Swep Heat Exchanger Data Sheet

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SWEP International AB

Box 105, Hjalmar Brantings väg 5

SE-261 22 Landskrona, Sweden

SSP G8 -
Date : 2019-04-01
Heat Exchanger : B185Hx100/1P-SC-U (2xWELD 48.3&SOLDER 42UIS+2x2")

Art No : 17773-100

Connection Data F1 - WELD 48.3 & SOLDER 42U (ISO-G 2"A)(45)

F2 - ISO-G 2" A AISI 304(45)
F3 - WELD 48.3 & SOLDER 42U (ISO-G 2"A)(45)
F4 - ISO-G 2" A AISI 304(45)

Connection Locations Side 1: F3/F1 (In / Out)

Side 2: F2/F4 (In / Out)

Fluid Side 1 : R744 (Carbon Dioxide) (79.1 bar)

Fluid Side 2 : Water

Side 1 : Inner circuit

Side 2 : Outer circuit

Flow Type : Counter-Current

SSP Alias : B185


Heat load kW 85.70
Inlet temperature °C 60.00 20.00
Outlet temperature °C 41.15 58.00
Flow rate kg/h | kg/s 6590 0.5398
Thermal length 2.321 4.680


Total heat transfer area m² 7.42
Heat flux kW/m² 11.6
Mean temperature difference K 8.12
O.H.T.C. (available/required) W/m²,°C 1720/1720
Pressure drop -total* kPa 51.3 0.998
- in ports kPa 9.95 0.0382
Port diameter mm 33.0/33.0 50.0/50.0
(up/down) (up/down)
Number of channels per pass 49 50
Number of plates 100
Oversurfacing % 0
Fouling factor m²,°C/kW 0.000
Reynolds number 18540 167.1
Port velocity m/s 9.68/9.68 0.285/0.285
(up/down) (up/down)

Date Page
www.swep.net 2019-04-01 1(3)
SWEP International AB
Box 105, Hjalmar Brantings väg 5
SE-261 22 Landskrona, Sweden

SSP G8 -


Reference temperature °C 48.40 38.61
Dynamic viscosity cP 0.0203 0.666
Dynamic viscosity - wall cP 0.0203 0.554
Density kg/m³ 212.7 992.6
Heat capacity kJ/kg,°C 2.403 4.178
Thermal conductivity W/m,°C 0.03162 0.6292
Largest wall temperature difference K 1.16
Minimum wall temperature °C 31.90 30.74
Maximum wall temperature °C 57.99 57.87
Film coefficient W/m²,°C 3050 4550
Average wall temperature °C 49.59 49.23
Channel velocity m/s 0.592 0.0377
Shear stress Pa 91.3 2.12

TOTALS Side 1 Side 2

Total weight empty kg 56.6
Total weight filled kg 63.5
Hold-up volume, inner circuit dm³ 5.42
Hold-up volume, outer circuit dm³ 5.84
Port size F1/P1 mm 33.0
Port size F2/P2 mm 50.0
Port size F3/P3 mm 33.0
Port size F4/P4 mm 50.0
NND F1/P1 mm 36.0
NND F2/P2 mm 58.0
NND F3/P3 mm 36.0
NND F4/P4 mm 58.0
Carbon footprint kg 386
Plate Material 316 Stainless Steel
Braze material Copper
Max operating pressure bar 131/115 / 96/84
Test pressure bar 226 / 166
Max working temperature °C 135/225

A mm 425 +/-2
B mm 203 +/-1
C mm 354 +/-1
D mm 126 +/-1
E (F-Side) mm 45.0
E (P-Side) mm 0.000
F mm 218
G mm 0.000 +/-1
H mm 342 +/-1
J mm 6.00
K mm 35.6
N mm 41.6
R mm 41.6

Date Page
www.swep.net 2019-04-01 2(3)
SWEP International AB
Box 105, Hjalmar Brantings väg 5
SE-261 22 Landskrona, Sweden

SSP G8 -

Note :
For a desuperheater installation it is recommended to have the gas enter in the top of the BPHE, etiher in F1 or F2. The reason is to
easily remove possible condensate from the BPHE

Disclaimer: Data used in this calculation is subject to change without notice. SWEP strives to use ”best practice” for the calculations leading to the
above results. Calculation is intended to show thermal and hydraulic performance, no consideration has been taken to mechanical strength of the
product. Product restrictions - such as pressure, temperatures and corrosion resistance- can be found in SWEP product sheets and other
technical documentation. SWEP may have patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this
document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from SWEP, the furnishing of this document does not give you any
license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the software,
the calculations and the results are provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. No advice or information obtained through
use of the software (including information provided in the results), will create any warranty not expressly stated in the applicable license terms.
Without limiting the foregoing, SWEP does not warrant that the content (including the calculations and the results) is accurate, reliable or correct.
SWEP does not warrant that any system comprising heat exchanger and other components, installed on the basis of calculations in this software,
will meet your requirements or function to your satisfaction or expectations.

*Excluding pressure drop in connections.


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www.swep.net 2019-04-01 3(3)

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