What Is Blend Mode How It Works: Blend Modes (Or Mixing Modes) in Digital Image Editing and Computer Graphics

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Blend modes (or Mixing modes) in digital image editing and computer graphics

are used to determine how two layers are blended into each other. , blending
modes are used to control how pixels in separate layers interact with each other.
The use of this feature is very effective since playing with layers you can
control how this or that layer will affect the look of the image and, accordingly,
what impact it will have on the viewers. Working with layers and blend mode
specifically, you should know about three color groups

The base color is the basic color of the image.

The blend color, which is applied with the painting or editing tools.

The result color is the one you’ll get in the end of your work.

To apply blending modes, a Photoshop document should have at least two

layers. These can be either two completely different images or a duplicate of the
one you are working with. To see the effect of the blend mode, you should
choose one of the offered solutions from the layers menu and apply it to the top
visible layer.

Blending modes can be applied either to images or brushes, meaning that

special effects will be applied to one specific area instead of the whole image.
A pixel is the smallest unit of digital image or graphic that can be
represented by a dot or smallest available square on the screen, it is
basically a logical unit in digital graphics which is combined to
represent a image , video ,text or any visible thing on a display.
In Photoshop a pixel is a 3 byte information about the colour
composition , luminosity, brightness,contrast etc of that particular

24 bit colour pattern of photoshop

The colour composition of Photoshop consist of 3 channels of the 3
primary colours which are red,green and blue respectively . Each
channel has a memory size of 8 bit due to which each channel is
capable of having 256 different values which ranges from 0 to 255 in
decimal number format ,but in Photoshop the value is represented in
hexadecimal number system.

8 bit colour pattern for each primary colour

Unlike the real world where the colours are subtractive in nature the
colours of the Photoshop are additive which means for the less value ,
the colour will be darker and for the higher value the colour will be

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