1.1. Overview: Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
1.1. Overview: Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
1.1. Overview: Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
Following shows some abnormal electrical conditions caused both in the utility
end and the customer end that can disrupt a process.
As the power quality problems are originated from utility and customer side,
the solutions should come from both and are named as utility based solutions and
customer based solutions respectively. The best examples for those two types of
solutions are FACTS devices (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) [11] and Custom
power devices. FACTS devices are those controlled by the utility, whereas the
Custom power devices are operated, maintained and controlled by the customer itself
and installed at the customer premises. Both the FACTS devices and Custom power
devices are based on solid state power electronic components.
Power quality is “the provision of voltages and system design so that the user
of electric power can utilize electric energy from the distribution system successfully
without interference or interruption.”
PQ expresses the degree of similarity of practical power supply with ideal power
1. If PQ is good then any load connected to the electric network runs efficiently
without decreasing its performance.
2. If PQ is poor then any load connected to the network leads either to the failure of
the equipment or reduction in its lifetime and performance.
Transients are unwanted decay with time and hence not a steady state problem. A
broad definition is that a transient is “that part of the change in a variable that
disappears during transition from one steady state operating situation to the other".
Another synonymous term which can be used is surge.
1. Impulsive transient
2. Oscillatory transient
Transients are produced due to sudden switching on/off of load, loose connection
and lightning stroke. This may result in overheating of motors and reduces the overall
performance and shorten the lifetime of equipment.
When RMS (root mean square) deviations at power frequency last longer than one
minute, then we say they are long duration voltage variations. They can be either over
voltages which is greater than 1.1p.u or under voltages which is less than 0.9p.u. Over
voltage is due to switching off a load or energizing a capacitor bank. Also incorrect
tap settings on transformers can result in over voltages. Under voltage are the results
of actions which are the reverse of events that cause over voltages i.e. switching in a
load or switching off a capacitor bank.
If the supply voltage becomes zero for a period of time which is greater than one
minute, then we can say that it is a sustained interruption. Normally, voltage
interruption lasting for more than one minute is often unending and requires human
intervention to restore the supply. The term “outage” is also used for long
interruption. However it does not bring out the true impact of the power interruption.
Even an interruption of half a cycle can be disastrous for a customer with a sensitive
The short duration voltage variations are generally caused by fault conditions like
single line to ground or double line to ground and starting of large loads such as
induction motors. The voltage variations can be temporary voltage dips i.e. sag or
temporary voltage rise i.e. swells or a absolute loss of voltage which is known as
interruptions [14].
a) Voltage Sags
Voltage sag is defined as the reduction of RMS voltage to a value between 0.1 and
0.9p.u and lasting for duration between 0.5 cycles to 1 minute. Voltage sags are
mostly caused by system faults and last for durations ranging from 3 cycles to 30
cycles depending on the fault clearing time. It is to be noted that under-voltages
(lasting over a minute) can be handled by voltage regulation equipment. Starting of
large induction motors can result in voltage dip as the motor draws a current up to 10
times the full load current during the starting. Also, the power factor of the starting
current is generally poor [12].
b) Voltage Swells
A voltage swell is defined as a raise in RMS voltage which is between 1.1 and 1.8p.u
for time duration between 0.5 cycles to 1 minute. A voltage swell is characterized by
its magnitude (RMS) and duration. As with sag, swell is associated with system faults.
A SLG (single line to ground) fault can result in a voltage swell in the healthy phases.
Swell can also result from energizing a large capacitor bank. On an ungrounded
system, the line to ground voltages on the ungrounded phases is 1.73p.u during a SLG
fault. However in a grounded system, there will be negligible voltage rise on the
unfaulted phases close to a substation where the delta connected windings of the
transformer provide low impedance paths for the zero axis current during the SLG
fault [12].
c) Interruption
If the supply voltage or load current decreases to less than 0.1 p.u for a period of time
not more than one minute is known as interruption. Interruption can be caused either
by system faults, equipment failures or control malfunctions. The interruptions are
measured by their duration alone. The duration due to a fault is determined by the
operating time of the protective devices. Duration of an interruption due to equipment
malfunction can be irregular. Some interruptions may also be caused by voltage sag
conditions when there are faults on the source side [12].
Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
Waveform Distortion
(a) DC offset
(b) Harmonics
(d) Notching
(e) Noise
Power frequency variations are defined as the deviations of the system frequency
from its particular value of 50 or 60 Hz. The variations in the frequency begin from
the changes in the load and the response of the generators to meet the load. Thus the
load characteristics which dependence on the frequency and the control characteristics
of the generators change the shift in the frequency. In current interconnected power
systems, frequency variations are insignificant most of the time unless governor and
load frequency controls are disabled under a system of power shortages and a lack of
grid discipline. Profitable incentives or disincentives that ensure balance between
existing generation and load may help control over frequency variations under normal
operating conditions [11].
Priyanka Kumari &Vijay Kumar Garg, et al (2013), The Paper titled as “Power
Quality Enhancement using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR): An Overview”. This
paper discusses about the problem of voltage unbalance and its impacts on sensitive
loads are well known. To solve these problems, custom power devices are used such
as dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), which is most efficient and effective modern
device. This paper discusses a review of the researches on the Dynamic voltage
restorer (DVR) for power quality Improvement in power distribution networks.
Sensitivity industrial loads, critical commercial operations, Utility distribution
networks affected from different types of outages and service interruptions and which
results in financial losses. This paper describes DVR principle of operation, basic
component, DVRs topologies system in distribution system, types of DVR control
strategies, and compensation techniques. [1]
Renu Milind Kulkarni, H.B. Chaudhari and Amol Yograj Raut, et al (2015),
Paper titled as “Simulation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Voltage Sag
Mitigation for Power Quality Improvisation”. This paper discusses about recent
advances in drive technology have led to various electronic equipments being used
with machines. These loads are very sensitive to changes in applied voltage and
power quality. Hence it has become very much necessary to keep the voltage level of
the system within permissible limits and maintain good power quality. A Dynamic
voltage restorer (DVR) is a series injection type of device which helps to maintain
voltage of the system nearly equal to its nominal value during the power quality
disturbances. This paper discusses in brief the mathematical modelling, simulation
and analysis done using MATLAB SIMULINK for DVR which is used to mitigate
voltage sag simulated in the system. A Voltage Sag is a serious problem as it can
interrupt a continuous process in an industry causing huge losses economically, here it
is simulated by creating a shunt fault, which lowers the voltage to a level of 0.56 pu
from 0.77 pu on the supply line after which the DVR begins compensation by
comparing the error signals using sensing equipments, and eventually returns the
system to its steady state value, which is 0.75 pu. The modelling of various parts of
DVR such as Sensing equipment, Phase Locked Loop, PWM generator, Inverter and
Injection transformer was done in SIMULINK. [3]
Santoshi Gupta & Prof. Paramjit Kaur, et al (2014), Paper titled as “A review
paper on dynamic voltage restorer for power quality improvement”. This paper
discusses about the problem of voltage sags and Swells and its severe impact on
sensitive loads is well known. To solve this problem, custom power devices are used.
One of those devices is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is one of the
most efficient and effective modern custom power devices used in power distribution
networks. This paper described DVR principles and voltage correction methods for
balanced and/or unbalanced voltage sags and swells in a distribution system.
Simulation results were presented to illustrate and understand the performances of
DVR under voltage sags/swells conditions. The results obtained by simulation using
MATLAB confirmed, which significantly affect the quality of power supplies. [4]
Rosli Omar & N.A. Rahim, et al (2011), This Paper titled as “Modeling and
simulation for voltage sags/swells mitigation using dynamic voltage restorer (DVR)”.
This paper describes the problem of voltage sags and swells and its severe impact on
nonlinear loads or sensitive loads. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) has become
popular as a cost effective solution for the protection of sensitive loads from voltage
sags and swells. The control of the compensation voltages in DVR based on algorithm
is discussed. It first analyzes the power circuit of a DVR system in order to come up
with appropriate control limitations and control targets for the compensation voltage
control. The proposed control scheme is simple to design. Simulation results carried
out by Matlab/Simulink verify the performance of the proposed method. [6]
Sayais Sachin Y. & Tanuj Manglani, et al (2014), This Paper titled as “Modeling
and simulation of dynamic voltage restorer for voltage sag mitigation in distribution
system”. This Paper discusses about power quality deals with utilization of electric
energy from the distribution system successfully without interference or interruption.
Various factors like interruption in power supply, under voltage, over voltage,
Rakeshwri Pal & Dr. Sushma Gupta, et al (2015), Paper titled as “State of the art:
dynamic voltage restorer for power quality improvement”. This paper presents
improved and controlled power quality is one of the essential and fundamental need in
Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
any power driven industry for optimum utilization of resources. However critical
problems in power quality have been recognized such as sags, swells, harmonic
distortions and other interruptions. Out of these sags and swells are predominantly
found and have severe impact on the electrical devices or electrical machines and
therefore needs to be compensated at an earliest to ensure any mal-operation or
failure. To crack these problems custom power devices are used like unified power-
quality conditioner (UPQC), distribution- STATCOM (DSTATCOM) and dynamic
voltage restorer (DVR). The DVR is a one of the custom power device used for the
compensation of voltage sag and swell with an advantage of active/reactive power
control. A major volume of literature reported in past several years on different
configurations of DVR and different control technique used in it. In context of this a
detailed review on DVR has been presented with different possible power circuit
topologies and control techniques available to reconcile these power quality issues.
This review article will contribute in better selection of control strategy and power
circuit for optimum performance of DVR for a particular requirement. Also it presents
a very helpful investigation for the researcher in this field. [9]
Project methodology is one of the critical processes of any project. This is due to the
fact that project methodology is the core process that connects all other project
activities and processes together. Project methodology in the modern sense began in
the early 1950s, driven by businesses that realized the benefits of organizing work
around projects, and the critical need to communicate and coordinate work across
departments and professions. Project methodology is the discipline of initiating,
planning, executing, controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific
goals and meet specific success criteria.
Project methodology is no small task. It has a definite beginning and end and
is not a continuous process Project methodology uses tools to measure progress and
track project tasks Projects need ad-hoc resources, as opposed to businesses that have
dedicated full-time positions ongoing. Dividing a project into phases makes it possible
to lead it in the best possible direction. It is divided as
Since power quality has become major concern to both electric utilities and
customers. In many countries, the effects of lack of power quality have been resulting
in wastage of several billions of dollars every year. This is due to carelessness of most
industries in not upgrading their plants which result in very high cost due to loss of
products, loss of production time, clean up and recalibration of the process. The use of
Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
This project aim to improve the power quality by using custom power device DVR
(Dynamic Voltage Restorer). It is used to correct the voltage sag by injecting voltage
as well power into the system. The mitigation capacity of DVR is generally
influenced by the maximum load; power factor and maximum voltage dip to be
compensated. The DVR is to transfer the voltage which is required for the
compensation from DC side of the inverter to the injected transformer after filter. The
compensation capacity of a particular DVR depends on the maximum voltage
injection capability and the active power that can be supplied by the DVR. When
DVR’s voltage disturbance occurs, active power or energy should be injected from
DVR to the distribution system. A DC system, which is linked to the inverter input,
contains a large capacitor for storage energy. It provides reactive power to the load
during faulty conditions. When the energy is drawn from the energy storage
capacitors, the capacitor terminal voltage reduces. Therefore, there is a minimum
voltage required below which the inverter of the DVR cannot generate the require
voltage thus, size and rating of capacitor is very important for DVR power circuit.
The DC capacitor value for a three phase system can be derived. Selection of
capacitor rating is discussed on the basis of RMS value of a capacitor current, rated
voltage of a capacitor and VA rating of the capacitor [18].
A controller is required to control or to operate DVR during the fault conditions only.
Load voltage is sensed and passed through a sequence analyzer. The magnitude of the
actual voltage is compared with reference voltage (Vref). Pulse width modulated
(PWM) control system is applied for inverter switching so as to generate a three phase
50 Hz sinusoidal voltage at the load terminals. Chopping frequency is in the range of
a few KHz. The IGBT inverter is controlled with PI controller in order to maintain
1p.u voltage at the load terminals.
3.3.1. DQ THEORY
The dqo transform applied to three-phase voltages and currents are shown in these
These Equations define the transformation from three phase system a, b, c to dqo
stationary frame. In this transformation, phase A is aligned to the d-axis that is in
quadrature with the q-axis. The theta (θ) is defined by the angle between phase A to
the d-axis.
VSI is used to convert the DC voltage supplied by the energy storage device to an AC
voltage. This voltage is boosted through injection transformer to the main system.
Usually the rating of the VSI is low voltage and high current due to the use of step up
injection transformers [19].
The three single-phase Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) voltage source inverters will
be used in this thesis. The voltage control is achieved by modulating the output
voltage waveform within the inverter.
The PWM modifies the width of the pulses in a pulse train by using control
signal. When the value of control voltage increases, it results wider pulses. The
waveform of the control voltage for a PWM circuit will determine the waveform of
the produced voltage. The main advantage of PWM inverter is including fast
switching speed of the power switches. PWM technique offers simplicity and good
response. Besides, high switching frequencies can be used to improve the efficiency
of the converter, without incurring significant switching losses [21].
There are various PWM schemes. Well-known among these are sinusoidal
PWM, hysteresis PWM, Space Vector Modulation (SVM) and “optimal” PWM
techniques based on the optimization of certain performance criteria, e.g. selective
harmonic elimination, increasing efficiency, and minimization of torque pulsation.
While the sinusoidal pulse-width modulation and the hysteresis PWM can be
implemented using analog techniques, the remaining PWM techniques require the use
of a microprocessor.
Initially for the improvement of power quality or reliability of the system FACTS
devices like static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), static synchronous series
compensator(SSSC), interline power flow controller (IPFC), and unified power flow
controller (UPFC) etc. are introduced. These FACTS devices are designed for the
transmission system. But now a day as more attention is on the distribution system for
the improvement of power quality, these devices are modified and known as custom
power devices. The term “custom power” describes the value-added power that
electric utilities will offer to their customers. The value addition involves the
application of high power electronic controllers to distribution systems, at the supply
end of industrial, commercial consumers.
The main custom power devices which are used in distribution system for
power quality improvement are distribution static synchronous compensator
(DSTATCOM), Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), active filter (AF), unified power
quality conditioner (UPQC) etc. N.G Hingorani [10] was the first to propose FACTS
controllers for improving PQ. He termed them as Custom Power Devices (CPD).
These are based on VSC and are of 3 types given below.
The DVR is similar to SSSC while UPQC is similar to UPFC. In spite of the
similarities, the control techniques are quite different for improving PQ. A major
difference involves the injection of harmonic currents and voltages to separate the
source from the load. A DVR can work as a harmonic isolator to prevent the
harmonics in the source voltage reaching the load in addition to balancing the
Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
Several power providers have installed custom power devices for mitigating
power quality problems. In particular, three major power quality devices (PQDs) an
advanced static VAR compensator, a dynamic voltage restorer, and a high-speed
transfer switch are used these days. Over the past ten years, advanced power
electronic devices have been the center of various research studies, installation
projects, and development technologies.
Power quality is one of major concerns in the present era. Distribution system locates
the end of power system and is connected to the customer directly, so the reliability of
power supply mainly depends on distribution system. It has become important,
especially, with the introduction of sophisticated devices, whose performance is very
sensitive to the quality of power supply. Power quality problem is an occurrence
manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure of
Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
end use equipment’s. The electrical distribution network failures account for about
90% of the average customer interruptions. As the customer’s demand for the
reliability of power supply is increasing day by day, so the reliability of the
distribution system has to be increased. One of the major problems dealt here is the
power sag. Power distribution systems, ideally, should provide their customers with
an uninterrupted flow of energy at smooth sinusoidal voltage at the contracted
magnitude level and frequency. However, in practice, power systems, especially the
distribution system, have numerous nonlinear loads, which significantly affect the
quality of power supplies. As a result of the nonlinear loads, the purity of the
waveform of supplies is lost. This ends up producing many power quality problems.
To solve this problem, custom power devices are used. One of those devices is
the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is the most efficient and effective
modern custom power device used in power distribution networks. Its appeal includes
lower cost, smaller size, and its fast dynamic response to the disturbance.
The compensating type custom power devices can be classified on the basis of
different topologies and the number of phases. For power quality improvement the
voltage source inverter (VSI) bridge structure is generally used for the development of
custom power devices, while the use of current source inverter (CSI) is less reported.
The topology can be shunt (DSTATCOM), series (DVR), or a combination of both
For the development of compensating type custom power devices the VSI is used
usually, because of self-supporting dc voltage bus with a large dc capacitor, while the
use of CSI is less reported. The current source inverter topology finds it application
for the development of active filters, DSTATCOM and UPQC. The voltage source
inverter topology is popular because it can be expandable to multilevel, multi-step and
chain converters to enhance the performance with lower switching frequency and
increased power handling capacity. In addition to this, this topology can exchange a
considerable amount of real power with energy storage devices in place of the dc
Compensating type custom power devices can be classified based on the topology
used as shunt (DSTATCOM), series (DVR) and combination of both series and shunt
(UPQC). DSTATCOM is most widely used for power factor correction, to eliminate
current based distortion and load balancing, when connected at the load terminals.
DVR can perform voltage regulation when connected to a distribution bus.
Figure 4.1:- Block Diagram of DSTATCOM
A DVR is a custom power device which can work as a harmonic isolator to prevent
the harmonics in the source voltage reaching the load in addition to balancing the
voltages and providing voltage regulation.
A UPQC is also a custom power device which can be considered as the combination
of DSTATCOM and DVR.[11]
This classification of compensating devices is based on the supply and/or the load
system having single-phase (two wire) and three-phase (three-wire or four-wire)
systems. There are many nonlinear loads, such as domestic appliances, connected to
single-phase supply systems. Some three-phase nonlinear loads are without neutral,
such as ASD's, fed from three-wire supply systems. There are many nonlinear single-
phase loads distributed on four-wire three-phase supply systems, such as computers,
commercial lighting, etc. Hence, compensating devices may also be classified
accordingly as two-wire, three wire, and four-wire types [17].
The custom power devices such as DVR, DSTATCOM, UPQC, etc. are used to
increase the reliability of the distribution system by providing voltage support at
critical buses in the system (with series connected controllers) and regulate power
flow in critical lines (with shunt connected controllers like DSTATCOM. Both
voltage and power flow are controlled by the combined series and shunt controller
which is known as UPQC. As we know that the power electronic control is quite fast
and this enables regulation both under steady state and dynamic conditions as
compared to other controllers when the system is subjected to disturbances. The
benefits due to custom power devices are listed below.
Power Quality Enhancement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer (D.V.R)
a) The power flow in critical lines can be improved as the operating margins can be
reduced by fast controllability.
b) The power carrying capacity of lines can be increased to values up to the thermal
limits by imposed by current carrying capacity of the conductors.
c) The transient stability limit is improved thereby improving dynamic security of
the system and reducing the incidence of blackouts caused by cascading outages.
d) They contribute to best possible system operation by improving voltage profile
and reducing power losses.
e) The steady state or small signal stability region can be increased by providing
auxiliary stabilizing controllers to damp low frequency oscillations.
f) FACTS controllers such as TCSC can counter the problem of Sub synchronous
Resonance (SSR) experienced with fixed series capacitors connected in lines
evacuating power from thermal power stations (with turbo generators).
g) The problem of voltage fluctuations and in particular, dynamic over voltages can
be overcome by these controllers [10], [11].
h) The problem of starting voltage dip in case of industrial loads like induction motor
can also be reduced by these devices.
Among the power quality problems (sags, swells, harmonics…) voltage sags, swells
and supply voltage unbalances are the most severe disturbances. In order to overcome
these problems the concept of custom power devices is introduced recently. One of
those devices is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is the most efficient and
effective modern custom power device used in power distribution networks. DVR is a
recently proposed series connected solid state device that injects voltage into the
system in order to regulate the load side voltage. It is normally installed in a
distribution system between the supply and the critical load feeder at the point of
common coupling (PCC). Other than voltage sags and swells Injection, DVR can also
be added other features like: line voltage harmonics Injection, reduction of transients
in voltage and fault current limitations.
Note that the DVR capable of generating or absorbing reactive power but the
active power injection of the device must be provided by an external energy source or
energy storage system. The response time of DVD is very short and is limited by the
power electronics devices and the voltage sag detection time. The predictable
response time is about 25 milliseconds, and which is much less than some of the
traditional methods of voltage correction such as tap- changing transformers
impedence Vdvr
VSI converts fixed supply voltage stored into variable supply voltage. The converted
voltage is boosted through the transformer. The rating is usually low voltage and high
current since step up injection transformer is used. The output voltage of VSI should
1. Balanced and pure sinusoidal
2. Same phase sequence as that of system
3. Desired magnitude
4. For particular time duration
5. Should be instantaneous
injection of zero sequence components as well whereas the latter connection does not
allow it. Here three phase single transformer is used. The amount of voltage sag/swell
compensated by DVR depends upon the rating of injection transformer and inverter.
Passive filter
It filters out the harmonics present in the output of the VSI. It can be kept either at the
inverter side or at the HV side of the transformer. If filter is placed at the inverter side,
switching harmonics are prohibited to enter the injection transformer thereby reduces
rating and voltage stress on it. If the filter is placed at HV side of injection
transformer, harmonics can enter into HV side hence rating of transformer increases.
Low pass passive filters are used to convert the PWM inverted pulse
waveform into a sinusoidal waveform. This is achieved by removing the unnecessary
higher order harmonic components generated from the DC to AC conversion in the
VSI, which will distort the compensated output voltage.
The passive filters can be placed either on the high voltage side or the
converter side of the boost transformers. The advantages of the converter side filters
a) The components are rated at lower voltage,
b) Higher order harmonic currents (due to the VSI) do not flow through the
transformer windings
c) It will reduce the stress on the injection transformer.
The disadvantages are that the filter inductor causes voltage drop and phase
(angle) shift in the (fundamental component of) voltage injected. This can affect the
control scheme of the DVR. The location of the filter on the high voltage side
overcomes the drawbacks (the leakage reactance of the transformer can be used as a
filter inductor or it can be used as a part of the filter, which will be helpful in tuning
the filter. But in this case since the higher order harmonic currents do penetrate to the
secondary side of the transformer, a higher rating of the transformer is necessary.
During compensation, this unit provides the required real power to generate
compensating voltage. Energy storage devices are lead acid batteries, flywheels, dc
capacitors and super capacitors. Its capacity has great effect on compensation
capability of DVR. The system with large disturbance requires real power
compensation. DC to AC conversion required for batteries whereas AC to AC
conversion required for flywheels.
The required energy can be taken from an auxiliary supply (topologies with
energy storage) or grid itself (topologies with no energy storage) for compensation of
load voltage during sag. The auxiliary supply method is applied to increase the
performance when the grid of the DVR is weak. In this topology, variable DC link
voltage or constant DC link voltage types are applied. In no energy storage topology,
the remaining voltage on supply side or load side is used to supply necessary power to
the system if the DVR is connected to strong grid. In load side connected type, the DC
link voltage is almost constant because it is always fed from corrected constant load
Energy storage is required to provide active power to the load during deep
voltage sags. Lead-acid batteries, flywheel, Super-Capacitors and Superconducting
Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) [11] can be used for energy storage. For SMES,
batteries and capacitors, which are dc devices, solid state inverters are used in the
power conversion system to accept and deliver power. For flywheels, which have
rotating components, ac-to-ac conversion is performed. The maximum compensation
ability of the DVR for particular voltage sag is dependent on the amount of the active
power supplied by the energy storage devices.
Lead acid batteries are popular among the others owing to its high response
during charging and discharging. But the discharge rate is dependent on the chemical
reaction rate of the battery so that the available energy inside the battery is determined
by its discharge rate. It is also possible to provide the required power on the DC side
of the DVR's VSI by an auxiliary bridge converter that is fed from an auxiliary AC
Control circuit
Control circuit steadily observes the system. Its function is to detect any disturbance
in the system done by comparing the supply voltage with reference voltage and
generate the switching command signals for VSI in order to generate the
compensating voltage by DVR.
The basic operation principle of DVR is measuring the missing voltage by using
control unit and injecting the dynamically controlled missing voltage in series to the
line and providing the load voltage unchanged during sag.
The phase angle and amplitude of the injected voltage are variable during sag.
This will allow the control of active and reactive power exchange between the DVR
and the distribution system. Generally, the operation of the DVR can be categorized
into three operation mode: protection mode, standby mode (during steady state) and
injection mode (during sag).
1. Protection mode
In order to isolate DVR from the system during overload current caused by short
circuit or large inrush current, bypass switches are provided. The current is supplied
to the system using other path.
2. Standby mode
In this mode (normal steady state conditions), the DVR may either go into short
circuit operation or inject small voltage to compensate the voltage drop on
transformer reactance or losses. Short circuit operation of DVR is generally a
preferred solution in steady state, because the small voltage drops do not disturb the
load requirements. The solid-state bypass switches are used to perform short circuit
operation and they are placed between the inverter and secondary (low side) of series
injection transformer as shown in Figure5.4. Low Voltage winding of injection
transformer is shorted. No switching operation occurs in this mode.
3. Injection mode
In this mode, DVR injects the compensating voltage through injection transformer.
The primary function of the dynamic voltage restorer is compensating voltage
disturbances on distribution system. To achieve compensation, three single-phase ac
voltages are injected in series with the required magnitude, phase and wave shape.
The types of voltage sags, load conditions and power rating of the DVR will
determine the possibility of compensating voltage sag.
ZL Zdvr
The system impedance Zth depends on the fault level of the load bus. When the
system voltage (Vth) drops, the DVR injects a series voltage VDVR through the
injection transformer so that the desired load voltage magnitude V L can be
maintained. The series injected voltage of the DVR can be written as
Applying KVL,
Vth = equivalent thevenin voltage of the system
VL= load voltage
Zth = equivalent thevenin impedance of the system
IL= Load current and
VL …(5.4)
α = angle of VDVR
β = angle of system impedance Zth
δ = angle of system impedance Vth
Ф = Load pf angle and
tan 1
PL …(5.6)
The complex power injected by DVR is
There are four different methods of DVR voltage injection which are
i. Pre-sag compensation method
ii. In-phase compensation method
iii. In-phase advanced compensation method
iv. Voltage tolerance method with minimum energy injection
The control technique adopted depends on the sensitivity of the load to the
magnitude, phase shift or wave shape of the voltage waveform. Further, when
deciding a suitable control technique for a particular load it should be considered the
limitations of the voltage injection capability (i.e. the rating of the inverter and the
transformer) and the size of the energy storage device.
When the system is in its normal condition, the supply voltage (Vs) is
identified as pre-sag voltage and denoted by Vpre-sag. In such situation, since the DVR
is not injecting any voltage to the system, the load voltage (Vload) and supply voltage
will be the same.
During voltage sag, the magnitude and the phase angle of the supply voltage
can be changed and it is denoted by Vsag. The DVR is in operative in this case and the
voltage injected will be Vdvr. If the voltage sag is fully compensated by the DVR, the
load voltage during the voltage sag will be Vpre-sag. Several control techniques have
been proposed for compensation.
This technique (as shown in Fig.5.7.) compensates the difference between the sagged
and the pre-sag voltages by restoring the instantaneous voltages to the same phase and
magnitude as the nominal pre sag voltage [17, 31, and 47], so this technique is
recommended for the non-linear loads such as thyristor-controlled loads which use the
supply voltage and its phase angle as a set point are sensitive to phase jumps. This
technique needs a higher rated energy storage device and voltage injection
transformers because there is no control on injected active power.
In this technique (as shown in Fig.5.8.) the compensated voltage is in-phase with the
sagged voltage and only compensating for the voltage magnitude. Therefore this
technique minimizes the voltage injected by the DVR. Hence it is recommended for
the linear loads, which need not to be compensated for the phase angle.
It should be noted that the techniques mentioned in above need both the real and
reactive power for the compensation and the DVR is supported by an energy storage
In this method the real power spent by the DVR is decreased by minimizing the
power angle between the sag voltage and load current. In case of pre-sag and in-phase
compensation method the active power is injected into the system during
disturbances. The active power supply is limited stored energy in the DC links and
this part is one of the most expensive parts of DVR. The minimization of injected
energy is achieved by making the active power component zero by having the
injection voltage phasor perpendicular to the load current phasor.
In this method the values of load current and voltage are fixed in the system so
we can change only the phase of the sag voltage. IPAC method uses only reactive
power and unfortunately, not al1 the sags can be mitigated without real power, as a
consequence, this method is only suitable for a limited range of sags.
A small drop in voltage and small jump in phase angle can be tolerated by the load
itself. If the voltage magnitude lies between 90%-110% of nominal voltage and 5%-
10% of nominal state that will not disturb the operation characteristics of loads. Both
magnitude and phase are the control parameter for this method which can be achieved
by small energy injection.
system initially restores the load voltage to the same phase and magnitude of the
nominal pre-sag voltage (pre-sag compensation) and then gradually changes the
injected voltage towards the sag voltage phasor. Ultimately the compensated voltage
is in same magnitude and phase angle with the pre-sag voltage and slowly its phase
angle transferred to the sagged voltage.
It gives an idea about the compensation control strategy, when both pre-sag
and in-phase compensation techniques are combined. It is clear from the Figure when
the DVR injected voltage is Vdvr1 (at the beginning of the compensation) the system
used pre-sag compensation, and slowly the injected voltage phasor is moved towards
Vdvr4 (in-phase compensation).
Figure 5.10:- Vector Diagram of Combination of Pre Phase and In Phase Compensation
required voltage by the DVR at a 90° phase angle to the load current [42]. However,
in this technique the injected voltage will become higher than that of the in-phase
compensation technique. Hence, this technique needs a higher rated transformer and
an inverter, compared with the earlier cases. Further, the compensated voltage is equal
in magnitude to the pre sag voltage, but with another a phase shift.
1. DVR is mostly preferred because it is less expensive. If compared to
DSTATCOM and UPS, DVR is a lot cheaper.
2. UPS requires a lot of maintenance which may be due to problems of battery
leakage and replacement.
3. DVR is small in size and is a better power effective device as compared to
others link UPS, SMES and DSTATCOM.
4. DVR also compensates line voltage harmonics.
1. DVR has a limited current conduction and voltage injection capability, due
to such design to keep its cost low as well as to reduce the voltage drop
across it in standby mode.
2. In order to reduce the cost of DVR, the energy storage size of DVR is kept
low. Due to voltage dips, the stored energy can deplete fast and therefore to
avoid load tripping due to insufficient stored energy, adequate control is
● Practically, DVR systems can to inject up to 50% of nominal voltage, but only
for a short time (up to 0.1 seconds). However, most voltage sags are much less
than 50 percent, so this is not typically an issue.
● DVRs can also mitigate the damaging effects of voltage swells, voltage
unbalance and other waveform distortions.
This chapter analyses the performance of the Dynamic voltage Restorer (DVR) with
different supply voltage conditions (voltage sag,) to R-L load. The complete model of
the DVR is constructed in Simulink environment (MATLAB).
The aim of the work is to explain power quality problems in distribution network and
its bad effect on critical loads and illustrate custom power devices used for solving it
in details.
The design and modeling of control circuit and power circuit parameters of the
DVR are carried out by MATLAB Software. The performance and effectiveness of
the proposed DVR connected to the system is tested with different case studies. To
show the function of the DVR for solving power quality problems, the DVR is
connected to system with R-L loads and applied different faults. The simulation
examples and results of the DVR connected to system with loads are shown above.
Limitation of DVR as discuss above need to be remove so that it can become more
accurate and more reliable. This leads to extension of work in future. The following
points are recommended:-