Advanced Econometrics: Masters Class
Advanced Econometrics: Masters Class
Advanced Econometrics: Masters Class
Masters Class
Chrispin Mphuka
January 2010
Recall :OLS estimator is b = (X0 X) X 0y
Let C = (X0 X) X0 =) b = Cy
Recall :OLS estimator is b = (X0 X) X 0y
Let C = (X0 X) X0 =) b = Cy
This shows that the OLS estimators are a linear combination of the
1 1 1
b = X0 X X0 y = X0 X X0 (Xβ + ε) = β+ X0 X X0 ε = β + Cε
Now taking expectations of the OLS estimator conditioning of the X
h i
E (bjX) = β + E X0 X X0 ε jX (2)
= β + X0 X X0 E [ ε jX ] (3)
Var (bjX) = E (b β ) (b β ) 0 jX
1 1
= E X0 X X0 εε0 X X0 X jX
1 1
= X0 X X0 E εε0 jX X X0 X
1 1
= X0 X X0 σ 2 I X X0 X
= σ 2 X0 X
1 1 0
Var [b0 jX] = σ2 D + X0 X X0 D + X0 X X0
But AX = I = DX + (X0 X) X0 X. ) DX = 0.
e0 e = ε0 Mε
E e0 ejX = E ε0 MεjX
since ε0 Mε is a scalar matrix so it is equal to its trace. Thus
E [tr (ε0 Mε) jX] = E tr Mεε0 jX
Since X is assumed nonstochastic we have ;
E tr Mεε0 jX = tr ME εε0 jX = tr Mσ 2 I
= σ2 tr (M)
h trace of M is : i
1 1
tr In X (X0 X) X0 = tr (In ) tr X (X0 X) X0 =
n tr (X0 X) X0 X = n tr (IK ) = n K
Thus E [e0 ejX] = σ2 (n K)
Therefore the variance estimator is
e0 e
s2 =
n K
bjX~N β, σ2 (X0 X) 1
bk βk
zk = p ~N (0, 1)
σ2 s kk
If σ2 was known then we can use the standard normal distribution for
statistical inference.
But normally this is not the case so: we need a new statistic . We
start with
(n k) s2 e0 e ε 0 ε
= = M
σ2 σ2 σ σ
This is a quatratic form of a standard normal vector σε . Therefore it
has a chisquared distribution with degrees of freedom tr (M) = n K
Lets de…ne
b β 1 0 ε
= X0 X X
σ σ
Theorem: A linear function Lx and a symmetric idempotent form
x0 Ax in a standard normal vector are statistically independent if
LA = 0 (Proof see Theorem B12 )
let σε be x then the requirement of the theorem is that:
(X0 X) 1 X0 M = 0 which holds since MX = 0
Theorem: If ε is normally disributed, then the least squares coe¢ cient
estimator b is statistically independent of the residual vector e and
therefore, all functions of e .
- e¤ects of high correlation among variables include: small changes in
the data produces wide swings in the parameter estimates;
coe¢ cients may have very high standard errors and low sigini…cance
levels, coe¢ cients may have wrong signs or implausible maginitudes
- Detection include using the variance in‡ation factor, 1 1R 2 .Values in
excess of 20 are assumed indicate serious multicollinearity.
-Correction for collinearity includes droping the problem data, using
additional data, using principal components
- e¤ects of high correlation among variables include: small changes in
the data produces wide swings in the parameter estimates;
coe¢ cients may have very high standard errors and low sigini…cance
levels, coe¢ cients may have wrong signs or implausible maginitudes
- Detection include using the variance in‡ation factor, 1 1R 2 .Values in
excess of 20 are assumed indicate serious multicollinearity.
-Correction for collinearity includes droping the problem data, using
additional data, using principal components
Missing Observations
-if missing at random then you can ignore the case
- if missing in a systematic manner then some people have resorted to
imputing the missing data using available information.