Study On Hiring Process of Wipro Infrast PDF
Study On Hiring Process of Wipro Infrast PDF
Study On Hiring Process of Wipro Infrast PDF
Human Resource Management (HRM) is an approach two classess those who are to be offered employment
to the manage people, based on four fundamental and those who are not. Selection means a process by
principles, recruitment, selection, training, which qualified personnel may be chosen from the
compensation, first human resources are the most applicants offering their services to the organization
important asset of an organization and their effective for employment”.
management is the key to its success. Specifically, the
activities included are – HR planning, job analysis 1.1 Recruitment Process
and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and Recruitment refers
ers to the process of identifying and
placement, training
ning and development, performance attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified
appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive job applicants. The process comprises five inter- inter
remuneration, motivation and communication, related stages, viz.
welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the A. Job analysis
like. In this study helps the organization to identify B. Sourcing
the vicinity of problem and suggest way to progress C. Screening and selection
the recruitment and selection process, this study D. On boarding
center of attention on understanding recruitment and
selection process. The research was done using both A. Job analysis:
primary and secondary data. The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a
job analysis, to document the actual or intended
Keywords: Human Resource, Management, requirement of the job to be performed. This
Organization, Recruitment, Selection information is captured in a job description and
provides the recruitment effort with the boundaries
1. INTRODUCTION and objectives of the search. Oftentimes a company
“Human Resource Management is the planning, will have job descriptions that represent a historical
organizing directing and controlling of the collection of tasks performed in the past. These job
procurement, development, compensation, descriptions need to be reviewed or updated prior to a
integration, maintenance and separation of human recruitment effort to reflect present day requirements.
resources to the end that individual, organizational Starting recruitment with an accurate job analysis and
and social objectives are accomplished”. Recruitment job description ensure the recruitment effort starts off
is a ‘linking function’ joining together those with jobs on a proper track for success.
to fill and those seeking jobs. Recruiting makes it B. Sourcing:
possible to acquire the number and types of people Advertising, a common part of the recruiting process,
ary to ensure the continued operation of the often encompassing multiple media, such as the th
organization. Recruiting is the discovering of internet, general newspapers, job and newspapers,
potential applicants for actual or anticipated professional publications, window advertisements, job
organizational vacancies. “Selection is the process in centers, and campus graduate recruitment programs;
which candidates for employment are divided into and Recruiting research, which is the proactive
Graph 1
Interpretation: 90.035% of respondents came to know about the openings in the organization through
friends. 6.625% of respondents through Job portals and 3.34% through other means (Direct Call from CEO).
5.2 The major factor that made you to apply for this Organization
Table 2
Image of the Organization Job No of % of
Organization Culture Role respondents respondents
Managers 03% 0% 3.75% 16.62% 6 20
Experienced 10.5% 0% 6.65% 30.37% 16 54
Fresher ’s 6.5% 3.25% 03.16% 16.2% 8 26
Total 20% 3.25% 13.56% 63.19% 30 100
Interpretation: 20% of respondents are influenced by the Image of organization, 3.25% are influenced by
Organization culture, 13.56% by Salary and 63.19% by Job Role.
Graph 3
Interpretation: 80% of respondents are happy with recruitment process as well as 20% of respondents are not
satisfied with recruitment process.
Graph 4
Interpretation: 10.12% of respondents felt Very impressive when they interacted for the first time with the
company, 79.76% feel good and 10.12% of experienced employees felt better.
Graph 5
Interpretation: Only 13.25% of respondents feel Excellent about interview panel, 63.66% of employees feel
good and 23.09%
Graph 6
Interpretation: 04.34% of managers feel that the organization did not meet their expectations.73.215% of
respondents are happy with the Organization culture, Overall 26.785% of respondents are not happy.
5.7 Your thinking about Recruitment and selection procedure in this company
Table 7
Highly Cannot No of % of
Satisfied Dissatisfied
Satisfied Say respondents respondents
Managers 6% 10% 3.34% 6.66% 6 20
Experienced 10.875% 37.125% 0 0 16 54
Fresher ’s 3.25% 19.5% 0 3.25% 8 26
Total 20.125% 66.625% 3.34% 9.91% 30 100
Interpretation:: 6%of managers are highly satisfied, 10% are satisfied, 3.34% of Managers are dissatisfied and
6.66% of managers have no opinion.
5.8 The organization management fulfills the commitment, which has given to you at the time of
Table 8
Yes No No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 13.34% 2.34% 6 20
Experienced 50.625% 5.57% 16 54
Fresher ’s 22.75% 5.37% 8 26
Total 86.72% 13.28% 30 100
Graph 8
Interpretation: 2.34% managers, 5.57% of experienced and 5.37% of fresh employees think that the
management has not fulfilled the commitment that has given to them at the time of interview; where as 86.72%
of respondents feel that the organization has fulfilled.
5.9 You feell that the organization follows definite recruitment procedure
Table 9
Strongly Agree Disagree Cannot say No of respondents % of respondents
Managers 3% 10% 10.34% 6.66% 6 20
Experienced 5.75% 27.12% 3% 10.13% 16 54
Fresher ’s 4.5% 3.25% 6.5% 9.75% 8 26
Total 13.25% 40.37% 19.84% 26.54% 30 100
Graph 9
Graph 10
Interpretation: 73.84% of respondents are satisfied with salary offered, 26.16% of respondents are not
satisfied salary offered by organization.