Ole-A1 2017 PDF
Ole-A1 2017 PDF
Ole-A1 2017 PDF
Aircraft propulsion
• Pratt & Whitney J57 • Pratt & Whitney Canada PW600 Engine
Aircraft propulsion Organization of the course
End of course:
Exam terms:
– First term: 12.12.2017
– Second term: 19.12.2017
Aircraft propulsion Materials
Course materials:
File name: OLE-A_1, OLE-A_2, OLE-A_3 …etc
Location: http://ulozto.cz
Password: LU2017
Aircraft propulsion
Source materials:
WARD, Thomas A. Aerospace propulsion systems. Singapore:
John Wiley & Sons, c2010, xxvi, 527 s. ISBN 978-0-470-82497-
Aircraft propulsion
History of aircraft propulsion
The aircraft engines always want more power, more
durability, and more efficiency.
They also want it in the smallest, lightest package
And it should be easy to manufacture and not cost
too much.
Cooling was
problem first
generation of
aero engine
Successful engine,
under license in
many countries
History of aircraft engines - turbine
First turboprop engine Jendrassik Cs-1 (1937)
First run at 1940
Power: 400hp
Efforts to
overcome the
weaknesses of
powerful piston
Development was not completed due to war.
History of aircraft engines - turbine
Turboshaft engine - Garrett TPE331 (1961)
Power: 575hp at 2000 rpm (shaft), gen 41700 rpm
Dry weight: 153kg
First high bypass ratio engine was Pratt & Whitney JT9D on
Galaxy C-5 prototype build year 1968
History of aircraft engines - turbine
General Electric Genx ( 2000) – High bypass ratio engine
Thrust 240 – 330 kN
Higher fuel efficiency, low emissions
Fan diameter 2,8m
Bypass ratio 19:2
Scolar 1936
Power: 180 hp at
2200 rpm
volume: 7800 ccm
weight: 155kg
History of aircraft engines in the Czech rep.
Minor 4-III
Power: 80hp
volume: 3981 ccm
• Turbine-powered
• Ramjet
• Pulse jets
• Rocket engines
Speed range and applications of different
types of engines
Aircraft propulsion - terms
• Most aerospace propulsion systems produce
Thrust (FN) by applying Newton’s Third Law of
•Thrust is produced by accelerating a working gas
Thrust of aircraft engines
Kinetic energy
F m c2 c1 H 2 H1
production rate
Thrust of aircraft engines
m S1c1 S 2 c2
R F m c2 c1
m S1c1 S 2 c2
R F m c2 c1
H1 m .c1 0
H 2 .S 2 .c2 m .c2
H 2 H1 m .c2
R m .c2
Thrust of aircraft engines
Propulsive Efficiency
Propulsive power
Do 328 jet
Thrust of aircraft engines
Do 328 Air stream velocity: 30 m/s
Full thrust
cond. 2x 1,625 kW ( 26,9) kN
Cruise speed: 620 km/h
Range: 1,852 km
Max payload 3,404 kg
Takeoff Field Length– MTOW 1075 m
Do 328 jet
Air stream mass flux: 120 kg/s
2x 26.9 kN thrust
Cruise speed: 750 km/h
Range: 1,600 km
Max payload 3,266 kg
Takeoff Field Length– MTOW 1367m
Thrust of aircraft engines
Propulsion fundamentals
• Thrust depends on both the amount of gas moved and
the velocity, we can generate high thrust by accelerating
a large mass of gas by a small amount, or by
accelerating a small mass of gas by a large amount.
i.Vz liter
efficiency of engine design. The highest
ratings, about 74 kilowatts (kW) per liter
(100 hp per liter).
Characteristic weight quantities engines
Weight of aircraft engines :
• Power-to-weight ratio kg
Fuel consumption :
Operational performance:
• Nominal power – engien provides long-term maximum usable
power. Typically for climb
• Takeoff power – time-limited maximum power of the engine .
• Cruise power – typically 75 to 90% of rated power time unlimited
• Economic – the lowest fuel consumption
• Idle - motor provides the power necessary to overcome internal
resistance and resistance to prop windmilling. In this mode, the engine
operates with minimum speed .
Basic requirements for aircraft engines:
Basic variable:
– cp specific heat capacity at constant pressure [J.kg − 1K − 1]
– cv specific heat capacity at constant volume [J.kg − 1K − 1]
– q specific heat [J.kg − 1]
– m mass flow [kg.s − 1]
– r gas constant [J.K − 1mol − 1]
– χ adiabatic exponent
– h enthalpy
Thermodynamic minimum
for heat engines
Ideal Gas:
An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of many
randomly moving point particles that do not interact
except when they collide elastically. The ideal gas
concept is useful because it obeys the ideal gas law,
a simplified equation of state.
An ideal gas can be characterized by three state
variables: absolute pressure (P), volume (V), and
absolute temperature (T). The relationship between
them represent the ideal gas law:
Ideal Gas
Q = U + W
final - initial)
•Isochoric Process: V = 0, W = 0
•Isobaric Process: P = 0
•Isothermal Process: T = 0, U = 0
•Adiabatic Process: Q = 0
Thermodynamic laws
We can define a new state variable (one where the path to
its current state does not affect its value) called enthalpy:
H = Ei + PV
Enthalpy = Internal Energy + PV
dH = dq + VdP
Thermodynamic laws
It is impossible to construct an
engine that, operating in a
cycle, produces no effect other
than the extraction of heat
from a reservoir and the
performance of an equivalent
amount of work.
Thermodynamic laws
Efficiency of a Heat Engine
An amount of heat Qh is supplied from the hot reservoir
to the engine during each cycle. Of that heat, some
appears as work, and the rest, Qc, is given off as waste
heat to the cold reservoir.
Thermodynamic process
The basic reversible processes in a closed
q1, 2 cv (T2 T1 )
Thermodynamic process
• Isobaric process– at constant pressure (p = const.)
v2 T2
p The volume is directly proportional
v1 T1 to absolute temperature.
q 1,2
1 2 a1, 2 p (v2 v1 )
a 1,2
q1, 2 c p (T2 T1 ) I 2 I1
The supplied heat at constant pressure
v1 v2 v is consumed to increase the enthalpy
Thermodynamic process
• Isothermic process– at constant temperature (T = const.)
p 2 v2
p 1 p.v konst
1 p1v1 rT1
q 1,2 p2 v2 rT2 p1
q1, 2 a1, 2 p1v1 ln
2 p2
a 1,2
v1 v2 v
Thermodynamic process
• Adiabatic process– without heat exchange with the environment
p1 1 p1v1 rT1
p2 v2 rT2 1
1 p2
a1, 2 p1v1 1
2 1 p1
a 1,2 izotermic
v1 v2 v Poisson constant
Thermodynamic process
p1 V2
1 p1v1 rT1 n 1
T2 p2 v1
n 1
T1 p1 v2
q 1,2
p2 v2 rT2
2 Volume work
n 1
a 1,2 1 p2
p1v1 1
a1, 2
n 1 p1
v1 v2 v
Carnot Equation: Efficiency
Wmax Tcold
Qhot Thot
2 q2,3 - q4,1
2 Wo – cycle work
1 1
Vc Vd V S
Cycle of gasoline engines
Real cycle:
• The working fluid is a real gas,
• Poisson constant is changing after burning
• Including chemical losses, e.g. thermal dissociation
at temperatures above 2000 ° C
• considering valve timing losses
Real cycle investigations
4 - stroke engines
Woking cycle of 4 stroke piston engine:
1 – Induction:
2 – Compression
3 – Power / expansion
4 – Exhaust
4 - stroke engines
Working cycle of 4-stroke engine:
1 – Induction
Unsteady flow a real mix accompanied by heat and evaporation of fuel.
Opening the intake valve starts before top dead center in order to reduce suction
Closing the intake valve is behind bottom dead center to utilize the kinetic
energy stream. This will improve cylinder filling .
2 – Compression (polytropic)
Complex process with variable value of polytropic exponent. In calculating the
mean value is considered in interval 1.27 to 1.39.
At the end of compression is created a homogeneous mixture to facilitate
ignition and rapid combustion of the fuel without detonation
4 - stroke engine
Working cycle of 4-stroke engine:
3 – Expansion
The moment of ignition has great importance. It is necessary to choose the
moment of ignition for achieve a maximum of gas pressure in interval 10 to 15
degrees after TDC.
The expansion of gases acting on the piston and changing heat into mechanical
energy. Expansion proceeds according polytropy with variable exponent. In
calculating the mean value is considered in interval 1.15 to 1.30.
4 – Exhaust
The exhaust valve opens before the bottom dead center. After opening the valve
quickly escape 2/3 combustion gases and the pressure drops rapidly. When
piston is moving toward the top dead center, piston pushes the residual
combustion gases. The exhaust valve closes after top dead center, utilizes the
kinetic energy of exhaust gas for better exchange of the cylinder charge.
Angle, which exhaust and intake valve are open, is indicates as a valve overlap
4 - stroke engine
Engine design parameters
Cylinder Terms:
The geometry of cylinders is described by specific
Stroke (s) – The total length of
piston movement from the top
dead center (TDC) position to
bottom dead center (BDC)
Bore (b) - Diameter of the piston
Engine design parameters
Cylinder Terms:
The geometry of cylinders is described by specific
• Clearance distance (sc) - The
piston cannot travel the entire
length of the cylinder. There
has to be room at the top for
the compressed mixture.
This is called the clearance
volume or combustion space.
The clearance distance is the length from the top of
the cylinder to the piston top dead center (TDC)
Engine design parameters
• Stroke volume
.D 2
Vz L
• Stroke ratio
• Mean piston speed
• Engine efficiencies:
– Thermal Efficiency t
• The ratio of useful work done by an engine to the heat energy of the
fuel it uses, expressed in work or heat units
– Mechanical Efficiency m
• The ratio that shows how much of the power developed by the
expanding gases in the cylinder is actually delivered to the output shaft.
– Volumetric Efficiency v
• A comparison of the volume of fuel/air charge inducted into the
cylinders to the total piston displacement of the engine
– Combustion Efficiency ch
• The combustion efficiency is defined as
actual heat input divided by theoretical heat input:
Engine cycle parameters
t 1
for Diatomic gases and air χ = 1,4
Engine cycle parameters
Parameters influencing overall efficiency:
• Chemical (combustion) efficiency
• The time for combustion in the cylinder is very short so
not all the fuel may be consumed or local temperatures
may not support combustion
• A small fraction of the fuel may not react and exits with the
exhaust gas. The combustion efficiency is defined as
actual heat input divided by theoretical heat input.
ch The ratio of the heat released by the combustion Qrel of the
Q fuel theoretical heat content of the fuel Qfuel
Engine cycle parameters
Parameters influencing overall efficiency:
• Thermal efficiency
• Typical values for WOT are in the range 75%-90%, and lower when
the throttle is closed
Engine cycle parameters
• Fullness ratio of indicator diagram
Represent a specific reference value in
internal combustion engines.
Qt Is used to describe the effectiveness of the
Pmax actual working cycle of the engine, to the
theoretical model.
Calculated from the ratio of the value of work
corresponding to the theoretical circulation in
the same conditions and indicated work
calculated from the measured-indicated
pressure values directly in the combustion
chamber of the actual circulation.
Engine cycle parameters
• Indicated efficiency
Conversion efficiency of energy released by burning fuel Qfuel to the
indicated work which corresponds to heat Qi
Q pal
i ch .t . p
Qrel Qt
ch t
Q fuel Qrel Qt
• Overall efficiency
Wi pdV
• Effective power
– Output decreased by mechanical losses
Pe Pi . m m - mechanical efficiency
-Numerically from the low pressure part of the P-V diagram
-Engine brake
-By measuring the time to stop from a certain speed
Engine cycle parameters
Mean indicated power – derivate from indicator
Wi Vz . pi
Pi Vz . pi .n
Engine cycle parameters
• Effective power
Pe Pi . m 4 stroke engine Pe Vz . pi .n. m
2 - stroke engine
Indicator diagram of real 2-stroke petrol engine :
TS 510 7500 min-1; full load, 3.8 kW; INDICATOR DIAGRAM; High Pressure Part
Pressure [MPa]
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Cylinder Volume [dm^3]
2 - stroke engine
Scavenging in two-stroke engines is performed mainly by one of three
a) Cross scavening – Simple but not suitable for larger filling pressures
2 - stroke engine
2/4- stroke engine comparation
Differences :
fuel injection
Real cycle
Diesel engines
Indicator diagram 2-stroke diesel engine : :
Two-stroke diesel
engines are used
more often in
aviation due to
better weight to
power ratio
Diesel engines
Example of diesel aircraft engine with opposed pistons:
Junkers – Jumo
Diesel engines
cutaway of the engine:
Junkers – Jumo
Diesel engines
Example of modern diesel aircraft engine with opposed pistons:
JUMO – redesing
Fuel: JET A1
Power: 420hp @2900ot.min
Dry Weight: 180kg.
Displacement: 3000 ccm
Compression ratio : 20:1
Diesel engines
Example of modern 4 stroke diesel aircraft engine
bore 83 mm 130 mm
stroke 92 mm 98 mm
specific consumption 220 g / kWh 200 g / kWh (Other specific density of fuel.)
Austro-engines AE5
Power arpox 40Hp
Piston engines - Another concepts
Rotationskolbenmaschine (RKM))
Despite their apparent geometrical
The machine's inventor is Boris similarity, the RKM and the Wankel
I. Schapiro, along with co- engine are quite different in design
inventors Lev B. Levitin and The Wankel engine working
Naum Kruk. chamber is mobile while the RKM
chamber is stationary. The axis of
rotation in the Wankel engine
moves in a circle while that of the
RKM is fixed (in the single power
shaft version, temporarily with two
possible positions). In the RKM
motor, the ignition takes place in a
compact recess, while the Wankel's
is in the work chamber itself. The
RKM's sealing elements are in
surface contact with the work
chamber and pistons, as opposed
to the Wankel's line contact.
Although developed in the 1960s, today there are no runnable RKM engine demonstrated
Piston engines - Another concepts
A nutating disc engine :
Piston engines - Another concepts
A nutating disc engine :
Combustion process
Effect of compression ratio on ignition timing
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Compression ratio
Effect of ignition timing on engine performance
Setting the correct ignition timing is
crucial in the performance of an engine.
optimum Sparks occurring too soon or too late in
the engine cycle are often responsible for
excessive vibrations and even engine
damage. The ignition timing affects many
variables including engine longevity, fuel
economy, and engine power.
Modern engines that are controlled in real
time by an engine control unit use a
Effective power Pe
rich lean
Speed of burning
Supplied air
Lt Theoretical
amount of air
External manifestations:
• Engine vibration and knocking
• Loss of power
• The temperature rise in the combustion space
• Black smoke in exhaust
Detonation combustion
Under certain conditionsa subsonic flame may accelerate to supersonic speed,
transitioning from deflagration to detonation. The exact mechanism is not fully
understood,¨and while existing theories are able to explain and model both
deflagrations and detonations.
A deflagration is characterized by a subsonic flame propagation velocity,
typically far below 100 m/s, and relatively modest overpressures, say below 0.5
Detonation combustion
The main mechanism of combustion propagation is of a flame front that moves
forward through the gas mixture - in technical terms the reaction zone (chemical
combustion) progresses through the medium by processes of diffusion of heat
and mass. In its most benign form, a deflagration may simply be a flash fire.
TDC Volume BDC
Detonation combustion
Detonation combustion
Detonation combustion
Argus As 10C
Design of piston engines
Argus As 10C
Design of piston engines
Different ways cylinders arrangement :
c) Horizontally Opposed (boxer)
• The main requirements for the crankcase are low weight and
high rigidity
Design of piston engines
Crankcase :
Design of piston engines
Crankcase :
Design of piston engines
Crankcase :
Lycoming O-200A
Design of piston engines
The crank mechanism
s l.cosβ r.cosα
Design of piston engines
α Crank ratio (0,25 až 0,35)
s l.cosβ r.cosα
k k sin cos 1
2 2
1 2
1 k . sin 2 1 k . sin 2 Editing by binomial series
• Piston trajectory
1r 2
s r 1 cos sin
• Piston speed
Mean piston speed
ds dr 1r
c . c r sin sin 2
d dt 2l cs 2.L.n L 2.r
• Piston acceleration
dc ds
a r
a r cos cos 2
dt d
Design of piston engines
Forces in the crank mechanism
• Inertial forces of the rotating masses with crank
F mr R 2
.D 2
F p p0
Design of piston engines