Economic History in The 20th Century (2003) - D Baines

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The document discusses economic history in the 20th century, focusing on international trade, economic growth, and the development of the global economy leading up to 1900.

Exchange rates were fixed to gold which stabilized currencies. Countries joined the gold standard after exchange rates had stabilized, and the Bank of England ensured sterling's stability through conservative monetary policy.

Sterling's stability was ensured by Bank of England policy and the UK had a persistent trade surplus which it recycled, giving sterling the 'seal of approval'.

Economic history

in the 20th century

D. Baines
2790096, 996D096, 9900096

Undergraduate study in
Economics, Management,
Finance and the Social Sciences
This guide was prepared for the University of London by:
D.E. Baines, BSc (Econ), Reader in Economic History, Department of Economic History,
London School of Economics.
This is one of a series of subject guides published by the University. We regret that
due to pressure of work the author may be unable to enter into any correspondence
relating to, or arising from, the guide. If you have any comments on this subject guide,
favourable or unfavourable, please use the form at the back of this guide.
This subject guide is for the use of University of London External students registered for
programmes in the fields of Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Sciences
(as applicable). The programmes currently available in these subject areas are:
Access route
Diploma in Economics
BSc Accounting and Finance
BSc Accounting with Law/Law with Accounting
BSc Banking and Finance
BSc Business
BSc Development and Economics
BSc Economics
BSc (Economics) in Geography, Politics and International Relations, and Sociology
BSc Economics and Management
BSc Information Systems and Management
BSc Management
BSc Management with Law/Law with Management
BSc Politics and International Relations
BSc Sociology.

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Published by: University of London Press

© University of London 2003
Reprinted 2004
Printed by: Central Printing Service, University of London, England

Chapter 1: Unit introduction 1
1.1 What this unit is about 1
1.2 What is economic history? 1
1.3 Unit objectives 2
1.4 What you will learn from studying this unit 2
1.5 What you should be able to do after studying this unit 2
1.6 Some important concepts 3
1.7 The structure of the unit 7
1.8 A note on the names of countries 9
1.9 The subject guide 10
1.10 The examination 11
1.11 Summing up 12
1.12 Essential reading 12
1.13 Supplementary reading 12
Chapter 2: International trade and economic growth 15
What this chapter is about 15
Objectives 15
Learning outcomes 15
Essential reading 15
Additional reading 15
Introduction 16
2.1 Factors that determine economic growth 16
2.2 ‘Modern economic growth’ 19
2.3 Industrialisation 21
2.4 The spread of modern economic growth 22
Questions 25
Chapter 3: The development of an international economy by 1900: trade,
capital and labour 27
What this chapter is about 27
Objectives 27
Learning outcomes 27
Essential reading 27
Further reading 27
Introduction 28
3.1 Characteristics of the international economy 28
3.2 Why did international trade grow so fast? 29
3.3 Overseas investment 33
3.4 International migration 35
Summary 36
Questions 36

Economic history in the 20th century

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned the international economy before

the First World War 37
What this chapter is about 37
Objectives 37
Learning outcomes 37
Essential reading 37
Further reading 37
Introduction 38
4.1 Free trade 38
4.2 Multilateral settlements 39
4.3 The gold standard 40
4.4 Rules for international and domestic policies: some questions 44
4.5 The British economy 44
Summary 46
Questions 47
Chapter 5: The development of modern industry 49
What this chapter is about 49
Objectives 49
Learning outcomes 49
Essential reading 49
Further reading 49
Introduction 49
5.1 The early development of manufacturing 50
5.2 The growing strength of US industry 52
5.3 Germany and ‘catch-up’ with the USA 56
5.4 UK industry 57
Summary 57
Questions 58
Chapter 6: Britain – trade and empire 59
What this chapter is about 59
Objectives 59
Learning outcomes 59
Essential reading 59
Further reading 59
Introduction 60
6.1 The UK’s share of world trade 60
6.2 The pattern of multilateral settlements 60
6.3 UK imports: tarif protection or free trade? 61
6.4 The UK balance of payments surplus 62
6.5 Long-run issues 63
6.6 The economic costs and benefits of Empire 64
6.7 Trade aspects of empire 64
Summary 67
Questions 67


Chapter 7: The First World War and the international economy 69

What this chapter is about 69
Objectives 69
Learning outcomes 69
Essential reading 69
Supplementary reading 69
Introduction 70
7.1 War economies and the direct effects of the First World War 70
7.2 The long-run economic effects of the First World War 73
7.3. Long-run trade problems 74
7.4 Long-run capital flow problems 76
7.5 Inflation 77
7.6 The new gold standard 78
7.7 Political problems 78
Summary 79
Questions 79
Chapter 8: The world economic and financial crisis, 1929–33 81
What this chapter is about 81
Objectives 81
Learning outcomes 81
Essential reading 81
Further reading 81
Introduction 82
8.1 What was the long-run context of the crisis? 82
8.2 How serious was the Depression? 83
8.3 What happened in the USA? 83
8.4 What happened in Germany? 83
8.5 What happened in primary producing countries? 84
8.6 What went wrong for Brazilian coffee producers? 85
8.7 How did the Depression spread through the world? 86
8.8 How did a banking crisis finish off the gold standard? 88
8.9 Had the gold standard made the crisis worse? 89
8.10 How could the crisis have been avoided before 1929? 90
8.11 Aftermath 90
8.12 Overview 91
Summary 91
Questions 91
Chapter 9: Government intervention, recovery and the international
economy in the 1930s 93
What this chapter is about 93
Objectives 93
Learning outcomes 93
Essential reading 93
Further reading 93
Introduction 94
9.1 Crisis and response in the USA 94
9.2. The effect of American policy on the international economy 96
9.3 The UK and Germany 97
9.4 Trading blocs 98
9.5 Germany again 98
Summary 99
Questions 99

Economic history in the 20th century

Chapter 10: The war economies, 1939–45 101

What this chapter is about 101
Objectives 101
Learning outcomes 101
Essential reading 101
Further reading 101
Introduction 102
10.1 How is a wartime economy different to a peacetime economy? 102
10.2 The economic situation at the beginning of the war 103
10.3 The effects on output 104
10.4 Strategy and the wartime economy 105
10.5 The expansion of economic management 107
10.6 Other aspects of wartime economies 107
Summary 109
Questions 109
Chapter 11: International monetary relations since 1944 111
What this chapter is about 111
Objectives 111
Learning outcomes 111
Essential reading 111
Further reading 111
Introduction 112
11.1 Institutions in the international economy – Bretton Woods 112
11.2 The post-war international economy 115
Summary 124
Questions 124
Chapter 12: Economic growth in western Europe since 1950 125
What this chapter is about 125
Objectives 125
Learning outcomes 125
Essential reading 125
Further reading 125
Introduction 125
12.1 Relative growth rates 126
12.2 Reasons for the high growth rates 126
12.3 The increase in demand 128
12.4 Political continuity 129
12.5 Policy instruments 129
12.6 The historic compromise – competition and welfare 130
12.7 Policy and the growth of the European market 131
12.8 Labour market changes 134
12.9 Convergence 135
Summary 135
Questions 136


Chapter 13: The American economy since 1960: supply-side economics 137
What this chapter is about 137
Objectives 137
Learning outcomes 137
Essential reading 137
Introduction 137
13.1 The dominance of the American economy 137
13.2 Supply-side economics in theory 142
13.3 Reaganomics in practice 143
13.5 What does the Reagan experiment tell us about the relationship between
government intervention and the growth rate? 144
Summary 145
Questions 145
Chapter 14: Technology and deindustrialisation 147
What this chapter is about 147
Objectives 147
Learning outcomes 147
Essential reading 147
Further reading 147
Introduction 147
14.1 Deindustrialisation 148
14.2 The relationship between technology and the structure of industries 153
14.3 Japan and the third revolution 154
Summary 158
Questions 159
Chapter 15: International trade and developing countries in the late
twentieth century 161
What this chapter is about 161
Objectives 161
Learning outcomes 161
Essential reading 161
Further reading 161
Introduction 161
15.1 World trade patterns 162
15.2 Developing economies 166
15.3 Can trade be an engine of growth? 169
15.4 Can growth be an engine for trade? 170
Summary 171
Questions 171
Appendix: Sample exam paper 173

Economic history in the 20th century


Chapter 1: Unit introduction

Chapter 1: Unit introduction

1.1 What this unit is about
Welcome to this unit about economic history, a wide-ranging subject that you
will hopefully find stimulating. Economic history uses many economic
concepts which can help our understanding of economic changes, including
changes that are occurring in the world at the present time. We hope that
you enjoy studying the unit. It is based on a first-year course taught to
internal LSE students.
There are no formal prerequisites to take this unit. No previous knowledge is
expected. However, it is assumed that you have a grasp of economic concepts
or at least that you will obtain a grasp as you study. If you have followed an
economics subject in this degree or diploma or are taking an economics
subject at the same time, that will give you sufficient knowledge of
economics for you to follow this subject.

1.2 What is economic history?

The first question to answer is this: what do we mean in this unit by
‘economic history’? Here is our definition:
Economic history is the study of history using economic concepts.
Come back and remind yourself of this definition from time to time.
Before going further, let us look a little closer at this.
Economic history explains how economies have developed. Although its
subject matter is the past it is rather different from the history which you
may have encountered at school. Economic history is less concerned with
explaining what individuals (kings, prime ministers) did, which is what
‘political history’ does. Rather, economic history is more concerned with
large groups of people (industrial workers, farmers) and with explaining
technological change or business, or with the effects of institutions, such as
governments or trade associations on the economy.
Economic history is also concerned with quantities (tonnes of steel,
kilowatt/hours of electricity or statistical constructions like gross domestic
product or total factor productivity).
But the main difference between political and economic history is that
economic history uses more theory and in particular, economic theory. This
is why economic history is considered to be a part of the social sciences as
opposed to a part of the humanities. Economic history is also different from
economics because economics is more likely to use abstractions (e.g.
assumptions like ‘other things being equal’). Abstractions allow economics to
give very powerful explanations but these explanations are not always easy
to apply to the ‘real world’.
For example, economic prediction for any period of more than a few years is
very difficult. This is because a whole host of circumstances and also human
behaviour are constantly changing. Economic history is also different from
economics because, like all history, we actually know what happened next. In
other words we can apply the theory to real circumstances that actually

Economic history in the 20th century

Of course in economic history we don’t know anything like as much about

the past as we do about the present. Also, economic history will never give us
a blueprint to tell us what will happen to the economy in the future – history
never repeats itself. But what it does teach us is the importance of
understanding the historical context. For example why was it possible for
governments to follow a particular policy in some years and not in other
If you have some knowledge of economic history, you will not only know how
the present world economy was created but you will also have acquired a tool
that will help you understand economics and the other social sciences.

1.3 Unit objectives

The objectives of the unit are to show you:
• how the international economy developed between 1820 and 2000
• what interrelationships there are between the development of the international
economy and the development of national economies. We refer in particular to
Japan, Britain and the United States
• useful economic concepts that help understand real historical circumstances
• how economic choices and changes are constrained (i.e. are partly determined)
by the circumstances of the time.

1.4 What you will learn from studying this unit

Here are some of the main things we hope you learn from this unit:
• how economic growth is transferred from one economy to another
• how the nature of the international economy affects the transfer of economic
growth (e.g. why, sometimes, it is thought that free trade is the best way to
transfer economic growth from richer to poorer countries, but sometimes it is
thought that protection, for instance using tariffs, is more effective)
• what the benefits to economic growth and international trade of fixed versus
fluctuating exchange rates are
• how relatively free capital mobility and controls on capital flows compare
• how the effects of relatively free labour mobility (migration), compare with the
effects of controls on mobility
• why the ability of a country to ‘catch up’ the economic growth of other countries
is affected by the ‘social capabilities’ (the underlying conditions) in the country
• how technical change affects the economy.

1.5 What you should be able to do after studying this

By the end of this unit, we hope that you will have learned new skills. These are the
skills we hope you take away from studying this unit:
• techniques for using simple economic theory to explain how various factors led
to economic growth
• the ability to construct economic reasons for historical events
• an appreciation of the sort of data that you need to do this. Full data are rarely
available for historical situations. You will hopefully learn to assess how much
data you need to make valid judgements.

Chapter 1: Unit introduction

1.6 Some important concepts

Economic historians use a range of concepts to analyse the past; many are
taken from economics. You will learn to use these concepts as you work your
way through the unit. We summarise the main ones below.

1.6.1 Gross national product (GNP)

This is a measure of the total output or size of an economy. GNP includes all
the output of goods (e.g. manufactures), all the output of resources (e.g. oil),
all the output of services (e.g. transport and universities), plus all exports. It
also includes all the money returned to the country from overseas
investments. GNP is easier to measure now than in the past. Nevertheless we
have good estimates for most countries from about 1870.

1.6.2 Gross domestic product (GDP)

A slightly different measure from GNP, gross domestic product (GDP), has
been commonly used in recent years. GDP only measures the output made
within the country, that is it includes exports but not money made from
overseas investments, like profits from overseas factories. Until recently GDP
and GNP were not very different.

1.6.3 The production function

This is a way of measuring the ‘inputs’ that go into making goods (goods that
are otherwise known as the ‘outputs’). For example a farmer could use a lot
of labour and a little machinery (‘capital’) or he or she could use a lot of
capital and little labour. We will see that in the late nineteenth century
United States’ farmers used relatively more machinery and relatively less
labour than European farmers. But remember, this does not tell us which
combination was the more ‘efficient’, because the cost of labour and the cost
of machinery may have been different.

1.6.4 Total factor productivity (TFP)

The concept of total factor productivity (or TFP) is a way of measuring
efficiency. It calculates the amount of each input (labour, capital and other
resources) that are used and the price of the inputs to the producer. This
shows how well (or how efficiently) the producer (and ultimately the whole
economy) is using the factors at its disposal. There is usually an unmeasured
part which is the ‘residual’. This is a rough measure of changes in technology
– that is the increase in output which is not accounted for by more labour,
more capital or more resources. Or it may include the effect on output if the
quality of inputs increases. A good example is the effect of better education
on the quality of workers. In most modern economies, TFP growth is usually
more important than the increase in resources, labour or capital.

1.6.5 Comparative advantage

The concept of comparative advantage is used especially in the theory of
international trade. It can make economic sense for a country to import
products (A) even though it could produce A cheaper itself. This is because
although the country has a cost advantage in producing A, it has an even
greater cost advantage in producing B and importing A. By specialising in
producing B and exporting some of its production of B, the country can
obtain more A (by imports) than it can by trying to produce both A and B.
We may say that the country has a ‘comparative advantage’ in the production

Economic history in the 20th century

of B compared with other countries. Similarly, for the other country (the
trading partner), the comparative advantage lies with A and the
disadvantage lies with B. Tariffs
Tariffs prevent countries from following their comparative advantage in
trade. Why? Because tariffs change the price of goods A and B when these
goods are traded. An import tariff means that it may no longer be
worthwhile for a country to specialise in B and export B while importing A.

1.6.6 Gains from trade

If two countries have comparative advantages in the production of
something, then there are gains from trade. World output rises because the
same resources are used to make more goods than if there was no trade. A
good historical example would the gains from the exports of (frozen) beef
from Argentina to the UK in the early twentieth century. The Argentine meat
farmers gained, as did those involved in the trade (like railway companies).
The British consumers gained (because the price of meat fell). But the other
Argentine farmers lost (because the land became more expensive), American
meat farmers lost (because they lost the UK market) and British meat
farmers lost. Note that there is no automatic mechanism for evening out the
gains and losses from trade and these may continue for some time.

1.6.7 Human capital

The concept of human capital means the skills embodied in the labour force.
At its simplest level this means the extent of literacy and formal schooling,
but historically many skills are ‘embodied’. They are learned on the job. Most
of the skilled workers in Britain before the First World War leaned their skills
at work rather than by formal training, for example.

1.6.8 Entrepreneurs
These are people who take risks to make a profit. They are not the same as
inventors, although they may use inventions. But they have to see a market,
raise finance and organise production. Usually the main incentive is profit,
but governments have often engaged in entrepreneurial behaviour.
Obtaining and using capital is an important part of the risk an entrepreneur

1.6.9 Catch up and social capability

These are very important concepts in economic history. They are often used
to explain why poorer countries take such a long time to catch up with the
income levels of richer countries. Social capability includes, among other
things, the skill level of the labour force and the nature of the government.
For example if a government cannot guarantee the rule of law, entrepreneurs
will not invest since they have no guarantee that they will benefit from the
investment. You may wonder if this means that only a democracy had the
social capability to increase total factor productivity and grow richer. The
answer is no. There are many examples of rapid growth in undemocratic
countries. The People’s Republic of China is one.

Chapter 1: Unit introduction

1.6.10 Increasing returns to scale

This is a simple concept. It means that the cost of a product is related to the
scale of production. Increasing returns means if you double the scale and use
double the inputs, you more than double output. As a result unit costs fall.
Increasing returns occur because the cost of the technology involved can be
spread over a greater amount of output. It is easier to achieve scale
economies in manufacturing as long as the market is large enough. However,
it is important to remember that economies in production are not the only
economies. There can be economies in marketing, for example, or in
purchasing raw materials.

1.6.11 External economies

These are different. In the previous section we were discussing what are
called ‘internal economies’ – those affecting the plant directly. But cost, and
therefore efficiency, is also affected by external economies. One example is
that of a so-called ‘thick’ labour market where there are many people with
similar skills; another is the existence of particularly good transport links.
External economies are the main reason why industries tend to cluster
together and the main reason for the growth of cities. This means that to
‘catch up’ an economy needs more than importing technology. Negative external economies

An example of a negative external economy is pollution coming from
industry. Pollution raises costs for a firm; for instance, workers are less
healthy and less productive. In general though there are more positive
external economies than negative ones.

1.6.12 Principal-agent problems

In the early years of economic development, before modern communications
existed, it was difficult for governments and businesses, the ‘principals’, to
monitor the performance of their ‘agents’ who were working a long way
away. For example, would a Dutch trader be able to be sure that the captain
of the ship he had sent to the Indies was not stealing from him? The easiest
way to deal with this problem was to use his relatives, who could be
disinherited if things went wrong, but this strategy was obviously limited.
The development of modern transport and communications improved this as
it allowed agents to be monitored.

1.6.13 Transactions costs

One way to look at the process of economic development may be seen as a
continuous reduction in the cost of making deals, including making
payments. For instance, the cost of raising government revenue was initially
very high. It cost a lot of money (paying for tax-gatherers) to raise a little.
Nowadays, tax-gatherers cost relatively little money but taxes raise a lot. So
more of government expenditure can be used for beneficial purchases rather
than paying for tax-gathering. In recent years ICT (information and
communications technology) has reduced transaction costs to very low
Another point to remember is that nowadays, there are large parts of the
service sector whose purpose is to reduce transaction costs (lawyers who
make and enforce contracts, for instance).

Economic history in the 20th century

1.6.14 Tariff and non-tariff barriers

One way to protect a country from imports is to erect a tariff. This is a charge
on goods entering the country. Tariffs are either a fixed payment per unit, say
£1 per bottle of wine, or a proportion of the price, say 30 per cent. A
proportional tariff is called an ad valorem tariff.
A fixed tariff is the same whatever the price of the import. However, an ad
valorem tariff varies according to the price of the import. If wine falls in price
from £3.00 to £1.50, a 30 per cent tariff falls from £0.90 to £0.45. A fixed
tariff of £1 doesn’t change.

1.6.15 Non-tariff barriers

These can be more protective. For example, a state railway might have very
unusual technical standards to which its electric trains must conform. This
might aim to stop foreign makers of railway locomotives competing with
local firms. Another example is a refusal to recognise foreign qualifications to
reserve jobs for locally trained people. This might be to protect local colleges
and teachers against foreign competition and to preserve jobs for locals. It is
a barrier to trade in services. Non-tariff barriers are frequently used when
tariff barriers are low or non-existent. (Both these examples are from the
recent history of the EU.)

1.6.16 Opportunity cost

This is the cost of the next best alternative. For instance, say I can employ a
gang of workers at wages of £1,000 per month. If I don’t employ them, say I
can lend the money I would have paid on wages to my brother and receive
interest of £10 per month. The opportunity cost of employing the gang is
£1,010 per month. In other words £1,010 is the opportunity I forgo by
employing the gang. Hence I will not employ them unless they make more
than £1,010 per month for me.

1.6.17 The prisoner’s dilemma

The prisoner’s dilemma is commonly encountered in economics. At its
simplest it explains why it is often very difficult to make agreements. This is
because one party may not be able to predict what the other will do. For
example, two farms are alongside a river. The river will flood unless £1,000 is
spent on flood control. Both farmers will lose if it floods. The best way is for
both farmers to pay £500. But each knows that if the other farmer paid
£1,000, he or she would get the work for nothing. So each waits for the other
to pay £1,000. In the meantime the river floods. It may be necessary for
governments to force co-operation in the best interests of the parties.

1.6.18 Terms of trade

The calculation of the terms of trade can be complicated, but at their simplest
they show the prices a country obtains for exports compared with the prices
for imports. If the latter is rising compared with the former, it is said that the
terms of trade are moving against the country. This may not mean that the
country is worse off, of course, since that will depend on the volume of
exports and imports. It is also possible to talk of the terms of trade faced by
different producers – farmers, for example.

Chapter 1: Unit introduction

1.6.19 Rational expectations

The idea of rational expectations is very important in modern monetary
economics. Simply put it says that people are able to anticipate what
government policy will be in the future. This makes it very difficult for
government policy to be effective. For example, there may be inflation, which
the government wishes to control. So it increases interest rates. But if the
population anticipates that this is what the government are going to do, they
now spend as much as possible. Also, if they can, they will borrow at the old
interest rate before the rate goes up. This means that inflation increases.
Government finds it harder to control and there will probably have to be a
second interest rate rise, which is also subject to rational expectations and
could be damaging to the economy.

1.6.20 Elasticity
Elasticity shows the effect of a change in one variable on another variable. It
has many forms. For example, price elasticity shows how much more of a
commodity will be purchased if the price falls and how much less will be
purchased if the price rises. If, for example, a 10 per cent fall in the price
leads to more than a 10 per cent rise in purchases, demand is said to be ‘price
elastic’. An example would be the sales of textiles in a relatively poor country.
If, on the other hand, a 10 per cent fall in the price leads to less than a 10 per
cent rise in purchases, the demand is said to be ‘price inelastic’. An example
of this would be the demand for food in a relatively rich country.
Note what happens to ‘total revenue’ (price X quantity). When price
increases, total revenue falls if demand is price elastic. In contrast, when
price increases total revenue rises if demand is price inelastic.
‘Elasticity’ may also relate to income. If a rise in income of 10 per cent leads
to an increase in sales of more than 10 per cent then demand for that good is
said to be income elastic. An example would be the demand for health care
in rich countries.

1.7 The structure of the unit

Chapter 1
This is an introduction to the unit. If you get lost, this is the one to return to.

Chapter 2
We examine what we call ‘modern economic growth’ – a relatively recent
phenomenon. We see why it started in Europe and how it has spread from
one country to another. This introduces the concept of economic ‘catch up’.

Chapter 3
We explain how movements of capital, labour and goods created the
international economy and how trade was related to the growth of world
output. We examine the development of modern industry, including an
explanation of why both assembly-line production and the business
corporation first developed in the USA.

Economic history in the 20th century

Chapter 4
We look at the main economic institutions of the pre-First World War period.
These were:
• free trade
• fixed exchange rates
• multilateral payments.
We explain why these were characteristics of the period before the First
World War and not after. This introduces you to the idea of ‘contingency’ –
why, for example, fixed exchange rates have often been thought to be
universally desirable, but the condition of the international economy has not
always made it possible to have fixed exchange rates.

Chapter 5
We consider why Britain remained the most important player in the
international economy even though it was no longer the largest economy.

Chapter 6
We examine the economic advantages of colonies to the colonial powers. We
also discuss colonial development and see how far being a colony inhibited

Chapter 7
We examine the long and short-run effects of the First World War on trade
and international finance. This introduces the idea of a war economy and
how it differs from a peacetime economy. Then we look at the medium-run
consequences of the war, in particular the reasons for the poor performance
of the international economy after 1918.

Chapter 8
We look at the international economic crisis of 1929–33. We examine the
spread of the crisis through the world economy, its causes, and why it was
not possible to use (macro) economic policy to contain it. We explain why
the Depression was more serious in some countries than in others, why the
rate of recovery was also different and why national economies recovered
faster from the Depression than the international economy. We also discuss
the changes in economic theory and their influence on economic policy.

Chapter 9
We look at the economic history of the Second World War, particularly the
successes and failures of the main economies. We look once more at the
nature of war economies and the relationship between the economy and

Chapter 10
We examine the development of the international monetary system and of
international economic co-operation in the post war years (1945–52). We
discuss the changes to the Bretton Woods agreements and why the
agreements took a long time to implement. Then we look at the development
of the international monetary system in the later twentieth century,
including the end of fixed exchange rates and the change to the floating
exchange rate system of the late twentieth century. We analyse the causes
and effects of the oil crises.

Chapter 1: Unit introduction

Chapter 11
We look at the reasons why economic growth was so fast in the major
European economies up to the 1970s and why growth rates then fell. We
discuss why some economies have grown faster than others. Then we look at
the growth of the European Economic Community. We look at changes in
economic policy in the post-war period, particularly the end of the Keynesian
consensus and the fashion for ‘supply-side economics’ in the United States
and Britain.

Chapter 12
We consider Japanese industrial performance, particularly the position of
Japan in the world motor industry since the Second World War, showing how
Japanese innovations and industrial organisation contrasted with American.

Chapter 13
We explain ‘deindustrialisation’ and why services have become more
important than manufacturing in national economies.

Chapter 14
We show the development of industrial technology from the early factory
system through mass production to the flexible production systems of today.

Chapter 15
We try to answer the question: is economic growth easier or harder to
transfer to poorer countries in the twenty-first century compared with the
twentieth century? This returns us to the relationship between trade and
development with which we started the module.

1.8 A note on the names of countries

• Occasionally we use ‘Britain’ and ‘the UK’ as synonyms in the unit, even
though the word Britain excludes Ireland. Our apologies if our attempt
to add variety causes offence to some readers.
• All of Ireland was part of the UK during the period 1801–1922. Since
then, only Northern Ireland has been part of the UK. We do not
consider here the economic history of the Irish Republic after
independence in 1922. The economic history of Northern Ireland since
1922 is part of the economic history of the UK and ‘Britain’.
• We use the word ‘Germany’ for both the whole country and also for
West Germany (1945–90). We do not discuss East Germany
• We restrict the name ‘Americans’ to people who live in the USA. People
who live in other countries on the American continents are named after
their country – Canadians, Brazilians, Argentines, etc.
• We use the names European Economic Community (EEC), European
Community (EC) and European Union (EU) according to the period
under discussion.

Economic history in the 20th century

1.9 The subject guide

This subject guide, as its name suggests, is designed to guide you through the
material. You must use it with the suggested readings. The guide is not
intended to replace these readings. If you work your way through the subject
guide and follow the readings, you will be ready to take the examination.
The subject guide has fifteen chapters, each of which considers a large
question or series of questions about the development of the international

1.9.1 How to use the subject guide

1. Read through the text of the chapter.
2. Read those parts of the basic books which are recommended in that
chapter. If you are able to get hold of any of the supplementary reading,
read that too.
3. As you read, think about the questions that are raised in the text. The
‘Pause and Think’ sections and ‘Activities’ in the chapter are designed to
help you to understand particularly important questions. But think
about any other questions that suggest themselves to you. Do not be
afraid to use economic concepts and theory with which you may be
familiar as well as insights and concepts from other social sciences.
4. Look at the suggested questions at the end of the chapter and write a
draft of how you might answer them. These questions are similar to
those set in the examination. Remember that writing something down
is the best way of ordering your thoughts and finding out whether you
really understand the issues involved.

1.9.2 Try to link the subject guide chapters together as you study
The chapters are designed to introduce you to the most important and the
most interesting parts of the subject. If you follow the guide right through
you will have thought about most of the important parts of the syllabus and
the main features of the development of the international economy.
The chapters are not self-contained and it is a mistake to think of each
chapter as a discrete piece of material, or as an answer to a particular
question that might come up in an examination.
For example, to learn about the reasons why the international economy
deteriorated after the First World War (see Chapter 7), you need to have read
the material on international economic institutions in Chapter 4. To learn
about the causes of the world economic crisis of 1929–33 (see Chapter 8),
you need to read first Chapter 7. Pay particular attention to the earlier
chapters. They contain material that will help your understanding of the
later part of the subject guide.

1.9.3 You do not need to learn lots of historical facts by heart for the
It is not necessary to remember a great deal of factual information to pass the
examination. It is much more important to use simple economics.
For example, if you are considering why prices of agricultural products
sometimes rose and sometimes fell, it is important to consider the conditions
that determined the supply of and demand for agricultural products. Of
particular importance is the concept of elasticity. You should be able to use
this concept which we introduced above.

Chapter 1: Unit introduction

Of course you need more than knowledge of economic theory to follow

Economic history. But you do not need to know the details of the historical
record, only the broad outlines. Nor is there any need to remember long runs
of statistics such as car or steel output in different countries or details of
trade and exchange rates.
All you need to know are the broad quantities. For example, you need to
remember that UK annual growth rates in the 1950–80 period were about a
half of those in the countries of the European Community. During the 1980s
and 1990s, UK annual growth rates were more or less the same as the EU

1.10 The examination

Important: the information and advice given in the following section is
based on the examination structure used at the time this guide was written.
However, the University can alter the format, style or requirements of an
examination paper without notice. Because of this, we strongly advise you to
check the instructions on the paper you actually sit.
The whole assessment for this unit is by examination.
• The examination is three hours long.
• The examination paper will consist of eleven questions of which you
will be asked to answer four.
• The paper is divided into two sections. Section A covers the period up to
1938 and Section B covers the period from 1939 onwards. However, you
will often find that an answer requires you to explain historical issues
and trends that cover periods on both sides of this divide.
• The examination is designed to test your basic understanding of the
subject. So the questions will test only what you have learnt about the
broad issues. As mentioned above, you will not be asked to answer
detailed questions about individual countries.
• Sample questions are given at the end of each chapter, and you will find
a specimen examination paper in the Appendix at the end of the guide.

1.10.1 A note on examination technique

Here are some important points to remember.
• When you sit down to take the examination, make sure that you read
through the whole examination paper before you begin to write.
• Make sure that you read the questions carefully.
• The examiners take relevance very seriously. A common mistake, for
example, is for students to see particular words in a question (e.g.
‘American railroads’) and to write about the economic history of
American railroads, when the question asked the student to write about
the effect of the development of American railroads before the First
World War on the British and other economies.
• Make sure that you allocate your time correctly. Give equal time to each
question. Examiners cannot give marks for blank pages. If you only
write three answers when you are asked to write four, you have will
have lost many marks.

Economic history in the 20th century

1.11 Summing up
You do not have to read every word of the textbooks or the additional
readings mentioned in the guide. You may do more work on some chapters
rather than others, as you choose. But it is important for you to remember
that the guide has been designed only to introduce you to a very big subject.
You must read as much of the textbooks and the additional readings as
possible to understand the big issues in the history of the international
Remember also that this subject guide is not a set of examination notes. It
does not, on its own, contain sufficient material to enable you to pass
the examination.
Before the examination you will be sent the Examiner’s Report and past
examination papers for this unit. It is a valuable resource. Make sure that you
read it carefully.

1.12 Essential reading

The textbooks are the books that you will use the most. They cover different
aspects of the subject as described.
The best book to buy is:
Kenwood, A.G. and A.L. Lougheed The growth of the international economy,
1820–2000: an introductory text. (London: Routledge, 1999) fourth edition
[ISBN 0415199301 pbk].
If you buy only one book, buy this one. It is a simple but comprehensive
account of the development of the international economy. It will not tell you
much about the national economies, however, and you will need to look at
other books to find out about them.
Other important books which you could consider purchasing:
Eichengreen, B. Globalizing capital. A history of the international monetary
system. (Princeton N.J: Princeton University Press, 1998)
[ISBN 0691002452 pbk].
An excellent concise analysis of the development of the main financial
institutions since the early nineteenth century (the rise and fall of the gold
standard, the Bretton Woods system etc.).
Foreman-Peck, J. A history of the world economy: international economic relations
since 1850. (New York: Harvester/Wheatsheaf, 1995) second edition [ISBN
0745009352 pbk].
An excellent treatment of the subject. You should read Kenwood and
Lougheed first and move on to this book which is more difficult and
sophisticated than Kenwood and Lougheed.

1.13 Supplementary reading

Alford, B.W.E. Britain in the world economy since 1880. (London and New York:
Longman, 1996) [ISBN 0582486769 pbk].
Since Britain was the most important part of the international economy for
many years, this book also covers important international developments.
Aldcroft, D.H. The European economy, 1914–2000. (London: Routledge, 2001)
[ISBN 0415250633 pbk].

Chapter 1: Unit introduction

Good coverage of changes in the European economies, and the main changes
in the international economy, such as the Depression of the 1930s, the
Bretton Woods system and the creation of the EEC (now EU).
Blackford, M.G. The rise of modern business in Great Britain, the United States
and Japan. (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North California
Press, 1988) [ISBN 0807842028 pbk].
Covers the most important aspects of the development of industry and
business in the three countries, including the development of the business
corporation and the rise of mass production.
Jones, E., L. Frost and C. White Coming full circle. An economic history of the
Pacific Rim. (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1993)
[ISBN 0813312418 pbk].
Contains important material on Japanese development and other parts of
south-east Asia (the NICs).
Kemp, T. The climax of capitalism. (London: Longman, 1990)
[ISBN 0582494230 pbk].
An excellent account of economic changes in the major economies in the
later twentieth century, which covers the major changes in economic policy
that occurred.
Kemp, T. Industrialisation in the non-Western world. (London: Longman, 1989)
[ISBN 0582021820 pbk].
This is also useful about Japan.

Economic history in the 20th century


Chapter 2: International trade and economic growth

Chapter 2: International trade and

economic growth
What this chapter is about
We focus on the period 1820–70 in this chapter. Modern economic growth
began in Europe before this, but industrialisation was delayed until energy
resources could be exploited on an industrial scale. This happened after
The first industrialised economy was Britain. We explain why this was so and
the process by which growth spread to other European countries and to the

• explain the factors that led to modern economic growth
• make clear the distinction between growth and industrialisation
• show what factors encouraged growth to transfer from the central economy
(Britain) to a peripheral economy, the USA.

Learning outcomes
When you have finished studying this chapter and associated readings, you will be able
• explain what is meant by modern economic growth and why it became a feature
of countries over the last 200 years
• understand how this relates to the development of the international economy
• appreciate the mechanism by which economic growth was ‘transferred’ from one
economy to another
• demonstrate why some countries ‘caught up’ with more developed countries
earlier than others did
• use economic concepts like the ‘gains from trade’ and ‘comparative advantage’
to analyse how the international economy developed.

Essential reading
Kenwood, A.G. and A.L. Lougheed The growth of the international economy,
1820–2000: an introductory text. (London: Routledge, 1999) fourth edition
[ISBN 0415199301 pbk] Introduction: 9–25 and Chapter 8: 120–31.
Foreman-Peck, J. A history of the world economy: international economic relations
since 1850. (New York: Harvester/Wheatsheaf, 1995) second edition [ISBN
0745009352 pbk] Chapter 1: 1–17.

Additional reading
Kemp, T. The climax of capitalism. (London: Longman, 1990) [ISBN
0582494230 pbk]: 1–8.

Economic history in the 20th century

We look at several processes that were under way during the nineteenth
century. There was the establishment of what we call ‘modern economic
growth’, meaning a rapid and continuous process of growth per head of the
population. We see how this began in Britain and spread to other European
countries. Next we consider the reasons behind this growth and see how
industrialisation is part of the process.
Then we look at how growth spread to countries on the periphery of the
international economy. We see how the preconditions for modern growth
were present in nineteenth-century USA. As US growth accelerated, trade
expanded on the basis of specialisation and comparative advantage. This led
to gains from the trade in the USA and elsewhere (see 1.6.6).
Finally, we emphasise that growth and its preconditions form the basis for
rising prosperity, while trade expands as a result of growth. Trade, without
these preconditions, does not lead to modern economic growth. This is as
true today as it was in the nineteenth century.

2.1 Factors that determine economic growth

For this section read Kenwood and Lougheed, 9–12; 22–24.

We live in an age when economic growth is expected. Slow-downs in growth

or recessions are expected to be short-lived. Nobody today would vote for a
government which promised that average income would be lower in five
years time than in this year. A process of what we will call ‘modern economic
growth’ has gone on for about 200 years. This chapter considers the causes of
that growth. First of all we list the main factors involved.

2.1.1 What are the sources of growth?

• technology leading to increasing productivity
• learning by doing
• exploitation of natural resources
• capital inputs (more capital)
• labour inputs (more labour).

2.1.2 What makes growth more likely?

• favourable institutions
• reliable methods of payment
• high quality human capital
• a large market.

2.1.3 What makes it more likely that economic growth in one country
leads to growth in other countries?
• favourable international institutions
• low barriers to trade
• international peace and security.

Chapter 2: International trade and economic growth

Pause and think

Why do more resources often lead to modern economic growth? Try to put this in your
own words before reading on.

2.1.4 Causes of economic growth

More land or cheaper energy will increase output overall. As we said when
discussing the key concepts in Chapter 1, output also grows by increasing the
amount of labour and/or by increasing the amount of capital (machinery,
stocks of materials, buildings etc.).
In the past, increasing labour inputs often led to growth because in sectors
such as agriculture, output per head was very low. So long as it was possible
to transfer labour to other more productive parts, output rose.
Capital inputs are another cause of growth. Capital includes buildings,
stocks of materials or machinery. Let us consider the nature of capital for a
Capital expenditure is something that is paid for today but the benefit of the
spending only occurs tomorrow. In other words, it reduces consumption in
the short run but increases output in the long run. Technical change is often
part of capital inputs, but it does not have to be. In theory, a better way of
doing something might not require investment. Moreover, technology does
not usually affect economic growth by one-off inventions; for instance, by an
inventor who has a brilliant idea in the bath.
Most technology that increases growth comes from within the firm, the
factory or farm. That is, people learn better ways of doing things on the job.
Technical change is more of a ‘systematic’ than a ‘heroic’ process.

Pause and think

How did the invention of the motor car come about?

The first cars came from within the engineering firms of Daimler (Germany)
and Renault (France).
• Companies who were already involved in other transport
(carriages/horses/buses) were soon involved.
• But the success of the motor car depended on many things. In the first
place, the internal combustion engine was soon copied. But the
development of the industry also depended, for example, on new ways
of refining oil to make petrol, on new metals and on the development of
rubber tyres.
• Within ten years of their first appearance, cars were being
manufactured in most industrial countries.
• Then mass production revolutionised the way that cars were made and
made them cheap enough so that large numbers of people were able to
buy them (see Chapter 6).
• In other words, the invention of the internal combustion engine was
only a part of the development of the industry.

2.1.5 Additional factors affecting growth

But some of the elements listed in 2.1.4 could apply to many countries that
did not develop very early. Something else must be important, things that
make growth more likely.

Economic history in the 20th century

Pause and think

What might these extra causes of growth be?

The first element that makes growth more likely is the presence of favourable
institutions, in particular, the rule of law. As we note above, entrepreneurs
will not ‘invest’ (that is reduce current consumption in the expectation of
more income in the future) if they think that their contracts will not be
honoured or if they think that the government is likely to confiscate their
• As well as the rule of law, the economy needs reasonably stable
financial institutions. Deposits in banks have to be safe. There has to be
an easy way to make payments and, most important of all, an easy way
to borrow money. A good financial system transfers savings from one
part of the economy so that it can be invested in another. But it is not
easy to develop stable financial institutions, especially if there is no rule
of law.
• The level of education among the population is also an important
element. Remember, however, that practical knowledge gained from
experience was probably more important in the past than book
learning. Nowadays technology is so advanced that formal education
has become much more important.
• The health of the population is another important element. People who
are malnourished and sick, and people who are always worried about
their childrens’ health are not well placed to work and innovate.
• Finally, if an economy has access to a large market, entrepreneurs can
produce on a larger scale. This market could be an export market in
another country of course.

Pause and think

The above elements are important for all economies. Can you also identify an additional
set of elements which are important internationally?

2.1.6 What makes it easier for economic growth in one country to be

transferred to another country?
• Trade is one element, because it allows the ‘follower’ country to import
modern products, for example machinery.
• Similarly, it is a big advantage if the follower country can import
capital: if it can borrow from a more developed economy where savings
are higher.
This means that relatively free trade and relatively free movement of capital
helps the transfer of growth from one economy to another. There are
exceptions to this which we explore below. In some periods international
institutions, such as rules about exchange rates or international agreements,
have made the transfer of growth more likely than in other periods.
For instance, a good international environment makes the transfer of
economic growth more likely. And obviously wars reduce international trade
and payments, so wars are bad for the transfer of growth.

Chapter 2: International trade and economic growth

2.2 ‘Modern economic growth’

We introduced this term earlier in this chapter. It is used to distinguish the
rapid and, most importantly, continuous economic growth that characterised
the world economy in our period from the much slower and more erratic
growth that characterised earlier times.
There have been periods of economic growth in different parts of the world
for all of recorded history. It was erratic, however, and there have been
periods of stagnation and decline as well. In China, for example, growth
virtually stopped for about two hundred years. But in the last 100 or so years
‘modern economic growth’ has become established there.
This continuous economic growth began in Europe then spread to the USA
and countries where Europeans had settled overseas, such as Argentina,
Canada and Australia. Only in the twentieth century did it spread to Japan
and China, and, as we know, there are still many parts of the world where
growth is not continuous. Parts of Africa, for example, have a lower per
capita income than ten years ago.

2.2.1. The emergence of modern economic growth in Europe

There were several reasons why western Europe was at the forefront of
economic growth some two hundred years ago. Three of the most important
were higher agricultural productivity, demographics and marriage, and the
development of nation states. We look at these next.

2.2.2 Agricultural productivity

Pause and think

What were the effects of higher agricultural productivity on other parts of the economy –
industry, for example?

Food production was essential, of course. Fewer resources were needed to

produce food, so more resources (particularly labour) could be used to
produce other goods – clothing, tool, buildings, for example. As we see later
in this chapter, agricultural technology in Europe developed to allow labour
to shift from farming to industry without resulting in reduced agricultural
Two other factors explain why Europe was the first region to experience
modern economic growth.

2.2.3 Demographics and marriage in Europe

The number of people supported by a particular area of land was relatively
smaller than in other parts of the world. In other words, there was a bigger
gap in western Europe compared with elsewhere between the maximum
number of people that could be supported by a given amount of land and
those that actually were supported by it.
The reason was that people married at a later age in western Europe than
elsewhere so that fewer children were born per married couple. In turn this
meant that fewer children were born and there was less pressure on the land.
This was a major reason why the agricultural population was relatively
smaller and the non-agricultural population relatively larger.

Economic history in the 20th century

2.2.4 The nation state

The second main reason for the early development of modern economic
growth in western Europe was the early development of the competitive
nation state before other parts of the world. Precursors of the European
nation state were the city-states that emerged in Italy during the Renaissance
By the early part of the nineteenth century, there were already many
European nation states. Chief among these were Britain, France, the
Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Spain and Portugal.
By 1914, Italy, Germany, Norway, Belgium and Greece had joined the list.
The rest of Europe became organised into nation states after 1918.
Not all features of the nation state were beneficial to economic growth (the
destruction created by wars is one example), however, nation states did offer
three advantages:
• The governments were more trustworthy.
• Property rights and contracts were easier to enforce, and more likely to
be enforced.
• Bankers and traders found it easier to accumulate capital.

Pause and think

Consider the following situation and questions:
You enter a contract with another business person. You need to know that the contract
would be honoured. In other words, that your ‘property rights’ in the contract would be
• If your trading partner does not fulfil his or her obligations, how can you be
confident that the legal process will help you gain redress?
• How does this point relate to the nation state?
An entrepreneur is more likely to enter contracts, for example, to introduce
new technology or begin trading voyages when the state is a helpful and
benign influence. He or she needs to be confident that the state itself will not
arbitrarily confiscate property.
In other words the cost of making transactions in western European
countries was lower than in most of the rest of the world, where the state (if
it existed) was different. (1.6.13 tells you what ‘transactions costs’ are.)
Consider a non-nation state. In 1820 there were a number of non-nation
states in Europe (Turkey, Austria and Russia). Elsewhere there was the
Chinese Empire and Japan, which was cut off from the world, plus the
various colonies of the imperial powers.

Pause and think

Why do you think that these states were less encouraging to economic growth? After all,
they all had codes of law.

• Although they protected property rights with legal codes, these could
be changed according to the ruler’s pleasure.
• If an empire was multinational, some nationalities were often treated
better than others.
• As a result, property rights were less reliable and lending money (e.g.
putting it in the bank) was less attractive.

Chapter 2: International trade and economic growth

In contrast, in Britain and the USA the business community had, by 1820,
become an important part of government. This made it less likely that the
government would act in an arbitrary way.

2.3 Industrialisation
By 1820 modern economic growth in western Europe was established,
though in most countries it was still rather slow – say about 1 per cent per
head per year. By about 1850, it was faster, but still less than 2 per cent per
head per year. This acceleration came about through the spread of industry –
a process known as ‘industrialisation’.

Pause and think

The first signs of modern economic growth can be found in Europe much earlier than
1820. Why, then, did the process of industrialisation take so long to become established?

The reason why industrialisation came late was that until the late eighteenth
century, economies could not produce large amounts of energy. Most energy
came from waterpower, animal or human power. The wind provided a
cheaper source of power for ocean transport.

Pause and think

Watermills and windmills have been used for hundreds of years. Why weren’t they used
to power industrialisation?

These were not able to generate sufficient energy for industrialisation.

Modern economic growth is rapid and continuous. It requires new sources of
energy. The problem was that exploiting most existing energy sources
needed labour. That meant competition for labour with farms and therefore
endangered the production of food.
In economic terms, the amount of energy available was a constraint on
The production of coal after about 1780 in Britain and later in Belgium,
France and parts of Germany, enabled modern growth to spread and
accelerate. Once the energy problem was solved, major changes in
engineering and in transport (e.g. the railway and steam shipping) were
possible. These transformed the international economy. In the period
1820–1850, Britain, followed by Belgium and parts of Germany and France,
experienced very high growth rates in iron production, engineering, coal and
The acceleration in growth rates is frequently called, ‘the Industrial
Revolution’. Growth was fastest in textiles, production of which became
mechanised, in iron and in engineering. However, growth was much more
widely based. Non-mechanised industries could expand by taking on more
labour and agricultural productivity measured both by returns to labour and
returns to land increased – although not by as much as in industry.

2.3.1 Summing up
• Modern economic growth began in western European nation states
during the period 1780–1820.
• We now know that a characteristic of modern growth is that it becomes
permanent and continuous.

Economic history in the 20th century

• Growth rates were modest by present day standards (around 1 per

cent). Nevertheless, we can now see that a major historic change
• In the subsequent period of 1820–50 the process of industrialisation
began, based on coal and steam power. Growth rates began to
accelerate (to between one and two per cent).
In this section we have used some of the concepts, which were mentioned in
Chapter 1. In particular, we have been discussing productivity growth.
Initially, the main source of growth was structural change.
• This means that labour and capital moved from one part of the
economy to parts where they were more productive.
• The classic example was labour moving from agriculture to industry.
Adding an extra person to a farm did not produce as much as adding an
extra person to a factory (or to employment in services). This means
that their labour productivity rose if they moved to a city.
• As the energy problem was solved, leading to industrialisation, capital
was used to build factories or install machinery. This means that capital
productivity rose as well.
• Transport development was also very important. Better, cheaper
transport allowed manufactured goods, which were also now cheaper,
to reach the farmers and food in sufficient quantities to reach the cities.
• Finally there was the increased size of the market, leading to higher
demand and making an increase in the scale of industrial production
possible. Note that agriculture was still not mechanised in Europe as
late as 1850.

2.4 The spread of modern economic growth

We see above why modern economic growth began in western Europe before
1820 and why industrialisation followed after 1820. Next we look at how the
growth spread from one country to another.

Pause and think

Why might the spread of growth from one country to another have happened?

We use the term ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ in economic history to help explain
this. Modern economic growth spread from western Europe, (the ‘centre’) to
other parts of the world (the ‘periphery’) in two main ways.
• By conscious copying. For example, once the railways had been
developed in Britain they were quickly copied in other countries. They
did not have to be reinvented.
• Through trade. The most important way that growth was transferred
was through trade. Britain was the most important trading country
because it had been the first to industrialise. Later starters could import
capital and consumer goods from Britain in exchange for primary
products (raw materials and foodstuffs).
We can use a famous nineteenth century example, the relationship between
Britain and the USA.
• In the early nineteenth century Britain and the United States were each
other’s best customers.
• Britain exported industrial products to the USA in return for cotton and
timber (unfortunately, since cotton was produced by slaves, cotton

Chapter 2: International trade and economic growth

exports prolonged the life of slavery in the USA).

• But United States exports were not enough to pay for US imports. In
other words, the USA had a balance of payments deficit (we look at the
balance of payments in Chapter 4).
• Britain lent money to the USA which financed the deficit. Note that, in
order to encourage this flow of credit, US interest rates had to be higher
than British interest rates.
The relationship between, what we call, a ‘central’ country like Britain, and a
‘peripheral’ country like the USA raises several points.

2.4.1 ‘Catch up’

Once one (central) country industrialised, the position of many other
economies was transformed. It became easier for them to develop – that is to
‘catch up’. But we know that in the nineteenth century, only a few countries
managed to ‘catch up’. This is because of the need for ‘social capability’ in a
peripheral economy that tries to catch up with the centre.
The peripheral economy has to be able to take advantage of the connection
with the more developed economy. This means having similar institutions to
those in the central country. Such institutions include a benign government,
the enforcement of contracts, a comparable level of literacy and some useful
raw materials. Without these, trade with the centre does not lead to modern
economic growth. In an extreme case, trade leads to a plantation economy
and/or colonial exploitation.
In other words, the nature of the peripheral economy was, in the nineteenth
century, the determinant of whether trade led to modern growth.
For example, Americans were rich, well educated and had a strong
government well before the USA industrialised. They had the right
institutions and could not return to being an economic colony of Britain.
Some smaller, weaker countries did become economic colonies, however.

2.4.2 Use of other countries’ resources

Britain, the first industrial country, gained access to the abundant (and
therefore cheap) resources of other continents, especially the resources of
the USA. This allowed Britain to specialise in those products in which it had a
‘comparative advantage’, which increased its income. These were products
which Britain produced relatively more cheaply than other countries. This
meant that Britain exported manufactures and services. Eventually, Britain
was able to import most of its foodstuffs, leading to a still higher level of

2.4.3 Trade as a consequence of industrialisation

This is an important point. The growth of trade in the nineteenth century
was a consequence of industrialisation not a cause of it. This is because
industrialisation meant specialisation in industrial goods. This led to a
demand for imported primary products. Remember this important
relationship. You can find it re-stated at the end of the unit (see Chapter 15).

2.4.4 Trade and policy

The development of the relationship between the first industrial country and
the rest of the world had important implications for policy. In particular, it
was in Britain’s interest to adopt free trade.

Economic history in the 20th century

Pause and think

Why was free trade in Britain’s interest?

• Britain industrialised first and was the world’s cheapest producer of a

large range of industrial products.
• Free trade increased imports of food and raw materials into Britain.
This gave other countries more money with which to purchase British
For instance, if countries did not have an iron industry, they could import
railways from Britain. In the long run this might not be politically acceptable.
Take the example of US railways. In the 1850s the USA imported iron rails
from Britain to build its railway system. Since the US iron industry was
relatively underdeveloped, importing from Britain meant that the USA was
able to develop a railway system earlier than otherwise.
But Americans did not want to be dependent on British imports. They
wanted to manufacture rails for themselves. Hence, in the 1860s, the
American government raised tariffs on a range of (British) imports. This
allowed American manufacturers to compete with the cheaper British
products. Eventually, they became even cheaper producers than British
manufacturers, to the benefit of the American economy.
This is an example of an ‘infant industry tariff’ allowing ‘import substitution’.
This pattern applied to other industrialising countries. In the early stages of
industrialisation, countries purchased cheap capital goods imports, but later
raised tariffs to allow ‘import substitution’.

Pause and think

Under what circumstances does it make sense to introduce tariffs on cheaper
manufactured imports?

Think about the long-run consequences. Is it probable that the goods could
eventually be produced more cheaply at home? And even if they were, is
there another product in which the country has a comparative advantage?

2.4.5 Factor proportions and comparative advantage

Pause and think

Why were Britain and the USA initially such important trading partners?

The reason why Britain and the USA were initially such important trading
partners is because the economies were complementary:
• The USA had very large resources of land and raw materials. What it
lacked was capital and labour. Because resources were abundant,
labour and capital were scarce, by definition, and therefore more
• Britain had relatively abundant labour and because it industrialised
first, relatively abundant capital. This meant that the return to labour
(wages) was higher in the USA than in Britain, and the return to capital
(interest rates) was also higher in the USA. On the other hand, land and
new materials were relatively scarce in Britain, and relatively expensive.
The only abundant British natural resource was coal.
• Labour (emigrants) and capital (investment) moved from Britain to the
USA and those goods that used a lot of natural resources (i.e. were
resource-intensive), such as timber and cotton, were traded from the

Chapter 2: International trade and economic growth

USA to Britain. The two countries specialised in those areas where they
had a comparative advantage.

1. Why did Britain introduce free trade in the mid-nineteenth century?
2. How did energy production constrain the rate of economic growth before
3. Were there any features of the nation state in western Europe that made
economic growth easier?

Economic history in the 20th century


Chapter 3: The development of an international economy by 1900: trade, capital and labour

Chapter 3: The development of an

international economy by 1900: trade,
capital and labour
What this chapter is about
A number of factors helped the development of the international economy
during the period 1870–1914. In particular:
• a rapid growth in international trade
• migration of labour
• international capital flows
• helpful economic institutions such as the gold standard (we deal with
the gold standard in Chapter 4.)
• peace and security in international affairs which encouraged the
development of the international economy.
In this chapter we look at the first three of these factors.

To explain:
• why trade grew so rapidly
• what role labour migration played
• what stimulated capital flows.

Learning outcomes
When you have finished studying this chapter and associated readings, you will be able
• find out why international trade grew so rapidly
• understand the reasons for the high levels of both international investment and
international migration in the period before 1914
• apply the idea of comparative advantage to these movements
• explain the effect of migration on different economies
• understand why there were relatively low barriers to the mobility of factors of
production in the international economy 1870–1914.

Essential reading
Kenwood, A.G. and A.L. Lougheed The growth of the international economy,
1820–2000: an introductory text. (London: Routledge, 1999) fourth edition
[ISBN 0415199301 pbk]. Read Chapters 1, 2 and 3 and in particular the
following pages which relate to the sections below:12–24, 34–43, 44–60,
67–77, 9–17, 25–41, 44–58 and 78–9.

Further reading
Foreman-Peck, J. A history of the world economy: international economic relations
since 1850. (New York: Harvester/Wheatsheaf, 1995) second edition [ISBN
0745009352 pbk]: 31–49, 54–64, 97–101, 120–26, 133–6, 140–53.

Economic history in the 20th century

Alford, B.W.E. Britain in the world economy since 1880. (London and New York:
Longman, 1996) [ISBN 0582486769 pbk]: 80–2.

During the period from 1870 to 1914 world trade grew by about a third per
head per ten years. World output (GDP) grew by only seven per cent per
person per decade, slower than trade but still impressive. The world did not
see such rapid growth in trade again until 1945–73.
Growth of trade and output were already under way in the 1820s. In this
chapter we examine why the increase took place. The chapter has four main
• characteristics of the international economy
• international trade
• overseas investment
• international migration.
A problem for us is that we have the benefit of hindsight. It seems almost
inevitable today that the international economy would have grown in that
period. Population was growing, new production processes were coming on
stream and, in particular, there was great development of steam transport.
But it was not inevitable that the international economy would grow.
In this and subsequent chapters, we see how beneficial conditions
encouraged the international economy to grow. Several relate to one
country, the UK. The UK was the first industrial economy and it could have
turned inward towards domestic production. It did not do so.
Instead, the UK became the dominant trading nation, with a large empire
which lasted well into the twentieth century. The UK also played a major part
in running the world’s monetary payments and credit. At the same time the
UK put up no barriers to trade, or any hindrances to the outflow of labour or
capital. It is worth remembering that the international economy could have
stagnated if different policies had been adopted.
In the twentieth century, the UK’s share of world exports and its share of
world overseas investment declined. This meant that its influence in the
international economy also declined. Once that happened, it was important
for the smooth functioning of the international economy that new
institutions were created to take over the role which the UK had once had. As
we see in Chapters 8, 12 and 13, this proved difficult.
In this chapter we look at the period 1870–1914, when UK influence was at
its height.

3.1 Characteristics of the international economy

Chapter 1 in Kenwood and Lougheed sets out how they view the causes of
the expansion of the international economy in the period before 1914.
The main characteristics of the international economy between 1870 and
1914 were the relatively free movement of:
• goods
• labour
• capital.
There were fewer restrictions than at any period in history except perhaps in
very recent years.

Chapter 3: The development of an international economy by 1900: trade, capital and labour

3.1.1 Goods
Countries did have tariffs, but they rarely discriminated – the level of tariffs
faced by one country’s exports was usually the same as the level faced by
other countries. If a ‘discriminatory tariff’ is used it means that imports might
not come from the cheapest producer. This reduces income.

3.1.2 Labour
There were no restrictions on international migration by people of European
origins. On the other hand, there were serious restrictions on non-white
emigration, even within the British Empire.

3.1.3 Capital
There were no restrictions, such as exchange controls, on international
capital movements.
All the major world currencies were freely convertible into each other at fixed
rates. The reasons why there was monetary stability are discussed in Chapter
4. In this chapter we concentrate on the three factors above.

3.2 Why did international trade grow so fast?

Pause and think

There is a relationship at the national level between international trade (imports and
exports) and the domestic economy. Does economic growth at home lead to expanding
trade, or does expanding trade lead to economic growth?

This is a good question to think about. We must distinguish between cause

and effect. The real reason for the growth of the international economy was
not the relatively free movement of goods, labour and capital. It was the
other way round. Fast growth convinced countries that the best policy was to
allow relatively free trade. So growth led trade.
Growth even led trade in countries like Australia and Canada whose
economies grew because of massive export growth of wool and wheat,
respectively. Exports from these countries grew because:
• demand in the industrial countries grew
• the industrial countries provided the essential technology and capital to
build the railways and ships to carry the exports.
Australia and Canada became very successful economies, but there are
countries that became successful exporters of important products but did not
achieve sustained economic growth. Examples include Jamaica and sugar,
Bolivia and tin and Nigeria and oil. Simply put, this was because these
countries had insufficient social capability (see 1.6.9).
So success in trade does not guarantee economic growth and higher incomes.
Similarly, countries can grow without trade being very important. The USA is
a prime example. US trade has been a minor cause of American economic
growth throughout the twentieth century, for example.
There were several reasons why the period before the First World War
(1870–1914) was particularly favourable to the growth of international

Economic history in the 20th century

3.2.1 Peace
Between the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 and the outbreak of the
First World War in 1914 there were no wars between any of the great powers
(Britain, France, USA, Russia and Germany).

3.2.2 Transport costs

Transport costs declined at a faster rate than in any previous period. The
development of railways enabled goods to be moved overland at low cost.
Previously, goods could only be moved cheaply by water, which is why all the
major cities of the pre-industrial world were either ports or on navigable
The development of steam shipping created an international market in all the
main commodities. This was because steam ships were not dependent on the
weather, but could go anywhere that goods were cheap and sell them
anywhere that goods were expensive. This made the prices of, for example,
cotton, wheat, rubber and tin the same across the world except for transport

Pause and think

Can you think of goods which did not have the same price worldwide?

For goods to have the same price worldwide they have to be homogeneous,
like wheat. Transports costs still remained high for some goods – that is those
that could be damaged in transit.

3.2.3 Travel and communication

Other developments were the telegraph, marine cables and postal services.
The effect was massively to increase the amount of information available to
businessmen and traders, that is information about the market in particular
commodities. These costs of doing business are called ‘transactions costs’ (see
• In preindustrial societies, there was little certainty about economic
transactions (e.g. about markets, the weather, safety, the
creditworthiness of clients). More useful information reduces
• Less uncertainty allows an increase in the number of transactions. If you
think about it, this is virtually the same as increasing economic growth.
Resources that were used to make transactions can now be used to
create more goods.
There is also a link between falling transport costs and lower transactions
costs. Over time, the speed of obtaining information depended less on the
wind and the speed of horses and more on the steamship and telegraph

3.2.4 The international market in commodities

So far we have talked about ‘goods’. From now on we reserve this label for
manufactured goods. We use the word ‘commodities’ and ‘primary products’
for basic raw materials – the products of mines, forests, fishing and

Chapter 3: The development of an international economy by 1900: trade, capital and labour

Pause and think

How did lower transport costs affect international trade in commodities?

The combined effects of the fall in transport costs and the increase in
information was to create an international market in the basic commodities.
Take wheat as an example.
• Let us assume that there was a very good harvest in Argentina and a
poorer one in the USA.
• The price of wheat would be lower in Buenos Aires than the price in,
say, Chicago.
• At the same time, the information about the Argentine harvest would be
available in, say, London. Ships would go to Buenos Aires to buy wheat
at a low price.
• In this way, the harvest in Argentina affected the price in the USA.
• Ultimately, the price of wheat anywhere in the world was the same
except for transport costs, which for bulk commodities like wheat were
low. ‘Futures markets’ subsequently developed, allowing people to trade
in basic commodities worldwide before the crops were even harvested.

Which of the following goods and commodities are commonly traded internationally
today and which are not? Can you think why?
• cement
• bricks
• steel sheets
• potatoes
• tropical root crop foods like cassava.
Cement and bricks have a low value-to-weight ratio and are seldom worth
trading internationally. Steel sheets are traded as long as they are of high
quality (and value) to make it worthwhile. Potatoes are easily stored and
graded so do get traded. Cassava is heavier and more uneven, so it is more
difficult to trade. In short, it depends on the value, the weight, and the ease
with which the product may be bought and sold. Then, if one country has an
advantage in its production trade develops. Otherwise it doesn’t. Note that a
country only needs to have a comparative advantage to make trade
worthwhile (see 1.6.5).

3.2.5 Specialisation
One of the main ‘gains from trade’ is a consequence of specialisation.
Consider what happened in UK, in the period from 1870 to 1914.
• Food imports increased because of the development of ‘virgin lands’,
first in the western part of the USA and then in other countries, such as
Canada. Note that this would not have been possible without transport
development, particularly the railway.
• In turn, agriculture in the UK declined because it became cheaper for
basic food to be imported rather than produced at home.
Of course, if the British government had decided to protect British farmers,
there would have been fewer imports. But the UK did not protect food
imports (see Chapter 5).

Economic history in the 20th century

Imports meant that basic food costs in the UK fell by half in thirty years
(1870–1900). Since, at the time, British people, on average, spent about half
of their income on food, this had a significant effect on the standard of living.
Also the British economy could concentrate on more productive sectors, in
which they had a ‘comparative advantage’ – for example, the export of

Pause and think

How do you think that the agricultural sector responded to this new competition from
abroad? Try to answer using the concept of ‘comparative advantage’ (see 1.6.5).

If this question gives you difficulties, have a look at Kenwood and Lougheed,
75. They explain how farmers in the UK and Denmark moved out of grain
and cattle farming for meat, into areas where they had a comparative
advantage, notably pig rearing and dairy farming. A century later Denmark is
still well known for bacon and cheese production.
The answer to this question forms an example common to many situations.
There was increased competition from abroad, the loss of comparative
advantage and the search for a new product where the local producers still
had a comparative advantage. The effect was that different countries
specialised, to some extent.

3.2.6 The supply of primary products

In the late nineteenth century, those parts of the world with very low
population densities, and where the resources had previously been little
exploited, were entering the international economy; areas such as the west of
the United States, most of Australia and Argentina. These ‘regions of recent
settlement’, as they are called, experienced ‘constant returns to scale’ in
agriculture and primary production. Constant returns to scale means that the
output per hectare did not fall as total output increased (see 1.6.10).

Imagine three families each having farms of 25 hectares in nineteenth-century Kansas. A
government land grant enables them each to increase to 50 hectares. Each family uses
double the inputs (labour, cattle, machinery etc.) Each family obtains the following
• The first family gets 200 per cent of the previous output.
• The second family gets 50 per cent more output.
• The third family gets 100 per cent more output.
Now describe the ‘returns to scale’ of each farm. Try this before reading on.

The first family obtains increasing returns, the second decreasing returns and
the third constant returns to scale.
But what if there was no extra land available?
Then 50 per cent more output, or a worse result, is the only conceivable
outcome. In other words, where land is scarce there are diminishing returns
to land.
But in the regions of recent settlement, technology and transport liberated
agriculture from diminishing returns to land – that is where adding more
labour and capital could not lead to an equivalent increase in output because
the amount of land could not be increased.

Chapter 3: The development of an international economy by 1900: trade, capital and labour

In the regions of recent settlement, the amount of land could be increased

and any increase in labour and capital applied to the land would lead to a
large increase in the output of food.
This is why the massive rise of population in the industrial countries and
increased demand for commodities did not lead to rising food prices.

Draw a supply and demand diagram for the world supply of food. The diagram should
• a demand curve that shifts to the right as population increased
• a supply curve that shifts to the right as new areas come into production in new
• an equilibrium price for food.
Finally, comment on the diagram:
• Is the price of food falling?
• Under what conditions would it fall?
Think about the increase in supply compared with demand, and if you know a bit more
economics think about the elasticity of demand. We know that world food prices fell c.
1870–1900. What are the implications for the diagram?

Bear in mind that food prices did begin to rise after 1900, once the best land
in the regions of recent settlement was taken up and farmed.

3.3 Overseas investment

Economic conditions in the later nineteenth century were exceptionally
favourable for international investment. The countries that had already
industrialised were generating capital from the profits of industry. The UK,
the first country to industrialise, was the biggest capital-exporting country;
40 per cent of the £10 billion ($50 billion) of outstanding foreign investment
in 1913 was still British-owned.

Pause and think

• How could the UK afford to invest such an enormous amount overseas?
• Where did the money come from?
The UK could only invest overseas because it had a surplus of exports of
goods and services. Consider how the balance of payments is made up. On
one side are exports of goods and services. On the other side are imports of
goods and services. Obviously, the balance of payments must balance. For
• If a country is importing more than it exports, it must have paid for the
imports. In other words, to acquire the foreign currency to pay for the
imports it must be importing capital, that is borrowing.
• If a country is lending overseas, as the UK was in the nineteenth
century, it must have been earning the foreign currency with which to
make the investment. To do this, the UK must have exported more
goods and services than it imported. It must have had an export

Economic history in the 20th century

The main demand for foreign investment was from the so-called ‘regions of
recent settlement’, such as the USA, Canada, Argentina and Australia. These
were countries which had only recently been settled by Europeans; the native
population was relatively small. Inward investment was mainly used for
infrastructure such as railways and docks.

Pause and think

Why was it profitable for investors in the UK to invest in the regions of recent

Think about the return to new investment (capital) in these countries and in
the UK. Because they were relatively underpopulated, countries such as
Canada, Argentina and Australia and, until about 1900, the USA had little
capital but a lot of resources. In fact, if they had a lot of resources, they
would have relatively little capital, by definition. This meant that the
productivity of capital was high and the return to capital was high.

Pause and think

What else was needed, besides a favourable ‘resources-to-capital’ ratio, to make
investment in the regions of recent settlement profitable?

Demand for the products that the resources helped to create was also
required. This is an important point. Investment in these countries was only
profitable as long as there was a demand for the products associated with the
investment, such as a railroad that carried the products.
An example may help. British investment in railways in Argentina:
• allowed Argentine beef to reach the coast, so exports of beef rose
• gave the Argentine borrower the money to repay the loan, from sales of
beef in the UK
• made it profitable for the UK lender to lend the money in the first place,
as this repayment with interest justified the investment.

3.3.1. Technology transfer

Foreign investment also led to technology transfer (sometimes called
technical transfer). This allowed regions of recent settlement to copy and
learn from more developed countries. This is how many countries acquired
railways, for example. Instead of having to produce their own rail and
locomotives, the new countries could use what had already been developed
by industrial countries like the UK and France.
Another type of technical transfer happened later in the period. After 1900
companies were beginning to make direct investments abroad, for example
in manufacturing.

Pause and think

What impeded technical transfer?

Technical transfer was not as easy as it is today. One reason is that at the time
many skills were ‘embodied’ in the workers who made the products. Local
labour often did not have enough skills, enough ‘human capital’, to work the
new machines.
This is an example of how a lack of ‘social capability’ can impede ‘catching
up’ with a more developed country. This was one reason why technical
transfer often occurred alongside international migration.

Chapter 3: The development of an international economy by 1900: trade, capital and labour

3.4 International migration

Just as the fall in transport costs and the development of information
mechanisms allowed an international market in goods to develop, it also
allowed the partial development of an international labour market. It became
possible for people, particularly from Europe, to increase their income by
emigration to the regions of recent settlement, of which the most important,
by far, was the USA. (Non-European emigrants were not always welcomed,
however; many countries banned non-white immigration.)
The flow of emigrants from Europe was a response to the relative labour
shortages of the regions of recent settlement and the relative labour surplus
in Europe. In the regions of recent settlement, resources were relatively
abundant and labour was relatively scarce.

Pause and think

• Who gains and who loses from such migration?
• Is it all cost for the country of origin and all gain for the recipient country?
• Write down a balance sheet for the two countries involved.
Simple international trade theory suggests that the migration of labour
increases income in both countries. For the factors you should have in your
balance of costs and benefits see Kenwood and Lougheed, 54–6. If you want
to try something a bit harder, ask yourself what the difference is if the
emigrants return to Europe? About a third returned during the 1870–1914
You should be able to see that, in a sense, overseas investment, trade and
migration are substitutes. For example, capital investment could provide jobs
in Europe. If the investment went to the USA, for example, it would increase
jobs there and, other things being equal, which is a large assumption, of
course, migration to the USA would increase.
The reason that workers went from Europe to the USA and other countries
was that they increased their standard of living by doing so. In other words,
returns to labour were higher in the USA and other countries of recent
In the long run, it was likely that migration from Europe to the USA would
fall. This was because the differential between European and American
wages would fall, as the relative scarcity of labour in America fell, and the
relative abundance of labour in Europe fell. This is eventually what
happened, but it did not happen very fast because returns to capital were
also higher in the USA than in Europe. So capital continued to flow towards
the USA, relatively increasing labour demand there and relatively reducing it
in Europe, which meant that wages were not equalised and migration

Pause and think

Were some immigrants more useful to an economy than others?

Many of the international migrants had valuable skills but the great majority
were unskilled.

Economic history in the 20th century

Pause and think

Did this mean the unskilled were of little use?

No. A high proportion were young adults. They entered the new countries at
the peak of their productive and consuming power. In other words, the cost
of their upbringing had been paid in the country from which they came.
They were a free gift of human capital from Europe.

In this chapter we cover a lot of ground. Even so, we do not have space to
expand and discuss some important and interesting issues. You should make
sure you complete the reading before moving on.
• We have argued that there is a two-way relationship between the
growth of individual countries and the growth of the international
• In some countries trade based on exporting raw material led to a lot of
economic growth. In other countries to much less.
• European countries, especially the UK, experienced growth at home
that led to an expansion of exports and created a demand for imports.
• Many of the capital flows in the period were reliant on the UK export
surplus. This ‘recycling’ of export earnings was a vital part of the
development of the international economy.
• Labour migration had costs and benefits in both the country the
emigrants left and the one in which they arrived. It was only an
unambiguous benefit to the latter.

• Assess the relationship between the spread of agriculture into previously
uncultivated land and the growth of industry in the UK and other European
• Examine the effect of transport development in the creation of an international
market in the basic commodities in the early twentieth century.
• Why was the level of international investment high in the early twentieth

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned the international economy before the First World War

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned

the international economy before the
First World War
What this chapter is about
In this chapter we explain why international monetary relations were stable
in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Why, for example, most
exchange rates were fixed and why most currencies were convertible into
each other. In later periods it proved difficult, and sometimes impossible, to
fix exchange rates as rigidly as they were fixed during the period from 1870
to 1914.
This chapter introduces the idea of ‘contingency’ – why it was possible for
exchange rates to be fixed in the period before the First World War. Also why,
at the time, bankers, traders and governments were almost universally in
favour of fixed exchange rates.

To explain:
• the implications of fixed exchange rates in the historical context
• how the gold standard worked in practice.

Learning outcomes
When you have finished studying this chapter and associated readings, you will be able
• explain why businessmen and governments were determined to maintain fixed
exchange rates
• outline what it was that allowed fixed exchange rates (i.e. the gold standard) to
be maintained
• discuss whether the gold standard worked because central banks followed a set
of rules or for some other reason
• explain how the flow of capital made it easier for the gold standard to work, and
give examples.

Essential reading
Kenwood, A.G. and A.L. Lougheed The growth of the international economy,
1820–2000: an introductory text. (London: Routledge, 1999) fourth edition
[ISBN 0415199301 pbk] Chapters 6 and 7: 91–119.

Further reading
Foreman-Peck, J. A history of the world economy: international economic relations
since 1850. (New York: Harvester/Wheatsheaf, 1995) second edition [ISBN
0745009352 pbk]: 161–74. (This section is rather more difficult than that in
Kenwood and Lougheed.)
Alford, B.W.E. Britain in the world economy since 1880. (London and New York:
Longman, 1996) [ISBN 0582486769 pbk]: 72–80.

Economic history in the 20th century

The international economy in the period from 1870 to 1914 was
characterised by three institutions. (An institution is defined here as
‘Something manmade for a purpose’.) Laws, rules and organisations are all
examples of institutions. As we see in this chapter, there are three institutions
which were closely linked together:
• free trade
• multilateral settlements
• fixed exchange rates.

4.1 Free trade

Although free trade was not practised by all countries, the most important
trading economy, the UK, had virtually no restrictions on imports at all in the
period from 1870 to 1914. We have already seen why free trade was
important for the UK. It was also important for the smooth working of the
international economy.
There is a detailed examination of the rise and fall of free trade in Kenwood
and Lougheed Chapter 4. The chapter includes a discussion of commercial
policy, but you will not be examined on the details of commercial policy.
Free trade became the norm between 1850 and 1880 (see Chapter 2). Later
industrialising countries, like the USA and France, wanted to import
technology and capital goods from Britain, hence free trade made sense. But
eventually these countries sought to replace imports of manufactures with
domestic production. Hence, they introduced ‘infant industry tariffs’. These
tariffs never reached the levels of 1919–39. After 1870 some industrial
countries introduced tariffs on food imports in order to protect their own

• What determines whether or not a country introduces tariffs on food imports?
• How does this affect the standard of living?
• Make a case using the concept of ‘comparative advantage’ (1.6.5). Do this
before reading on.
You could make the following points to answer the questions above:
• Imported cheap food would mean major changes in the countryside, for
example, a large number of farmers might have to give up farming and
move to the cities.
• This would be an advantage if the country had a ‘comparative
advantage’ in manufactured exports and disadvantage in farming.
• On the other hand, there might be political and military reasons to
protect agriculture.
• Cheap food imports hold down the cost of living for industrial workers.
This exerts downwards pressure on wage rates and costs. Other things
being equal, this makes manufacturing exports more competitive.
The free trade stance of the UK was very important because it gave free
access to the UK market. The UK remained the world’s largest importer until
In the main, UK exporters were able to maintain their sales in the face of
tariffs and foreign competition. This was, partly, because the world market
was growing fast, and partly because UK exporters were very good at finding

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned the international economy before the First World War

new products and new markets. (UK exports still continued to grow,
although the UK’s share of total world exports was falling as other countries
began to compete.)

4.2 Multilateral settlements

Consider imports. These have to be paid for, so the level of imports depends
on a flow of payments from overseas. If exports and imports had to balance
with each country – so called ‘bilateral’ trade – the level of trade is limited.
We can see the effect of multilateral settlements in a simple diagram. Look at
Kenwood and Lougheed, 94 (including the diagrams), or look at Figure 4.1
which is simpler.

Figure 4.1 Multilateral settlements

Owes 50
Owes 70

Owes 20

• Country A imports 50 more units from B than it exports to B. Hence it

owes 50 units in funds.
• Country B imports 20 more units from C than it exports to C. Hence it
owes 20 units in funds.
• Country C imports 70 more units from to A than it exports to A. Hence
it owes 70 units in funds.
To settle the account, the three countries need 140 units of currency. (50 plus
20 plus 70). If they could not obtain the currency, they could each only
import the same amount as they exported. So, A’s imports would be 50
fewer, B’s 20 fewer and C’s 70 fewer. These are what are called bilateral
settlements – that is just between a pair of countries.

Pause and think

• What would have happened if the settlements were multilateral?
• Can you work out what C must pay A and B pay C?
Note how just two payments settle all accounts between A, B and C.

If the settlements were multilateral the countries’ currencies would have to

be convertible into each other. The entire account could be settled by one
payment of 20 units from C to A; and one payment of 30 units from C to B.
Only 50 units of foreign currency are needed. In other words, a smaller
amount of currency finances the same amount of trade.

Pause and think

What condition must be satisfied for multilateral payments to work?
This is important to remember, so don’t read on too quickly!

All the countries must have to be willing to accept C’s currency. B would have
to accept C’s currency which was paying debts owed by A.

Economic history in the 20th century

Fixed exchange rates were thought to be an essential component of the

international economy in the years before the First World War. It was
thought that multilateral trade depended on certainty about exchange rates.

Pause and think

Why did people believe that multilateral trade depended on certainty about exchange

For trade to be multilateral, as in the example above, traders had to accept

paper, usually, a so-called ‘bill of exchange’, from a foreign buyer. The trader
would then use the bill to purchase something in a third country. So traders
needed to be certain about the future exchange rate. You can find a more
complicated example in Chapter 6 of Kenwood and Lougheed.
Another area where fixed exchange rates were important was in overseas
investment. Fixed exchange rates removed the exchange rate risk faced by
investors who bought overseas stocks and shares. We may assume, therefore,
that there would have been less overseas investment if exchange rates had

4.3 The gold standard

The so-called gold standard was the mechanism for ensuring that exchange
rates remained fixed. Remember, it was only a means to an end, not an end
in itself. When a country decided to go on to the gold standard, it had to:
• Fix its currency in terms of gold (e.g. one franc equals x grammes of
• Allow its paper currency to be convertible into gold, at face value, if
people requested it. In practice, only large amounts of gold could be
exchanged in most countries.
• Ensure that the amount of paper money in circulation was related to the
reserves of gold held by the central bank.
Kenwood and Lougheed cover this in their Chapter 7. Read the chapter in
conjunction with these notes.

4.3.1 The price-specie-flow mechanism

The main threat to the above occurred when there was a balance of
payments problem. (Exports were less than imports.) If a country had a
persistent balance of payments deficit, the demand for its currency abroad
was lower than its demand for foreign currency at home. In time, the country
would lose so much gold and foreign exchange that it would have to devalue
its currency and allow the exchange rate to fall, thus leaving the gold
standard and breaking up the system.
There was a mechanism within the gold standard that was supposed to
prevent a persistent balance of payments deficit occurring. This is usually
called the ‘price-specie-flow’ mechanism. ‘Specie’ is an old word meaning
monetary gold. The price-specie-flow mechanism is explained below.
But first, note an important point. It was not the mechanism itself that
ensured exchange rate stability because it was not an automatic mechanism.
Rather, it was a rule, which told central banks what to do if they chose to.
The point is that the central banks were usually willing to subject themselves
to the discipline of the price-specie-flow mechanism. We will explain why
this was later.

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned the international economy before the First World War

Figure 4.2: The price-specie-flow mechanism



BoP Surplus BoP Deficit

r r
Gold IN Gold OUT

O Money Supply Money Supply O

Prices Prices


BoP Equilibrium

“Rules of the game” “Rules of the game”

The price-specie-flow mechanism operated as follows:

• Think about a world with two countries, A and B.
• Country A has an excess of exports, country B an excess of imports.
• To pay for the import surplus, country B would be losing foreign
currency or gold.
• This means that, under gold standard rules, the money supply in
country B falls. This reduces prices. This means that country B’s exports
become cheaper and some domestic goods become cheaper than
imported goods.
• Hence, exports (X) from B are raised, imports (M) to B fall and the
balance of payments (BoP) deficit is closed.
• At the same time, country A gains gold, which means that its money
supply increases and prices rise.
• In consequence, exports fall and imports rise. Country A’s balance of
payments surplus disappears.
• Balance of payments equilibrium in A is restored.
Note three points:
• There are no changes in exchange rates, which is the intention.
• In this simple example, there is no change in output, only in prices.
• The adjustment was painless; no one lost their job, no companies went
bankrupt, no factories closed.

Pause and think

Read Kenwood and Lougheed, 111. Work through their example now. The ‘rules of the game’

Central banks (like the Banque de France or the Bank of England) usually
intervened to speed up the process. They were applying what was has come
to be called ‘the rules of the game’.
The ‘rules of the game’ are shown in Figure 4.2. They were an unwritten set
of guidelines that central bankers were supposed to follow. If the central
bank of country B followed these ‘rules’, it would increase the interest rate at

Economic history in the 20th century

the central bank when it observed that country B was losing gold, In turn,
this would increase interest rates across the whole economy. This would lead
to a fall in investment and output would fall. The fall in output would cause a
fall in prices, which would increase exports and decrease imports, as above.
At the same time, the central bank of country A would observe that it was
gaining gold. If it followed the ‘rules’, it would reduce interest rates which
would increase investment and output. Prices would rise, imports would rise
and exports would fall.

Pause and think

What was the monetary variable that played the part of an adjustment mechanism under
(a) the price-specie-flow and (b) the ‘rules of the game’?

If you answered (a) the money supply and (b) interest rates, read on.
Otherwise look back over the last few paragraphs and in the readings to see
where you went wrong.

The ‘rules of the game’ gave national economies more pain than the price-specie-flow
mechanism. See if you can explain why. Take a few minutes over this, and then read on.

When answering the question above you might have said something like this:
A rise in interest rates in the deficit country affects output and employment
but the effects might not be too great if the rise in interest rates is temporary.
Conversely, a fall in interest rates in the surplus country may have an
inflationary effect and this can be damaging.

4.3.2 Why was the gold standard a success?

We know that the gold standard was a success. By the late nineteenth
century all the major currencies (pounds, dollars, marks, French, Belgian and
Swiss francs and guilders) were tied to gold and, unlike in the late twentieth
century, their exchange rates remained fixed. No major economy had to
devalue its currency.

Pause and think

Was the stability because of the rules of the gold standard (the price-specie-flow
mechanism plus the ‘rules of the game’) or was it because of something else? Look in
Kenwood and Lougheed, 115–18 for ideas. Once you have formed an opinion, read on.

So far we have only talked about the gold standard and the international
economy. But the gold standard had important advantages in domestic
economies as well. The main reason was the relation with government

Pause and think

Can you think how the gold standard and government finance were related?
(Remember about the danger of inflation.)

• A government borrows money on different terms to a private institution

because a government can repay the loan by creating more money.
• Such government borrowing can create inflation.

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned the international economy before the First World War

• Someone who lends money to the government can lose if inflation

erodes the real value of the loan – that is it was repaid in devalued
currency. In the jargon, if this was unexpected, it is called a ‘monetary
• If the currency were tied to gold, a country would lose gold if it had
inflation. Technically, if the inflation rate was higher than that in the
other countries. Losing gold would lead to monetary contraction.
As long as a country remained on gold, lenders were guaranteed that the
government would honour its debts and there would be no ‘monetary
surprises’. Lenders could lend without fear of inflation. This is why the gold
standard has been described as a ‘good housekeeping seal of approval’.
The ‘seal of approval’ was especially important for the peripheral countries.
Greece and Argentina, for example, sometimes had balance of payments
problems that forced them to leave the gold standard. But when they needed
international loans, they returned to the gold standard, which made their
commitment to repaying the loans more credible.
The ‘seal of approval’ even out-lasted wars. It was not expected that countries
would stay on the gold standard during wartime because the government
would have to borrow to finance the war. But once the war was over, it was
expected that the country would return to the gold standard as soon as
possible. In other words, the government was not expected to honour its
debts in wartime but eventually, the government would go back to gold
which would eliminate inflation and hence, honour the commitments made
before the war. As we see in Chapter 7, this led to problems after the First
World War.

4.3.3 Further considerations relating to gold standard

We can think of the implications for domestic policy of the gold standard in a
different way. The gold standard effectively limited what a government could
spend over and above what they could raise in taxes. We may see this from a
simple example.
• Assume for a moment that a government wished to increase
expenditure significantly, and without increasing taxation for some
socially desirable purpose, for example pensions, state housing
provision. (That is, they intended to borrow to meet the expenditure.)
• If this borrowing was on a large scale, the mechanisms that we
described above would mean that the country would lose gold. The
central bank would then have to tell the government that it had to
choose one of two courses: either (a) stay on the gold standard or (b)
abandon the socially desirable expenditure
Before 1914 governments always chose (b). That is, they thought that the
exchange rate (staying on the gold standard) was more important than social
expenditure. Remember, governments of that period were under little
political pressure to increase social expenditure. In other words, since there
was little pressure on governments to spend (government spending of only
10 per cent of GNP was normal, including all defence expenditure) it was
easy for them to commit the economy to the gold standard.
But after the First World War, governments were faced with increasing
demands to increase expenditure, partly because there was more pressure
from the electorate. Government expenditure was commonly 25 per cent of
GNP in this period. This made it much more difficult to stay on the gold
standard (see Chapter 7).

Economic history in the 20th century

4.4 ‘Rules’ for international and domestic policies: some


Pause and think

You should pause here until you are quite clear about your answers to the next three
questions. The answers affect your understanding of other periods in the history of the
international economy.
• Do you think that it has ever been possible to establish a set of rules both for
international and domestic policies which, if all countries followed them, would
lead to stability?
• Historically, have countries followed rules only when it was in their interests to
1 1
do so? We explore another attempt to
• Think about the situation in your own country at the moment. What would be set up a set of rules, the 1944
the advantages of fixing the exchange rate forever, and what would be the Bretton Woods conference, in
disadvantages? Chapter 11.

4.5 The British economy

First consider the table below and then read on.

Figure 4.3 The pattern of British capital exports c.1875–1914

GB capital exports




Pause and think

• Were there were some other factors which made the gold standard last so long?
• What about the British economy?
• What about the British balance of payments?
Think about how these played a part in providing financial stability for the international

The position of the UK economy was very important. The UK was the largest
exporter of both goods and services and the greatest provider of overseas
investment; 40 per cent of the total, as late as 1914. The UK had a balance of
payments surplus; exports of goods and services exceeded imports, and
earnings from foreign investment exceeded new investment.

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned the international economy before the First World War

Pause and think

• Do you think that if the largest trading country always had a surplus, the gold
standard could not have worked properly?
• In what direction was gold and foreign exchange moving? What was the effect
on central bank reserves in the other countries?
• How was it possible for the world to live with the UK surplus?
The point was the British surplus was continuously recycled. Look at Figure
4.3 again. The UK had a permanent balance of payments surplus. Therefore
other countries, such as, in the late nineteenth century, the USA, must have
had permanent deficits.
• Under the gold standard, a deficit country had to choose between
leaving the gold standard, as mentioned above, or accepting higher
interest rates and lower output.
• The US growth rate would have had to be lower. But in reality, the USA
could always finance its deficit (i.e. pay for its excess of imports)
because it was always possible to borrow from the UK.
The UK was a free-trade country. The UK imported the bulk of its food and
raw materials. This meant that if a country borrowed from the UK, it was
relatively easy to obtain sterling to pay the interest by exporting to the UK. In
other words, in effect, the world was using a sterling standard, rather than a
gold standard.

Pause and think

Can you think of a later example where large balance of payments surpluses needed to
be recycled?

4.5.1 Confidence in sterling

Obviously if they were to use sterling, international traders and bankers
needed to have confidence that there was no possibility of its devaluation.
Sterling was as ‘good as gold’ for three reasons.
• First, the pound had been tied to gold for far longer than in any other
country; from 1717, with the exception of the Napoleonic War period.
• Secondly, the British economy had a consistent payments surplus,
which meant that demand for sterling was consistently higher than
demand for foreign currency. This means that if the pound had been
floating, it would have floated upwards.
• Thirdly, sterling’s stability was ensured by Bank of England policy. The
most important objective of the Bank of England and the government
was to maintain the value of sterling. Monetary policy was extremely
conservative; the Bank would always act to curb inflation, for example.
Hence, the UK had the ‘seal of approval’. In the last quarter of the
nineteenth century the British price level was falling, and in the years
up to the First World War, it was rising at only 1 per cent each year.
There were no fears about the value of sterling before the First World
It is not surprising that most countries held their foreign exchange reserves
in sterling rather than gold.

Economic history in the 20th century

4.5.2 Joining the gold standard at the right time

A major reason why the gold standard worked was that countries did not fix
their currencies to gold until after the exchange rate had been stable for
some time. For example, Germany joined the gold standard in 1874, the
United States in 1879, Japan and Russia in 1897.
This meant that all countries started on the gold standard with a reasonably
strong balance of payments.
In other words, they started after their economies had adjusted to a fixed
exchange rate. They did not fix their exchange rate and then hope that their
economy would adjust to it. We can say that their exchange rates had
‘converged’ to a sustainable level. We return to the concept of ‘convergence’
in later chapters, where we consider the tendency of some countries’ GNP
and/for growth rates to equalise.

4.5.3 Crises and the gold standard

What we do not know is what would have happened to the gold standard if
there had been a serious financial crisis in one of the large economies, say
Germany. There is no guarantee that the gold standard would have survived
such a crisis.
The gold standard was suspended during the First World War (see Chapter
7). After the war it was difficult to re-establish the gold standard, and when
there was a massive financial crisis in Europe in the early 1930s, the gold
standard collapsed (see Chapter 8). The point to note is this. Since there
were no serious crises in Europe, the gold standard remained unchallenged
up until the First World War.

As we said at the beginning of this chapter, the gold standard worked
• There was strong trade growth which made it easier for countries to fix
their exchange rates. Trade growth made it easier to earn foreign
• One country, the UK, had a persistent trade surplus. But this was not a
problem for other countries because the UK recycled the surplus.
• There was a strong central currency, which was universally expected to
remain strong.
• The gold standard could have been threatened if governments had
borrowed substantially, since this would have led to inflation. But
governments did not wish to borrow heavily.

Pause and think

Consider the two questions below. You may want to return to them again later in your
• Before 1914 what would have happened to the international economy if the UK
had stopped recycling its surpluses?
• After 1918 what did happen to the international economy when the UK was no
longer able to earn large surpluses?

Chapter 4: Institutions that underpinned the international economy before the First World War

1. Why were exchange rates fixed before the First World War?
2. Explain the reasons for the stability of the international monetary system before
the First World War.


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