Description: 3. Can Understand Basic Personal Details If Given Carefully and Slowly

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Teacher: Luz Mery Murcia Date: November/18th /2019 Branch:

Students will be able to describe and understand descriptions of people
1. Can understand simple descriptions of people's physical appearance.
Communicative 2. Can understand questions addressed carefully and slowly.
learning: 3. Can understand basic personal details if given carefully and slowly.


Environment police station

Participant Roles

Time 10min Information- gap activity: Time
Ss will watch a video about someone Time 10 min Teacher will write correct and incorr
describing a person. They will have to
take notes of the adjectives and phrases Ss will discover adjectives and body partssentences students used during the
they are able to understand. while they watch some pictures and try to class. After that, ss will identify
name the elements T points at. incorrect sentences and explain why
they are not right. If ss are not able
discriminate those sentences, t will
Reason-gap activity:
it giving feedback. Later, to check th
Time 15min
explanation is clear enough, they wi
Using the words, phrases and vocabulary describe their ideal partner.
discovered during the previous stages, ss
will describe some of the people that
appear on the worksheet and their
classmates would try to identify the
Opinion-gap activity:
people described.
Time 15min
Ss will read the descriptions of three
thieves that had stolen some items from
the classroom. Then, they will draw the
pictures of those criminals following the
guidelines provided by the descriptions.
Finally, ss will compare their drawings and
will choose the best.
Resources: Video Resources: WORKSHEET Resources:
Anticipated problems
people A1-A2


will write correct and incorrect

es students used during the
ter that, ss will identify
t sentences and explain why
not right. If ss are not able to
nate those sentences, t will do
feedback. Later, to check the
ion is clear enough, they will
their ideal partner.


Teacher: Camila
Will be Farfan
able to Date:
plan a trip with friends using a 7/27/2019 Branch:
set of expressions, Manizales
after being
exposed to language related to it._x000D_ Levels:
1 Can ask for simple directions, referring to a map or plan.
Communicative 2 can ask for simple directions from x to y on foot or by public transport.
learning: 3 Can follow short simple writting directions.
4 Can recognize phrases and content words related to familiar topics.

Keywords Locations, Directions, Instructions, References.

Environment The situation is developed into the classroom for following instructions.

Participant Roles The situation is about meeting someone on the street and asking for different places.

Time 15 minutes Information-gap activity: Time 20 minutes
Time 10 minutes
Students do the task in pairs and plan
1. T shows ss pictures of different the trip. Match them with another pair
T writes on the board five good
places they can travel with friends to discuss their ideas and any phrases used by the students during
in a weekend. similarities and differences. the task and five incorrect
2. T brainstorms words/phrases
Reasoning-gap activity: phrases/sentences from the task
onto the board related to the topic:
without the word that caused the
places/ verbs / feelings/ elements, Time 10 minutes
problem. Students discuss the
meaning and how to complete the
3. T introduces the listening of two Each pair rehearses presenting their
trip. Teacher walks around, helps them sentences.
people planning a trip
if they need it and notes down any Hand out the tapescript from the
language points to be highlighted later. listening and ask the students to
v=MhAaiamabQo). T plays it a few
underline the useful words and
times, first time to identify the
Opinion-gap activity: phrases.
general idea, second time to note
Time 15 minutes Highlight any language you wish to
down some language.
draw attention to e.g. language for
4. Finally, T tells them that they are Class listens to the plans, their task is to
making suggestions.
going to plan a trip with friends and choose one of them. They can ask
Students write down any other
s/he gives them a few minutes to questions after the presentation.
language they wish to remember.
think it over. Teacher gives feedback on the content.
Students vote and choose one of the
Resources: Internet connection, Resources: None. Speaking only Resources: Printed scripts,
Video Beam, Whiteboard, Whiteboard, Markers.
Students might find difficult to understand the video, specially the ones that are at the
beginning of the process. T can use subtitles or pause the video when necessary and
problems paraphrase the information.

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