Current Issues in HIV Prevention: September 2008
Current Issues in HIV Prevention: September 2008
Current Issues in HIV Prevention: September 2008
1 Nicholas, Suite 726, Ottawa ON K1N 7B7
September 2008 Telephone: (613) 233 7440 ● Fax: (613) 233 8361
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• See ICAD’s other fact sheets, including those on prevention, for more information:
• World Health Organization:
• Global HIV Prevention Working Group (PWG):
1. Salomon, J.A., et al., Integrating HIV prevention and 14. Check, E., Criticism swells against AIDS program's
treatment: from slogans to impact. PLoS Med, 2005. abstinence policy. Nat Med, 2007. 13(5): p. 516.
2(1): p. e16. 15. Nelson, R., Report shows mixed results for PEPFAR.
2. Global HIV Prevention Working Group, Bringing HIV The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2006. 6: p. 194.
Prevention to Scale: An Urgent Global Priority. 2007, 16. De Cock, K.M., D. Mbori-Ngacha, and E. Marum,
Global HIV Prevention Working Group. Shadow on the continent: public health and HIV/AIDS
3. UNAIDS and WHO, 2007 AIDS Epidemic Update. in Africa in the 21st century. Lancet, 2002. 360(9326):
2007, UNAIDS and WHO: Geneva. p. 67-72.
4. Kates, J., P. Nieburg, and J.S. Morrison, Making HIV 17. De Vogli, R. and G.L. Birbeck, Potential impact of
Paramount in the Next Phase of the U.S. Global adjustment policies on vulnerability of women and
HIV/AIDS Response. 2007, Center for Strategic and children to HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. J Health
International Studies: Washington, DC. Popul Nutr, 2005. 23(2): p. 105-20.
5. UNAIDS, Intensifying HIV Prevention: UNAIDS Policy 18. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and
Position Paper. 2005, UNAIDS: Geneva. Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria: The
6. Stover, J., et al., Can we reverse the HIV/AIDS Status and Impact of the Three Diseases. 2005, The
pandemic with an expanded response? Lancet, 2002. Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria.
360(9326): p. 73-7. 19. Kumaranayake, L. and C. Watts, Resource Allocation
7. United Nations General Assembly, Political and Priority Setting of HIV/AIDS Interventions:
Declaration on HIV/AIDS. 2006. Addressing the Generalized Epidemic in Sub-Saharan
8. UNAIDS, Resource needs for an expanded response to Africa. Journal of International Development, 2001. 13:
AIDS in low- and middle-income countries. 2006, p. 451-466.
UNAIDS: Geneva. 20. UNAIDS, Practical Guidelines for Intensifying HIV
9. Simms, C., The World Bank and sub-Saharan Africa's Prevention. 2007, UNAIDS: Geneva.
HIV/AIDS crisis. Cmaj, 2007. 176(12): p. 1728-30. 21. Valdiserri, R.O., Mapping the roots of HIV/AIDS
10. Marseille, E., P.B. Hofmann, and J.G. Kahn, HIV complacency: implications for program and policy
prevention before HAART in sub-Saharan Africa. development. AIDS Educ Prev, 2004. 16(5): p. 426-39.
Lancet, 2002. 359(9320): p. 1851-6. 22. Global HIV Prevention Working Group, HIV
11. Global HIV Prevention Working Group, Proven HIV Prevention in the Era of Expanded Treatment Access.
Prevention Strategies: Fact Sheet. 2006, Global HIV 2004, Global HIV Prevention Working Group.
Prevention Working Group. 23. Global HIV Prevention Working Group, New
12. USAID, et al., Coverage of selected services for Approaches to HIV Prevention: Accelerating Research
HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support in low and and Ensuring Future Access. 2006, Global HIV
middle income countries in 2003. 2004, USAID, Prevention Working Group.
UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF, and the Policy Project: 24. Auerbach, J.D., R.J. Hayes, and S.M. Kandathil,
Washington, DC. Overview of effective and promising interventions to
13. Bertozzi, S., et al., HIV/AIDS Prevention and prevent HIV infection, in Preventing HIV/AIDS in
Treatment, in Disease Control Priorities in Developing Young People, UNAIDS Inter-agency Task Team on
Countries, D.T. Dean T. Jamison, et al., Editors. 2006, Young People, Editor. 2006, WHO Technical Report
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Series, Volume 938: Geneva. p. 43-78.
Development/The World Bank and Oxford University
Press: New York. p. 331-369.
ICAD’s mission is to lessen the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS in resource-poor communities and countries by providing
leadership and actively contributing to the Canadian and international response. Funding for this publication was provided by
PHAC. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors/researchers and do not necessarily reflect the
official views of PHAC. Ce feuillet est également disponible en français.