A Review Towards Single Electron Transistor (SET)
A Review Towards Single Electron Transistor (SET)
A Review Towards Single Electron Transistor (SET)
A Review towards
Single Electron Transistor (SET)
Shilpa Goyal1, Anu Tonk2
M.Tech VLSI Design, Department of Electronics, YMCA UST, Faridabad, India1,2
Abstract: Single-electron transistor (SET) is a key element of current research area of nanotechnology. The aim of this
paper is to discuss about the basic physics of nano electronic device „Single electron transistor [SET]‟ which is capable
of controlling the transport of only one electron. The SET's physical size is quite small and its performance, such as
ON-OFF current ratio, improves as its size is reduced. The SET is therefore thought to be a promising device for large-
scale and low-power integrated circuits. In addition, its current characteristics are unique and much different from those
of conventional transistors. The goal of this paper is to review in brief the basic physics of nano-electronic device
single-electron Transistor [SET] as well as prospective applications. The most promising applications for SET's are
charge-sensing applications.
Keywords: SET, structure of SET, Quantum Dot, coulomb blockade, coulomb staircase
In today‟s digital integrated circuit architectures, nanoscale. One of the device introduced to meet this
transistors serve as circuit switches to charge and requirement of downsizing is SET.
discharge capacitors to the required logic voltage
levels[1].A transistor is a three terminal semiconductor Advantages Single electron transistor:
device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and Low energy consumption
electrical power. It has been observed that the fabrication High charge sensitivity
technology has reached on its limits for the MOS feature Compact size
size, beyond which further scaling of the channel is High operating speed
becoming impossible. Due to which SET is considered as Feature of reproducibility
the future of the complex IC fabrication by replacing MOS Simple principle of operation
technology, having small quantum dot or island, instead of Improved working when hybrid with MOS transistor is
channel. formed
Single electron transistor (SET) is the most fundamental
three-terminal single electron device (SED) which is The biggest limitation single electron transistors face is in
capable of offering low power consumption and high the area of digital logic. Because of the difficulty in
Operating speed[2][3]. SET is said to be the tiny transistor fabricating atomically identical transistors, there is a huge
with tiniest power consumption. Since the technology variation in when they turn on or off. This variation makes
reaches nano size, the behavior of a nano-electronic single the creation of a large array of single electron transistors
electron transistor (SET) is controlled by the quantum working together impossible. Advances in our ability to
mechanical effects. Analytical modeling of single electron precisely define features in materials with atomic precision
transistor for hybrid CMOS-SET analog IC design is have the potential to allow the use of these transistors for
described in [4]. The rest of this paper is organized as computation.
follows. Section 2 states about the need of single electron
transistor. Section 3 gives basic description of single
electron transistor. Section 4 presents the structure of The SET is a nano electronic, three-terminal, tunnel
single electron transistors. Section 5 addresses the physics junction device, where a capacitively coupled input
behind single electron transistor. Section 6 presents the voltage modulates a drain-source current serving as the
applications of single electron transistor. Finally, Section 7 amplifier output. A SET is made from two tunnel
summarizes the concluding remarks. junctions that share a common electrode. A tunnel junction
consists of two pieces of metal separated by a very thin
II. NEED OF SET (~1 nm) insulator. The only way for electrons in one of the
According to Moore's Law the number of transistors on metal electrodes to travel to the other electrode is to tunnel
integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years. through the insulator. Since tunneling is a discrete process,
With the downsizing of present silicon IC technology, the electric charge that flows through the tunnel junction
validity of Moore's law has become seemingly limited. flows in multiples of e, the charge of a single electron.
The field of nano electronics aims to enable the continued The idea of SET was demonstrated by Millikan at
realization of this law by using new methods and materials beginning of the century, but in solid state physics it was
to build electronic devices with feature sizes on the not implemented until the late 1980's. The first
observation of the Coulomb blockade and thus single (b) Transfer of many electrons simultaneously through the
electronics was made by Gorter in 1951. channel in MOSFET.
III. STRUCTURE In SET electrons are confined within a small volume and
The single electron transistor is made of a quantum dot communicate with the electrical leads by tunneling. SET
connected through two tunneling junctions to a drain and a turns on and off again every time one electron is added to
source electrode, and through a capacitor to a gate it.The Coulomb energy is given by
electrode. Ec =
Where e is the charge on an electron and C is the total
capacitance of the source and drain junctions and the gate
capacitor. When the bias between the source and drain is
greater than ( across each junction), called the
S Coulomb gap voltage, electrons actively tunnel across the
junctions, resulting in a current through the transistor
independent of the gate bias.
Tunnel In quantization of electron flow, known as the Coulomb
staircase, the thermal energy of the system must be much
Junction less than the Coulomb energy. As the gate voltage
increases, current increases in quantized chunks. This
D means that in order for a single electron transistor to
Gate operate at room temperature,
Capacitor kT <<
C<< ≈ 3.09×10−18F
Fig 1. Schematic structure of SET
The capacitance C must be much less than 3.09x10-18 F.
Quantum dot ,which is less than 10 nm in diameter, in
The capacitance is related to the distance between the two
which the electrostatic energy can be changed due to
sides of the junction, giving that
removal or addition of a single electron that is greater than
the thermal energy and thus can control the electron
C << 3.09×10−18F ⟹ d < 10 nm
transport into and out of the quantum dot. In other words,
Quantum dot is a small conducting island that contains a
The diameter of the island, d, must be less than 10 nm.
tunable number of electrons occupying discrete orbital.
The transistor mode of operation occurs when the bias
between the source and drain is less than the coulomb gap
voltage. In this case, when the gate bias is increased to the
point corresponding to the maximum slope on the
coulomb staircase (i.e. right before a jump in current), the
configurations on the island with zero or one excess
electron have equal energies, removing the coulomb
barrier and allowing tunneling to occur. This maximum
point occurs when the gate is charged with exactly minus
half an electron. When another minus half an electron
charge is put on the gate, the coulomb barrier is reinstated,
Fig 2. SET circuit
resulting in an oscillation in conductance of the transistor
with maxima at half integer multiples of e and minima at
IV. THEORY OF OPERATION integer multiples of e.
leaving of an electron from one junction to another is are independent of the device materials, they are useful for
generally known as “Correlated tunneling of electrons”. establishing guidelines for the design of SET charge
sensors in lateral QD-SET structures based on a two-
dimensional electron gas.
temperature with a very broad (say, two-decade) total Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 93, Nos. 3/4, 1993,767-
range from several circuits fabricated on a single chip.
[7] Ken Uchida, Jugli Kaga, Ryuji Ohba and Akira Toriumi,
This development is very encouraging, but since all this Programmable Single-Electron Transistor Logic for Future Low-
work is recent, some time is needed to see whether these Power Intelligent LSI: Proposal and Room-Temperature Operation,
new devices will be able to compete with (or even replace) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 50, No. 7, July 2003.
the established temperature standards.