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Bull Moose Tube HSS Connections Manual
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Bull Moose Tube HSS Connections Manual 1810 Clarkeon Road CChesterils, MO 60017 ‘contact BULL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY (900) 325-4407 (00) s25~ 337-2000 FAX: (636) 537-2649 Inne USA, oom Canada ‘ ‘al (800) 882-4666 i: info une pati prea att nt ra erg geForeword. Introduction Framed Connections - Boited Type Framing ‘Simple Shear Connections - HSS Column to Wide Flange Connection Welds in the Center of the HSS Shear Tab, Design Procedure - Shear Tab to HSS . The Single Angle.. Slotted through plate. Welds Located near Sidewall of the HS: Double Angle Connections... The Simple Tee... Boam Seats... ATLSS Connector Simple Shear Connections - HSS Be: ‘The Double Tee Connection. The Double Angle Gonnection Soparated Double Angle Connection Moment Connections - HSS to wide-flange... Continuous Beams Through Plate: Strap Angles. Flange Diaphragm: Column Face Reinforcement... - Moment Connection by Reinforcing the Ream Flanges Moment Connections - HSS to HSS... Stepped Connections with biD < 0.85. Connections with b/D > 0.8. Reinforced Tube Connections. Plato Stitfonor Reinforcement with Haunches... Blind Fasteners Conclusions ReferencesForeword A comprehensive discussion of Hollow Structural Section (HSS) connections is beyond the scope of this booklet. However, a considerable body of design criteria does exist but much of itis scattered in pieces of literature and was not readily available to engineers at the time of its publication. After the initial publication of this booklet, Bull Moose Tube Company, in cooperation with the American Institute of Steol Construction. Inc. {AISC), tho Stool Tube Institute of North America (STI), and the American tron and Stoo! Instituto (AISI) collaborated on a design book titled “Hollow Structural Sections Connections Manual", which is published by the AISC. Copies are readily available through AISC. This booklet is limited to rectangular and square HSS and does not include extensive research and criteria that is available for circular HSS. Even with rectangular HSS, most of the information concerns various types of truss connections, where axially loaded branch members are directly welded to tubular chords or main members. This guide is further limited to the case where the connection is intended to transmit moment and shear rather than an axial force ‘The information presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recognized engineering principles and is for general information only. While it i believed to be accurate, this information should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability, and applicabilty by a licensed professional engineer, designer, or architect. The Dublication of the material contained herein is not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of Bull Moose Tube Company, that this information is suitable for any general or particular use or of freedom from infringement of any patent or patents. Anyone making use of thi information assume all liability arising from ‘such use. Caution must be oxoreiced whon relying upon other opooifications and codes dovoloped by other bodies and incorporated by reference herein since such material may be modified or amended from time to time subsequent to the publishing of this edition. Bull Moose Tube Company bears no responsibilty for such ‘material other than to refer to it and incorporate it by reference at the time of the initial publication of this edition.Introduction With superior compression capacities and natural aesthetic appeal, Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) are an excellent choice for columns, trusses and building frame systems. Because of these attributes, the use of HSS continues to increase in the U.S. and the rest of the world. However, designers and fabricators who have not worked with HSS still express uncertainties regarding connections to HSS. With this in mind, Bull Moose Tube recognizes that connections to HSS require particular design consideration to achiove construction officioncy and cost minimization. The connection of beams to HSS columns can be grouped into two general categories. One ie the direct connection where the beam is welded to one of the column faces. This is often an HSS-to-HSS connection, although wide flange beams or other shapes could be welded to a column face. The other category is where connecting elements are used allowing for easy bolting of framing elements at once at the job site. This is by far the most economical method of connecting HSS as well as open shapes. In fact, the standard bolted connections that work so well for open profiles are often suitable for HSS. For simple connections, those requiring only shear resistance, HSS offer the same types of connecting elements as wide flange members. In fact, the load tables in the LRFD Simple Shear Connections should be used in the same manner for HSS columns as itis for wide flange beams. This is why the cost of simple connections for HSS is generally the same as wide tlange members.Framed Connections - Bolted Type Framing Welding tube - to - tube connections is difficult and expensive in the field. Therefore, it is important to have framed connections similar to those used with wide flange columns to facilitate field erection. The calculation methods used for bolted connections between hollow sections are basically no different than those used for any other types of connections in conventional steel construction. The closed profile does, howover, in some cases load to a spocial approach to the calculation process. For simply eupported behavior to be achieved, connections must provide a certain degree of flexibility in order to accommodate beam end rotations as a beam deflects under load. A full moment connection, which prevents beam end rotation relative to the column, implies an increased moment transfer to the column with increasing connection stiffness However, most of the connections that will be examined in this section are considered hinged or very nearly hinged. There are almost invariably two alternatives for hinged type connections obtained as follows. The hinge is located on the axis "a" and a suitable arrangement of bolts gives a slight fixity of the joint upon the beam with the resulting moment, Mz, acting on the latter. The hinge is located on the "b" axis (a single bolt for instance) and it is the column that reacts the moment, Mp. Figure 1 shows the basic arrangement of the conventional type of connection indicating the possible loading conditions and appropriate notation : Vertical reaction at support point H: Horizontal reaction My: Bending moment transmitted by the beam Mb: Bending moment due to the eccentricity of the attachment: Ma = Q.e Figure 1 - Load Conditions for Simple ConnectionsSimple Shear Connections - HSS Column to Wide Flange Connection’ ‘A major consideration in the design of this type of framing system is the field connection between the beams and columns. Normally a simple connection is shop welded to the beam or column and field bolted once at the job site. The most economical method is to use a simple framing connection that transmits the beam shear with ‘a minimal moment. A satisfactory simple framing connection of an open profile beam to a hollow section column should consider the following: 1) Adequate shear strength to carry the beam reaction 2) Enough flexibility co that the bending moment transmitted to the column will be minimal 3) The ability to carry any small moment without failure of the connection or connectors, 4) A connection configuration that does not cause excessive deformation of the column wall 5) A reasonably clean cost effective detail for fabricators Common practice for simple field connections is to shop weld connecting elements to the eam ar column and complete the connection in the field with bolting. A variety of standard simple framing connections have been developed over the years for wide flange columns but most of them have been adopted for HSS columns as well. These include: Double angles Tees Single angles Angle beam seats Shear labs or wing plates End plates ATLSS connector (self guiding)Excepl for the beam seal, the connecting element is allached to the web of the beam, However, these connections can be used with tubular beams if a structural tee end cap is welded to the beam so that the stem functions in a similar manner as the web of a wide-flange. These connections must be designed to reduce any secondary loads to the minimum in particular by bringing the center lines of the chord and lattice members to ‘meet at the same point. It is advisable, in the case of main structural components, to arrange the web members symmetrically in relation to the median plane of these components and to attach them ina symmetrical manner. Welds in the Center of the HSS The two types of connectione that have welds near the center of the face of the HSS the ehear tab and the single angle, which will be discussed in detail in the next several pages. The corresponding weld pattern is shown in Fig. 2 vs / i. Vv v Vv Figure 2 - Shear Tab and Single Angle WeldsShear Tab One of the most efficient and economical methods of connecting a beam to a tubular column is the shear tab. Recent research by Dr. Donald Sherman at the University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin quite clearly indicates that the shear tab is a safe, economical means for connecting a beam to a tubular column. In fact, this research indicates that through plating is often an unnecessary connection that can be avoided if certain criteria aro considorod. The primary purpose of Shorman's resoarch was to dovolop dosign guidolinos for shoar tabs on HSS columns and to establish the limit states of such connections. The conclusion of this study is that the shear tab did not reduce the column capacity in comparison to the through plate and that bolt tightening had more of an impact than the connection type. This conclusion is shown in Graph 1 cece (PT 7 << 55 > Th 0 PST 150 -- un = PT - Through Plate, Tight Bolts g TT - Shear Tabs, Tight Bolts B 100 PS - Through Plate, Snug Bolts ce TS - Shear Tabs, Snug Bolts = 3 S 2 Ss 50 7 T T 7 T T T T } “0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 LATERAL DEFLECTION (in. ) Graph 1 = Shear Tab Column TestThe study of any connection begins with the identification of the critical failure modes encountered unider extreme loading. These have been identified' as 1) shear failure of bolts 2) yielding of gross plate area 3) fracture of the net plate area and 4) bearing failure of the beam web set. To avoid shear failure of the bolts, a relationship for bolt diameter and tab thickness has been established and is shown below: ttab < dBolt2 + 1/16 ‘Also, the tab thickness is limited to 9/16" or less. Taking this into consideration, there are certain combinations of HSS thickness, tab thickness and common bolt diameters that should be used. These are summarized in Table 1, below. ‘Hss tab tholts, 3/16 S516 3/4, 7/8, 1 V4 S76 3/4, 7/8, 1 5/16, 1/2, 5/8 s 76 3/4, 7/8, 1 S12 7181 <9/6 1 Table 1 - Combinations of Shear Tab Connection Parameters The other consideration when analyzing tailure ot the HSS column connection is the additional limit state Introduced by the tlexible tube wall. Ihe tube wall in this instance may experience a bending failure caused by yield line development or punching shear failure. Figure 3 illustrates the yield line mechanism. However, because the depth of the shear tab Is much larger than Its thickness, high strains are likely to develop at the edge of the plate producing a localized failure, such as the plate pulling out or punching into the tube wall. This will occur before a sufficient number of yield lines develop and cause failure.Cr ] a noseo race { \ Nhe fe PN Se ry Figure 3 - Yield ine Failure Figure 4 - Punching Shear Failure Figure 4 illustrates the punching shear failure. Failure in this instance is defined as the point at which applied load oxoceds the shear resistance of the tube wall around the perimoter of the tab. To provent this failure, thickness of the tube wall must exceed some fraction of the thickness of the tab eo that the shear tab yiolds boforo the tube wall fractures in shear. Tho equation for the tube wall thicknoss is dofined bolow and is used in conjunetion with the equation for bolt chear failure to produce Table 1 Fy(tab) t (tab) < 1.2 Fu (HSS) t (HSS) For those connections, which failed during Sherman's study, all experienced a shear yielding of the gross area of the tab. However, all of the connections exhibited the possibility of multiple failure modes. To remove the possibilty of weld failure it is recommended that welding to HSS be done in accordance to AWS section D1.1 that gives procedures to assure good welding practice. Local moments are an important consideration in the design of connecting elements. The moment developed in the connection depends on the reaction eccentricity, which is defined as the distance from the face of the HSS column to the location of zero bending moment. This eccentricity was shown to be less than three inches, the dimension between the weldline and the bolt line, except when the flexible beam was used with the stiffest HSS. column face (bit)= 8. It was demonstrated that the minimum thickness of the column face should be related to the shear tab thickness in order 10 force yielding of the tab rather than allowing possible punching shear failure of the column face. It is known that reaction eccentricity Increases with the number of bolts, the size of the bolts and the thickness of the plate. An empirical equation was then developed tor calculating the eccentricity: 1.3 e=0.09 <2 ow (w/a)! (a 1} (inches)Based on the results of extensive shear lab research, Sherman has refined the design procedure for shear tabs and has indicated the basic rules as follows: General Requirements (Shear Tabs) If the shear tab is at the ond of a long unbraced longth, a brace point should be ostablishod noar the shear tab. - The area of the tube wall to receive the weld should be free from mill ecale and come preheat chould be applied before welding, - The welds are fillet welds along the entire length of bath side of the plate and should be terminated just short of the top of the shear tab « Its left to the designer as to whether to use tubes with high bit ratios. Hawever, it is racammanded that b]1< 253) [F y<2sy fF, - The design is applicable for both fully torqued and snug tight bolts. Design Procedure - Shear Tab to HSS" 4) Calculate the number of bolts required to resist the shear force. Assume the force acts at the bolt line. R ask » 2) Calculate the maximum thickness of the shear lab allowed (o insure yielding of the shear lab before punching shear failure of the tube wall: 3) Calculate the length or thickness of the shear tab needed to resist the shear force: R ———— pl OMF, ty pt? d4) Calculate the reaction eocentrcily: a.) Determin 1.35 1.3 2 (« a pl is between the bolt line and the weld line and: ©.) Ife >3, the point of eccentricity is outside of the bolt line and: & (n-1)-3 a w 5.) Recalculate the capacity of the bolt group, using Table XI of the AISG-ASD Manual: 6) Hecalculate the length or thickness of the shear tab using the reduction tactor, which takes into account the eduction in shear capacity due to the distortion in the tube wall: where & =0.80 if ¢<3 and b/t215 1.00 for all other cases 7) Check for fracture along the net section: Rus [pn abt, + 006) OF8) Calculate the weld size, in sixteenths, to develop the shear capacity for the tab, us AISC-ASD Manual: ny Table XIX from the pl 2,1) where al = ey. The weld size need not exceed 0.75 tp) 9) Check the bearing capacity of the bolt group: P 12F) ot od, b uy Pl v} 10) Check for a block shear failure if the beam is copedThe Single Angle The single angle shown in Fig. 5 is yet another option for bolting HSS columns to beams. Single angles are simple to shop weld placing the bolts in single shear at the connection. The angle does create an eccentric ‘moment at the connection, which can affect the design of the fastening element. The amount of moment developed in an angle can be approximated as, m =Re, where “R” is the reaction shear and e” is the reaction eccentricity. The reaction eccentricity depends on a number of factors, such as the number of bolts, the dimensions and material of the angle. To provide necessary flexibility, there should be no weld at the top or heel of the angle: this applies to angles welded to both HSS and wide flange columns. To prevent overturning of the beam, the distance between the center of the top and bottom connecting bolts should equal or exceed, one hal the T-distance of the supported member." The simple angel connection is therefore considered more complicated than the tab because of the complications introduced by the eccentricity. !owever, the wall distortion of the ISS should be less than for the shear tab since some of the force is transmitted to the weld near the side wall. Therefore, a yield line im that may cause failure for a chear tab as shown in Fig. 8 will not develop, and the HSS column etrength should not be affected. mechanis The basic design procedures for selecting a single angle connection are included in LRFD Table Xi and apply for HSS columns as well. ple connections Figure 5 - Single angle connectionSlotted through plate The slotted through plate is shown in Fig. 6. The through plate is the stffest simple connection because of the reduced flexibility of the plate vs. the column wall yet it is also the most expensive to fabricate. On the other hand, through plates minimize column deformation at the connection, and the connection behavior is virtually independent of the cross-sectional dimensions of the column, Section E-£ Figure 6 - Slotted Through-plate Welds Located near Sidewall of the HSS ‘The double angle, tee and seat connections are attached to the column with vertical welds at the two edges of the connecting elements. This is shown in Fig. 7. If the connecting elements are not as wide as the HSS, the welds are on the flat wall of the section near the corner. On the other hand, if the elements are as wide as the HSS, flare bevel groove welds would be required. Fur double angles, lees, and beat seals, the widllt of the element should be slightly less than the column width. —— frtas FLARE BEVEL WELD (GROOVE WELD Figure 7 - Welds near SidewallWhen using connections with side welds the local distortion of the face of the HSS is not a strength consideration and since any end moment in the connection is small, the side wall compression is not a critical factor. The primary additional strength consideration in using these connections is that the welds are in the vicinity of the comers that have been extremely cold worked by the direct-form manufacturing process. This often raises the tensile properties of the steel by more than 50%, offsetting any tensile strength lost by the weld region. The consideration in u: 1g those connections with HSS columns is the rotational floxibilty. In practico, these connections are considered as simple hinges in the analysis of a structure. When used with wide flange columns, the welde are toward the flexible edges of the flanges that are not directly supported by the web, while in the HSS the sidewalls provide stiffness to the tube face at the welds. Since most of the connection distortion is assumed to take place in the connecting elements, the flexibility should still exist in these elements with HSS. columns. In fact, it is not anticipated that either the strength or the flexibility of the connection will be a critical factor or compromised with HSS columns Double Angle Connections Quite likely the most suitable connection tor general purpose is the traditional double angle arrangement shown in Fig. 8. It provides the strenath ot bolts in double shear combined with excellent flexibility and, being symmetrical, the connection avoids any lateral torsion. Fabricators can select standard detail angles trom stock rather than prepare special components such as tees. Engineers should consult the LRFD Simple Shear Connections manual to make the selection of the appropriate angle based on load conditions and bolt sizes. The connection is completed by shop-welding the lwo vertical angles lo the column with a short return alony the: up portion of the angle thal fs 2x the weld width and completed by fleld bolting tu the web of the bean, Length of rtun OO damit Figure 8 - Double AngleThe Simple Tee Figure 9 shows a connection consisting of a tee section welded along both flange edges of the HSS column. The tee section is offset from the center line, allowing the beam web to be centered onto the column face.” The beam is then easily field bolted to the tee. This type of connection permits reasonable rotation through distortion of the tee and does not induce high stresses or distortions on the HSS column wall as compared to the shear tab. The basic behavior of this type of connection is somewhat similar to conventional framing angles although itis stiffer because of the continuity of the tee flange across the entire HSS face. A minimum width-to thickness ratio of ten is suggested” by White and Fang. Again, the primary difference is the location of the weld and the connection eccentricity. Table XI in LRFD manual gives tabulated strengths for tee sections. i ey Peo “ees Lr Figure 9 - Simple Tee 16Beam Seats ‘Some very common connections for heavier shear loads are the use of beam seats with the option of standard tees and shear plates. The beam seat usually consists of an angle welded to the HSS face transmitting the shear load to the face of the HSS as shown in Fig. 10a. Alternatively, traditional tees and shear plates can be welded to the HSS face with a smaller angle welded across the HSS as shown in Fig. 10b. Figure 10% - Beam Seat Figure 10b - Beam Seat for Large Loads ATLSS Connector A series of new beam: t0- column connections, known as ATLSS connections, are currently under development. The emphasis of these new designs Is on a self-gulding feature that will minimize human assistance during construction and result in a quicker, safer, less expensive erection procedure. The concept is based on using a trapezoid solid tenon piece on the beam, which slips it shown in the photograph below. nlo a three-dimensional mortice guide. This concept is The ATLSS Connector may prove ideal for ISS since it can be welded flush to the side of a tube. In fact, research is under way to to assess the behavioral characteristics of the ATLSS when it is welded to tubes of varying thickness. MORTISE TENONSimple Shear Connections - HSS Beams to HSS Columns, Bolted HSS beam to HSS column connections generally entail the use of detail material such as tees, angles or plates in a manner similar to those shown in Figs. 8-9. Figures 11a,b shows a simple connection typical of HSS beam to column connections. Fig 11a illustrates a connection consisting of a tee shop welded horizontally to the column with a short return around the top corners while Fig. 11b is a similar detail utilizing two angles to form a slot. Those connections aro comploted by ficld bolting the beam to the two vertical angles. This connection, as with any conncetion involving ficld bolting, is loss costly than a fiold welded connoction. The Double Tee Connection As shown in Fig. 11a is a means of field bolting this system. The tees are either built up from plates or rolled sections. To maintain proper alignment of the beam and column, the beam tee section can be centered on the column wall. The tee section on the column is shop welded along both flange edges to the column. The tee should not be welded on all four sides to maintain flexibility. A minimum width to thickness ratio of 10 i suggested for the column tee flange." Section BB Figure 11a/b ‘The Double Angle Connection This conmection shown in Fiy. (1b allows te bolls to work in double stiear. A iminium Wit ratio Uf 10 for the: ‘suggested by Astenuh (1987). lee section and 20 for the column sectiorSeparated Double Angle Connection Figure 12a, below shows a double angle with the beam coped to facilitate bolting. The beam end should be sealed to prevent exposure to a corrosive atmosphere. The column bit ratio should be greater than 32 and the angles welded close to the edge of the column. Also, plates instead of angles can be used as shown in Fig. 126 allowing for wider beams. The plates are shop welded close to the edges of the HSS column as shown, forming a relatively rigid connection. Another option is to use shear plates welded close to the column side walls as shown in Figi2b. Again, the best method for selecting the correct bolt sizes and angles is to consult the LRFD manual for simple shear connections Table XI. o — spend i I s | X. i 3]_ 1 ES a 1 | 1 I ©} Double pate, Dohes a> - i i > i N I Figure 12a - Separated Double Angle Figure 12b - Shear Plates Plates on the column face as shown in Fig. 18 portray another method of connecting tubes. End plates are ‘welded to face of the HSS and the end of the tube sealing the beam while providing easy installation. es - Figure 19 - Plates on the Column FaceMoment Connections The bi ‘or moment connections are: ic design criteria for rigi 4. Sufficient strength 2, Sufficient rotation capacity 8, Adequate stiffness 4, Ease of orection and economical fabrication ‘Moment Connections - HSS to wide-flange Moment connections are generally more expensive lo fabricate than simple connections because of the complicated welds and labor involved. The design connections only when necessary. A number of concepts are used to transmit moments from wide flange should consider simple framing and use moment beams to rectangular or square HSS columns. They range from in use from continuous beams with column interrupted, to the provision of continuity from beam to beam across the column, to the reinforcing of the column. face to accept a beam moment connection. Continuous Beams A continuous beam approach shown in Fig. 14 avoids the task of tranemitting moments into the HSS column by running a continuous beam through an interrupted column. Column continuity is provided by reinforcing the wide flange with a split HSS stiffener. This detail presupposes beam flanges that are as wide as the column section., and would not be intended to transmit major moments into the column. The column interruption makes {or easy bolting of this connection as end plates are welded to the end of each column section. irengih equations 09 end 0.4 have ian covlopgeeta demas he rec. * (0.2) % wa : S where A raid net ross sectoral area ot (ne sap ange fer?) C= comoressnve rc ina sao angle ‘der Ma) = doptiot eam nm) F, = mama speeded yots sengh r (ites) a t = 1K, plate moment = 2F (Mm) i toe ws) Figure 14 - Split HSS Stiffener 20Through Plates A simple arrangement which provides direct moment transfer from beam to beam across a column ( or to.a column) is shown in Figs. 15 a,b where the column is interrupted to pass flange plates through it from one beam to another. In this instance, shear tabs can be used for beam webs since beam end rotation ( which limits their Use for simple connections) is not a factor. For heavier moments double angle web shear connections may be needed. The corresponding detail for a column top can be seen in Fig. 15b where another column tior can be bolted diroetly on top of desired. This arrangement can be modified for beams framing from throe or four directions, but they all noed to be within shimming range of the same dopth. Also, the top column can be reduced in size to accommodate lighter loads as building floors increase reducing the need for heavier section | shart / |: Double anoles 4 uy foc (le naney _ oe ~ andedbeame) EB toado beams) (2) At intermediate floors (©) At roof or with column splice Figure 150 Figure 15b Strap Anglco One altornative where there are beams in only one plano at the camo dept! to use strap anglos which connect the beams to the column faces parallel to the beam is shown in Fig. 16. No wold is used between the beam flange and the face of the column but welds are used to attach the beam web to the strap and the strap to the side wall of the column. The following procedure have been established" to produce good joint behavior: 41) Top angles should be coped with a radius equal to the angle leg minus its thickness 2) Top angles should he longer than battam angles 3) A short length of the horizontal legs of the top angles should be welded to the beam 4) A Clearance ot approximately .5" between column wall and the end ot the beam is desirable. aNaturally, beam flange widths sliould be equal (o or less thant column widths. For connections where the bear flange is substantially narrower than column width, it should not be assumed that shear force is taken by the strap angles. A symmetrical web connection must be designed to take the total shear force. Equations for the working strongth of strap angles have been developed “* and should be followed: Flange Diaphragms Sect seo aes ip eet siesoteah g's seres tom Another method of connecting beam flanges to an HSS column is shown in Fig. 1/. A plate diaphragm is titted around the column for each of the beam flanges, and vertical web plates are located between them. The beams are connected by simple shear connections at the extremities of this assembly where beam contra flexure points are expected. rune 96 Flange ptigin mart connectoneThis arrangement can be adapted (0 locations with two, three, or four beams framing al a column. Research conducted by Kato et. al. (1961) and Tabuchi (1988) to determine the design criteria for this arrangement has been established and is included on the illustration, Column Face Reinforcoment* The most direct approach for moment. connecting a beam to an HSS column is to reinforce the column face to accept the flange forces from the beam. This approach is shown in Fig. 19. Essentially, a plate diaphragm is fitted around the column for cach of the beam flanges and vertical web plates are located between thom. The beams are connected by simple shear connections at the extremities of this assembly where beam contra flexure points are expected. Thie arrangement can be adopted for locations with two, three, or four beams framing at a column. Accor criteria, four basic modes of failure should be considered ({llustrated in Fig. 20) 1g to research conducted by Dawe and Grondin’ to analyze the critical design 1.) Beam tension flange to column doubler plate rupture bb) Punching shear of the doubler plate at heam tension flange .) Web crippling of the column side walls at the beam compression flange d.) Punching shear of the column face along the edge of the doubler plate, either near the beam tension flange or near the beam compression tlange. Gas O== ‘Section A-A Section AA Flangopito aN s Taran 14) ar Seat angle \— Reinforcing plate Section 8-8 Section 8-8 Figure 19 - Column Face Reinforcement 2B‘. ™~, ut TPs. rapes 4 an 1 Wee ae cig “ LO | tee rg L 7 po] a HSS 2o3e20006.4 Figure 20 - Critical Failure Mode: Tho conclusion of this research is that the governing failure mod. moment reeietance can be estimated by: is by failure Mode (a) in which the connection a OF yptobe F ol Where beis given by = | 10] 299 |, but
05 * °,-ypu-np) O, =H for f, /06r,
044 with fq being the stress in the main member. Qq is a constant, which provides for increase in the wall stength for wide branches and Qy a constant that decreases the wall strenath if the column carries high axial stresses. Basically the criteria limits the bending stress in the branch to prevent a distortion failure of the wall of the main member, which is a function of D/t. An upper limit on the failure is that the shear through the wall cannot exceed the shear yield. Qq provides for an increase in the wall strength for wide branches and Of provides decreases the wall strength if the column carries high axial stresses. Connections with b/D > 0.8 For matched connections or stepped connections with b/D > 0.8, AWS provides critical design criteria. Design is governed by the more critical allure mode 1) the reduced branch member capacity (effective width ). and 2) the chord side wall bearing or buckling capacity. The side wall forces are based on the tull shear yield ot the main member tor stepped connections and on web yielding ot the main member tor matched connections. Ihe criteria Is written to apply to an axial force In the branch and It is conservative to use the equation for b/D 0.8 It the value of Qaq Is limited to 1.58, corresponding to b/D = 0.8. The equations can be rearranged to give limiting ratios of D/T as a function of UT to develop a given stress level in the branch member. DIT < Q;Qq but not to exceed 8.99 Q/Qg for yield These limiting ratios are plotted in Figure 24 for an allowable stress in the branch equal to U.b Fy and Uf for the stress level in the main member equal to one. The lower line represents Qq equal to one and applies to b/D < 0.5. The upper stress levels in the branch or in the main member would shift the curves to the left, but would not effect the plateaus, iy Une lini wlien L/D is equal Wu 0.8 and catt be used larger values Uf the raliv. HigherKorol conducted lests in Canada thal showed full moment ansfer in matched connections stiould nol be expected unless D/T were less than 16. This appears to follow the trend indicated in Fig. 24. If the limits in Fig. 24 are not met, either the stress level in the branch must be reduced, or the connection must be reinforced. 16 16 14 13 ot os os or os 1 13 18 WwW 1 uw Figure 24 - Limits of vit and UI AWS criteria also permits a yleld line analysis in stepped connections with b/D < 0.8. Stockwell derived the ultimate moment based on a yleld line analysis of the web of a W column with a beam welded to It. Since the yleld line pattern Is similar to that which would occur in the face of a tubular column, this equation can also be used for the tube- to -lube connection. 2p 3 Where M ap [CPT (CD+h WT”, OnT uy} 12 2c cReinforced Tube Connections Plate Stiffener ‘The chord flange stiffener is least obtrusive and most easily method of reinforcing a tube- to- tube connection as shown in Fig. 25. Koroiet. al. (1982) developed a yield line analysis which led to reinforcing plate parameters that result in sufficient strength to resist the bending or axial capacity of the framing to the column. Recommendations by Korol to obtain a fll strength connestion aro: 1, Plate width should be at least equal to the flat width of the HSS face that is takon to be = b -4tp. 2. Plate length should be twice the HSS column width, i. €. 2bo, 3. Plate thickness depends on whether axial or bending loads dominate. For full axial compression capacity of the branch, tp > 4 ty - to, For full moment capacity of the branch, tp > 0.63(b4t1)”* - to, < } oS eo LY Figure 25 - Plate Stiffener Reinforcement Reinforcement with Haunches Another efficient and aesthetic form of connection reinforcement is to use 45° haunches as shown below. In fact, cuttings from the branch member provide a convenient haunch for either end. Both of the reinforcing methods provide adequate methods of resisting in plane moments. This is shown below in Fig. 26. MF hm, rs
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