The Development and Implementation of A Mobile Application in Human Services
The Development and Implementation of A Mobile Application in Human Services
The Development and Implementation of A Mobile Application in Human Services
To cite this article: Somaya Ben Allouch & Judith Boonstra (2019) The development and
implementation of a mobile application in human services, Journal of Technology in Human
Services, 37:2-3, 159-183, DOI: 10.1080/15228835.2019.1626788
Article views: 33
More and more mobile applications and online interventions are available
for social workers. The potential of information and communications tech-
nology (ICT) and, thus, also mobile technology, creates unforeseen oppor-
tunities for the social work practice, both for social workers as for their
clients. The ever-expanding facilities for communication via a mobile
phone have become, as Wei (2001) stated, more than just a talking device
on the move. It represents a converged new communication and informa-
tion technology with a variety of extensive interpersonal and mass commu-
nication services such as voicemail, news updates, e-mail, and Internet
access. Nowadays, all kinds of applications can be downloaded and run on
our smart phone devices which means that the smart phone is being used
CONTACT Somaya Ben Allouch [email protected] Digital Life Research Group, Amsterdam University
of Applied Sciences, Wibautstraat 2-4, Amsterdam, 1091 GM, The Netherlands.
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
less and less as a traditional phone but more and more as a laptop on
the go.
However, the adoption and implementation process of these mobile tech-
nologies is still a complex undertaking not only in the academic debate but
also among practitioners. In this article, we will describe the implementa-
tion of a newly developed mobile application aimed to enhance the support
of both clients and their social workers in a Dutch employment program.
Theoretical background
From the 1990s on, there is an academic debate going on about the domin-
ance of what is called “managerialism of ICT use” (Garrett, 2004; Parton,
2006; Parrott & Madoc-Jones, 2008). This debate has been partly instigated
by the complex development and use of ICT in social work which has been
proven to be complex and slow (Carrilio, 2005). Reamer (2013) provides
an overview in which he discusses the ethical and risk issues many social
workers encounter when using ICTs during their daily practice. What is
interesting to note is that in many studies concerning ICT and social work,
the predominant view is on social media (Ben Allouch & Boonstra, 2017).
Chan (2016, p. 263) also emphasizes this “In social work, the dominant
research concern in social media is more about professional ethics than
their application in intervention.” Goldkind, Wolf, and Jones (2016) notes
that social work as a field has an “uncertain attitude towards technology”
which elicits that digitalization is not seen as a part of the social work
In the health care domain, the use of a wider range of ICTs is noticeable
and is still growing rapidly. In the social work domain, there seems to be a
stronger preference and usage of social media above other types of ICTs to
be used as part of an intervention. Specifically, the use of innovative mobile
applications to address health issues has seen a rise in the last decade. This
has evolved in a new field of mobile health applications or m-health. The
World Health Organization defines m-health as medical and public health
practice supported by mobile devices, patient monitoring devices, personal
digital assistants, and other wireless devices (World Health Organization,
2011). A growing body of literature concerning various types of mHealth
applications is being established, which results in several classifications and
taxonomies (Gagnon, Ngangue, Payne-Gagnon, & Desmartis, 2016;
Ozdalga, Ozdalga, & Ahuja, 2012; Plachkinova, Andres & Chatterjee, 2015).
These mobile health applications are nowadays more and more embraced
as part of an intervention to treat people and evidence is needed on how
well these interventions actually work (Baskerville et al., 2015; Fuller-
Tyszkiewicz et al., 2018, Leung et al., 2016). However, even though in the
medical field we see a rise of mobile applications, this trend is not clearly
visible in the human services domain and it seems as if the professionals
are not swiftly translating one of the biggest changes in societies, namely
the digitalization of our society, into their daily work practices. This could
mean that the multiple worlds, in which their clients operate, namely both
online and offline, are not adequately addressed by professionals. The cur-
rent state-of-the art regarding ICT use in human services prompts the need
for more clarification about the whats, whys, and hows regarding the digit-
alization of human services and the potential shifts this causes. This is not
only important for the professionals working in the human services domain
but also for their clients.
The aim of this article is to shed more insight on how social workers
adopt, implement, and use a mobile application which supports them and
their clients in an employment program. We used a social constructivists
approach (or mutual shaping perspective) in this study in which social
processes are understood to mutually influence and shape technology and
technology influences and shapes social structures and actors.
Scholars such as White, Hall, and Peckover (2009) who also embrace the
social shaping of technology perspectives, describe how professionals make
their own strategic and moral decisions concerning ICT implementations
based on their competence and domain specific knowledge. Recent work
from Tregeagle (2016) also supports this line of thinking and has applied
this idea specifically to the field of child welfare. She affirms the import-
ance of the social shaping of technology, but she also stresses that factors
such as the organizational supports and a shared language between ICT
professionals and practitioners are needed.
The mobile application in this study aimed to specifically complement
the face-to-face contact between job coaches and employees and to
empower employees and facilitate job coaches in their daily work activities.
In order to be able to take the end-users’ experiences into account, in this
case both the job coaches and the employees, the development of the
mobile application was divided into different development phases. This was
to ensure that the developers and end-users created a more shared language
with regard to the mobile application. The step-wise development process
also supported a better understanding of each other’s needs, wishes, and
roles as two different user groups used the same mobile application.
Based on the previous literature review, the main research questions of
this study were twofold. The first one was concerned with what the imple-
mentation process of a newly developed mobile application in a Dutch
social work context looked like and how it developed over time within this
specific context. The second research question was focused on the initial
user experiences of the job coaches and the employees with regard to the
mobile application specifically designed for a social work context. A “job
coach” in the Netherlands (also known as a work coach or work super-
visor) is a social worker who provides support in finding work for people
with disabilities. The objective is always to find and keep a suitable job
depending on the specific needs and capabilities of the client.
This article describes the pilot study in which a mobile application for a
social work organization was developed and tested by a small group of peo-
ple within the organization with the possibility that positive results would
lead to a broader implementation of the mobile application in the rest of
the organization.
Research design
To study the implementation process of the mobile application in the sup-
porting employment program, a phenomenographic approach was chosen
(Marton, 1981). The aim of following this approach was to describe the
social workers and employees. The second phase was labeled “initial use and
preliminary evaluation,” which was focused on the usability of the applica-
tion and whether the initial expectations of the employees were met by the
mobile application. Finally, the third phase was the “extended use, (re)design,
and evaluation” phase which consisted among other things of adding mul-
tiple functionalities such as two-way communication (see Table 1).
Data collection
Focus group interviews and individual in-depth interviews were held with
both the social workers and employees. The semistructured interviews were
recorded on video and audio, after having received a declaration of
informed consent of the social workers and employees. The topics which
were covered during the first round of focus groups and in-depth inter-
views consisted of current mode of communication between social workers
and employees, between the organization and employees and initial expecta-
tions, needs, and wishes of the employees towards the mobile application.
The topics of the subsequent rounds involved current user experience and
usability of the functionalities, content of the app, and barriers and
The interviews lasted on average between 30 and 90 min. Table 1 shows
the characteristics of the data collection phases during the pilot.
Table 1 also shows the characteristics of the participants and their work
setting. The age of the participants, for both the job coaches and for the
employees varied between 18 and 67 years.
Data analysis
All interviews were transcribed, and a mixed-method coding approach was
applied, meaning that some of the themes were based on prior knowledge
Before we provide the results of the three phases, first a description of the
mobile application and its content will be given to better understand the
results in this light.
In addition to the fact that the social workers also visit the workplace on
a weekly or sometimes daily basis (face-to-face contact), most social work-
ers make contact by telephone by calling (n ¼ 5), texting (n ¼ 2), using
WhatsApp (n ¼ 4), and e-mailing (n ¼ 5) with their participants. Four job
coaches express a preference for face-to-face above calling, for example,
“more personal,” “see how someone is in his skin,” and “I have to look
them in the eyes, do you speak the truth or not.”
One person calls it useful to send general information by e-mail or app
so that everyone is reached (as a group secondment). WhatsApp is seen by
social workers as an easy way to have a quick and short contact moment
(“a joke,” “how’s it going”) and to maintain contact or to make appoint-
ments, confirm, or cancel. Just one professional uses text or e-mail for
this purpose.
the participant. Ideas mentioned by social workers for the content of the
social app are communicating new developments within the organization,
information about collective labor agreement increases, changes in rules,
entertainment (videos, etc.). Also, advice on lifestyle or information about
health and sports clubs were mentioned.
(in the form of time) from their organization, and that the pilot must be
run alongside the ongoing activities.
that easily fixed in this pilot phase. According to the participants, the app
must function well, and the job coach must also be able to handle the app
well, however, it is experienced that the app “is still in its infancy today.”
One of the participants s worried about “people in green” who cannot read
and write, that they are left out when the app becomes the main mode of
with the social worker.). It is also striking that the content of the news
items does not always match well. On the other hand, participants do also
indicate that they appreciate the work-related information on collective
agreements and days off. The added value of the app is not yet clear to the
majority of participants WhatsApp and other contact devices such as calls,
and face-to-face contact are experienced as easier.
Final conclusions
The aim of this study was to gain insights in the pilot implementation of a
social mobile app in a supporting employment program before the app will
be implemented on a broader scale in the organization. We also gained
insight into how a social work organization adopts a mobile application in
practice. It provides general lessons for implementation processes technol-
ogy in the social domain/human services. Several main conclusions can be
drawn based on the results and these concerns the resistance and motiv-
ation toward the mobile app, interest of the target group toward the app,
and opportunities and constraints.
Facilitating conditions
Support from the organization during the pilot period consisted of appoint-
ing a working group and information meetings for participants and social
workers. In addition, a technical consultation was possible during the pilot
period for questions about the app. The organization made devices avail-
able (smartphone, tablet, laptop) for social workers. What was missing
according to the social workers was specific time allocation to learn how
the application worked and to understand how the clients experience the
new application. The social workers had to realize the pilot within their
current working hours, which caused resistance. Participants do not all
have good smartphones or outdated mobile phones on which the app could
not be installed and/or do not have Wi-Fi at their disposal on the shop
floor. Participants indicate that they do not have the money for a new
smartphone (which is not surprising since this is a target group that lives
on the level of assistance). It is important to gain a better understanding of
the mental and physical abilities and limitations of participants (reading,
ICT skills). There are opportunities for the organization to facilitate the
resources and training of ICT skills of both the social workers and
the employees.
Based on these conclusions, we would recommend in general that when
developing mobile applications for the human services domain close atten-
tion needs to be paid to the specific target group the app is intended for.
As we have seen in this study, clients in human services can have their
specific needs and wishes (e.g., ICT skills, mental capability) and only by
carefully translating these needs and wishes into specific requirements for a
mobile app a successful usage for the long-term can be achieved. On the
side of the professionals, we would recommend that their specific work
context is very important to consider when introducing mobile applications
and that the professionals experience a direct advantage of the usage of the
mobile app for their daily work activities. As this study shows, the mobile
app was not really embraced by the social workers because they were too
busy with their daily tasks which did not necessarily require the usage of
the app.
In conclusion, the aim of the organization was to develop a mobile appli-
cation with the assumption that the mobile app will support the well-being
of employees, which in the long-term would have a positive effect on labor
participation. The pilot phase (April to July 2017) was a very valuable
period in which the social mobile app could be implemented on a small
scale among important stakeholders, namely the users: the employees and
social workers. By implementing the app on a larger scale within the organ-
ization in the future, new insights can be gained that can ensure a more
successful uptake and sustainable use of the app due to the involvement of
all stakeholders in various phases of the development and implementation
of the app. Even though in this small pilot phase there was no room for an
effect study, based on the results it can be concluded that the majority of
the participants at least feel more involved and recognized by their organ-
ization because they receive more information about the organization. This
is a first step in supporting the well-being of citizens when aiming for a
reintegration process in the work force.
Study limitations
Despite the results indicating that the majority of the employees and social
workers are reasonably positive about the implementation and usage of
the mobile application, also some limitations of the study can be men-
tioned. First, the employees were chosen by the job coaches and were
asked to participate in a pilot study. Second, we do not know how repre-
sentative the social workers are who participated in this study with regard
to the overall pool of social workers working in the organization. We
were told that the specific social workers were chosen based on pragmatic
reasons, e.g., availability, location, and so forth. Third, in the last phase of
the study only nine of the initial 18 employees participated and three of
the initial five social workers. The main reason for not attending was that
it did not fit their schedule, however, this does mean that half of the
participant’s information could not be taken into account into this last
round of evaluation.
The set-up of this pilot implementation of a social mobile application tar-
geted at a specific and complex user group with the aim to have an organ-
ization-wide implementation of the app showed that not everything is in
place yet for this broader implementation. Goldkind and collegues (2016)
noted that social work as a field has an “uncertain attitude towards tech-
nology.” Digitalization is not seen as a part of the social work professional-
ization and it is also not (yet) progressively being taken into account from
a professional perspective.
Social work as a field seems to be not embracing the reflective nature it
usually has regarding all kinds of other issues it is actively involved in.
Social work is “staying behind” if we look at the reflection on ICT use on
both an individual level of the professional, specifically also reflection on
which technology is suitable for their clients and on a broader organization
level, thus both on a microlevel and meso-level. The conducted study also
shows this very clearly: job coaches are not actively taking up their role as
advocates or pioneers in this pilot of the social mobile application and the
organization wants to use a technology to be seen in the external world (in
this case specifically, the organization wants to show it to the municipalities
which they are hired by) as an organization which is “innovative,” but lacks
the proper creation of the right conditions for the job coaches. The results
also showed that there are no consistent policies or guidelines regarding
the use of e-communication from the organization and that there are con-
cerns among job coaches about the blurring of boundaries between work
and private life. Ryan and Garret (2018) call this “the gains may be at the
cost of blurring professional boundaries.” This blurring of boundaries is of
course not only specific to social workers but to many professionals now-
adays which are all struggling with the boundaries between a healthy work-
life balance.
Reamer (2013) mentions risks and advantages of using e-communication
and mentions the advantage that clients who need help outside office hours
can contact the care provider more easily (in this study the job coach).
According to Reamer, a risk in online communication is miscommunica-
tion due to the loss of nonverbal information. This is clearly reflected in
this study: job coaches in particular and some of the employees prefer face-
to-face contact above electronic contact via the app or other electronic
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