Research Article: Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Level of Some Selected Metal in Edible Oils
Research Article: Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Level of Some Selected Metal in Edible Oils
Research Article: Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Level of Some Selected Metal in Edible Oils
Advances in Chemistry
Volume 2016, Article ID 3480329, 7 pages
Research Article
Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Level of
Some Selected Metal in Edible Oils
Copyright © 2016 B. Tesfaye and A. Abebaw. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
The physico-chemical properties and level of some essential metals of four edible oils, two imported (Viking and Avena) and two
processed in Ethiopia (Selam and Nur) oil samples, were analyzed using classical wet chemical method and flame atomic absorption
spectroscopy techniques, respectively. The result of physico-chemical properties shows that acid value in Avena and Viking oils
which is 0.091 ± 0.0042 mgKOH/g and 0.082 ± 0.0047 mgKOH/g, respectively, from palm oil variety and in Selam and Nur oils
0.276±0.0056 mgKOH/g and 0.188±0.0050 mgKOH/g, respectively, from noug oil variety, saponification value in Avena and Viking
oils which is 190.27±3.528 mgKOH/g and 189.80±3.528 mgKOH/g, respectively, and in Selam and Nur oils 187.00±5.668 mgKOH/g
and 143.05 ± 8.527 mgKOH/g, respectively, iodine value in Viking and Avena oils which is 97.545 ± 0.6345 g and 53.807 ± 1.0150 g,
respectively, and Nur and Selam oils 116.410 ± 0.3863 g and 88.153 ± 0.5300 g, respectively, and peroxide value in Viking and
Avena oils which is 1.413 ± 0.0808 meq/kg and 1.233 ± 0.0305 meq/kg, respectively, from palm oil variety and in Selam and Nur
oils 0.893 ± 0.0503 meq/kg and 1.460 ± 0.0600 meq/kg, respectively, from noug oil variety were obtained. The level of essential
metals in edible oil samples was analyzed after wet digestion. The results show that levels of Cu in Viking and Avena oils that were
0.62 ± 0.022 mg and 0.28 ± 0.004 mg, respectively, and in Selam and Nur oils 0.86 ± 0.003 mg and 0.42 ± 0.005 mg, respectively,
and the levels of Zn in Viking and Avena oils that were 1.58 ± 0.154 mg and 1.27 ± 0.255 mg, respectively, and in Selam and Nur
oils 1.19 ± 0.160 mg and 1.47 ± 0.567 mg, respectively, were obtained. The physico-chemical properties and level of essential metal
revealed that four edible oils were acceptable to human consumption.
they determine the quality and hence the economic value 2. Material and Methods
of the product. Currently, the majority of these parameters
2.1. Equipment. Digital analytical balance (AA-200DS,
are determined by using classical wet chemical methods [5].
Deriver Instrument Company, Germany) was used to weigh
Edible oils have been analyzed for different metals using
oil sample. KDN-20 digestive furnace (Kjeldahl method) and
atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS and GFAAS), induc-
laboratory fume hood (Esco Frontier EBC-4A1) were used
tively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-
during sample digestion. Conical flasks, beakers, watch glass,
OES), and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
and pipette were used in the measurement and preparation
(ICP-MS). Atomic absorption spectroscopy (flame, graphite
of sample and standard solutions. Volumetric flask of 25,
furnace, hydride generation, and cold vapour) is still the most
50, 100, and 250 mL were used to dilute sample solution and
widely used technique [6].
prepare standard solution. Flame photometer (ELICO SL 378,
Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) is a form of edible vegetable oil
India) was used for determination of Na and K. Double Beam
obtained from the mesocarp of the oil palm fruits. Previously,
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AA320N, China)
it was the second most widely produced vegetable oil after
was used for determination of Fe, Cu, and Zn content in
Soya bean oil; it may have now surpassed Soya bean oil as the
edible oil.
most widely produced vegetable oil in the world today. Palm
oil itself is reddish in color because it is rich in beta-carotene
2.2. Chemicals (Reagent). All reagents are of analytical grade
(a provitamin responsible for pigmentation of most fruits and
unless otherwise stated. Deionized water was used for
vegetables and the precursor of vitamin A, also an antiox-
preparation and dilutions of standard solutions. Nitric acid
idant, that destroys singlet oxygen and free radicals in the
(HNO3 ) and sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) reagents were used for
body) [6]. It is used as cooking oil and also in the processing of
cleaning of glassware and for digestion of the samples.
other foods. Red palm oil, besides providing calorie density to
Representative edible oil samples were used for analysis.
the diets, is also the largest natural source of tocotrienol and
Chloroform, potassium iodide (KI), glacial acetic acid, and
tocopherol (vitamin E family) [7].
sodium thiosulphate were used for estimation of peroxide
Niger/nuog seed oil is obtained from the seeds of Niger
value. Hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
plant, which belongs to Asteraceae family and to Guizotia
ethanol, and phenolphthalein indicators were used for esti-
genus. The botanical name of the plant is Guizotia abyssinica.
mation of acid value and saponification value, respectively;
Cultivation for the plant originated in the Ethiopian high-
carbon tetra chloride, potassium iodide, and Hanus reagent
lands and has since spread from Malawi to India. Niger seed
were used for estimation of iodine value.
yields about 30–35% of its weight in oil which is clear, slow-
drying, and edible. Niger seed oil is polyunsaturated semidry-
2.3. Sample Collection and Sampling. In the present inves-
ing oil. It has pale yellow or orange color with a nutty taste and
tigation, two varieties of edible oil samples were selected.
sweet odor. Raw oil has low acidity and can be used directly
Currently, in Ethiopia, among different oil seed varieties,
for cooking. Normally, it has a poor shelf life and will become
vastly processed edible oil has nuog seed oil, so it was selected
rancid when stored for a long period. Its fatty acid composi-
for the study. Under this variety, two different oil samples such
tion is similar to sunflower oil and has high content of linoleic
as Selam and Nur oils were nominated. These oils are branded
and industrially processed. Presently, in Ethiopia, highly
Several factors affect the edible oil quality such as
imported edible oil product has palm oil variety. So, it was
agronomic techniques, seasonal conditions, sanitary state
selected for the study. Under this variety, two oil samples
of drupes, ripening stage, harvesting and carriage systems,
such as Viking and Avena oils were designated; they were
method and duration of storage, and processing technology.
also branded and industrially processed. Once the selection
The major factors affecting edible oil quality are temperature,
of representative oil samples was established, the oil sam-
moisture, sunlight, soil fertility, and nutrients. It is possible to
ples were randomly purchased from different areas around
determine by different analytical techniques how to assess the
Merkato commercial center. The purchased oil samples were
quality of edible oil and to avoid possible adulterations [8].
packed in plastic bags and stored under room temperature in
The content of trace elements and their chemical forms
the laboratory until they were required for analysis.
can be naturally present in vegetable oils that were absorbed
by the vegetable mainly from the soil where it was grown. 2.4. Method for Determination of Acid Value. Three grams
A possibility of trace elements entry into edible oils other of each cooled oil sample was weighed in 250 mL of conical
than the technological one is the environmental exposure to flasks and 30 mL of freshly neutralized ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
a large variety of elements. They can be also incorporated was added to the samples and then shaken well to dissolve
during the extraction and refining process to which the oil is sample. The sample solution was boiled for about five minutes
submitted. Metals arrive in the plant via deposition as well as and cooled and then 1 mL of phenolphthalein indicator was
bioaccumulation from the soil via the natural metal sources added to the sample solution. The sample solution was treated
and environmental pollution. In addition to these facts, the with 1 N sodium hydroxide solution until permanent pink
agricultural habits of the farmers play an important role in the light color appeared. The acid value was estimated using the
metal contents of their products such as the application of fer- following equation:
tilizers or metal containing plant protection agents. There are
examples of zinc and copper that are potentially present in oil 2.82 × 𝑉 × 100
samples caused by environmental contamination [9]. Acid value = , (1)
𝑊 × 1000 × 4
Advances in Chemistry 3
where 𝑊 is weight of oil that equals 3 grams, 𝑉 is titre value The peroxide value was estimated using the following equa-
of 1 N NaOH, and 2.82 is equivalent weight of oleic acid [10]. tion:
𝑉 × 𝑁 × 100
2.5. Method for Determination of Saponification Value. Two Peroxide value = , (4)
grams of each oil sample was weighed in 250 mL Erlenmeyer 𝑊
flasks; then 25 mL of alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution where 𝑉 is volume of sodium thiosulphate, 𝑁 is normality
was added into the flasks. The blank determination was con- used for titre, and 𝑊 is weight of the sample [13].
ducted along with the sample. The samples flask and the blank
flask were connected with air condensers and boiled gently in 2.8. Determination of Metals Using Wet Digestion Method.
the water bath, steadily until the saponification was com- Triplicate of 1 gram of each oil sample was weighed in
pleted, indicated by absence of oily matter and the appearance 50 mL conical flasks. 20 mL of a freshly prepared mixture
of clear solution. Clarity was achieved in half hour boiling. of concentrated HNO3 –H2 O2 (2 : 1, v/v) and 3 mL of H2 SO4
After the flask and the condenser cooled, inside of the solution were added to each flask and kept for 10 min at room
condensers was washed down with about 10 mL of ethanol temperature. The sample solutions were heated on Kjeldahl
and then 1 mL of phenolphthalein indicators was added to the (KDN-20) digestive furnace at 250∘ C until a clear solution
solution. Excess potassium hydroxide was titrated with 0.5 N was obtained. Then, the samples were evaporated and the
hydrochloric acid until cloudy solution was formed. semidried mass was dissolved in 5 mL 0.2 M HNO3 , then
The saponification value was estimated using the follow- filtered through Whatman number 42 filter paper, and made
ing equation: up to final volume of 50 mL in volumetric flasks with ultra-
pure water and metal contents were determined in the diluted
56.1 × (𝑏 − 𝑎) × 𝑁
Saponification value = , (2) solutions by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy [14].
where 𝑊 is weight of sample that equals 2 grams, 𝑏 is blank 2.8.1. Digestion Methods for Selected Metal Analysis. The clas-
titre value, 𝑎 is sample titre value, and 𝑁 is 0.5 normality of sical wet digestion reagent HNO3 + H2 SO4 (the most impor-
HCl [11]. tant and most versatile of the so-called wet-oxidation mix-
tures) was investigated by Danger and Flandin in 1841 for the
2.6. Method for Determination Iodine Value. Five grams of oil destruction of organic matter. The use of pure concentrated
samples was weighed in 250 mL conical flasks and then 25 mL HNO3 in a closed system under elevated temperatures and
of carbon tetra chloride was added to each oil sample and pressure is well known since 1860. Kjeldahl digested organic
content was mixed well. 25 mL of Hanus reagent was added to biological material in 1883 by boiling concentrated H2 SO4
the solution, swirled for proper mixing, and kept in the flask in an open system. Hydrogen peroxide was introduced by
in dark for half an hour. After standing, 15 mL of potassium Classen and Bauer in 1884, and HClO4 was used at elevated
iodide solution was added and then 100 mL of distilled water temperatures by Tcherbak in 1893. Relatively new is Van
was added into the mixture and 1 mL starch indicator solution Slyke’s mixture of H2 SO4 + H3 PO4 + KIO3 + K2 Cr2 O7 in 1954
was added to the sample solution. Then, liberated iodine was [15].
titrated with 0.01 N of sodium thiosulphate solution; then, at
the end, blue color was formed and then disappeared after 2.9. Laboratory Quality Control (QC). All the glassware and
thorough shaking. The blank determination was carried in apparatus to be used through the entire analysis were first
the same manner as test sample but without oil. The iodine washed with tap water and detergent in order to keep the ana-
value was estimated using the following formula: lyte from contamination. Next, they were soaked with deion-
ized water and followed by rinsing with 0.5 N HNO3 . Then,
(𝑏 − 𝑎) × 𝑁 × 1.269 × 100 they were soaked with deionized water and followed by rins-
Iodine value = , (3)
𝑊 ing with 0.5 N HNO3 , and, then, rinsed again with deionized
water and a corresponding analyte solution to be analyzed
where 𝑏 is blank titre value, 𝑎 is sample titre value, 𝑁 is based on its necessity [16].
normality of thiosulphate, and 𝑊 is weight of sample [12].
2.9.1. Standard Preparation for Calibration. Stock standard
2.7. Method for Determination of Peroxide Value. Five grams solution containing 1000 mg/L in 2% HNO3 of the metals
of each oil sample was weighed in 250 mL of conical flask; Zn, Cu, Fe, K, and Na was prepared from atomic absorption
then, 30 mL of acetic acid and chloroform solvent mixture spectroscopic standard solution. The stock solutions were
(3 : 2) was added to each oil sample and swirled to dissolve. then used for preparation of calibration standards and spiking
Then, 1 mL of potassium iodide solution was added to the standards in the analysis of the samples [16].
solution. The solution was kept for 1 min in dark room
with occasional shaking and then 30 mL of distilled water Working Curve. A series of five standard solutions of known
was added. Slowly, titrate liberated iodine in 0.01 N sodium concentrations was prepared for each analyte to be analyzed
thiosulphate solution until vigorously shaking yellow color in order to obtain the calibration curve, normally a linear
was gone and after that 1 mL of starch solution indicator was regression equation:
added and we continued titration by vigorous shaking to
release all I2 from CH3 Cl layer until blue color disappeared. 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏, (5)
4 Advances in Chemistry
Oil samples Acid value Iodine value Peroxide value Moisture
(mgKOH/g) (g/100 g) (meq/1000 g) content (%)
Viking palm oil 0.082 ± 0.0047 189.80 ± 3.528 97.545 ± 0.6345 1.413 ± 0.0808 0.163 ± 0.0015
Avena palm oil 0.091 ± 0.0042 190.27 ± 3.528 53.807 ± 1.0150 1.233 ± 0.0305 0.123 ± 0.0046
Selam nuog oil 0.276 ± 0.0056 187.00 ± 5.668 88.153 ± 0.5300 0.893 ± 0.0503 0.173 ± 0.0015
Nur nuog oil 0.188 ± 0.0050 143.05 ± 8.527 116.410 ± 0.3863 1.460 ± 0.0600 0.160 ± 0.0010
where 𝑦 is the instrument response, 𝑥 is the concentration of confidence interval (𝑃 < 0.05), results of Viking and Avena
the chemical, 𝑎 is the slope factor (the calibration sensitivity), oils are not statistically significantly different (𝑃 = 0.184)
and 𝑏 is the intercept (the instrument response when analyte from each other and results of Selam and Nur oils are strongly
is absent, 𝑥 = 0) [16]. significantly different (𝑃 = 0.00) from each other.
2.10. Statistical Analysis. The significance of variation within 3.1.2. Saponification Value. The FAO/WHO recommended
each concentration of analyzed parameter was determined by saponification value for palm oil variety is 190–209 mgKOH/g
paired comparison (𝑡-test) between the mean. Means were and for nuog oil variety is 187–195 mgKOH/g. From the anal-
followed by standard deviation throughout to indicate vari- ysis, Avena and Viking oil from palm oil variety and Selam
ation between measurements of the parameters. Microsoft oil from nuog oil variety agreed with FAO/WHO recom-
Excel and Statistical Packages for Social Science version 16.0 mended value, but Nur oil is below the recommended value.
were used for graphic illustration of edible oil parameters. The According to the analysis of comparison paired 𝑡-test at 95%
significance was set at 0.05. confidence interval (𝑃 < 0.05), results of Viking and Avena
oil are not statistically significantly different (𝑃 = 0.423) from
2.11. Method Detection Limit (MDL) and Instrument Detection each other and results of Selam and Nur oils are significantly
Limit (IDL). The IDL is the concentration equivalent to the different (𝑃 = 0.002) from each other. The highest saponi-
analyte signal which is equal to three times the standard fication value indicates a high content of triacylglycerol,
deviation (𝑠) of a series of ten replicate measurements of the consistent with the high ester value, and also indicates that
calibration blank signal at the same wavelength as the analyte the oil has the potential to be used for cosmetic industry [1].
to be investigated, that is, IDL = 3𝑠 [17]. To determine the The observation suggests that Avena and Viking oil from the
MDL, an analyte-free matrix (reagent water) will be spiked palm oil variety and Selam oil from the nuog oil variety have a
with the target analyte at a concentration that is three to five potential for making soap and other cosmetics.
times the estimated IDL. MDLs will be established for all ana-
lytes. A minimum of seven replicate aliquots of the fortified 3.1.3. Iodine Value. FAO/WHO recommended iodine value
reagent water will be taken and processed through the entire for palm oil is 50–55/gram and for nuog oil variety 112–
analytical method. From these measurements, a standard 129/gram. According to the analysis, within the oil samples,
deviation (𝑠) is calculated and the MDL will be calculated Viking oil exhibits higher iodine value (97.545 ± 0.6345 g/
according to the following formula [18]: 100 g) than Avena oil (53.807 ± 1.0150 g/100 g) from palm
oil variety, but compared with FAO/WHO recommended
MDL = 𝑠 × 𝑡. (6) standard Avena oil was gratified. From the nuog oil variety,
Nur oil has higher iodine value (116.410 ± 0.3863 g/100 g)
3. Results and Discussions than Selam oil (88.153 ± 0.5300 g/100 g) and also Nur oil has
well satisfied the FAO/WHO recommended iodine value, but
3.1. Results of Physico-Chemical Parameters. Some of selected Selam oil is below from the recommended standards. Oils
physico-chemical properties such as acid value, saponifica- having high iodine number are polyunsaturated indicating
tion value, iodine value, peroxide value, and moisture content the degree of unsaturation and are desired by oil processors,
of four (4) edible oil samples analyzed are presented in Table 1, while a lower iodine number is indicative of lower quality [1].
reported in terms of mean plus standard deviation (𝑁 = 3). From this observation, it is suggested that Viking oil from
the palm oil variety and Nur oil from nuog oil variety are
3.1.1. Acid Value. Acid value determination is often used as richer in unsaturated fatty acids. The lower iodine value of
a general indication of the condition and edibility of the oil. Selam oil from nuog oil variety may have contributed to its
The permissible level of acid value for all edible oils should greater oxidative storage stability. According to the analysis
be below 0.6 mgKOH/g (measured in potassium hydroxide of comparison paired 𝑡-test at 95% confidence interval (𝑃 <
per gram) from FAO/WHO recommendation (AOCS Official 0.05), results of Viking and Avena oil are strongly significantly
Method Cd 8-53, 2003). From the analysis of acid value, different (𝑃 = 0.00) from each other and also results of Selam
the four edible oil samples were below the permissible limit. and Nur oil are strongly significantly different (𝑃 = 0.00)
According to the analysis of comparison paired 𝑡-test at 95% from each other.
Advances in Chemistry 5
Table 2: Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy working parameter or conditions for the selected metals.
Metal Wave length (nm) Slit width (nm) Lamp current (mA) Air (L/min) Acetylene (L/min)
Cu 324.8 0.4 5.0 1.0 3.0
Zn 213.9 0.7 5.0 1.0 3.0
Fe 248.3 0.2 6.0 1.0 3.0
3.1.4. Peroxide Value. FAO/WHO recommended peroxide determined in the samples were tabulated in Table 4. The
values for palm and nuog oils were ≤10 meq/1000 g. In the analytical importance of these procedures was to confirm the
present study, the analyzed peroxide value in four edible oil performance of the method.
samples was in agreement with FAO/WHO recommended
values. According to the analysis of comparison paired 𝑡-test 3.4. Level of Essential Metals in Edible Oils. The concentration
at 95% confidence interval (𝑃 < 0.05), results of Viking and of the selected essential metals in edible oil sample was
Avena oil were significantly different (𝑃 = 0.05) from each determined by using flame photometer (FP) and flame atomic
other and results of Selam and Nur oil were not significantly absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) techniques using the nec-
different (𝑃 = 0.09) from each other. The rate of peroxidation essary calibration curves. The three replicate analyses were
differed from one oil to another because it was related to dif- carried out for each sample.
ferent treatment to which the oils were subjected. In general, In the present study, the levels of zinc, copper, iron,
the peroxide value increased with storage time. Oils exposed sodium, and potassium metals were found in each oil sample
to both atmospheric oxygen and light showed a much larger as shown in Table 5. According to the analysis, within the
increase in peroxide value during storage [19]. oil samples, Viking oil has high concentration of zinc metal
(1.58 ± 0.154 mg) compared to Avena oil (1.27 ± 0.255 mg)
3.2. Analysis of Metals from palm oil variety and from noug oil variety; Nur oil has
recorded high concentration of zinc metal (1.47 ± 0.567 mg)
3.2.1. Instrument Working Conditions for Investigated Ele- compared to Selam oil (1.19 ± 0.160 mg). According to
ments. Flame atomic absorption spectrometer equipped the analysis of comparison paired 𝑡-test at 95% confidence
with air/acetylene flame with deuterium lamp background interval (𝑃 < 0.05), results of Viking and Avena oils were
correction and hollow cathode lamp for individuals metals as not significantly different statistically (𝑃 = 0.096) from each
radiation source was used for determination of Zn, Cu, and Fe other and results of Selam and Nur oils were not strongly
and flame photometer was used for determination of Na and significantly different (𝑃 = 0.055) from each other. Viking
K. The flame atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) working oil has relatively high level of copper concentration (0.62 ±
parameters or conditions for the three elements are shown in 0.221 mg) compared to Avena oil (0.28±0.004 mg) from palm
Table 2. oil variety and from noug oil variety; Selam oil has high level
of copper concentration (0.86 ± 0.003 mg) compared to Nur
(1) Instrument Calibration. The instrument was calibrated oil (0.420 ± 0.005 mg). According to the analysis of compar-
using a calibration blank and five series of respective working ison paired 𝑡-test at 95% confidence interval (𝑃 < 0.05),
standards of each metal shown in the Table 3. The working results of Viking and Avena oils were statistically significantly
standards of each metal were prepared from 100 mg/L inter- different from each other (𝑃 = 0.001) and results of Selam and
mediate standard solutions. Nur oils were strongly significantly different from each other
The correlation coefficients of the calibration curves of the (𝑃 = 0.00). Avena oil exhibits high level of iron concentration
metal standards were presented in Table 3 and were in the (6.51 ± 0.193 mg) compared to Viking oil (4.66 ± 0.331 mg)
acceptable range (0.9977–0.999) for all metal analyses under from palm oil variety and from noug oil variety; Selam oil has
the study. This shows that the linearity of the responses of high level of iron concentration (7.32 ± 0.530 mg) compared
individual element is sufficient to continue analysis. to Nur oil (6.08 ± 0.818 mg). According to the analysis of
comparison paired 𝑡-test at 95% confidence interval (𝑃 <
3.3. Method Detection Limit (MDL) and Instrumental Detec- 0.05), results of Viking and Avena oils were statistically
tion Limit (IDL). Method detection limit, instrument detec- significantly different (𝑃 = 0.002) from each other and
tion limits, and limit of quantitation for each metal also results of Selam and Nur oils were significantly different
6 Advances in Chemistry
Table 4: Method detection and instrument detection limit for each metal analyzed in the sample.
Metal Method detection limit (mg/L) Instrument detection limit (mg/L) Limit of quantitation (mg/L)
Na 0.0306 0.0086 0.306
K 0.0191 0.0067 0.191
Cu 0.0246 0.0094 0.246
Zn 0.0151 0.0073 0.033
Fe 0.0283 0.0023 0.075
Table 5: Concentration of the selected essential metals in the analyzed edible oil samples.
(𝑃 = 0.037) from each other. The level of sodium was Competing Interests
relatively high in Viking oil (4.17 ± 0.153 mg) compared
to Avena oil (4.10 ± 0.100 mg) from palm oil variety and The authors declare that there are no competing interests
high in Nur oil (4.13 ± 0.153 mg) compared to Selam oil regarding the publication of this paper.
(3.80 ± 0.100 mg) from noug seed oil variety, and the level
of potassium was also relatively high in Viking oil (8.43 ± Acknowledgments
0.153 mg) compared to Avena oil (8.27 ± 0.209 mg) and high
in Nur oil (10.30 ± 0.200 mg) compared to Selam oil (8.10 ± The authors are grateful to Ambo University, Ethiopia, for
0.200 mg). providing all kind of support and inspiration to carry out this
thesis work.
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