New York City Housing Authority: EEO CASE NO.
New York City Housing Authority: EEO CASE NO.
New York City Housing Authority: EEO CASE NO.
I. Identity of Complainant
First Name Last Name Employee ID Number Date
Civil Service Provisional
Home Address
Home Telephone
This is a request for assistance from the Office of Employment Opportunities in order to conciliate a
complaint of alleged discrimination and/or retaliation.
III. Jurisdiction
B. Did the incident(s) occur within the last twelve (12) months? YES NO
D. When did the alleged discrimination occur? Please be as specific as possible as to date(s)
and time(s) of occurrence(s).
E. Where did it take place? Please be as specific as possible as to the location of alleged discriminatory
G. Did you report the alleged discrimination to anyone? If so, please state the name(s), title(s),
division(s) and telephone number(s) of each person to whom you reported.
Note: There are statutory deadlines for filing complaints with each of the agencies listed above. Employees are advised to contact the
respective agency where they wish to file a complaint in order to find out the applicable deadline.
I affirm that I have read the complaint of alleged discrimination and that it is true, to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. I affirm that I have read the above notice concerning my rights to file a complaint
with federal, state and local civil rights enforcement agencies.