Cookery 10 3rd Quarterly Examination
Cookery 10 3rd Quarterly Examination
Cookery 10 3rd Quarterly Examination
Name : Section:
Teacher : Date:
_____7. When you prepare all the necessary ingredients and materials needed for your dish, you are practicing
a. standard cooking b. mise en place c. 5’s d. food preparation
_____8.(**) Fish preparation is vital because they are disposed to deterioration; hence, handling them requires
the proper washing of hands. The best way to clean your hands before preparing fish is
a. to wipe them with a wet cloth or towel them on your clothes
b. to rinse them under running water
c. to wash them with soap and warm running water
d. no need to wash, alcohol is enough.
_____9. (**)You used French knife in slicing raw fish but you failed to wash the knife right after; your friend
use the knife to slice a mango without knowing such knife is already contaminated with certain
microorganism. What type of food contamination takes place in the scenario?
a. Cross Contamination b. Reheating Contamination c. Foods left in TDZ d. Raw Contamination
_____10.(**) During your performance at the TLE Laboratory you found out that there were no available knives
in your station 5 minutes after the time started, what will you do?
a. Approach the teacher and tell him to stop the timer so you can ask for a knife.
b. Go to the other station and borrow some knife from them.
c. Raise your hand and wait for the teacher to go near at your station and tell him your concern.
d. Use other mode of cutting such as spoon or fork and or use your fingers instead.
_____11.These are fishes obtained from salt water mainly from seas and oceans?
a. Marine fish b. Inland fish c. Aquaculture fish d. Mariculture
_____12. These are fishes that are caught in lakes, rivers, ponds, and other bodies of water except from seas and
a. Marine fish b. Inland fish c. Aquaculture fish d. Mariculture
_____13. This refers to culturing of fish in bodies of salt water such as those in coves and shores. Examples of
this are tahong and talaba?
a. Marine fish b. Inland fish c. Aquaculture fish d. Mariculture
_____14. The following are good qualities of fresh fish EXCEPT
a. bright red gills c. firm body
b. clear and full eyes d. rough and tiny skin
_____15. Which of the following is one of the qualities of good seafood?
a. clean and fresh c. rough and tiny skin
b. odorfull and bright d. tight and moistened
_____16.(**)Why does fish deteriorates faster than meat?
a. Because fish has high calcium responsible for fish deterioration compare to meat.
b. Because fish has more bacteria and has intestinal organs which eat its neighboring flesh.
c. Meat has complex texture that slows down deterioration compare to fish.
d. Meat produces oxytocin that inhibits growth of bacteria while fish does not.
_____17. When you buy fish alive directly from the aquarium the market form of fish refers to
a. whole fish b. live fish c. live fish d. steak fish
_____18. This refers to aquatic animals used as food?
a. Fish b. Seafoods c. Crabs and Lobsters d. Squids
_____19. Seafoods includes the following EXCEPT
a. vertebrates or finfishes b. shellfish c. invertebrates d. walrus_____
_____20. Large fishing vessels make use of this method of preservation especially when they are in far areas of
the ocean which takes time for them to reach the markets or factories where canning of fish is done.
a. Refrigeration b. Chilling c. Freezing d. Salting
_____21. The following are good qualities of fresh fish EXCEPT
a. bright red gills c. firm body
b. clear and full eyes d. rough and tiny skin
_____22.. This refers to aquatic animals used as food?
a. Seafoods b. Fish c. Lobsters d. Crabs and Lobsters
_____23. Slicing a cut of fish that is free from all skin and bones prepared from either a round or flat fish?
a. Sticks b. Darn e c. Fillet d. Deboned
_____24.(**) What is the difference between aquaculture and mariculture?
a. Aquaculture is cultivating marine fish in man-made fish pens while mariculture is culturing fish on
bodies of water.
b. Mariculture is cultivating marine fish in man-made fish pens while aquaculture is culturing fish on
bodies of water.
c. Both aquaculture and mariculture are cultivated either on fish pens and or seas and oceans.
d. Aquaculture is cultivating on rivers and lakes while mariculture is on open seas and oceans.
_____25.A method of fish preservation that uses ice or mechanical refrigeration to 0 degrees Celsius
however this is only temporary and considered to be the most cheapest among others, this refers to
a. refrigeration c. chilling
b. freezing d. quick freezing
_____26.(**) Why do we need to chilled fish in an ice?
a. Chilling is only temporary and so therefore fish must be sophisticated with coldness.
b. To delay the onset of rigor mortis that starts to set in.
c. It helps for evaporating salt particles form fish taken from the seas and oceans.
d. It helps for deteriorating fish more often as it leads to a soft tiny texture of fish.
_____27.(**) Select the correct order of fish and shellfish preparation?
a. Scaling- Cutting- Eviscerating- Slicing – Rinsing
b. Cutting- Scaling- Slicing- Eviscerating – Rinsing
c. Scaling- Eviscerating- Cutting - Rinsing- Slicing
d. Scaling- Cutting- Eviscerating- Rinsing-
_____28.(**) In scaling fish what would be the first thing that you will do?
a. Hold the fish with one hand then scrape the scales off with a knife.
b. Remove the head by cutting above the collarbone behind the gills.
c. Make a slit down the centre of the soft belly and with the use of your fingers in one hand.
d. Slice the fish according to customers’ preference.
_____29.(**) When slicing fish, what should be given great consideration?
a. Slice fish according to the standards by each kind of fish.
b. Slice the fish with respect to the sharpness of the knife.
c. Slice according to customers preferences.
d. Do not slice it anymore, it is time consuming; let the customer slice it themselves.
_____30. Fish is an excellent source of these nutrients?
a. protein and calcium b. sodium and chlorine c. iron & potassium d. carbohydrates
TEST II. Innovative Selection and Cost Estimation
Instruction: Pick ingredients from the given BOX MARKET for your innovative fish dish. Given the price of
each ingredient, make sure that the cost of your dish must not be lower than 100 Pesos and/or higher than 150
pesos. You are not required to state the procedure of your dish; however, make the title of your dish relevant for
an ease understanding of your innovative product. e.g. “ Ginataang Bangus with Pan de Sal”.
Dish Title: 5 pts.
Creative Selection of Ingredients: 10 pts.
15 pts.
FISH PRICE Spices Price Condiments Price
Tilapia 120 per kilo Onions 5 pesos/ pcs. Vinegar 7 pesos/pcs.
Bangus 130 per kilo Garlic 5 pesos/pcs. Soy Sauce 8 pesos/pcs.
Malasuge 400 per kilo Ginger 3 pesos/pcs. Water Free
Tuna 130 per kilo Potato 45 pesos/kilo Salt Free
Mackerel 250 per kilo Papaya 10 pesos/pcs. Pepper 2 pesos/pcs.
Tahong 60 per kilo Lemon Grass 5 pesos/pcs. Ketchup 12 pesos/sachet
Lapu-Lapu 230 per kilo Pineapple 25 pesos/pcs Milk 34 pesos/can
Recipe Title:__________________________________________
Example: Malasuge( 400 per kilo) ¼ kilo 100 pesos
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“If you fail, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything, because FAIL means First Attempt Is Learning”
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Mr.John Philip P. Aballe Mr. Niño R. Nacua, LPT S. Ma. Yolanda D. Capiña, RVM
Grade 10 Cookery Teacher Subject Area In-Charge (STMC) School Principal