SCHR Odinger Equation From An Exact Uncertainty Principle
SCHR Odinger Equation From An Exact Uncertainty Principle
SCHR Odinger Equation From An Exact Uncertainty Principle
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An exact uncertainty principle, formulated as the assumption that a classical
ensemble is subject to random momentum fluctuations of a strength which is
determined by and scales inversely with uncertainty in position, leads from the
classical equations of motion to the Schrödinger equation.
1. Introduction
[x̂, p̂] = ih̄ for quantum observables [5], or to the principle of superposition of wavefunctions
[4, 6], in this regard.
However, it will be shown here that an exact form of the uncertainty principle may in
fact be formulated, which provides the single key element in moving from the equations of
motion of a classical ensemble to those of a quantum ensemble. In particular, if it is assumed
that a classical ensemble is subject to random momentum fluctuations, where the strength of
these fluctuations is precisely determined by and scales inversely with uncertainty in position
(as characterized by the position probability density), then the resulting modified equations
of motion are equivalent to the Schrödinger equation. Thus, surprisingly, there is an exact
formulation of the uncertainty principle which does in fact capture the essence of what is
‘quantum’ about quantum mechanics.
In the following section we recall the description of a classical ensemble in terms of a
pair of equations in configuration space (the Hamilton–Jacobi equation and the continuity
equation), and provide the corresponding Lagrangian from which these equations follow.
In section 3 we show that the above exact uncertainty principle leads to a modification
of this Lagrangian (essentially incorporating the kinetic energy of the random momentum
fluctuations), the form of which yields equations of motion equivalent to the Schrödinger
equation. Further, an exact uncertainty relation for position and momentum uncertainties is
derived, corresponding to the exact uncertainty principle, from which the usual Heisenberg
inequality follows as a consequence.
Of course, equations of motion equivalent to the Schrödinger equation do not in themselves
imply the full quantum formalism. Accordingly, in section 4 a Hamiltonian formulation
is provided for the equations of motion, which leads naturally to the usual wavefunction
representation as corresponding to the normal modes of the modified system. Conclusions are
presented in section 5.
2. Classical mechanics
For simplicity, we limit ourselves to the case of a single particle, described in a configuration
space of n dimensions. In the Hamilton–Jacobi formulation of classical mechanics, the
equation of motion takes the form [7]
∂S 1
+ ∇S · ∇S + V = 0. (1)
∂t 2m
The velocity field u(x, t) that describes the motion of the particle is related to the momentum
potential S(x, t) by
u= ∇S. (2)
We assume that the initial conditions are not known exactly, and that the probability of
finding the particle in a given volume of the configuration space is described by a probability
density P (x, t). The probability density must satisfy the following two conditions: it must be
P dn x = 1
Equations (1) and (3), together with (2), completely determine the motion of the classical
ensemble. Equations (1) and (3) can be derived from the Lagrangian
∂S 1
LC = P + ∇S · ∇S + V dn x dt (4)
∂t 2m
by fixed end-point variation (δP = δS = 0 at the boundaries) with respect to S and P.
inversely correlated with uncertainty in position at that time, where the uncertainty of position
is characterized by P. Clearly, this assumption is an additional hypothesis that is independent
of classical mechanics.
To make this assumption precise, consider the general case of an n-dimensional space and
a one-parameter family of probability distributions (which we label with a parameter k > 0)
at time t0 , related by a rescaling of variables
P (x) → Pk (x) ≡ k n P (kx).
These transformations preserve the normalization,
P (x) d x → k P (kx) d x = P (y) dn y
n n n
(N)2 dt = Pf (x, P , x · ∇P , ∇P · ∇P ) dn x dt. (8)
4 Requirements of causality do not exclude a term linear in ∇ 2 P , but since it can be shown that such a term does not
lead to a different result we will not consider it here.
Schrödinger equation from an exact uncertainty principle 3293
and hence from equations (6) and (8) the independence condition requires
Pf = P1 P2 (f1 + f2 ) (14)
where subscripts 1 and 2 refer to subsystems 1 and 2, respectively.
Equation (13) immediately implies the relations
u = u1 u2
v ≡ u−1 v = u−1 −1
1 v1 + u2 v2 = v1 + v2
−2 −2
w ≡ u w = u1 w1 + u2 w2 = w1 + w2
was conveniently used because it is well known. However, one can in fact obtain equivalent
results using the Hamiltonian form of field theory, with no essential differences in the
assumptions and manipulations used.
The Hamiltonian formalism does provide one important advantage: the concept of
√ transformations.
In the previous section, the wavefunction representation ψ =
P exp i h̄S was simply ‘magicked out of thin air’, to obtain the Schrödinger equation written
in terms of the wavefunction ψ instead of the hydrodynamical variables P and S. In contrast,
in the Hamiltonian formalism this complex combination of P and S arises immediately from
asking a natural question about canonical transformations.
The Hamiltonian form corresponding to Lagrangian (17) is given by
1 h̄2 1
H = P ∇S · ∇S + ∇P · ∇P + V d x ≡ H dn x
2m 8m P 2
and is derived similarly. The field P plays the role of a field coordinate and S the role of the
momentum canonically conjugate to P. The equations of motion are given by [7]
∂P δH
= {P , H } =
∂t δS
∂S δH
= {S, H } = −
∂t δP
where the Poisson bracket of two functions F and G is defined by
δF (x) δG(x ) δF (x) δG(x ) n
{F (P (x), S(x)), G(P (x ), S(x ))} = − d x . (21)
δP (x ) δS(x ) δS(x ) δP (x )
To simplify the formulae, we will sometimes use the notation P ≡ P (x), P ≡ P (x ), etc
which allows us to write equation (21) in the concise form
δF δG δF δG n
{F, G } = − d x .
δP δS δS δP
δP δS
= = δ n (x − x ) (22)
δP δS
we derive the Poisson bracket of the canonically conjugate fields as
{P , S } = δ n (x − x ).
The equations of motion that correspond to H are
∂P δH 1
= = −∇ · P ∇S
∂t δS m
∂S δH 1 h̄2 1 2 2
=− =− ∇S · ∇S + ∇P · ∇P − ∇ P + V .
∂t δP 2m 8m P 2 P
These equations are of course identical to (3) and (18) which were derived using the Lagrangian
fields φ and χ without changing the physical content provided they are related to P and S by
a canonical transformation, i.e.
δP δS δP δS n
{P , S } = − d x = {φ, χ }. (23)
δφ δχ δχ δφ
Of course, such a transformation is generally only of interest if the new fields have some
particular physical significance.
One transformation of obvious physical interest, when it exists, is to two fields φ and
χ which have uncoupled equations of motion. Such fields label two independent physical
degrees of freedom in the system, and hence have fundamental physical significance as the
‘normal modes’ of the system. It is therefore natural to ask whether such a transformation
exists for H, i.e. whether there is a one–one mapping
P = P (φ, χ) S = S(φ, χ)
such that the fields φ and χ are uncoupled. √
It will be
that this question is sufficient to
derive the wavefunction representation ψ = P exp i h̄S and its complex conjugate from the
Hamiltonian H, as corresponding to the physical fields describing the ‘normal modes’ of the
To examine the question of whether there is a canonical transformation that will lead to
uncoupled equations of motion for φ and χ we first need to establish the following lemma.
Lemma. A necessary condition for two conjugate fields φ and χ to be uncoupled is that the
corresponding Hamiltonian density H has the form
H = F (x, φ, χ) + Ak (x, φ, χ)∂k φ + Bk (x, φ, χ)∂k χ + Gj k (x, φ, χ)(∂j φ)(∂k χ)
where k = 1, . . . , n, repeated indices are summed over, and ∂k denotes the partial derivative
with respect to xk . Furthermore, the symmetric part of Gj k is independent of φ and χ, i.e.
Gj k (x, φ, χ) + Gkj (x, φ, χ) = 2Gj k (x)
where Gj k (x) is symmetric with respect to j and k.
∂φ ∂ H ∂ 2 H ∂ 2 H ∂ 2 H
= − − ∂k φ − ∂k χ
∂t ∂χ ∂xk (∂k χ) (∂φ) ∂(∂k χ) (∂χ) ∂(∂k χ)
∂ 2 H ∂ 2 H
− ∂kl φ − ∂kl χ.
∂(∂l φ) ∂(∂k χ) ∂(∂l χ) ∂(∂k χ)
If we now express the Hamiltonian density H (20) in terms of the new variables, we find
1 ∂S 2 h̄ 2 ∂ln P 2 1 ∂S 2 h̄ 2 ∂ln P 2
H=P + ∇φ · ∇φ + +
2m ∂φ 2 ∂φ 2m ∂χ 2 ∂χ
1 ∂S ∂S h̄ ∂ln P ∂ln P
× ∇χ · ∇χ + + ∇φ · ∇χ + V .
m ∂φ ∂χ 2 ∂φ ∂χ
It follows immediately from the lemma that the first two terms of H must vanish, implying
∂S h̄ ∂ln P ∂S h̄ ∂ln P
= iα = iβ (24)
∂φ 2 ∂φ ∂χ 2 ∂χ
where α, β = ±1. Since P and S are real, the normal modes are therefore complex fields.
Substituting equations (24) into the third term of H, the lemma further implies that
h̄ 1 − αβ ∂ln P ∂ln P
Gj k (x) = P δj k = Gδj k
2 m ∂φ ∂χ
where G is a constant (the last equality follows since the second term has no explicit x
dependence). Now, if α = β, the Hamiltonian density reduces to H = P (φ, χ)V , and the
inverse transformation to the fields P and S then yields a Hamiltonian density proportional to
V , which is inconsistent with the form of H. Therefore
h̄ 1 ∂ln P ∂ln P
α = −β 2P = G. (25)
2 m ∂φ ∂χ
From equations (24) and (25) the Hamiltonian density H in terms of φ and χ is
H = G∇φ · ∇χ + P (φ, χ)V
and the equations of motion take the simple form
∂φ ∂P
= V − G∇ 2 φ
∂t ∂χ
∂χ ∂P
− = V − G∇ 2 χ.
∂t ∂φ
For these equations to be uncoupled P must be of the form P = W + Xφ + Y χ + Zφχ, which
when substituted into (25) yields
2 m
P = G (φ + K) (χ + L) (26)
h̄ 2
where K and L are constants (related to X, Y and Z ). The general form of S(φ, χ) is found by
substitution of (26) in (24) with α = −β, which leads to a pair of differential equations with
h̄ φ + K
S = b + iα ln (27)
2 χ +L
where b is an arbitrary complex constant.
Schrödinger equation from an exact uncertainty principle 3299
Equations (26) and (27) establish the functional forms of P (φ, χ) and S(φ, χ) that will
permit uncoupled equations of motion for φ and χ. We now have to check that these functional
forms lead to a canonical transformation. This requires
δP δS δP δS n
{P , S } = − d x
δφ δχ δχ δφ
2 n
= −mG iα δ (x − x )
= δ n (x − x )
and thus the value of G is fixed to be
G = iαh̄/(2m).
Recalling that P and S are real (and using the property that P is positive), one can show that
the inverse transformation follows from (26) and (27) as
φ = a P exp(−iαS/h̄) − K (28)
αh̄ √
χ= P exp(iαS/h̄) − L (29)
where a is an arbitrary complex constant (related to b).
Thus, an essentially unique canonical transformation to uncoupled fields φ and χ indeed
exists, given by equations (28) and (29). We recognize
√that these
fields are, up to a scale factor
and additive constant, the usual wavefunction ψ = P exp i h̄S and its complex conjugate,
and hence the wavefunction has a fundamental physical significance as a ‘normal mode’ of
the system. The corresponding Hamiltonian density H follows as
iαh̄ iα
H= ∇φ · ∇χ + V (φ + K) (χ + L)
2m h̄
= |∇ψ| + V |ψ|2
for all choices of a, K and L, and leads directly to the Schrödinger equation and its conjugate.
We point out a quantization condition that follows from equations (27), (28) and (29).
4(x) is a single-valued complex function, ln 4 is a multi-valued function which satisfies
C d ln 4 = ±i2πn, where n is an integer. If we make the assumption that the fields φ and χ
describing the ‘normal modes’ of the system are single-valued functions, then
dS = −iα d(ln ψ − ln ψ ∗ ) = ±2πh̄n.
C 2 C
This is precisely the quantization condition that was introduced by Takabayasi as ‘a new
postulate’ in his hydrodynamic interpretation of quantum mechanics [11]. This subsidiary
condition is of course compatible with the equations of motion.
p = P ∇S dn x = ψ ∗ ∇ψ dn x
h̄ 1 n
p = P ∇S · ∇S +
∇P · ∇P d x = h̄2
|∇ψ|2 dn x.
2 P2
However, it is not immediately clear how within this framework higher order moments are
to be calculated, nor expectation values of functions of position and momentum. We briefly
note here a possible approach to this problem, based on a symmetry in the representation
of position and momentum displacements, which leads to the usual relations assumed in the
Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics.
Under a position displacement Ta : x → x + a, the fields P and S transform as
P (x) → P (x − a), S(x) → S(x − a). Hence in the wavefunction representation one has
Ta : ψ(x) → ψ(x − a). (30)
Under a momentum displacement Mq : p → p + q, the position distribution (which is
given by the field P) should be unaffected, while the average momentum must change
by q, ∇S → ∇S + q. Therefore, the fields P and S transform as P (x) → P (x),
S(x) → S(x) + q · x (where an arbitrary additive constant added to S has been ignored,
as it has no effect on the equations of motion). Hence in the wavefunction representation one
Mq : ψ(x) → exp(iq · x/h̄)ψ(x). (31)
Comparing (30) and (31), one recognizes that the transformations Ta and Mq are Fourier-
pairs. In particular, if one defines the Fourier transform of ψ(x) by
ϕ( p) = ψ(x) exp(ix · p/σ ) dn x
(2πσ )−n/2
where σ is a constant with units of action, then one has
Comparing with equations (30) and (31), there is a direct symmetry between ψ and ϕ under
position and momentum translations, provided one sets σ = h̄.
In light of this symmetry, it is natural to postulate that, in analogy to P (x) = |ψ(x)|2 ,
the momentum probability density is given by P̃ (p) = |ϕ(p)|2 . Under this postulate one
finds that
f ( p) = P̃ ( p)f ( p) dn p = ψ ∗ (x)f ∇ ψ(x) dn x
which then leads to the natural generalization
f (x, p) = ψ (x)f x, ∇ ψ(x) dn x
as per standard quantum theory (where in general an operator ordering must be specified for
the expectation value to be well defined).
Finally, we point out another approach that is also natural within this framework. Since
the equations of motion in the variables ψ and ψ ∗ are linear, it is natural to investigate the
Schrödinger equation from an exact uncertainty principle 3301
group of canonical transformations that preserve the linearity of these equations. This leads
us to consider the group of functional transformations of the form
ρ(y) = K(x, y)ψ(x) dn x
ρ (y) = K ∗ (x, y)ψ ∗ (x) dn x.
Using (22), a simple calculation leads to the following condition for the transformation to be
∗ δρ δρ ∗ δρ δρ ∗ n
{ρ, ρ } = − d x
δψ δψ ∗ δψ ∗ δψ
= K(x , y)K ∗ (x , y ) dn x = δ(y − y ).
This is the condition for a transformation to be unitary. Arguments similar to those discussed
above can then be used to single out the choice
K(x, y) = exp(ix · y/h̄)
which corresponds to the transformation that leads to the momentum space representation.
5. Conclusions
We have shown that an exact uncertainty principle, formulated in the form that the strength
of the momentum fluctuations is inversely correlated with the uncertainty in position, leads
from the classical equations of motion to the Schrödinger equation. The assumptions that we
used for this fall into three main categories: maximal randomness (equations (5) and (14)), an
exact uncertainty principle (equation (7)) and causality (equation (8)).
The additional term in the Lagrangian is essentially the Fisher information, originally
introduced by Fisher [12] as a measure of ‘intrinsic accuracy’ in statistical estimation theory.
This Fisher information term was derived using an information theoretical approach in [13].
The connection between Fisher information and quantum mechanics has been developed
further in [9], where it was shown that the Fisher information is proportional to the difference
of a classical and quantum variance (thus providing a measure of nonclassicality) and to the
rate of entropy increase under Gaussian diffusion (thus providing a measure of robustness).
The operator formulation of the exact uncertainty relation in equation (19) is studied in detail
in [14] including its extension to entangled systems. We point out that in all of these references
the Fisher information is defined in the usual way, that is, as a functional of the probability
distribution—and therefore, one should not confuse it with the quantity by the same name
that appears in Frieden [15], which is essentially a generalized Fisher information defined for
wavefunctions and proportional to the quantum kinetic energy.
It is worth noting that the approach here, based on exact uncertainty, is rather different from
other approaches which assign physical meaning to fields P and S related to the wavefunction.
For example, in the de Broglie–Bohm approach [16], there are no momentum fluctuations
and the classical equations of motion for P and S are instead modified by adding a mass-
dependent ‘quantum potential’, Q, to the classical potential term in the Hamilton–Jacobi
equation. The form of this quantum potential is left unexplained and is interpreted as
arising from the influence of an associated wave acting on the system. Similarly, while
Bohm and Vigier generalize Bohm’s original formalism to permit fluctuations of momentum
3302 M J W Hall and M Reginatto
about ∇S, this is merely to ensure that an ensemble of such particles will quickly evolve
to have a stable distribution given by the modulus-squared of the associated wave [17]. In
contrast, in the exact uncertainty approach ∇S is an average momentum, the form of an
additional kinetic energy term arising from random momentum fluctuations is derived, and
no associated wave is assumed. The formal connection between the two approaches is the
δ(L − LC ) = dt dn xQδP .
The exact uncertainty approach is also very different from the stochastic mechanics
approach [18]. The latter postulates the existence of a classical stochastic process in
configuration space, with a drift velocity assumed to be the gradient of some scalar, and
defines an associated time-symmetric ‘mean acceleration’ a in terms of averages over both
the stochastic process and a corresponding time-reversed process, which is postulated to obey
Newton’s law ma = −∇V . In contrast, the exact uncertainty approach does not rely on a
classical model of fluctuations, nor on a new definition of acceleration, nor on properties of
stochastic processes running backwards in time. Indeed, as remarked in section 3.1, one may
view the introduction of N as a means of effectively eliminating the notion of trajectories,
differentiable or otherwise, from the classical hydrodynamical formulation of section 2. The
formal connections between the approaches are
∇S = mu (N)2 = m2 v · v
where u + v and u − v are the drift velocities of the forward-in-time and backward-in-time
processes, respectively. It should be noted that u · v = 0, and hence, noting equation (5),
one cannot identify mv with the random momentum fluctuation N .
In [13] it was suggested that the Fisher information term represented an ‘epistemological’
contribution to the action, which in the context of the present analysis can be interpreted
as reflecting a lack of detailed knowledge of nonclassical momentum fluctuations. In our
approach we do not attempt to provide a ‘realistic’ model of such fluctuations, which
would at any rate require a whole new (and nonlocal) theory that goes beyond quantum
mechanics. Our approach to understanding quantum mechanics is therefore different from
other descriptions based on the postulate of an underlying stochastic process, such as stochastic
mechanics [18]. What our analysis primarily offers is a new way of viewing the uncertainty
principle as the key concept in quantum mechanics. While it is true that no one before
quantum mechanics would think of taking an uncertainty principle as a fundamental principle,
our analysis is valuable in that it enforces the importance of the uncertainty principle in
distinguishing quantum mechanics from classical mechanics—in a sense, it says that the
uncertainty principle is the fundamental element that is needed for the transition to quantum