Turnout 1
Turnout 1
Turnout 1
Engineering Standard
ESC 250
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Version Date Summary of change
1 October 2006 First issue as a RailCorp document. Includes content from
TS 3101, TS 3402, RTS.3430, CTN 04/09
2 April 2007 Minor corrections; inclusion of requirement to review
electrical implications of new crossing materials; inclusion
of requirement to provide switch protection pads on sharp
radius conventional switches in sidings; limit on use of
diamonds in sharp curves; additional table of definitions in
component order.
3 October 2007 Changes include: alteration to limits for "front of points";
changes to reference drawings for tangential turnouts
4 May 2008 Section 3.2 – Additional references; Section 5.2 –
Clarification of design requirements for diamond crossings;
Section 5.4.7 – Clarification of the measurement of the
landing zone for catchpoints and inclusion of reference to
ESC 215 to determine rolling stock outline; Section
– Addition of In-bearer layouts; Section – Addition of
guidelines for selection of crossing rates based on main line
speeds; Appendix 5 – Addition of approved In-bearer
layouts and correction of heading in Table 25.
4.1 December 2008 Section 5.1.2 – Additional requirements for the checkrail
opening; Appendix 2 – Changed requirements for Crossing
4.2 May 2009 Format Change; Section 4.4.2 Figure 2 – wording change
to clarify steepness of ballast ramp
4.3 December 2009 Changed Table captions to read "Table XX" rather than
"Figure XX"
4.4 July 2010 Section 2.2 - Number of reference Rolling Stock standard
changed; Sections 4.1.2, 4.2.2, 4.4.2, - Number of
reference Rolling Stock standard changed
4.5 February 2011 Section – Inclusion of reference to limits on
transitions included in ESC 210; Appendix 6 - Inclusion of
additional approved products
4.6 August 2011 New section 2.4 – Standard Plans – includes content from
CTN 11/09; Section 2.2 - Deletion of signals reference
drawing; Section - Deletion of signals reference
drawing; New section 6.1.7- Switch and stockrail drilling –
includes content from CTN 11/13; Section 6.1.8 to 6.1.11 –
Renumbered; Section 9.1 - Addition of acceptance limits for
switch location and squareness
Section 11 - Some damage limits included; Appendix E -
Tables 18 and 19 - Updated approved tangential turnout
designs; Appendix F - Updated approved products;
Appendix G - Detailed listing of Standard Plans - – includes
content from CTN 11/09
4.7 June 2012 Changes detailed in Summary table below
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• turnouts,
• diamond crossings,
• catchpoints, and
• expansion switches.
It also includes manual points lever operation, but does not cover points operation where
the points are connected to the signalling system.
The standard also contains definitions of standard terminology relevant to turnouts and
special trackwork (See 0).
2 References
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0 (Table 22 and Table 23) contains a listing of Standard Plans for conventional turnouts,
diamonds, catchpoints and expansion switches referenced within the body of this
standard, and further listing of second and third level Standard Plans referenced by the
first level documents.
Some of the Standard Plans have been replaced. A further listing in 0 (Table 24)
provides a listing of superseded plans and their replacement. Superseded plans are not
to be used.
3 Description
Turnouts allow rail tracks to converge or diverge. They are an assembly of rail
components comprising:
Diamond crossings allow rail tracks to cross each other. They are an assembly of rail
components comprising:
• V Crossings
• K Crossings
• Checkrail units (not required for swing nose crossings)
• Closure rails
• Bearers
• Plates, fasteners and rail joints
Catchpoints and derail devices provide a level of protection against train collisions at the
junctions of sidings and main running lines. Catchpoints or derail devices are provided
when required to conform to RailCorp Signalling Design Standards.
Catchpoints and derail devices may be interlocked with a signalling system or operate via
a manual lever.
Expansion switches provide a level of control for rail stresses when tracks are attached to
sub-structures (eg steel underbridges) which are also subject to temperature related
expansion and contraction.
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• Bearers
• Plates, fasteners and rail joints
4 Design Requirements
This standard has been developed in consideration of the following criteria:
• speed on each leg of the points and crossing structure (eg. on the through and
diverging tracks in a turnout structure) including consideration of maximum
superelevation (cant) deficiency;
• service loads (and dynamic response) including effects of impact loading at the
points and crossing wheel transfer locations, track alignment, maintenance
standards, and traffic task;
• component material types and maintenance requirements (eg. fabricated versus
cast crossings, fixed nose versus swing nose and spring wing crossings, material
hardness and hardening processes);
• servicing requirements (eg. lubrication and adjustment);
• component, layout geometry and assembly details include the following:
• requirements for movable components where applicable, including the geometric fit
for construction and maintenance in all switch and crossing positions;
• need for trailable points in yard operations;
• requirements for rails, bearers and fastenings.
4.1 Turnouts
Turnout general arrangements and components shall meet the requirements of
Section 6.1 of this standard. Designs for turnouts comprising compatible individual
components shall comply with standard configurations unless otherwise approved by the
Chief Engineer Track.
The following criteria shall be used in the design of points and crossing configurations:
2. All turnout components shall be designed so that the rail is vertical (ie zero cant).
The 1:20 cant in open track shall be transitioned to zero cant over a minimum of
3 sleepers clear of the turnout bearers.
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2. The nominal dimension from the gauge face of the running rail of a crossing to
the working face of the checkrail (i.e. checkrail effectiveness) shall be 1391 mm
with a crossing flangeway width of 42mm and a checkrail gap of 44mm.
3. The design switch rail toe / stockrail open throw dimension shall be ≥ 100mm or
otherwise to suit signalling equipment, if installed.
5. The checkrail end opening shall be flared, and provide an opening ≥ 80mm (≥
85mm if the checkrail is adjustable) to the gauge face of the running rail at the
flared end. The flare angle shall be as shown in Figure 1.
80 65 44
150 Gauge face
6. Checkrail height shall be between 0mm and 25mm above the running rail and
shall take into consideration rolling stock clearances.
9. The turnout components shall be designed to suit the following new and worn
wheel profiles for the traffic involved:
– WPR 2000
– Passenger only lines use WPR2000 with full flange (new) and 7/8 flange all
turned for 130mm wide wheels.
– Other lines have passenger trains, as above, freight traffic, a majority of which
have WPR2000 wheel profiles, some freight wagons and all locomotives with
ANZR1, and some odd interstate and historic passenger vehicles with ANZR1.
– Worn wheel shapes should be considered.
4.1.4 Components
The design shall be based on relevant RailCorp standards for the components used
within the turnout.
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Where non standard carbon steels are proposed for use in switches or crossings a review
of electrical properties shall be undertaken and signalling and electrical implications
Diamond crossing general arrangements and components shall meet the requirements of
Section 6.2 of this standard. Designs for diamond crossings comprising compatible
individual components shall comply with standard configurations unless otherwise
approved by the Chief Engineer Track.
The following criteria shall be used in the design of diamond crossing configurations:
2. All crossing components shall be designed so that the rail is vertical (ie zero
cant). The 1:20 cant in open track shall be transitioned to zero cant over a
minimum of 3 sleepers clear of the crossing bearers.
3. For straight track and curves of greater than 600mm radius the sharpest crossing
rate that can be designed for a “K” crossing is 1:8.25. “K” crossings with rates
sharper than 1:6 shall be fitted with checkrails raised above rail level by at least
20mm but no more than 25mm. This may be achieved by a crossing design with
a special checkrail section or by welding a 20-25mm steel section to the
checkrail. Raised checkrail design arrangements shall be approved by the Chief
Engineer Track.
4. For curved track of tighter than 600m radius additional checking arrangements
are required. These shall be approved by the Chief Engineer Track.
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2. The nominal dimension from the gauge face of the running rail of a K crossing to
the working face of the checkrail (i.e. checkrail effectiveness) shall be 1391 mm
with a flangeway width of 44mm.
3. The nominal dimension from the gauge face of the running rail of a V crossing to
the working face of the checkrail (i.e. checkrail effectiveness) shall be 1391 mm
with a crossing flangeway width of 42mm and checkrail gap of 44mm.
4. The checkrail end opening shall be flared, and provide an opening ≥ 80mm to the
gauge face of the running rail at the flared end. The flare angle shall be as
shown in Figure 1.
5. Checkrail height shall be between 0 mm and 25 mm above the running rail and
shall take into consideration rolling stock clearances.
8. The turnout components shall be designed to suit the new and worn wheel
profiles detailed in Section 4.1.2 (9) for the traffic involved.
4.2.4 Components
The design shall be based on relevant RailCorp Standards for the components used
within the crossing.
Where non standard carbon steels are proposed for use in crossings a review of
electrical properties shall be undertaken and signalling and electrical implications
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4.3 Slips
Slips are not approved for standard application in RailCorp. Existing slip configurations
shall be replaced with standard turnout and diamond crossing designs where practicable.
The Chief Engineer Track shall provide design requirements where any installation of slip
configurations is proposed.
4.4 Catchpoints
Catchpoint general arrangements and components shall meet the requirements of
Section 6.4 of this standard. Designs for catchpoints comprising compatible individual
components shall comply with standard configurations unless otherwise approved by the
Chief Engineer Track.
2. All catchpoint components shall be designed so that the rail is vertical (ie zero
cant). The 1:20 cant in open track shall be transitioned to zero cant over a
minimum of 3 sleepers clear of the bearers.
2. The design switch rail toe / stockrail open throw dimension shall be ≥ 100mm or
otherwise to suit signalling equipment, if installed.
5. The turnout components shall be designed to suit the new and worn wheel
profiles detailed in Section 4.1.2 (9) for the traffic involved:
4.4.4 Components
• The design shall be based on relevant RailCorp Standards for the components
used within the catchpoint.
• Catchpoints shall be of the same rail weight as the turnout they protect.
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4.4.7 Clearances
1. Catchpoints and derail devices shall be located to provide a minimum of 450mm
clearance between the side of a vehicle on the running line and the derailed
vehicle at the clearance point.
2. Throw-off rails shall be located so as to ensure the wheels of the derailing vehicle
travel a path that ensures that the vehicle does not foul the running line. The
throw off rail shall be either parallel to the running line or at such an angle to it
that a derailed vehicle will be deflected away from the main line.
3. Derail blocks shall be located so that the derailed wheel tracking in the “four-foot”
will mount the derail block before striking the rail.
The normal minimum requirement at locations where the normal operating speed
of vehicles (or controlled speed if signalling controls such as train stops are
installed) is ≤ 25km/hr shall be 2 vehicle lengths (40m) beyond the point of
derailment (the end of the stockrail).
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The establishment of a clear landing area shall include consideration of the train descent
down the ballast shoulder. A standard ballast shoulder creates a twist (tending to tip a
train over) as well as a severe dip (See Figure 3).
A square even descent can be achieved using ballast (See Figure 2 and Figure 4).
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Bridge columns in the vicinity may need to be protected by deflection walls as specified in
relevant standards.
1. For locations where throw off and derail block configuration would not provide an
adequate clear even run-off area, the following alternative arrangement is
o Retain the vehicle on the track from which it is derailed. In this case, the
throw-off rail and derail block are not required.
o A detailed design is required on a case by case basis to provide an
appropriate system to direct the derailed vehicle along the track. This can
be achieved using a guard rail arrangement. The Chief Engineer Track shall
approve designs.
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Minimum safety clearances shall be met. These shall be calculated on the basis of track
geometry and traffic type as follows:
CL = W + 0.450 +
The distance from the switch to the throw off rail shall be as short as practicable so that
directional guidance is provided to the derailed wheel as soon as possible.
The maximum design rolling stock gauges for vehicles are detailed in RailCorp standard
ESC 215:
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L − BC Centre Line of
Switch other track
Side of Vehicle
The following criteria shall be used in the design of expansion switch configurations:
2. All expansion switch components shall be designed so that the rail is canted 1:20
to the vertical (the same as open track).
5. Blunt switches with joggled stockrails are not permitted on curves sharper than
1000m radius.
6. The operating range of movement shall be designed to allow the full range of
anticipated substructure movement, the thermal expansion of the rails and a rail
creep allowance of 30mm.
The following criteria shall be used in the design of Point lever configurations:
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1. Manual point levers shall be designed to hold a closed switch against its
matching stockrail with security, for safe vehicle movements.
5 Documentation Requirements
5.1 Turnouts
Turnout designs shall include drawings detailing:
• turnout length,
• switch length,
• point arrangements including rail brace, slide chair and heel details and provisions
for connecting rodding,
• crossing and checkrail details,
• rail weight,
• bearer details,
• plating details,
• rail fastening and anchoring details, and
• setting out detail including curve radii.
• diamond length,
• crossing and checkrail details,
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• rail weight,
• bearer details,
• plating details,
• rail fastening and anchoring details, and
• setting out detail including curve radii.
• framepoint co-ordinates,
• location of V and K crossings,
• where there is no straight route in the diamond crossing offset dimensions shall to
be provided from a straight line,
• crossing rate and Catalogue No.,
• track centres,
• track identification,
• all proposed track alterations,
• signalling requirements for swing nose or swing wing crossings (supplied by
signalling designer), and
• location of insulated joints.
5.3 Slips
Designs for slips shall include drawings detailing the information required for turnouts in
Section 5.1 and diamond crossings in Section 5.2.
• framepoint co-ordinates,
• location of points and crossings,
• where there is no straight route in the slip, offsets dimensions shall to be provided
from a straight line,
• crossing rate and catalogue Nos,
• track centres,
• track identification,
• all proposed track alterations,
• signalling requirements for swing nose or swing wing crossings (supplied by
signalling designer), and
• location of insulated joints.
5.4 Catchpoints
Catchpoint and derail designs shall include drawings detailing:
• point arrangements including rail brace, slide chair and heel details and provisions
for connecting rodding,
• throw-off rail details,
• ramp (or derail) block details,
• rail weight,
• bearer details,
• plating details,
• rail fastening details, and
• setting out detail
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• framepoint co-ordinates,
• location of points and throw-off rail,
• location of clearance point,
• where the catchpoint is designed for installation in a curve, offset dimensions shall
to be provided from a straight line,
• details of clear area required beyond the point of derailment including identification
and assessment of any obstruction or other hazards in the area,
• track centres,
• track identification,
• all proposed track alterations,
• signalling requirements for swing nose or swing wing crossings (supplied by
signalling designer), and
• location of insulated joints
• switch length,
• point arrangements ,
• rail weight,
• bearer details,
• plating details, and
• rail fastening and anchoring details
Design drawings shall show the design limits of expansion and contraction measured
relative to a reference punch mark which shall be located on the back of the head of the
fixed rail.
• framepoint co-ordinates,
• location of point,
• where the expansion switch is designed for installation in a curve, offset
dimensions shall to be provided from a straight line,
• track identification, and
• all proposed track alterations
6 Allowable Configurations
6.1 Turnouts
Turnout configurations shall be selected in accordance with the existing or proposed track
structure class detailed in RailCorp standard ESC 200.
Turnout configurations adopted for a specific site or application shall conform to the
design requirements detailed in this standard unless otherwise approved by the Chief
Engineer Track.
All new turnouts and replacement components shall be manufactured to meet the
requirements of RailCorp specification SPC 251 - Turnout Components.
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1. Conventional, and
2. Tangential turnouts.
The distinction between the two types is based on geometry and component technology.
Conventional turnouts
Standard conventional turnouts are defined by a combination of the switch length and
heel angle, and the crossing rate. (See 0 for a description of conventional turnouts).
Conventional turnouts may be left or right hand.
Standard conventional turnouts are designed with the main line track straight.
A fully straight crossing – available for all turnouts with crossing angles ≥ 1 in 9. (See 0
Figure 8).
A partially curved crossing (short leg curved to turnout radius - long leg straight) available
for turnouts with crossing angles ≤ 1 in 10.5. (See 0 Figure 9).
A fully curved crossing (short and long legs curved to turnout radius) available for
turnouts with crossing angles ≤ 1 in 10.5.
Only approved designs shall be used. The approved designs are the standard
conventional turnout configurations detailed in 0 - Table 17.
Tangential turnouts
Tangential turnouts are defined by the radius of the turnout. (See 0 for a description of a
tangential turnout.)
There are two standard configuration options for curvature through the crossing - either a
straight crossing or fully curved crossing. (See 0 Figure 10 and Figure 11).
Only approved designs shall be used. Approved designs are detailed in 0 - Table 20 and
Table 21.
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2. Approval is required from the Chief Engineer Track to locate any turnout on
curves <600 metres radius.
3. Main lines shall be graded coplanar where crossover renewals are proposed in
curved track and long bearers extend under both main lines.
5. When Double Turnouts, Diamonds and Slips require renewal, they shall be
replaced with standard turnouts, where practicable. These track components may
only be used where approved by the Chief Engineer Track.
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2. Where a conventional turnout design is selected for a main line application, only
standard conventional turnout designs shall be used. (See 0 Table 17).
3. Where the through track in main lines is installed on a curve <800m radius, and
the turnout track is also curved some degree of curvature is required. If
conventional turnouts are proposed “Special” designs, which are non standard,
are required. In such cases tangential turnout designs shall be used. (See 0
Table 18)
4. Non standard conventional turnouts may only be installed in mainline track with
the approval of the Chief Engineer Track. The design requirements for non
standard tangential turnouts are detailed in Section 6.1.9
7. Where there is more than 2 MGT traffic on the turnout road the use of tangential
turnouts is recommended.
6.1.3 Rail
Rail used in the manufacture of turnouts shall meet the requirements of RailCorp
standard ESC 220.
Rail size and type (standard carbon or head hardened) shall be selected for a turnout in
accordance with the requirements of Table 2.
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6.1.4 Bearers
Concrete or timber bearers will, normally, be selected for a turnout in accordance with the
requirements of Table 2. Timber bearers shall only be used as an alternative to concrete
bearers (where specified in Table 2) at locations where it is impractical to design for
concrete. The designer shall verify the alternative use.
Otherwise, concrete bearers shall be used where indicated in Table 2 unless installation
of timber bearers is approved by the General Manager Infrastructure.
Turnout bearers in conventional turnouts are laid square to the main line alignment.
This includes crossovers and any infill between turnouts
The turnout bearers in tangential turnouts are laid in a fan shape, with each bearer
forming a half angle with both the main line and turnout road. This allows a single set of
turnout bearers and plates for both a right-hand and left-hand turnout of similar radius.
The first sleeper installed beyond the bearers behind the crossing (mainline and turnout
roads) shall be angled to return the sleeper skew to square to the track (angle ½
difference between bearer skew and normal to the track).
For crossovers designed with tangential turnouts, the bearers are laid normal to the main
lines. Long bearers shall be installed where clearance is not available for standard
sleepers on adjoining tracks.
The bearer design for a nominated tangential turnout configuration is standard and can
be used independently of the manufacturer of the steel componentry.
The layouts are only for use in tangential turnouts with concrete bearers. Standard
concrete beams are used except for the bearers that are replaced by in-bearer units.
In the points area there is some respacing of bearers to suit the in-bearer A and B ties
and the back-drive. The A and B in-bearer units are the same for all turnouts.
The back-drive units are of two types: Type 1 which suits 250m and 300m radius designs
and Type 2 which suits 500m. Standard drawings are available for each of the track
designs. These are detailed in 0 Table 19.
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Signal Requirements
A standard interface has been developed for both the points and back-drive. The
standard signalling interface is defined in Signal Drawings M02-678 – Switch Installation
for In-bearer points, not in operation
6.1.5 Crossings
Turnout speeds shall be determined by applying design standards for track geometry
detailed in RailCorp standard ESC 210.
Allowable published speeds for the diverging (turnout) road of turnouts shall be as shown
in Table 3. The speeds indicated are for normal passenger trains.
Note: 1. Where there is a straight of 13m or longer between turnouts of a crossover, the
speeds applicable to the individual turnouts shall be applied.
2. The allowable speed through a crossover or reversing movement where the
intervening straight section of track is < 13m shall be calculated on an individual
site specific basis in accordance with the requirements of RailCorp standard
ESC 210.
3. Speeds for non-standard turnout designs shall be calculated from geometries in
RailCorp standard ESC 210 using Virtual transitions where required.
Crossings in main lines (other than swingnose crossings) introduce a design dip in the
track. This is an impact point that leads to accelerated deterioration of components. The
impact can be reduced by limiting the speed over the crossing. Whilst this is achieved for
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traffic travelling on the turnout road because of the crossing alignment geometry in Table
3 above, the speed of mainline (through road) traffic should be limited by the dip angle.
As a guide the crossing angle should be selected to meet the design speed requirements
in accordance with Table 4.
Note: 1. Maximum speeds shall only be introduced with the approval of the Civil
Maintenance Engineer who must accept the increased maintenance impact.
2. Exceptional speeds shall only be approved by the Chief Engineer Track.
Rail size
Crossing type For use in turnout type
New Replacement
Fabricated 50, 60 50, 53, 60 Conventional
Rail Bound Manganese 60 53, 60 Conventional & Tangential
Compound 60 53, 60 Conventional & Tangential
Fully cast 60 60 Conventional & Tangential
Swing Nose 60 60 Tangential
Spring Wing 60 60 Tangential
Table 5 - Crossing types
2. Standard tangential turnout designs are approved for both straight and curved
crossings. Where there are no site constraints or adverse impacts on other rail
infrastructure the straight crossing type shall be used.
4. Swing nose crossings are available for the standard tangential turnouts detailed
in Table 6.
General Layout
Crossing Design Drawing
Reference No.
300:12 Straight CV0479045
800:18.5 Straight CV0479049
1200:24 Straight CV0479051
Table 6 - Swing nose crossings
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5. The following criteria influences the selection of a turnout with a swing nose
6.1.6 Switches
1. Where conventional turnouts are approved for use in main line applications, all
new switches shall be the flexible type. There are however, limitations on the
capacity of points operating equipment to operate flexible switches at remote
distances. Where required by the Signals designer, heeled switches may be
2. Switches used with Manual Levers (Thornley or Throwover) shall be, preferably,
the flexible type
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4. The operation of all new or renewed switches shall be determined by the Chief
Engineer Signals. The switch operation shall be included in the turnout design.
5. The undercut switch design incorporated in the 50 and 60kg types eliminates the
requirements for Heavy Duty and Housed Switches.
7. The distance from the point of the switch to the nearest end of the stockrail is
called the “front” of a turnout. The “front” is a standard length as shown in Table
8 and 0.
The front length shall normally be retained for all new turnouts.
8. Where switches in an existing 53kg turnout require renewal, and there is no 53kg
material available, the points may be renewed in 60kg material. Junction rails or
welds shall be fitted between the switches and the crossing and associated
checkrails and appropriate plating shall be adopted.
All new tangential 60kg/m turnout design and manufacture shall use the standard drilling.
Variation to the approved design shall only be made with approval of those with
appropriate Engineering Authority.
Traditionally with timber turnouts the points have been secured by spiking a fishplate to
the timber bearer.
For concrete bearers and in-bearer turnouts spiking plates have been designed and
approved for use as follows:
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• the bearer design will be the same as for the standard turnout design but will need
re-spacing to suit the altered track geometry,
• the closure rails will be slightly shorter or longer depending on the extent of
curvature applied in the design,
• switch and stockrail design will be the same as for the standard turnout design but
with altered curvature to suit the main line radius,
• checkrail design will be the same as for the standard turnout design but with
altered curvature to suit the main line radius,
• crossings will need to be specially curved to suit the applicable geometry, and
• turnouts may be left or right handed.
Standard No Component
ESC 210 Track Geometry & Stability
ESC 220 Rail and Rail Joints
ESC 230 Ties and track support
ESC 240 Ballast
Table 9 - Standards for components
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Double anchor every second timber on the through rails and turnout rails between the
heel of the switch and the front legs of the crossing.
Double anchor every second sleeper for 32 sleepers (ie a total of 16 anchored sleepers)
behind the crossing, commencing from the first timber after the crossing leg that has plain
track fastenings.
Double anchor every second timber on the through rails and turnout rails between the
heel of the switch and the front legs of the crossing.
6.2.1 General
Diamond crossing configurations shall be selected in accordance with the existing or
proposed track structure class detailed in RailCorp standard ESC 200.
Diamond crossing configurations adopted for a specific site or application shall conform
to the design requirements detailed in Section 4.2 unless otherwise approved by the
Chief Engineer Track.
2. Approval is required from the Chief Engineer Track to locate any diamond on
curves <600 metres radius.
All new diamond crossings and replacement components shall be manufactured to meet
the requirements of RailCorp specification SPC 251 - Turnout Components
Table 10 details approved configurations for diamond crossings used in main lines and in
Track components comprising standard diamond crossing configurations such as 'V' and
'K' crossings, fastenings, plating and closure rails shall be as specified on the General
Arrangement drawings for each approved configuration. See 0 for diagrams of diamond
arrangements and ‘K’ crossings.
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Double anchor every second timber between the "V" and "K" crossings.
6.3 Slips
6.3.1 General
Slip configurations adopted for a specific site or application shall conform to the design
requirements detailed in Section 4.3. All slip configurations shall be approved by the
Chief Engineer Track.
6.4 Catchpoints
6.4.1 General
Catchpoint configurations shall be selected in accordance with the existing or proposed
track structure class detailed in RailCorp standard ESC 200.
Catchpoint or derail configurations adopted for a specific site or application shall conform
to the design requirements detailed in Section 4.4 unless otherwise approved by the
Chief Engineer Track.
All new catchpoints and replacement components shall be manufactured to meet the
requirements of RailCorp specification SPC 251 - Turnout Components
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Double anchor the catchpoint rail every second sleeper for 32 sleepers (ie a total of 16
anchored sleepers) in front of the switch, commencing from the first sleeper from the
Double anchor the catchpoint rail every second sleeper/timber for 32 sleepers/timbers (ie
a total of 16 anchored sleepers/timbers) behind the heel commencing from the first timber
after the heel that has plain track fastenings.
Anchor the plain track rail as for plain track (see ESC 220).
Expansion switches may only be installed at locations and on structures approved by the
Chief Engineer Track. Generally approved usage will be restricted to the expansion end
of transom top or ballast top span(s) > 80m long.
All new expansion switches and replacement components shall be manufactured to meet
the requirements of RailCorp specification SPC 251 - Turnout Components
Expansion switches should be installed in the trailing direction for normal traffic
movements where possible.
Table 12 details approved configurations for expansion switches. See 0 for a diagram of
an expansion switch arrangement.
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All (1:20 cant) 60 250-1202
All (vertical design for locations where
rail cant is provided in design of track 60 CV024454
Table 12 - Approved Expansion switch configurations
Approved manual point levers, including proprietary designs, are detailed in 0 - Approved
All replacement components for existing turnouts shall be manufactured to meet the
requirements of RailCorp Specification SPC 251 - Turnout Components.
8 Prohibited Configurations
The following configurations are considered undesirable for installation in main lines.
They should be considered for strategic upgrading.
1. Heeled switches
5. Slips
7. Catchpoints without a clear landing area. Where such cases exist a risk analysis
shall be undertaken to establish potential corrective or protective actions.
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9 Acceptance Standards
9.1 Turnouts
1. Turnout geometry for new installations shall meet the requirements of RailCorp
standard ESC 210 Track Geometry. In addition:
o gauge dimensions at the switch tip shall conform to the design ± 2mm,
o gauge at crossings shall conform to the design ± 2 mm,
o flangeways at V crossings shall conform to the design ± 1 mm,
o checkrail effectiveness at V crossings shall conform to the design +3 −1mm,
o switches shall bear on all plates + 1 − 0 mm in closed position.
o Switch points and crossing intersections shall not vary more than 10mm
from the design location and switches shall be square to within 6mm.
3. When turnouts are placed within 30m of a bridge end (where spans are < 18m)
OR when turnouts are placed within 60m of a bridge end (where one or more
spans are ≥ 18m but < 80m), the turnout shall be aluminothermic welded
throughout and a flexible switch used if possible.
4. Where tangential turnouts are used, the turnouts, and the track for 50 metres
either side, shall be fully welded. The use of joints is only permitted for a short
period during the initial construction and installation phase. Civil Maintenance
Engineers may, however, approve the installation of crossing units with fixed,
swage fastened joints.
5. For turnouts fitted with dry slide chairs, no oil or grease shall be applied to these
6. Plain track components shall meet the acceptance standards detailed in the
component standards in Table 9.
2. The crossing intersection points (Theoretical Point) shall be within 10mm of the
position defined by reference pegs or survey monuments.
4. Plain track components shall meet the acceptance standards detailed in the
component standards in Table 9.
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9.3 Slips
Geometry and condition of new installations shall meet the acceptance standards for
turnouts in Section 9.1 and diamond crossings in Section 9.2.
9.4 Catchpoints
1. Catchpoint geometry shall meet the requirements of RailCorp standard ESC 210
Track Geometry. In addition gauge generally in catchpoints shall conform to the
design ± 3 mm.
3. Plain track components shall meet the acceptance standards detailed in the
component standards in Table 9.
2. The switch opening and gauge shall not exceed the design requirements at the
limits of expansion and contraction of both the rail and the structure.
3. The gap between the switch and the stockrail at installation shall not exceed
4. The switch heel and stock rail may be welded to adjoining rails.
6. Plain track components shall meet the acceptance standards detailed in the
component standards in Table 9.
10 Repair Standards
10.1 Geometry
10.1.1 Turnouts
The following maintenance limits shall be applied to manual regauging of turnouts or
component renewal.
1. Turnouts shall meet the requirements of RailCorp standard ESC 210 Track
2. For non-interlocked points the clearance between the back of an open switch
point and the gauge of the running stock rail shall conform to the design ± 2mm.
3. Housed switches shall conform to the design ± 1mm of the specified parameters.
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1. Geometry shall meet the requirements of RailCorp standard ESC 210 Track
10.1.3 Slips
The following maintenance limits shall be applied to manual regauging or component
renewal in slips.
1. Geometry shall meet the requirements of RailCorp standard ESC 210 Track
2. For non-interlocked points the clearance between the back of an open switch
point and the gauge of the running stock rail shall conform to the design ± 2mm.
5. After maintenance switch tip measurements shall be within the limits in Table 14.
10.1.4 Catchpoints
The following maintenance limits shall be applied to manual regauging or component
renewal in catchpoints.
1. Geometry shall meet the requirements of RailCorp standard ESC 210 Track
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2. For non-interlocked points the clearance between the back of an open switch
point and the gauge of the running stock rail shall conform to the design ± 2mm.
3. After maintenance switch tip measurements shall be within the limits in Table 14.
10.2.1 Switches
1. Repair of switches by wirefeed welding is prohibited. Switch profile and condition
may only be repaired by grinding.
2. After maintenance switch tip measurements shall be within the limits in Table 14.
3. There shall be no damage in the first 2m from the tip of the switch blade, deeper
than 17mm from the running surface and which extends more than 100mm along
the blade, or consecutive areas of damage less than 100mm apart forming a
length more than 100mm.
4. There shall be no damage in the first 2m from the tip of the switch blade, deeper
than 19mm from the running surface.
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2. Repaired components shall meet the design profile and tolerances of the
component being repaired.
3. All repairs shall be ultrasonically tested. ALL ultrasonic indicators shall be below
reportable limits as detailed in RailCorp standard ESC 220 - Rail and Rail Joints.
11 Damage Limits
Track Speed (Normal / Passenger) km/hr
Normal (Note 1)
20/20 40/40 60/60 80/90 100/115 115/160
Switch rail throat opening (mm) 41 41 45 45 50 50
Back of Switch Rail to Stock Rail
Switch Rail Open Throw (mm) 86 86 90 90 95 95
Switch Rail Toe to Stock Rail
Conventional ONLY
Check Rail Effectiveness (mm) 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396
V Crossing
1386 1386 1386 1386 1389 1389
Check Rail Effectiveness (mm) 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396 1396
K Crossing
1387 1387 1387 1387 1389 1389
Note: 1. The limit at or below which no response is required.
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Appendix A Definitions
Term Description
A, B No Entries
Catchpoints: A single switch assembly and a throw-off rail. The Catchpoint switch is
normally set in the open position, thus breaking the continuity of the siding
track causing unauthorised train movements to derail at a point clear of the
main line.
Chair Plates A chair is a flat plate with a pressed up section that is attached with a bolt
through the web of either stockrail, in the case of a switch assembly, or the
checkrail carrier, in the case of a checkrail assembly.
Checkrail A rail placed inside the running rail which comes into contact with the back of
the wheel flange and is used in points and crossing work to provide steering
of the wheelset such that the crossing nose is not contacted by the opposite
Checkrail Unit The unit consists of a length of rail (called the checkrail) with a flared bevel
machined on each end, hardened on the checking face, bolted through
chocks to a closure rail (called the carrier) to attain a flangeway clearance.
The centre of the checkrail is usually opposite the theoretical point of the
Chocks An iron casting used mainly with checkrails and crossings to support rail
components at a fixed distance apart. Raised lettering and numbers on the
chock identify its application.
Clearance Point A point on converging or diverging tracks where the track centres or
separation between the tracks allows clear passage for passing trains and
beyond which vehicles must not stand.
Closure Rails Rails making up a turnout apart from those in the points, crossings and
checkrail units.
Compound Comprises a crossing V point that is manufactured from a single cast nose
Crossing which is welded to head hardened rails to complete the V which replaces the
point/housed rails in a fabricated crossing. They may be manufactured from
manganese steel, chrome vanadium alloys or other materials.
Compound A Compound crossing V point that is manufactured from a cast manganese
Manganese nose which is explosively hardened and flashbutt welded to head hardened
Crossing rails to complete the V. It replaces the point/housed rails in a fabricated
Crossing Assembly The component of a track system where lines branch out or intersect.
Crossings assist in the passage of track wheels where two track rails
intersect. Crossings may be fixed or switchable. In diamond crossings there
are K and V crossings and in turnouts V crossings.
Crossover The means by which trains pass from one track to an adjacent parallel track.
A Crossover is constructed from two turnouts (one on each track facing
opposite directions) and connecting plain trackwork.
Derail A vehicle derailing device that, when operating to protect the main running
line, causes wheels to climb the siding rail and derail clear of the protected
Diamond Crossing The component of a track system where lines intersect. Diamond Crossings
comprise V and K crossings.
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Term Description
Expansion switch An assembly comprising two rails appropriately matched and fastened at the
longitudinal interface to provide virtual continuity of the running rail and gauge
faces while allowing controlled longitudinal slip.
Expansion switches provide a level of control for rail stresses when tracks are
attached to sub-structures (eg steel underbridges) which are also subject to
temperature related expansion and contraction.
Fabricated Comprises a V and two (2) wing rails fabricated from sections of rail, set,
Crossing machined and fitted together with chocks. The hand of the crossing is
determined by the location of the point rail and may be right or left. The point
rail is always the rail carrying the maximum tonnages, or higher speed. A
right hand crossing has the point rail in the rail that connects to the right hand
Fixed crossings. These crossings have a wheel flange gap in both rails. Wheel transfer at
fixed crossings depends on matching wheel and rail profiles. Fixed crossings
are used in conjunction with checkrails to provide lateral guidance in the
crossing area.
Flangeway The space adjacent to the gauge face of a running rail to allow for the
passage of wheel flanges.
Flangeway The distance between the gauge side of a running rail and the guard face of a
Clearance checkrail or the guard face of a wing rail.
Flangeway Depth Flange way depth is the height of the running surface of the rail above the top
of the blocks at checkrails and in ‘V’ and ‘K’ crossings.
Flare The tapered widening at the ends of flangeways to gradually engage wheel
flanges and position them to pass through flangeways.
Flexible Switch A switch machined from longer rails and fixed towards the end of this rail with
blocks or other device to the adjacent stockrail. The switch movement is
provided by the flexibility of the longer switch rail and a section machined from
the rail foot (foot relief) towards the fixed end.
Fully cast crossing A one piece solid cast steel crossing with the four legs joined to standard rail
sections through a welding process or by bolts and plates.
G No Entries
Heel The end of a switch at which the switch pivots
Heel Block Single or multiple blocks, depending on switch type, that rigidly fix the switch
rail to the adjacent rail in the correct geometric configuration. The adjacent rail
is the stockrail and can include a closure rail for some switch types.
Heeled Switch A switch that pivots about a gapped joint between the switch rail and adjoining
closure rail. The switch is bolted to the stockrail and closure rail using a heel
block and fishplate designed to allow this movement.
Housed Switch A heavy duty switch and joggled stockrail equipped with a “Housing”. The
housing is a specially machined component with a hardened checking face
fitting above the switch to act as a checkrail for the opposite switch and
joggle. Where both switches are required to be heavy duty a housing is
required on one of the switches.
In - Bearer A bearer fabricated into a hollow channel shape that is used at a set of points
to house the switch operating rodding. This eliminates the rodding being
located in a bay between bearers.
Interlocking Interaction of equipment controlling switches and/or signals to prevent
conflicting movements, and to make sure that routes are set correctly.
J No Entries
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Term Description
K Crossing The principal special component of a diamond crossing. It is the intersecting
component between two rails. The intersection creates an unchecked area in
the centre of the K, thus limiting the angles that can be designed for K
L No Entries
Manual Point Lever An apparatus consisting of a manually actuated lever and connecting rodding
to operate points in turnouts and catchpoints or to operate a derail device.
Manual point levers do not include ground frame or signal box levers that are
generally connected to an interlocked signalling system.
N, O No Entries
Points and A combination of rail and track components that provide for one track to join
crossings or cross another whilst maintaining continuous support and direction to the
rolling stock wheels. The points are the location where one track separates
into two tracks (or vice-versa) and generally includes moving rail components
called switches or switch blades. The crossing allows rolling stock wheels to
cross over a rail. Combinations of points and crossings may be used to
construct various track structures including slips, diamond crossings, turnouts
and Catchpoints.
Points Assembly The location where one track separates into two tracks (or vice-versa) and
generally includes moving rail components called switches or switch blades
that are attached to stockrails.
Q No Entries
Rail Brace Component used in points assemblies to fasten the stockrail in position where
fastenings on the gauge side of the rail cannot be used. The Rail Brace is
bolted through the web of the stockrail.
Rail Brace Plates Attach the Rail Brace to the bearer.
Single/Double Slip A special track layout that combines turnouts and diamond crossings. They
allow train movements both across and onto and out of a track.
Spring Wing A switchable V crossing with both a fixed and spring wing leg. The spring wing
crossing effectively eliminates the flange way gap when using the main line thus
reducing the wheel generated impact in the crossing. The wheel flange forces
the spring wing open when taking the siding road.
Stockrails Provide support for the closed switch and become the running rail when the
switch is open. They are curved, set and /or joggled.
Swing Nose A switchable V crossing with a nose assembly that moves from the main line
Crossing rail to the turnout rail, depending on the train movement, allowing a
continuous surface for the wheel to run through the crossing. They are
provided with straight crossings only. No checkrails are required with this
crossing type.
Switch A machined tapered rail that allows the direction of a train to be altered to
another line. A switch consists of a section of rail set and machined to a
design shape, drilled to detail to accommodate switch operating rodding and
heel blocks or chocks to allow attachment to a stockrail.
Switch Rollers Rollers that support the switch during the opening and closing operation.
Theycan be located in the bay between bearers, usually bolted to the
stockrail, or be fabricated as a part of the plate assembly under the switch.
They eliminate the need to lubricate the switch plate/switch interface.
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Term Description
Switch Stops Switch Stops are bolted to the web of the stockrail and make contact with the
web of the switch when the switch is in the closed position, providing lateral
support. They can be manufactured from castings, rolled angle section or
extended bolts.
Switchable These crossings close the gap in one track that is being made active for traffic
crossings. allowing a continuous surface for the wheel to run through the crossing.
Wheel transfer in switchable crossings is without any impact for any wheel
profile. Switchable crossings have no flange gap in the active track and thus
do not require checkrails. They can have either Swing Nose or Spring Wing
Tangential Switch A switch with a continuous curve through the full length of the switch. The
curved gauge line of the switch is tangent to the gauge line of the attached
stockrail at a distance in front of the switch tip.
Theoretical Point Located on the crossing nose at the intersection of the gauge lines of the two
running rails forming the crossing.
Trailable Point A manual point lever that is designed to allow for vehicle wheels trailing
Lever through points set the wrong way to re-set the points for the trailing movement
without the need to operate the lever.
Turnout Special trackwork that allows trains to pass from one track on a diverging
path. It consists of switch and stockrail assemblies, a 'V' crossing and
checkrails, linked together by straight and curved infill rails (closure rails).
Turnout Length The distance from the toe of the switch to the theoretical point measured
along the main line running rail containing the crossing.
Turnout Radius The radius of the centreline of the curved turnout track and not the turnout rail
radius. It is tangential to the switch at the heel (real or imaginary) and to the
appropriate leg of a straight crossing. The radius is carried through a curved
Turnout Rail This is a closure rail that joins the turnout switch to the crossing, as part of the
secondary track. It may consist of more than one rail length.
U No Entries
V crossing A unit that allows a train travelling on the turnout direction rail to cross the
mainline rail.
The crossing rate is a measure of the angle made by the main line and
turnout rail gauge faces that intersect at the theoretical point. The crossing
rate is the cotangent of the angle made.
All crossings are identified by markings on the wing rail which are provided
during manufacture. See 0 Crossing Identification
The catalogue number allows the geometry of the particular crossing to be
identified. Each catalogue number defines a crossing with a unique
See 0 for diagrams of standard crossing types
Wing Rail The rails of a crossing (on the end closest to the switch in a turnout) that are
flared to allow the passage of the wheel to transfer to or from the crossing
nose. Named for their resemblance to a wing in shape.
X, Y, Z No entries
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Grouped by component
Term Description
Points and A combination of rail and track components that provide for one track to join
crossings or cross another whilst maintaining continuous support and direction to the
rolling stock wheels. The points are the location where one track separates
into two tracks (or vice-versa) and generally includes moving rail components
called switches or switch blades. The crossing allows rolling stock wheels to
cross over a rail. Combinations of points and crossings may be used to
construct various track structures including slips, diamond crossings, turnouts
and Catchpoints.
Turnout Special trackwork that allows trains to pass from one track on a diverging
path. It consists of switch and stockrail assemblies, a 'V' crossing and
checkrails, linked together by straight and curved infill rails (closure rails).
Turnout Length The distance from the toe of the switch to the theoretical point measured
along the main line running rail containing the crossing.
Turnout Radius The radius of the centreline of the curved turnout track and not the turnout rail
radius. It is tangential to the switch at the heel (real or imaginary) and to the
appropriate leg of a straight crossing. The radius is carried through a curved
Turnout Rail This is a closure rail that joins the turnout switch to the crossing, as part of the
secondary track. It may consist of more than one rail length.
Stockrails Provide support for the closed switch and become the running rail when the
switch is open. They are curved, set and /or joggled.
Crossover The means by which trains pass from one track to an adjacent parallel track.
A Crossover is constructed from two turnouts (one on each track facing
opposite directions) and connecting plain trackwork.
Diamond Crossing The component of a track system where lines intersect. Diamond Crossings
comprise V and K crossings.
Catchpoints: A single switch assembly and a throw-off rail. The Catchpoint switch is
normally set in the open position, thus breaking the continuity of the siding
track causing unauthorised train movements to derail at a point clear of the
main line.
Clearance Point A point on converging or diverging tracks where the track centres or
separation between the tracks allows clear passage for passing trains and
beyond which vehicles must not stand.
Derail A vehicle derailing device that, when operating to protect the main running
line, causes wheels to climb the siding rail and derail clear of the protected
Expansion switch An assembly comprising two rails appropriately matched and fastened at the
longitudinal interface to provide virtual continuity of the running rail and gauge
faces while allowing controlled longitudinal slip.
Expansion switches provide a level of control for rail stresses when tracks are
attached to sub-structures (eg steel underbridges) which are also subject to
temperature related expansion and contraction.
Single/Double Slip A special track layout that combines turnouts and diamond crossings. They
allow train movements both across and onto and out of a track.
Points Assembly The location where one track separates into two tracks (or vice-versa) and
generally includes moving rail components called switches or switch blades
that are attached to stockrails.
Switch A machined tapered rail that allows the direction of a train to be altered to
another line. A switch consists of a section of rail set and machined to a
design shape, drilled to detail to accommodate switch operating rodding and
heel blocks or chocks to allow attachment to a stockrail.
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Grouped by component
Term Description
Heeled Switch A switch that pivots about a gapped joint between the switch rail and adjoining
closure rail. The switch is bolted to the stockrail and closure rail using a heel
block and fishplate designed to allow this movement.
Heel The end of a switch at which the switch pivots
Heel Block Single or multiple blocks, depending on switch type, that rigidly fix the switch
rail to the adjacent rail in the correct geometric configuration. The adjacent rail
is the stockrail and can include a closure rail for some switch types.
Flexible Switch A switch machined from longer rails and fixed towards the end of this rail with
blocks or other device to the adjacent stockrail. The switch movement is
provided by the flexibility of the longer switch rail and a section machined from
the rail foot (foot relief) towards the fixed end.
Tangential Switch A switch with a continuous curve through the full length of the switch. The
curved gauge line of the switch is tangent to the gauge line of the attached
stockrail at a distance in front of the switch tip.
Housed Switch A heavy duty switch and joggled stockrail equipped with a “Housing”. The
housing is a specially machined component with a hardened checking face
fitting above the switch to act as a checkrail for the opposite switch and
joggle. Where both switches are required to be heavy duty a housing is
required on one of the switches.
In - Bearer A bearer fabricated into a hollow channel shape that is used at a set of points
to house the switch operating rodding. This eliminates the rodding being
located in a bay between bearers.
Interlocking Interaction of equipment controlling switches and/or signals to prevent
conflicting movements, and to make sure that routes are set correctly.
Chair Plates A chair is a flat plate with a pressed up section that is attached with a bolt
through the web of either stockrail, in the case of a switch assembly, or the
checkrail carrier, in the case of a checkrail assembly.
Rail Brace Component used in points assemblies to fasten the stockrail in position where
fastenings on the gauge side of the rail cannot be used. The Rail Brace is
bolted through the web of the stockrail.
Rail Brace Plates Attach the Rail Brace to the bearer.
Switch Rollers Rollers that support the switch during the opening and closing operation.
Theycan be located in the bay between bearers, usually bolted to the
stockrail, or be fabricated as a part of the plate assembly under the switch.
They eliminate the need to lubricate the switch plate/switch interface.
Switch Stops Switch Stops are bolted to the web of the stockrail and make contact with the
web of the switch when the switch is in the closed position, providing lateral
support. They can be manufactured from castings, rolled angle section or
extended bolts.
Manual Point Lever An apparatus consisting of a manually actuated lever and connecting rodding
to operate points in turnouts and catchpoints or to operate a derail device.
Manual point levers do not include ground frame or signal box levers that are
generally connected to an interlocked signalling system.
Trailable Point A manual point lever that is designed to allow for vehicle wheels trailing
Lever through points set the wrong way to re-set the points for the trailing movement
without the need to operate the lever.
Crossing Assembly The component of a track system where lines branch out or intersect.
Crossings assist in the passage of track wheels where two track rails
intersect. Crossings may be fixed or switchable. In diamond crossings there
are K and V crossings and in turnouts V crossings.
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Grouped by component
Term Description
V crossing A unit that allows a train travelling on the turnout direction rail to cross the
mainline rail.
The crossing rate is a measure of the angle made by the main line and
turnout rail gauge faces that intersect at the theoretical point. The crossing
rate is the cotangent of the angle made.
All crossings are identified by markings on the wing rail which are provided
during manufacture. See 0 Crossing Identification
The catalogue number allows the geometry of the particular crossing to be
identified. Each catalogue number defines a crossing with a unique
See 0 for diagrams of standard crossing types
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Grouped by component
Term Description
Flangeway The distance between the gauge side of a running rail and the guard face of a
Clearance checkrail or the guard face of a wing rail.
Flangeway depth Flange way depth is the height of the running surface of the rail above the top
of the blocks at checkrails and in ‘V’ and ‘K’ crossings.
Theoretical Point Located on the crossing nose at the intersection of the gauge lines of the two
running rails forming the crossing.
Checkrail unit
Checkrail Unit The unit consists of a length of rail (called the checkrail) with a flared bevel
machined on each end, hardened on the checking face, bolted through
chocks to a closure rail (called the carrier) to attain a flangeway clearance.
The centre of the checkrail is usually opposite the theoretical point of the
Checkrail A rail placed inside the running rail which comes into contact with the back of
the wheel flange and is used in points and crossing work to provide steering
of the wheelset such that the crossing nose is not contacted by the opposite
Chocks An iron casting used mainly with checkrails and crossings to support rail
components at a fixed distance apart. Raised lettering and numbers on the
chock identify its application.
Flare The tapered widening at the ends of flangeways to gradually engage wheel
flanges and position them to pass through flangeways.
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Expansion switches
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Figure 9 - Curved Crossing Conventional Turnout – short leg curved (drawn for RH
Crossing Rate 'e' Sw = Switch length Switch length and heel centres are
8.25 11.882 d = Heel Centres (159mm) measured at heel joint for heeled
9 12.955 g = Gauge (1435mm) switches and for flexible switches
10.5 15.102 α = Crossing angle they are adopted for design
15 21.549 x = Crossing rate purposes
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Table 23 lists the second level Standard Plans referenced in the plans listed in Table 22
and also the third level plans referenced in the second level
The table contents in Table 22 and Table 23 are not listed in number order. The
contents are listed by category: e.g. turnout, catchpoint, switch, crossing, crossing rate,
rail weight, switch length etc.
Table 24 lists any superseded plans referenced in level 1 or 2. This listing is for
reference only. Superseded plans are not to be used. The plans that replaced the
superseded plans are also listed in Table 23.
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Rail Old Plan No. EDMS No. Title
5030 50 320-1220 CV0171439 STANDARD 5030 HEEL SWITCH; L.H. & R.H. TURNOUT; 50KG - 1981 RAIL; GENERAL ASSEMBLY
53 201-184 CV0246922 STD. 16FEET - 6INCHES X 6¼INCHES SWITCHES 107 A.S. 1936 RAIL.
10600 53 246-404 CV0068449 10 600 HEEL-LESS SWITCH; 53kg 1977 RAIL; GENERAL ARRANGEMENT; L.H. TURNOUT
Switch Details
5030 47 184-484 CV0065526 STANDARD HEEL JOINT 5030 AND 6100 SWITCHES 47KG A.S. 1977 RAIL
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