English 9 DLL

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Grade Level &

GRADES 1 to 12 School:
Section: Grade 9
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: English
Teaching Dates and Time: Week 1 Quarter: Fourth Quarter
Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
I. OBJECTIVES additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formative Assessment
strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly
objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of valuing other people; also how to use
processing information strategies, different forms of adverbs and conditionals for him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.
B. Performance Standards: The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation through employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on
the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body Movements or Gestures.
C. Learning EN9LC-IVa-13:Listen to lay EN9F-IVa-3.11: Produce the EN9RC-IVa-2.18:Relate text EN9WC-IVa-11:Compose a Remedial
Competencies/Objectives: value judgment on critical sounds of English effectively content to particular social play review Instruction/Enhancement
Write the LC Code for each issues that demand sound when delivering lines in a full- issues, concerns, or EN9G-IVa-22:Use active and Activities for
analysis and call for prompt length play dispositions in real life passive constructions reading/Individual
actions EN9OL-IVa-3.7: EN9VC-IVa-10: Determine the
EN9LT-IVa-17.1: Explain how Use varied verbal and non- relevance and the truthfulness
the elements specific to full- verbal communication of the ideas presented in the
length plays build its strategies when performing in material viewed
theme a fulllength play EN9LT-IVa17:Analyze
EN9V-IVa-29: literature as a means of
Get familiar with the technical understanding
vocabulary for drama and unchanging values in a
theater changing world
like stage directions)
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Lesson 1: Holding to a Dream in a Changing World
Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete
III. LEARNING RESOURCES and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
D. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Page 209-212 on Page 209-212 on Page 209-212 on Page 209-212 on
Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Page 378-398 on Page 378-398 on Page 378-398 on Page 378-398 on
Pages Learner’s Materials Learner’s Materials Learner’s Materials Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages Page 424-447 in Page 424-447 in Page 424-447 in Page 424-447 in
Learner’s Book Anglo Learner’s Book Anglo Learner’s Book Anglo Learner’s Book Anglo
American Literature American Literature American Literature American Literature

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR)
E. Other Learning Resources ICT ICT ICT ICT
(Television, Laptops, (Television, Laptops, (Television, Laptops, (Television, Laptops,
Speakers, Slide Deck) Speakers, Slide Deck) Speakers, Slide Deck & Speakers, Slide Deck &
Audio Clip Video Clips) Video Clips)
Textbook Realia
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
IV. PROCEDURES the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or INTRODUCE: Do you agree with this line: ELICIT: ASK: Remedial
Presenting the New Lesson Instruction/Enhancement
Lesson 1: Holding to a “Life gets even harder for How important is precise and  Does any of the characters Activities for
Dream in a Changing people who do not dream correct production of English in the play remind you of reading/Individual
World someone? Learning/Cooperative
of making it a little pronunciation in dramatizing a
better.” play?  How does that someone Learning
plan hos course of action to
Collect responses from realize his dream?
the learners.  Would you have dreamt of
the same thing for your
family? Why?
B. Establishing a Purpose for the YOUR JOURNEY TODAY: SHARE: Overview of the
Lesson Life gets even harder for objectives and content.
people who do not dream In this lesson, we will Produce In this lesson, you are going to
of making it a little better. the sounds of English relate text content to particular Set-up a motivating mood
effectively when delivering lines social issues, concerns, or for the lesson.
Keep reaching for your
in a full-length play and Get dispositions in real life,
dreams; keep reaching familiar with the technical Determine the relevance and
for your goals which you vocabulary for drama and the truthfulness of the ideas
have created with your theater presented in the material
heart and soul. And viewed and Analyze literature
every time you fail, hold as a means of understanding
on to it tight; never let it unchanging values in a
changing world.
go. It may get harder
everyday but every step
you put forward is a great
leap towards triumph.
After all, chances are, the
life you try to redefine is
just right there at the

C. Presenting Examples/Instances AUDIO PLAYING: Your Text Task 3. Perm Task 4. Try to Connect MOTIVATIONAL
of the Lesson Term ACTIVITY:
SONG: a. Ask the students to
a. Have the students read the poem, “Dreams GUESS THE VOICE
River of Dreams accomplish this activity in
Deferred” by Langston GAME!
Let the learners listen as Hughes
you play the song in the b. Instruct them to read first b. Ask them to associate Play short audio clips
class. the words in the word pool. the poem to the story where students will guess
(List down their answers) the artist based on their
Have them jot down lyrics Have them read it aloud with c. Introduce the text voices.
that struck them the most. your guidance on correct (You can tell something
pronunciation about the author or any Process the activity and
back-ground of the story.) make sure students’
d. Instruct students to readiness for the lesson.
read the text silently.
(See to it that the text is
pre- assigned or pre-read
ahead of time).
D. Discussing New Concepts and Task 1. Introduction and Have students present their READING ACITVITY: Task 8. The Voice Remedial
Practicing New Skills #1 Initial Tasks -The River output in the word maze to Instruction/Enhancement
of Dreams the class. a. Instruct students to read Activities for
A Raisin in the Sun
a. Post the questions on on the teaching points. reading/Individual
Process the outputs. Lorraine Hansberry
the board that the students b. Allow them to study the Learning/Cooperative
examples given. Learning
are expected to answer and Have some students to
discuss them in the ensure correctness of their b. The teacher may have
listening activity. answers. some inputs or give
b. Then have the students additional examples in case
listen to the song twice of gray areas
c. Elicit the responses of c. Solicit students
the students based on the responses on the
questions posted. differences between active
d. Allow students to discuss and passive constructions
his/her answer with a d. Ask students to give their
partner then share it with own examples.
the class.
e. Process the students’
E. Discussing New Concepts and Task 2. Peek at the Note Task 14. Tippable Tips! Task 5. Grasp it Task 9. On Location
Practicing New Skills #2 a. Instruct the students to read a. Have the students read and
the lines of the song (or let analyze the tips on dramatizing a. Pose the questions for a. Instruct the students to
them sing if they know the a play. understanding the text. identify in the dialogue the
melody of the song) b. Allow them to take down b. Instruct students to verbs in the active voice which
b. Process the activity guided notes if necessary. accomplish the tasks as should be transformed to the
by the given questions. c. Tell them that the tips would instructed. passive voice or vice versa.
c. Instruct students to analyze be very useful in the final b. You can have the
the pictures. (For clarification activity. brainstorming by group or
in case the pictures are black by round table.
and white) First Picture: The c. Note the significant
fish facing the hand is green responses of the Instruction/Enhancement
whereas the rest are gold. students and process it. Activities for
Third Picture: All the lady bugs reading/Individual
are red except for one which is Learning/Cooperative
d. Ask students questions 1
and 2, then process their
e. Instruct them to accomplish
the chart. Have them share
their answers before the class
for discussion and clarification.
f. Link/ Relate the activity to
the text of the lesson
g. Relate Task 1 to Task 2
F. Developing Mastery ASK: Task 15. Deliver the Goods!
Task 6. Predict a Task 10. The Voice in
(Leads to Formative Assessment Dream Action
3) Based on the previous task a. Walk with the students a. Instruct students to a. Instruct students to
through this final activity. write their own sentences
analyze the picture and
1. What idea is presented by in the active voice.
the pictures? b. Tell them how they will be predict what could be the b. Then change these
assessed by presenting to dream of the people in sentences into the
2. How would you relate the them the rubrics for the picture. passive voice.
pictures to issues on social performance assessment. b. Instruct them to write c. For in depth analysis,
context? the answer on a separate instruct them to note the
sheet of paper. changes that took place
in the sentences.
G. Finding Practical Applications Do you agree with this line: ELICIT: ASK: My Treasure Remedial
of Concepts and Skills in Daily Instruction/Enhancement
Living “Life gets even harder for How important is precise and  Does any of the characters a. Have the students reflect on Activities for
people who do not dream correct production of English in the play remind you of the quotation by Ralph Waldo reading/Individual
of making it a little pronunciation in dramatizing a someone? Learning/Cooperative
better.” play?  How does that someone Learning
plan hos course of action to b. Have them further reflect on
Collect responses from realize his dream? their strengths.
the learners.  Would you have dreamt of
the same thing for your c. Then instruct them to
family? Why? complete the statement.
H. Making Generalizations and This unit focuses on Drama Synthesize to them the Summary: Synthesize to them the
Abstractions about the Lesson as a unique form of importance of being skilled The rising action of the play importance of being familiar
literature and as a means enough in producing correct reveals the pregnancy of with the two of Voices in English
for you to understand English sounds in performing Ruth. Mama (Lena) has language – the active and
unchanging values in a paid the initial amount for a
stage drama or play. passive voice.
changing world house in Clybourne Park.
Then she hands the
remaining money to Walter
to put it in a savings
account for Beneatha’s
medical schooling. The rest
of the money shall be put in
a checking account in
Walter’s name. However,
Walter intends to invest the
money in a liquor business
which Mama does not
approve of.
I. Evaluating Learning Task 7. Text Hub Task the students to ponder Task 13. Review, Task 12. Play President Remedial
a. Tell students to read on the situations below: Analyze, Reflect Instruction/Enhancement
the teaching points. 1. What was your Activities for
b. Then ask them to scan a. Instruct students to
character’s mood? reading/Individual
and skim on the selection a. Ask students to read resolve the issues Learning/Cooperative
and locate the places 2. In what ways did you
the important pointers on presented. Learning
indicating the functions of change your voice to
how to prepare a report b. You may expand on the
dialogue. express the meaning of
different words? for a play review as they term for clearer
3. Was the audience will be required to submit understanding.
engaged? Were they able to a report at the end of the c. Direct them to use the
understand and hear your third week of the quarter. active voice of the verb in
words? b. Instruct them to fill up their sentence
Assess their performance each blank construction.
through a Dramatic
Performance Assessment

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation
V. REMARKS ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished ________ Accomplished
________ Not Accomplished ________ Not Accomplished ________ Not Accomplished ________ Not Accomplished ________ Not Accomplished
Reason: Reason: Reason: Reason: Reason:

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help
VI. REFLECTION the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
_____ Explicit Teaching _____Inquiry-Based teaching _____ Think-Pair Share
E. Which of my teaching strategies
_____ Group Collaboration _______ ICT Integration
work well? Why did these work?
Others: ____________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter __________ Appropriate teaching strategy
which my principal or supervisor __________ Promoted learners Arrangement
can help me solve? __________ Others
G. What innovations or localized _________ Used stimulating IM’s
materials did I used/discover which _________ Video Clips
I wish to share with other _________ Quality Outputs produced/made
teachers? Others: ___________________________

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