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Communicative Gestures and Memory Load

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Communicative Gestures and Memory Load

Lisette Mol ([email protected])1

Emiel Krahmer ([email protected])1

Alfons Maes ([email protected])1

Marc Swerts ([email protected])

Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Cognition, Tilburg University
Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Abstract Jacobs & Garnham, 2006), whether there is dialogue

Previous research has shown that (co-speech) hand gestures
(Bavelas et al., 2008), and whether the addressee is human
sometimes aid cognition and can reduce a speaker’s cognitive or artificial (Mol et al., 2009). If speakers adapt their
load. We argue that this is not the case for gestures that are gesturing to such environmental factors, then this could
produced primarily to communicate, which we think come at mean that gesturing is sometimes intended for the addressee.
a cognitive cost to speakers instead. In a production Jacobs and Garnham (2006) point out that the primary
experiment with a narrative task, we show that speakers functional role of gesturing may depend on the task a
gesture more frequently with a less demanding task, but only speaker is performing (also see Alibali, Kita & Young,
if speaker and addressee can see each other. Our results
support our theory, without contradicting previous findings. 2000). Their study shows that during a narrative task,
gestures are produced primarily for the benefit of the
Keywords: Gesture; Cognitive load; Audience design. addressee. It has also been hypothesized that different kinds
or sizes of gestures serve different purposes (i.e. Alibali et
Introduction al., 2001; Bangerter & Chevalley, 2007; Bavelas et al.,
In this paper we explore the relationship between memory 2008; Beattie & Shovelton, 2002; Enfield et al., 2007).
load and gesturing. First we describe two alternate Especially larger gestures and gestures depicting some of
perspectives on why people gesture, which give rise to the content of a speaker’s message (representational
different predictions about the relation between gesturing gestures) have been shown to occur more frequently when a
and cognitive load. We then describe previous work speaker is visible to an addressee, and hence are associated
supporting the idea that speakers themselves benefit with the communicative functions of gesture.
cognitively from gesturing. This is followed by our present The different functional perspectives on gesturing make
study, in which we test a prediction from the perspective opposite predictions about the effect of gesturing on a
that gestures are produced to communicate. speaker’s total cognitive burden. Gestures that are produced
mostly for the benefit of the speaker would ease the process
The functional roles of gesturing of speech production and may thus lighten a speaker’s
Many studies have investigated the functional roles of hand cognitive load. But gestures produced primarily for the
gestures that people spontaneously produce during speech. benefit of the addressee would rather come at a cognitive
One function is that gesturing aids speech production. For cost to speakers, just as verbal language production does.
example by aiding lexical retrieval (Hadar, 1989; Krauss, We next present some evidence for this first effect, which in
1998), helping to hold a mental image while it is verbally our view leaves open the possibility for the second.
expressed (De Ruiter, 1998), or by helping speakers to
“organize rich spatio-motoric information into packages Gesturing and Cognitive Load
suitable for speaking” (Kita, 2000). In Cohen (1977) an effect of task difficulty on gesturing is
There is also a large body of evidence that gesturing reported. It was found that participants produced more
serves communicative purposes. It has been shown that gestures when giving route directions involving four inter-
addressees can gain information from gesture (Beattie & sections (more demanding task) than when giving directions
Shovelton, 1999; Chawla & Krauss, 1994; Cutica & Buccia- involving two intersections (less demanding task). The
relli, 2008; Goldin-Meadow & Sandhofer, 1999; Mol et al., average difference in gesture rate between the more and less
2009). Speakers also gesture differently depending on many demanding task was equal in size when interlocutors could
features of the communicative setting, such as whether the see each other and when they could not. This suggests that
addressee can see them or not (i.e. Alibali, Heath & Myers, the effect resulted from gestures produced primarily for the
2001; Cohen, 1977), where the addressee is located relative benefit of the speaker, since such gestures would be
to them (Özyürek, 2002), whether information is new or produced both when the addressee is visible to the speaker
given to the addressee (Enfield, Kita & De Ruiter, 2007; and when not. This is consistent with the direction of the

effect: more gestures with the more demanding task. we have cut up the information to be described into smaller
However, since the differences in the average gesture rate parts. We assume that the more demanding task is
between the more and less demanding task were close to 2, sufficiently difficult, such that speakers are unable to
the effect may relate to the number of intersections that produce all communicative gestures that an addressee could
needed to be described quite directly, rather than being a benefit from. Since the content that addressees need to
more general result of the cognitive demands of the remember is the same in both tasks, we also assume that
instruction task. addressees can still benefit from gestures in the condition
In a picture description task, Melinger and Kita (2007) with the less demanding task.
found that the complexity of the picture influenced gesture The different theories on the primary function of
rates. For pictures of colored dots along a path with multiple gesturing make different predictions on how the memory
branches gestures were produced more frequently than for demands of a task influence the gesture rate. For gestures
pictures of dots along a continuous path, without any choice that aid speakers by facilitating lexical access, we would not
points. They also found that in a dual-task situation, a expect an effect of our manipulation of memory demand on
spatial secondary task lead to higher gesture rates than a gesture rate. It seems unlikely that finding the words to
non-spatial secondary task. This is strong evidence that describe a cartoon would be easier or harder when
gesturing can help a speaker, especially since speaker and describing a shorter or longer part of it. Neither would we
addressee could not see each other in this study. However, expect an effect of mutual visibility on such gestures, since
since visibility was blocked by a wooden screen, these they are tied to the speech production process within the
results may not generalize to all gestures that are produced speaker. This prediction is depicted in Figure 1a.
in face-to-face interaction.
Goldin-Meadow et al. (2001) investigated the relation
between cognitive load and gestures by manipulating
gesturing rather than task difficulty. They made use of a
dual-task paradigm, in which participants performed a
memory task while explaining a math problem. They found
that children and adults performed better on the memory
task if they gestured during their explanation, provided that
the memory task was sufficiently challenging. This effect
was found both when people were instructed not to gesture
and when they refrained from gesturing spontaneously. This
indicates that gesturing can reduce the cognitive load of the
explanation task, thereby leaving more cognitive resources
available for the memory task.
This result was refined in Wagner, Nusbaum, and Goldin-
Meadow (2004). Gesturing was found to benefit both
spatial and propositional memory, but especially when
gestures expressed the same content as the concurrent
speech. This leaves open the possibility that this result is
driven by gesturing for the speaker as well, rather than by
gesturing for the addressee. So the question remains open
whether communicative gestures come at a cognitive cost to Figure 1: Predictions made by the different theories on how
speakers. task demand and visibility influence gesture rate.
Present Study If gesturing mostly aids cognitive processes within the
In our present study, we are interested in the relationship speaker, such as holding a mental image or organizing
between cognitive load and gestures that are produced information into packages suitable for speaking, then we
primarily to communicate. We expect such gestures to come would expect a lower gesture rate when the task is split up.
at a cognitive cost to speakers, rather than reducing their This less demanding task may give rise to fewer gestures
cognitive load. Therefore, we vary the demands that a that are needed to facilitate cognition. If so, this effect
narration task makes on speakers’ memory. We expect that should be present both when speaker and addressee can see
with a less demanding task, speakers will produce more each other, and when they can not (see Figure 1b). Another
gestures that primarily aid the addressee than with a more possibility is that these processes are automated to such an
demanding task. We compare a communicative setting in extent, or take place on such a local scope, that there is no
which gestures can be used to communicate, to one in which effect of our global manipulation of memory demand on
they can not. Especially in this first setting, we would gesturing (like in Figure 1a).
expect speakers to gesture more with a less demanding task. If most gestures are produced for the benefit of the
For this study we have asked participants to retell an addressee rather than the speaker, then a different pattern of
animated cartoon. To reduce the task’s memory demands, results is predicted. In that case we would expect speakers

needing to put cognitive effort into their gesture production, no mutual visibility. The experimenter randomly assigned
rather than experiencing a reduction in memory load from it. participants the role of narrator or listener.
Therefore, we would expect a higher gesture rate if the Participants first read the instructions and could ask any
narration task is split up into smaller parts, and its demands questions they had on the task. The instructions focused on
on memory are lower. However, such communicative the task of the addressee, namely summarizing the speaker’s
gestures are expected especially when speaker and narration. This way we implied that the study was on
addressee can see each other. So we would predict an summarizing. Speakers were explicitly asked not to sum-
interaction between mutual visibility and task demand: The marize, but to just retell the story. The instructions stated
gesture rate will be higher with the less demanding task, but that they were videotaped with the purpose of comparing the
only if speaker and addressee can see each other. No effect addressee’s summary to their narration afterwards.
of memory demand on gesture rate is predicted for the Addressees were instructed not to interrupt the speaker.
condition in which speaker and addressee cannot see each The animated cartoon we used was “Canary Row”, by
other. This prediction is depicted in Figure 1c. Warner Brothers. This is a seven-minute animated cartoon
If we assume that with this narration task speakers will in which a cat tries to capture a bird in eight different ways.
produce both gestures that aid their own cognition or speech The cartoon was separated into its eight episodes, by
production and gestures that are intended primarily for the inserting 10 seconds of blank video after each episode.
addressee, we need to combine the predictions for both Speakers watched the cartoon on a computer screen that
types of gestures. We would expect for-speaker gestures to only they could see. While the speaker watched the cartoon,
form the majority in the no visibility condition. Therefore, the addressee was seated across from the speaker, as
in this condition the gesture rate will be lower with the less depicted in Figure 2, and was asked to listen to music
demanding task. However, in the visibility condition, where through headphones. Once the episode had finished, the
we expect that most gestures are produced primarily for the speaker paused the movie and signaled to the addressee that
benefit of the addressee (Jacobs & Garnham, 2006), the the episode had ended. The addressee then took off the
gesture rate will be higher with the less demanding task. headphones, and speaker and addressee moved into chairs
This is depicted in Figure 1d. facing each other (see Figure 2). In the FtF condition, there
was nothing in between speaker and addressee. The camera
was right behind the addressee, slightly to the side. In the
Method Screen condition, speakers were facing the camera, which
was right in front of the Screen. The addressee was seated at
Design the same distance from the speaker as in the FtF condition.
We have used a 2 x 2 between subjects design. The two Before the experiment started, participants were seated as
independent variables are whether an animated cartoon is in positions 3 and 4 in Figure 2. The experimenter explained
seen and retold all eight episodes at once, or one episode at that the speaker was to address the addressee rather than the
a time, and whether speaker and addressee can see each camera. Then followed a practice run, to make sure both
other or not. We have used a narrative task, because we participants understood the procedure. The experimenter
would expect communicatively intended gestures to occur then started the camera and left the room.
frequently with such a task (Jacobs & Garnham, 2006). After the retelling of the cartoon, the experimenter took
the addressee to another room to write the summary using a
Participants common word processor. To exclude the possibility that the
task with a screen separating speaker and addressee was
39 first year students of Tilburg University took part as experienced as more difficult than the FtF task or vice versa,
speakers in this study, as part of their first year curriculum. narrators were then asked to complete the NASA Task Load
They were all native speakers of Dutch. Addressees were Index (Hart & Staveland, 1988), in which subjective
first year students and native Dutch speakers as well. workload is assessed on six scales. They next completed a
second questionnaire, which included questions on how they
Procedure had experienced the communication. We fully debriefed all
The two conditions with the more demanding task of participants and asked their consent for using the recordings
retelling the cartoon all at once were actually taken from an and summaries. All participants agreed to the use of their
earlier study, which looked at the effect of the addressee data for scientific purposes.
being human or artificial (Mol et al., 2009). The procedure
was similar to the one described below, except that speakers Data Analysis
first saw the animated cartoon in its entirety, and then retold The first author transcribed each narration from the video-
it to an addressee. tape. Repairs, repeated words, false starts, and filled pauses
For the less demanding task, we randomly assigned were included. The annotation of hand gestures was initially
participants to the no visibility (Screen) or visibility (Face- done by the first author. Difficult cases were resolved by
to-Face) condition (after Alibali et al., 2001). The Screen discussion among all authors. We first discriminated
condition differed from the FtF condition in that a wooden between gestures and other movements such as self-
screen separated speaker and addressee, such that there was adjustment. Then we labeled gestures that seemed to depict

no effect of visibility on the TTR, neither with the more (p =
.44) nor with the less demanding task (p = .7).

More gestures with less demanding task in FtF

setting only
Speakers produced more gestures per 100 words when
speaker and addressee could see each other F(1,35) =
28.804, p < .001, !p2 = .45. The main effect of task demand
was not significant (p = .42), but there was a significant
interaction of visibility and task demand, F(1,35) = 4.643, p
Figure 2: Experimental Setup. 1 = position of speaker < .05, !p2 = .12, see Figure 3. Pairwise comparisons showed
while watching video, 2 = position of addressee while that in the FtF condition, gestures were significantly more
listening to music on headphones, 3 = position of speaker frequent with the less demanding task. Similar results were
during narration, 4 = position of addressee during narration. obtained for the number of gestures per second.

some of the content of the cartoon as representational

gestures (McNeill, 1992). All other gestures, including
simple biphasic movements of the hands (beats) and other
interactive gestures (Bavelas, 1992), were labeled as non
representational gestures.
In a separate round of gesture coding, we coded for
gesture size. Gestures that were produced using only the
fingers received a score of 1. If there was significant wrist
movement, the gesture received a score of 2. Gestures that
also involved significant movement of the elbow or lower
arm received a score of 3, and gestures in which the upper
arm was also used in a meaningful way or that involved
movement of the shoulder received a score of 4. This
allowed an average gesture size to be computed for each
participant. Figure 3: Means of the average number of gestures
For all tests for significance we have used univariate produced per 100 words.
analysis of variance (ANOVA), with mutual visibility (2
levels: yes, no) and task demand (2 levels: high, low) as the When looking at the mean total number of gestures
fixed factors and a significance threshold of .05. Where produced, without normalizing by words or seconds, more
needed we have performed pairwise comparisons between gestures were produced when visibility was not blocked,
all four conditions using the LSD method with a F(1, 35) = 31.98, p < .001, !p2 = .48, as well as with the less
significance threshold of .05. We have used partial Eta demanding task, F(1, 35) = 20.36, p < .001, !p2 = .37. There
square as a measure of effect size. was an interaction between visibility and task demand, F(1,
35) = 12.94, p < .01, !p2 = .27, see Figure 4.

More (different) words with less demanding task
Speakers doing the less demanding task produced more
words (M = 1204, SD = 404) than speakers doing the more
demanding task (M = 610, SD = 189), F(1,35) = 34.250, p <
.001, !p2 = .50, regardless of whether visibility was blocked
(p = .22). The effect of visibility on the total number of
words used was not significant (p = .36). We found no
significant effects of visibility or task demand on the
number of words per second, or the number of filled pauses
per word.
The type-token-ratio (TTR) is a measure of repetition of
words in a text. It is computed by dividing the number of Figure 4: Means of the number of gestures produced.
unique words in a text or corpus by the total number of
words. The TTR was higher with the less demanding task More representational gestures per 100 words were pro-
(33% vs. 26%), indicating greater word variety. We found duced when visibility was not blocked, F(1, 35) = 32.461, p

< .001, !p2 = .48. The main effect of task demand was not serve a communicative purpose. This theory predicts more
significant (p = .28), but in the FtF setting, representational gestures with a less demanding narration task, but only
gestures were more frequent with the less demanding task, when gestures have the potential to communicate. This is
F(1, 35) = .4419, p < .05, !p2 = .11. For non representational indeed what we found.
gestures, only the effect of visibility reached significance, Clearly, the two tasks that we have used resulted in
F(1, 35) = 5.605, p < .05, !p2 = .14. Gestures were more different verbal and non-verbal behavior. But is this a result
frequent when visibility was not blocked, and like for of the different memory demands of retelling the cartoon all
representational gestures, the difference was larger with the at once or one episode at a time? A difference in pragmatics
less demanding task. of these two tasks may have lead to different verbal
behavior, which in turn resulted in different gesture rates.
Different gestures in FtF conditions For this explanation one has to add that these different
Gestures were larger when speaker and addressee could see pragmatics only influence gestures that have the potential to
each other (M = 2.8, SD = .4) compared to when they could communicate, since the difference was not found when
not (M = 2.2, SD = .5), F(1, 35) = 14.669, p < .01, !p2 = .30. visibility was blocked. To further address this issue, we are
We also found a higher percentage of gestures made from a planning to do an additional analysis in which only
character viewpoint1 when visibility was not blocked, F(1, utterances encoding certain key elements of information are
35) = 8.866, p < .01, !p2 = .21. included. This should lead to more comparable language use
The NASA Task Load Index indicated that the narration in the more demanding and less demanding task.
task was considered equally difficult when there was a In addition to more qualitative linguistic analysis, a dual-
screen in between speaker and addressee and when there task paradigm may help to discriminate between whether
was not. There was no significant difference between these speakers produced communicative gestures more frequently
conditions on any of the six scales. because of a lower cognitive load, or whether this resulted
from another factor in our less demanding task. We are
Discussion planning to use such a design in our future research.
When visibility was blocked, there was no significant
The memory demand of a narration task had an effect on difference in gesture rate between the more and less
both verbal language production and gesture production. demanding task. This confirms that gestures produced in
With a less demanding task, speakers produced longer this setting differ from gestures produced when visibility
narrations and used a higher percentage of unique words. was unobstructed. It could very well be that most gestures
Though further linguistic analysis is needed, this suggests produced when visibility was blocked were produced for the
that speakers added extra information to their narrations. We benefit of the speaker. Our current study cannot clarify how
did not find a significant effect of visibility on the length of exactly these gestures aid speakers. It has only shown that a
a narration or the percentage of unique words. Neither did global manipulation of task demand does not seem to have a
visibility influence two measures of speech fluency: speech large effect on the frequency with which such gestures are
rate and the number of filled pauses per 100 words. This produced (despite the more elaborate verbal descriptions
indicates that narrations were broadly similar when visibility with the less demanding task).
was blocked and when it was not, though more detailed Our study did show several qualitative differences
linguistic analysis is needed to support this claim. between gestures produced when speaker and addressee
As expected, gestures were more frequent when visibility could not see each other vs. when they could. Gestures
was not blocked. But more importantly, this difference was produced when visibility was blocked were smaller and
larger with the less demanding task. Though narrations were characters were imitated less often. This supports the idea
longer with the less demanding task regardless of visibility, that gestures (solely) serving a for-speaker purpose look
the gesture rate was higher only when visibility was not markedly different from gestures that have communicative
blocked. This suggests that the higher gesture rate resulted potential.
from gestures produced mostly for the addressee, rather than At first glance our results may seem contradictive to the
from gestures that the speaker needed in order to produce results found by Cohen (1977). However, Cohen did not
the verbal narration (especially since we found no find an effect of whether participants were familiar or
significant effects of visibility on any of the variables we unfamiliar with the routes to be described. This suggests
used to measure verbal behavior). that both the complex and easy tasks were well within the
Our results support the theory that speakers need to put cognitive capacities of the participants. This could mean that
cognitive effort into the production of gestures that mostly in both tasks, speakers had enough capacity left to produce
any appropriate communicative gestures, and the difference
In the character viewpoint, body parts of the speaker map in gesture rate was caused by gestures produced primarily
directly onto the same body parts of a character that is being for the speaker. As explained earlier, the pattern of results
described, rather than part of the speaker representing a different found matches this hypothesis.
part of a character or situation (see McNeill, 1992). For example, if It may also be that in giving route directions, or explaining
speakers use their hands and arms to depict the cat’s paws and
math problems, such as in the study by Goldin-Meadow et
forelegs, this is considered character viewpoint, whereas using
one’s fingers to represent the cat’s legs is not. al. (2001), gestures produced mostly for the benefit of the

speaker form the majority, as opposed to in narrative tasks Chawla, P., & Krauss, M. (1994) Gesture and speech in
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do not conflict with these latter two studies either. Rather, shallow: Effects of co-speech gestures in learning from
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Acknowledgements NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): results of empirical and
We like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their theoretical research. In: P. Hancock, N. Meshkati (Eds.),
comments that helped us clarify this paper. We also like to Human Mental Workload. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.
thank Sotaro Kita for the helpful discussions on this topic Jacobs, N., & Garnham, A. (2006) The role of
and Martin Reynaert for his technical support. conversational hand gestures in a narrative task. Journal
of Memory and Language, 26, 291-303.
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