Turnover and Absenteeism Have Similar Effects Upon Organizational Productivity and Costs
Turnover and Absenteeism Have Similar Effects Upon Organizational Productivity and Costs
Turnover and Absenteeism Have Similar Effects Upon Organizational Productivity and Costs
In the former case, the employee has left and there is no other person to perform the job.
Photo by peretzpup
In the case of absence, the employee is still in service but is not around to do the job.
The adverse effect on organizational overheads has the potential of crippling your
Employee turnover requires that you need to recruit a new employee of similar qualification,
skills and knowledge, if not better. Having lost valuable expertise, there is no assurance
that you can find a suitable replacement. This costs money to your organization.
Absenteeism will cost your organization in terms of valuable work-hours lost and increased
administrative overheads. There is also the numerous hours spent by management in
resolving absenteeism problems among employees.
An employee who habitually absents himself or herself is within the category of difficult
Failure to manage employee turnover results in loss of knowledge, skills and capability.
Your organization will fall short of its targets stated under the business plan. There is the
risk of losing your competitive advantage due to loss of capable employees in critical sectors
or positions.
If absenteeism in not managed properly and effectively controlled, it can affect the entire
workforce. It is contagious and can affect even good employees.
An attendance problem is a short-term disruptive event such as regular late arrivals at the
workplace and unilaterally extending lunch breaks.
Absenteeism refers to unexpected absence of an employee for a day or longer.
Your organization may not have established clear guidelines on turnover and absenteeism.
Superiors may allow subordinates to have extended lunch breaks, for example, or to go
home before the scheduled time without any reasonable excuse.
In addition, managers may allow employees who had been absent without permission to
offset the days of absence from the annual leave.
This shows that policies are either non-existent or vague and poorly enforced.
Apart from poor management of turnover and absenteeism, other reasons include:
jobs dissatisfaction
low personal motivation and drive
alcoholism and substance abuse
relationships problems with supervisors and / or other employees
work pressure
influence from other problem employees
personal and / or family problems
personality problems
Effectively manage these and you can minimize turnover and absenteeism problems.
However, it is not possible to eliminate them altogether.
Leigh Branham in his book "The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave: How To
Recognize The Subtle Signs and Act Before It’s Too Late" (2005), he puts down the
following as the reasons why employees leave.
A survey conducted by the Saratoga Institute found that employees leave for reasons other
than money.
It is important to take steps to rectify the problems before they become too difficult to
Attendance is a pre-requisite of performance.
Absenteeism also occurs when the employee fails to report back for duty after the end of his
or her approved leave of absence.
Where an employee fails to turn up for work, your organization through the manager to
whom the employee reports to needs to make attempts to contact the employee.
If provided by your absenteeism policy and disciplinary rules, you can put up an
advertisement in a local newspaper requiring the absent employee to report for duty with
immediate effect and that failure to do so may result in termination with cause.
Control of Absenteeism
Your HR policy on attendance and absenteeism together with your disciplinary rules must
make it very clear what will happen in the case of absence without permission or reasonable
excuse that is verifiable.
1. Find out whether the absenteeism of an employee is above the "acceptable" average
2. Identify the pattern of absenteeism problems
3. Thoroughly investigate and document
Find out whether the problem is due to a medical condition requiring long-term
medical attention
4. Verify whether it is likely that the employee will improve his / her attendance record
in future
5. Check whether your policies are clear and the employee had been informed
6. Ensure that you had given counselling to the employee and had given him or her an
adequate opportunity to improve attendance
Keep in mind the some employees will provide excuse for their non-attendance or absence
on their health problems. These employees will misuse medical leave if given the
opportunity. Medical leave is usually the most misused benefit.