Cancer Diagnosis Úing
Cancer Diagnosis Úing
Cancer Diagnosis Úing
The advent of proteomics has brought with it the hope of discovering novel biomarkers that
can be used to diagnose diseases, predict susceptibility and monitor progression. Much of
this effort has focused upon the mass spectral identification of the thousands of proteins
that populate complex biosystems such as serum and tissues. A revolutionary approach in
proteomic pattern analysis has emerged as an effective method for the early diagnosis of
CONTENTS diseases such as ovarian cancer. Proteomic pattern analysis relies on the pattern of
proteins observed and does not rely on the identification of a traceable biomarker.
Proteomics as a
diagnostic tool Hundreds of clinical samples per day can be analyzed utilizing this technology, which has
the potential to be a novel, highly sensitive diagnostic tool for the early detection of cancer.
Proteomic pattern
technology Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 3(4), 411–420 (2003)
Summary & conclusions
The term proteomics means different things to gel compared with the other are excised and
Expert opinion
different people. Originally, proteomics was the differentially expressed proteins identified
Five-year view coined to describe the large-scale, high-through- using mass spectrometry (MS). In addition,
Key issues put separation and subsequent identification studies such as phosphorylation mapping
of proteins resolved by 2D polyacrimide gel would be incomplete without identifying the
electrophoresis (2DE) [1]. The field of proteom- modified protein, or even better, the specific
ics has since evolved to include almost any type amino acid that has been modified.
of technology that focuses upon the wide-scale
analysis of proteins. These technologies range Proteomics as a diagnostic tool
from those designed to study a single protein While having an enormous impact in almost
(i.e., mapping of sites of post-translational mod- every discipline of biomedical science, one of
ifications [PTM]) to those for the analysis of the major focuses is to use the high-throughput
hundreds to thousands of proteins in a single capabilities of proteomics in the discovery of
experiment (e.g., protein arrays or isotope-coded novel disease biomarkers [7]. While a biomarker
affinity tags) [2–4]. In essence, the term proteom- can be defined as any laboratory measurement
ics has replaced the use of the phrase protein sci- or physical sign used as a substitute for a clini-
ence. Regardless of the terminology or the scope cally meaningful end point that measures
of the analysis, one of the common requirements directly how a patient feels, functions or sur-
Author for correspondence
of a vast majority of proteomic studies has been vives [8], as applied to proteomics, a biomarker
Biomedical Proteomics Program,
SAIC-Frederick, Inc., the identification of the protein(s) of interest. is an identified protein(s) that is unique to a
National Cancer Institute Protein identification is central to most pro- particular disease state. Simply put, the experi-
at Frederick,PO Box B, teomic studies [5]. For example, probably the mental design of a diagnostic proteomic investi-
Frederick, MD 21702, USA most well known and widely used proteomic gation aims to scrutinize clinical samples from
Tel.: +1 301 846 7286
technology is the characterization of changes healthy and afflicted individuals in a high-
Fax: +1 301 846 6037
[email protected] in protein expression between two different throughput manner, allowing for the relative
samples through comparative 2DE [6]. In such abundance of thousands of proteins from the
KEYWORDS: studies, two proteomic samples are resolved two histologically distinct samples to be visual-
bioinformatics, biomarkers,
cancer, early diagnosis, mass and visualized on two separate 2DE gels. Pro- ized. Proteins that are found to be differentially
spectrometry, proteomic patterns tein spots that are more or less intense on one abundant between the samples are then selected 411
Conrads, Zhou, Petricoin, Liotta & Veenstra
for identification with the hope that knowledge of their identity disease-stricken individuals. The comparison of two distinct
will provide the basis for defining a diagnostic biomarker. Unfor- serum samples is incredibly laborious using conventional pro-
tunately, this strategy suffers from issues that are in many ways teomic technologies and the comparison of the hundreds if not
technically overwhelming. Firstly, the proteins being observed in thousands needed to validate a biomarker is not routinely possi-
these analyses are generally of high abundance. Therefore, valua- ble. More to the point, in the comparison of just two serum
ble biomarkers expressed at low abundance remain undetected samples, a multitude of changes in protein abundance are
until current analytical technologies become more sensitive. Sec- observed due simply to differences such as age, gender or life-
ondly, discovery of effective biomarkers requires the analysis of style, making the assumption that a particular difference is a
hundreds of histologically well-defined samples retrieved from result of a specific disease state tenuous at best.
healthy and disease-afflicted individuals. In addition, to be clini-
cally relevant, the biomarker should be present in easily obtaina- Proteomic pattern technology
ble samples such as serum, plasma or urine. Even ignoring the A revolutionary proteomic technology has recently been devel-
difficulties in analyzing serum and plasma via MS-based pro- oped that uses the pattern of proteins observed within a clinical
teomic methods, the natural variability in biofluids obtained sample as a diagnostic fingerprint and does not rely on the
from different patients makes the recognition of a single, consist- identification of the proteins detected. The technology to
ent biomarker in the background of a dynamic proteome acquire these so-called proteomic patterns is quite simple, as
extremely challenging. Thirdly, it may be that the presence of a illustrated in FIGURE 1. In its current state, surface-enhanced
single, definitive biomarker for a particular histological condi- laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
tion, such as human chorionic gonadotropin for pregnancy, is (SELDI-TOF MS) is the technology used to acquire the pro-
the exception rather than the rule [9,10]. Indeed, many clinical teomic patterns to be used in the diagnostic setting [15,16]. The
tests that rely on single diagnostic biomarkers, such as cancer- principle of SELDI-TOF is very simple; proteins of interest are
antigen (CA)-125 for ovarian cancer [11] and prostate specific captured, by adsorption, partition, electrostatic interaction or
antigen (PSA) for prostate cancer [12], possess positive predictive affinity chromatography on a stationary-phase and immobi-
values (PPV) that are generally quite low. lized in an array format on a chip surface. One of the benefits
of this process is that raw biofluids, such as urine, serum and
Biomarker discovery without protein identification plasma, can be directly applied to the array surface. After a
There exists a sobering reality of the lack of success in the dis- series of binding and washing steps, a matrix is applied to the
covery of novel diagnostic biomarkers despite the considerable array surfaces. The species bound to these surfaces can be ion-
intellectual and financial resources currently invested in the use ized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)
of conventional proteomic technologies. It is likely that a vast and their mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios measured by TOF MS.
majority of disease states are not the result of a single recogniza- The result is simply a mass spectrum of the species that bound
ble change in the abundance or function of a protein. Consid- to and subsequently desorbed from the array surface. While the
ering the complexity of an individual cell and the aberrations inherent simplicity of the technology has contributed to the
caused by such disease states as cancer, a vast number of differ- enthusiasm generated for this approach, the implementation of
ences between the protein character of healthy and diseased tis- sophisticated bioinformatic tools have enabled the use of
sues should be observable. Why then has the discovery of dis- SELDI-TOF MS as a potentially revolutionary diagnostic tool.
ease-specific biomarkers been so elusive? Obviously one of the
main reasons is that for a diagnostic marker to be clinically rele- Application of proteomic patterns for disease diagnosis
vant it should be assayed from a sample that can be relatively The seminal study describing the use proteomic patterns to
noninvasively obtained in sufficient quantities from patients. diagnose ovarian cancer was published in The Lancet by Petri-
For this reason, the search for biomarkers using proteomic coin and coworkers of the US Food and Drug Administration
methods largely focus upon plasma and serum. While serum (FDA) and Liotta and coworkers of the National Cancer Insti-
constantly perfuses tissues, hence potentially endowing an tute (NCI) [17]. The aggressive nature of ovarian cancer, the
archive of histological information, this information is com- fifth most common cause of cancer-related death in women,
prised not only of the expected circulatory proteins in serum, makes it a prime example of a disease whose 5-year survival rate
such as immunoglobulins, but also of peptides and proteins would dramatically increase if a more effective means of early
that are secreted into the blood and species shed from diseased, (or Stage I) detection could be discovered [17,18]. Unfortunately,
dying or dead cells present throughout the body [13]. Therefore, almost 80% of women with common epithelial ovarian cancer
the background matrix of biofluids such as serum represents a are not diagnosed until the disease has spread to the upper
complex milieu in which to find unique disease-specific abdomen (Stage III) or beyond (Stage IV) [19,20]. The 5-year
biomarkers that are most likely of extremely low abundance. survival rate for these women is only 15–20%, whereas the
The intrinsic person-to-person variability of the content of 5-year survival rate for ovarian cancer at Stage I approaches
biofluids also hampers the identification of a disease-specific 95% with surgical intervention. In this study, the proteomic
biomarker [14]. The identification of a biomarker relies on the patterns of serum samples from several patients with ovarian
comparison of, for example, serum samples from healthy and cancer were compared with those from control patients. Visual
Serum Proteins
Protein chip
Proteomic pattern Pattern recognition
Figure 1. Disease diagnostics using proteomic patterns. The sample drawn from the patient is applied to a protein chip which is made up of a specific
chromatographic surface. After several washing steps and the application of an energy-absorbing molecule, the species that are retained on the surface of
the chip are analyzed via mass spectrometry. The pattern of peaks within the spectrum is analyzed using sophisticated bioinformatic software to diagnose
the source of the biological sample.
m/z: Mass to charge ratio; SELDI-TOF MS: Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
inspection of the mass spectra did not reveal mass spectral fea- y-axis amplitudes of the candidate set of the key m/z values
tures unique to the ovarian cancer serum samples. The ability in N-dimensional space, where N is equal to the number of m/z
to discriminate patterns generated from serum acquired from values found within the training set of spectra. The pattern
healthy individuals and those patients affected with ovarian formed by the relative amplitudes of the spectrum data for this
cancer was only accomplished through application of an artifi- set of chosen m/z values was rated for its ability to distinguish
cial intelligence program able to decipher diagnostic patterns the serum mass spectra acquired from the healthy and cancer-
within the profiles. affected individuals. Since the aim was to identify the pattern
The artificial intelligence program used in this study com- that provides the optimal segregation, the frequency values
bined elements of a genetic algorithm with cluster analysis within the highest rated sets were reshuffled to form new subset
[21–23]. The input files for the analysis were comprised of the candidates and the resultant defined amplitude values were rated
m/z values on the x-axis along with their corresponding ampli- iteratively until the set that fully discriminates the preliminary
tudes on the y-axis. The analysis was divided into two phases, a sample sets was revealed.
pattern discovery phase and a pattern matching phase, as illus- Once the algorithm recognizes key m/z values, the model was
trated in FIGURE 2. In the pattern discovery phase, a set of mass tested using a set of masked test spectra in which the optimal
spectra of serum from both healthy and ovarian cancer-affected pattern recognized in the first phase is tested for its diagnostic
individuals (referred to as the training set) was analyzed to iden- capabilities. As opposed to the pattern discovery phase which
tify a subset of m/z values and their related amplitudes that are uses all of the m/z values within the entire spectral data set, in
able to completely segregate the data acquired using serum the pattern matching phase, only the key subset of the m/z val-
samples from patients with ovarian cancer and unaffected indi- ues identified in the pattern discovery phase was used to classify
viduals. In the pattern discovery phase, the source of the serum the unknown samples as being from healthy or cancer-affected
(from healthy or ovarian cancer-affected individuals) was individuals. The pattern formed by the relative amplitudes of
known and is included as part of the data that is provided to the key m/z values in each unknown was then matched to the
the algorithm. The bioinformatic searching process began with optimum pattern defined in the pattern-matching phase. Each
hundreds of arbitrary choices of small sets (5–20) of the unknown sample was classified based upon the cluster(s) that
exact m/z values selected along the x-axis of the mass spectra. its feature set populates as an unaffected or cancer-affected
The diagnostic pattern was formed by plotting the combined individual, or generated a new cluster if it is found not to 413
Conrads, Zhou, Petricoin, Liotta & Veenstra
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
m/z m/z
Figure 2. Bioinformatic analysis of proteomic pattern spectra for the determination of the discriminatory patterns in the training and
diagnostic (testing and blind validation) phase.
m/z: Mass to charge ratio.
match any of the patterns defined in the pattern discovery accuracy combined with the attributes of the technology (e.g.,
phase. If the sample generates a new cluster then the point in ease of sample preparation and high-throughput) make pro-
N-space of the unknown sample is outside the defined likeness teomic patterns a potentially invaluable screening tool for high-
boundaries of the ovarian cancer and unaffected clusters. risk populations. Even with this high overall PPV, however, the
After generating the diagnostic model, the diagnostic fea- technology in its present form is not useful as a clinical screen-
ture sets defined in training were utilized in a series of test ing tool for a disease with a low prevalence such as ovarian can-
samples in which the source of the serum was blinded. The cer. While a PPV of 94% as was reported in the ovarian cancer
diagnostic feature set defined in training was able to correctly study by Petricoin and colleagues is extremely high, the specifi-
diagnose the samples as being acquired from either control city (95%) of the assay when extrapolated over a large popula-
patients or those suffering from ovarian cancer with a sensitiv- tion in which very few patients would actually have ovarian
ity of 100% and a specificity of 95%, with an overall PPV of cancer would result in six out of every 100 patients being sent
94% [17]. The success in correctly diagnosing Stage I ovarian for unnecessary biopsies. This percentage of false-positives
cancer suggested that proteomic patterns generated from would have a tremendous negative impact on the available
biofluids may provide a useful indicator of the early onset of a medical resources. To serve as an effective screening tool, a
particular disease state. diagnostic assay screening for ovarian cancer requires a specifi-
city of at least 99.6% [29]. Therefore, while proteomic pattern
Improvements in instrumental analysis analysis in its present state represents a useful tool to diagnose
Since this original study, several laboratories have acquired and cancer, its use as a screening tool for high-risk populations is
analyzed serum proteomic pattern analysis for the diagnosis of still limited.
breast [24] and prostate [25–27] cancer. All of these studies used the One of the limiting factors in increasing the PPV attributes
same analytical platform combined with different sample prepa- of proteomic pattern analysis is the PBS-II, which is a simple
ration methods and bioinformatic algorithms. The analytical TOF-MS that is designed to provide for a broad m/z range of
platform used is the ProteinChip® Biomarker System-II detection, however, necessarily at the expense of resolution. To
(PBS-II; Ciphergen, CA, USA), a low-resolution TOF MS. assess the increase in diagnostic sensitivity and specificity that
Reflective of the success of the ovarian cancer study [17], many of would be afforded from higher resolution mass spectra, our lab-
these studies have been able to correctly diagnose serum samples oratory performed a side-by-side comparison of the results
with sensitivities and specificities greater than 90%. The diagnostic obtained analyzing serum samples on a PBS-II and a hybrid
quadrupole (Qq) TOF MS fitted with a SELDI ion source [30]. To compare the PPV of the results obtained from the two
A schematic comparison of the two instruments is provided in MS platforms, 248 serum samples from either healthy women
FIGURE 3. The QqTOF can be regarded as a triple Qq MS in or those clinically diagnosed with various stages of ovarian can-
which the third quadrupole has been replaced with a reflecting cer were provided from the National Ovarian Cancer Early
TOF analyzer. This instrument combines the benefits of ion Detection Program at Northwestern University Hospital (Chi-
selectivity and tandem MS capabilities of a triple Qq MS with cago, Illinois, USA), and processed and analyzed by both
the high mass accuracy and resolution afforded by a reflecting instruments. The key to this study is that the identical set of
TOF analyzer. The PBS-II, on the other hand, is a relatively samples were analyzed on the exact same protein chip surface
simple linear TOF MS. The mass analyzer, though relatively and all experimental variability outside the use of two different
sensitive, provides only low resolution and hence lowmass accu- instruments was thereby eliminated.
racy data. While time lag focusing is used to increase data reso- The mass spectra acquired on both the PBS-II and QqTOF
lution and mass accuracy, the achievable mass accuracy is much MS instruments were analyzed using the ProteomeQuest™
less than that afforded using more conventional, high-resolu- (Correlogic Systems, Inc., MD, USA) bioinformatics tool as
tion TOF MS instrumentation, such as the QqTOF. An exam- illustrated in FIGURE 2. A total of 28 serum samples from unaf-
ple of a serum sample analyzed using both the PBS-II TOF MS fected women and 49 women with ovarian cancer were used for
and the QqTOF MS is illustrated in FIGURE 4. While the spectra the training set. A series of diagnostic models were generated
are qualitatively similar, the resolution obtainable with the using a variety of different combinations of bioinformatic heu-
QqTOF MS is on the order of 60-fold higher than that ristic parameters. None of these parameters had any affect on
obtainable with the PBS-II TOF MS. the raw MS data, they were simply related to the bioinformatic
Vacuum pumps
Ultrastable quadrupole
mass filter
Sample ions
High efficieny collision cell
Q0 Q1
Q1 Q2
2.5 Torr
Field free
drift region
7x10-7 Torr
Ion mirror
+ + +
Y + +
+ + +
+ - Accelerating potential
Figure 3. Schematic diagrams comparing the configuration of (A) QqTOF MS and (B) PBS-II TOF MS. The QqTOF combines elements of a triple
quadrupole (Qq) MS with a reflecting TOF analyzer, thereby affording higher mass accuracy and resolution than the simple linear TOF of the PBS-II.
PBS-II: ProteinChip® Biomarker System-II (Ciphergen, CA, USA); TOF MS: Time-of-flight mass spectrometry. 415
Conrads, Zhou, Petricoin, Liotta & Veenstra
Relative intensity (%)
3885.3 7923.0
50 4072.8
25 8945.7
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
300 3883.57
Intensity (cps)
3977.76 7955.38
200 4071.81 8142.98
4467.22 8333.59
100 8933.46
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Figure 4. Comparison of mass spectra acquired using a SELDI-TOF MS and a QqTOF MS equipped with a SELDI source.
m/z: Mass to charge ratio; SELDI: Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization; TOF MS: Time-of-flight mass spectrometry; Qq: Quadrupole.
process of generating diagnostic models from the raw data Four models were found that were both 100% sensitive and
and included such factors as the similarity space of likeness specific in their ability to correctly discriminate serum samples
for cluster classification, the feature set size of random m/z taken from unaffected women or those suffering from ovarian
values whose combined intensities comprise each pattern and cancer. All of these models were generated from data acquired
the learning rate of pattern generation by the genetic algo- using the QqTOF MS as no models generated from the PBS-II
rithm. A total of 108 models were derived and queried with were both 100% sensitive and specific. Just as importantly, and
the same set of proteomic pattern spectra in the testing and key if this technology is to become a viable screening tool, no
blind validation phase to assess their sensitivity, specificity false-positive or false-negative classifications occurred using
and overall PPV. these models, giving each a PPV of 100% using the patient
The models derived from the training sets acquired on cohort employed in this study.
both the PBS-II and QqTOF MS were tested using blind Another key aspect to this study is that the key m/z features
serum sample mass spectra obtained from 31 unaffected that comprise the four diagnostic models that had 100% PPV
women and 63 women with ovarian cancer, and further vali- for ovarian cancer revealed certain consistent features. Although
dated using blind serum sample spectra obtained from 37 the proteomic patterns generated from both healthy and cancer-
unaffected women and 40 women with ovarian cancer. The affected patients using the QqTOF MS are quite similar
diagnostic models generated from mass spectra acquired (FIGURE 5), careful inspection of the raw mass spectra reveals that
using the higher resolution QqTOF MS were statistically peaks at m/z values 7060.121 and 8605.678 are indeed differen-
superior not only in testing (sensitivity, p2 < 0.0001; specifi- tially abundant in a selection of the serum samples obtained
city, p2 < 3 x 10-19) but also in validation (sensitivity, p2 < 9 x 10-9; from ovarian cancer patients as compared with unaffected indi-
specificity, p2 < 6 x 10-6) as evaluated using a two-tailed viduals (FIGURE 5, INSETS). The results indicated that these MS
Cochrane–Armitage test for trend [31]. peaks originate from species that may be consistent indicators of
the presence of ovarian cancer and represent good candidates for employed in this study, is preferred based upon the present
ongoing efforts to identify low molecular weight components in results that serve as a platform for clinical trials of serum
serum that may be key disease progression indicators. proteomic patterns.
While a number of studies have reported impressive diag-
nostic success using the lower resolution PBS-II TOF MS to Summary & conclusions
screen for diseases of relatively low prevalence such as ovarian One of the overlooked powers of investigating proteomic pat-
cancer, a minimum level of 99.6% sensitivity and specificity is terns is the ability to screen hundreds of serum samples in a
required [29]. In blinded testing and validation studies, any high-throughput manner and therefore quickly determine tar-
one of the four best models generated using QqTOF MS data gets (key m/z values) for further investigation. The inherent
were able to correctly classify 22 of 22 women with Stage I variability of serum between individuals makes it impossible
ovarian cancer, 81 of 81 women with Stage II, III and IV to compare and recognize valid disease indicators using the
ovarian cancer and 68 of 68 benign disease controls. It can be conventional proteomic techniques of protein separation
envisioned in the near future that a clinical test would simul- (2DE or multidimensional liquid chromatographic fractiona-
taneously employ several combinations of highly accurate tion) and MS identification. The technology used to generate
diagnostic proteomic patterns which, if taken together, could proteomic patterns is highly automated and even an academic
achieve an even higher degree of accuracy in a screening set- laboratory can analyze in excess of 300 samples per day. This
ting where a diagnostic test will face large population hetero- throughput allows for key discriminatory features to be dis-
geneity and potential variability in sample quality and handling. tinguished within hundreds of serum or plasma samples over
Hence, a high-resolution system, such as the QqTOF MS a statistically relevant population in a rapid fashion. It must
4 5
Relative intensity (%)
0 0
6900 7000 7100 7200 8500 8600 8700
m/z m/z
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
cancer 4 7060 5
100 0 0
Relative intensity (%)
2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Figure 5. Comparison of SELDI QqTOF mass spectra of serum from an unaffected individual and an ovarian cancer patient. Insets show expanded
m/z regions highlighting significant intensity differences of the peaks in the m/z 7060.121 and 8605.678 identified by the algorithm as belonging to the
optimum discriminatory pattern.
m/z: Mass to charge ratio; SELDI QuTOF: Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight. 417
Conrads, Zhou, Petricoin, Liotta & Veenstra 419
Conrads, Zhou, Petricoin, Liotta & Veenstra
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Anderson NL, Steiner S. Multi-component Inst. Electrical Electronics Eng. 78, • Thomas P Conrads, PhD
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towards a comprehensive survey of the Chan DW. Proteomics and bioinformatics Biomedical Proteomics Program,
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16 Issaq HJ, Conrads TP, Prieto DA, serum profiles discriminates prostate cancer • Ming Zhou, PhD
Tirumalai R, Veenstra TD. SELDI-TOF from noncancer patients. Clin. Chem. Senior Scientist
MS for diagnostic proteomics. Anal. Chem. 48(10), 1835–1843 (2002). Mass Spectrometry Center,
75(7), 148A–155A (2003). 27 Adam BL, Qu Y, Davis JW et al. Serum Biomedical Proteomics Program,
• Describes details of the procedure behind protein fingerprinting coupled with a SAIC-Frederick, Inc.,
the acquisition of proteomic patterns pattern-matching algorithm distinguishes National Cancer Institute at Frederick,
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• Emmanuel F Petricoin III
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