Kerela KANJI

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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Review Article


Vijaya Lekshmi R1*, M. A. Shajahan2, V.C. Indulekha3
*1MD Scholar, 2Professor & HOD (Retd.), 3Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Govt.
Ayurveda College, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
The Malayalam month of Karkidaka fall during monsoons rather classically known as the Varsha
ritu (July-August). Kerala is a hub of unique healthcare practices. One such practice is the
“Karkidaka Chikitsa” which includes both internal and external medications taken during the
month. Karkidaka Kanji fondly known as Oushadha Kanji is a medicated gruel, either consumed
along with these treatments or alone during this period. In Varsha ritu, there will be decreased
Jatharagni and Sharira bala. Hence the seasonal adaptations are carried out for Tridosha
shamana and Deepana. This maybe the principle behind adopting Karkidaka Kanji by traditional
practitioners of Kerala. In the present study details of the recipe was collected from among the
traditional practitioners, Ayurvedic doctors of Kerala and the results were tabulated. An in depth
literature survey was done for analysing the properties of the medicines used in the preparation.
The analysis showed that this is an example of Ritucharya modified according to Desa and
Satmya. This study highlights the importance of documenting the ethnic practices for further
KEYWORDS: Deepana, Karkidaka Chikitsa, Karkidaka Kanji, Medicated Gruel, Varsha ritu.
Kerala, lies along the coastline, to the extreme internal and external which are followed during this
South West of the Indian Peninsula flanked by the period especially in Kerala. One among them is a
Arabian sea on the west and the mountains of the medicated gruel called Karkkidaka kanji. Karkkidaka
western ghats on the East. This land is especially kanji consists of boiled cereals and herbs which is
known for its rich ethnobotanical diversity and highly Deepana and Pachana in nature. Along with
traditional medical practices. There are many unique Njavara rice (Oryza sativa), 12 to 24 types of
traditions like the Ashtavaidya tradition which are medicinal herbs are used in preparing the gruel.
treasures of ancient medical knowledge. It has a long Intake of this medicinal dish as a dietary supplement
tradition deeply rooted on the principles of healthy improves the production of cellular energy and
lifestyle and hygiene. Here the normal six Ritus as enhance energy and stamina of person. The following
described in the classics cannot be determined of a strict routine can cancel the effect of the sudden
promptly. The duration of winter season is less & transition from the scorching summer to the cool
rainy season is more and there are mainly two rainy monsoons. There are various recipes of Karkidaka
seasons i.e., the Southwest Monsoon that arrives in kanji which are followed in different parts of Kerala.
the month of June called ‘Edavappathy’ (as it comes in This study aimed at documenting the ingredients
the middle of the month of ‘Edavam’ on the used in different parts of Kerala and to understand
Malayalam calendar) and the North East Monsoon them along with their properties.
which gathers clouds from the Bay of Bengal and METHODOLOGY
these bearers of rain hurry to Kerala through the A survey was conducted among the
Palakkad Gap in the Western Ghats. practitioners of Kerala to get an idea regarding the
The body is considered highly receptive to variations in the recipes of Karkidaka kanji and the
Ayurveda treatments during the period of South results were tabulated. The herbs were analyzed
West monsoon which can be correlated with Varsha along with their properties to find out the rationale
ritu as described by the Acharyas. The main aim behind their inclusion in the recipe. Research works
during this time is to protect the Agni which is conducted on these drugs were also analyzed. The
vitiated and adopt regimens which are Tridosha general method of preparation of the Karkidaka kanji
shamana in nature. There are various therapies both was codified along with the properties of the drugs
IJAPR | August 2019 | Vol 7 | Issue 8 58
Vijaya Lekshmi R et al. Ethnobotany of Kerala’s Karkidaka Kanji (Medicated Gruel)
used and the ingredients used by some of the major broth, it is advisable to take rest for one to two hours
pharmaceutical industries were also assessed. after drinking the Karkidaka Kanji for its better
Method of Preparation: The ingredients are digestion. The prepared Kanji may be consumed in
crushed and juice is extracted from it. The Njavara the lukewarm stage. This Kanji may be taken either
rice is mixed with the juice and boiled with required early in the morning in empty stomach or at the
amount of water. Spices like cumin, pepper, garlic is evening as dinner, or both times if possible, for a
then added followed by coconut milk and the mixture minimum of Seven days continuously. The course can
is cooked well. Once the rice is cooked small onion be continued in multiples of 7 days, till 28 days.
which is fried in ghee is mixed with the gruel. RESULTS
This rice gruel is prepared and consumed The most common ingredients of the
fresh on all the days of this month. It is usually preparation includes along with their properties have
consumed in the evenings. While having Karkidaka been tabulated as below. It also includes ingredients
kanji, consumption of tea or coffee is usually avoided. like jaggery, aniseed (Pimpinella anisum), coconut
So are non-vegetarian and oily foods which may milk and salt.
further deteriorate the Agni. Since it is a medicinal
Table 1: The most common method of preparation along with its ingredients
Name Botanical name Rasapanchaka Properties Proven studies
Njavara Oryza sativa Rasa- Svadu Tridoshagna, Hima Antioxidant,
rice Guna- Laghu, Snigdha Antidiabetic[1]
Broken Triticum aestivum - Vrshya, Jeevana, Anti-cancer, Anti-
wheat Sandhaanakari, ulcer, Antioxidant,
Sthairyakrth, Sara Anti-arthritic[2]
Mudga Vigna radiata Rasa- Svadu Jwaragna Antioxidant,
Guna- Laghu, ruksha antimicrobial, anti-
Vipaka- Sheeta inflammatory, anti-
diabetic, anti-
hypertensive, lipid
antihypertensive and
Ghrta - Rasa- madhura Alakshmijwarapaham Antioxidant
Guna- snigdha Snehanam Uthamam
Virys- seeta Vayasahsthapanam
Vipaka- madhura
Palandu Allium cepa Rasa-madhura, katu Vatahara, Antidiabetic[4]
Guna- snigdha Balaveeryakara Cardioprotective[5]
Virya- anushna/ usna
Vipaka- madhura
Jathiphala Myristica fragrans Rasa- Katu, tikta Deepana, Rochana Antibacterial[6]
Guna- Lagu, Ruksha Antidepressant[7]
Veerya- Ushna Analgesic[8]
Vipaka- Katu
Black Nigella sativa Rasa- Katu Vatakaphahara, Cardioprotective
cumin Guna- Laghu, Ruksha Deepana, Rochana Anticancerous[9]
Veerya- ushna
Vipaka- Katu
Naagara Zingiberoffcinale Rasa- Katu Vatakaphahara, Antiarthritic[10]
Guna- Guru, Deepana Antidiabetic[11]
Ruksha, teekshna
Veerya- Ushna
Vipaka- Svadu

Available online at: 59

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2019;7(8):58-62
Preparing Karkidaka kanji in the traditional way also includes another set of ingredients which have
been analyzed along with their properties.
Table 2: Another set of ingredients included in the traditional preparation of Karkidaka kanji
Name Botanical Name Rasapanchaka Properties Proven studies
Muthil Centella asiatica Rasa- Tiktha Rakthapithahara, Hepatoprotective[12]
(Mandukaparni) Guna- Laghu Hrdya, Neuroprotective[13]
Veerya- Sheetha Aruchihara, Medhya,
Vipaka- Madhura Rasayana
Thakara Cassia tora Rasa- Katu Kaphahara, Anticancerous[14]
(Chakramarda) Guna- Laghu, shwasahara, Kustahara,
Rooksha Krimihara
Veerya- Ushna Kanthisoukumaryakara,
Vipaka- Katu Balya
Kumbala Benincasa hispida Rasa- Madhura Bastishudhikara, Hrdya Gastroprotective[15]
(Kooshmanda) Guna- Laghusnigdha
Veerya- Sheeta
Vipaka- Madhura
Mullan Cheera Amaranthus Guna- Laghu, Ruksha Srshtamutramala Gut modulatory &
(Tanduleeyaka) spinosus Veerya- Sheeta Rochana, Deepana, Bronchodilator[16]
Vishaharaka Antidiabetic &
Thazhuthama Boerhavia diffusa Rasa- Madhura, Saarini, shophanashini Hepatoprotective[18]
(Punarnava) Tikta, Kashaya Antimicrobial &
Guna- Laghu, Ruksha Antioxidant[19]
Virya- Ushna
Vipaka- Katu
Uzhinja Cardiospermum - Jwarahara, Vataghni Antioxidant[20]
(Kakamardanika) halicacabum Antiarthritic[21]
Manithakkali Solanumnigrum Rasa- Tikta Rasayani, Jwarajith, Antiviral[22]
(Kakamachi) Guna- Laghu, Snigdha Tridoshaharam Anticholestrolemic
Veerya- Anushna Antihyperglycemic[23]
Vipaka- Katu
Mathan Cucurbita moschata - - Antilipogenic[24]
(Pumpkin) Anti-oxidant[25]
The ingredients used by three major pharmaceutical industries have been summarized as follows.
Table 3: Ingredients of Karkidaka kanji by three major pharmaceutical industries
Industry 1 Industry 2 Industry 3
Ariyaru (a combination of six Navara Rice (Oryza sativa) Njavarayari (Oryza sativa)
seeds) Raw Rice Uluva (Trigonella foenum)
Uluva (Trigonella foenum) Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Vizhalari (Embelia ribes)
Trikatu (Shunti, Maricham, Uluva (Trigonella foenum) Elathari (Elattaria
Pippali) Orila (Desmodium gangeticum) cardamomum)
Jeerakam (Cuminum cyminum) Moovila (Pseudarthria viscida) Jathikka (Myristica fragrans)
Satapushpa (Anethum Kurumthotti (Sida retusa) Perum Jeerakam (Fennel seeds)
graveolens) Chukku (Zingiber officinale) Putharichunda (Solanum
Karimkurinji (Strobilanthes Thazhuthama (Boerhavia diffusa) nigrum)
ciliatus) Jeerakam (Cuminum cyminum) Orila (Desmodium gangeticum)
Putharichunda (Solanum Elakkaya (Elattaria cardamomum) Moovila (Pseudarthria viscida)
nigrum) Nagapoovu (Messua ferrea)
Kurumthotti (Sida retusa) Ayamodakam (Tachyspermum ammi)
Kothampalayari (Coriandrum sativum)

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Vijaya Lekshmi R et al. Ethnobotany of Kerala’s Karkidaka Kanji (Medicated Gruel)
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Cite this article as: *Address for correspondence

Vijaya Lekshmi R, M. A. Shajahan, V.C. Indulekha. Ethnobotany of Kerala’s Dr Vijaya Lekshmi R
Karkidaka Kanji (Medicated gruel). International Journal of Ayurveda MD Scholar,
and Pharma Research. 2019;7(8):58-62. Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana,
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Govt. Ayurveda College, Trivandrum,
Kerala, India.
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