The Suicide Assessment Scale
The Suicide Assessment Scale
The Suicide Assessment Scale
Anxiety is common
and treatable
An anxiety disorder does not mean that you are weak or that you are losing your mind or that
you have a personality problem. Severe anxiety is a disorder that can be overcome with
treatment. Effective treatments
are available.
What is anxiety?
The word 'anxiety' is used to describe the mental and physical response to feared and threatening
situations. This reaction may include trembling, choking, increased heart rate, sweating, feelings
of unreality and so on. Anxiety is a normal response experienced by everyone at times. Nearly
being hit by a car, sitting for an exam or giving a public talk are all examples of situations in
which most people would experience anxiety.
You are likely to be suffering from an anxiety disorder if you have any of the following:
Try to work out which of the following descriptions best fit your situation
Generalized anxiety is different from the other anxiety disorders. The experience of anxiety is
not linked to specific situations or to a fear of having panic attacks. It is an ongoing general
anxiety, tension and excessive worrying about normal events and the future. While worry is a
feature of generalized anxiety, it is less common to experience the range of other psychological
symptoms common to different forms of anxiety.
Panic disorder
People who suffer from 'panic disorder' are likely to experience attacks of sudden and intense
anxiety. These panic attacks often cannot be associated with events occurring around the person.
The person is generally free from anxiety in between attacks.
Panic attacks are also common with the other anxiety disorders. However, those attacks are
easier to predict because they mostly occur in response to the feared situation(s).
The main feature of 'social phobia', is the fear of being the focus of attention or subject of
criticism. People with this disorder may worry that they will do something silly or embarrassing
in front of others. Often social phobia is experienced in many different social situations.
there is a risk of having a panic attack it would not be easy to get help
should the need arise
there is a sense of being trapped or being the environment is different and
unable to escape unfamiliar
This leads to the avoidance of many situations and can severely affect day-to-
day life. In extreme cases people who suffer from agoraphobia find it difficult
to leave the house.
Examples of commonly feared or avoided situations are:
leaving home, travelling alone, crowds, public places
There are many possible triggers to anxiety. If often starts during periods of
psychological or physical stress.
Psychological Physical
relationship break-ups lack of sleep physical illness
severe arguments work pressure excessive use of alcohol
loss of someone close financial problems domestic violence
loss of a job physical and sexual abuse
abuse of other drugs
When people experience stress they have a natural tendency to breathe more quickly and deeply.
There is also a tendency to worry more than usual. These two factors are commonly found in
people who have an anxiety disorder. Often changing the way you breathe and reducing worry
can be useful for managing anxiety.
It is surprising for people to learn that breathing too quickly and/or deeply (also known as
hyperventilation) can bring on anxiety. Breathing too quickly lowers the amount of carbon
dioxide in your lungs and by a complicated series of processes, this causes physical symptoms of
• You can get physical anxiety by slightly over breathing for a long time.
Therefore, over breathing does not have to be obvious to you or to others.
• If you slightly over breathe, even a yawn or a sigh can trigger a panic attack or physical
symptoms of anxiety.
Over breathing is a habit and it takes time to change.
The end point in the management of anxiety is not the removal of all anxiety but rather to
reduce it to manageable proportions.
The best way to manage anxiety is through psychological help (counseling), social support and
medication. With different treatment methods, it is possible to:
First Line Agents: These are not addictive. These were traditionally called antidepressants but
we now know are effective for anxiety disorders. These are thought to reverse the chemical
abnormalities in brain transmitters early in the anxiety cycle. This prevents the anxiety cascade
and production of psychological, physical and behavioral symptoms. These medications take
time to work, usually 3-6 weeks once titrated to an effective dose. You will not feel any
improvement after any single dose. They work by their cumulative effect over time. Some
people experience initial side effects, which often fade after a few weeks. If severe, you may
need to decrease the dose or try a different first line agent. Speak with your physician.
Adjunctive agents: These are sometimes used as "band-aid" solutions until the first line agents
take effect. These can be addictive and can cause drowsiness. Do not mix these with alcohol.
These medications work quickly after a single dose but the benefit weans of after a few hours.
Using them on an as needed basis may paradoxically increase the likelihood of becoming
addicted. This is because you start to believe you need a pill on every occasion you feel or
expect anxiety. Instead, a regular dosing schedule is recommended. For some people these have
a role in longer -term treatment.
Another very effective way of reducing anxiety is physical exercise. Specifically, aerobic
exercise if the form of exercise most consistently shown to reduce anxiety, and the duration
should be of more than twenty minutes. Anxiety reduction achieved through aerobic exercise is
similar to the reduction achieved through meditation or relaxation.
How to overcome anxiety
Mark on the scale how much you experience each symptom. If you have other symptoms write
them on another piece of paper and also rate them.
Symptoms severity score
Symptom Not at all Mild Moderate Severe
Worry ________ ________ _________ _______
Fear of loss of control ________ ________ _________ _______
Fear of dying ________ ________ _________ _______
Fear of going crazy ________ ________ _________ _______
Feelings of unreality ________ ________ _________ _______
It is common for people to experience anxiety in certain situations or places but not in others. It
is also common for people to avoid those situations so that they can avoid the feeling of anxiety.
Do you fear or avoid anything? If you do, write them down and discuss them with your doctor
and/or counsellor. e.g. speaking in front of a group
Now add to the list below any other situations or places that you fear or avoid. Mark on the scale
how much you fear or avoid each of the items. It well help you to overcome your anxiety if you
repeat this task every time you think of a new situation or place that you fear or avoid. Discuss
these with your doctor and/or counsellor.
You have learned so far that breathing too much or too quickly can bring on anxiety symptoms.
The following exercises will help you learn more about your breathing habits. First, check to see
if you have any of the following symptoms of over breathing.
You breathe more than 10-12 breaths a minute at res yes…….❒ No……❒ Not sure…..❒
Your chest sometimes feels over-expanded or tight yes…….❒ No……❒ Not sure…..❒
You or others have noticed that you sigh or yawn
quite a bit yes…….❒ No……❒ Not sure…..❒
You often gasp or take deep breaths
particularly in situations that make you anxious yes…….❒ No……❒ Not sure…..❒
If you are positive to any of these, then it is likely that you over breathe.
When you get physical symptoms of anxiety, for example breathlessness, it feels like you are not
enough. The natural response is to breathe in more. However, if you do try to get more air by
breathing in more, it just makes the problem worse. The best solution is to slow down your
breathing even though you may feel that you should speed it up. Now we suggest a slow
breathing technique to stop the unpleasant feelings of anxiety.
Remember to breathe in using your abdomen (not your chest) and through your nose.
breathe in slowly to the count of 3 seconds
when you get to 3, slowly breathe out to the count of 3 seconds
pause for 3 seconds before breathing in again
continue this exercise for 10 minutes or so
practice twice a day for 10 minutes (5 minutes is better than nothing)
try to check and slow down your breathing during the day
use the slow breathing technique whenever you get anxious
Remember the technique of slow breathing sounds very simple and it is very effective, but it
well take practice to master the technique. Consider other relaxation strategies such as yoga,
tai chi, massage therapy, and muscle relaxation exercises (alternating tensing and relaxing
muscle groups).
When people are depressed, they tend to think negatively about themselves, events and their
future. Unrealistic and negative thinking can also trigger anxiety and slow down recovery.
Person A Person B
"She doesn't agree with me; "So we have a different point of view. That is OK"
she thinks what I said was stupid"
"I am a fool, I should not talk" "It was interesting to discuss our different ideas"
Anxiety/panic Interested/stimulated
Here are some more examples of other unrealistic thoughts or beliefs. Mark the statements that
apply to you.
Now if you have other unrealistic/negative beliefs write them below or use a separate sheet of
e.g. If someone is late, I assume there has been an accident.
It is likely that you have been thinking in an unrealistic or a negative way for some time now.
Remember, you can learn to think more realistically. It will take practice to change you ways
but you can do it.
First, ask yourself, is this belief that I have true? In order to do this, it may help to…
Please read the following example and then try to create your own examples. Try to find
solutions to them using the same method.
The following example shows how unrealistic and realistic thoughts can lead to different
reactions to the same situations.
4 Build up slowly: start with easy tasks and build up to harder tasks
4 Only move on to a harder task when you feel comfortable with the task you are working on
4 Practice tasks regularly, once a day is better than twice a week
4 Do not give in to setbacks
4 Discuss your problems with your doctor and/or counsellor
4 Get someone to help and encourage you
Specific guidelines:
4 Always stay in the situation until your anxiety level drops. If you leave the situation while
your anxiety
is high or when you are in a panic, you will experience relief. This will make you anxiety
worse the
next time you are confronted with a similar situation.
4 Use slow breathing strategies to control physical anxiety
4 Use the new 'rational thinking' strategies to replace unrealistic/negative thinking
Here you will find some examples to help you work out your exposure plan.
Example 1 - Getting used to speaking and asking for assistance in front of others
With a friend
With a friend
say what you think rather than going along with what others think
say 'No, I think…..'
say 'No, I would prefer to…..'
- repeat activities with friends
- repeat activities with acquaintances
- repeat activities with people with whom you feel uncomfortable
1. The symptom severity form: We recommend you use this every week to monitor your
symptoms of anxiety.
2. The exposure form: We recommend that you use this every week to monitor you symptoms
of anxiety for
situations in which you have carried out exposure exercises.
3. Personal progress chart: We recommend that each week you mark your overall rating on the
graph provided.
Severity score
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Medication Information____________________________________________________
Caffeine ____________________________________________________
Alcohol ____________________________________________________
Self-help groups ____________________________________________________
Counsellors ____________________________________________________
Doctors ____________________________________________________
Help Lines ____________________________________________________
Suggested Reading ____________________________________________________
Other Materials ____________________________________________________