6 in the entire H-typed forming process are 437
415 bent tube is small and even not needed to be considered. obtained and shown in Fig. 11(a) and (b). It can be found that 438
416 Then during the first springback, the inner and outer walls after bending, under the support of mandrel, dBi of section S1 439
417 of ridge groove on section S1 move downward slightly, while is much smaller than that of section S6. Especially in the outer 440
418 those on section S6 move up slightly, eventually reducing dhi area of neutral layer, where the deformation is bigger, dBi of 441
419 of the two sections. But because the fillers are not removed each node on section S1 is relatively gentle. But on section 442
420 at this stage, they still have a certain support effect to the ridge S6, the closer to the ridge groove, the larger the dBi, and at 443
421 groove, dhi at this stage has little difference with that after the intersection of side wall and ridge groove, that is dBi on 444
422 mandrel retracting. After the second springback, because the node 26(260 ) is the largest. After the mandrel retracting stage, 445
423 fillers are removed, whose support function to the ridge dBi of section S6 is not changed, but dBi of section S1 is signif- 446
424 grooves does not exist, the inner wall of ridge groove on these icantly increased, due to the support function of mandrel does 447
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube 9
Fig. 10 Position of outer and inner walls of ridge groove, height deformation of ridge groove of section S1 and S6 after bending,
mandrel retracting and twice-springback process.
Fig. 11 Width deformation of section S1 and S6 after bending, mandrel retracting and twice-springback process.
448 not exist, and the distribution law of dBi is the same as that of is basically the same. But in the inner area of neutral layer, dBi 458
449 section S6. At this stage, dBi of section S1 is even higher than is changed from negative to positive, which makes a ‘‘bulk bel- 459
450 that of section S6. It is shown that, except for the height defor- ly” phenomenon appear. After the second springback, dBi in 460
451 mation of tube, the use and retraction of the rigid mandrel also the outer area of neutral layer of section S1 is slightly 461
452 affect the width deformation of tube in mandrel-support zone decreased, while in the inner area is slightly increased. The 462
453 more significantly, and the influence on the deformation of side change of dBi on section S6 is exactly contrary to that on sec- 463
454 wall in outer area of neutral layer is greater than that in inner tion S1. However, it can also be seen that the changes of dBi on 464
455 area. these two sections are both very small and even negligible, that 465
456 After the first springback, in the outer area of neutral layer, is, there is no need to study dBi during second springback stage 466
457 dBi of these two sections are both reduced and dBi of each node emphatically. 467
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
10 C. LIU, Y. LIU
468 Overall, as same as the height deformation of tube, for the 3.5. Cross-sectional deformation of filler 507
469 width deformation of tube in mandrel-support zone, the man-
470 drel retracting and first springback stages should both be During the bending process, the fillers are bent and deformed 508
471 emphasized and considered. For the non-mandrel-support together with the tube, while in the first springback, they may 509
472 zone, focusing on the first springback stage is enough. also have springback synchronously. Therefore, it is necessary 510
to obtain the cross-sectional deformation of bent filler to study 511
473 3.4. Spacing deformation of ridge grooves whether the springback of filler has an effect on the cross- 512
sectional deformation of bent tube during the first springback. 513
474 Like the width deformation of tube, only studying the spacing At the same time, for comparative research, without the bent 514
475 deformation of ridge grooves dbi of sections S1 and S6 in the tube, the springback of bent filler itself after the mandrel 515
476 entire H-typed forming process, which are shown in Fig. 12. retracting process is also added. 516
477 It can be obtained that at any stage of the entire forming pro- According to the previous analysis, it is found that the 517
478 cess, the bottoms of ridge grooves move to the middle of tube, height deformation of ridge groove in the mandrel-support 518
479 so that the spacing of ridge grooves is decreased. Along the zone and non-mandrel-support zone is similar, it can be 519
480 height direction, from node 27(270 ) to 31(310 ), dbi is gradually thought that the deformation of different positions of bent fil- 520
481 decreased, the maximum dbi occurs at the node 27(270 ), so that ler is almost the same. Therefore, the cross section of filler cor- 521
482 the bottoms of the ridge grooves have a trapezoidal shape. responding to section S6 of tube is selected for research. 522
483 Similar to the width deformation of tube, after bending, dbi Fig. 13 shows the height and width deformation of filler on 523
484 of each node on section S1 is far smaller and more gentle than the chosen cross section at bending, mandrel retracting and 524
485 that of section S6. After mandrel retracting, dbi of section S6 springback process. It can be drawn that after the bending 525
486 can be considered to remain unchanged, dbi of section S1 is sig- stage, the height deformation of filler is larger than the width 526
487 nificantly increased to a greater value. deformation, and the dh’i at node 44(440 ) is the largest. This 527
488 After the first springback, dbi of these two sections are both is because the filler is only squeezed by the ridge groove in 528
489 notably reduced, and even the expansion deformation can be the height direction, so the width deformation of filler can be 529
490 found in the inner area of neutral layer. After the second ignored. The deformation of filler does not change after man- 530
491 springback, the bottoms of ridge grooves of these two sections drel retracting, so the mandrel retracting process has no effect 531
492 move toward the middle, which makes the spacing deforma- on the deformation of filler. It can also be seen from Fig. 13(a) 532
493 tion dbi increased. The change of dbi on section S6 is slightly that if without the bent tube, only the bent filler itself has 533
494 larger than that on section S1. However, it can also be seen springback, the height deformation of filler will decrease, but 534
495 that the variation of dbi during the first springback stage is the change of height deformation in this condition is slightly 535
496 much greater than that during the second springback. larger than that in the first springback. This shows that during 536
497 Overall, due to the bottoms of ridge grooves and side walls the first springback process, the springback of filler and ridge 537
498 of tube may move together in the entire H-typed forming pro- groove is interacted, there is still a small interaction between 538
499 cess, the law of change of the width deformation of tube and the ridge groove and filler at this time. So that the results are 539
500 spacing deformation of ridge grooves between each stage is obtained and shown in Fig. 10(d) and Fig. 13(a): after the first 540
501 almost identical. Therefore, as the same as the width deforma- springback, the height deformation of ridge groove and filler 541
502 tion of tube, for the spacing deformation of ridge grooves in are slightly reduced. 542
503 mandrel-support zone, the mandrel retracting and first spring- Overall, the distribution law of the height deformation of 543
504 back stages should be emphasized and considered. In the non- filler and ridge groove are basically the same at each stage. 544
505 mandrel-support zone, focusing on the first springback stage is The deformation of filler is very small, the maximum height 545
506 enough. deformation and width deformation are only 1.8% and 546
0.8%, respectively. The springback of deformation can also 547
Fig. 12 Spacing deformation of ridge grooves of section S1 and S6 after bending, mandrel retracting and twice-springback process.
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube 11
Fig. 13 Height and width deformation of filler at bending, mandrel retracting and first springback process.
Fig. 14 Distribution of maximum cross-sectional deformation of tube along the bending direction after bending, mandrel retracting and
twice-springback process.
548 be negligible. Therefore, the deformation of filler is no longer in the cross section occur, dHmax, dhmax, dBmax and dbmax repre- 557
549 to be analyzed in the following research. It can also be consid- sent the corresponding maximum deformations of each char- 558
550 ered that 3A21 aluminum alloy is a good choice as the ridge acteristic cross section. The distribution of dHmax, dhmax, 559
551 groove filler. dBmax and dbmax along the bending direction in the entire H- 560
typed forming process are shown in Fig. 14. 561
552 4. Distribution of maximum cross-sectional deformation of It can be known that, due to the use of filler, dhmax after 562
553 DRRT in the entire H-typed RDB bending and mandrel retracting process is same and evenly dis- 563
tributed along the bending direction, the difference between 564
554 In order to study the cross-sectional deformation of the whole each characteristic cross section is very small. However, dHmax, 565
555 bent tube more comprehensively, choosing the nodes obtained dBmax, and dbmax in mandrel-support zone are significantly 566
556 above where the maximum deformations of dHi, dhi, dBi and dbi smaller than those in the non-mandrel-support zone after 567
Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
12 C. LIU, Y. LIU
568 bending, especially the greater deformations in the width direc- ridge groove and filler are slightly reduced. The distribu- 626
569 tion, that is, dBmax and dbmax both gradually increase along the tion law of the height deformation of filler and ridge 627
570 bending direction. After mandrel retracting, the distribution of groove are basically the same at each stage. 628
571 dHmax, dBmax and dbmax along the bending direction tend to be (4) In the subsequent research of controlling the cross- 629
572 uniform. dHmax in mandrel-support zone increases, that in the sectional deformation in the entire H-typed forming pro- 630
573 sections S2–S5 decreases and that in other sections remains cess with fillers, the smaller height deformation of ridge 631
574 unchanged. Not only in the mandrel-support zone, dBmax groove and filler can be neglected. The bending, mandrel 632
575 and dbmax in sections S0-S6 increase significantly, and that in retracting and first springback stages, that significantly 633
576 other sections are slightly decreases. affect the cross-sectional deformation, should be empha- 634
577 Compared with the cross-sectional deformation after man- sized and considered at the same time. The second 635
578 drel retracting, during the first springback, dhmax is still springback stage with less change of cross-sectional 636
579 approximately constant, but other deformations are all deformation can be ignored. 637
580 reduced. Especially the deformations in the width direction, 638
581 the average of dBmax is changed from 13.56% to 4.29%, while
582 the average of dbmax is changed from 40.50% to 11.08%, these Acknowledgements 639
583 deformation are almost reduced by 2/3. After the second
584 springback, dHmax, dBmax and dbmax increase slightly, but the The authors would like to thank the Science, Technology 640
585 changes of these deformations during the secong springback and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality 641
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Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),
CJA 1375 No. of Pages 13
10 September 2019
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Please cite this article in press as: LIU C, LIU Y Cross-sectional deformation behavior of double-ridged rectangular tube with fillers in different stages of H-typed
bending, Chin J Aeronaut (2019),