11 - Chapter 1 PDF
11 - Chapter 1 PDF
11 - Chapter 1 PDF
1.1 Background of biodiesel
Biofuels are fuels achieved from biomass. Biomass is natural matter
collected from plants or animals. The different raw materials which can be
utilized for obtaining biofuels are mainly classified into three categories, sugar
and starchy crops, cellulosic biomass and oil-producing trees. First group of
raw materials is sugar and starch crops. These are plants like starchy crops
and sugarcane, which can be stored by converting the energy from the sun
into simple sugars by photosynthesis. Due to the requirement of discovering
alternative energy sources, these products are used to produce biofuels,
especially ethanol as gasoline blends or substitutes. The second group is
cellulosic biomass. Cellulosic biomass includes huge amount of
heterogeneous matter in solid form. The third feedstock group consists of oil-
producing trees. There are numerous plants that give oils, especially
nonedible oils, which can be utilized to create optional fuels which can be
used as blends diesel or substitutes. The general features of these oils are
that they can transfer into fatty acids and glycerin.
B.C. (Before Christ) 10th century Assyrians first used biogas to heat
bath water. In Common Era, 17th century Helmont experienced that natural
matter discharges combustible gases. Mid 1800's transesterification of
vegetable oil is used to distill glycerin during soap manufacture. Conversion of
vegetable oil to methyl ester using transesterification process was first
performed by E. Duffy and J. Patrick in 1853. The first successful internal
combustion engine is manufactured in 1876. February 27, 1892, Rudolf Diesel
has applied for a new efficient heat engine patent, "Working method and
design for combustion engines a new efficient, thermal engine". The patent
was approved with Patent No. 67207. The diesel engine model designed by
Rudolf Diesel fueled with peanut oil was first operated in Augsburg city,
Germany in August 10, 1893. Attempts have been made to promote ethanol
as a fuel for automobiles in the 1920's and 1930's. Anaerobic bacteria
responsible for methane creation have been identified in this decade. August
31, 1937 G. Chavanne a researcher of Belgian got a patent for “Procedure for
the transformation of vegetable oils for their uses as fuels ". The theory used
these days as "biodiesel" was projected at first time.
In1942 a scientist ‘Seddon’ investigated the engine outputs of various
vegetable oils by using the diesel engine model with satisfactory outcomes.
Investigations had shown that natural oil can be utilized in CI engines for
normal working situations. In 1977, Expedito Parente a Brazilian scientist filed
the first patent of biodiesel industrial process. Engelman (1978) performed a
sequence of engine tests with 10% to 50% blends soybean oil with D100, the
blend containing a vegetable oil concentration of 60% or more is a cause of
engine sputtering due to fuel filter plugging. In 1979 investigation on the use
of transesterified sunflower oil was began in South Africa. Biodiesel fuel
tested on the engine was completed and was issued globally in 1983. In1981
Schoedder noted mixed outcomes by using rapeseed oil blended with diesel
fuel in a sequence of investigations. In 1982 Pryde observed the reports of
different experimentations on the use of renewable oil as substitute for diesel,
the entire short-term engine test shows satisfactory results, and long-time
engine ran reveal a serious problem of lubricant oil contamination and carbon
accumulation. It was reported that it is necessary to chemically modify
vegetable oil or to mix with diesel fuel to prevent early engine failure problem.
Researchers concentrated on use of various blends of vegetable oils instead
of diesel fuel. Therefore, it can be reported that 100% unmodified vegetable
oil is unacceptable as a fuel for diesel engine. In same year Peterson and
Wagner observed engine scratched performing short-term tests using 100%
rapeseed oil as an alternative fuel and no measurable improvement was seen
by heating the oil prior to burning.
The greater part of investigations related to a range of uses of direct
plant oils or mixtures of plant oils with diesel fuels showed that in shorter
duration experimentation pure plant oils will give engine outputs that are
approximately similar or superior to mineral diesel. However, in long duration
tests, linear vegetable oils creates some problems to engine parts such as
coking of injector nozzles, oil dilution of crankcase, stick of piston rings,
lubricant contamination with additional working issues. Many of these issues
were due to the triglycerides polymerization with double bonds; it leads to the
creation of deposits inside the engine as well as lower volatility and more
kinematic viscosity than pure diesel fuels. Plant oils are 11-17 times thicker
than diesel, resulting in poor atomization pattern. If the fuel is too dense, the
fuel injector can’t spray properly in the combustion chamber and fuel will not
burn properly. Therefore, the general trend is directed to the utilization of
chemically treated plant oils by transesterification. The transesterification
reaction reduces the viscosity of plant oils and gives high featured biofuels. In
the transesterification reaction, plant oils react with alcohol in the existence of
a catalyst. In this process triglycerides are broken and it forms methyl esters,
generally known as biodiesel and glycerin, after which they are separated and
November 1987 Austrian manufacturing industry Gaskoks began the
first pilot plant of biodiesel. In 1989 Gaskoks installed the first commercial
factory of biodiesel. In 1991 Austria's first biodiesel standard was formed.
International standards such as the German standard DIN 51606 in 1997
were formulated in order to strengthen quality control requirements for engine
manufacturer's using biodiesel fuel. 2002 ASTM D 6751 (USA and Canada)
were first time presented, and October 2003 an updated European biodiesel
standard DINEN 14214 was published. In the Minnesota State in September
2005 included biofuels in total diesel sold in their state and was the first US
state to oblige to require at least 2% biodiesel. The current version of the
biodiesel fuel standard (EN 14214 and ASTM D 6751) was announced in
November 2008 and replaced all olds standards [1, 2]
Tab. No.1.3 Properties of various vegetable oils [4, 5, 35, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48]
Oils Density Viscosity CV PP CP FP ° Carbon CN
kg/m cSt MJ/kg °C °C C Residue
40°C (%)
Diesel 835 2.75 42.25 -20 -15 66 0.001 47
Karanja 929 46.5 38.8 6 13.2 248 0.64 40
Jatropha 921 49.9 39.7 8 16 240 0.64 40-45
Neem 938 57 39.4 2 8 295 0.96 47
Rapeseed 911 37 39.7 -31 -3.9 246 0.30 37.5
Sunflower 916 33.9 39.6 -15 7.2 274 0.23 37.1
Coconut 915 27.7 37.1 - - 281 0.13 52
Soybean 914 32.6 39.6 -12 -3.9 254 0.27 38
Cotton 914 33.5 39.4 -15 1.7 234 - 42
Peanut 902 39.6 39.7 -6.7 12.8 271 - 42
Rice Bran 937 28.7 38.9 1 13 200 0.24 30
Linseed 923 27.2 39.3 -15 1.7 241 - 34.6
Corn 909 34.9 39.5 -40 -1.1 277 0.24 37.6
Palm 918 39.6 36.5 -15 27 271 0.043 42
Thumba 905 31.52 39.78 - - 201 - 45
Tallow - - 40 - - 201 6.1 -
Babassu 946 30.3 - - 20 150 - 38
Due to the molecular similarities between biodiesel and diesel fuel
compounds, this alternative fuel may meet the requirements of diesel engines.
The biodiesel fuel engine emits less contaminated species without the need
for additional emissions control instrument. As biodiesel's properties are close
to diesel, biodiesel is a powerful alternative to diesel fuel. Translation of
triglycerides to biodiesel by the transesterification reaction lowers the
molecular weight to 1/3 of the molecular weight of triglyceride and decreases
the viscosity near about 8 times with slightly raise in the level of volatility.
Biodiesel’s viscosity is near to that of conventional diesel fuel. These esters of
vegetable oils contain about 11% by weight of oxygen and because of this it
promote combustion process than conventional diesel fuel in engines.
Biodiesel has a lower heat of combustion (about 10-12%) compared to diesel
fuel, but it has a higher CN and FP. Some of the attractive fuel characteristics
of biodiesel fuel from various plant oils are shown in Tab. No.1.4. It
represents properties of biodiesel related to fuel produced from various
vegetable oil [50-55].
Class Class
Copper band corrosion EN ISO 2160 rating
1 1
1.12 Objectives
1.12.1 General Objective
The objective of this research project is to prepare biodiesel from
jojoba oil and babassu oil and find its suitability as an alternative renewable
fuel source for CI engine by testing its performance, emission and combustion
1.12.2 Specific Objectives:
To study the different properties of jojoba oil and JME.
To study the different properties of Babassu oil and BME.
To study the various methods of biodiesel preparation and optimize the
preparation process.
To explore the possibility of Jojoba oil methyl ester (JME) by using
Jojoba oil.
To explore the possibility of Babassu methyl ester (BME) by using
Babassu oil.
To find out the influence of compression ratio on engine characteristics.
To study the influence of blending percentage on engine behavior.
To analyze the effect of biodiesel on performance characteristics of
To analyze the effect of biodiesel on emission characteristics of engine.
To analyze the effect of biodiesel on combustion characteristics of
To compare engine performance, emission and combustion testing
data of biodiesel blends with pure diesel.
To investigate suitability of JME as an alternative transportation fuel.
To investigate suitability of BME as an alternative transportation fuel.
To evaluate the implication of the results of this experimental study with
proposed and current standards for the use of biodiesel and its blends
as fuel for diesel engines.
Chapter II
The second chapter describes the general survey of the different types
of crops having oil seeds. The characteristics and nature of these vegetable
oils are studied, mainly those characters which are significant for as diesel
fuel alternative. The problem formulation is done by the literature review.
General literature on chemical structure of biofuels and transesterification, fuel
properties, C. I. engine performance, combustion, emission and financial
possibility of tested fuel are studied. Later in this chapter benefits and problem
formulation is explained. A review research work in the area of biofuel with
relation to fuel properties and production method is described. The engine
performance, exhaust emission and combustion behaviors of VCR diesel
engine are also compared in this chapter. The past investigational reports of
methyl esters from different non-edible oils are also compared and discussed
which reflects that these fuels can be efficiently used for diesel engine. At the
end of this chapter benefits of biodiesel over conventional diesel are
Chapter III
The third chapter covers, the material used for performing research
such as purchasing of non-edible oils, catalysts, sample bottles, methanol and
diesel. It describes the experimental setup utilized in the testing with images
and accuracy of measurement. The comprehensive study of optimization of
fuel using various parameters, fuel properties is also described. It also
explains engine exhaust emission, performance and combustion
characteristics using C. I. engine. It provides a short outline of chemical
methods involved in preparation of biodiesel. It also shows the specific
processes used to produce the biodiesel samples. The entire experimental
apparatus are described including apparatus for properties measurement.
Chapter IV
The fourth chapter presents various studies and trials for biodiesel
production. It describes the outcome of such studies and its use together with
the reason of failure and the situation required for accomplishment. It explains
optimization of biodiesel from jojoba and babassu oil is described with
experimental results. It presents properties of preferred oils and its biodiesels
which reflects the suitability of this biodiesel for CI engine. It represents the
outcomes and discussion of the experimental results. It describes various
performance characteristics of engine fuelled with biodiesel blending. It
represents the effect of blending percentage on the engine emissions. The
combustion factors such as HRR, combustion pressure, ID, combustion
duration are analyzed comparing with diesel fuel and described in graphical
form. It indicates the effect of blending percentage and compression ratio on
engine characteristics. It explains the optimum percentage of blend and
engine parameters.
Chapter V
The fifth chapter presents summary and conclusions of relevant
scientific data and information getting from the experimental work. It is
associated with the future scope of work, and recommendation. It assesses
the future scope of biodiesel and presents the emerging and new techniques
for its production.