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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal |

ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | Volume - 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep – Oct 2018

Study on Hiring Process of Wipro Infrastructure

Engineering aat Hindupur, India
Dr. Nalla Bala Kalyan
Kalyan, Dr. J. Viswanath
Associate Professor
Professor, Department of Management Studies,
S V College of Engineering
Engineering, Karakambadi Road, Tirupati, India

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an approach two classess those who are to be offered employment
to the manage people, based on four fundamental and those who are not. Selection means a process by
principles, recruitment, selection, training, which qualified personnel may be chosen from the
compensation, first human resources are the most applicants offering their services to the organization
important asset of an organization and their effective for employment”.
management is the key to its success. Specifically, the
activities included are – HR planning, job analysis 1.1 Recruitment Process
and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and Recruitment refers
ers to the process of identifying and
placement, training
ning and development, performance attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified
appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive job applicants. The process comprises five inter- inter
remuneration, motivation and communication, related stages, viz.
welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the A. Job analysis
like. In this study helps the organization to identify B. Sourcing
the vicinity of problem and suggest way to progress C. Screening and selection
the recruitment and selection process, this study D. On boarding
center of attention on understanding recruitment and
selection process. The research was done using both A. Job analysis:
primary and secondary data. The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a
job analysis, to document the actual or intended
Keywords: Human Resource, Management, requirement of the job to be performed. This
Organization, Recruitment, Selection information is captured in a job description and
provides the recruitment effort with the boundaries
1. INTRODUCTION and objectives of the search. Oftentimes a company
“Human Resource Management is the planning, will have job descriptions that represent a historical
organizing directing and controlling of the collection of tasks performed in the past. These job
procurement, development, compensation, descriptions need to be reviewed or updated prior to a
integration, maintenance and separation of human recruitment effort to reflect present day requirements.
resources to the end that individual, organizational Starting recruitment with an accurate job analysis and
and social objectives are accomplished”. Recruitment job description ensure the recruitment effort starts off
is a ‘linking function’ joining together those with jobs on a proper track for success.
to fill and those seeking jobs. Recruiting makes it B. Sourcing:
possible to acquire the number and types of people Advertising, a common part of the recruiting process,
ary to ensure the continued operation of the often encompassing multiple media, such as the th
organization. Recruiting is the discovering of internet, general newspapers, job and newspapers,
potential applicants for actual or anticipated professional publications, window advertisements, job
organizational vacancies. “Selection is the process in centers, and campus graduate recruitment programs;
which candidates for employment are divided into and Recruiting research, which is the proactive

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Oct 2018 Page: 640
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
identification of relevant talent who may not respo
respond Selection procedure
to job postings and other recruitment advertising Selection is a long process, commencing from the
methods done in first method. This initial research for elementary interview of the applicants and ending
called passive prospects, also called name with the contract of employment. There is no
generation, results in a list of prospects who can then standard selection procedure to be used in all
be contacted to solicit interest obtain a re resume/CV, organizations
ons or for all jobs. The complexity of
and be screened. selection procedure increases with the level and
C. Screening and selection: responsibility of the position to be filled. The strategy
Suitability for a job typically assessed by looking for and method used for selecting employees varies from
skills, e.g. Communication, typing, and computer organization to organization and from one job to
skills, Qualifications may be shown through resumes, another.
job applications, interviews, educational or
professional experience, the testimony of references, Selection decisions should be made after using a
or in-house
house testing, such as for software knowledge, range of tools appropriate to the time and resources
typing skills numeracy, and literacy, through available. The most common techniques are
psychological tests or employment testing. Other described below. Care should be taken to use
resume screening criteria may include length of techniques which are relevant to the job and the
ce, job titles and length of time at job. In some business reviewed
ewed to ensure their fairness and
countries, employers are legally mandated to provide reliability.
equal opportunity in hiring. Business management
software is used many recruitment agencies to Steps in selection process
automate the testing process. Many recruiters and 1. Study and know about employment laws that
ies are using an applicant tracking system to affect that after the selecting process.
perform many of the filtering tasks, along with 2. Prepare a current position description for the
software tools for psychometric testing. vacant position or verify that the existing position
D. On boarding: description is current.
“On boarding” is a term which describes the process 3. Prepare and issue a vacancy announcement
of helping new employees become productive 4. Prepare application screening criteria.
members of ann organization. A well
well-planned 5. Prepare questions and screening criteria for the
introduction helps new employees become fully selection interview.
operational quickly and is often integrated with a new ranking individuals for interviewing
6. Select the top-ranking
company and environment. On boarding is included 7. Conduct interviews based on established criteria.
in the recruitment process for retention purposes. 8. Reference checking information
Many companies have onn boarding campaigns in 9. Orientation
hopes to retain top talent that is new to the company; 10. Probationary period
campaigns may last anywhere from 1 week to 6
months. Steps in scientific selecting process:
Receiving applications, Screening of applications,
1.2 Selection Employment tests, Rejection of unsuitable candidates,
Selection can be conceptualized in terms of either Interview, Reference checking,
cking, Medical examination,
choosing the fit candidates, or rejecting the unfit Final selection, Selection tests
tes, or a combination of both. So, selection
process assumes rightly that, there is more number of 2. Objective of the Study
candidates actually selected, where the candidates are  To know the perception of the employee about the
made available through recruitment process. recruitment and selection procedure.
Therefore, in simple terms, selection is a process in  To study the various methods of recruitment and
loyment function which starts immediately upon selection process in Wipro Infrastructure
of resumes and application letters, the major concern Engineering at Hindupur.
being reviewing resumes for basic qualification.  To assess the attitude of the employee towards the
recruitment and selection procedure.
“Selection is the process of differentiating between  To find out whether the management fulfill the
applicants in order to identify those with a greater commitment during the interviews.
likelihood of success in a job”.

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Oct 2018 Page: 641
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
3. Scope for the Study Primary Data:
The present study aims at analyzingg the recruitment, Primary data are data that are collected to help solve a
selection, placement, and induction policy in Wipro problem or take advantage of an opportunity on which
Infrastructure Engineering, Hindupur. The study has a a decision is pending. An important source of primary
wide scope in generating good awareness levels, data is serving a research. The various types of
regarding recruitment, selection, placement and surveys (personal, computer and telephone) the
induction policy in both management and employees interviews that have been taken from the general
which helps a lot in planning and implementing the manager, HR manager and some of the executives
right and suitable policy in organization. The explore have helped a lot in collecting the information.
the views expressed by the respondents about the
adequacy of existing system there by examine Secondary Data:
critically and providing solution in an aattempt to Secondary data are that were developed for some
better the system. purpose other than helping to solve the problems at
hand. The secondary data those are available to
4. Research Methodology relatively quick and inspective to obtain. Internal
The design of research project specifies both the data sources can be classified in to for broad categories:
that are needed and how they are to be obtained. The Appraisal reports, training reports, miscellaneous
step in data collection process is to look for primary records and internal expo.
data as well as secondary data.

5. Data Analysis and Interpretatio

5.1 The openings in the organization
Table 1
MANAGERS 16.66% 0 0 3.34% 6 20
EXPERIENCED 50.625% 3.375% 0 0 16 54
FRESHER ’S 22.75% 3.25% 0 0 8 26
TOTAL 90.035% 6.625% 0 3.34% 30 100

Graph 1

Interpretation: 90.035% of respondents came to know about the openings in the organization through
friends. 6.625% of respondents through Job portals and 3.34% through other means (Direct Call from CEO).

5.2 The major factor that made you to apply for this Organization
Table 2
Image of the Organization Job No of % of
Organization Culture Role respondents respondents
Managers 03% 0% 3.75% 16.62% 6 20
Experienced 10.5% 0% 6.65% 30.37% 16 54
Fresher ’s 6.5% 3.25% 03.16% 16.2% 8 26
Total 20% 3.25% 13.56% 63.19% 30 100

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Oct 2018 Page: 642
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Graph 2

Interpretation: 20% of respondents are influenced by the Image of organization, 3.25% are influenced by
Organization culture, 13.56% by Salary and 63.19% by Job Role.

5.3 Happy with the Recruitment process

Table 3
Yes No No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 10% 6% 6 20
Experienced 50% 10% 16 54
Fresher ’s 20% 4% 8 26
Total 80% 20% 30 100

Graph 3

Interpretation: 80% of respondents are happy with recruitment process as well as 20% of respondents are not
satisfied with recruitment process.

5.4 Your first interaction with the company

Table 4
Very Impressive Good Better Bad No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 2% 20% 2% 0 6 20
Experienced 6.12% 33.76% 6.12% 0 16 54
Fresher ’s 2% 26% 2% 0 8 26
Total 10.12% 79.76% 10.12% 0 30 100

Graph 4

Interpretation: 10.12% of respondents felt Very impressive when they interacted for the first time with the
company, 79.76% feel good and 10.12% of experienced employees felt better.

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Oct 2018 Page: 643
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
5.5. Your feel about the interview panel
Table 5
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 3% 6.66% 13.04% 0 6 20
Experienced 5.75% 47.25% 1.05% 0 16 54
Fresher ’s 4.5% 9.75% 9% 0 8 26
Total 13.25% 63.66% 23.09% 0 30 100

Graph 5

Interpretation: Only 13.25% of respondents feel Excellent about interview panel, 63.66% of employees feel
good and 23.09%

5.6 The organization meets your expectations

Table 6
Yes No No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 13.34% 4.34% 6 20
Experienced 37.125% 16.875% 16 54
Fresher ’s 22.75% 5.57% 8 26
Total 73.215% 26.785% 30 100

Graph 6

Interpretation: 04.34% of managers feel that the organization did not meet their expectations.73.215% of
respondents are happy with the Organization culture, Overall 26.785% of respondents are not happy.

5.7 Your thinking about Recruitment and selection procedure in this company
Table 7
Highly Cannot No of % of
Satisfied Dissatisfied
Satisfied Say respondents respondents
Managers 6% 10% 3.34% 6.66% 6 20
Experienced 10.875% 37.125% 0 0 16 54
Fresher ’s 3.25% 19.5% 0 3.25% 8 26
Total 20.125% 66.625% 3.34% 9.91% 30 100

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Graph 7

Interpretation:: 6%of managers are highly satisfied, 10% are satisfied, 3.34% of Managers are dissatisfied and
6.66% of managers have no opinion.

5.8 The organization management fulfills the commitment, which has given to you at the time of
Table 8
Yes No No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 13.34% 2.34% 6 20
Experienced 50.625% 5.57% 16 54
Fresher ’s 22.75% 5.37% 8 26
Total 86.72% 13.28% 30 100

Graph 8

Interpretation: 2.34% managers, 5.57% of experienced and 5.37% of fresh employees think that the
management has not fulfilled the commitment that has given to them at the time of interview; where as 86.72%
of respondents feel that the organization has fulfilled.

5.9 You feell that the organization follows definite recruitment procedure
Table 9
Strongly Agree Disagree Cannot say No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 3% 10% 10.34% 6.66% 6 20
Experienced 5.75% 27.12% 3% 10.13% 16 54
Fresher ’s 4.5% 3.25% 6.5% 9.75% 8 26
Total 13.25% 40.37% 19.84% 26.54% 30 100

Graph 9

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Oct 2018 Page: 645
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Interpretation: 3% managers strongly, 10% managers agreed, 10.34 % of managers feel that the organization
do not follow definite pattern of recruitment procedure and 6.66% of respondents have no opinion. In the
overall organization 13.25% of respondents are strongly, 40.
37% o respondents agreed, 19.84% of respondents
managers feel that the organization do not follow definite pattern of recruitment procedure.

5.10 Satisfied level with the salary offered

Table 10
Yes No No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 13.34% 3.34% 6 20
Experienced 54% 7.32% 16 54
Fresher ’s 6.5% 15.5% 8 26
Total 73.84% 26.16% 30 100

Graph 10

Interpretation: 73.84% of respondents are satisfied with salary offered, 26.16% of respondents are not
satisfied salary offered by organization.

6 Findings  To make new employees settle quickly and

 80% of Respondents are happy with recruitment become
ecome productive, Induction process is to be
process. followed.
 The recruiter will conduct technical test for  H.R manager must involve in salary fixation.
selection of the candidates. It was also found that  Common aptitude test should be conducted for
job portals are using as major source for recruiting every interviewee irrespective of experience and
the candidates. designation.
 20% of the respondents are influenced by the  Grievance cell and feedback system need to be
image of the organization 3.25% are influenced by implemented for growth of organization.
the organization culture 13.56% by salary and  Company’s website is to be updated; it is
63.19% by job role. suggested to add the requirement chronology in
 Most of the people respond happy with career’s tab.
organization culture 2.34% managers, 5.57% of
experiencedd and 5.37% of fresh employees think 8 Conclusion
that the management has not fulfilled the Every organization has difficulty in finding good
commitment that has given to them at the time of people, when it comes to the long term survival and
interview; where as 86.72% of respondents feel prosperity of the firm. In simple terms, recruitment is
that the organization has fulfilled. the set of activities a firm uses to attract job
candidates possessing the abilities and attitudes
7 Suggestions necessary for the enterprises to achieve its objectives.
 It is suggested that facilities like food, The selection procedure is concerned with securing
transportation and night shift allowances are to be relevant information about an applicant; this
provided for betterment of the company. information is secured in a number of steps or stages.
 Perfect recruitment procedure is to be followed. Recruitment and selection are getting very much
 H.R. manager round shall be included in the importance these days in the organization. It is very
interview panel. critical thing to evaluate the human resources.
resource It is a
systematic procedure that involves many activities.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
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