FA16-BCS-178 (AI ASSIGNMENT#2 8puzzle)

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COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore Campus

Assignment II – FALL 2019

Course Title: Artificial Intelligence - LAB Course Code: CSC402 Credit Hours: 3(2,1)
Mahmood Hussain Programme Name: BS Computer Science
Semester: 7th Batch: FA16 Section: A Date: 04-11-2019
Due on 19-11-2019 Maximum Marks: 10
Name & Registration no : MUHAMMAD FARAN KHALID & FA16-BCS-178

Question No. 1 Marks: 10

Write a program using A* to find solution for 8-puzzel game. Consider g (n) as the number of depth and h
(n) as the number of tiles misplaced.


import sys
import re
import copy

class Error(Exception):


class InputError(Error):

def __init__(self, msg):

self.msg = msg

class EightPuzzle():
def __init__(self, str):
pttn = re.compile("(\d)\s(\d)\s(\d)\s(\d)\s(\d)\s(\d)\s(\d)\s(\d)\s(\d)")
result = pttn.match(str)
if result is not None:
s = result.groups()
self.state = [[int(s[0]), int(s[1]), int(s[2])],
[int(s[3]), int(s[4]), int(s[5])],
[int(s[6]), int(s[7]), int(s[8])]]
raise InputError("Improperly formatted 8-puzzle")

def __str__(self):
s = ''
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
s += str(self.state[i][j]) + ' '
return s

def __eq__(self, other):

if type(other) is type(self):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
return False

def __ne__(self, other):

return not self.__eq__(other)

def __hash__(self):
uid = 0
mult = 1
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
uid += self.state[i][j] * mult
mult *= 9
return uid

def tile_switches_remaining(self, goal):

sum = 0
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
if (self.state[i][j] != goal.state[i][j]):
sum += 1
return sum

def manhatten_distance(self, goal):

sum = 0
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
tile = self.state[i][j]
for m in range(0, 3):
for n in range(0, 3):
if tile == goal.state[m][n]:
sum += abs(i - m) + abs(j + n)
return sum

def neighbors(self):
list = []
idx = self.get_blank_index()
x = idx[0]
y = idx[1]
if x > 0:
r = copy.deepcopy(self)
r.state[y][x] = r.state[y][x - 1]
r.state[y][x - 1] = 0
list.append((r, 'r'))
if x < 2:
l = copy.deepcopy(self)
l.state[y][x] = l.state[y][x + 1]
l.state[y][x + 1] = 0
list.append((l, 'l'))
if y > 0:
d = copy.deepcopy(self)
d.state[y][x] = d.state[y - 1][x]
d.state[y - 1][x] = 0
list.append((d, 'd'))
if y < 2:
u = copy.deepcopy(self)
u.state[y][x] = u.state[y + 1][x]
u.state[y + 1][x] = 0
list.append((u, 'u'))
return list

def get_blank_index(self):
for i in range(0, 3):
for j in range(0, 3):
if self.state[i][j] == 0:
x = j
y = i
return (x, y)

def a_star(self, goal, heuristic, output):

closed_set = set()
open_set = set([self])
came_from = {}

g_score = {self: 0}
f_score = {self: g_score[self] + heuristic(self, goal)}

while (len(open_set) != 0):

# print len(open_set),len(closed_set)
current = None
for node in open_set:
if current is None or f_score[node] < f_score[current]:
current = node
if current == goal:
return output(self, came_from, current)

# print "Closed set:"
# for p in closed_set:
# print p
for n in current.neighbors():
neighbor = n[0]
# print "Neighbor:\n",neighbor
if neighbor in closed_set:
# print "Current:\n",current
# print "Neighbor:\n",neighbor
tentative_g_score = g_score[current] + 1

if neighbor not in open_set or tentative_g_score < g_score[neighbor]:

came_from[neighbor] = (current, n[1])
g_score[neighbor] = tentative_g_score
f_score[neighbor] = g_score[neighbor] + heuristic(neighbor, goal)
if neighbor not in open_set:

return "nil"

def action_sequence(self, came_from, current_node):

goal = current_node
return self.action_sequence_helper(came_from, current_node, goal)

def action_sequence_helper(self, came_from, current_node, goal):

delineator = ","
if current_node == goal:
delineator = ""
if current_node in came_from:
p = self.action_sequence_helper(came_from, came_from[current_node][0],
p += came_from[current_node][1] + delineator
return p
return ""

def state_transition(self, came_from, current_node):

goal = current_node
return self.state_transition_helper(came_from, current_node, goal)

def state_transition_helper(self, came_from, current_node, goal):

delineator = "\n"
if current_node == goal:
delineator = ""
if current_node in came_from:
p = self.state_transition_helper(came_from, came_from[current_node][0],
p += str(current_node) + delineator
return p
return str(current_node) + delineator

def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3:
raise InputError("Not enough arguments")
h = int(sys.argv[1])
if h == 1:
heuristic = EightPuzzle.manhatten_distance
elif h == 2:
heuristic = EightPuzzle.tile_switches_remaining
raise InputError("Heuristic argument must be 1 or 2")
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
o = int(sys.argv[2])
if o == 0:
output = EightPuzzle.action_sequence
elif o == 1:
output = EightPuzzle.state_transition
raise InputError("Output argument must be 0 or 1")
output = EightPuzzle.action_sequence

input_i = sys.stdin.readline()
input_f = sys.stdin.readline()

initial = EightPuzzle(input_i)
goal = EightPuzzle(input_f)

print (initial.a_star(goal, heuristic, output))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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