DBMS QUIZ 01-B-Solution
DBMS QUIZ 01-B-Solution
DBMS QUIZ 01-B-Solution
Quiz # 01-B
Total Marks: 10
Name: ________________________
Enrollment No: _____________________________
Do as directed. [CLO 1]
1. Which of the following languages is used to define the schema of the database?
a) DCL
b) DDL
c) DML
d) None of these
3. The intension of a given relation is the set of tuples appearing in that relation at any
given instance. The extension schema varies with time. [True/False]
4. Which of these describes a major advantage in using databases for storing data?
a) The data have a better chance of being available for the user in an accurate,
integral form.
b) All of the data is stored in one place and therefore more vulnerable to loss or
c) Bureaucratic procedures may make it difficult for users to access data.
d) Data retrieval cannot be optimized for a single application.