MEMS Thin Film Deposition Processes
MEMS Thin Film Deposition Processes
MEMS Thin Film Deposition Processes
MEMS Thin Film Deposition Processes
One of the basic building blocks in MEMS processing is the ability to deposit thin films
of material. In this text we assume a thin film to have a thickness anywhere between a
few nanometer to about 100 micrometer. The film can subsequently be locally etched
using processes described in the Lithography and Etching sections of this guide.
· Electrodeposition
· Epitaxy
· Thermal oxidation
These processes exploit the creation of solid materials directly from chemical
reactions in gas and/or liquid compositions or with the substrate material. The
solid material is usually not the only product formed by the reaction. Byproducts
can include gases, liquids and even other solids.
· Casting
Common for all these processes are that the material deposited is physically
moved on to the substrate. In other words, there is no chemical reaction which
forms the material on the substrate. This is not completely correct for casting
processes, though it is more convenient to think of them that way.
The two most important CVD technologies in MEMS are the Low Pressure CVD
(LPCVD) and Plasma Enhanced CVD (PECVD). The LPCVD process produces layers
with excellent uniformity of thickness and material characteristics. The main problems
with the process are the high deposition temperature (higher than 600°C) and the
relatively slow deposition rate. The PECVD process can operate at lower temperatures
(down to 300° C) thanks to the extra energy supplied to the gas molecules by the plasma
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in the reactor. However, the quality of the films tend to be inferior to processes running at
higher temperatures. Secondly, most PECVD deposition systems can only deposit the
material on one side of the wafers on 1 to 4 wafers at a time. LPCVD systems deposit
films on both sides of at least 25 wafers at a time. A schematic diagram of a typical
LPCVD reactor is shown in the figure below.
CVD processes are ideal to use when you want a thin film with good step coverage. A
variety of materials can be deposited with this technology, however, some of them are
less popular with fabs because of hazardous byproducts formed during processing. The
quality of the material varies from process to process, however a good rule of thumb is
that higher process temperature yields a material with higher quality and less defects.
This process is also known as "electroplating" and is typically restricted to electrically
conductive materials. There are basically two technologies for plating: Electroplating and
Electroless plating. In the electroplating process the substrate is placed in a liquid solution
(electrolyte). When an electrical potential is applied between a conducting area on the
substrate and a counter electrode (usually platinum) in the liquid, a chemical redox
process takes place resulting in the formation of a layer of material on the substrate and
usually some gas generation at the counter electrode.
In the electroless plating process a more complex chemical solution is used, in which
deposition happens spontaneously on any surface which forms a sufficiently high
electrochemical potential with the solution. This process is desirable since it does not
require any external electrical potential and contact to the substrate during processing.
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Unfortunately, it is also more difficult to control with regards to film thickness and
uniformity. A schematic diagram of a typical setup for electroplating is shown in the
figure below.
The electrodeposition process is well suited to make films of metals such as copper, gold
and nickel. The films can be made in any thickness from ~1µm to >100µm. The
deposition is best controlled when used with an external electrical potential, however, it
requires electrical contact to the substrate when immersed in the liquid bath. In any
process, the surface of the substrate must have an electrically conducting coating before
the deposition can be done.
This technology is quite similar to what happens in CVD processes, however, if the
substrate is an ordered semiconductor crystal (i.e. silicon, gallium arsenide), it is possible
with this process to continue building on the substrate with the same crystallographic
orientation with the substrate acting as a seed for the deposition. If an
amorphous/polycrystalline substrate surface is used, the film will also be amorphous or
There are several technologies for creating the conditions inside a reactor needed to
support epitaxial growth, of which the most important is Vapor Phase Epitaxy (VPE). In
this process, a number of gases are introduced in an induction heated reactor where only
the substrate is heated. The temperature of the substrate typically must be at least 50% of
the melting point of the material to be deposited.
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An advantage of epitaxy is the high growth rate of material, which allows the formation
of films with considerable thickness (>100µm). Epitaxy is a widely used technology for
producing silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates. The technology is primarily used for
deposition of silicon. A schematic diagram of a typical vapor phase epitaxial reactor is
shown in the figure below.
This has been and continues to be an emerging process technology in MEMS. The
process can be used to form films of silicon with thicknesses of ~1µm to >100µm. Some
processes require high temperature exposure of the substrate, whereas others do not
require significant heating of the substrate. Some processes can even be used to perform
selective deposition, depending on the surface of the substrate.
Thermal oxidation
This is one of the most basic deposition technologies. It is simply oxidation of the
substrate surface in an oxygen rich atmosphere. The temperature is raised to 800°
C-1100° C to speed up the process. This is also the only deposition technology which
actually consumes some of the substrate as it proceeds. The growth of the film is spurned
by diffusion of oxygen into the substrate, which means the film growth is actually
downwards into the substrate. As the thickness of the oxidized layer increases, the
diffusion of oxygen to the substrate becomes more difficult leading to a parabolic
relationship between film thickness and oxidation time for films thicker than ~100nm.
This process is naturally limited to materials that can be oxidized, and it can only form
films that are oxides of that material. This is the classical process used to form silicon
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dioxide on a silicon substrate. A schematic diagram of a typical wafer oxidation furnace
is shown in the figure below.
Whenever you can! This is a simple process, which unfortunately produces films with
somewhat limited use in MEMS components. It is typically used to form films that are
used for electrical insulation or that are used for other process purposes later in a process
PVD comprises the standard technologies for deposition of metals. It is far more common
than CVD for metals since it can be performed at lower process risk and cheaper in
regards to materials cost. The quality of the films are inferior to CVD, which for metals
means higher resistivity and for insulators more defects and traps. The step coverage is
also not as good as CVD.
The choice of deposition method (i.e. evaporation vs. sputtering) may in many cases be
arbitrary, and may depend more on what technology is available for the specific material
at the time.
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In evaporation the substrate is placed inside a vacuum chamber, in which a block
(source) of the material to be deposited is also located. The source material is then
heated to the point where it starts to boil and evaporate. The vacuum is required to
allow the molecules to evaporate freely in the chamber, and they subsequently
condense on all surfaces. This principle is the same for all evaporation technologies,
only the method used to the heat (evaporate) the source material differs. There are
two popular evaporation technologies, which are e-beam evaporation and resistive
evaporation each referring to the heating method. In e-beam evaporation, an electron
beam is aimed at the source material causing local heating and evaporation. In
resistive evaporation, a tungsten boat, containing the source material, is heated
electrically with a high current to make the material evaporate. Many materials are
restrictive in terms of what evaporation method can be used (i.e. aluminum is quite
difficult to evaporate using resistive heating), which typically relates to the phase
transition properties of that material. A schematic diagram of a typical system for
e-beam evaporation is shown in the figure below.
Sputtering is a technology in which the material is released from the source at much
lower temperature than evaporation. The substrate is placed in a vacuum chamber with
the source material, named a target, and an inert gas (such as argon) is introduced at low
pressure. A gas plasma is struck using an RF power source, causing the gas to become
ionized. The ions are accelerated towards the surface of the target, causing atoms of the
source material to break off from the target in vapor form and condense on all surfaces
including the substrate. As for evaporation, the basic principle of sputtering is the same
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for all sputtering technologies. The differences typically relate to the manor in which the
ion bombardment of the target is realized. A schematic diagram of a typical RF sputtering
system is shown in the figure below.
In this process the material to be deposited is dissolved in liquid form in a solvent. The
material can be applied to the substrate by spraying or spinning. Once the solvent is
evaporated, a thin film of the material remains on the substrate. This is particularly useful
for polymer materials, which may be easily dissolved in organic solvents, and it is the
common method used to apply photoresist to substrates (in photolithography). The
thicknesses that can be cast on a substrate range all the way from a single monolayer of
molecules (adhesion promotion) to tens of micrometers. In recent years, the casting
technology has also been applied to form films of glass materials on substrates. The spin
casting process is illustrated in the figure below.
Casting is a simple technology which can be used for a variety of materials (mostly
polymers). The control on film thickness depends on exact conditions, but can be
sustained within +/-10% in a wide range. If you are planning to use photolithography you
will be using casting, which is an integral part of that technology. There are also other
interesting materials such as polyimide and spin-on glass which can be applied by casting.
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